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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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Silas's eyebrows shot up, but he could forgive the man his rudeness. There were a large amount of teeth in his leg right now, it might have been making him a bit irritable. He sheathed the blade that he held against Randy and held his other scimitar with two hands. Taking a deep breath, he brought his entire body and muscle down onto the back of the reptile's head, striking it with the circular metal pommel of his sword. The powerful blow sent vibrations traveling along Silas's hand and arms like a train had just passed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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Ava then walked away from the stand, observing the market as she walked aimlessly. She was really hoping to find a bounty board.Would be great to make some money here. As Ava looked around she realized that there were no Awoken here so he would stand out the most out of everybody here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@Alamantus@GingerBoi123 Kyato heard commotion and reached for his modified pistol and ran to the sound and looked in to a alleyway and seen a few people fighting he then revealed himself pointing his pistol at the people alternating between the group. " If any of you move you'll have a hole in your body faster than you can blink" he shouted
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Taking a deep breath, he brought his entire body and muscle down onto the back of the reptile's head, striking it with the circular metal pommel of his sword.

The reptilian finally released Randy's leg and stepped backward into the wall, dazed. He shook his head, but it didn't help, because as he ran away, he zigzagged and stumbled, knocking over cans and boxes as he went, and disappeared down the dark alley his friend had run to leaving the men alone in the alley.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@WittyWolf@The Slenderman

Randy stood up as the lizardman finally released as he got knocked out by the sword butt. He stood up and extended his hand out. "Sorry about that mate, thanks for the help though." He offered, giving him a friendly smile to hopefully apologise for shouting at him. Then ANOTHER guy came to the scene and Randy turned to him. "You're a bit late to be fair. You can put the gun down." He commented, looking him up and down to get a reading on his personality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

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" Well my Durandal is a Holy Sword, could it be that he was after this." She questioned and then walked to the counter " Have you got a gift for a certain someone Humphrey, don't worry, I'll pay for it. " She grinned thinking about Silas.

Humphrey heaved a sigh of relief.
"Well I guess that explains that kid. That's the name of the sword he was looking for! Anyway, what I've got is all around you, miss. What kind of certain someone are you thinking of?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


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@The Slenderman

Titan lumbered through the marketplace, looking for a supply shop or possibly a weapon stand. He'd gotten horribly lost in the the new town and it was far different than what his outdated maps told him. He kept taking turns that led to dead-ends and residential streets. So it was by complete luck, or unluckiness, now that Rafael thought of it, that he stumbled onto a rather violent looking scene. Pressing a few buttons on his interface, a handful of Gears flew around the four people, floating slightly above or behind each of them. The screen on his interface came alive as he focused in on what was happening. He quickly hid back around the corner he had walked past, hiding from sight as he loaded his massive shotgun. His shells came from an enchanted ammo-pouch that replicated whatever bullets he deposited when the wearer desired. Loading the second shell, he could tell the gunman had the advantage, but his back was to Titan. He rounded the corner and took aim at the small man with his small pistol. He grunted loudly, the gravely noise echoing through the alley.

@GingerBoi123 Silas shook his hand after watching the lizard for a moment, making sure he had really left. He offered the man a short-lived grin. "My pleasure, although I'm not sure we're quite out of the woods yet.." The other man that had appeared behind the one with the pistol was a giant! And his gun looked to be longer than Silas himself!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Akkina blushed and looked down shyly and stuttered out the name " S-s-silas, the pelt boy" Akkina blushed even more and thought about him, although the only memories of him are him completely annihilating her in a sword sparring match, and she was supposed to be trained as well but it seems she still had more to learn, being it her ONLY loss in history
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

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@WittyWolf Kyato heard a beeping from his pocket and reached the device that was making the noise, He brought it up to eye level and seen a dot behind him, he moved his head slightly towards the right and squinted his eyes, then made a break for it, pushing past the two men that were in front of him, Kyato kept on running from that fourth person who was depicted as a dot on his device
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

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Akkina blushed and looked down shyly and stuttered out the name " S-s-silas, the pelt boy"

"Ahhh, so he met you after all! I was wondering where yeh were off to." Humphrey winked at Akkina and smiled, "You kids. I remember those days." He stared off dreamily for a moment before shaking his head.

"So what would be a good gift for a trapper? Hmm, hmmmm." He scanned his shop and his eyes rested on an ornate pair of binoculars on one of the shelves before walking over and grabbing them, showing it to Akkina.

"Aha! How about these? These binoculars are modified to see heat when you press this button on the side!" He pressed the button on and off. "Ain't magic just amazing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina softly clutched them and put them to her eyes and tested them out, and did a full three sixty turn, looking at different things in the Shop and then lay them back down again and smiled at Humphrey " I think he'd like these, thank you so much Humphrey, but how much do you require for these" She questioned Humphrey and then thought about Silas again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman@WittyWolf

Randy stumbled back as the other guy pushed through them. He quickly swiped up his stuff, putting the book in the satchel and the rapier in a hilt on his belt. He looked at the big brute of a guy and nodded. "Thanks." He said, with a serious but sincere tone. He then turned to the other guy. "I've had it with punks messing with me tonight, I'm catching that bastard, you with me?" He asked, although without waiting for an answer he booked it after the guy with the pistol. "Oi!" He yelled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Akkina softly clutched them and put them to her eyes and tested them out, and did a full three sixty turn, looking at different things in the Shop and then lay them back down again and smiled at Humphrey " I think he'd like these, thank you so much Humphrey, but how much do you require for these" She questioned Humphrey and then thought about Silas again

Humphrey grinned. He could tell that Akkina was completely smitten.
"Yeh know what, go ahead and take 'em. As long as you're working security here, you can take whatever you want from the shop."

Humphrey slapped his head in remembrance, "Oh! I almost forgot! I managed to snag the upper floor from my neighbor! You might notice the thuds from the ceiling—that's them moving their stuff out. They don't have that much in storage up there, so you'll be able to sleep there tonight if you'd like!"
Humphrey beamed.
"I've got an extra blanket, but you're gonna have to find something to sleep on up there for yourself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas shook his head slightly, this town was full of odd characters. He nodded to the large man and sheathed his blade. He sniffed the air, smelling the blood off of the man he'd just assisted. "My thanks," he said to the stranger and followed after Randy, worried that the man might find more trouble than he realized. Before Randy had gotten too much of a lead, Silas restrung his bow. He wouldn't be caught unawares by that fool carrying the pistol again! He caught up to the man with the gauntlets after a couple of turns. "Are you sure you're up to this. That bite looked fairly nasty!" Silas inwardly cursed this man's rash behavior. He'd hoped to go back to the pawnshop and meet with Akkina again. He'd felt a bond with her and was loathe to waste this chance to deepen the connection he felt between them.

Rafael grunted back to Silas, before holstering his gun on his back. He turned back to the street carefully, the bayonet narrowly missing a man's canvas roof on his stall. He slowly stomped through the East market, looking for a general shop for supplies. He'd just run out of cured meat and salt, his water still well-stocked. Pressing a few keys on the interface, he had his Gears fly above the roofs of the marketplace, looking for a likely vendor. He added a few more to the search and soon he came up with a fairly small outfit that looked as if it might have a good variety of supplies. He made his way over to Humphrey's Pawnshop, lengthening his strides and forcing other foot traffic to move out of his way so as not to be knocked aside.

Soon he was at Humphrey's door, where he carefully turned the knob between three fingers and crouched so as to fit under the door frame. Entering the shop he stood to his full height, forcing his hat to be folded flat against the ceiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Alamantus Akkina nodded in response and looked at Humphrey again and then walked back to her part of the Shop where she kept watch for any suspicious activity and from there she could deal out any punishment she wanted to. But she was mainly there to keep order and serenity and then suddenly realized about the old sword " Hey Humphrey did you manage to sell Eucildator. Because I think I know someone who'd be willing to pay a hefty price for it. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@WittyWolfRandy laughed. "If I get to tell you my story one day, you know this kind of stuff ain't news to me." he commented as he carried on running.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyato stopped at a building named Liz's tailors and leaned against that for breath, Damn it why did people have to Chase him, he figured he'd set up a little trap for his pursuers, He found a little bit of see through wire and attached it to either side of the wall, horizontally, then attaching a little bell system, and a net as well and then he sat on a bench right in front of the alleyway smiling happily, and to anyone that tried to follow him through the alleyway. He smiled at his close to the ground trap, if they did disarm it he'd be off again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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@The Slenderman

After the notice of the death of his son, Nasus went fastly to the guards department where the body was there. When he saw the corpse of his son without life, he started to cry how he never didnt in all his life until that moment. Given the last greeting to his son, he went directly to one of the boss guards that was there.

NASUS: Do you know the responsibles of this crime?
BOSS: Yeah sir, we know them.
NASUS: What are their names?
BOSS: Silas Coutts and Akkina Farron, two strangers from out the city.
NASUS: So i imagine that you will capture them easily, right? After all, you know the city, u can find them in a few minutes.
BOSS: Sir, this can't be possible.
NASUS: Why not?!
BOSS: Because, following what the witnesses said to us, your son tried to attack them with a dagger with the intention to kill. So this cant be a crime, because that guys killed for defense.

Nasus, after what he said, starts laugh hysterically and then he became angry.

BOSS: Sorry, but for what he did, he isn't innocent. And the justice says..
NASUS: I know what the fuck the justice saysm but this isn't fair, that witnesses are liars, he didn't....oh damn!!! You can't let them go in this way.
BOSS: We will interrogate them, but we won't do nothing of particular about them.

At that point, Nasus spits in the Boss face with hatred.

NASUS: I trusted in your justice for all my life, and this is what i get for my loyalty?

Said that words, he goes out from the department and return in his carriage, where his friend Paoli was waiting him.

NASUS: Fucking bastards!!
PAOLI: What's wrong?
NASUS: The murders of my son. The guards thinks that are innocent.
PAOLI: But this is an injustice!!
NASUS: Yeah stupid regular justice, it always useless.

Paoli gives an uncertain look.

PAOLI: What do you think to do my friend?
NASUS: I want that you inform all the illegal market around here in the city about a my proposal: who will kill that two fuckers i will give 50000 gold coins for any of them.
PAOLI: Ok i will contact all my knowledges about that.
NASUS: And an other thing. If they will bring to me the female one alive i will give to them 100000.
PAOLI: Why alive?
NASUS: Because i lost a son, and she will give me an other one. And after that i will kill that fucking bitch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

" Hey Humphrey did you manage to sell Eucildator. Because I think I know someone who'd be willing to pay a hefty price for it. "

"No! Nobody's really been in the shop since all the commotion this morning! Who's this someone?"

Soon he was at Humphrey's door, where he carefully turned the knob between three fingers and crouched so as to fit under the door frame. Entering the shop he stood to his full height, forcing his hat to be folded flat against the ceiling.

Just then a hulking giant stepped carefully through the front door of the shop. Humphrey's eyebrows raised,
"Well now! What do we have here? How can I help you, sir?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Rafael bowed to the shopkeep and took a small list from one of the many pockets of his coat. It was a crumpled piece of paper, obviously used a number of times for the same purpose. He unfolded the small parchment to reveal its contents, gently, as the sheet seemed have been folded and unfolded a number of time.

In neat, elegant penmanship were listed a few necessities: 1 pound of cured beef, one 1/2 pound of refined salt, twenty feet of strong rope, five feet of copper wiring, and one bottle of single-malt whiskey- Name your price, I am called Titan. Grunting, the giant tapped the list lightly and held it out for Humphrey to take. He nodded to the shop's guard as well, wanting to set her at ease.
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