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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Four Barracks > Squad Nine Barracks |

"Indeed Head Captain. Ahh, I have heard that Squad Twelve Captain possessed that quality" Miho nodded reflexively in agreement despite the fact that the Head Captain probably wasn't looking at her to acknowledge this action. She had in fact heard many times of how the Captain of Squad Twelve never attempted to socialise with anyone else; the statement was clearly true when taking into account her usual behaviour of disappearing within the Squad Twelve barracks and constant rejection to the idea of meeting up with Miho. However this didn't phase Miho - not a single bit. "Thank you for the warning Head Captain, I will keep this in mind" At the Head Captian's order, Miho shunpo'ed and followed suit.

Once they had reached the barracks of the Captain of Squad Nine, Miho stayed stood quietly smiling behind the Head Captain as she went about her business, wave at the Squad Nine Captain once she was in Miho's line of sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

Kaizo remained at his desk as he heard some commotion outside, this caused Kaizo to raise his left eye brow as it was unusual of his Squad to be this rowdy...however seeing as there was a new spiritual energy within the vicinity Kaizo assumed this was his new Lieutenant arriving. Kaizo then watched as Hinode entered and bowed before speaking, Kaizo then peered around her as she saw one of his seated members laid out on the floor...Kaizo looked upon this calmly but was already planning this mans punishment as Kaizo wanted his Squad to be welcoming...he even stressed this during their Squad meeting. Kaizo then closed his eye and took a deep breath before re-opening it and looking at Hinode "Well...Welcome Hinode Kōgeki. I've looked over your records and I have to say I'm impressed...yet there is room for improvement. However...this formal stuff just isn't for me."

Kaizo then stood from his desk and began speaking "I don't really do formal...instead lets walk and talk, I want to get to know you a little...I feel it's important we get to know eachother seeing as we are going to be working so closely together" Kaizo then walked around his desk and stood by the door way before making a gesture with his left hand towards the door "After you" After Hinode would have walked out Kaizo would follow behind her, closing the door to his office as they'd then make their way down the hall "So on a more personal level what can you tell me about yourself? What do you feel are your strength's and weaknesses?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Hinode Kōgeki, Lieutenant of the Seventh Squadron- Squad 7 Barracks

Hinode was ushered out by her new captain, all but ignoring the mess in front of them. She absent-mindedly adjusted Shinken while stepping over her new subordinate, Kihade. She followed Kaizo walking down the hall of her new home. She glanced up at Kaizo, he asked her what, in her opinion, her strengths and weaknesses were. Given the fact that Hinode had been told to disregard all the formal proceedings she decided she’d be more open.

“Well honestly, I figure my biggest strength is probably my stature.” Hinode said pointing herself out. The girl stood at a frail five foot four and must’ve barely clocked in past one hundred and twenty pounds. While Hollow didn’t treat prey differently based on their appearance, Shinigami most definitely did. “In a sparring match I find most people are under the assumption that I focus primarily on Kido and other forms of defensive and ranged combat.” Hinode explained, before flexing her biceps and giving Kaizo a grin “Usually they’re surprised enough for me to land the first blow, which can be all it takes.” She laughed readjusting and straightening out her jacket.

“My biggest weakness however.” Hinode thought trailing off. She clicked her tongue a few times rustling her hair. “I mean I could tell you about how I think that I struggle against an opponent who wants to keep a fight long range, but honestly Hoho makes up for that separation most of the time.” Hinode said speaking each word as if she were giving a pre-mission briefing. “I suppose my biggest weakness would have to be my temper.” Hinode said calmly. “Once I’ve been struck, I don’t like to stop fighting, it’s put me in difficult situations before and it wasn’t until I got somewhat of a handle on my temper that they higher ups gave me this promotion." Hinode spat. Did she think it was fair, them treating her talent as a liability? No. No she did not.

“What about you captain?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@AbigailTenshi@Kitsune@pHOBOs *chuckles*

Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Kazu listened as Koyoshi spoke, his grin behind his mask wide until he heard a knock at the door which Koyoshi then got up to answer...none other than Head Cappy Granny was at the door and sure enough Koyoshi got excited by this. However this made Kazu pout behind his mask as he didn't get to hear the full stories of what stuff had been happening...still...when Granny was around there was usually food...yet he didn't smell any and his stomach also picked up on this when it suddenly rumbled loudly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

Kaizo had chose to ignore the Squad member out cold on the floor as his main focus was Hinode at this current time, he listened to her as she spoke and observed her to further gain a better understanding as to what sort of person she was. Kaizo took on-board what Hinode had said, thinking about it for a few seconds before replying to her "Well it is quite a good strength...it's amazing the amount of people that underestimate someone because of their size. This Kido deal however...seems interesting...You could use that in your favour. If you were to use even some basic Kido's to start off with they would likely fall completely for that idea of you being focused primarily in Kido...that will likely lead to them thinking you are a long range fighter which would mean their guard would ultimately drop, then all you need to do is close the distance and catch them off guard. Should they choose to fight you at long range, yet even if they were to approach you and try close the gap...well...then you have them where you want em'."

Kaizo was quite interested as to what his new Lieutenant was capable of...she'd certainly be full of surprises, which was good for her and bad news for the enemies she'd face. "However as you said...if they fall for it you can likely finish them in one swift blow. Ah I see...this is some interesting stuff" Kaizo said as he then nodded before replying to Hinode's question "Well...if you're asking me about my strength's and weaknesses...well I'm not sure where to start" Kaizo chuckled before continuing " Honestly I'd say my greatest strength's are my Hand to Hand abilities and my Hoho abilities...then there is my Zanpakuto of course. However I do try keep my cool which is of course...not expected due to my appearance...a battle is fought with both body and mind and if you can win the psychological battle then the enemies body usually falls soon after...So if the enemy wants me to be seemingly hot headed then I will deliver but I retain complete control...I just simply act and sure enough it goads them into making rash moves which I can then exploit."

Kaizo then took a deep breath as he thought about his weaknesses "However...with all that said. I to can see the red mist descend before me sometimes...something I can't escape, yet I do my best to stay in control of it all. So don't worry about that here...so long as you can keep it under control around the barracks and for the most part in battle you should get along fine..." Kaizo did know of some other weaknesses yet these were a little more personal...maybe one day he'd tell her but it would be to much to lay on a new Lieutenant's shoulders. "Anyway! You got any questions you'd like to ask?" the two would continue to walk down the many halls of the Squad 7 barracks, letting Hinode get a good look at her new home
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Hinode Kōgeki, Lieutenant of the Seventh Squadron- Squad 7 Barracks

Hinode took in the advice of taking the illusion but one step further, perhaps it would be worthy of her time to invest in a few Kido techniques that made other regard her as a long range combatant even more. Could be useful against Hollow as well. She nodded to her Captain, as he explained how it would go if she did use his advice. It was starting to make sense why she was the lieutenant and he was the captain, able to offer such in depth advice immediately upon hearing of her strengths and weaknesses. He had clearly been in a fight or two. Kaizo then mentioned his own strengths and how he was typically able to keep his cool. That was something to be envious about for sure.

It seemed others expected him to act in a similar way to how others expected Hinode to act. Rash, hot-headed. Stupid. But just as Hinode had been doing during her entire career as a Shinigami, he was able to exploit that in order to find a weakness.

“I typically choose to remain close to my enemy, make them think the battle could be won by either of us with a single blow, wait for the mistake and then act.” Hinode explained.

Kaizo took a deep breath before continuing on before his weaknesses. He explained that even he lost his temper in a good fight sometimes, it was something Hinode could relate with. It seemed as if he was about to continue on but he stopped himself. Hinode decided not to investigate, she would have to earn trust with her captain not demand information from him. Kaizo asked if Hinode had any other questions and she thought for a moment. She didn’t have anything left that she was specifically confused about or unsure of, however she did have one question that she had been dying to ask since she arrived.

“I’d like to go on a mission with you, Captain.” She said, stopping in the hall turning to face him. “I think it’s important for us to find out each other’s abilities on the field, not just from hearsay.” Hinode continued. She had never been on a mission with someone of his stature or abilities before. The highest ranking member of the Seireitei she had ever seen in action was her old lieutenant and now she shared her ranking. It felt like an obvious next step in order to continue to grow as a Shinigami. She glared at her new captain, eyes brimming with confidence. “Take me on a mission, don’t worry I won’t slow you down!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

Tamera waited for the door o open, a nice surprise when it did. Koyoshi had welcomed her in the way she used to before they had to use formalities. The old women chuckled, giving her daughter a hug and patting her back "Hello dear" She said as she released her daughter "I'm happy to see you as well" Tamera needed that hug, the stress she was out through forced her body to feel an unusual pain. Regardless, she still kept her motherly smile as she laughed "Oh it's fine, as a matter of fact we could bake something when we get back" She looked at Kazu with the same smile "And you Kazu, well make you the meal of the century! Although...don't you forget to eat your greens" She chuckled at the end before turning back to Koyoshi.

"Ah yes, my reason being here. Me and Captain Hari-Zumi were about to go pay your sister a visit. I was wondering if you'd like to come along, as it's been a while since you two have seen each other, correct?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Squad 10 Barracks – Captain’s Office

Ryuma lowered his head and shut his eyes. The challenge had been accepted and matched; the fringes of his white hair wafting with the spiritual pressure in the room. A crescent smile raised onto his face until Kanada left.

Once the Squad three captain left, Ryuma sighed.

“What a showoff…” he muttered, ignoring his own antics before sliding his bokken in his sash. “I suppose I’ll have to sharpen my edge now. To think that Kanda might actually take this fight seriously. Its’ a bit frightening.” he admitted cheerily.

Before long he was lounging on the Victorian couch in the middle of his office, his arms unfurled on its cushioned ridge. Tomorrow would be interesting, he thought with a smile. The smile soon faded into uncertainty. His mother’s request slithering into his mind. Did she really expect him to ask such a request? The guardianship of Karakura Town

Tsk! “As if the Head Captain would allow it.” He ruffled his hair softly before peeping the crack in his door widen. He raised his brow and said, “Yes?”

A mob of his squad members poked their heads inside before barging through. They questioned about the spiritual spike in his room, some even mentioned how fearful they were that a battle had started. He reassured them with a gentle smile that it was all in good sport. That he’d need his six strongest Shinigami for tomorrow’s bout.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Quarters }

Koyoshi could not help but smile happliy in a child like manner when she was hugged by Tamera, it was such a warm and caring hug that the first time she had ever gotten one she broke down into tears. "It would be lovely to cook together you again!" She sounded excited at the news, after all it was Tamera that taught her how to cook in the first place and there was still so much to learn.

She made sure to give Captain Miho a small wave back when she noticed the fact that she was with the head captain, but she suddenly froze in place when Tamera mentioned visiting her sister. Did grandma know about the fact that she had been feeling lonely? There was no way she could pick up on such a thing, though this was the head captain they were talking about. "O-ok I'll come! Can umm, Kazu come too?" He was her good friend after all, besides she was sure he really wanted to taste the cooking both her and grandma could come up with!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Nine Barracks |

Miho stood in silence, her smile gracing her facial features as usual. It just felt more natural to her to smile rather than keep a straight face. She observed the meeting between the Head Captain and her daughter; who would of thought someone so motherly with a big heart was the most powerful Shinigami out of the entire Soul Society. It was nice, something unexpected considering the amount of stone cold fighters with huge amounts of power whom filled the Seireitei. This idea was comforting to Miho, you didn't need to be cold to be powerful, after all she was a Captain herself, there was nothing weak about being caring.

Miho mused to herself as she waited, entertaining her mind with looking at an overview of things. Picking up on Kazu's gass-mask after acknowledging Captain Murakami's wave, Miho couldn't help but chuckle at little at the Captain's suggestion. "The more the merrier, so they say" She added after the other Captain suggested Kazu join them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

The old woman chuckled at her daughters excitement, a tinge of excitement flowing through her body as well. She had taught Koyoshi almost everything when it came to cooking and even looked forward to the day where her daughter would surpass her in culinary skills. Tamera smiled at Koyoshis next question. She was well aware of the relationship between Kazu and Koyoshi and it intrigued her. It seemed like the man drew the attention of Murakamis, as even she was curious of the man behind the mask. The man that actually stood by Miyoko despite her tendencies.

She nodded "I agree with Captain Hari-Zumi, the more the merrier" She said with a light chuckle "Besides, Miyoko would need to see Atleast one friendly face when we see her and I can think of no one better than you Kazu" She winked at him as she turned away, slowly walking towards the door "Shall we?" She held the door open for them before a Shinigami came running down the hallways to hold the door open for the captains.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

2nd Division Captain, Irei Vostera

2nd Division Barracks(Continued from previous post)

"YOU INSOLENT BEINGS!!!" An immense amount of spiritual pressure filled the air as Irei's voice traveled through the barracks. All of the 2nd division Shinigami stopped in their tracks before turning in the direction of their flared up captain. "Wait, what? Did we do something wrong?" One of the Soul reapers asked with a puzzled look on his face. The captain shunpoed down from his vantage point immediately after, almost as if he was angered by his underling's words. Appearing directly in front of the man, Irei gave the male Shinigami a dark glare that he dare not forget. "Did you do something wrong?? Have you no mind of your own!? Am I congratulating you? Do I seem even a bit pleased? Ugh, your ignorance holds no bou-hm?" A purple haired Shinigami suddenly appeared in front of the captain before whispering something in his ear.

"So they were all eliminated? Just as I suspected..." He muttered under his breath as he turned his attention back onto the lower ranked soul reapers. "It seems I was wrong in interrupting your test. For that, I deeply apologize, but everyone please continue." Irei concluded sincerely before taking his leave, with the purple haired soul reaper following behind him. All of the Shinigami in the courtyard restarted the fight back up as ordered, almost as if the captain had never appeared in the first place. "I'm assuming that there was a souvenir of sorts found by their bodies correct?" Irei asked as he made his way to his office. "No. ...however a souvenir was made out of one...or rather a part of one." The purple haired Shinigami replied.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

As they continued to walk down the halls Hinode suddenly came to a stop which made Kaizo stop to look at her, listening to what she had said he nodded before giving his input "That's a very good idea, I can't think of any better way to see how you perform in battle than a mission. However this mission will be strictly hand to hand. I don't want use of Zanjutsu or Kido, especially with the things we have to deal with. Rely solely on Hakuda and Hoho. That said...I have the perfect place for us to go" Kaizo then nodded once more as he continued walking down the hall, expecting Hinode to follow.

After a minute or two they'd find themselves exiting the Squad 7 barracks as they entered the streets of the Seireitei "Let's not waste time...I hope you can keep up" Kaizo grinned a little as he then used Shunpo to get ontop of a nearby roof before shunpoing across the Seireitei towards the North Gate in next to no time, yet he held back on the speed a little so Hinode could keep up...yet he doubted she was all that slow. Once Kaizo reached the North Gate he waited as the Gatekeeper opened it up for him, he then stepped outside the Seireitei and immediately in their view was that Rukongai. "We're going to be heading deep into the Rukongai, so watch your back...anyone could be an enemy, even children..." With that said Kaizo took off Shunpoing again, heading to the 77th North Rukongai district that was some distance away. After some time they'd arrive at the 77th North Rukongai District which was run down, dirty and smelt just foul...this all brought back bad memories for Kaizo yet he wanted to make a difference...however little...and if it meant locking up a few criminals at a time then it was enough...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@AbigailTenshi@Kitsune@pHOBOs *chuckles*

Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Kazu just remained still as he listened to Captain Koyo-yo and Head Captain Granny talk. It seemed he would be heading back to the Squad 12 barracks...the problem was...would his Captain get Jelly like she sometimes did? Afterall she didn't really like her family and so it was kinda awkward...yet, in a way...Kazu was kind of doing her part of keeping somewhat good relations with her own family. Yet this wasn't exactly work for Kazu, he enjoyed this stuff...especially the fact that he'd get free food! With that thought Kazu leaped up from the sofa and followed after the Captains...somehow looking like one of them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

Koyoshi gave a curt bow to Tamera & Miho when they agreed to allow Kazu to come along, though it was his captain anyway she still wanted to make it official that he was free to enjoy his day with everyone. With that the group started to head out of her office which she made sure to lock it behind her before going along with the others.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Nine Barracks > Squad Twelve Barracks |

Miho walked out, following the Head Captain's tail. Dazzling the Squad member who was kind enough to hold the door open with a warm smile, the Captain continued to follow the Head Captain while feeling the other two following behind. 'Hmm, this could become a much more interesting meeting than I thought~ Hopefully the Squad Twelve Captain wouldn't mind' Anticipation quietly stewed in her stomach as the Head Captain lead her to their destination.

"Ahh, I look forward to looking around the department of research and development some time. I wonder what those brilliant Squad Twelve members are working on at this moment hmhm" Miho hummed a chuckle as she spoke her thoughts out loud. It wouldn't be long until she'd finally get to introduce herself and exchange a few words with Squad Twelve Captain Murakami. Although while still wanting to be polite, Miho hoped she wouldn't confused anyone when referring to the Captain's by their surname since there would be three Murakami's present... She just wasn't accustom to calling anyone by their first name unless give the permission to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

It seems as if Kyoichi had dozed off literally mid-shunpo. How does one do that, you ask? Well, even Kyoichi himself doesn't know. In any case, he found himself lay atop one of the roofs of Squad Nine. "Ah...I swear I might be narcoleptic. I wonder where Koyoshi is right now...and Granny is still out an about.. She sure is taking a long walk today...I hope she isn't at my barracks...otherwise.." A very inhuman chill ran down his spine. Last time he ditched out on official work, the Head Captain made him literally do all the paperwork from all 13 squads, captain's and lieutenants' both. Of course he finished it. However, by the end of it, his hands might have fallen off a little.

He stood up and stretched about, sensing all the reiatsu floating around. "Hm, seems like a gathering of dense reiatsu... I wonder if I should go join them or just drink the rest of the day away... Lets see who is all there..." He focused a bit more, separating the muddled pool of reiatsu into specific strands. "Hm... Captain Miho...Koyoshi......someone that I can't readily identify...Oh...and just the Head Captain as well...uh....." He summoned a soul butterfly, whispering his message into it...

"Head Captain Murakami, Captain Miho, Koyoshi, greetings. This is Kuroda of Squad Five. It seems like you guys are having a small gathering of sorts. Mind letting a oaf of a man like myself join?"

At the end of his words, the sent the butterfly fluttering off towards its intended recipient.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

Tamera let out a sly chuckle "Best not keep your hopes up Caption Hari-Zumi, we'll be taking a shortcut rather than the front entrance. Otherwise, it'll takenus years to reach her office, correct Lieutenant Shinka?" She said, one eye opened towards him. She was well aware of the massive amount of precautions Miyoko took but she had her ways around it. Suddenly a hell butterfly came fluttering their way, Tamera raising her right index finger to receive the message. She chuckled "Another visitor and Miyoko will surely become furious." The old woman vanished, reappearing beside Kyoichis side with her arms behind her back "Done with paperwork already Captain?" She said with one eye open. She motioned with her hand for him to follow "Come now, we don't have time to waste" Tamera once again shunpoed in front of the group, now close to Squad 12 barracks

Tamera hovered her hand over the ground, a ripple like pattern moving outwards from the ground beneath her hand. Her Zanpakuto slowly rose from the ground, rising into her palm as gripped it tightly. She thrusted it into the ground, a giant square tunnel formed deep into the ground and continued downwards. "Come now children, my daughter is excited to meet you all" She chuckled, walking deep into the cave and continuously making it deeper with each step.

It took about a 15 minute downwards walk, showing how deep Miyokos office truly was. With a final swing, a giant hole opened into a dark area with dim, flickering lights. The moment the hole was opened, a cold most passed through the tunnel and significantly dropped the temperature around them. The old woman looked up, a pair of red, furiously glowing eyes stared at them with an immense killing intent. Tamera chuckled "Hello dear, as cold as always." Miyoko held her Zanpakuto in hand, the blade aimed towards her mother "Mother...Captains...what are you all doing here" She said, with zanpakuto still in hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

Koyoshi was surprised no matter how many times she saw Tamera move, she was unbelievably fast even for how old she looked she surly lived up to the name of head captain that was for sure! She was also thankful that her adopted mother knew a much faster way into her sisters location as the last time she had come down here she had to go trough the front... Kazu found her days later. When Kyoichi arrived she made sure to wave a greeting to the man, a smile across her face like always to make her look innocent.

A small shiver ran up her spine as she entered into the tunnel along with all their new guests, which only took them about 15 minutes to reach Miyokos office but the greeting was less warm than desired... No wonder she only really had a connection with Tamera. Koyoshi had to admit that her sisters glare made it feel like she was cutting deep into her body "Hello sister. We came to visit" She said as she stepped forward to stand beside Tamera, waiting for her sisters reaction since she did still hold her sword out towards them. She was not afraid to fight that was for sure, but overall Miyoko scared her even if it was just a little.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Twelve Barracks |

"Hmhm, ahh, I see" Miho chuckled a smidgen as she continued to follow the Head Captain. The woman was definitely fast; being able to follow her truly felt like a privilege to Miho. Once the group had reached Squad Twelve, Miho witnessed the Head Captain call forth her Zanpakuto and use it to create a short cut out of the very earth beneath their feet. It was spectacular to watch such a power. Smiling, Miho walked casually behind the Head Captain, following the woman's lead while glancing around the smooth walls of the woman-made cave.

15 minutes didn't feel as long as it should of to Miho, she was much too intrigued in her surroundings and the Head Captain's power to notice the minutes drift by. Once they had reached the required destination, in milliseconds the Head Captain tore a perfectly formed hole through the earth which opened the cave to a breath of iciness. Miho's nose was noticeable colder as she observed the new location, becoming a little red as her blood rushed to the tip of it in reaction. Miho was, however, way too absorbed in the sight of the dreary room to pay any attention to the drop in temperature.

Orbs of red shone within the darkness, along with a flash of light that bounced off of an unshaven blade. The Captain of Squad Twelve was certainly defensive of her private bubble that she lived in clearly. The cold tone of voice only brought out Miho's smile further. "It's an absolute pleasure to finally meet you Squad Twelve Captain Murakami, please don't be alarmed" Miho gave the woman a deep curtsey out of pure respect. "How are you on this fine day Captain? I hope things have been pleasant for you" Straightening up, Miho's smile grew wider and more welcoming as she connected eye-contact with the other Captain.
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