~Logan Murdock~

Logan took it in stride as Calista brushed off whatever was upsetting her. He found it odd that he'd met not one, but two other redheads at camp. They weren't so rare, but at Camp Jupiter they were in short supply. To find another fellow pale-skinned and freckled ginger among the demigods here was a breath of fresh air. He followed Calista easily, his long strides eating two or three of her much shorter ones, forcing him to slow his usual deliberate pace. He nodded when she mentioned having a rough day, not an uncommon occurrence for a demigod, unfortunately.
"Everyone has one of those, don't worry though. From the little I've seen of this place, it has more than enough to brighten any day." He walked with her until she stopped in front of a rather..
decorated cabin. It made sense considering she was a daughter of Aphrodite. She didn't exude the usual obsessions with beauty that he'd come to associate with the brood, but the goddess of love had many forms. Logan remembered the goddess fondly, one of the few that did, for she had personally given he and Ashley an anniversary gift for their first year as a couple. That day was one of the best memories Logan possessed and he clung to it fiercely whenever one of his episodes of melancholia washed over him.
He stalwartly avoided thinking of how his relationship had ended. His first day at camp didn't need that storm cloud overhead.
"Hello Calista," Logan responded with a friendly smile, stopping as she did, "I'm Logan, Logan Murdock. Son of Jupiter." He shook her hand amicably and stood, his feet planted shoulder length apart and his hands behind his back, into an
at ease position. The habits of being a centurion were hard to break, after all. "My pleasure, honestly. It's against my nature to leave someone alone that's upset. I know I hate it when I have something I feel as if I have no one to talk to about, or worse, simply can't." He looked over to the mob of people at Hephaestus cabin, noting the over the top antics of some and the unrivaled revelry that was ensuing. The deep bass of EDM thrummed through the ground, almost like a pulse, under the soles of Logan's Celestial bronze plated combat boots. "Any reason in particular? I hear Ky'vie's parties are all the rage here and the food is unmatched." He nearly flushed at his own mention of the head of Hephaestus's cabin's name. His control over his blush reflex was being sorely tested today.
~Jericho Brooks~

Jericho's brow furrowed at Erin's tone, wondering what had made her especially bitchy tonight. His mind flashed to the episode with Calista, and although he couldn't blame Erin for being on edge, he could blame her for not telling him what in the name of Tartarus had exactly happened. His friend had completely brushed it aside, not showing the slightest bit of gratitude or even offering an obtuse explanation for the recent fiasco. He would have been mollified with a simple
It's a long story or
I really don't want to talk about it, but to completely dismiss it, and in turn Jericho, just irked him to the core.
Just to be a bit spiteful, a nimble finger came out, hooked around the drink Erin was about to sip from once more, and spilled it onto the ground. He shrugged away her fiery expression. His words sounded almost bored as he answered her,
"Your time ain't worth much tonight, babe. Let alone a present." He turned away from her and stepped to the side, looking to find greener pastures. Addressing Grif now, his smile was genuine. Reaching inside his jacket, he held out the plainly wrapped present, nearly a foot and a half in length.
"This, my friend, is your gift. You'll figure out what it does when the time comes, but don't worry, it won't disappoint. Also.." making sure his back was to Erin, his hand slipped into the other deep coat pocket, bringing out the four inch rectangle, wrapped in the same brown gift wrap as Grif's bowie knife. Now his voice crept to a whisper only Grif would hear.
"This Erin's gift. Not sure I really want to see her anymore tonight, she's gotten even on my nerve. It's a silver bookmark and tell her not to throw away the receipt taped around it. She can redeem the code online on the Amazon website for the Game of Thrones series, up to the last season. Give it to her when you two have a moment, alright? Just don't let her know it's from me. Don't want to show anymore kindness to the she-devil and get even more fed up with the lack of gratitude."With that, he nodded to Grif as he clapped him on the shoulder, and bluntly ignored Erin as he wandered off towards the general direction of Arianna. Perhaps she could bring up his soured mood, she always seemed to be able to. He melted into the crowd too quickly for Erin to say or do anything in retaliation to his little jibe.