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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki takes the glasses and puts them on, allowing for him to open his eyes once more. With a large sigh he follows Atticus from a distance. Once Atticus reaches Megan, Loki stays a few feet back. Watching Atticus he crosses his arms and continues watching, remaining at the distance he is at. Being awkward means that he would prefer watching the interaction more then joining it.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"...No..." Megan muttered softly. She didn't make eye contact with Atticus. She knew that he was concerned, she could hear it in his voice and she kinda felt a bit guilty but Megan really didn't want to talk, even if it was just Atticus she was talking to. Eventually Megan pulled up the courage to look at Atticus, she really looked bad. Like she was about to cry or something like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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"Hmm? Come in, please~ There's no need to wait if it's your turn already." The figure in yellow called out cheerfully at the approach of the nervous-seeming boy. Quite curious, this one just gave off such an odd sense already. "I'm sure you understand why you're here, so come up to the crystal and we can see what surprises are in store for you." Scrawling something down quickly on a worn-looking scroll, the figure rolled it up as soon as he was finished and waited for the student. Yes...something curious already...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Noel slowly closed the distanced between him and the yellow figure. He gulped heavily hovering his hand above the crystal nervously placing his hand on it. Anything but business. He repeated about as many times as possible in his head. Noel stepped back a bit afraid of the answer but he toughed up and awaited the yellow figure to speak those highly important words. Anything that wasn't the business career was honestly fine with Noel which he depended on to strongly hopefully his hope isn't shattered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Atticus just sighed a little when Megan looked at him. It was...just a tiny bit pathetic, but hey, he'd seen stuff like this plenty of times. Heck, he'd DONE this plenty of times before. With a smile on his face he pulled her in for a hug and patted her back gently...just like Ma did back home. Not sure if he was overstepping his boundaries little, the hug was loose enough that she could just slip out right away anyways if she so wished. "Don't worry about it...Sorry about that. How's your nose? Should we take you to the nurse's office?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Loki now finding that he couldn't really do anything to help the situation with Megan, starts pacing. His knuckles appear to be somewhat bruised from the force of the punch he landed on that guy. Not good, but he knows that they will heal relatively soon. At least, he hopes because he would rather not go into one of those rooms and have to explain the bruises. sometimes... i rather dislike my violent nature. Oh well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan had let out a slight noise of surprise when Atticus had hugged her but allowed him to do so. "My nose is fine. It's not broken or anything so I do not need to visit the nurse. I don't like her anyways." She slowly rested her head against Atticus's chest, it was warm and the hug he was giving her was quite comforting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Atticus just smiled slightly, just glad that Megan was alright. Sighing, he looked over at Loki, asking: "You alright there man? Your hand looks bruised...sunglasses still in one piece?" with the same amount of concern he'd had for Megan. Loki was a good enough guy to try and come out and see if Megan was alright all on his own too, so there was just something about him that Atticus approved. Probably how cool the sunglasses were helped, but hey, the more friends the better. Suddenly realizing that Loki hadn't taken his test yet as well, he says: "Shouldn't your exam be coming up soon!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Loki looks over at Atticus and nods. "yea sunglasses are good... Thanks for grabbing them" he gives a small lip twitch that could almost be mistaken for a smile, that is until Atticus notices his bruised hand. That causes him to look downward. "yea... I may or may not have punched the guy that bumped into me a bit hard." he gives a small shrug. Oddly, he had yet to hear his name be called for the exam. Then again, maybe the guy he punched went and complained... He sincerely hopes not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan frowned. She looked at Loki's hand. It looked rather bruised. "Exactly how hard did you it that guy?" She wriggled out of Atticus's arms and walked over to Loki, looking at his hand the whole time. "Also why did you hit that guy?" She tilted her head, looking at his face. She was curious. When Megan heard Atticus mentioning the test rooms, her frown grew larger. She did not need to be reminded of her future of being a 'hero'. Which still confused her since she honestly didn't believe she could be a hero. A villain maybe or maybe someone who who was 'normal'. She waited for Loki's answer then spoke. "So you haven't been tested yet? Goodluck. I think you're really gonna need it." She attempted to smile which of course with Megan, ended up being quite the failure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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The yellow figure went silent for a minute as the boy placed his hand on the orb. For a while, he just stared, letting the air in the room tense for a few seconds. "...Well, well. That's certainly a momentous development, isn't it? Looks like one with ambition, after all." The still-cheerful figure let out a muffled giggle following the half-whispered words, one golden eye shining from behind the fabric covering their face as they looked back at the nervous youth.

"It seems that this era has a new Demon Lord, Young Sir."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Cody watched as the number of the students around of him now started to lessen. After a while he decided that he should probably get going now and looked around.
He walked over to Room B and stuck his head in to see if anyone was inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Loki looks away from them, he knew he had issues with his anger. Of course, he had never had anyone who cared to point it out around him before. "The guy bumped me... I was mad" Now that he says it, that is a rather poor reason. He then slowly looks back at them. "Im not too worried about the testing... I am more worried about the health exam" Which probably sounds weird, but it is true. His blood is weird and he knows it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Why would you have any trouble
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Why would you have any trouble with a health test? Unless your not healthy then..." Megan shrugged slightly. "So you got angry at a guy who bumped you? Must of been quite the bump?" She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. Definately someone I wanna keep close. she thought while waiting for his answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Loki shrugs "it's difficult to explain" when she mentions the bump he gives the most awkward sheepish smile that shows all four of those sharpened canines "Yep totally not me overreacting violently" then he realizes he is smiling and that quickly disappears. He then proceeds in shoving both hands into his pockets and looking down. His jaw clenched a bit as he scolds himself in his head his jaw clenching somewhat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan frown broadened when Loki his teeth, but she had already seen them and him hiding his teeth only piqued her curiosity. "Was those...your teeth?" She pointed to his teeth and raised her eyebrow. Maybe he's not human? She thought to herself while staring at him. She didn't want to make him run away but she really wanted to know what was up with Loki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Loki flinches a bit at the mention of his teeth. He looks down and generally looks uncomfortable. "yea....those are my teeth" the feeling of not belonging creep back to him along with the feeling of being a freak. If she could see his eyes she would see a swirl of emotions go through those yellow eyes of his. He awaits the inevitable the name calling or the freak out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Atticus barely even noticed Loki's teeth to be honest. And even then, it wasn't like it was anything extraordinary. He'd seen WAY worse teeth on that homeless guy down the street from his shack, and shrugged it off. "...What's the big deal? Teeth are teeth. Heck, I'm missing one." he says, pulling on the left side of his mouth to show that he was missing his back left-back premolar was missing. Letting go and wiping his finger on his school-jacket, he moves to get up. "'Sides, I think I saw some guy with horns a while back in the hall." he says, patting the back of his pants to get the dirt off them.

Finally noticing that the one-armed chick was meditating under a tree, he lifted an eyebrow curiously. What was her name again...Soap? No, that's dumb. Soph, that was it! Placing his right hand in his pants' pocket, he scratched the back of his head with his left index finger. "Well, anyways, we should get back inside...I think we're supposed to do something after the exams." he says before looking back to Megan and Loki. "We can probably find someplace where there aren't TOO many people. I think. If you guys want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I think your teeth are nice." Megan said softly. She then looked towards Atticus as he mentioned going back. She sighed softly, clearly not really wanting to go back. When he mentioned looking for a less crowded place to wait for the post exam thingies, Megan responded with "Please. I hate all these frigging crowds. I swear some of these people have never heard of soap or even deodorant."
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