Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki snorts he seems way more calm now since Nort stopped trying to freeze him.* "I do know my *air quotes* "gift" and yes we are at a magic school with people with magic abilities and whatnot"*an eye roll even though Nort can't see it. His posture suggesting that he no longer wants to punch the guy but is still generally unamused by his presence*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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From his seated position Mateiu had begun to doze off, not even bothering to pay attention to whether or not his name was about to be called in the near future. A thin line of drool ran down the corner of his mouth and continued it's descent onto the palm and arm he used to prop his head up. It seemed as though that this would have likely gone on for quite a bit had the sudden slickness not caused Mateiu's hand to slip away from his face. The student awoke with a sharp yelp and flailed a bit as he started to fall forward, believing himself to be in danger of a rather unpleasant meet and greet between his face and the floor. He lurched forward a bit and balanced on the balls of his feet before placed his palms on the ground to steady himself. A few students whom had witnessed his near face plant snickered amongst themselves.

Mateiu felt a brief wave of embarrassment wash over him, tinging his cheeks a faint shade of pink as he glared at one of the others, "Yeah, laugh it up. Let's see if all of you are still giggling when I decide to shove you into your lockers!" He barked indignantly. The threat was empty, one half of the reason being that he wasn't willing to expend the energy required to track down everyone who had laughed, and the other being that he honestly didn't even know if the school had lockers to shove people into. The threat worked all the same, as some of the students dispersed and gave Mateiu a wide berth. He snorted and wiped the saliva off of his face with the sleeve of his uniform before tuning in to his surroundings. People were still milling about while they waited to be called. A few students had taking to talking amongst themselves, and two in particular seemed to be having a somewhat heated debate. Mateiu propped his chin up on one hand and braced the other on his thigh as he began to observe Loki and Nort, hoping to get some sort of entertainment out of his first day of school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Atticus took a breath of relief, placing his palm on his right pectoral. "Ah, thanks...I was worried that it'd be following me around for a week. Last thing I wanted was to be called Bird-Poo Haywood." he says, gingerly folding his uniform to where the bird-splat was on the top and set it before the desk, stepping past it. Curious about the orb, Atticus put his hands on the desk and looked at the sphere from every angle. Yup. It was round. Content with it being completely round and not a trick of the eye, he listened to the Banana-robed mage.

Assuming that since the mage was gesturing to the orb, Atticus nodded and moved closer, placing his hands to the side-arcs of the sphere. "So uh...l-like this, right? Am I looking for anything in particular?" he asked, leaning close and peering with one eye, like he was trying to look through a telescope, hunched over quite a bit to look into the ball.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"......." Loki may be surprised by Nort, as Nort just walks off, towards the building without another word. It may be infuriating, confusing...either way, Nort was wanting to get inside quickly. Being out there, able to see the blue sky brought back memories. Bad ones...so, now he left. Within the school, he begins to wander, looking for a teacher, a student, whoever he saw first. He wanted to get his mind off his current thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki watches Nort walk away then sighs while the guy was infuriating it was distracting him for the fact that he was at the school... now it was coming back and he froze becoming statue like with standing perfectly still trying not to think about where he was and how many people are there*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Mateiu let out a soft grunt of disappointment as the two he believed were gearing up for a fight parted ways. He shook his head, musing on what a let down that had been before he began to rifle through his pockets for the pack of double mint he'd brought with him, coming away with two pieces which he quickly unwrapped and began to chew on idly. "'M booooored. How long is this supposed to take!?" He fussed before leaning back on his bag and placing his palms on the floor behind him. Mateiu craned his head up a bit to see if he could hear his name being called, however when no mention of his name was to be found, he simply began to entertain himself by popping his gum and searching the room with his eyes for anyone else of interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki was doing a fairly good job of pretending he was alone until he heard gum popping. With every pop he gave an eye twitch behind his glasses. He manages to remain where he is until he couldn't handle it anymore with hi stuff still slung over his should he silently makes his way over to Mateiu. Is this reckless yes, but does he care no he is too annoyed to care at this moment.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Having begun to add rhythmic foot tapping to his list of activities, Mateiu continued scanning the room up until something caught his attention, or rather, someone. One of the pair of near scrapers from earlier was heading in his direction. At first Mateiu started to look away, figuring the guy would simply pass by him, however he paused when he realized that the fellow student appeared to be looking his way. Mateiu reached up to his face and lowered his goggles ever so slightly to ensure he wasn't just seeing things, briefly revealing a pair of hazel eyes as his right brow raised up by half an inch.

Indeed it seemed that the other was heading his way, and they didn't seem all too pleased. Mateiu sat nonplussed. He continued right along with popping his gum, waiting until Loki was close enough to where yelling to be heard wasn't a necessity. "Sup, there a problem or something?" He grunted, accenting every two words with another pop before continuing the pattern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki looks at the guy his voice back to that eerie calm an annoyed expression on his face as he stares the guy straight in the eyes* "Before i go insane.... please stop popping that gum" *The noise was so irritating to him the sound causing his eye to twitch each time to him gum popping went right along with chalkboard scratching a grating annoying sound that was borderline painful*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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@The Irish Tree

The robed figure chuckled quietly again, clearly amused by this student. "You're trying too hard. Just relax and let it come to you, you'll know it when it reveals itself. The way you are now, though, you won't be very happy if it turns out to be something shocking."

@Im a huge mess

After a minute, a slightly chubby young woman entered with a clipboard and gave the waiting girl a smile. "Megan Starling? We will be starting the health examination shortly." As she waited for an answer, she placed the clipboard down and went to don a pair of gloves. "We do have to draw some blood, but it should be fairly painless besides that. From what our records show, there shouldn't be anything that should cause this to take too long, either. Are you ready?"


"Your power seems to be one of the most historically respected. Those who possess the power to connect with forms such as these have been seen as powerful allies associated closely with both the natural and even spiritual worlds for centuries. Be warned, though. As history has foretold, those jealous or misunderstanding of these noble shifters often seek to destroy or control them. You are only what you make of yourself, despite what anyone else may decide, and should be careful who is deserving of your favor."

The blue-robed figure shifted slightly in the chair before speaking again. "And now, we shall see what paths the future has invited you to. Focus again on the orb. I believe you should be able to see this one for yourself as well."


Again, the projected voice echoed across the hall.
"Jack Mills, this is your last call. Please report to room A or you shall be moved to the end of the list. Jack Mills to room A."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Atticus couldn't help but laugh at himself a little too. He really WAS taking this too seriously. After all, it wasn't like he was here to become some archmage that could...like...explode a mountain. He just wanted to get his general education out of the way to start getting payed higher than minimum wage. Truly the loftiest of goals. Taking a deep breath, Atticus relaxed his shoulders and just craddled the orb in his hands, looking into it as if he was trying to see his reflection in it.

After a moment, he saw something. Himself...standing in front of a crystal clear lake. Slowly, he saw whatever representation of himself that this was step out onto the water. Rather than his foot sinking down, it...stood atop the water. A soft wave surging out from the point of contact, hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of ripples all emenating from his single point of contact. Stepping out with his other foot, the water was clashing against itself, ripple against ripple. He didn't really understand why or how, but he started to run inside the orb. Each step seemed to resound with a sound he could feel within his bones, every step despite how normal it was serving the purpose of carrying on...something. A song? No...he couldn't hear anything. He just knew. A dull ringing echoed in his mind outside of the orb, and once he let go of the sphere, his visage took one final step, plunging to the bottom of the lake completely, the crystal ball returning to being normal.

Rubbing his temples, he looked at the robed instructor, quickly asking: "Um...Did any of that make sense to you? I was...standing on a lake and...there was music. Not-Not music, but like...a rhythm. I felt my hands shaking too.", literally unaware of the nature of the magic. While it may have appeared to have something to do with water to the naked eye, an adept mage would be able to discern that his natural affinity lied in Vibration magic, manipulating pulses and sound through the caster's surrounding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

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Megan nodded slightly at the chubby woman and held her pale hand out for her blood to be drawn. She winced when the nurse pricked her finger. She grumbled, glaring at the nurse. She really didn't like nurses. They prick you with sharp objects and that wasn't cool according to Megan. People to burn after all of this is done: this fucking nurse. she began to make a list in her head. Along in that list was several other people she had already made enemies with. "Can I go now? I have someone I need to meet up with." She crossed her arms. Waiting for the nurse's reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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@YamiCuoreLaroux(for some unknown reason that mention did fuck all)

Jack heard the voice and made his way to room A. When he got there, he saw a chair and an orb in the center.<what?>.jack walked over and took his hood off and he sat down wondering what might come of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Mateiu lips turned upwards in a wry smirk, being fairly unperturbed by the look he was receiving. On the contrary, Mateiu was somewhat amused by Loki's reaction, as well as the fact that Loki didn't seem to mind asking a complete stranger to cease their actions. In Mateiu's experience, people were often too put off by his size to tell him to stop whenever he was engaged in an activity that could be considered annoying, making his current predicament all the more refreshing.

Mateiu's smirk broadened a bit, he complied, though not without one final pop as his teeth clicked together audibly. Mateiu continued chewing his gum at a much less audible volume, "Satisfied?".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Loki nods looking relieved* "Yes thank you" *He looks around him realizing he managed to get deeper into the throng of people and looks anxious again his hands going into his pockets. His posture returning to the anxious positioning. With his eyes hidden he doesn't have to worry about the borderline fear that can be found in their yellow depths.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Im a huge mess

"Well..." The plump woman took a moment to look over everything before looking back over to the grumpy girl. "There doesn't appear to be anything particularly strange, so you're free to go." Giving her a cheerful smile, she gestured toward the door as she removed her gloves before washing her hands. She recorded the information quickly before starting to set up for the next student, humming quietly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Megan was out of the the second the nurse said that she could go. She then looked around for Atticus but when she couldn't find him she instead looked for someone else she could perhaps hide behind. She then saw Mateiu and Loki talking, well it looked more ike arguing but it was good enough for her. She walked over to them, people kinda staring at her. She didn't like it. Megan stood in front of them and folded her arms. "Mind if I hide behind you two?" She spoke in a calm sort of tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Im a huge mess
*Loki looks over at Megan and raises an eyebrow* ".... do what now" *Oddest request he has ever gotten so of course he had to make sure he heard her right*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Hide behind you." Megan's tone never changed. She also had a straight face and a a sort of relaxed posture. She stared at Loki, trying to see what was behind the sunglasses, which was rather difficult to do, but that didn't stop Megan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Im a huge mess
*Loki stands there with a perturbed expression on his face which is visible even with the sunglasses then he shrugs* "Weird but okay... i guess." *having been taken off guard by the random request*
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