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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Interested in joining?
Message me or one of my Co-GM's!

GM = Vicier.
CO-GM = Ghost Shadow and WittyWolf.

“..hey you… yeah, that’s right, I’m talking to you lot- the fresh meat all standing around with your eyes all full of things like hope and wonder. And, well, if you want some advice, I’ll give you this one free of charge… make sure to enjoy it while it lasts; because once your little honeymoon period comes to an end little greenies, you’ll soon realize that life in this pathetic camp isn’t what it seems… oh, and trust me, I’m pretty sure that I know this better than anyone else that you’ll meet in the camp. There’s only one reason you’re all here, it’s cause you’re different… cause you’re special- you’re not like the others out there in the world, and you never will be- and even though I would love for nothing more than to leave you all fending for yourselves; my unfortunate job here today is to let you know that you’re not alone in this… but just because you’re now surrounded by people who are like you, doesn’t mean that your life is going to be all sunshine and roses anymore; so cause I have no other choice but to play the part of your ‘happy little tour guide’, let me give you a heads up of the workings of this place.

So from this day forward, the camp is now your home; but whether it’s just for the summer or all year round is up to you and you alone, no one else can go about making that choice for you, and not every person that you meet is going to be welcoming... be cautious of who you cross, making alliances with other cabins can keep you from ending up under the care of the Apollo kids in the infirmary. But fair warning to you all; even those who seem the most innocent… can be some of the most dangerous of those around. I’m not gunna waste my time by showing you where everything is, and don’t think for a minute that I’m gunna stand around and answer any of your questions at the end of this little ‘chat’ of ours- so here are the basics… you have Half-Blood hill, the big house, the mess hall, the infirmary... there’s also the stables, the training grounds, the chariot course, the obstacle tower, the lake- but more important than them all are the cabins. If you know your Godly parent, that’s great for you… but if you don’t, you’ll be staying in cabin six with the Hermes children… Just a friendly little heads up about some of the cabins and those in them; the Ares kids are testy and have no issues picking fights with people who cross them, the Hephaestus kids are the ones to see if you have any issues with your gadgets and anything mechanical- and unless you’re looking to take a nap, steer clear of the Morpheus cabin… Oh, and just so you know- I’m the worst of them all… so go have some fun little greenies, and remember… stay outta my way.”

~ Erin Marie Chase; Daughter of Hades.

Camp Half-Blood ~ Information

Camp Half-blood is a Greek demigod training facility which is located on the Long Island Sound, New York, and is directed by the Greek God Dionysus (also known by campers as Mr. D), and Chiron, a centaur who along with the leaders of the camp co-ordinate activities for the demigods who choose to live within the camp; Camp Half-Blood is also the Greek counterpart of Camp Jupiter, a Roman camp located in San Francisco, California. The camp has magical borders, which are re-enforced by Thalia's tree, the Golden Fleece and the dragon Peleus; their magical powers helping to protect the camp and everyone in it from that which threatens to harm them- the camp is described by all who know about it as being the only true safe place for half-bloods to live in harmony and without the fear of their lives being in danger. The half-bloods living within the camp having comfortable accommodation in cabins, eating within the dining pavilion with their friends; demigods are free to spend their time however it is that they wish, even having a range of many different activities and area's in which they can enjoy, these including but not limited to: the training grounds, the climbing wall with lava, the amphitheater, the stables, the armory, the forge, and the Big House.

PLEASE NOTE: Though the camp is well known among the demigods and their parents, the humans throughout the world are completely unaware that such a camp even exists; the camps cover name and story being the 'Delphi Strawberry Service', a reference to the name of the Oracle of Delphi herself.

Camp Cabin - Information

Unlike the days past when the camp only ever offered sanctuary for the children of the great twelve Olympian's; the protection that the camp gives to demigods, thanks to an unbreakable promise made by the Gods themselves, is now offered to the children of those that wouldn't normally have such an opportunity- Camp Half-Blood itself now housing over twenty cabins, and with the number of demigods living within the camp increasing each and every day that passes by, the cabins seem to continue to be built as needed. Each cabin within the camp is two stories in height with most, if not all bedrooms situated up on the second floor of the building (depending on the cabin, each has a different layout), giving campers plenty of choice when it comes to living quarters; every camper, with the exception of those in the Hermes cabin, each get their own room which they are free to decorate in any way that they so wish.

Cabins are also equipped with shared bathrooms, a small kitchenette with basic appliances (fridge, microwave, stove, oven, sink, ect.), and a spacious communal living and dining area which demigods are expected to share with their half-brothers and half-sisters during their time in the camp. Campers are in charge of keeping their cabins, as well as anything else affiliated with their cabins clean during their time within the camp and ready for the weekly inspection which is to be performed by the cabin councilor voted forward that week by the small council and Mr. D; for example, the children of Hephaestus are expected to both clean and maintain both their cabin and the forges that they use during their stay within Camp Half-Blood.

The Cabins and Affiliated Gods/ Goddesses

Zeus, King of the Gods ~ Cabin One.
Hera, Queen of the Gods ~ Cabin Two.
Poseidon, King of the Sea ~ Cabin Three.
Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture ~ Cabin Four.
Dionysus, God of Wine ~ Cabin Five.
Hermes, Messenger of the Gods ~ Cabin Six.
Athena, Goddess of Wisdom ~ Cabin Seven.
Ares, God of War ~ Cabin Eight.
Hephaestus, God of the Forge ~ Cabin Nine.
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love ~ Cabin Ten.
Apollo, God of the Sun ~ Cabin Eleven.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt ~ Cabin Twelve.
Hades, King of the Underworld ~ Cabin Thirteen.
Persephone, Goddess of Spring ~ Cabin Fourteen.
Morpheus, God of Dreams ~ Cabin Fifteen.
Hecate, Goddess of Magic ~ Cabin Sixteen.
Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow ~ Cabin Seventeen.
Thanatos, God of Peaceful Death ~ Cabin Eighteen.
Tyche, Goddess of Luck ~ Cabin Nineteen.
Nemesis, Goddess of Justice ~ Cabin Twenty.
Eris, Goddess of Chaos ~ Cabin Twenty-One.

PLEASE NOTE: The Lady Hera and the Lady Persephone cabins only hold an honorary position within the camp out of courtesy to the two Goddesses; the Lady Hera being Queen of the Gods, and the Lady Persephone being Queen of the Underworld- both Goddesses having no demigod offspring of their own. The Lady Artemis' cabin is also honorary within the camp due to her being one of the maiden/virgin Goddesses, however the cabin does at times play host to the huntresses within her charge.

The Big House - Information

The Big House is home to not only the camps director, Mr. D (also known as Lord Dionysus), but also to the many staff that work within the camp itself (Chiron, ect.), and the great Oracle of Delphi whom can be found within the house's attic. It is also the main meeting place for the leader/s of each of the cabins; a safe place within the camp to discuss major problems, ideas, quests, and hold general council meetings without being interrupted by other campers- the Big House is also the one place you can always find the camps main staff, Dionysus and Chiron, as they are always willing to enjoy a game of pinochle on the front porch.

Camp Activities and Other Places of Interest

Camp Half-Blood has many different places of interest where demigods are free to roam and hang out, and various activities on offer for campers to join in on as they please. Some of these places around the camp include: Half-Blood hill and the surrounding forest, the mess hall, the infirmary, the stables, the training grounds, the amphitheater, the climbing wall, the lake, the camp armory and the camp forge, and Myrmeke Hill. Some of the activities on offer to the campers include: Capture the flag, the obstacle tower, the chariot course, and the trial of dreams.

Quests - Information

At Camp Half-Blood, a quest can only be issued to a camper if they have met with the Oracle of Delphi and have been given the honor of receiving a prophecy from her; a quest is one of the few times in which a camper will be given permission to leave the safety of the camp, though there are other instances when such things are made possible to demigods. The demigod which receives the prophecy is normally automatically considered to be leader of the quest, and while this person is allowed to pick two companions to accompany them on their journey, it is not unheard of for that person to pick more, less, or even none at all depending on their personal preference- in some cases, the companions themselves are picked out, or suggested to the person during a meeting with the camp leaders to discus the quest in question. While a quest is something that all demigods strive to be able to be apart of, there are times when a camper will go mad after receiving a prophecy from the Oracle; however it is unknown about what happens to the quest itself if such a thing occurs.

Character Rosters

The Gods and Goddesses of Camp Half-Blood
Lord Zeus ~ King of the Gods.
Lady Aphrodite ~ Goddess of Beauty.
Lady Persephone ~ Goddess of Spring.
Lord Ares ~ God of War.
Lord Hermes ~ Messenger to the Gods.
Lord Dionysus ~ God of Wine.
Lady Hera ~ Queen of Gods.
Lord Hades ~ King of the Underworld.

Up-Coming God and Goddess Roster
? ~ ?.
? ~ ?.

The Demigods Of Camp Half-Blood
Erin Marie Chase ~ Daughter of Hades.
Syleste Astrea Nioré ~ Daughter of Morpheus.
Hawley Eames Griffin ~ Son of Hermes.
Ky' vie Morgan ~ Daughter of Hephaestus.
Arianna Louise Watson ~ Daughter of Dionysus.
Claire Ari Bellerose ~ Daughter of Poseidon.
Logan Murdock ~ Son of Jupiter.
Gideon James Carlyle ~ Son of Ares.
Kiran Khanna ~ Daughter of Apollo.
Jericho Brooks ~ Son of Artemis.
Archer Trey Andrew ~ Son of Athena.
Colt Malow Winger ~ Son of Venus.
Aella Lorraine Stedford ~ Daughter of Mars.
Calista Celena Eden ~ Daughter of Aphrodite.
Simon Klaus Riddle ~ Son of Hecate.
Carmen Latham ~ Daughter of Demeter.
Virgil Ponce DeLeon ~ Son of Hades.
Roy Montag ~ Son of Boreas.
Emerald Dosen Armsted ~ Daughter of Iris.
Lang Monyethabeng ~ Son of Apollo.
? ~ ?.
? ~ ?.

Up-Coming Demigod Roster

? ~ ?.
? ~ ?.

Characters - Information

Characters must be OC, we shall not be accepting any cannon characters in this roleplay. Characters are not strictly limited to demigods, this roleplay will also be accepting characters who are Satyrs, Amazons' and Cyclops'; and while each character is not bound to one continent for the their place of origin, it is a must that they be affiliated with the Greek Gods of Olympus and the Underworld. While both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter are brother camps with one another, and both have affiliations with the Gods and Goddesses; it is a very rare occurrence for a demigod to transfer from one camp to the other, though it isn't unheard of.

When it comes to making children of the big three (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades), there is a limit of two children at a time for each of them; this limit is inclusive for demigods of both camps- so for example if you have one child of Hades from Camp Half-Blood, and then one child of Pluto from Camp Jupiter who has decided to transfer to the other camp, the limit will have been reached. Those of you wishing to play Gods and Goddesses, must demonstrate a strong writing ability (good grammar, punctuation, ect.), a completed character sheet for the God/ Goddess you are applying for (the character sheets for the Gods differ slightly from that of the demigods; please message me for a blank outline), and a sample post of that particular character which will be considered by both myself and my Co-GM; if the character is accepted, then you shall be notified as soon as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are the writer behind any of the Gods and Goddesses, please understand that by accepting the responsibility of such an important character, you reserve the right to have said character removed from your care should there be any discrepancies arise during the roleplay. Also note that all characters must be accepted by myself and my Co-GM before you post within the IC.

Character Sheet

PLEASE NOTE: When it comes to posting, please don't spam post. Make sure at least two people have posted before you post again.

If you have both read and accept these rules and conditions please put the following phrase at either the top or the bottom of your submitted CS:

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

-reserved for day to day links-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

~Syleste Astrea Nioré~

"Most people say that you're limited by your imagination. My imagination must be limitless... if you saw my world, you might understand."
~ Syleste Astrea Nioré.

~General Information~

Name: Syleste Astrea Nioré.
Nick-Names: Syl, Dream Girl, Pinkie, Juliet.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Sixteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: New York, USA.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Fifteen - Morpheus.

Appearance - Sixteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/ Straight.
Partner: None at this point in time.
Godly Parent: Μορφευς - Morpheus, God of dreams, & son of sleep.
Human Parent: Elise Nioré; Receptionist at a Law Firm.
Siblings: None at this point in time.
Legacy: Unknown as of this time.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Hawley Griffin (Best Friend - Childhood Friend), Ky' vie Morgan (Best Friend - Met At Camp).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Known to all those around her to be an exceedingly sweet and charming young lady; Syleste is an extremely graceful and very loving, kind-hearted girl who cares deeply for all those of whom she not only believes herself to be close to, but also those she holds dear to her within her heart; the dreamy-eyed girl showing her love and affection to all those close to her. Overly curious and full of life she tends to find herself, more often than not, walking into some sort of danger or trouble; whether it be something as minor as receiving a slight paper cut on her finger, or something that's of far more serious consequence such as following her curiosity and accidentally falling off the bank and into the camps lake- the bubbly teenager never showing any signs that she's willing to let her disability get in the way of her living the life she wants to. Though coming off sometimes as shy at first when a situation seems to overwhelm her (large crowds of people surrounding her, loads of information being given to her at one time, ect.), once she has had time to adjust, Syleste seems to have no issues putting herself out there for others to see; the young girl never truly having a problem whenever it comes to being an open book, or making friends.

Although a kind and graceful soul, Syleste is also known for being stubborn when it comes to something that she truly believes in, choosing to stand up for it rather than backing down once she has already made up her mind, usually making it near impossible to convince her otherwise. Quite mature and oddly grown-up for her age thanks to living her whole life with her disability, Syleste often does all she can not to be, or to be considered a "burden" to all those who are around her, the young woman doing everything she can and more to help out (cleaning, cooking, ect.), even sometimes choosing to put her own needs aside in favor of others, no matter how difficult the task may seem for her; the girl trying her best at everything and anything that she seems to set her mind to.

Coming across at times as being quietly confident and extremely calm, she sometimes tends to pull away from the company of others becoming very reserved and thoughtful, choosing instead to lose herself within her own mind and in her own little world. Unnaturally bright and unique in her own way, Syleste has the aptitude for thinking outside of the box on general occasion, always coming up with strange ideas that would normally otherwise be considered near impossible to pull off, though with the young woman's odd way of using her intelligence she is known for being able to twist them to the point of making it all work out.

Skills: Thanks to her disability, Syleste's other senses (hearing, smell, taste and touch) have become slightly more enhanced than that of a normal person, adding to her skills and talents when it comes to music, such as singing and playing piano. Syleste is also quite skilled when it comes to reading anything in braille, whether it be music sheets, books, class notes, ect.

Blind from birth and constantly being fussed over by the only parent that she had within her life; Syleste was always both a very curious and outgoing young child, her mother (mostly having to raise her on her own) always did her best to keep her close by her side, however, it never seemed to stop her from always following her heart and managing to find herself in some sort of trouble or dangerous situation. Soon growing into a beautiful young teenager, and quickly coming to the realization that she didn't want to rely or be a burden on her mother, she tried her best, taking on more of the responsibilities at home, doing all that she could to allow her mother a break from stressing over her daughters care and well-being. Never having an issue opening up to those few who had accepted her for who she truly was, she began to become the confident young lady that her mother always meant for her to be; however her mothers long-term fear of others bullying her daughter for being different soon became a harsh and cruel reality once the young girl hit high school.

Trying her best to get through each and every single day without causing too much trouble for those that she cares about, the bubbly young teenager could often be found sitting on her own reading or studying; though with her curiosity for life ever playing on her mind, she never ceases to find a way to try and satisfy the need to explore much to her overly-cautious mother's disgust. Soon coming to the realization that it was no longer safe for her to stay in the the family home, her mother finally came to the hard decision that it was high-time that Syleste knew the truth about her father, and about her heritage. Packing up all of her possessions, the two of them worked together; helping her to move into the camp that her father had always intended for her to go to- a place where he thought that she would have a better chance at life... a life with people who would finally and completely accept her for who she is.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Due to her disability making it both slightly hard and dangerous for her to wield such things; Syleste herself does not own weapons of any kind, and is rarely ever seen touching one unless the situation is dire- the young demigod preferring to live a life or happiness without the involvement of too much violence.
Weapon/s Name: Not Applicable.
Weapon/s Type: None.
Attributes: None.

~Other Information~

Other: Syleste has a deep love of most the creatures (Rabbits, cats, dogs, foxes, deer, ect.) that roam the exciting and unexplored world that surrounds her; she also has strong liking for drinking hot chocolates and cuddling up with those that she cares about in her life- her love of music also helping the young girl when it comes to being able to express herself in situations that may have her feeling both overwhelmed or upset.

Though she may seem confident and semi-competent when it comes to things she sets her mind to, Syleste has a fear of swimming and is terrified at the very thought of deep water, along with this fear she is also scared of being left alone, and being treated differently due to her disability.

While quite talented in both singing and playing the piano, Syleste has found that she is more confident with her skills when she is on her own or with someone she is extremely close to, the young girl too shy and embarrassed to show her musical talents to others.

Understanding that people can become quite uncomfortable with her disability, Syleste keeps a bit of light blue material with her which she uses to hide her eyes from view, not wanting others to have to deal with the strange look of her eyes- though the young demigod's goal is to one day find a place where she really belongs, and a life surrounded by people who truly accepted for who she is.

Though never talking about it without first being asked, Syleste has a small though meaningful tattoo situated behind her right ear that not even her mother knows that she had done.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Wake Me Up" by Avicii.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sometimes you have to go against the current. Be different. Be amazing. Be awe-inspiring. Just be you."
~ Claire Ari Belleham.

~General Information~

Name: Claire Ari Bellerose.
Nick-Names: Clari, Ari, Wave.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Seventeen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Toulon, France.
Camp Cabin: Three - Cabin of Poseidon.

Appearance - Seventeen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Ποσειδῶν - Poseidon, God of the Sea.
Human Parent: Adrianne Fleur Bellerose - A French Ballet dancer.
Siblings: None at the moment.
Legacy: Unknown.
Pet/s: A silver dapper mare horse by the name of Cascade.
Other: Syleste Nioré (Good Friend - Met at Camp), Arianna Watson (Good Friend - Met at Camp). Erin Chase (Cousin) .

~Personal Information~

Personality: Being one of the Big Three children, it can sometimes take a toll on those who have become it, but it has never really seemed to affect Claire. In fact, she has welcomed both criticism and amazement from those who talk to her about her father, or her mother. Claire is considered to be a very friendly, welcoming person when everyone first meets her. She cares a lot for the ocean, especially the creatures and the people who swim in it. She likes rain. She is slightly weird because she loves to go out and dance in the rain, but it almost never touches her because when she walks out, she has the ability to repel the rain away from her, which means she rarely gets wet. She tends to always be nice to newer people, but after you get to know her...

Claire is very much a perfectionist, something she gets from her mother. When she was put into ballet when she was little, the perfectionist mindset was driven into her because according to the dance teacher, everything needed to be perfect. She has a slight OCD problem, which is why her cabin room looks like everything was measured out to the centimeter with a measuring tape, because it technically was. She is very hard working and driven, and if someone gets in her way, she has no problem running them over to get what she wants. Normally people do not get in her way though. Whenever she is given a challenge, she takes it on full force and does that challenge to the best of her ability. If it is physical, she drives herself to her limits. If it is mental, she uses all of her mental capacity. The only problem she has yet to deal with is an emotional one, but she is always preparing for it to happen.

However driven she can seem at times, though, she is a very humble victor. She tries not to rub her victory in others' faces, but she does tend to flaunt sometimes. She is always hard on herself and tells herself she can do better than what she did before, even if she did it perfect the previous time before. She has a very low self-esteem, especially when it comes to her looks because she has honestly just given up because she feels like no one will ever her like her in that way, since her position of power that rests with her father dominates over many of the other demi-gods. She tends not to let that get her down though, but it is noticeable when she is having a bad day on account of that because she throws herself into whatever challenge has been presented to her.

Skills: Claire's skills are fairly lady like when it comes to being out of the water. She is very good at sewing, knitting, and writing. She is also very good at fighting, mainly hand to hand combat rather than with weapons, but she can still fight pretty well with a sword or weapon. She has an amazing singing voice and a pretty good gift with music, though she rarely enchants anyone with either of those two things. She has the ability to hold her breath underwater much longer than the average person can and she is also able to see underwater better than anyone else. In fact, she always claims that she can see underwater better than she can see in air. She is an amazing swimmer as well. Most of this comes from doing swim team for a few years, but she relates a few of it to her father.

Of course, as all children of Poseidon, Claire has hydrokinesis, the ability to control and create water. She can create hurricanes, or just make it rain if she wanted to. She has the ability to communicate with horses and sea creatures alike. She also has Geokinesis, the ability to create earthquakes, but she rarely deals with that because she loves water so much. With ice, she has the ability to melt ice and turn it into plain water, but she cannot freeze, or refreeze, any form of water. She has a few problems with her abilities though. For one, the ability to create rain is sometimes linked to her emotions, which unfortunately, sometimes causes downpours whenever she is angry or sad. It tends to happen just over the camp. She is still working on controlling her powers, but it is noticeable that she is one of the more powerful demi-gods.

Claire was born in a very painful birth to her mother Adrianne Fleur Bellerose, who, most of the time, required Claire to call her Madame Adri. Mme Adri lived in a small apartment overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, which was where Claire lived for most of her childhood. Her mother never being around, Claire always had her governess around, thanks to the wealthy managers for the ballet troupe that Mme Adri danced with. Claire's governess's name was Annabelle, a young American woman who had come from New York City to become a ballet dancer herself but had injured herself a few months back that had kept her from dancing ever again. Annabelle never told Claire what the injury was, but Claire always noticed a slight hobble to the governess's step.

Claire didn't mind being alone with Annabelle and her mother never being home. That just gave her more free time to herself, to go out and explore the beach or to go swimming in the water. The Mediterranean, which was always a fairly calm sea, one night suddenly kicked up and dragged her out into the sea. She screamed for help, but Annabelle was too far away to get to Claire fast enough. Before Claire blacked out from being knocked around by the water too many times, she saw a young man with dark hair and dark eyes looking at her from the ocean. That was before she blacked out. She was only five years old at the time. She woke up a few hours later back in her bedroom after being found on the beach, unscathed.

Mme Adri, scared that she would lose her daughter to the ocean that had once drew her in, fired Annabelle and put Claire into a performing arts school. Claire hated it, but she never wanted to disappoint her mother. She worked her hardest and it was here that her OCD and perfectionist attitude developed. She went to the school for almost ten years before there was that knock on the door. That is always what Claire refers it to. She was not around for it, but her mother told her that a young man had come by and dropped off a letter for her, with the seal of a trident on the back of it. Claire, her curiosity getting the better of her, tore open the letter and found it written in a beautiful script. She read that she was invited to go to this Camp Half-Blood. When she asked her mother for a clarification as to what Half-Blood meant, her mother finally told her the truth, about her father, about who she was... And Claire hated it. She didn't like that her mother had kept this from her all of these years and had been so overprotective of her going near water because her father hurt Mme Adri.

Claire immediately packed up her bags and took off for Camp Half-Blood, spending the last two years of her life there. Her powers, forced into hiding by not being near water, bloomed and exposed themselves at the camp itself. She has come to love the place and hopes to help out with many other lost demi-gods who need to find a place in the world with their own kind.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: A Trident.
Weapon/s Name:ισχυρό κύμα - Means Powerful Wave in Greek.
Weapon/s Type: Trident.
Attributes: ισχυρό κύμα or κύμα as Claire calls it has the ability to help Claire focus her powers in a more general area and make her be able to control more than she had been able to before. However, the trident only amplifies her water powers slightly and using κύμα causes a serious decrease in her strength.

~Other Information~

Other: She has a small vial around her neck filled with glowing blue salt water that was a gift from her father.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"On the Brightside" by NeverShoutNever.

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Claire Ari Bellerose.

I love her honey! Very well written up, and like perfectly balanced when it comes to her powers. As for her being friends with both Syleste and Arianna, that's more than fine with myself- with her being tested mentally and the like, I'm pretty sure that her cousin Erin (my Hades girl) is going to test her quite a lot in that department, I'm sure they're going to have quite the relationship with one another x'D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Great! I'll add Erin on there as a cousin. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

~Erin Marie Chase~

"Love and life are nothing more than a complete waste of time... Death..? Now that is an adventure..."
~ Erin Marie Chase.

~General Information~

Name: Erin Marie Chase.
Nick-Names: Justice, Creepy Girl, Skeleta, Freak.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Sixteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Los Angeles, USA.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Thirteen - Hades.

Appearance - Sixteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/ Straight.
Partner: None at this point in time.
Godly Parent: Ἁιδης Ἁδης - Hades, King of the underworld, & Lord of the dead.
Human Parent: Sophia Chase; Primary School Teacher.
Siblings: None at this point in time.
Legacy: Νεμεσις - Nemesis, Goddess of indignation against, & retribution for, evil deeds & undeserved good fortune.
Pet/s: Erin owns a beautiful black cat named Salem which she adores above almost all else at camp.
Other: Claire Ari Bellerose (Cousin - Met At Camp), Hawley Griffin (Close Friend - Met At Camp), Arianna Louise Watson (Close Friend - Met At Camp).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Seen to all those who are lucky enough to know her as an extremely forceful and independent young woman; Erin has always been noted to be not only exceedingly intelligent, but also a relatively hard working and quite the hard-hearted individual- her time within Camp Half-Blood proving her to be quite studious whenever she feels the need to be so, and most times her blunt nature coupled with her readily relied on logic helping her to deduce and search out information that most others would have missed out on completely. Though she is also seen at times to show a vast amount of not only social conscience, but also social tenacity and then at sometimes social awkwardness (brought on my her many years of abuse); Erin's strong emphasis on logic has more times than not made her quite skeptical about accepting almost anything without being presented with any sort of rational proof or hard and physical evidence; nevertheless, as her years within the camp have passed her by and she has both seen and learnt more about the world she is apart of, and as such, she has become slightly more willing to accept things as they are, willing to also come to intuitive conclusions.

Though rarely ever showing others the quite high sense of responsibility she feels due to being a child of one of the big three, or the dreaded fear and scarring terror that she holds thanks to her past, Erin rarely ever regrets any of the choices that she has made which have led her to where it is that she stands in the present- the mostly closed-off though still only slightly free-spirited young woman usually always seen to be putting up with the those lucky enough to be considered her friends, occasionally coming across to those around her as sharp of tongue, and exceedingly quick-witted; her light cynicism and on the rare occasion, bad moods and snarky attitude oftentimes leaving her to be the voice of reason among her more impulsive of friends, to varying levels of success. Despite her seemingly anti-social and cold-hearted nature towards all of those around her, Erin does have indeed have a softer and a more compassionate side to her; her fierce loyalty towards those she both calls and considers to be her friends shining through, and more times than none showing itself when those that she is close to are in trouble, are in immediate danger, are seriously injured or are on their way to death; however she oftentimes does all that she can to keep this side of her well hidden, choosing instead to become quite vengeful and to hold grudges against those who are responsible for whatever it is that has caused her to feel that way, showing all around her that she does not forgive others easily.

Nevertheless, in spite of her straitlaced disposition, Erin is not above using coercion and threats to get just what it is that she wants; the young demigod learning from her father that she needs to be unafraid to stand up to not only her enemies, but also to those that she calls and considers to be her friends, especially when she truly believes that it is in their best interests or when she feels in her heart that they are in the wrong- however, it is shown that she can also be extremely cruel and harsh towards those that cross her, or those of whom she dislikes; her determination and focus showing that she can become absolutely relentless, the woman herself not above taking revenge on those who have wronged the people in her life- whether it be something as simple as kicking their ass on the training field or pulling them into the darkness, or something more permanent such as opening up a chasm to the Underworld or even condemning a soul to the depths of tartarus. Despite of her overly opinionated and oftentimes interfering nature; Erin in her younger years held fast to her status of being quite the sweet, shy, sensitive and caring girl, though now that she is older and has a better understanding of the world she is apart of, her sometimes abrasive attitude, masked with her many deep insecurities and her strong fear of failure, cause her most at times feel the need that she had to prove herself to both her father and all those who were around her- however this is partly because of the many people who look down upon her due to the reputation that she gained due to being a daughter of the Lord Hades himself.

Nevertheless, Erin never truly lets anyone use her past life as a means to bully or belittle her, and never had any issues when it comes to both ignoring, standing up to, and engaging any morons who dare to and are stupid enough to try and get on her nerves or bad side; despite her strong confidence in both her skills and within her abilities, she is rarely ever shown to be exceedingly arrogant or conceited; and although she is not seen in public to be as short-tempered as her friends, she is quick to get annoyed and frustrated- never once backing down from an argument, an strong attitude that would shake even Olympus, and an indescribable passion for justice, Erin does all that she can to try her best at what she does, even if nothing ever truly works out for her in the end.

Skills: Due to rarely ever being seen training with others in the camp, or socializing with her friends within the camp, not many people know what Erin's skills truly are- the young girl not completely fussed with promoting what it is that she can and cannot do.

After her birth Erin's mother worked hard to provide her only daughter with everything that she never had when she was young, juggling several jobs just to be able to make ends meet. Growing up Erin found that she never really fit in with anyone, noticing that strange things always happened around her causing her classmates to pick on & tease her. With some encouragement from her mother though, Erin pushed forward eventually making a small group of friends who, despite what they had heard, welcomed her with open arms. As she continued to grow into a beautiful young lady Erin found that the strange occurrences that had happened around her as a child became more frequent; shadowy figures watching from a far, strange behavior from other students. Her own nervousness & slight fear causing her to turn her interests into more indoor & isolated interests in life; a love of both reading & drawing consuming her time & soon she let herself become absorbed in their worlds of wonder & awe. Wishing to pursue this path further she began to keep sketch books filling the pages with drawings of the things she had thought she had seen, keeping them to herself in the fear that she would get pushed aside & rejected by those she had grown close to. Her growing thirst for knowledge & her strange sense of artwork sending those who made her life hard to continue, the small jibes about her turning into bullying as the years passed by.

Hitting high school Erin found it easier to get through life hanging around with the guys in her year level rather than deal with the nasty bitching that came with the girls. Finding herself in a new relationship with one of the guys she knew she found herself beginning to feel things she never realized she had been capable of feeling; though his ever growing jealousy of her close bonds & relationships slowly caused her to put distance between her & those who had always been there for her & after many one sided conversations the two of them decided that it was time she took responsibility for her life. Not wishing to be a burden on her mother any longer she took on a job & eventually moved out, her determination something she was not willing to let be broken. Reluctant to let her go, her mother finally agreed making her promise that she would continue to put all her effort into her education so that she could have a good life. With the encouragement & help of both her friends and family, Erin settled down working to increase her grades & intelligence; feeling as though her relationship was stronger than ever. However, few months into the relationship she found that his jealousy began to grow even more extensive allowing her to see less & less of those she loved, soon out of hand she found herself being handled roughly her integrity as a woman being torn down bit by bit with every little thing she did wrong. Seen as nothing but a possession to be used in his eyes, she found herself showing up to school with anything that would allow her to hide the bruising she had received from the abuse being served to her at home.

Pulling further & further away from them, her friends & family soon became worried questioning her about her sudden actions & drastic change in personality. Refusing to answer their questions she tried pushing them away terrified of what would happen if they found out what was truly going on behind the doors of her home. Not believing her denial they pushed at her harder, eventually catching sight of the truth. Furious about her slip up he became worse than ever forcing her to stay home while the beatings became more frequent, cuts big & small joining the ones she had already had covering her body. After a particularly bad night she slipped away fleeing into night as she tried to get away from the torment in her life, her battered & weak body unable to keep up with the stress that had befallen it collapsed in the street unable to go any further. Growing worried about not being able to contact her, her friends spread out eventually coming across her laying in the street. Deciding enough was enough, Sophia sat them down revealing the truth about her daughters parentage before begging them to take her away to a place she had been told would keep her safe from the dangers in the world, reluctant at first they made their way to Camp Half-Blood leaving everything else behind in hopes of a better life. Now living full time in the camp, Erin sunk deep into isolation and depression throwing up walls & forcing a change in her attitude to keep people away; hiding the fear of being hurt again deep within her ever cold heart, though her short fuse & twisted sense of justice tend to get her more attention than she likes.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Gifted to her by her father, the Lord Hades himself; Erin had no other choice when it came to learning how to both wielding weapons, and learning how to fight against any threat which comes her way- the demigod herself preferring to train on her own and out in the forest, than within a pairing or a group.
Weapon/s Name: Ἔρεβος and φθορά, ᾶς, ἡ - 'Darkness' or 'Shadow' and 'Destruction' or 'Corrupted'.
Weapon/s Type: Twin Typhoon daggers & Throwing Needles.
Attributes: Earning their name 'Shadow'; her twin daggers, made of stygian iron which was both mined and forged within the Underworld itself, emit a black mist or aura around them, and once leaving her hands, will return to her and her alone when she goes and calls upon them.

~Other Information~

Other: Though she refuses to show anyone around her, not even those she considers to be her friends, how she truly feels about what happened to her in the past before moving to Camp Half-Blood; Erin is only ever truly terrified of one thing in the world, that thing happening to be the very ex-boyfriend who abused her not only mentally, but also physically as well for a large portion of her life.

Seemingly enjoying to just sit back and relax without letting on that anything is bothering her in any way; when not hanging out with her friends somewhere within the camp, Erin is often found sitting alone within her cabin either reading, sketching or listening to music- the only thing that truly gets her to show any sort of love and excitement being the one holiday of the year that she truly enjoys; Halloween.

Absolutely hating to be used or caught up within large crowds of people when it can be avoided; Erin has quite a large disdain for those who tend to gain unfairly against others, and has no qualms with both interfering in and and putting a complete stop to such situations- the young demigod often choosing to hide away alone within the isolation of her cabin with a brooding mood whenever the Christmas holiday comes around.

Quite the talented artist when it comes to drawing and painting, Erin chooses to mainly keep this particular talent to herself, though doesn't go out of her way to hide her sketchbooks or artworks from those who are brave enough to visit with her in her cabin- the demigod having no issues answering their questions if asked.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"The Edge" by Tonight Alive.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ok guys, should have my CS all finished up and posted by tomorrow if all goes well :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sweet :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

~Arianna Louise Watson~

"You need to learn to live fast, and to die young... And don't forget to work in as much fun as possible; truly is there any other way to exist..?"
~ Arianna Louise Watson.

~General Information~

Name: Arianna Louise Watson.
Nick-Names: Ari, Watto, Lulu, DJ Anna, Alice, Liddle.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Seventeen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Miami Florida, USA.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Twelve - Dionysus.

Appearance - Seventeen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/ Straight.
Partner: None at this point in time.
Godly Parent: Διονυσος - Dionysus, God of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, & religious ecstasy.
Human Parent: Jean Watson; Owner of several bars & a nightclub.
Siblings: None at this point in time.
Legacy: Unknown as of this time.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Ky' vie Morgan (Best Friend), Erin Marie Chase (Best Friend), Hawley Griffin (Best Friend), Syleste Astrea Nioré (Best Friend), Claire Ari Bellerose (Close Friend).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Seen by all within Camp Half-Blood to be both an extremely spirited and quick-witted young demigod, Arianna is not only known for being a very creative person, but also an exceedingly fierce and loyal friend to all of those that she considers herself to be close to; the young woman having a very compassionate and caring nature towards those who show her that they deserve it, allowing them to see the real her, rather than showing them just what it is that everyone expects her to be due to her father being not only the camps director, but also the God of wine; the girl unafraid of showing nothing but comfort and love towards both her family and friends, and an almost sisterly type care towards the sweet and caring counselor of the Morpheus cabin that she has grown close to during her time within the camp. Extremely relaxed and seemingly bursting with life, Arianna can always be found at the very center of attention whenever she is participating in, making an appearance at, or even when hosting one of her many well-known parties and get-together's- and while considered to be quite beautiful by many of those who meet her, she is intensely faithful and loyal to the one who has managed to steal her heart at any given time.

An incredibly intelligent young woman, Arianna proves herself time and time again to be not only beautiful, but also capable at handling anything that gets thrown her way; her strong fiery spirit, unbridled will-power and passionate independent streak helping the young woman to rarely ever hesitate whenever it comes to standing up against someone, whether it be her best friend or even her father, Dionysus. Displaying an immense amount of courage and a slightly heroic ability as a fighter whenever the situation calls for it, Arianna is never afraid to intervene or put herself in the middle of an argument; her extremely stubborn nature leaving almost nothing to be desired as she stands up for what she feels within her heart is right- despite portraying a rather fierce, extremely outgoing and openly confident young demigod; Arianna sometimes has the nasty habit of biting at her nails whenever she gets nervous or overly anxious, the young woman sometimes having to force and consciously refrain herself from doing so when she is in the company of others- the medication she receives from the Apollo children helping to keep the madness within at bey, both her personality and habits changing and worsening with each and every day that she doesn't take, or is forced to go without it.

Quite the vicious little thing whenever she is pushed far enough, Arianna is widely known for being quite tough, not only being able to take a physical beating, but mentally as well; although her mental stability is often called into question by others and does oftentimes tend to get in the way, the woman has a mean streak strong enough to match that of her father- her well-kept temper leaving her a force to be reckoned with. With what seems to be an unquenchable thirst for fun; Arianna always manages to find something in which to occupy her time, whether it be heading out on a road trip with best friend to a music festival, or relaxing back in her cabin drinking it up with her mates- she does all that she can to live her life to the fullest and to the best of her ability, though with her fathers madness forever tugging at her mind, it's best not to make her mad.

Strengths: Living her life with an extreme flair for partying, and with both a hot and in demand talent and love of DJ'ing; Arianna always tends to have a knack for both getting what she wants and getting her way, whether it just be getting information out of seemingly reluctant parties, or something more such as getting out of doing something that she doesn't particularly want to, or feel like doing at the time; the young demigod using her attractive physical appearance and her strong charisma to her advantage, making it quite hard on others to say the word "no" to her. Also a skilled climber, parkour enthusiast and a fast runner, Arianna has great reflexes, especially when it comes to handling a blade; her great speed and excellent flexibility helping her greatly when it comes to going out on quests and participating within camp activities.

After her birth Arianna’s mother, Jean, threw herself into her work trying as hard as she could to provide her daughter with anything she would need growing up though with a growing business and a busy club being a single mother was never an easy feat. Growing up surrounded by music, alcohol and a vast amount of staff whom she always considered her family, the young outgoing child was found the center of attention; never letting there be a dull moment in the lives of all those she knew. With worry for how her surroundings might impact her future her mother and the rest of the staff pulled together teaching her as best they could things that she had always shown an interest in; defense and how to fight from the bouncers and the security guards, music and mixing from the DJ’s and bands that her mother employed, and as she grew older she learnt how to mix and create her own drinks from the bartenders who had watched over her throughout her life. Hitting high school Arianna never found it hard to make friends with those surrounding her, quickly making close bonds and relationships with those she felt she could truly trust though with her laid back and curious nature the girl always had a flair for cruising through life with not many worries clouding her head. With the encouragement and help of her friends and family though, Arianna managed to push up her grades all the while honing her skills in the areas she found she had a love of; her already vast collection of music and alcohol growing immensely with each year that passed her by.

Extremely protective over her friends she kept a close watch over them stepping in whenever someone made small jibes or rumors about any of them though as it began to turn into full blown bullying her patience, and unbeknownst to her, her sanity began to wear thin. After a particularly nasty day for her best friend ending with the two huddled in the hospital with the nurse wrapping bandages around her wrists Arianna had had enough a small switch clicking over in her mind causing her to step over the edge causing everyone to begin to grow weary of her, tip-toeing around her careful not to make a wrong move. Catching up with the one the guy who had put her friend in the hospital under constant watch she forced her way into his home economics class confronting him all the while ignoring the protests of the teacher, having enough of his crap and wanting to put him through the same pain that he had put her friend through she grabbed his arm shoving his hand into the blender that was being used by one of the other students causing the school to go into a full blown panic. Not knowing what else to do with her the justice system had her sent away separating her from the world she loved by placing her in an asylum far from the company of her family and friends. After a year locked away in a padded cell for her crime Arianna was released back into her mother’s care with a new nickname and a new instilled fear of losing control of herself again; deciding the time was right Jean sat her down telling her the truth about her father and where she could find him, taking that as a hint she packed her bags up and with the help of her family she made her way to the camp. Now living full time in the camp with her father, Arianna tries to keep herself in good spirits though whenever she can she always jumps at the chance of going to festivals, spending more time away then in her own cabin.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Both owning and maintaining two completely different types of weapons, the young demigod keeps them both separate, using each for different mental situations- her more favored, though rarely used weapon a reminder of her time spent within the asylum due to letting the madness festering within her take over; the weapon itself helping to reinforce the nick-name given to her during that time, and modeled after a weapon from one of her more favored games.
Weapon/s Name: Αγκάθι and Αίμα άλογο - 'Thorn' and 'Blood Horse'.
Weapon/s Type: Gun Blade and Hammer.
Attributes: Not Applicable.

~Other Information~

Other: Not particularly a fan of being left on her own, or having to deal with complete and utter silence even while in a group; after a full years stint within an institution before she was sent to the camp to live under her father's watchful eye, Arianna is completely terrified of losing control of herself again just as she did during her past- the madness within herself, and the thought that it could once again take over, her deepest and darkest fear.

Wanting nothing more than to spend as much time as she can with those that she considers her friends, Arianna is always willing to think up new ways in which the group can keep the fun alive, her more favored activities being both gaming nights in the cabins, and surfing down at the beach with the Poseidon children- with an absolute and undeniable love of both partying and drinking until the night ends and the sun comes up above the camp; the buzz of the alcohol always seems to put a bounce into her step, helping to make her more affectionate towards those who tend to come too close after she's been drinking for a while, though she tends to be lucky when taking after her Godly father, never truly feeling the need to sleep off those nasty hangovers that she never seems to get.

Taking after her father when it comes to tending to the fields of the camp, the demigod is extremely skilled in growing both plants and vines, her speciality being the long lines of grape vines that the camp uses to create the wine served during meals- extremely sought after for her alcohol making abilities, Arianna is exceedingly skilled at making things such as beer, wine, ect.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song - Normal Arianna:
"You Make Me Feel" by Cobra Starship ft. Sabi.

Theme Song - Asylum Arianna:
"Monster" by Skillet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

~General Information~

Name:Logan Murdock
Nick-Names: Logger, the Loganator (self-made nickname), Doc
Sex/Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Place Of Origin: Boulder, Colorado
Camp Cabin: Stand-in Counselor of Cabin One- Zeus

Appearance -Looks about nineteen or twenty years old: His eyes are a stormy dark grey and lightens to an almost blue when he is in a truly good mood.

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single, but grieving.
Sexuality: Straight
Partner: None
Godly Parent:jʊpɪtɛr- Jupiter, or Jove.
Human Parent: Aoife (pronounced ee-fa)
Siblings: None
Legacy: Second generation Legacy of Fortūna- His grandfather was a half-blood, born of Fortūna.
Pet/s: None
Other: Erin Chase(cousin), Claire Bellerose(cousin).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Logan is a tireless optimistic and seen as an inspiration by his fellow Campers. He found that the burden of being a child of the king of gods was only heavy if one allowed it to be. He tries to prove that he is worthy of expectations, driving him to train nearly day and night to hone already impressive skills. His perfectionism applies only to the field however, if one were to look at his personal quarters they'd find it is frequently a whirlwind of messiness. This contrast often befuddles anyone that tries to get close to Logan, which is a difficult task. Knowing how others look up to him, Logan frequently keeps people at a friendly distance. He'll make small talk, but once questions become more personal, he tries to avoid and change the subject. With his intense drive, many people begrudge him, saying that no one could be quite so perfect as the Child of Jupiter strives to be.

They'd be right, as Logan hosts a vast expanse of doubt and grief. Logan feels that he may not be up to the task of honoring his godly father and living up to Jason's name, especially after his last battle. With the loss came a tempering of his usually outgoing and inclusive behavior, leading to his seclusive behavior. Many have tried to talk to Logan, with words of condolences and permission to show his pain, but he waves it off not wanting to worry others. He feels that if he's to heal, he must first try to heal others but never sees the shortcoming of that line of reasoning. Being quite logical, he knows that he should open to someone about his problems, but still feels that he should not burden anyone with them. He feels it is almost a sign of weakness to be so broken by one death when loss has been felt by so many after the recent wars.

Logan is only as good as his tolerance and has been suffering bouts of melancholia and despair. His bright outlook is often swept aside as this mood settles on the boy and he secludes himself during these times. If one were to look for him, they might find him at the edge of an expanse of water in the wilderness or a shoreline. He finds screaming helps, but only does so when he is certain none may overhear him. Nonetheless, he drives on, wanting to be rid of the demons that have settled on his soul. On the worst nights, he listens to the last voicemail he received from Ashley.

Skills: A paramount soldier, Logan is versed in an array of tactics and types of warfare. He found that his best skill is in the breaking of the enemy's defense, often putting him at the front-line of a battlefield. He is a fair hand at archery, but excels with bladed weapons and staves. His personal love is hand-to-hand combat, going to a mixed-martial arts dojo in his spare time to learn the tricks of their trade. He is usually seen carrying a gladius, a larger than normal buckler, and a pair of javelins onto the battlefield.

Being a child of Jupiter, he has the ability to manipulate the winds, fly, and summon great bolts of lightning to smite his enemy. After Jason Grace's accounts of his last quest, he has begun to practice his abilities of flight, finding it harder than expected. He can manage it, but finds the ability taxing and prefers to save his strength for his other talents. He finds that he can summon exceptional feats of strength, much like Heracles, for short bursts of time, but it leaves him utterly exhausted forcing him to recuperate for awhile. His last gift is the ability to summon a great lightning storm aura around his person, but is only accessible during great duress or extreme emotion.

Unknown to Logan, the blood of Fortūna still runs in his veins, but not like his grandfather who had made a fortune in stocks after taking great risks and always having them pay off. The gift of luck has been passed down, but diluted through the generational gap. Arrows tend to miss him and enemies' attacks do not always land where they intended, but Logan is in no way infallible. One arrow is not all the enemy will be able to fire and one slash is not what wins a fight. Other than this, Logan has hunches, or vibes as he calls them, forewarning him when something terrible or great is to happen.

Other than his skills as a demigod and solider, Logan has been writing poetry on and off for years. Recently he's taken to it with a fervor, writing down his pain one of the few ways he can console himself.

Logan was born with a family already versed in the world of the gods and was raised in the dark. He lived in ignorance until he was fifteen, until he grew too powerful and became the target of monsters. They told him of his half-blood and Legacy status and soon he embarked on a journey to the House of Wolves. He passed his trials quickly, earning his Camp Jupiter tattoo and was placed in the First Cohort, from the commendation of his Grandfather, a Legacy of Fortūna. He rose in ranks quickly, nearly besting Jason's own record. This is where the similarities end, as Logan was never offered the title of Praetor. His last quest ended in abysmal failure and nearly broke the optimistic young man.

In a team of three, he was the sole survivor due to a lot of luck. Tasked with finding out about a rumored amassing of monsters Logan, his second-in-command Nolan, and his girlfriend Ashley went to investigate. They were careful, scouting the perimeter before going into the area cited in their information. The monsters were waiting however and ambushed them as the trie entered a hastily abandoned camp. Although each of them were skilled, they were pushed until their backs were to a cliff. The monsters were unrelenting and followed in pursuit. Logan saw no other way of destroying this threat to his camp and with the agreement of his friends, struck the ground with his fist, cracking the rock shelf with his summoned strength. As the terrible cracking filled the air, he said good-bye to his friends and lover, puling them into a fierce embrace.

He awoke the night after, toppling out of the one tree left standing among a field of debris from the broken cliff. Coughing, he searched for days until he had no more strength. His friends were no where to be seen, dead under the avalanche of rocks. How had he survived when his friends hadn't? He screamed out his grief and slowly made his way back to camp. He arrived a couple weeks later, Reyna ashen-faced when he informed him of the incident. Unable to face his fellow campers, he requested transfer to Camp Half-Blood, hoping the change of scenery might rid him of his grief.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Gladius, two pilum, buckler, and a pugio
Weapon/s Name: Gladius- "Semper acer" or always sharp
Weapon/s Type:Blades are of Imperial gold, buckler of celestial bronze.
Attributes: His gladius, Semper Acer is without rival when it comes to sharpness, cutting through any material.

~Other Information~

Other:Logan is new to Camp Half-Blood and has no connections as of yet. This will be his first day in his new home.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
Here Without you - 3 Doors Down
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

@WittyWolf, I absolutely love him hun! Well done and welcome to the camp, he is accepted! I can already tell that my Ari, Ky and Syl are all going to get along with him, and though she might not seem it, I'm pretty sure that Erin will as well; though in her own special way, loll

I'll post him up in the character tab in the morning :'D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you! The hardest part was figuring out a reason he'd go to Camp Half-Blood since he truly loved Camp Jupiter. ^^"

I'm glad he'll have a few fast friends at camp, the guy needs them ^-^ Heh, I think Erin might become the closest to Logan, with her tough-as-nails personality. Those are quite common in Camp Jupiter and it'll be like a slice of home for him!

Cool! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"War is necessary. Without war, the world would fall to chaos. Everything must remain in balance. If we have peace, we must have war, or nothing is in balance."
~ Gideon James Carlyle.

~General Information~

Name: Gideon James Carlyle.
Nick-Names: The Fighter, G, Captain.
Sex/ Gender: Male.
Age: Eighteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Sydeny, Australia.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Eight - Ares' Cabin.

Appearance - Eighteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Partner: None.
Godly Parent: Ares, God of War.
Human Parent: Emma Carlyle - Secondary School Gym Teacher
Siblings: None at the moment.
Legacy: Unknown.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Claire Bellerose (Close Friend, Met at Camp), Arianna Louise Watson (Good Friend, Met At Camp), Erin Marie Chase (Competitor, Not Enemies, but Always Are Butting Heads), Ky' Vie Morgan (Good Friends, Met at Camp).

~Personal Information~

Personality: Gideon is an emulation of his father, but in a slightly toned down fashion. His father is very power hungry, very driven to win every war or create war among others. Gideon does not do that. Gideon is not power hungry, nor does he ever want to make anyone fight. However, he is very driven when it comes to fighting competitions or fighting in general. That side of his father still remains with him. He considers himself one of the best, if not the best fighter in all of the camp.

Gideon is ruthless when it comes to fighting. He doesn't believe in giving mercy where mercy is due. He feels that giving mercy to someone who doesn't deserve it is weakness. He hates showing weakness or anyone who portrays themselves as submissive and weak. He has never once given mercy to anyone that he has faced on a battle field and the only time he has ever not killed someone or something was when he was in the camp and he was playing Capture the Flag or was doing the Obstacle course. Outside of the camp, he believes it is everyone for themselves and if they get in his way... they will feel his wrath. He is very protective of his friends and family, no matter how much they irk him sometimes.

Outside of fighting, though, it seems like Gideon is a pretty nice guy. He is a little bit big-headed and has a big ego. He is very boastful and full of himself, being a son of Ares as is. He believes that he can take on any demi-god in fighting, and for the most part he is correct. Gideon uses his intelligence of combat and battle to help him win almost any fight that he has stumbled upon. Because of all of this, though, he tends to start a few fights because many of the demi-gods do not like him saying that he is better than them, when he really is. Gideon does have a short temper, but it can be easily squandered with a hand placed on the shoulder to hold him back or a glance from one of his friends. He is very loyal to his friends, which also makes him not make friends as easily, because friends, to him, have to prove that they are worthy to be loyal to.

Skills: Gideon is one of the more athletic demi-gods. He is a fast runner and excellent climber. He is quite intelligent when it comes to combat and war. Thanks to his father being the God of War, Gideon has the knowledge and ability to battle with almost any weapon much better than any others. He is a fast learner, which means that he can adapt to different weapons fairly quickly. He also has an ability to conjure up small weapons, but he cannot conjure up big weapons. The biggest thing he can get is a knife. Gideon, as being one of the eldest children of Ares, has developed his power of Odikinesis, which is the manipulation of the emotions of hate and anger, which causes the start of wars. He rarely uses this gift though because it seems that his choice of words has the ability to start a fight on its own.

When it comes to Ares' blessing, Gideon rarely has to ask to get it. He starts to get a red glow around him and he cannot be injured whenever Ares' blessing is bestowed upon him. He is not invincible though. Ares' blessing can tired out a person and if it lasts too long, it can seriously injure the person it was bestowed upon. Gideon has nearly passed out multiple times during fights because of it.

Gideon was born a silent child to Emma Carlyle, a secondary school gym teacher from Sydney, Australia. Gideon was a very rambunctious baby, but a fairly quick learner when it came to anything physical. He was walking by the time he was six months old and running by the time he was a year old. He learned to speak soon after. Emma loved Gideon to death and would do anything to protect him, which was why she was so worried about him being able to do all of these things so quickly.

Emma, tired of her life in Sydney and the stress of being a single mother, decided to move to America, where her brother had moved. Specifically, she wound up moving to New York City with Gideon, who was about six at the time, young enough to have developed an Australian accent, one that would stay with him through the years. Gideon started attending elementary school as soon as they moved to America. He would state that he liked it to his mother, but in actuality, he didn't like it as much as he claimed. Many of the kids made fun of him for having his accent and being smarter than most of them were. He hated it, and as he grew older, it began to eat at him. He got into three fights when he was in fifth grade and Emma soon withdrew him from school, stating that her and her brother would teach him. Emma wanted to protect Gideon as much as possible, but it was going to be hard to do that without explaining why so many people wanted to fight him.

Gideon first learned of his father from his mother when he was twelve years old. After getting into yet another fight with a boy at the park one evening after not even doing anything, Emma decided it was time to tell Gideon the truth. She explained to Gideon that he was the son of Ares, the Greek God. Gideon, not really knowing about Greek mythology at the time, nodded, confused. Emma showed him information on Ares, watching him for a reaction. Gideon didn't get angry; he wasn't even a little bit upset. Instead, he felt better about himself. He now knew why everyone made fun of him and why he was different. He thought being a demi-god was amazingly cool. He thanked his mother for telling him, but she made him swear not to tell anyone else, which he swore he wouldn't, and he never did.

Gideon made his way to Camp Half-Blood at fourteen years old, after his mother died in a car accident. His uncle was barely surviving and Gideon didn't want to be a burden on him, so he headed out to the Camp that he had only heard about, leaving his uncle only a note. Gideon has been in the camp for four years now, being the Counselor of the Ares' cabin since he was sixteen. He helps out with a lot of the training for fighting, which he doesn't mind, and he tends always be one of the captains of the Capture the Flag games. He feels like he belongs now, and strives to make both of his parents proud.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Because he is the God of War's son, he has a very clear ability to be able to work with many weapons. He has a keen wit to be able to turn almost anything, even himself, into a weapon. Though, whenever he can, he tends to use traditional weapons.
Weapon/s Name: "Θάντερ" and "αστραπές", standing for Thunder and Lightning.
Weapon/s Type: Twin Katanas, made out of diamond coated in a steel cover to make it look like a normal sword.
Attributes: None that help him in anyway.

~Other Information~

  • He can make knives out of thin air.
  • He has a pendant of an anchor on a necklace that he always has on his neck. The necklace looks slightly like army tags.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Come With Me Now" by Kongos.

"Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him."
(Hope it's okay I made two...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Gideon James Carlyl

@WhiteStar19, oh he is awesome!! I love him!! Accepted honey!! He and Ky are going to get along perfectly; and they can be each others little slice of home xD

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

~Ky' vie Morgan~

"Even when your whole world shatters, you need to learn to live in the moment. Those who fall off the bike, need to know that they can get back on."
~ Ky' vie Morgan.

~General Information~

Name: Ky' vie Morgan.
Nick-Names: Ky, Speed Racer, Apple, The Mechanic.
Sex/ Gender: Female.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Place Of Origin: Melbourne Victoria, Australia.
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Nine - Hephaestus.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/ Straight.
Partner: None at this point in time.
Ex-Partner: Derek Corvine; though Ky' vie is single, still holds feelings and is in love with him.
Godly Parent: Ἡφαιστος - Hephaestus; God of fire, metalworking, stone-masonry & the art of sculpture.
Human Parent: Cheryl Morgan; Never there, she was raised by her grandparents who are now both deceased.
Siblings: None at this point in time.
Legacy: Αγλαιη Αγλαια - Aglaea, Goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence & adornment (One of the three Graces).
Pet/s: Ky' vie has a mechanical dog the size of a husky that was given to her by her father which she calls Ratchet.
Other: Erin Marie Chase (Best Friend), Hawley Griffin (Best Friend), Syleste Astrea Nioré (Best Friend), Arianna Louise Watson (Best Friend), Gideon James Carlyle (Best Friend), Claire Ari Bellerose (Close Friend).

~Personal Information~

Personality: A mechanics expert and an intellectual genius when it comes to all things involving the use of tools, Ky' vie throws herself into her work with a fiery passion that's unmatched by any other seen in Camp Half-Blood. Extremely resourceful and able to think 'outside of the box', this handy teenager is a force to be reckoned with, her designs and creations like nothing ever seen by those of her generation. A keen and driven young woman when it comes to her future, Ky' vie pushes the boundaries of inventing, her hard work and determination helping to further the advancements of the camp with her interesting idea's on both technology and transportation.

Most times seen as extremely loud and always dependable when it comes to a job, this knowledgeable young woman is very quick of wit and high tempered, not allowing those who think themselves better than her to walk over and try to control her. Stubborn as an ox and once known to be more hot headed than most living in the camp, Ky' vie is unafraid to speak her mind, her anger and frustration causing her to sometimes unknowingly mix in Australian slang into her speech, more times than not ends up confusing whoever is on the receiving end of the teenagers wrath.

A vicious young woman thing when she's pushed far enough, Ky' vie is known for being a stereotypical tough biker chick; not only being able to take a physical beating, but mentally as well though her conscience does sometimes tend to get in the way. With her stubbornness and her determination to get things done, Ky' vie is extremely strong-willed, rarely ever changing her stance upon something once she has set her mind to it, causing many to waste their breath when they try to convince her otherwise. Quick to call others out on their behavior and actions, her own emotions (when running high) tend to cause the young woman to sometimes be both foolish and irrational, leading her into situations that she rarely thinks about first.

A brave girl at heart, Ky' vie isn't afraid to take jump into action, the reckless girl willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means putting her own life on the line to save others from harm. Known as a major risk taker and driven by the thought of protecting both her camp and the ones that she loves, Ky' vie has a strong love of racing; the teenagers skills on a motorbike unmatched by any other that she has faced on the streets. Growing up in a family with very little to their name, she learnt quickly to become a fighter in all senses of the word, in order for her to live and survive everything that life and everyone in it had to throw her way, believing that even in the toughest of situations there was a bigger force that had a plan for her and all those she cares for.

Intensely loyal to the ones she loves and cares for, Ky' vie is highly family-oriented with the exception of her father, and is extremely sentimental when it comes to both her late grandparents and her home back in Australia; the demigod going above and beyond the duty of a normal teenager by working her hardest to provide them with a life better then she ever had. Immensely protective over her family, she tends to take any threats against them with a severity like no other, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that they are safe, well looked after and have everything in life that they could possibly need.

Strengths: Thanks to growing up surrounded by people who encouraged her to pursue what mattered most to her, Ky' vie has an extensive and expert knowledge base when it comes to mechanics and inventing, the young demigod learning everything she knew by silently watching as others worked and explained what it took to make different things work as one to get a job done. Now one of the youngest and most talented mechanics world-wide, Ky' vie is able to effectively communicate with her team about both the diagnosis and how to repair a range of different machines, allowing her to quickly identify the source of a problem and any other related issues before having them taken care of in a timely manner; her excellent (and sometimes challenging) communication skills helping her to be able to translate complex and technical jargon into simple terms for all to understand easily.

Working hard and dedicated to her particular field of work, Ky' vie has a solid work ethic and is nine times out of ten committed to quickly solving and repairing problems that seem to occur with what she's working on, the feisty woman having no issues with voicing her opinions and being brutally honest with those asking her about her work. Able to use a wide variety of technical (and at times strange) tools to address various issues that might occur, Ky' vie also has a mastery over several integrated systems such as: electrical, fuel, air, and cooling. The young demigod, though holding a great knowledge of the industry, always pushing herself to the limits to expand on her intelligence and skills so that she can continue to be the best, and give what little family she still has left the life she wants them to live.

Growing up under the loving care of her mothers parents, Ky was always a sweet and kind young girl. Forming a stronger relationship with the guys of the group rather than the girls, the young Australian learning from a young age how to look after and defend herself. Hanging out with the guys helped her to grow into a beautiful, confident young lady. Wanting to do her best and help her family in anyway she could, she threw herself into her studies, raising her grades so that she could make her grandparents proud of who she was becoming. Deciding that it was time for their granddaughter to become a woman of her own, her grandparents sat her down telling her the truth about her past their wishes for her to seek out and live within the camp that her father had spoken to them about many times. Reluctantly she packed her bags saying goodbye to her family before heading off for a new life within Camp Half-blood where she met her several people who welcomed and accepted her for who she was. After a year of arriving in the camp the close knit group of friends decided it was time to travel packing their things into the back of her newly build car before they set out to travel around unknowingly putting a target on their backs and causing them to land in a hell they never believed they would get out of; the Goddess Ate unintentionally teaching them that they needed to be more careful about what they do.

After what seemed like days of torture, Ky woke up finding herself in the infirmary surrounded by the Apollo children who worked tirelessly to keep the pain of her injuries at a bare minimum; just another reminder of what their lives would have in store for them all. Soon after getting back to a normal daily routine Ky pushed herself into her work growing closer and closer to one of her friends who had been by her side since day one in the camp, the two of them eventually giving into their feelings for each other and beginning a relationship. After a year, one trip back to her hometown and the loss of grandfather caused a strain on their relationship and in turn caused the love of her life to walk out and leave the camp to be with his family, leaving her on her own once more with those she thought were friends moving on with their lives one by one. At the loss of her last known family, her grandmother, she flew back home for the last time knowing that once she had set all affairs in order she would no longer be able to return to the place she grew up into the loving arms of people she once knew. Now a mature polite young teenager, Ky stepped out of the safety walls of the place she had called home and back into the world nervous to rejoin camp and mess things up for her family who are watching over her. Slipping back into a semi-normal daily routine she tries her best to keep out of trouble and reform the bonds she once had while forgetting the love she once shared, knowing that it wasn't meant to be.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: Though once known to be one of the more violent people within the camp, her strength and skills in fighting matching even that of the Ares children; Ky' vie no longer relies or believes that fighting should be used to solve all her problems like she did when she was younger, the demigod only ever using her weapon when the situation calls for her to do so.
Weapon/s Name: χόβολη - 'Ember'.
Weapon/s Type: Scythe.
Attributes: Doing everything to earn its name 'Ember' and the fearsome reputation that it and its owner both hold; the scythe, when used correctly and the lantern lit with her spark, emits both deadly flames and sparks, sending embers flying through the air with each and every swing- a dangerous game to play, especially when surrounded by the highly flammable liquids she uses, and the forests of the camp which could light up easily.

~Other Information~

Other: With immense talent for drawing up both blueprints and plans that are unmatched by any other in Camp Half-Blood; Ky' vie has an absolute love for tinkering with plans and parts, building machines and other items from scratch, and for fixing broken things that other campers come to her for help with; whether it be as simple as fixing the Aphrodite children's hair curlers, or something more complex such as cars or motorbikes.

With a simple need and enjoyment of both spending time and entertaining her friends within the camp, Ky' vie has a strong love of cooking and will often throw barbecue's for the campers, giving those who wouldn't normally the chance to hang out and mingle with others around them- the demigod sometimes showing her musical talent by even not only breaking out her guitar and piano playing skills, but also her singing voice when those around her all ask for and cheer her on to do so.

Having once been kidnapped with her friends by the Goddess Ate, so that they could become her new found and most favorite of 'toys', Ky' vie has an extremely strong fear and pure hatred of the Goddess herself and more times than none tends to grow both angry and exceedingly violent while in her presence- the only other things to cause such terror to strike her heart being the thought of finding herself stuck at a great height, and the thought of having nothing left to live for.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Come Home" by Tonight Alive.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

~Kiran Khanna~

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

~General Information~

Name: Kiran Khanna
Nick-Names: Sunshine, Devika
Sex/ Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen Years Old
Place Of Origin: New York City, New York
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Eleven - Apollo

Appearance - Seventeen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Partner: None at the moment
Godly Parent:Ἀπόλλων - Apollo, God of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Human Parent: Malati Khanna; Civil Engineer
Siblings: None
Legacy: None
Pet/s: None at the moment
Other: ?

~Personal Information~

Personality: Kiran tends to be quiet, but thoughtful when she's in school, or by herself. She enjoys thinking and picking up small bits of information here and there. She sometimes gets sidetracked with researching a random topic that comes up. She has a short attention span when it comes to things she doesn't find truly enthralling. Her curiosity usually gets the best of her. She'll take high risks to gain the knowledge she desires.

However, when she's around people, she's up beat and friendly. She's head strong and cares about the people around her, whether she knows them or not. She'll go out of her way to make others feel welcome. Kiran will usually try to break awkward silences, and frequently makes a fool of herself while doing so. In the end, though, she just wants people to open up to her. Kiran usually has little enemies, and put others before herself. She can find someone good in everything, and appreciates the little things in life.

She gets along very well with Apollo. Her relationship with her father is better than most demigods. He calls her Devika, which means "little goddess" in Hindu. Usually she down plays being the favorite child, claiming that she's just really pushy when it comes to visiting him. However, she's very hard on herself and is always trying to make herself better, by pushing herself beyond her boundaries. She very rarely cares about her own health, occasionally causing harm to herself.

Skills: Kiran is an extremely good musician. She can play a multitude of instruments, and has a sweet melodic alto voice. And while she's absolutely terrible at archery (much to her dismay), she is an expert at double wielding. Her skills in healing are average by normal Apollo cabin standards, but in the real world they seem rather exceptional.

Kiran has the ability to use photokinesis. She can create illusions/hallucinations, create light shields/force field, project healing energies, blast of lights to impale or blind enemies for some time or maybe forever, and create a ball or shape of light to blast.

Kiran's mother was an immigrant to America. She was raised in India, where the rest of her family lived. However, Kiran's mother was invited to attend a college at the New York Institute of Technology where she decided that she wanted to learn the cultures of the US and fit in. So she went to a college party, got drunk, and ended up sleeping with Apollo, who was in disguise. After learning she was pregnant, Kiran's mother was ashamed, because it went against her culture and belief. However, she refused to get an abortion because that was also against her belief. So when the child was born she was named Kiran, meaning "Ray of light". Kiran's mother never knew who Kiran's father was.

Kiran's mother constantly exposed Kiran to Indian culture. So, through rigorous home teachings, Kiran has learned Hindu. As Kiran grew up, her mother wanted her to become a doctor. So Kiran, tried her best in school, however, due to her dyslexia and ADHD she had trouble focusing in school. She always hung out with the smart students in her grade, and tried her best to appear smart. She lived with high expectations constantly on her shoulders.

Eventually, as classes got harder, Kiran's grades dropped. Furious, her mother started punishing her more and more severely. It started off with taking away luxuries such as internet, and her phone, but eventually it lead to even more. Soon, her meals were taken away and she was constantly sleep deprived from how long her mother would force her to stay up in order to study. However, Kiran's grades were barely improving. It got to the point where her mother would beat her for her grades. While it didn't particularly hurt very bad because her mother didn't have much strength, it was still emotionally scarring. After awhile, Kiran's friends and teachers at school noticed. Soon the school called social services and Kiran was taken away from her home. At a foster home, a satyr found her and brought her to camp. Kiran's was thrilled to have people she could consider family. She lives at Camp Half-Blood, but is sometimes forced to see her mother who is trying to regain custody of Kiran.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: An adamantine double hook sword, given to her as a gift from Apollo.
Weapon/s Name: Khryseis (Χρύσηίς) - Means Golden
Weapon/s Type: Double Hook Sword
Attributes: The two ends of the swords are connected by a chain the length of Kiran's wingspan. She can use this to wrap around someone's neck or to extend her reach.

~Other Information~

Other: At the moment, Kiran is desperately trying to find a suitable wolf to become her pet.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Young Volcanoes (Cover)" by Tiffany Alvord
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Kiran Khanna

@Knight of Doom, totally accepted, she's very interesting for an Apollo kid :D

Also with 'others' in the relationships section, if she's been at the camp for a while and helps out in the infirmary, she would most definitely know Arianna- there is also the possibility of her knowing Hawley, Ky, Syleste, Erin, Claire and Gideon due to them all having been at the camp for a while. Unless this is going to be her first day too? -curious-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

~Hawley Eames Griffin~

"Young people don't always do what they're told, but if they can pull it off and do something wonderful, sometimes they escape punishment."
~ Hermes

~General Information~

Name: Hawley Eames Griffin
Nick-Names: Grif, Wingfoot, [The] Trickster
Sex/Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Years Old
Place Of Origin: Northern Ireland, raised in America
Camp Cabin: Counselor of Cabin Six - Hermes

Appearance - Twenty Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight
Partner: None at this point in time
Godly Parent: Ερμής - Hermes, God of roads, speed, messengers, commerce, travel, thieves, merchants & athletes
Human Parent: Holly Griffin, High-School student
Siblings: None at this point in time
Legacy: Αθήνα - Athena, Goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, useful arts & battle strategy.
Pet/s: None
Other: Syleste Nioré (Best Friend - Childhood Friend), Ky' vie Morgan (Close Friend - Met at Camp), Arianna Waton (Close Friend - Met at Camp, Erin Chase (Close Friend/Acquaintance - Met at Camp)

~Personal Information~

Personality: Upon first impression, many people dislike Griffin for his sardonic nature, snarky attitude, and apathetic, brutally honest demeanor. Often unwilling to take a position of responsibility and begrudgingly following orders, Griffin can be aptly described as a "free spirit", uncaring of what he does so long as he chooses to do it.

Griffin does not suffer fools gladly, and completely disregards anyone he perceives to be arrogant, rude, cruel, or stupid, treating them with open disdain and sarcasm.

This mocking nature masks a more insightful side that Griffin only displays to those he is closest to. Remarkably intelligent and well-read, his span of knowledge is only bested by his thirst for it. Problem-solving by nature, Griffin will often lock himself in his cabin for hours, poring over some old book or scroll and scrawling down notes. This thirst for knowledge stems from a naturally passionate personality. Griffin will pursue anything that interests him to the ends of the earth, seeking to learn all he can about said topic. Consequently, Griffin will outright ignore subjects that bore or disinterest him, dismissing them as simply not worth his time (even if all evidence points to the contrary).

Griffin is fun-loving and humorous by nature, known for his frequent jokes and quips, as well as playing the odd practical joke whenever the whim strikes him.

Despite his scornful behavior and borderline cruel nature, Griffin highly values loyalty and honesty, with a distinct desire to be trusted and liked by his fellows. This nature often causes him to attempt to "prove himself" to those he respects, taking compliments very sincerely and letting critiques bother him far more than they should.

Griffin is something of a hypocrite in regards to his personal philosophies. He values honesty in his friends and despises those who deceive him, though he has little issues lying himself if he believes it to be the best course of action.

In compliance with his free-spirited personality, Griffin does not believe in things such as fate and destiny, disliking the Oracle intensely due to her cryptic prophecies that send young demigods on (often fatal) adventures.

On a more serious note, Griffin is a conflicted and complex young man. While he's immersed himself in his Greek heritage, he believes his demigod status to be a curse of sorts, as it forces him into hiding to preserve not only his own well-being, but the well-being of others as well.

Lastly, unlike many demigods, Griffin has a rather close relationship with his godly parent, communicating with Hermes on a semi-regular basis and seeking to improve his abilities constantly to impress him.

  • Athleticism: As a son of Hermes, Griffin is incredibly athletic, noted for being remarkably fast, agile, and nimble. He is well-coordinated, especially dexterous, and highly reflexive.
  • Swordsmanship & Combat: As a sub-skill of his above-average athleticism, Griffin is a highly skilled swordsman, noted for being fast, precise, and deadly. Griffin prefers ingenuity and creativity over sheer might in combat, and thus frequently incorporates hand-to-hand techniques and misdirection to his arsenal when fighting.
  • Lock-picking: Griffin is capable of magically sensing the inner mechanisms and structures of nearly any lock he touches, and is able to make it unlock with minimal effort. Griffin is even capable of unlocking certain locks telepathically. Likewise, Griffin can identify curses or traps placed on locks, and can deactivate them with concentrated effort.
  • Pick-pocketing: Due to his heritage, Griffin possesses remarkable intuition when it comes to pick-pocketing, capable of taking just about anything from someone's pockets without them noticing. It's even theorized that his ability with thievery is capable of even affecting the Olympians, themselves...
  • Money Skills: As Hermes is the god of merchants, Griffin is quite skilled when it comes to dealing with finances. Likewise, he is remarkably adept at poker, and it is said that he rarely loses.
  • Stamina: Aside from his great physical ability, Griffin possesses remarkable, almost inhuman levels of endurance and stamina; capable of running great lengths, swimming vast distances, or engaging in combat for an extended period of time without appearing to tire.
  • Intelligence: Noted for his creativity, resourcefulness, and sharp mind, Griffin possesses an instinctual, intuitive intelligence that allows him to make various intellectual leaps that others who rely on logical conclusions would not be able to. This cleverness is also matched by an inborn curiosity, as Griffin constantly desires to gain knowledge of new things or items that intrigue him.
  • Cunning: Uncommonly cunning, Griffin is highly adept at all manners of misdirection, ranging from pulling humorous pranks to severely wounding foes with dangerous tricks. He is also an incredibly skilled liar.

Biography: Griffin's backstory is a somewhat complicated and bittersweet one. His mother, at the time, was a high school senior with aspirations of being a physical therapist. Hermes unintentionally soon found himself involved with the young girl, first as a friend, then as something more...

Nine months later, Baby Griffin was born. Young, scared, and with no idea how to raise a child, Griffin's mother, Holly felt that her child's best option would be with someone who could care and provide for him. That answer came in Holly's maternal uncle, Redmond. Officially putting Redmond down as the baby's godfather, Griffin was raised in the capital city of Belfast in Northern Ireland under the caring, watchful eye of his great-uncle.

Highly curious and mischievous in youth, Griffin, given the first name Hawley in remembrance of his birth mother, was an explorer, frequently running off on his own to appease his inquisitive nature. Though Redmond tried his best to steer the young Griffin towards a more quiet, conservative nature, Hawley nonetheless continued his haphazard 'adventures'.

Unbeknownst to Griffin at the time, his guardian was no mere mortal - but a demigod, son of Athena. Knowing full well the dangers that came with raising a demigod, Redmond did all in his power to keep the boy safe from harm, monitoring him closely for any sign of his special powers. Such a sign would come when Hawley was merely 6 years old. An old rusted shed he was trying to break into in his backyard was sealed shut by multiple padlocks. In a fit of irritation, Hawley tugged at the chains securing the doors, only for the locks to shatter into pieces, falling onto the ground.

Now with Hawley's growing powers revealed, Redmond took the boy and fled to America to escape any potential monster threat, settling in the bustling state of New York in hopes that the extensive mortal presence would hide the young Griffin's blood.

As Griffin grew older, he began experiencing the various troubles that came with demigod children: crippling ADHD, debilitating dyslexia, and a feeling of disconnect with the other children. As such, when he turned 13 years old, Redmond decided to reveal Hawley's heritage to him.

Learning that he was the son of Hermes, messenger of the gods, Griffin did not react with vehement disbelief like many other demigods had, but merely took the fact as an interesting note of his heritage.

Shortly after, he was sent to Camp Half-Blood, where he would be kept safe from harm, taught to hone on his abilities.

~Weaponry Information~

Weapon/s: A single xiphos sword, given to him by his father.
Weapon/s Name: κουρά αέρα - Roughly translated to: The Shear Wind
Weapon/s Type: Wrought of Celestial Bronze
Attributes: The blade is said to be remarkably light, yet weighed almost inhumanly perfect for one's grip. Shearwind is nigh-indestructible and dangerously sharp, capable of slicing through stone and even certain metals. Perhaps most remarkably, the sword is capable of teleporting individuals when swung through the air. Similar to the infamous Shadow Travel used by children of the Underworld, the blade's reach is capable of sending one nearly anywhere they desire, though it causes Griffin great fatigue which only increases with the gain of distance, thus he limits himself as much as he can. Likewise the blade needs time to recharge between instances, as overuse will cause it to shatter.

~Other Information~

  • Griffin despises his first name, not liking the sound of it. As such, he introduces himself solely by his surname, and reacts negatively anytime his first name is said.
  • Griffin has never met his birth mother, and yearns to one day meet her, though he keeps this hidden from all but his closest friends.
  • Griffin is somewhat known for a trademark two-fingered salute that he will use as a greeting or acknowledgement.
  • Griffin is incredibly skilled at video games.
  • Though relatively laid-back, any negative mention of Griffin's mother will send him into an uncharacteristic fiery rage that few can console him from.
  • Griffin has a fondness for animals, primarily dogs, that belie his generally barbed nature.
  • Though raised in America for most of his life, Griffin speaks with a typical Irish accent
  • A self-proclaimed aficionado of western pop culture, Griffin frequently makes various references to books, movies, TV shows, and video games from that era.
  • An avid fan of music, Griffin carries a personal iPod on his person at all times, loaded with a random assortment of genres, ranging from Oldies from the 1920s-'50s, Alternative Rock and Grunge, all the way up to musical scores from various movies and video games.
  • It is said that Griffin's interest in intellectual pursuit and skill in battle come from his ancestral ties to Athena.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighters

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hey there guys! Just wanted to make a quick little announcement that tomorrow evening I'll be away on a camping trip and won't be back until late morning Sunday. I should still be able to be in contact with Vicier during that time, but I don't think I'll be able to post anything. Keep the good sheets rolling! :D
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