Erin Marie Chase and Syleste Astrea Nioré
The Big House & Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood
The sound of the wooden floors cracking apart beneath her feet filled the office of the camps director as her patience began to wear thin, and her frustration about the whole situation began to show in the expression upon her face; disgust… pure unadulterated disgust. The camp was filled with plenty of other demigods who would both volunteer, and do a much better job than she would; so why she was picked for it in the first place was far beyond her comprehension. What it came down to was the fact that the camp director, Lord Dionysus, had it in for her; even after she chose to put up with that psychotic daughter of his- Arianna was a raving moron with mental issues, everyone knew it, but she was the only one who was brave enough to speak the truth, “You have got to be kidding me! I’m the daughter of the Underworld, not some bloody glorified babysitter that you can just go and dump all the fresh meat on whenever you don’t feel like doing your damn job, Mr. D.”
“Actually, I can Eirene; you see, as much as I hate being here looking after you lazy lot, this is my camp… and I’m the one who makes the rules! You’re on tour duty; so hop to it, or whatever it is that you kids do these days…”
“Oh for Zeus’ sake..! My name is not Eirene and you know it..! I’m like completely on the other side of the family to that snow freak..!” He didn’t even seem to flinch at all the moment that both of her fists slammed down upon the desk in front of him- it was clear that she was losing her patience with him and his stupid games… she had lived in the camp for Gods knew how long; and each time, without fail, he had gotten her name wrong- choosing instead to call her by the name of one of his many sisters who lived up upon Mount Olympus with most of the other Gods, “No more after this; it’s the last time I’m doing this, you got that..? I didn’t come to this stupid camp so that I could show all the damn freshmen around like some tour guide. Next time, get your psycho daughter to do it.”
“You’re really beginning to test my patience; watch your tongue, unless you want me to turn you into a pathetic little minno-…”
“Empty threats again, Mr. D..? You should really take a page out of my father’s book- if you’re going to threaten them… make sure you can back it up.” Not bothering to even give him the chance to go and respond to what it was that she had said, she turned on her heel, her long and wavy dark brown locks bouncing lightly upon her back with each and every single step as she made her way out of the office, and in turn out of the big house and into the fresh air of the camp- she didn’t care about what the great Lord Dionysus had to say; he could sit there and insult her for days, but it was never going to change a thing. The relationship between the two of them had never been a great one; the both of them arguing almost every single time that they came face-to-face, it was just a normal routine, and everyone in the camp knew it too.
“..Erin..? How did it go..? Is he going to let us swap so you don’t have to worry about greeting all the new campers..?”
The sound of a soft and sweet voice hit the brunette’s ears, causing her to turn her head so that she was able to look over the girl who had spoken to her- the girl herself sitting patiently on the edge of the porch where Erin had left her when she had first entered the big house what felt like ages ago. It was typical behavior of the girl… she was too nice to just get up and leave to do what she wanted to do, and then with the smile lighting up the girls features, Erin couldn’t even tell whether or not she actually enjoyed sitting there waiting for her return, “You sat there this whole time..? Seriously Syleste, you’re too nice for your own good; grow some backbone will ya…”
Rolling her dark eyes though unable to keep the small smile that flickered across her face, Erin sighed softly before making her way down the steps and over to where Syleste was sitting, her head tilting ever so slightly and her hands slipping down into the back pockets of her black denim shorts as she looked over the girl in front of her for a few moments before finally answering her questions, “The answer is no. The drunkard refuses to let me swap with you; so I’m stuck as the bloody welcoming committee for all the little greenies…”
“Well, what if I came with you to welcome them to the camp..?” Lifting herself up from where she had been perching upon the porch, Syleste smiled brightly in the direction that she could hear her friends voice coming from; her beautiful sky-blue though ever unseeing eyes staring in her general direction as she slipped her hand into the back pocket of her light pink denim shorts, the girl pulling a light blue bit of material out of it before bringing her hands together in front of her body, her fingers lightly playing with it, “At least this way you won’t be alone, and I will be able to help you out with all the new campers- it would mean less work for you, and as a bonus, I get to spend time with my friend in the process. Please… please can I help you Erin..?”
“If you really want to tag along and greet the new freaks, I’m not gunna to stop you Syl; especially if it means you doing my job for me.” Shoving her hands deeper down into her pockets as she shrugged her shoulders lightly in response, Erin slowly began to make her wander away from the big house and through the camp, keeping in mind to drag her feet over the ground to make noise for the girl to hear as she led the way towards where she was supposed to meet the new campers: half-blood hill. It was the only way to get both in and out of the camp… unless you wanted to get wet by taking the ocean route that was, and even then not many people were stupid enough to go that way- okay, maybe the fish-brains in cabin three were stupid enough to take that path…
Seeming to light up the very moment that her friend had given her permission to help out with the new campers, Syleste hurried to catch up to where she could hear Erin’s footfalls, her own bare feet brushing lightly over the top of the grass causing a gentle tickle against their souls with every step that she took to keep up; her free hand coming up to softly brush some of her long wavy bubblegum pink locks back off of her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear as her expression turned to one that was seemingly more thoughtful- her unseeing eyes staring off into the distance making her seem as though she were in her own little world, when in reality she was thinking about what was waiting for them at the entrance to the camp, “I wonder what type of campers we’ll get today… Oh! I hope I get a sibling! Wouldn’t that be so much fun..! I really hate being on my own in that cabin…”
Unable to help the scoff that slipped through her lips at the girls words, Erin shook her head lightly from side to side before she closed the gap between the both of them, her arm brushing softly up against her friends out of habit; a sign that they were there and that they were going to be stopping in a few moments, “I’ll pass on the whole siblings thing… I happen to enjoy being alone and having a whole cabin to myself; means no one is there to mess around with your things. But if you really hate being on your own, go move in with the hot head; I’m sure Ky’ vie would just love having someone else to look after when she’s actually here…”
“Oh… that could actually be a lot of fun..! We all have to have a sleepover soon..!” Seeming to miss the point the brunette was trying to make completely, Syleste quickly came to a stop by the hill, her head stooping ever so slightly as she lifted the material, wrapping it delicately around her head and being sure to secure it firmly so that her eyes were now completely obscured from vision- it wasn’t as though she particularly liked hiding herself from people… but then she also knew that not everyone she met was going to be as comfortable about her disability as she or those she had known for years were. It was something that could be unnerving… that could make people feel uncomfortable… and that was the very last thing she wanted to do; make people uncomfortable on their first day- that was what Erin was for.
“You care too much about what people think. Take off that stupid blindfold; if people can’t handle your eyes, then they aren’t worth a bit of your time…” Turning her head away from where Syleste stood happily bouncing up and down on the spot while waiting for the campers in question to show up, Erin let her sentence trail off into nothing, her dark eyes falling upon a familiar figure standing not too far away from where they were situated- if he was here waiting, it could only mean one thing…
“Let me guess… she’s coming home today, isn't she? And like the little puppy that you are, you’re waiting for mistress to return and give you a treat- such a faithful little fly-boy you are, Grif.”