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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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Collab, there's some more heart to heart planned for Logan and Ky.

Oh? Whatever CS could you speaking of, I wonder?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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Zoe Lumière

"-You reap what you sow, and the seeds of your actions grow into consequence. The fruits of my past actions are rotten, but the future harvest will be bountiful indeed. -"
~ Zoe Lumière.

~General Information~

Name: Zoe Lumière
Sex/ Gender: Female
Age: 20
Place Of Origin: Marseilles, France
Camp Cabin: Cabin Athena

Appearance - 20 Years Old:

~~Relationship Information~~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Unsure
Partner: None
Godly Parent: Athena
Human Parent: Raymond Lumière
Siblings: Eve Lumière
Legacy: Nemesis
Pet/s: None.
Other: Being new to camp, Zoe knows no other demigods than Eve and thus has no opinions to offer on these strangers. She'll let experience and honest interaction deem what kind of people these campers truly are.

~~Personal Information~~

Personality: Zoe is a kind-hearted and trusting person, with a strong identity to match her big heart. Being the older twin of two daughters of Athena, and with such a firecracker of a sister, Eve, she’s always had to play the responsible role. She craves control above all else, whether that be in any social interaction, knowledge of a subject, or life in general. Zoe will tend to cool relations to a passing civility if someone is rather unorthodox and not to her liking. Enjoying those strange and knowledgeable, she’ll look past initial impressions to form her own judgements from her extensive knowledge of psychology, her chosen major when still attending Harvard.

She will always try to resolve a situation through words and not violent action unless absolutely necessary. If she can’t hope to come to a conclusion, she’ll back out of the situation with grace. She’d rather keep her composure and not give another the satisfaction of seeing them get to her, knowing that such would be akin to admitting defeat, never an option for a daughter of Athena! Usually commanding a very strong presence, recent events have taken a toll. When not caught in some mental conundrum, she can be seen looking very vulnerable, dwelling on something that seems to have shaken her to her core. Between these bouts of melancholia, Zoe is all the woman that she has always been known to be. Authoritative, head-strong, and compassionate, Zoe is an enjoyable person to be around, but can be a bit trying when her need to be right, and or in control, exceeds the tolerance of those around her. Their loss, Zoe would say.

Eve is the most important thing in Zoe’s life, her sister’s fiery will always an inspiration to her slightly older twin. Zoe may have been the balancing aspect of their sibling, but Eve’s personality is the driving force to Zoe’s own desire to go above and beyond what she previously knew what she could do. From cliff-jumping to rock climbing, Zoe’s willingness and want of adventure is a direct effect from her younger sister’s influence. Zoe usually cooks her sister ‘s meals, since Eve’s gogogo attitude makes her forget about such trivial matters.
Charlotte: Zoe’s second personality, Charlotte is a cigarette smoking, heavy drinking, and colorfully speaking personality that emerges when the stream of traumatic memories becomes too great for Zoe’s mind. Although rarely making an appearance, she invariably comes out when the memory of Zoe’s recent trauma rears its ugly head, forcing her to relive her attack as if it were happening in present day. Charlotte can control the flow of memories consciously and is ruthless in using every bit of knowledge and martial technique that Zoe knows. Extremely volatile, the slightest bit of an attitude either brings about her ire, or her interest. Zoe has “woken up” a few times to bruised and bloody knuckles, or waking in a stranger’s bed, not knowing how either happened. Charlotte is the protector for Zoe, but thinks she’s her own person instead of being aware that she is in fact a split personality. Because of this, she does what she wants when she’s in control of the body. While Eve knows Charlotte well, Charlotte feels nothing of Zoe’s respect for the younger twin, who always seems to try to hold her back! The only reason she won’t directly attack Eve is because of the girl’s superior strength and martial skill, but Charlotte knows Eve can’t match her own viciousness and brutality.

Skills: Zoe has a perfect memory, but more importantly, an ability to perfectly recall each one to the most minute of details. This has led Zoe to pursuing some artistic ambitions, like sketching and oil paintings, to better understand her gift of memory. Her lineage also allows her to think quicker than nearly any other breeding of demigod, coming to conclusions nearly instantly as to what could be the best action to take, to lead to the most preferred outcome. This comes almost as a premonition to others, with her intelligent mind creating the various scenarios it creates many moves ahead, drawing upon the knowledge of her own limits and her enemy's tendencies and habits.

She has some gymnastic talent, taking to the beautiful sport as a younger child and never losing the acrobatic grace that came with the years of practice. She is capable of long and complex tumbling routines and perfectly utilizing these talents in battle.

Studying some martial arts, although not as extensively as Eve, Zoe is well-rounded. She's a yudansha (or black belt holder) in Aikido and an eighth-dan in Judo. For an extended summer, Zoe was flown to California to learn under Daniel Inosanto in the precepts of Jeet Kune Do, the fighting way that Bruce Lee founded and permitted only a few of his students to instruct, Dan Inosanto being the most senior before Mr. Lee's untimely demise. Thus, Zoe is quite capable of instantaneous, violent, and rapid attacks that evolve as combat unfolds. A fighter must be like water, must never conform to a style, must only attack in that vulnerable moment that their enemy strikes. These are the concepts and many days of instruction instilled into Zoe, which utilizes her natural talent for fighting and quick thinking. To this day, she asks the best sparring partner she knows, Eve, to test the boundaries of her ability of fighting, because "boards don't fight back!" (Bruce Lee).

With her study of ancient cultures, Zoe is very knowledgeable of Greek and Roman deities, monsters, and myths, as well as a host of other ancient cultures. This allows her to easily identify new enemies and quickly realize the creature's or being's weakness.

Lastly, she loves the ukulele and guitar and plays them late at night when she can't sleep to help lull her into a drowsy state. She owns one of each of these instruments.

Biography: Zoe and Eve grew up in Marseilles, France with their father Raymond Lumière, who provided them with the very best of private education available. Their father insisted that the two go through martial arts training. While Zoe enjoyed the knowledge and experience, she didn’t take to the combat arts as completely as Eve. She excelled in Aikido and the throws of Judo, but didn’t enjoy the striking game of the latter. Even without passion, she went through the lessons to become a black belt in both martial arts respectively. This, coupled with swords training, makes Zoe a formidable force against any assailant indeed. Raymond never explained to the girls that his insistence of they learning how to defend themselves was for a very real danger. The girls were daughters of Athena, a fact he'd hidden from the twins since they'd arrived on his doorstep in their golden cradle, sleeping soundly side by side. He strove to keep this secret from the girls as long as possible. Raymond frequently sent them to different schools, under the disguise of character building and expanding their horizons. It had always been curious to Zoe, exactly why was their father shuttling them between schools with so much frequency?

Zoe graduated from their final academy with the highest of academic honors, beating out her equally brilliant sister, not only a few minutes ahead, but now a few points as well! With this, Zoe was finally claimed by her mother Athena, a godly sign that their divine mother approved of the course Zoe had taken. This amazed Zoe and finally, Raymond told her the truth. Her love and respect for their doting and loving father increased immensely, now laden with the burden the dear man had held for so many years.

The two were shoe-ins for acceptance into their first choice, the Ivy league school Harvard. Their freshman year went without a hitch, but early into sophomore year, Zoe became involved with a slightly older fraternity leader, named Henry. The young man was highly academic and excelled in sports as well. Coveted by the cliquish cheerleaders and sorority girls that the campus abounded with, Zoe was smug indeed with the All-American man. They dated for better part of Zoe's sophomore year and the twins were well on their way to becoming juniors, when misfortune reared its ugly head.

At one of her boyfriend's fraternity's parties, she was on her second beer, talking to a couple of other girls. The party was in full swing and one of the infamous toga parties that everyone knew, loved, and alternatively, hated. Many revelers already had beer spills and other alcoholic beverages dying the whites of their togas. Most were sheets with a few pins, but a few, Zoe included, had true linen togas, perfectly pinned and styled. Zoe had just pumped out her third beer, when a friend got her attention. Before she could pull her drink back and keep an eye on it, a practiced hand slipped something into the receding foam.

Finishing her drink shortly after, Zoe stumbled into the doorway into the large house's kitchen. Almost falling, she was grateful when she fell into the arms of one of her Henry's brothers, a familiar and welcome face. She readily agreed to him taking her to Henry's room to lie down and take a breather. The room started spinning even as they got to the top of the stairs and everything seemed to be blurred around her immediate line of sight. The fraternity brother was practically carrying Zoe into a bedroom, but too late, she realized it wasn't Henry's. The brother pounced on her and tore off her toga. What followed next needs not to be repeated, but soon the brother was putting his robe back in place and leaving, the door still ajar and Zoe both panicking and hoping that someone would find her and help her. Her makeup was streaked from sweat and weeping, which she was still doing.

She bled in various places, including a bite mark on her breast. But the next person to come in was another fraternity brother, who instead of helping also sexually assaulted Zoe. So it went with three other brothers. When the last came in to the room, Zoe's heart soared in relief as she heard the sheet of a toga fall to the floor, for over the man's shoulder, she saw Henry! But he didn't even move to help, the red light of a recording camcorder saying all that was needed.

She fell into a feeling of helplessness that she couldn’t shake until the roofie wore off and managed to escape with her car keys and a long coat of some guy, for it was entirely too large and the belt had to be tied quite tight in order to hide the obvious signs of rape and sexual abuse. She drove like a maniac until she made it to the safety of the apartment Zoe shared with Eve. Clothes in tatters and her longer overcoat the only thing protecting her modesty, Eve calmed her down until she slipped off into sleep.

Unknown to her, Eve had taken justice into her own hands.. After meting out suitable justice, the twins had to skip town, fleeing for the safety of Camp Half-blood, a place their father had taken about with more than a few amused chuckles.

~~Weaponry Information~~

Weapon/s: ?.
Weapon/s Name: ?.
Weapon/s Type: ?.
Attributes: ?.

~~Other Information~~

Other: Has a locket with Eve’s picture from one of their many adventures, switches it out occasionally, keeping a scrapbook of her “Heart’s Memories”

Zeus decided that he wanted to feel really special, so he put on his hottest little number.

~~Theme Song~~

Theme Song:
"I Will Follow You Into The Dark"(Cover) by Daniela Andrade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

~Eve Lumière~

"Don’t cross me. Or do, doesn’t really matter. But if you touch Zo, I’ll rip you to fucking shreds."
~ Eve Lumière.

~General Information~

Name: Eve Lumière
Nick-Names: Little Light, Evie,
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: 20.
Place Of Origin: Marseilles, France.
Camp Cabin: Cabin Seven, Athena.

Appearance - 20 Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Demisexual.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Athena.
Human Parent: Raymonde Lumière.
Siblings: Zoe Lumière, her twin sister born a few moments before Eve.
Legacy: Nemesis
Pet/s: None.

~Personal Information~

Eve and Zoe could be compared to a car. If Zoe was the steering wheel, Eve was the engine, roaring down the road, without her other half, directionless and out of control. She found that Zoe was a lot of what she aspired to be. She was warm, kind, accepting and wanted to help people. But sometimes, people were best defined by what they weren’t not what they were. Eve only cared about a few things: protecting Zoe and making sure they got through life without too much hassle. By the time Eve and Zoe were making their way to Camp Half-Blood Eve had failed on both regards. A large part of Eve’s life was fighting. It gave her a sense of accomplishment, each victory like a successful painting. It wasn’t all that uncommon for her to return home covered in bruises, with torn knuckles asking for a drink. But that’s what she had Zoe for, she would already have dinner ready, help Eve nurse her wounds and get back out there.

The younger sister found herself interested with law at an early age. She herself didn’t know why she liked it so much, though she and Zoe theorized it had something to do with the immense challenge of it all. The lust for being intellectually challenged was what kept Eve in Harvard among other things. Outside of school and Zoe, Eve is a very different person. She is witty, she likes to have fun and be challenged and she enjoys the outdoors. Though due to recent events involving Zoe, she has completely turned this side of herself off. She is alert and watching out for her. Though between Zoe’s bouts of melancholia they still manage to have fun and Eve still understands the importance of staying positive. She has recently been suffering from bouts of nearly crippling fits of very sudden and very powerful anxiety attacks. They occur typically at night, mainly seeing herself standing above the crippled man who hurt her sister. She cries, she stops herself from crying and she moves on.

When it comes to past times, most would think Eve a child of Ares. While neither Eve nor Zoe have met their mother, through their studies they have come to realize themselves as a sort of duality when it comes to her. They both possess the combat tact and the wisdom that she governs over, however Zoe is more intelligent while Eve is more suitable and likely to fight. This duality governs a lot of Eve’s free time. She fights in order to stay in shape and keep on top of things. Eve is a strong believer that family is most important, no matter what. She values her sister and her father above all else, not allowing anything to get in their way. However, because of what Eve had done to the professor, they will no longer be able to contact their father without implicating he had a role in what happened.

• Combat Pragmatist: Eve is incredibly skilled in combat. Her perception of time is like a muscle that she is able to flex, seemingly slowing down time in order to formulate a strategy and utilize it, destroying the opposition. She is physically strong enough to break bones with her hands and can easily fight against men nearly twice her size, as a true daughter of Athena should. She typically utilizes their strength against them in momentum based throws and strikes.

• Perception of time: As mentioned previously, Eve can slow her perception of time by ‘flexing’ it. To do this, she puts strain on herself and her brain, slowing down the time she sees and acting within that slowed time. She can do this for a long time, including in fights, however being struck while slowing down time can have brutal effects on her brain and psyche. The last time this happened she was out cold for a weekend. It’s a risk. She is still a very competent fighter without it, however.

• Perfect Physical Form: Eve has carefully trained her body in order to attain the form of an Olympic athlete. Stating that she is anything less would be severely underselling her. She can keep pace with an Olympic runner and has the physical strength of a mixed martial artist. This takes a great deal of concentration and daily effort to maintain, she does, however maintain it. With the help of her sister providing her with healthy meals and the energy to keep moving forward.

• Incredible Intellect: Eve, along with her sister Zoe, had no issue attaining grades high enough to enter Harvard University and the two have studied a wide variety of subjects. They both find it easy to pick up knowledge on the fly and use it to their advantage, whether that be in a fight or while on a quest. They are both also very knowledgeable when it comes to Greek history and myths. After Athena claimed Zoe, Eve and her sister relentlessly pursued all available knowledge of her mother.


In Marseilles France there was a saying that roughly translated to English states that two is always better than one. This is typically used in recognition of Marseilles and her many sister cities. However, many of the people who grew to know the Lumière sisters would come to say it about them. Eve and Zoe were a unit, raised by one man they still managed to become their own person. With their father’s insistence on them training in self-defense and physical combat, they displayed this separation and yet similarity. Eve took a full course load, so to speak, taking boxing, fencing, krav maga, savate, and muay thai. She was incredibly talented in each discipline. With what Eve lacked in full on raw strength she made up for in full in strategic sense. She could see openings, weak spots, tells, all with ease. Coupling that with her smaller frame and speed and she was a fighter anyone in their right mind would’ve feared.

She and Zoe were placed in only the best private schooling, while she never knew the price of tuition it was upwards of the average college tuition for the Lumière daughters to make it through grade school. While Eve excelled, nearly just as much as Zoe, she spent a large amount of time in extracurricular activities, ending up with worse entrance exam marks than her older sister. While most thought this would’ve perturbed Eve, she was in fact incredibly proud of her sister. She even made dinner that night. The two sisters soon found themselves being snapped at by many large schools, attempting to snap up the young prodigé’s before any other school did. However, their father had big plans for his daughter and they ended up following through with them, they attended Harvard University in the United States. As soon as the girls had accepted their information something extraordinary happened. Zoe was claimed by the goddess Athena as one of her children. It wasn’t until their father explained the significance of what had happened that Eve understood. Her sister was deemed worthy to acknowledge, but Eve was not. Eve felt as if was merely a footnote in her sister’s life. She was but a stepping stone both of her parents had to step over in order to hold their favorite daughter up higher.

The sisters found an apartment and managed to get it at a decent rent, Eve worked night shifts to make ends meet, but all of that wouldn’t matter in a couple years when they graduated. Eve and Zoe shared a similar course load, though not completely mirroring one another. Eve instead took an interest in law while her sister focused her studies on a dual major, psychology and anthropology. She made sure to visit her twin sister, pick her up from classes and the like. But on top of her already busy course load she soon found herself on the varsity fencing team and she even participated on some side amateur mixed martial arts matches when she had the time. The girls’ sophomore year was when Eve began to detest their environment, the school itself and the people around them. Zoe had begun seeing one of their professors from the previous year and Eve began seeing less and less of her sister. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, she began to change. Change the way she dressed, spoke even the way she looked around, she was fearful. Eve didn’t have enough evidence to act, but she had enough to inquire. So she picked up a bottle of wine with a winning smile and a fake I.D. and prepared for her sister to arrive that night so they could talk about what was going on. When Zoe arrived, she was bruised, she smelt like sex and tears. There wasn’t much more that Eve had to know before she got to work. She put her dear sister to bed, snatching her phone in the process. She got to the mirror in their bathroom and realized that she too had been crying.

Eve did herself up, she did her makeup, straightened her hair, she put on a cocktail dress and fresh makeup. She looked beautiful, just like Zoe. She sent a text to the professor, to meet behind the psychology campus. She waited for him and so he arrived. He apologized for his behavior, he didn’t know what had come over him, he even broke a tear. Eve just nodded, the professor thanked her, seemingly sincerely. He leant forward for his makeup kiss and as he fell backwards, the back of his head roughly kissed the pavement beneath him. He bounced, but Eve’s fist made sure he did not bounce twice. She continued to throw punches, grab things and twist them until she would hear cracks. She was pretty sure he’d live as she left, but he would never be able to do what he did to Zoe again, he was paralyzed from the neck down. Standing over the professor, Eve was claimed. She could’ve screamed, or taken it out even more on the professor. But for whatever reason she simply said: “Thanks mom.” Tears streaming down her cheeks. Eve had done what she had once resented her parents for, stepping on someone else in order to raise Zoe closer to the light. But now she knew that it was worth it. She called an ambulance on his phone as she left, stated his location and returned home to her sister. That night she awoke her sister as she arrived and the two left for Camp Half-Blood.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: N/A
Weapon/s Name: N/A
Weapon/s Type: N/A
Attributes: N/A

~Other Information~

Other: Zeus is sexy.

Eve is an alcoholic, a secret that even Zoe doesn't know.

Eve has a golden heart shaped locket with a picture of Zoe inside of it. She holds it very dear and does not remove it.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley, Covered by Daniela Andrade.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hey guys, I'll do my best to look over these CS' tomorrow; also I will work on getting up an Arianna post! I am so, so sorry I haven't gotten one up yet; I started work a couple of days ago, and I'm so beat at the moment it isn't funny... But I'll work my ass off to get back into the perfect rhythm!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

hey im really sorry but im going to have to drop out of this rp. I've had a lot of stress recently and cant keep up with all of them. Plus someone close to me just died today. Again I'm really sorry, and I wish you the best of luck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Ahh..that's fine @Wintergrey. We're sorry about what's going on, and wish you the best of luck! Thank you for your participation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Winter, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's cool, we should be wishing you luck. Take care and remember that Adam still has a place in Hephaestus cabin!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Allllright, how is everyone today? As far as collabs go, Vicier and I are working on a Roy/Ky' vie one to hopefully get things rolling again!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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I'm doing alright, busy as usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Just to let everyone know we are still in the works! The plague of Fallout 4 has ridden your co-GM terribly, but he will persevere to get posts going!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

So sorry for the silence, guys. I've been battling a pretty bad sinus infection that's making it hard for me to stay awake like a normal person, let alone post, but I'll try and get on a Griffin one today, if I can!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hey guys; after consideration, and some discussion with some of those in the roleplay, we realized that the roleplay seemed to have derailed and gone off on a side-track that's been pretty hard to come back from. So what I've done is a reboot. The link to the reboot will be listed down underneath all of this. I figure, that what we need is for things to move a little more quickly when it comes to the quests; while partying is a great thing for the campers to do, it's probably best that one doesn't happen right from the get go, heh... that one was my bad, and I appologize for it. However: reboot of the roleplay, reboot of the fun and enthusiasm..! Haha..!

Okay, so all of those who are in this roleplay, have been brought across... all characters that have already been made, or got the okay from me, are automatically accepted unless you wish it otherwise. So, please let me know..! Anyway, go a head and pop up entrances for your characters (I don't mind whether or not you use the same one; though from what I've observed so far, people are switching it up). Quests (there are two of them) will be coming up real soon also... like on the first day..! So things should be fun from the get go..!

Reboot: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89302-the-demigods-of-camp-half-blood-reboot/ooc
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