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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Kyato frown and shook his head in annoyance again "A darn female brought it here, I know this because I have my sources. Now shall I go and do a complete thorough search of scrawny establishment " He said full of unadulterated malice. Kyato was getting really impatient with the most tedious of Shopkeeper, He then attempted to make his way to the back room all without being invited by Humphrey
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

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Kyato frown and shook his head in annoyance again "A darn female brought it here, I know this because I have my sources. Now shall I go and do a complete thorough search of scrawny establishment " He said full of unadulterated malice.

"Or how's about I call the guard straight out. Get outta here, kid. You can't come in here and talk to me like this. You are no longer welcome in this shop, and that's a hard thing to do!"

Humphrey yanked a cone attached to a tube from the wall beside the glass case and shouted into it,
"Send some guards to the pawn shop, quick! We've got a punk who's got no manners, and judgin' by the way he's eyeing me, I don't trust him not to get violent! Oh! And now he's just starting to walk into my private property! Come quick!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina looked at Silas and slowly walked out of the Dojo, And waited for him, she had a good time with him, almost too sweet ' Could I be-- no he is a stranger Damn it, no one falls in love with a stranger' She lifted up her eyebrows in question to herself and leaned her head back laughing at herself, Because after all she was a swordswoman first and a lover thirtieth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy, who was balancing the shop and reading books to refresh his knowledge of forgery throughout the day, devised a plan to try and rent the fires and anvil of a local forgery he had heard of. North of his stall. He had closed the shop, locking everything up and took a book, the rapier and everything he keeps on him such as his satchel. And with that, he set of towards the forge. Although, a lot this market came down to winding alleyways and confusing crossroads, this hub of commerce and trade was a spiders web of paths inside, it's amazing that the regulars can find their way around here. The Junker managed to wind up in some shitty alleyway, which was dark and narrow. He gripped his things close, in case of pickpockets. It was then something caught his eyes, three inhuman shadows seemed to slink from side to side, and slowly closing in on him. The three revealed themselves. Reptilian humanoid teenagers, each showing off some shiv they had all fashioned. One of them spoke up. "Where ya goin' missster? You lossst or what?" He interrogated. Randy glared at the kid. "You don't wanna start something kid. Go home." He said, while putting the rapier and book on the ground. "I'm not here to spill blood." He commented as he pulled out two brass gauntlets out of his satchel. He put each of them on, each with a mechanical whir as he pulled a small switch down on each of them. "Don't make me use these."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyato stopped at the sound of the Shopkeeper contacting someone and then walked back to him and threw down a bunch of written notes " Since I can't go around carrying big bags of gold with me, these are cheques, worth a lot, I offer to buy this shop" He questioned the shopkeeper and then finally walked out in his own accord searching for that person who had Durandal
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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All three reptilians laughed, and one of them, the one with scales sticking out in a row on his head like a mowhawk, asked, "What's that supposed to be? You gonna punch us? Cut it out and just give us your money!"
They laughed even more, and another one, the one with scaly whiskers sticking out the sides of his nose leapt for Randy holding his shiv outward and his mouth wide open, hoping to both stab and bite him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Silas followed her out of the Dojo, laughing uproariously at a joke Kujo had told as he left. He sobered as he came abreast of Akkina, but the grin never truly left his face. "And what are we laughing about-" the sound of shuffling feet and a threat by what sounded like a talking snake! "Akkina! Did you hear that?" Silas cast his head about and listened intently, hoping to catch another noise and narrow down its direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy leant left slightly grunting from the sudden movement. The kid slipped past him and Randy charged at him. With his right arm raised high, he extended it as it got in range. Steam from the tiny exhaust pipes that spiralled off of the gloves exhumed out as he aimed at the spine. The gloves were designed to build up steam from containers fitted under the surface and send the energy forward to the small knuckle plates, releasing powerful punches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kyato stopped at the sound of the Shopkeeper contacting someone and then walked back to him and threw down a bunch of written notes " Since I can't go around carrying big bags of gold with me, these are cheques, worth a lot, I offer to buy this shop" He questioned the shopkeeper and then finally walked out in his own accord searching for that person who had Durandal

"Well me shop ain't for sale!" Humphrey shouted at Kyato as he left, "Don't ever let me see your face even close to my shop again!"

A few moments later, a couple of City Guards ran inside.

"What's wrong, sir? Is everything okay?" they asked, looking around the now-empty shop.

"Yeah, everything's alright now, boys. Spoiled punk who thinks he can do whatever he wants left in a rush when I called you. Kids these days."
Humphrey pressed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head at the ground.
"Thanks for coming so quick, though. Hopefully I won't need to call you much any more, cuz I just hired on a guard! Hope she's not getting into too much trouble out there. Heh."

The guards bowed and took their leave, and Humphrey went back to dusting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

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Randy leant left slightly grunting from the sudden movement. The kid slipped past him and Randy charged at him. With his right arm raised high, he extended it as it got in range. Steam from the tiny exhaust pipes that spiralled off of the gloves exhumed out as he aimed at the spine. The gloves were designed to build up steam from containers fitted under the surface and send the energy forward to the small knuckle plates, releasing powerful punches.

Randy's punch connected squarely in the center of the reptilian's spine, and the reptilian was launched straight out of the alley into the still-crowded streets with alarming speed and was knocked unconscious as he hit a lamppost.

The reptilian who had originally spoken let out a yelp and ran away into a darker alley as quickly as he could, but the last reptilian, the one whose teeth were protruding from his mouth, gave a growl and jumped on Randy's back as it was turned. Unfortunately for him, this brought him too close to Randy for him to actually use his teeth, as his snout was forced upward while he held on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy growled at the reptile bastard who jumped on his back and twisted left and right to shake him off. He yelled as he charged backwards into the wall, sandwiching the mugger between Randy and the wall. Randy whipped around and grabbed the kid's throat, and got right up to his face. "Go home kid, unless you want to end up like your friend." He threatened as the reptile clawed at his arm. The Junker let go, letting him get air as he turned towards his stuff. However, in the back of his head, he somehow had a feeling that the kid might not run off so easily as the other did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina didn't hear it and then suddenly realized that she just left the Pawn Shop and then immediately started to run towards it, She saw it and then burst into it very loudly and looked around for Humphrey " Humphrey, are you here" She continued to look for him then her thoughts suddenly turned to Silas, She had just ran from him, who knows what he might think about her now, She sighed happily and then seen Humphrey " Have any trouble, pops?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas blinked once. One moment she had been there, the next gone. Scratching the back of his head, he wondered exactly what was going through her mind. Guessing she'd be at the pawnshop, Silas calmed at least knowing she was safe for the moment and wouldn't fall into another attack. A lizard veritably flew from a dark alley, crashing into a nearby lamppost. Silas jumped back, drawing his two scimitars by reflex. "GUARDS! Guards someone has been attacked!" He crouched near the unconscious reptilian humanoid, touching the lizard kid near the gap between ridges on his chest. Silas confirmed a heartbeat and started to approach the direction he'd been sent flying.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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he somehow had a feeling that the kid might not run off so easily as the other did.

Unfortunately, Riley was correct, and the reptilian growled again and chomped down on Riley's left leg. His teeth were big and pointed, but luckily for Riley, they were not sharp and their tips were somewhat rounded, so it hurt, but did not break Riley's skin. The reptilian was clamped onto his leg, though, and would not let go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy cried out in pain and stumbled on the floor as the lizard boy clamped down on his leg. "Fucking bastard!" He shouted as he leant over and used his left hand to try and punch him off, and each one that didn't work, Randy added another punch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

" Have any trouble, pops?"

Humphrey looked up from his work again. This time he was sweeping the floors.
"Actually, yes, believe it or not! I'm glad I've hired you on. Some punk came in here looking for some kind of holy sword or something, but I didn't know what he was talking about and he was trying to go back into my room for some reason! So I called the guard and he skedaddled right on out. Next time, I don't think that'll be a problem when you're here."
Humphrey grinned at Akkina. He knew he was never really in any danger, but he was relieved to have her back. He didn't notice the Durandal already on her back, so he said,
"If you've seen enough of the market for now and you're ready to start guarding, though, I'll grab your sword!"

He clomped to around the counter and opened the door. His face went pale when he didn't see the sword where he had stood it just inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Alamantus [@GinerBoi123]

Silas continued into the alley, noticing a few broken posts and knocked over cans. At the far end, he saw two figures struggling for control on the ground. His eyes distinguished a lizard and a human fighting, rolling around as the lizard gripped the man's leg in his jaws. Silas began running swiftly, faster than any human would have a right to be. He quickly came abreast of the pair, but didn't know which of the two to help. So he settled on threatening the both of them. Placing one sword-point behind the young reptile's skull plate and the other underneath the chin of the human, he growled, "Stop, the both of you! Or this fight shall be ended by me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Silas continued into the alley, noticing a few broken posts and knocked over cans. At the far end, he saw two figures struggling for control on the ground. His eyes distinguished a lizard and a human fighting, rolling around as the lizard gripped the man's leg in his jaws. Silas began running swiftly, faster than any human would have a right to be. He quickly came abreast of the pair, but didn't know which of the two to help. So he settled on threatening the both of them. Placing one sword-point behind the young reptile's skull plate and the other underneath the chin of the human, he growled, "Stop, the both of you! Or this fight shall be ended by me!"


The reptilian kept his mouth tight around Riley's leg thrashing erratically and generally acting as though he did not notice Silas at all, though it was clear his eyes were darting back and forth, looking at Silas fearfully but being too stubborn to release.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina giggled and walked behind him and tapped his shoulder,pointed towards her back, to Durandal, She then giggled more aand stood guard at her usual spot of the Pawn Shop. She didn't want to stand but she had to after all it was her job. " Well my Durandal is a Holy Sword, could it be that he was after this." She questioned and then walked to the counter " Have you got a gift for a certain someone Humphrey, don't worry, I'll pay for it. " She grinned thinking about Silas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago


Frustrated and angry, Randy roared at the newcomer. "This wanker tried to mug me so help me or piss off!" He yelled, before turning back at the reptile. The whirring noise could be heard come from his glove and Randy slammed his fist down onto one of the reptile's arms that was helping it latch on.
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