Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mara Velrose

Mara Velrose

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ah, I see. Well, I have a fire affinity. I'm not good at it at all, infact I am really really bad at it. It only happens when I am angry and then it will lash out at anyone, sometimes not even affecting the person causing my anger. Instead it could hit me or even a bystander." Amara sighed deeply, closing her eyes. "Sorry, these aren't your problems." She opened her eyes. "Can you tell give me specific directions? Or perhaps give me a landmark or two?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina spoke softly to him " To the Pawn shop again please" Akkina leaned into him for support. After all she just nearly fainted in front of the town, and that was very bad because she didn't want anyone to see her weak like she just was. She turned her head slightly towards the man that helped her " Why would you help a stranger like me"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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@The Slenderman

With great surprise for Crapsy, he saw Akkina right near the pub with a man and the guys that he had met, are going near them after that they saw them out from the window of the pub.

CRAPSY: Very interesting, let's see what happens. (He hides behind a barrel and then starts to see the scene.)
GENCLY: (God, you are a monster. And that lady hasn't got a good look, maybe she's sick.
CRAPSY: Maybe but also if it is so, i don't care about it. Now silence, i want to hear them.)

That guys approch Akkina and Silas, causing the attracting their attention.

GUY 1: Oh how i can see, you changed your outfit, sexy lady. But don't worry, we'll bang however, you're very sensual.
GUY 2: Yeah, and don't worry you will feel the true pleasure with us. You can trust us.
GUY 3: How i can see, you found also an other guy to bring to the bed. But remember kid, for this lady, come first the true men ah aha ahah.
GUY 4: Incredible guys, she's so horny that she can't stay stand. (He starts to laugh.)

They starts to laugh, causing confusing in Akkina and Silas.

GUY 5: Listen where we can go for do this interesting thing, and how much we must spend for your service milady?
GUY 6: And stop to stay quiet and respond us quickly, we haven't all the day for this! Don't tell us that you changed idea right? Because we won't accept this, you invited to bang you and doen't matter if it was a joke, we will fuck you however.

Then the guy 5 pulls out a dagger. GUY 5: And you little kid, don't try to do something of stupid with us, it's better for you.

GENCLY: (This is gonna be bad. Please do something for remedy to this, and go to call the guards, Crapsy.)
CRAPSY: Shhhhh, i want to hear them!!!!
GENCLY: (Godamnit Crapsy. Fucking bastard, when i will return to control this body and share our minds i will punch any second!!!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Silas slipped his arm around her waist, taking most of her weight as he grabbed his staff once more. She smelled more feminine than he would've thought, being a wandering sword. He began to walk slowly with her, taking care not to pull her off balance or over tax Akkina. "I've never met a stranger like you, before," Silas answered honestly, his voice deeper than usual as his emotions throbbed. And it was true; never had a strange woman inspired such a primal effect on the young man. This was uncharted territory, which scared Silas, who had never been lost in his life. "Why are you a simple guard at a pawnshop? That blade is a wonder, you could do anything." Silas hoped conversation would distract her from her woes.

As the group of men surrounded them, Silas felt a cold feeling come over him. He'd felt it many times in the wild when his life was in danger, being hunted by one of the many apex predators of the forest. He passed the staff to Akkina, wrapping her fingers around it. "Lean on that and let me take care of this," he whispered to her.

Even as the man pulled the knife on them, Silas had already drawn his own two swords that shimmered with strong magic. The blades were crossed on the throat of the man before the scum could bring it up to waist level. "Move and die. Any of you!" Silas roared, his eyes promising death. His hands shook as he tried to hold himself back from killing the stranger on the spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina knew she had to control her breathing right now, because she didn't know if the man could defend them, She was finally getting better, She dropped the staff and closed her eyes and outstretched her arm to the side " By the almighty power of Roland, The Divine Blessed Mary, Grant me the sword" As she chanted that Durandal appeared and she tried to catch it but it fell out of her reach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas's nerve broke when the sword clattered to the ground. He pulled with great strength, cutting the man's head clean off while kicking him away. The spurting corpse covered the late man's friends, who ran away in horror. Silas breathed heavily, his eyes looking slightly feral and his mouth set in a pained grimace. On closer inspection, one would notice that his canines had grown slightly more pointed and elongated. Hidden by his fists, his nails had grown into small claws. Wiping his blades on the man's trousers, Silas sheathed his scimitars and took a few deep breaths, controlling his blood lust. He'd spent many years in the forest perfecting this technique, to better control the beast within.

When he felt normal once more, Silas turned back to Akkina, slipping an arm around her waist again. "Should I retrieve your blade for you?" he asked, ignorant of the origins of the Holy sword. Using his foot, the young man hooked his staff and kicked it up to his hand in one fluid motion, never jostling Akkina.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

A crowd was starting to gather around the men and Akkina and Silas. Emilia saw the crowd gathering and heard murmuring echoing back about a fight. A scream and gasps rang out from the inner crowd, and She figured she should try to stay out of trouble and swiftly walked away, heading out of the market.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina giggled and shook her head slightly and slowly walked to the Sword and bent down to reach for the sword, she gripped the hilt and felt the cold hard metal that was on the hilt and then pulled it up and straightened her body out and raised the sword up and put it in her sheath on her back, She smiled and tilted her head " Thank you, What about the Jester, I have a small hunch that he caused this. I'm not entirely sure though". She looked at Silas sweetly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Silas felt a grin break his face for a moment before he sobered. They were starting to attract quite the crowd and he'd hate to be stuck in a dungeon answering the city guards' questions. He felt he had better places to be that night. He gently led her away from the area with a hand on her arm, all the while shaking his head in reply. "I have no idea who the Jester is... but if he tries such base tricks again, the joke will be how he met his end." Silas promised. "Let's get you home now, before something else can ruin this night, eh?" he offered her a smile as he pushed past the circle of spectators.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf " I think I am okay now." Akkina whispered and looked in front of her and seen the woman she spoke to walk away from the scene, She then looked at the person who was helping her and smiled " You can call me Akkina Farron. Just a little reminder of my name, What is your name? " She whispered again so softly that it somehow turned into a child's voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Silas was reluctant to let go, but he smiled and nodded as he removed his arm. His staff made a clack against the ground as they walked towards the pawnshop. "I know your name, Miss Farron, though it is nice to hear your first name.. I am Silas Coutts, at your service," at this, he touched a hand to his chest and inclined his head. "I first heard your name in the pawnshop, when you had a similar episode and the shopkeep came to your assistance. Can I ask, what troubles you?" Silas asked with genuine concern, watching Akkina with respectful care, not wanting to be caught unaware by another attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

KI had been driving for many hours before reaching the edge of East Market. He slowed his bike down to a safe speed at the sight of a few intimidating looking guards. Hunger began to grip his stomach as he cruised down the street, his muffler making only a slight bit of sound. The smell of food was all around, but with so many choices, he was experiencing a strong case of of sensory overload. Maybe if he approached a local, he would be able to find a good shop to eat at.


On a whim, Ki pulled his bike over and entered a small trinket/pawn shop. If he stopped at a food stand to ask where to eat, they would surely try to sell them on their own cuisine. But this shop seemed innocent enough, a safe place to ask for directions. As he entered the shop, he could see that the shopkeeper was finishing conversation with a young girl, something about magic. This interested KI maybe half as much as if they were talking about technology. Making sure his hood was down in order to look as innocent as possible, despite daggers and shiny metal bits of other weaponry sticking out of his wardrobe, KI politely waited for his turn to speak with the shopkeeper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina walked around to look for the woman that spoke to her and, Although she wanted to open a small shop with her. But she heard some swords hit each other in a building, She raised her eyebrows in question and looked at Silas " Do you want to go in to Dojo with me to practice sword play?" She asked and pointed to the dojo, and stepped towards the Dojo to walk into the building.

Akkina looked around the area and smiled at the people going about their own way, it was strangely calming to know that there were people who did what they wanted. She outstretched her hand to the Dojo door and twisted it open and walked into the building and looked at the people sparring. She tapped the hilt of Durandal aand sent it back to the Pawn Shop, through summoning magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Ah, I see. Well, I have a fire affinity. I'm not good at it at all, infact I am really really bad at it. It only happens when I am angry and then it will lash out at anyone, sometimes not even affecting the person causing my anger. Instead it could hit me or even a bystander." Amara sighed deeply, closing her eyes. "Sorry, these aren't your problems." She opened her eyes. "Can you tell give me specific directions? Or perhaps give me a landmark or two?"

"Ah, fire! Very dangerous, that one. But it's beautiful if you can control it... Anyhoo, specific directions to the Magic Academy... Well it's quite simple, take a look at this map here,"
Humphrey pulled out and unrolled a very vague map of the East Market drawn on a large strip of leather and traced a path from his shop to the northeast corner of the market,
"and you'll see that if you follow the wall north—that'd be a right turn as you leave here—you'll pretty much just run into it in the exact farthest corner before the wall makes a hard left."

Humphrey smiled.
"It's a long walk, but it shouldn't be hard to find! And if you have any trouble, you're always welcome here."

As he entered the shop, he could see that the shopkeeper was finishing conversation with a young girl, something about magic. This interested KI maybe half as much as if they were talking about technology. Making sure his hood was down in order to look as innocent as possible, despite daggers and shiny metal bits of other weaponry sticking out of his wardrobe, KI politely waited for his turn to speak with the shopkeeper.

KI entrance into the shop was completely silent, not even tripping the bell. Humphrey gave a start when he noticed the cloaked man standing there.

"Oh! Hello there, sir! I didn't even hear the bell when you came in! I hope you haven't been waiting long. How can I help you today?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman Silas chuckled slightly at her suggestion, but fell in step quickly. "Now you want to practice the sword? Akinna, you are doubly as intriguing as before." The clack of wooden swords and the peal of metal blades rang from the dojo. It seemed the place had varying level of students and Silas wondered if its master would appreciate two wandering swords walking into their sanctuary. Yet, he had no choice. Silas would follow Akkina anywhere, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"Oh no, I haven't been here too long. You have a lovely little shop here. I'll probably be visiting here again soon. But as for now, I'm in search for food. I can tell that there are many places to eat around here, but can you point me to your favorite?"

If it weren't for the hunger in KI's stomach, he would be parusing the isles of this man's shop. Many gadgets and trinkets were twinkling in his peripherals, begging to be investigated. But he was on a mission, of sorts, and that mission was to kill the greatest target of all time, the immortal appetite of the human body.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina stood waiting to be noticed by the Dojo Master and just smiled lightly and watched the people sparring, it was a thrill to her and she just wanted to join in with her Durandal. But that would wipe out the whole dojo, so she just sent Durandal back to the Pawn Shop, where it would be safe and people would be safe as well .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman
Silas noticed that Akkina seemed to know a little magic, making her even more interesting. He watched in speculation as the students went through their forms while more advanced students were fully sparring. It was interesting to see swordsmen and women learning in a traditional dojo. He had learned from the elves that resided in the forests, who had an unorthodox teaching style to put it mildly. "Would you want to borrow one of my blades to spar?" he asked her softly, not wanting to break anyone's concentration.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" To spar with you of course heh." Akkina looked towards him and outstretched her hand. She did have a problem but that wouldn't stop her in combat, She was immune to her own personal problems when in battle, she had defeated several people over the past years post training. She smiled again at Silas " I'll spar with you, but don't cry if I hurt you" Akkina joked and walked closer to him and opened her palm and went to pat his cheek softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman
Silas's eyebrow shot up in question, even as he caught her hand as it touched his cheek. His touch was gentle and his eyes looked a little wondering, as if he couldn't believe Akkina was in front of him. He slowly pulled down her hand, reluctant to take her touch away, but he was even more interested in her challenge. He had never lost a fight. The scimitar made a steely rasp as it left the sheath and Silas gently deposited the blade into Akkina's hand. "I won't cry. And you won't hurt me." He grinned broadly as he walked backwards to a free spot on the floor and drew his own blade. "Ready when you are, my dear."
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