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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Thank you." Megan then slouched to a smaller height then stood behind him. She glanced around every now and then she would glare at the ground as though it had pooped on her stuff. Which of course was not true by any standards. Please finish soon Atticus... she thought while glaring at the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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@BlackPanther @Im a huge mess
Mateiu had begun to slouch a bit more again as Loki, satisfied with his compliance, began to wander away. He hadn't quite gotten far when a voice called out, catching Matieu's attention. Mateiu's face scrunched a bit in confusion at Megan's request, however he made no comment of it. After Loki gave her the go ahead Mateiu simply shrugged, and resumed watching the crowd, casting a brief glance at the newcomer as she glared down at the floor like it owed her money. Thus far no one seemed too pleased to be here. Mateiu saw an opportunity to have a bit of fun with these sour grapes.

Mateiu snorted as the corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly, "Well aren't you just a ball o' sunshine? Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?" he jested without actually looking at either Loki or Megan specifically. He wasn't sure who would respond first, or if either would even respond at all, but he'd be damned if he had to continue sitting in silence until his name was called.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"No one. I just don't like this friggin huge crowd and people staring at me!" Megan snapped back. She looked at Mateiu with her hazel eyes and looked him up and down. "Who pumped you full of sunshine." Ok, that was rather lame, but she knew she had to retort back to him SOMEHOW. And that reply was the only one Megan could think of with her mind racing about her destiny and it's meaning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Mateiu gave a small chuckle and shrugged in an exaggerated manner as Megan took the bait. her response was rather odd, but Mateiu didn't miss a beat, growing up with three brothers had taught him how to roll with the punches when it came to a slam, "What can I say? A glass of sunny delight'll do that for ya." he remarked with a not-so-subtle hint of sass. He'd gotten a response, now was Mateiu's chance to actually talk to someone and alleviate his boredom. Mateiu stood back up to his full height and stretched a bit, letting his sheer size take away some of the attention that may have been on Megan, "But hey, let's not worry about who's pumpin' who with sunshine, or the crowd for that matter, what's yer name grumps?".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki stands there looking generally unamused his rigidly in his stance seems brittle.* "Both of you are odd" *to neither one of them in particular the tone sounded like a grumble commonly heard from an animal instead of a person*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Megan Starling. And you're as tall as Atticus. Perfect" A grin slowly crept across Megan's face. It looked like she was hatching some sort of evil plan. Really evil. She moved to stand in front of Mateiu. "And your name? Or must I just call you giant sunshine?" She looked up at him slightly. If I can get this guy on my side, then I'll have two of the tallest kids in this whole goddamn school on my side. Megan thought as she waited for his reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Mateiu shrugged off Loki's response and snorted once more as he prepared to fire back with a rebuttal. before he got the chance to do so Megan stepped in and introduced herself, as well as mentioned that happened to be as tall as someone else she knew. Mateiu was a tad put off by the look the smaller girl had on her face but he did his best not to let it show, "Mateiu Lockhart. Who's Atticus and why do you suddenly look like you wanna push someone off a cliff?".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"He's someone. Hrs just in the test rooms right now. Also I'd much rather prefer to burn someone than push them off a cliff." Megan's grin quickly vanished. She crossed her arms and continued to look up at the much taller teen, even though she herself was no shorty either. She was actually kinda tall at about 5"9. Megan frowned slightly. "How long is he gonna a take..." She murmured to herself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki snaps his attention to her* His hands going out of his pockets* "That is not funny" *His tone takes on a serious note. To him fire is terrifying, in fact if anything near him was to light up fear would take over. Fear with him usually needed up with him shifting into the first form he thinks of and doing all he can to escape. Even, if it means he attacks something in his way. His fire phobia is something he has been working on for a long time with no real improvements.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan blinked slightly at Loki's reaction. "I won't torch you. You're an ally. Or if you'd prefer...friend?" She attempted a friendly smile and failed. Miserably so. She waited for Loki's reply then looked away. "This place is too crowded. I don't like it..." She spoke, trying to get a conversation going. Easier said than done with Megan. She didn't like crowds nor talking nor most people. She'd rather be reading or burning stuff right now. Not standing in a crowd and actually TALKING to people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki grumbles he too would rather be anywhere else then here. He felt claustrophobic with all the people.* "I really don't care what you call me" *He then hears her comment on it being crowded and nods* "I hate being in crowded areas as well *He sighs heavily and looks up at an intercom as if trying to will it to say his name, he can't of course, but still.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I wish I was home. It's a lot quieter. Well except when my grandma decides to play her 'classical' music as loudly as the gramophone will allow her too." Megan giggled slightly but quickly smothered the noise. God this is starting to get awkward. Where's a friggin distraction when you need one?!? She thought while looking around. She needed to get out. With or without Atticus. It didn't matter to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Atticus listened intently to the explanation the examiner gave of what his magic did exactly. "So...I can shake things and make sounds. That's...err...not exactly what I expected. But hey, that's still brilliant! I could be a one-man band!" he said excitedly, looking on the bright side of at least HAVING a specialty. Even if it wasn't "The kind of magic where I can make it rain money and then use the money to buy a house" kind of magic. Vibrations were cool. Proceeding with the next step, he started seeing what sort of path his future could lead to...looked like construction work. Sighing disappointingly, he just sorta...slumped over. It was work at least so...that was fine. If he could afford a place to live and food, even better. Not letting it get him too down, he proceeded to the medical examination part.

A couple of surprised yelps and syringes, Atticus was cleared with a clean bill of health. Besides being malnourished by a margin, he was in decent health. Identified as A- with his blood type, he was pretty sure that was good. A's were good in school, right? Walking out with a bandage on his right upper arm, he quickly spotted Megan and Loki and smiled, quickly making his way back over. "So, Megan, how'd your testing go?" he asked with a great amount of care, really wanting to know if someone else got something cool. Maybe if someone got that money magic he could ask them nicely for some. Or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Horrible. Let's get out of this fricking crowd." Megan grabbed Atticus's forearm and attempted dragging him out after waving bye to Loki and Mateiu. Of course she failed in pulling Atticus along and fell onto her face. Oh god. Now everyone will give me really weird looks now. she thought while struggling to her feet, trying to hide her embarrassment. Which really didn't work as a light red started to cover her cheeks. Megan started to panic as people began looking towards her. She ran out as fast as she could, knocking people over as she did so, but she didn't care. She just needed to be outside away from staring eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Sophon Phy, please report to room C for testing. Sophon Phy to room C." A voice announced. Sophon, who was just wandering with nothing much else to do arrived at the large wooden door almost immediately. The door slowly opened, revealing a dimly lit stone room. A large white fur rug was on the floor, she didn't recognize the species that the rug came from. It was too large to be any furry animal on earth, and when she stepped on it, none of the dirt or dust dirtied the rug. On the other end of the room was a large wood desk, covered in books and glowing gems of various colors. The edges were emblazoned with silver and the sides were engraved with epic battles between men and... Demons?

"Oh! That was quick, my apologies!" A voice spoke up from the desk, Sophon peered over the book as she approached the desk. A yellow robed person stood up and snapped their fingers. The torches in the room brightened, lighting up the room much more. "I was reading, very interesting book."
"I thought you needed light for books?" Sophon replied,
"Ah. Not this one. The hieroglyphs glow..." Yellow Robe explained, their voice trailed off towards the end, "Your arm?"
"Just a little accident." She shrugged,
"Will you be okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. What will we be doing today then?" Sophon asked, changing the subject quickly,
"Right!" Yellow Robe exclaimed, they looked down and picked up a translucent sphere from somewhere on the desk. Yellow Robe placed it on top of a book in front of Sophon. "Place your hand on the orb, and we will determine your magic!"
"I already know my magic." Sophon plainly said.

"Eh?" When Yellow Robe looked up at the young student, a bright green light was seen on her chest, and where her missing arm was there was now a green hand. Sophon pulled up the sleeve, revealing that the whole arm was made of the green plantmatter. Several leaves stuck out from visible forearm. She held up her plant arm and wiggled the fingers, then making a thumbs up. The orb pulsed once and lifted itself from book, now levitated a few inches from the desk. "Amazing..." Yellow Robe cleared their throat, "Anyways, put your hand on the orb. We'll see if there's any more to your magic. We will also see your future."
Sophon complied and cupped the orb from below with her plant arm, holding it up to her face. She carefully peered inside of it.

She saw white plains as far as the eye could see, nothingness beyond. The cloudless blue sky, and a blazing red sun. Then time sped up, the sun and moon flying by at speed. Occasionally there would be rain, then the water would dry up again. Salt flats. A place where life is rare, and water is rarer. Then she heard footsteps, and saw the shadow of a bipedal figure. From her vision, an arm made of plant and wood extended out. The process taking days. A handwave later, a small patch of grass grew. Then flowers. Then trees. She saw insects crawling on the newly formed soil, and animals running on the branches of the now massive trees. Then night came, and time slowed. In the darkness of the forest, she saw black shadowy figures come out of hiding behind the trees, their eyes glowing a familiar bright green. They all raised their left arms.

Then she was taken out of the vision. Sophon looked at Yellow Robe, "What was that? At the end, who were they?"
Yellow Robe rubbed their chin in thought, "Hm... I'm not quite sure. Denizens of the Forest, although I am not sure which. And they all appeared to greet you as one of their own. I'll look into this. Now, your future?"
Sophon held up the sphere again and looked once more into it, this time she saw only a glimpse. It was her, sitting in a small grove of trees, meditating. She sighed, that wasn't much of a future, she did that all the time.
"Meditation?" Yellow Robe asked,
"I do that a lot."
"I see. The final step is to go through that door and get a medical check up, then you're all done!" Yellow Robe explained. Sophon placed the orb back down on the desk and left for the check up. It was quick, Sophon not paying much attention to it. She was thinking about the orbs visions. After getting a clean bill of health, she concluded that she had to meditate. She made a beeline to the outdoors and walked towards a nearby tree and sat under it, sitting in the half lotus position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki watches Megan run off. He gives a sigh and shrug before he follows her. He manages to dodge several people as he goes, focused on her scent. That is, until some guy bumps hard into him and causes his glasses to fall off. He freezes squeezing his eyes shut* "What. The. Heck. You. Friggin. Imbecile." *The guy walks off quickly but not before earning a punch from Loki. The punch causes the guy to yelp, hold his arm, and run off quicker.* "I hate people" *His hands remain clenched and he remains standing, not quite searching for his glasses yet since that would require opening those yellow eyes of his.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Megan ran until she was pretty far from the main building, then she stopped and looked around. She then began walking. When she had stopped, she found that she had wondered inside of what seemed like a garden. She sat down on a small patch of grass and brought her knees to her chest, her arms folded on top of her knee. She sat like that and didn't budge a single bit. She didn't want to move. Megan just wanted to die then and there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mateiu watched somewhat wordlessly as Megan took off hurriedly to avoid the vast crowds of people with Loki and the one he assumed to be Atticus trailing after her. For a moment Mateiu considered following as well, partially to ensure that Megan wasn't about to die from a panic attack on the first day of school, and partially to continue killing time in a manner that didn't leave him dying of boredom. He started to step forward, however before he managed to make any headway a voice rang out, "Mateiu Lockhart, please report to room B for testing. I repeat, Mateiu Lockhart to room B.". He froze and glanced over his shoulder towards the direction of the voice, finding himself in a mindset somewhere between gratitude and annoyance at the timing of his calling. As he was not yet attached to either of the students he'd conversed with, Mateiu shrugged and turned on his heel before he sauntered towards the testing area he was instructed to.

Upon opening the door Mateiu was greeted by the sight of a cloaked figure sitting behind a large desk, ornate in appearance with many runes and symbols mirroring those of the books that sat atop it carved into the rich brown wood. Mateiu stepped inside somewhat uncertainly, taking note of the fact that the room was deceptively large despite the adjacent doors for rooms A and C being so close to it on either sides. There was a certain feel about the room that Mateiu couldn't quite place, somewhere between trepidation and excitement. The symbols that lined the desk only served to further fuel these mixed feelings. Mateiu squinted a bit to get a better look at the desk as he caught a glimpse of something around the runes. He wasn't quite sure of it at first, but it almost seemed as though they were glowing. His parents had taught him the importance of runes, of the power each one could potentially hold, though he'd never quite paid attention as he should have; a fact that he was definitely kicking himself for now. Mateiu slowly moved closer towards the desk as he was entranced by the glowing symbols, forgetting that he was under the watchful eye of the mage behind it until the figure decided to clear their throat moments before Mateiu was about to reach out and touch the runes.

"Greetings young one. Are you ready to begin your examination?" The figure asked patiently.
Mateiu sucked in a sharp breath and sat up straight as he remembered that he was not alone in the room. With this realization came a hot wave of embarrassment which he quickly fought back in favor of responding to the question asked of him, "Yeah i'm- I mean, yes, I'm ready...sir?". Mateiu was uncertain of the gender of the mage before him thanks to the cloak, and if he'd been correct or incorrect with his choice of honorific there was no indication given. The mage gestured to the orb on the table, "Sit and peer into the orb. We'll begin by figuring out the nature of your magic, then we will try and-" "May I interrupt you for a moment?". The mage's head tilted up from the orb, filling Mateiu with a sinking sensation as he felt a pair of eyes bore in to him "What is it young one?" "I...uh...I already know what sort of magic I use. My parents kept me and my siblings at home longer to see what we ended up with. My particular magus naturae is an augmentum type. Growth magic.". To demonstrate this Mateiu removed his goggles and expanded them to four times their initial size before dispelling the magic and returning them to their original place The mage seemed to examine Mateiu for a moment before giving a small nod, "A fairly unique form of magic; uncommon, but not exactly rare. I'm impressed that you know the proper nomenclature for your magus naturae. Very well, we'll bypass that portion of the examination and see where you have room to grow.", "No pun intended?".
The room went completely silent as the mage stared at Mateiu, and then, a faint chuckle "No pun intended. After that we'll see what sort of path your future may hold for you. Please, place your hands on the orb so we may begin.". Mateiu nodded and reached out, pressing his palms firmly on either side of the orb and peering into the crystalline center as he waited for whatever was to come.

The next few moments were like watching a silent movie: Mateiu could make out many silhouettes moving about, completely black save for their eyes and mouths, like something out of a shadow puppeteers performance. Some of the figures stood, others moved about, and still more were suspended in the air in a seated position. Whatever the position the figures were in, they all had something in common: Food. Each figure had something in their hands that was readily identifiable as a massive portion of one sort of delicacy or another. There was one figure in particular that stood out amongst the others, standing a full head taller than most, and hoisting a great platter above its head with an abnormally large hand. Mateiu could see the figure was smiling widely, as though it couldn't be any happier that it was in that moment. "Interesting, it looks as though your magic plays such a vital role to your future endeavors that we're getting both a glimpse into your abilities and your future simultaneously. Quite interesting, wouldn't you agree?", "Yes...it's...amazing! Really amazing!" Mateiu beamed as he felt his heart swell with joy. This joy and the expression that Mateiu wore quickly disappeared as the large silhouette slipped and fell, sending the heaps of food spilling onto it. The other silhouettes all froze, then, much to Matieu's horror, one smiled and tilted it's head back in silent laughter. The others quickly began to mime the action, all of them pointing, all of them laughing. All of them, save one. The large silhouette rose slowly, eyes narrowed as it stomped threateningly towards the first of the silhouettes to laugh. Silent laughs were replaced by silent screams as the large silhouette picked up the smaller one and began to mime a throttling motion. More silhouettes came into view, these ones sporting what could only be guns. Mateiu unconsciously shook his head as the large silhouette dropped the smaller one.
The next bits came in flashes: The large silhouette being detained, the silhouette being joined by several smaller ones, one of which sported a strange bulky item around it's neck, the large silhouette handing a large rectangular stack to the item wearing one, a building being torn down as the large silhouette wept on it's knees, the large silhouette drinking from a large bottle. Mateiu shook his head in disbelief as the silhouette threw down the bottle and began attacking other silhouettes, some tried to fight back, but they were ultimately trampled underfoot as the large silhouette increased in size, towering over other silhouettes that looked like buildings. Things got progressively worse until Mateiu let out a sharp cry and released the orb, but not before he caught one final glimpse of the large silhouette enclosing its hands around an orb in a similar manner to what he had just done. The only differences were that this orb was colored in a mixture of blues, greens, and whites, and the fact the large silhouette had its head tilted back and it's mouth wide open in joyous, silent laughter.

Mateiu shook and looked up at the mage who regarded him with silence. "An...unusual premonition, to say the least.", The figure stated calmly. Mateiu looked at the mage, then to the orb, and then back to the mage, "Unusual? UNUSUAL!? That was HORRIBLE! What sort of future reading was THAT?!" Mateiu screamed. The mage held a hand up as though to settle the younger boy, still carrying the same lightness in their tone as they spoke, "These visions are not set in stone. They are glimpses of what may happen, not of what will. Perhaps this was merely a cautionary tale of what may be to come if you allow your emotions to rule your actions. Ultimately it's up to you to decide what your future will become.". Mateiu wasn't quite sure if he could believe what he was being told, however he wanted to believe it true "So I can keep what I just saw from happening.", "If you try. Now then, I have to examine other students, you'll be moving through that door there for a more physical test". Mateiu stared at the cloaked figure hoping for something more. When he received nothing, he simply gave a weak nod and shuffled out of the room, too busy mulling over his vision to complain, even when he was pricked by the needle for blood drawing. WHen he was given the green light Mateiu returned to the crowd of students to collect his things and wait to be given his schedule.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Noticing the quick decrease in students in his vicinity Noel decided to head to room C and see if turn would pop up anytime soon. The pervious and interesting students he met early had already been called and left. He wanted to continue his....conversations with them but in order to do so he had to finish this. He got pretty amped about soon learning what his future career would be. Hopefully I wouldn't be business the last thing he wanted was for his father to be right. Consuming a chewy/sweat piece of candy Noel arrived at room C patiently waiting to be noticed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Atticus was beyond confused when Megan was tugging on his arm, wondering why she hated crowds so much...then she fell. Right onto her face. Wincing slightly, before Atticus could even ask her if she was okay, she ran right off. Atticus looked as she ran away, too in shock that she just got hurt that quick. Noticing as Loki's glasses got knocked off, Atticus quickly dove to try and cover them, so that nobody would step on them in the crowd. Getting his other hand stepped on at some point, Atticus reached down and plucked the sunglasses up, handing them to Loki once he rose again. "What's with Megan? Here- take your glasses." he says, before deciding to chase after Megan, pushing his way through the crowd fairly easily. Not too many people would want to get in the way of the charging big guy.

Making his way out to the grounds, he looked around frantically for Megan, eventually finding the garden. Panting after all that running, he leans forward, hands on his knees. "H...Hey...Megan? A-Are you alright? Your nose isn't broken, is it?" he asks, voice full of genuine concern.
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