Role in Team?: Leader, a jack of all trades but is usually the plan maker
Unlike a lot of humans out there now a days, I was born on Earth. A modest, humble place in the heart of the United States named Colorado. I never met my dad, but mom assured me and my sister that he was the greatest man she ever met. We came from the long line of explorers. Our family line went all the way back to Leif Erikson, and our great great great great great grandfather was on board the first space shuttle out of our solar system... But that was on my father's side, and he left a long time ago. My mom became broken. A drunk, a drug user... so it left me to take care of my mom and little sister... And then He showed up. My father's apparent best friend started to get friendlier and friendlier with my mom, and soon enough he became my stepdad. He was a disgrace of a man. He did nothing but smoke and yell at my mom, and when he wasn't doing that he was beating me for standing up for her.
But my mother never left. Maybe if she knew the fate of my dad she would have done something... but her sadness weighed her down, left her the broken pieces of the woman she once was... I started to rebel against him. I would steal from his wallet, make my "attacks" on him look like accidents, I would often get in fights with people and give them my step dad's name as mine to see if they would come to our house and start beating the shit out of him. It never worked.
One night I came home after school to find... m-my mother in a bloody mess on the ground, my sister crying with a bloody nose, and the stench of liquor filling my nose as I saw my step dad over them. I fought back. My mom said I was so much like my father. Strong, brave, willing to step up and do the right thing... But as I fought my step dad, I wondered how great my dad was if he left us alone with this guy in our lives.
That was the start of my criminal record. After that my step father never pressed charges on me, my mom said it was all an accident, but he sent me to a military school... At the Galactic Committee. Turns out I come from a long line of important soldiers in the Chase family, so they were eager to take me in. I never considered myself a soldier, but the more I got compared to my father, the more I got angry with him. he sounded perfect, too good to be true, and yet my mother was a raging alcoholic, my sister was afraid to leave the house, and I was thousands of lightyears away to do anything to protect him. So to me, Todd Chase wasn't that special.
I was one of the top in my class when I eventually graduated, and had my own squadron and ship. We were a peace keeping unit that dealt with new interactions with alien colonies, or any hate crime distributions. One of the Committee's enemies planned a terrorist attack on a new allied colony accepting to join the Committee. My whole squadron died, except me, but I didn't leave uninjured. My left hand had a horrible shake now, and I was put on medical leave, to go back home and see my mom and sister again.
I came home to find out the worst news you could ever get. Jamie Chase, My mother, apparently "fell down the stairs" two years ago. One year later my step father wasted the family inheritance, and he was so unstable to protect my sister they took her away. She blamed me for not staying, and she refused to tell me where she was... My step father ruined my life.
I wanted to fight him, to kill the man who murdered my mother and took away my baby sister... But I didn't. My left arm was too badly hurt, My heart felt hollow, and so I left without another word to the man... The next morning the Committee police were at my door, and I was charged the the murder of my step dad, and my next door neighbors. I was court marshaled, found guilty of my crimes, and sent to a maximum security prison known as The Rock.
I was 22 at this time. I was broken myself. I hated my step father. I hated that I was in this prison for a crime that I didn't do but wish I did. I was mad at the Committee for finding the wrong guy, for throwing me here after my years of service to them... But most importantly, I was mad at my dad. Wherever he was, I hoped he was miserable with the fact that he left his perfect family behind, and I hoped he found out that his wife was dead, his daughter was traumatized, and his son was in jail. I hoped that crushed him more than it crushed me.
Then the Committee came to my cell. They offered my another chance to make myself something other than a husk in a cell. They offered me a ship, a chance to lead. To be a Stellar Explorer. I knew it was a suicide mission, that I would most likely die within days by some terrorist party out there, or getting swallowed up in some giant plant on some planet... But a part of me held an idiotic concept (or so I thought). I had hope that I would be able to clear my name. Or to find my father. Or to see my sister again... I accepted, and I was the proud owner of my new Assault-Class Exploration ship, "The Monroe."
I was assigned a team, my natural leadership skills and my time in the military made them trust me, but.. My time in the COMMITTEE military left me in some tension with some of the crew. That soon faded when he survived our first assignment... Fighting a fleet of invisible ant-men type aliens on a remote planet surrounded by quick sand. Our reputation grew mission after mission. Whether it be planet data collection, or recon strikes. We became the best exploration team in the galaxy, and got the title: The Marauders.
It's not been an easy ride. I've made close friends, and I've lost many of them. There are some old seasoned veterans on the team, and new guys. I would do anything to keep them safe, and I continue my search for my father, and have been pestering the Committee to let me see my sister again... I've never told anyone about my past. All they know is that I was put away for killing my step dad and neighbors... And yet they trust me. I will protect my ship, and my crew with my life... But there are only a very select few that know about my past and my alternate goals, though. Maybe my past will come back to haunt me... But for now, I'll go along with this ride... I'm with great people, and although we are technically on a suicide mission, I've had some fun. What can I say? A group of crazies and criminals do know how to have a good time.
Personality: Contrary to many criminal stereotypes, Ray is Noble, Brave, and headstrong. He can be a smartass, especially to the Committee. He hides his past with jokes and sarcasm, and he takes his role as the leader very seriously. Extremely loyal to all his crew mates, and has a very strong sense of protection and need to help when it comes to women-- especially children and mothers. Ever since he lost his squad when he served in the committee he feels like every casualty taken on his crew his solely his fault, and it wears him down no matter how well he hides it.
Weapon(s) : An elemental revolver that has been in the Chase family for generations (even before space travel) that has been modified, and an electric whip that is activated within a glove, said to be used by my father.
Family/Relationship?: Has a strong relationship with the Crew's Doctor, Luirae Driani, AKA Rae. She's the only one who knows about his past. His sister has refused to talk to him since he was arrested, and no one knows whether his real father is alive or dead.
Other: Has a scar on his upper lip from his step father, and due to his military days whenever he stands still for too long his left hand starts to twitch
Name: Luirae Driani AKA: Rae Age: 25 Race: Cristallum Appearance: (The crystal markings on her body are as soft as skin but in time of danger it hardens to become more of a natural armor) Faction: Marauder, Bounty Hunter, Galactic Committee Volunteer Role in Team?: Doctor/Medic Bio: Rae was born on the planet of Pluvia, a world covered in ice and snow, a vast wasteland of endless white and jutted glaciers at first look. If you were trapped there, it would hold nothing but blizzards and large blocks of hail that fall from a never ending storm. The clouds only clear once every year, letting the two moons circling her home planet to shine through and light up the snow causing something special to happen. Glowing flowers called Farafell bloom, only lasting one night but it is the only time her people see the surface and sky of their home though it is not because of the frigid temperatures but because it is more pleasant to live by other means. You see, her planets true home is actually on the inside. They live in various tunnels that connect to different caves, each one very uniquely different from the last but most are covered with lush strange plant life and animals adapted to the land above as well as below. The only source of light they have are certain bugs as well as spores that the trees released at certain times every day. The Cristallum don't keep their children past the age of 4 so most parents aren't attached to their children or share a bond. It is for this reason that Rae finds it a strange concept to have people support her or be there for her since she is not use to it from her own kind. The Cristallum species chooses your job and then you are trained till you are of age to do the job assigned. It is all very official and not a lot of emotion is put into things but that is just their way. They are not mean or cruel, just to logical and try to be kind to all they meet (which is not many) unless they are given reason to attack. Not many of her race ever leave home since it is almost impossible for flight, in or out and everyone always has a place to belong which never gives them reason to want to leave. Rae felt she could be more and do more than what she was ordered so she took her chances, leaving on the one day when the sky was clear....the festival of the blooming Farafell. It wasn't long before she took on a job to be a bounty hunter when a officer of the law saw her defend herself from a being almost five times her size. It wasn't the perfect job and not really one she enjoyed but at least it was something since she was starting from scratch. After a few years on the job Rae was starting to feel stuck in one spot again and it was miserable to be catching people only to have them being put who knows where. Instead she switched to focusing on medicine, wanting to be able to help people and even save them. Being a bounty hunter meant always being alone which didn't pull her out of her quiet shell and lack of understanding seemed to put her in more trouble with others so the change in her life had brought about more than just her happiness but taught Rae about things she couldn't learn in class. Going to school and being around so many people where communication was necessary made her build confidence and allowed her to understand some emotions and things such as friendship though she was still lacking in many areas, at least she was more aware about the worry of upsetting others. After graduating early, she joined the Galactic Committee as a volunteer so she could explore the universe and they assigned her to the Monroe,choosing to a certain extent who would be on it . Most would think her crazy, wishing to be on a ship of criminals and sent on suicide missions but to her it is the most rewarding job. She joined for her own reasons but stayed so she could help everyone on the ship even though she works for the Committee technically, her loyalty is not to them. She would never want to restrict the Marauders or write reports about every little thing they do. She wants to make sure they live on. Personality: She isn't one to back down from a challenge and always puts her heart in everything she does. Rae can be stubborn,rash, and blunt but she is also kind and if you are lucky enough to get close to her, then she has unbreakable loyalty. She is the kind of person that would give up her life if it meant protecting others. Sometimes she can be oblivious to certain things or doesn't understand certain types of emotions but it is only because of her background where their wasn't much emotions. Weapon(s) : Usually elemental revolvers/pistols or special bow/arrows Family/Relationship?: Open to anyone who is interested ;) Just PM me or ask
Has a strong relationship to the Captain of the ship. She isn't sure what kind of relationship but she respects him and he has her loyalty.
Other: Her eyes have the unique trait to look through the body of others if she so chooses and see straight to the bone, organs, muscles or tendons depending on what she prefers to see. This is one of the reason she was a bounty hunter seeing as how this little gift gave her the edge of having perfect accuracy to knock out her opponent or get the upper hand in battle but on the brighter side it helps her be the good doctor she is. (She can only look through bodies, everything else appears black or dark in this mode of vision) Rae can also regenerate but only superficial wounds will be healed rapidly. The more she has to grow back the longer it takes and not everything can be fixed if destoryed which can lead to her death. If she were to cut off a finger it would take a few weeks to grow back and cut off an arm it would take years.
Name: Tahillie Junta (Pronunciation of Name TA-Hee-Lee JUNE-ta)
AKA: Talley, June
Age: 32
Race: Furtim
Tahillie may stand a few inches taller than the rest of his brethren species, making him stand at Six feet and three inches tall and weighing at 179 LBS. With dark smooth scales covering his entire being, Tahillie can be seen wearing light clothing. The colouring of the clothing consists of cotten Slate blue vest, Burnt grey slacks, Eggshell white shirt that can be seen underneath the vest, and midnight blue shoes. With wide, but feline like yellow eyes, are hidden behind a metallic silver visor.
Faction: Marauder, Ex-Committee Soldier, Hacker,
Role in Team?: Scout/Intelligence
When Tahillie was rather young, no older than two years of age, his mother had taken him away from their home world, not wanting him to be a hired hand. Tahillie did not know why at the time, but shrugged it off as any other thing that his mother would do. That was til their little ship was raided. His mother, to Tahillie at the time, thought that she was going to play hide and seek with him, after that she told him to hide and that she'll come looking for him. She never found him, nor he never saw her alive.
Shortly after the loud commotions stopped, and being as brave as he can, Tahillie mustered all of his strength to wonder out of the cubby hole in the cockpit of their little transporter. To his surprise, he found his mother laying in a pool of dark liquid, though he thought that she was simply sleeping. He kept telling her to wake up, that she won the game, but she never responded. He was caught shortly after he was found poking at his mother. The Pirates that had boarded their little transporter, had an idea forming in the back of his head; sell the little Furtim off in the black market.
After being sold off in an action, Tahillie shortly became a fighter of sorts, fighting for his life against other extraterrestrial beings in Underground Fights. He was praised by his first Master, enjoying the praises that he also had gotten from his mother before she was killed. He enjoyed the way that his fists made another's skull crack open, or how the sound of bones breaking made him shiver with delight, he enjoyed all the praises that his Master had given him. That last for thirteen years, till the Committee Soldiers had taken down the Underground Fights that have been happening on the outer most rimmed galaxies. He was taken into the Committee's care.
Shortly after he was taken to the Committee, Tahillie became distant with everyone around him, even with the ones that called him Brother in Arms. He turned hostile towards the Soldiers that had killed the only being that took him in, even if he was bought as an Underground Fighter. He lost his hatred after being in isolation for six months with nothing but a hologram for entertainment. Sure, the soldiers came to bring him food, trying to get the mentality of being a slave out of his system, and left whenever they felt they've failed to do any of the above. This was until one of the soldiers became his friend by constantly coming to see him. Not that he minded the company.
Roughly two and a half years after he came out of Isolation, he had found another interest for hacking into the Committee's data bank, but only stopped when his friend had caught and scolded him for doing the wrong thing. He did enjoy the thrill of hacking into others personal information, along finding out other things during the two and a half years. He was then later trained to hack into other operative data banks, this considered with the Black markets, slave auctions, and other criminal syndicate that we're almost hidden well from the Committee's eyes.
Four years after his training, thus close to the age of twenty five years of age, Tahillie was praised for another Black Market findings in another sector of the Galaxy, giving his higher up (his best friend) the wear abouts of the Black Market. When his Best friend had ventured off to stop this black market, Tahillie had found out that his best friend was murdered by one of the Auctioneers, who was also the same being that had bought him when he was only two years of age. While rage build up in the back of his mind, Tahillie became quickly aware that he was being watched by the other soldiers, the trainees, and by the higher ranks. He was cold towards them, not their fault to be exact, but he was not the most friendliest of being to be around.
Roughly searching for the one that killed his best friend, Tahillie gave up on being a Soldier for the Committee, he needed the freedom to search for the Slave owner, to find and end the poor saps life. He left the Committee while he was Twenty Nine years of age. Four years after his training, and a littler over a decade with the Committee.
When he gave his letter of Leave, he volunteered himself for the expeditions to the Unknown, this was a way for himself to find the one that killed his friend. However, even to this day, Tahillie is still estranged to the crew, seemingly to ignore and cold to most of the crew.
Personality: While being cold himself, Tahillie Junta is a standoffish type of being, with this said, he may seem to ignore one that is speaking to him, unless it is a meeting or someone that he feels comfortable with. Along with a cold demure, he will walk by someone without the proper greeting, unless it is the Captain. He may seem shy and unsettling, however, he will be brutally honest about his own personal feelings. He maybe brash at some points, but will remain calm under all situations, including dealing with beings that may get in his personal space.
Weapon(s): Two plasma knife hilts can be seen sitting on his left hip, a simple energy pistol can be seen sitting on the other hip.
Family/Relationship?: Not particularly close with anyone as of right now.
Other: Tahillie usually hides in his little room that is usually messy with holographic parts, cables, or things that may seem like junk that litter any space available.
Faction: Marauder Role in Team?:Bounty Hunter/ Charming face of the group. He can shoot things with a smile on his face. Bio:
To understand Terrance Isaac Ward, you need to look at the bigger picture. Like many of his species, Terry was not born on Earth or anywhere near it. Terry was born the colony transport ship Aurora as it raced towards the farming colony of Vargi. His parents were both Botanists sent to the colony to help with the colonization efforts. Terry was born two weeks before the ship arrived so the first air he ever breathed was air from a space ship. For some reason that affected Terry to the point where it was as if he had the very stars in his blood. Terry has never been able to get rid of his wanderlust.
The colony was considered the breadbasket of the section so nothing really happened on Vargi. Ships would eventually come to pick up supplies but that was it. So Terry would entertain himself by breaking hearts. He learned to get what he wanted by using a pretty word or a phrase. He still has a few exes on Vargi. Gender and species does not really matter to Terry. It is all the same to him. That oddly helps him in his jobs. Terry eventually took up a job as a bounty hunter so he could see the universe.
Everything was going so well until a job went south. So Terry was offered the option of either joining a team that basically was suicide or jail. So Terry chose the wise choice and joined the team. He liked to think that he is a great explorer. So when he joined the crew he fit right in. He has been with the group for a very long time and respects them all. They are like his demented family.
Personality: Every team needs the pretty face to talk their way out of issues. Lucky for the team, Terry fits that roll. He is the type of guy to buy a round of drinks for a bar just to get one guy to talk to him. Terry usually hits on anyone no matter the species. It tends to help with getting information if you do not care about silly things like that. However he is not that vain. He is very down to Earth when it comes to himself. Terry could be considered a great talker and a decent fighter.
Weapon(s) : A pair of large looking elemental pistols that always keeps with him. Diplomacy does not always work. Family/Relationship?: He sees the entire crew as his family and off limits for anything sexual. Other:
Name: Tymea L’cint AKA: N/A Age: 25 Race: Human Appearance:
Faction: Marauder Role in Team?: Gadget, Robotics and Small Parts Engineer, Assisting Nurse (Just helps when necessary), Self-Proclaimed "Science Officer"
In her youth, Tymea was a sickly child raised by her scientist parents on Earth. Rather than having a certain disease plague her, somehow, she always ended up with a new illness after another. Her doctors weren’t all too sure how it happened either. As such, she never really got a chance to go to school and had to be taught at home. She learned her material rather quickly and found she had time to read many things while sick in bed. The most prominent among those happened to be things on illnesses, medicine and he favorite subject of robotics and Engineering.
A few years later, she seemed to make a miraculous recovery and had not seemed to have been infected by anything else. While she was not permanently bed-ridden for the few years she had been constantly ill, it was suggested that she go through a sort of pseudo physical therapy, to make sure her legs were able to handle standing and walking again. At her return home, she had an encounter with her father. All of a sudden he seemed to attack her with an item she couldn’t make out in the darkness.
As it turned out, she wasn’t his child, but the child of a man her mother was with before her “father”. Going slowly crazy, he attempted to infect her with various diseases over the course of her childhood after learning of her heritage, of course with the intentions of her dying. He mentally broke though, unable to take the strain with whatever mental issues he had, and attempted to physically assault her. With what strength she could muster, Tymea ran with him on her tail. He quickly caught up with her and delivered a powerful blow to her right arm, crushing it and rendering it completely useless over the course of the chase. Luckily, he was stopped by some bystanders and restrained until authorities arrived.
The incident left her both mentally and physically scarred. Her arm was paralyzed. Her mother mentioning that money was no object and her doctor suggested a type of synthetic arm. With one of the plans for the arm, she could get it replaced as many times as needed between then and the end of her life. Very expensive, but her mother wasn’t worried and with a small nod of acceptance from Tymea the doctor set up a schedule to amputate her paralyzed arm and replace it with the synthetic one.
It was a painful experience, but eventually she made it through the surgery. The “Syn-Arm” as it was called, seemed to have a variety of uses to it. First of all, it had a layer of Synthetic skin, making it look like it was an actual arm. The second was that it seemed to be able to be augmented slightly with a few different functions, though it costs more. The last, though possibly most odd, is that it has a connection to her nervous system so she can artificially feel everything she touches though not pain.
Over the next few years, she returned to schooling, making it to the top of her class every time and went to college at a young age, simultaneously majoring in “Medicine” (this was easy with her childhood studying), “Robotics” and “Electronic Engineering” with general knowledge of many things. She finished school, and became an on campus assistant to one of the Professors. Unbeknownst to her, the Professor was a old friend of her incarcerated father. She got set up during on of her tasks and was arrested. Her trial was being held and someone told her about perhaps she could join the Expedition Force if the trial went south. Of course, halfway through the trial she was found not guilty and the Professor instead was arrested for trying to get her in troubled after an investigation into him.
In the end she didn’t want to go back to the university to work, instead she thought that it might be fun to just go and join the Expedition force instead as it seemed, “Interesting enough.”
Personality: Tymea likes to act cool and arrogant , but on the inside she’s a bit of a tattered, mumbling mess. She likes to take her stress out on things like pillows and objects that won’t hurt her normal hand. Inside her lab at home she even had a punching bag just for that very reason. She does like interpersonal interactions and especially likes aliens seeing them as different and "interesting". That being said, she tends to do things that interest her so the easiest way to pitch anything to her would to make it seem “interesting.”
Weapon(s) : Pistol, Various little gadgets and her arm when it needs to be.
Family/Relationship?: Her mother disapproves of her decision on the Expedition force, but understands. Her Step-Father is still in prison. Her real father seems to be estranged or. . . Even dead?
Other: She took the time to figure out how to work on her mechanical arm when she was studying in university so she can at least fix if something bad happens. Oh! And a way to get on her good side? Alcohol.
Name: Adalaide de la Roche AKA: Addy to some Age: 25 Race: Human Appearance:
Faction: Marauder Criminal Role in Team?: Navigator/Map recorder person/Pilot Basically she documents where they've been and makes sure they don't run into a black hole...or a planet Bio: Adalaide de la Roche came from old French money, which she promptly threw away after her father died when one of the stipulations in his will was that she got married. Which pissed her fiancee at the time off because she thought it was affront to her and that itself ruined Addy. Eventually she made her way to the Galactic Committee. Turns out she had a thing for navigating ships and quickly found her way on the Arieses when she was 22.
It wasn't a year later when the ship was almost destroyed. They made it back to an ally planet in order to get medical help but the planet wasn't going to let them land, nor dock onto a space station. The planet claimed there were too many ships coming to them for refugee, that they had no space. Adalaide called bull on that, and since she was currently acting captain she landed her ship in an abandoned field. The people on her ship were saved but Adalaide was court marshaled and arrested.
Of course when she was given the choice of going back on a ship or staying in jail, she chose the ship and to this day she will claim it was the best decision she's ever made.
Personality: Addy's very open about herself. She's not afraid to tell you how she feels and she doesn't have that good of a poker face, unless of course she's actively lying, which she's surprisingly good at.
Weapon(s) : She has a set of handcuffs that will bond with the nearest magnetic object once they've been placed on someone's wrist and it's nearly impossible to break the bond until they've been deactivated. She also has a sword under her mattress but it's mostly for fun.
Role in Team?: Meghan is the sexy badass, who most people don't like to mess with! Oh, and don't let her innocent face confused you. She's also good at sniping and close combat.
There's not much to know about Meghan's history, nothing important that is. The only important days were her birthday but she had no one to celebrate, why? Oh, because her parents and family left her when she was just a young little 10 year old. Why? Oh, because they didn't like how their precious perfect little girl turned out, perfect? Hah. She wasn't perfect, no one was, not even them. But now that they were out of her life, Meghan took care of herself, she learned how to fight for herself, feed herself and work for herself. Not at that young age though.
As Meghan was finally growing up, she noticed a few things changing in her life.. not the puberty hitting her! But things as in, people started to act differently towards her and men stared at her with some very pedophile type eyes. Even-though Meghan was in her 20s but still! It was scary!
One day, Meghan walking out of the club, she heard a couple of men following behind her. They all grabbed her but she was too quick with her reflexes, kicking all their asses. PUNCH KICK PUNCH KICK! Yeah, it was all fun to her! Meghan loved to fight those who dares to touch her -that- way.
Now, Meghan has joined in some team, the leader seemed very cute and she had a tiny secret crush on him. NOT BECAUSE OF HIS LOOKS OR ANYTHING... BUT! Meghan seems to trust Raymond more than the other members. They seem to have more in common than she does with the others, though, she does like to laugh with her members when the time comes. Meghan was glad to have met people like them, they make her feel wanted! And she finally means something to someone!
Personality: Meghan being very intelligent, learned to fend for herself and not have anyone control her, just like her father used to do. Very refined and polished. Even with her image, people call her the lonewolf and the girl who doesn't care about anything, that was true. -BUT- Meghan was a sweet girl and cared about her team-members, that is.. if they don't get in her bad side.~
She shows a great deal and emphasis on her outward appearance more than what is on the inside. She does not care what others think of her just as long as she knows she’s doing the right thing, she is very much focused and would not start on another task if the first one she started was not done. Meghan isn't an ordinary girl, she is a neat-freak. Though normally calm, when pressed she can become quite angry
Weapon(s) : Two simple handguns.
Family/Relationship?: She has family members, whom left her. Meghan doesn't care about them. As for relationships...? No one, nope. Friends, nothing. Just these criminals, that she hangs out with.
Name: Terrance Ward AKA:Terry Age:24 Race: Human Appearance:
Faction: Marauder Role in Team?:Bounty Hunter/ Charming face of the group. He can shoot things with a smile on his face. Bio:
To understand Terrance Isaac Ward, you need to look at the bigger picture. Like many of his species, Terry was not born on Earth or anywhere near it. Terry was born the colony transport ship Aurora as it raced towards the farming colony of Vargi. His parents were both Botanists sent to the colony to help with the colonization efforts. Terry was born two weeks before the ship arrived so the first air he ever breathed was air from a space ship. For some reason that affected Terry to the point where it was as if he had the very stars in his blood. Terry has never been able to get rid of his wanderlust.
The colony was considered the breadbasket of the section so nothing really happened on Vargi. Ships would eventually come to pick up supplies but that was it. So Terry would entertain himself by breaking hearts. He learned to get what he wanted by using a pretty word or a phrase. He still has a few exes on Vargi. Gender and species does not really matter to Terry. It is all the same to him. That oddly helps him in his jobs. Terry eventually took up a job as a bounty hunter so he could see the universe.
Everything was going so well until a job went south. So Terry was offered the option of either joining a team that basically was suicide or jail. So Terry chose the wise choice and joined the team. He liked to think that he is a great explorer.
Personality: Every team needs the pretty face to talk their way out of issues. Lucky for the team, Terry fits that roll. He is the type of guy to buy a round of drinks for a bar just to get one guy to talk to him. Terry usually hits on anyone no matter the species. It tends to help with getting information if you do not care about silly things like that. However he is not that vain. He is very down to Earth when it comes to himself. Terry could be considered a great talker and a decent fighter.
Weapon(s) : A pair of large looking elemental pistols that always keeps with him. Diplomacy does not always work. Family/Relationship?: Optional Other:
Typical of the Ju'yavāl, Shaso͞on lacks an oral orifice due to his species having evolved beyond the need to communicate through spoken language. Typical of the Enoksǒn clan, Shaso͞on's flesh tone is significantly darker than the pastel purples, blues, and greens of most Ju'yavāl. The Enoksǒn clan has flesh tones ranging from rich purples to obsidian, Shaso͞on's skin teetering between purple and black in colour. The eyes of a Ju'yavāl reflect the colour of the psionic energies, colours which can range across the entire spectrum of light (including ultraviolet). Shaso͞on's eyes, and by extension his energies, are an emerald green that cackles with volatile energy when emitted. In spite of his current predicament, the young Enoksǒn has managed to retain most of his ceremonial garb. He is rarely seen out of his cloak and hood that shroud most of his body, as well as the leather-like armour taken from the beasts local to his people's planet Orous. On his wrists and across his waist are guards made of urellian metal, which best conducts psionic energy and amplifies it further. Along the left side of Shaso͞on's head there is a deep purple scar running from the edge of his eye to the crown of his head.
The Ju'yavāl are an old, reclusive race of psionic peoples who are capable of sharing thoughts, ideas, and emotions with eachother telepathically that originate from the binary planet system of Ulinar and Orous. Civilisation first began in the Banthanai desert of their homeworld Ulinar, where it was easiest for the Ju'yavāl people to feed on the cosmic radiation and sustain themselves. It was through this feeding of energy that thought first began to form in the minds of a formerly primitive people.
Within three hundred years of gathering in the Banthanai desert, the Ju'yavāl had begun to construct towns, they had begun to take from their world to create tools and devices, and soon they had begun to taste the psionic power that they grew to call the Shakseer. The Ju'yavāl grew rapidly from there, developing energy systems, social and caste systems, terrestrial, naval, aeronautical, and then interplanetary travel within the first thousand years that they became a unified people. They first traveled to Orous from Ulinar and established a new home on the planet, discovering that while they were so far apart from their brethern, with the aide of channeling crystals found on Orous they were able to project their powers back to Ulinar. The discovery of the channeling crystals fundamentally changed the Ju'yavāl people as they were now able to exist with a shared neural network of emotion, thought, and reasoning. Every Ju'yavāl was connected with eachother in a way more intimate than most other species could dream of.
The Ju'yavāl reproduce through a process which is best referred to as the melding. A male and female Ju'yavāl will gather in the night and seal off their connection from the other Ju'yavāl to strengthen the bond with their mate. Channeling their psionic energy through each other, they perform an exchanging of DNA which is split and woven together again. The process takes several hours to do and is considered by the Ju'yavāl and some species the Ju'yavāl have mated with to be the single most intimate relationship two beings can ever have with each other (sans fusing and becoming a singular entity). From there a hunk of organic matter is formed and is left to incubate and be exposed to as much cosmic radiation as possible. Within several months a youngling will have formed from the material and will be brought to live with its birth parents until it is old enough to enter and contribute to Ju'yavāl society.
The caste of the Ju'yavāl is split into four categories; The Khola sits at the top, spending their lives in touch with the Shakseer and explore its depths. Beneath them are the Teladari, the warriors and leaders who are expected to master the use of Shakseer for combat and guidance of their people. Selendaste are the craftsman and general workers of the society who maintain, repair, and create technologies. At the bottom are the Zendalar who range from artists to caretakers of young Ju'yavāl to the collectors of channeling crystals. The differences between the castes is not as pronounced in some races, though there is a growing reverence for those among the higher echelons of the caste. Ju'yavāl sees that every member of their species has purpose and it is a rare phenomena for Ju'yavāl to not contribute to the society if they are able bodied. That being said, Ju'yavāl that do not contribute are given a chance for redemption and if they fail to redeem themselves, they are removed from the neural network that binds the species.
Ju'yavāl are capable of living for an incredibly long period of time due to their connection with the Shakseer and the process of melding which can be used to replenish one's body and revitalise it. As of now the oldest living Ju'yavāl remembers the early days of the Shakseer and now sits among the Khola as the most revered member. Ju'yavāl are typically considered infants for the first four passes (the Ju'yavāl year; roughly equivalent to three and a half months or a third of a cycle) of life, and are adolescents for the next twenty to thirty passes. They are then considered to be adults until they are upwards of twelve hundred passes old where they begin to be considered as elders. Due to the longevity of the Ju'yavāl life, their population is relatively small. Ulinar has a population slightly over 650 million, while Orous has a population of 240 million. Across the galaxy the Ju'yavāl have roughly 1.7 billion members across 19 planets.
The Ju'yavāl have always believed strongly in fate. The fate of most things was determined at birth. Time, lineage, gestation, pigmentation, the connection to the neural network, and the age that a child first touches the Shakseer all help determine the fate of a Ju'yavāl. Jun'té'thal was born in the dead of night, on the 12374 recorded cycle. He was to be a child that would wield the Shakseer like a tempest and do so in silence. His flesh was mix of deep purples and swirling blacks, the flesh of a nebulous, and eyes that glowed green in the dead Orous night. He was to be a young man that would meld into the shadows with ease and would explore the cosmos. His father was Té'thal Enok and Jun'thain Enok his mother. He was to be a adult in the Khola or Teladari caste, depending on which lineage proved stronger; his father's warrior spirit or his mother's connection with the Shakseer.
Jun'té'thal grew quickly, his growth accelerated by the teachings of Té'thal and Jun'thain who were each eager to see where fate was to take him. His mother believed him to become a Khola, having seen and helped bring out bursts of raw psionic power that many adults struggled with. His father was firm in his belief that he would join the Teladari; his ability to quickly pick up on how to fight and the band of young Enoksǒn that followed him on his adventures through the Enoksǒn lands exemplifying his martial prowess and innate leadership skills. He grew to become confident in his ability to lead, the weild the Shakseer, and to battle the best the Enoksǒn would have to offer by the time he was encroaching upon adulthood. In a mere forty passes Jun'té'thal had become known by the Enoksǒn as simply Enok, a gesture meant to imply that when his father passed the title of Primarch to his sucessor, Jun'té'thal would be the inheritor and the Enoksǒn would gladly welcome it.
Jun'té'thal began to experiment with both of his fated castes, spending several passes studying with the Khola. At first he was welcomed with open arms by the Khola, partially out of their loyalty to his mother and partially out of respect to the stories that had begun to circulate about him. The Khola would spend their days dull-eyed and silent, extending their psionic energies into what they referred to as the Ulnar. Jun'té'thal was quick to grow impatient and began to experiment with his own psionic powers while the Khola would meditate and reach out to the Ulnar. It was his experimenting that lead him to discover how wildly powerful he could be if he just opened up the floodgates and let loose. The only problem being that he later realised he couldn't figure out how to close those floodgates. A group of high-ranking members of the Enoksǒn Khola were awaked from their meditation when they felt their own energy being torn out from them and quickly sprung into action, realising that Jun'té'thal was not in the room and must have been the cause. They shielded themselves from the maelstrom in the central hall of the Khola temple that was pouring out from the him and proceeded to fight it back until they were nearly on top of him before incapacitating him with humans colloquially refer to as a thought bomb. It involves the act of opening up every thought and memory in one's mind at once, causing excruciating mental anguish as the senses are thoroughly overloaded.
He was removed from the Khola temple and instructed to not return until he has found it within himself to respect the Shakseer and the Ulnar. If it weren't for his lineage, he'd have likely suffered gravely for his actions. Jun'té'thal went on to serve the Teladari for some time to get a feel for the caste. While his father was the commander of the Yvon'ic'zhul, one of the flagships of the Ju'yavāl fleet, he was treated as an initiate and was forced to train and spar with his other initiates. Few initiates lasted more than a few seconds in a match with Jun'té'thal and he was quickly looking to be an apt candidate for membership in the Teladari military. As a final act of initiation before he and his brothers and sisters would be deemed adepts and be welcomed into the caste, the initates were paired off and sent to perform their final act. They would take to the caves of Orous and hunt the skivers. They were each given a urellian cuff to channel their energy into a psi-blade and a urellian clasp to channel their remaining energy into an energy shield or a shroud. A single skiver was well over the height of a Ju'yavāl and had thick hides that were difficult for even a psi-blade to pierce. Jun'té'thal and his brother went into the tunnel systems of Orous that night, confident in their ability to fight any beast. What they weren't prepared for was how easy it was to become separated when the only light emitted came from your blade and you were too focused on the hunt to even notice your partner. It wasn't until the piercing scream ripped into Jun'té'thal's head that he realised that his partner had been separated from him. He ran, following the sensations helped lead all of his people to each other, and as he ran terror began to creep through his entire body. It was not the darkness, nor the screams, not the danger that struck fear into him. It was that the screaming had stopped.
Jun'té'thal found his brother pinned under a skiver, his body eviscerated with barely enough flesh left to be recognisable as the same species. Jun'té'thal had the jump on the creature that was far too busy enjoying its last meal to pay any mind to the new comer and it sloughed over after he hit it with a thought bomb, just as the Khola had done to him earlier and moved in to drive his psi-blade into the underbelly of the beast, splitting it open cleanly. He emerged from the cave system some time later, his brother's urellian cuff donning the opposite wrist of his own, with a mound of skinned flesh from the beast. To his surprise he was not reprimanded for his failure to protect his brother. The others could see what had happened clearly and could feel the anguish that he had felt. They simply took the skinned flesh from him and sent him to rejoin his family. Several days later he was sent the armour, cloak, and hood that all Teladari received when they were welcomed into the caste. His father was beyond pleased; his mother less so, but she was a good sport about it.
Life was calm and serene for nearly thirty passes. He had developed a reputation as both an honorable and serene warrior that had developed some mastery in the use of psionic energy beyond the traditional psi-blade, which he had already usurped by using both his own blade and the blade of his fallen brother. Something few Teladari did, though it was not unheard of. He rarely had time for his family anymore and his visits were few and far between. When he did visit, his mother and occasionally his father would happily greet him and reminisce about his childhood. There were even talks of his mother and father reaching out to some family's whose daughters were interested in becoming acquainted with him. It was during the first meeting with a potential mate at his home that he made his last trip to Orous.
He arrived late in the night, exhausted from spending several passes aboard a capital ship that was acting as a transport for Ulinar settlers to one of the most recently adopted worlds. He had been cautious to even return home though, knowing that his parents had brought over the potential mate for him to meet. She was a fellow Teladari who had seen combat on one of the outer worlds, which had perked his interest. Not many other Teladari served in battle, in spite of their duty as a warrior. He entered his home, immediately becoming aware of the near-silence. There was no sound of movement, no murmurings of voices, no sign of life. Yet there was a single sound deeper within his home. drip drip drip
He moved cautiously, his hands balled into four fingered fists and his cuffs brimmed with energy, ready to burst out at any given moment. He entered the central room and found the source of the dripping and the energy of his cuffs was cut entirely. His mother and father were split open and frozen with wide-eyed colourless stares, the body of the potential mate several feet from them, cut clearly into multiple segments, the scene far more gruesome than any combat he had ever seen, far more gruesome than seeing his brother be torn apart and devoured before him. A voice, twisted and foul as if it was born from a mouth of twisting metal grumbled out from behind him and in an instant all went dark.
He awoke a day later, pinned to the ground by two Teladari imperators who held their blades at his throat. He almost hadn't realised he was their until he felt the heat of their blades. When he had awoken all he had felt was a cold emptiness. As if there had been an insurmountable distance placed beteween himself and the Ju'yavāl. And that's when the pain in the side of his head sank in. The nerve that was used to connect to all other Ju'yavāl had been severed by whatever had attacked him. In that moment he had wished for death.
He was dragged before the Primarch of the Ju'yavāl people and was forced to answer for his acts. They had accused him of slaughtering his family, the revered Jun'thain Enok and Té'thal Enok, as well as the young Ju'yavāl that had yet to be identified. They believed that the wound that had severed his connection from the neural network was an act of desperation to hide his acts. He was still able to project what he had seen into the minds of the others, though they were steadfast in their belief that it was the vision of a maddened murderer, that the visions were carefully crafted deceptions. The day he was stripped of his name and given the title Enok Shaso͞on, a title of damnation, and was given a single crew ship that would send him as far from the Ju'yavāl sector of the galaxy as possible. It was a final, damning act of exocommunication and he took it. If his people wouldn't believe him, then he would take vengeance into his own hands, no matter how many passes it may take.
Going forward all he knew was that that voice and the presence he felt could have meant one thing, something that he had felt and seen in other Ju'yavāl, some who had been slaughtered moments after they felt it. His people had a word for this creature that had killed his family. Kalidari. Or, as the rest of the galaxy knew them: The Dread.
Shaso͞on has mellowed with age. When he was still a youth he was fiery, hard headed, and bold at all points. With his age, even with him being a young adult by most civilisations' standards, he has found patience and serenity. His banishment from his people has forced him to become introspective. He no longer had the infinite wisdom of his people to rely upon and could no longer send his emotions out into the void of the neural network and become comforted by his brothers, sister, mothers, fathers, and elders. He's learned to become wholly self sufficient and expects nothing from any other being in the galaxy. He is still equally secretive and even from his tenure with the Marauders, he has yet to reveal to them much of his own history. His burdens would be his own, but until he found the answers he was searching for he would remain with the Marauders.
Urellian cuffs - attached to his wrists, each is capable of emitting a blade of condensed energy that can rend flesh as easily as steel. The cuffs also act as conduits for channeling psionic energy beyond his person. Urellian clasp - fasted around Shaso͞on's waist, the clasp house a miniature generator the manipulates the space directly around him and is capable of either rendering him invisible bar a faint rippling effect or creating a shield of octagonal energy panels that become visible when struck.
Ju'yavāl - He is reviled among his own people, the memories of his betrayal burned into the minds of the Ju'yavāl even after his excommunication twenty passes later. It's likely that if he were seen in Ju'yavāl space again, he'd be hunted down with the intent to kill. His people were only generous in their first punishment. Violation of excommunication was the ultimate and final offense. His only allies in his people know are his fellow ex-patriots. Whether they're reliable or not is a whole different story.
Banthanai - Desertscape in which the Ju'yavāl people first formed civilisation Enok - Jun'té'thal's namesake; Té'thal Enok - founder of Enoksǒn, commander of the Yvon'ic'zhul. Enok Shaso͞on - Jun'té'thal's title; roughly translates to "Enok of the forsaken" Enoksǒn - Jun'té'thal's clan and extended family; "Legion of Enok" Ju'yavāl - A bipedal telephathic and psionic species; Jun'té'thal's species Kalidari - His people's name for The Dread Khola - The highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; heavily influence and interact with the shakseer Orous - Jun'té'thal's homeworld, part of a binary planet system with Ulinar, source of the Ju'yavāl channeling crystals Sekváls - Fleshy pink beings with venomous fangs and small beady eyes Selendaste - Third highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; the craftsmen, engineers, and inventors Shakseer - The psionic energy that all Ju'yavāl can tap into Teladari - Second highest caste of Ju'yavāl society; comprised of the warriors and leaders Ulinar - Homeworld of the Ju'yavāl, part of a binary planet system with Orous Ulnar - The fabled space between realities in which the Shakseer exists in its most potent form Urellian - A metal used to Ju'yavāl to amplify and channel their psionic power Yvon'ic'zhul - The flagship of the Ju'yavāl fleet. Zendalar - Lowest tier caste of Ju'yavāl society; the artists, menial workers, and civil service workers planetary passes
Twenty-two years ago, a young ambassador ventured to the planet Eitera to meet with a female diplomat of the Ilvani.
The Ilvani are located in the middle of the intergalactic system that the Committee is made of. Their kind are humanoid in appearance, but have two hearts and a more intricate vein system. Another huge distinction is that the Ilvani are gifted with certain abilities. The female diplomat that Thomas, the young ambassador, was about to meet, had telepathy. As soon as they met, they hit it off. A few years later, they were married and Aria was pregnant with Elyse.
Thomas took Aria back to Earth, where they made their living. Unfortunately, when Elyse was five years of age, Aria was killed on the way to a diplomatic meeting by space pirates. Thomas, now heartbroken, had to raise Elyse on his own.
Elyse began to show her ability by the age of 6, which also put stress on her father. Still, the single father handled it well. He moved them to Eitera, where she was schooled with other children that had abilities. She was taught how to control it, and how to succeed with it. Her years as a child and teen went well.
Elyse graduated from secondary school at the top of her class and with enough credits and experience to graduate from college in two years. She immediately wanted to use her major in astrophysics to study more of space. The data received from stellar exploration was adequate, but not enough for the young scientist. Elyse wanted more. That was when she heard of the Marauder’s.
Her father was completely against letting her join, but she applied for a position anyways. She knew that she had a greater chance at surviving with the Marauder’s than if she went with any other space mission. So, she joined at her father’s nervous approval.
Personality: Elyse is generally a very kind, spirited young woman. An ambivert, Elyse shows the hypersensitivity of an introvert, but also the domineering attitude of extroverts. She thrives in social situations, but doesn’t mind being alone for a while.
As a scientist, she is always curious and driven to discover many things. This doesn’t make her as naive as someone would think, though. Elyse is able to figure things out on her own, though it may not be in conventional ways. She has a tough backbone, choosing to hide her negative emotions and keep an optimistic outlook on life. Under stress, Elyse can control herself to a limit. Once that limit is breached, Elyse simply freezes and cannot think nor move.
This tough backbone gives her an advantage against the potentially “dangerous” criminals that chose to join the Marauder’s. She is somewhat decent at hiding her fear, but rarely lets it control her decisions.
That aside, Elyse likes to rely on the vibes that people give off as a way of judging their character. So, she won’t be too quick to judge a criminal by what they did. She’ll normally just hope for the best in them, no matter how scary they might be. The only exception for this would be if they gave off a strong vibe that emanates badness.
Weapon(s): A small dagger that is a backup plan. Normally she hides it in either her sleeve or her boot.
Her mother, an Ilvani, died when Elyse was 5 years old.
Her father, a human, is an ambassador of Earth. He is extremely nervous about letting her joint he Marauder’s, but supports her passion.
Elyse is a fellow scientist to Tymea and (insert KaiserElectric’s character’s name here.)
Other: Elyse has the ability of infrared vision. This gives her the ability to detect infrared radiation, therefore helping her with her data collection and also giving her thermal vision/imaging. She can detect the heat given off by objects, whether it is nebulae, solar flares, or any life form. This could also give her an advantage in fighting, because she could see the heat given off of the life form/thing that is fighting her. Elyse is able to turn this ability on and off on her own. More on Infrared Vision
The Sorlas are a minor race in the galaxy that joined the Galactic Committee only a decade after the Humans. Well-suited for aquatic environments, Sorlas are long-living and mostly humanoid, with skin tones of oceanic blues and greens, sometimes mixed with reddish or brown tones. All Sorlas have fins along the backs of their neck and arms and webbing on their feet, but only females can grow hair, usually a shade or two darker then their skin color. The Sorlas possess large eyes colored a solid yellow, but Sorlas generally have poor eyesight when above water. Most Sorlas also possess acute hearing, and have made up for their poor eyesight with the help of echolocation and, more recently, advanced technology. As beings from an aquatic world, they have gills as well, and can breath air and water comfortably. However, they are highly dependent on a constant source of water or a very moist environment to survive, as even a temperate climate can cause their body to gradually dry out, cracking skin, damaging organs, and slowing their systems down to a literal dead stop within an hour. Most Sorlas who go off-world regularly wear environmental suits to regulate their humidity and function outside of moist environments.
Their homeworld, Sor, is essentially one giant ocean pockmarked with swampy landmasses and small oases of land, not ideal for sprawling cityscapes but perfect for nomadic wandering. Their technology, oddly similar to Tu'Veeri technology, has a similar emphasis on blending their cities in with the natural environment, which can be found both underwater and floating along the surface of the ocean like massive ships. Sorlas society is matriarchal and places a heavy emphasis on filial piety, and while the recent ascension to the galactic stage has introduced them to more modern ideologies, their core beliefs regarding family bonds have remained. While their are Sorlas in all sorts of professions across the galaxy, a few notable Clans instead turned to organized crime, giving the Sorlas an unfortunate reputation as gangsters and criminals throughout the galaxy.
(I'll reveal how Neera looks outside of the suit through the narrative. ;) )
Faction: Marauder, Clan Dosvin Role in Team?: Xenobiologist, Data Analyst Bio:
You recall how I said that Sorlas got a reputation as criminals after a few Sorlas Clans turned to criminal enterprises? Well, three guesses as to what Clan Dosvin is infamous for.
Born on Sor, Reena Vaemas val Mari'Dosvin was the daughter of a Clan Matron (the equivalent of a Capo in the Mafia) and a professional bounty hunter tied to the Dosvin crime family. Needless to say, she was exposed to the criminal element from a young age and grew up in ill-gotten wealth and luxury alongside a loving family. Given the best education money could buy, Reena became interested in the sciences of biology and chemistry, earning certifications in both at a young age, and a few years later she was officially inducted into the Clan Dosvin crime family.
Thanks to her mother's influence and her skills in chemistry, Neera was moved past the initiate rankings and was moved to a mid-ranking position in the Dosvin Drug Ring. Given free reign to expand the trade and create new substances to sell on the black market, she proved to be remarkably successful, with her concoctions helping the Dosvin family to corner the market on several planets and making her a substantial amount of money in the process. Despite her young age, somewhat low position, and her addiction to Hype, a highly addictive stimulant of her own design, she quickly drew the attention of the higher ups in the Dosvin Clan. She was pegged for a leadership position in the upper echelons of the Clan, much to the delight of her mother, until her whole little system came crashing down.
It was all going so well until her younger brother was arrested by Committee police on suspicion of a murder. He was innocent, but he was also a coward, and squealed on the entire drug operation set up by his sister in an effort to make a deal before he realized what happened. Within the hour, the Committee unleashed an assault on Neera's headquarters in an attempt to bring her in. The Clan was overwhelmed by the police forces and fled, leaving Neera with nothing but a pair of automatics and an overdose of Hype to defend herself with. She fought like hell anyway, but her last stand was brought to an abrupt end when a sniper's bullet slammed into her chest.
Miraculously, Neera managed to survive the whole encounter, though she was largely bedridden for the better part of a year. Realizing how self-destructive her life had been and how close she came to dying, Neera came to the decision that she needed to reassess her life. As she recovered from the assault, she spent her time rediscovering her love of the sciences and quitting her drug habit. She resolved to turn away from her old lifestyle, though she refused to turn against the Dosvin Clan as one parting gift to her family. Shortly after she recovered from the complex assault, Neera was given the chance to work with the Marauders instead of serving her lengthy prison sentence. Needless to say, she accepted.
Personality: Reena plays with her metaphorical cards held closely to her chest. While she's not anti-social, she has something of a narcissistic streak, and that combined with her background makes it difficult for her to trust people, to the point that she prefers the company of plants, chemicals, and animals to any potential teammates. That being said, she's making a concentrated effort to change her ways and trying to be kinder and less argumentative then before, to varying degrees of success. She's also trying to be more critical of herself, channeling her narcissism into relentless self-improvement through near-constant study and research.
While she has worked to quit the worst of her old vices, Neera isn't above indulging in a little lighthearted entertainment once in a while, and her experience with the criminal element has molded her into a shrewd negotiator who isn't easily intimidated. Her cravings do come back to haunt her once in a while, but she can fight them off with the help of one of her newer vices: fruity milkshakes.
Weapon(s) : Her preferred weapon is an energy machine pistol capable of burst and automatic firing, and while she doesn't commonly carry one she's pretty handy with a knife.
Family/Relationship: Vaemas Zaar val Haro'Dosvin - Neera's mother, an influential member of the Dosvin family. She's been in hiding since her daughter was captured. Sarro val Dosvin - -Neera's father, an exceptional bounty hunter. While he's probably still alive, Sarro is elusive to the point that Neela probably wouldn't recognize him. Nayar val Dosvin - Neera's brother. Hasn't been seen since Neera was captured, and is probably dead at this point.
Other: Neera's suit is her most notable equipment, and the one she currently uses was gifted to her by an "anonymous individual" after she was released to the Marauders. It's sturdy and protective without restricting her movement too badly, and like most Sorlas environmental suits it is loaded with sensor information that connects to her nervous system via a sophisticated computer system. Within the suit, Neera can effectively "see" in 360 degrees with perfect 20/20 vision, and is given constant environmental and sensory input to make up for the confining nature of the suit.
Name: Pip Bernadotte AKA: french fries Age: 37 Race: Human Appearance: Faction: Marauder Role in Team?: Assassin Bio: Connecting.... Connecting... Welcome to the committee criminal database..... You have searched for " Pip Bernadotte" Searching....searching...."I'm sorry no logs have been found." You can hear a robotic chuckle as Pip closes that database and turns around looking at you." So you wanted to know my history don't you?" You nod and wait for him to say anything. He looks at you for a while and then starts to talk his robotic voice scaring the ever living crap out of you." Well Since the committee still has nothing on me i suppose it would be wise to start from the begging?" You nod not saying a word." Damm your a weird one probably the reason i let you interview me. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Paris. My family was rich and famous and had a lot of money. Now how would they gain such massive wealth you may ask? Well that's very simple my family is so rich because of our unique jobs. Which is as you can imagine killing." You swear you can see some movement behind the mask and he appears to be grinning." And we are extremely good at it. But i'm getting of track. I was the youngest of three sons. The other two where no assassin material to kind and peaceful. But me? Killing was basically my hobby. My father noticed this and trained me in all the ways of the assassin" He stops to let you catch up with your writing and continues." He trained me well and i honor him for it. My first mission was simple. Murder a gang boss out of line. I remember how i sniped the idiot from a distance." He chuckles clearly seeming to enjoy the old memories."HA and my next one oh the next one! You should have seen the look on that politicians face as i butchered his family in front of him. Fucking priceless i tell ya!" You remain silent not knowing what to say." Jesus man not even a smirk? anyways i'm getting of track. So after doing the same thing over and over again.I got bored so i left Earth to find more dangerous missions. You got that shit writen down?" You nod and wait for him to continue." First one was on mars needed to assassinate some politician or whatever. Shitty thing was that he was one goddamn train. And boy are those things hard to get on. So after a moment of thinking i decided to go for the less baddas option and just blow up the train. I mean it worked but it just didn't feel personal enough. I couldn't even stab some one do you know how fun it is to stab someone !?" You want to say something but remain silent." And again with the silence? Is this a thing where doing now? Wait! don't answer that. Lets just get this shit over with." You sigh in relief as you grab your data-pad." So after that little explosive mission. I Left the solar system for some more special missions. I had to kill a Tu'Veeri diplomat. And as you can see it did not go that well. Apparently those guys knew a thing or two about me and where prepared. And when i mean prepared i mean totally blew to crap and then made into Swiss cheese. They then left me to die. After that i don't remember anything." Pip seems quit for a while apparently thinking of some painful memories" After that i woke up in a high tech lab. With this suit. My dad had apparently been keeping an eye on me and picked up my body brought it to the most advanced lab in that area and made me into the baddas cyborg that i am today. I do miss my pee pee though." You laugh at the last comment he made and immediately as he grabs his energy sword and aims it at your throat." Bad move man very bad move." You close your eyes and await your demise instead you feel something being thrown at you. You look at what appears to be a green jelly bean." Eat it." You look up at him." EAT THE GODDAMN JELLYBEAN !!"You quickly eat it But before your realize it you cant breath anymore." Yeah sorry kid but you where my next target. You can thank your rich dad for that. Still thanks for the interview it was fun talking about my past." He stands up and walks away as you fall on the ground trying to catch some air." Well choke you later." He laughs as he leaves the small room leaving you there to slowly die.
Personality: Pip. This guy is totaly insane. Loves to kill people in any way shape or form. Wether its poison, explosives,stabbing and bullets. But even though he is insane he does not kill randomly. I mean he loves doing it but he doesnt randomly throw and old lady in front of a car. ( when he is not drunk anyway) And when he is not killing people He usually fucks with people. And if you somehow apparently gain his trust. He might and i mean just Might show his face to you! As for anything else he is just a total ass. who likes to smoke cigars when no one is around. He does this is private because no one can see his face. Weapon(s) : ( Oh boy this is gonna be fun)
He calls these two susan and alex. These are the weapons he uses from long distance. There quick there painful and there his favorite things to use. His main weapon in combat this beauty of a sword is able to to cut through almost everything. And it makes a nice sounds when he uses it. He uses these knifes for two things. The first is throwing them and killing his enemies when he is being stealthy. And he also uses them to torture people.
His suit: Now why would i mention his suit? The reason for this is because the suit is a weapon it self. His arms and legs have been completely turned into metal Which makes him able to run and maneuver faster. His hands and feet also have the ability to be magnetized which makes him able to walk up against walls and traverse the outside hulls of a space ship. And to top it all of. He can remove body parts like his hand and use it as a grenade. This however causes the problem of him not having a hand. He is also able to breath in the vacuum of space for at least a few hours. Now the real weak point of Pip is that his robotic parts are very hard to fix when they have been damaged. And what makes it worse is that Pip Really doesn't care about that. This can make him less combat effective after a mission.
Family/Relationship? He still keeps in touch with his father and no one else. As for relationships? Well if your into weird robot stuff he is the man you need. But only women he isn't gay. Other: He always has some jelly beans with them. Which he eats or just uses to poison people.
Appearance: Alabaster is short for his kind standing at 5'2", has very pale skin, and shoulder-length jet black hair. He is a scrawny person who would probably fall to the ground in pain after just one playful punch from the captain of the Marauders. Alabaster is also blind, leaving his eyes permanently grey as opposed to multiple changing colors.
Faction: Marauder, Committee Volunteer Role in Team?: Chef
Alabaster grew up the same way most kids of his race did. Training day in and day out learning how to act and fight and due to his father being a high-ranking official of the Galactic Committee, he got the best training available. He was forced to learn these things even though he was blind, and had to use his other senses to replace his sight. During meals, Alabaster wouldn't eat much which his parents thought was because he was keeping his figure. In truth, he couldn't stand his mother's cooking and would sneak around his house at night to make his own dinner.
As he grew up, Alabaster's love of cooking only grew. He decided to move to Earth so he could attend a culinary school. So he sneaked out in the middle of the night and took the first spacecraft out of there. Alabaster quickly learned how to cook a wide variety of meals and developed a strong respect for humanity's creativity.
Eventually Alabaster returned home, only to get in a huge argument with his father. His father accused him of being a traitorous insect. That learning from a human and learning to cook as a job was practically a crime. So Alabaster decided that if he was a criminal, he would join his fellow criminals and volunteer for the Marauders. He is currently tracking the Marauders position and waiting for them to enter a safe area so he could intercept them and ask Raymond Chase to allow him to join.
Personality: Alabaster is a very quiet and respectful young man. He tends to keep to himself and whenever he is around others Alabaster treats most as his superior since cooking isn't highly respected in his community although when his honor is in question he gets extremely defensive. Alabaster can hardly understand emotions and never shows any signs of having them unless he is in the kitchen. Weapon(s) : If the need arises, his favorite kitchen knife.
Family/Relationship?: Very disconnected with his family due to them disliking his choice of profession. The one that hates this the most is his father, who believes that his son should be a politician and one day join the Committee's Council.
"I sell my sword to the highest bidder. And by sword, I mean the gun I'm holding that's as big as you."
Name: Galvus Velinian
Age: 27
Race: Zaetherian
Race Info: Beginning on the extremely arid and volcanic planet of Zaetheri, Zaetherians are a tall, lizard-like people that accomplished space travel not long after Humans entered the Galactic Committee. They originally came from a Hunter/Gatherer society, and evolved to a stationary lifestyle upon the discovery of the Undercroft, a massive spring of fresh water that sat miles underneath the surface of Zaetheri. The meager population of barely more than a thousand rose to around a million over the course of a millennia. As technology advanced, a fair hierarchy was established that still stands to this day, and a city was built around and over the Undercroft, then named after said location. Zaetherians are a tall and slim race, males standing at an average height of seven feet, and females at six feet. The standard structure of the body consists of a bipedal figure with two arms and a single head. Each hand has two fingers and an opposable thumb, while each foot has four adjustable toes. The legs possess what is known as a second knee, in which doubles back behind the first knee to assist with jumping and maintaining balance. The elbows possess a bony spur left over from evolution, meant to strike behind oneself when alerted in some way (This reflex still exists, making most dangerous to sneak up on). The facial structure is a bit strange by all standards, consisting of a flat nose with no obvious opening, controllable mandibles to cover the sides of the mouth and express emotion, and two eyes that appear to be behind a barrier that matches the scales of an individual. The entire body possesses plating that’s meant to repel solar radiation, but is by no means a form of natural armor. Bullets will still punch through these plates, as if meeting with a piece of leather. Male genitalia is housed in a sort of sheathe between the legs, and only emerges upon arousal. Female genitalia is in the same location. Females do not have breasts, as they do not give birth to live young. The major defining feature is a set of crest plates that females lack. These plates, only present on males, consist of three thin extensions protrude symmetrically from the sides and center of the head backwards. Scale color typically ranges from light browns and yellows to black. As colonies have formed on nearby planets, many have taken to using tattoos and face paint to define where one is from. These tattoos are worn on the face in very specific patterns and with certain colors. One without facial markings is commonly referred to as a “Bareface,” and is usually not trusted by fellow Zaetherians. In Zaetherian society, it is customary for one to welcome strangers into their homes without hesitation and to treat guests with honor. In a militaristic sense, every member of the race that lives on Zaetheri is required to perform at least five years of active service and remain in the reserve for the next ten years. The earliest one can begin their service is usually fifteen. Those who don’t complete their requirements are shipped to colonies and live with the stigma of that forced life. Crime is defined very closely to the Human definition of it, and criminals are punished with either time in prisons, mandatory rehabilitation, and execution for serious-enough offenses. The food is largely hot and spicy. Children are born sparingly, as the Undercroft can only support so much life. They stumbled upon the secret to efficient space travel a small amount of time after Humans and stuck to the nearest solar systems for years, eventually finding the Galactic Committee and offering an olive branch, so to speak. They have remained peaceful for the most part and have actively participated in sending outlaws to adventure into the unknown. Only one has survived for more than a few weeks so far.
Faction: Marauder, Criminal.
Role in Team: Enforcer
Bio: Born on Zaetheri in the very heart of the Undercroft, Galvus Velinian was expected to do the same as everyone else in life. Join the military, complete the service, then return home and give back the community. He did the first two parts perfectly, basically becoming an ideal soldier with his superiors asking him to stay beyond the standard time. He, however, had other plans, as a sort of wild streak took him soon after, causing him to leave Zaetheri and head for one of the major colonies, the name he had forgotten after a short time due to its complexity. He arrived under the impression that everyone there had seen a Zaetherian before, but he was wrong. The moment he stepped off the shuttle he’d booked travel in, duffel bag over his shoulder, he was greeted with numerous camera flashes. He stayed for a little while, despite the attention he was getting, and took up work as a mercenary. Galvus’ skill as a soldier was advertised, and someone bought him up quick. The twist was that he had to provide security for a known drug trafficker in the area, but the pay made the job worth it. A few months into this line of work, Galvus slipped. On a routine run, he had failed to spot some law enforcers, and both he and his charge were detained. The trafficker had a worthy alibi and got off with only a slap on the wrist, while Galvus was arrested for several crimes, most of which involved firearms or drugs. Almost directly after the hearing, in which he was found guilty on all charges, the Committee intervened and offered him a chance to work with the Marauders. The people were legendary, and exploring was better than rotting in a cell. The obvious answer was yes.
Personality: A chronic narcissist, most of which he’s probably earned. At this point, since he was considered the ideal soldier and knows how to fight just about everything, he considers himself invincible, and has a habit of making such facts known. He’s no leader and acknowledges this, happy to let someone else call the shots… as long as they make sense, that is.
Faction: Marauders, former smuggler and military pilot before that
Role in Team?: Pilot
Bio: Jen Was raised in a small town on Earth. Her father was a member of the military, a common soldier, and this inspired her to join up. During her childhood, she demonstrated a high level of skill with piloting vehicles. When she joined up, she quickly found herself handpicked to join the advanced piloting program. However, at some point during her career, she became disillusioned with her job. She ended up dropping out of the military and becoming a small time smuggler, working on the fringes of known space. She eventually got caught and has been sent to work as the new pilot of the Monroe.
Personality: Jen is a very cool and calm person, often staying level even in the heat of battle. She tries to act as a mother bear for the group, having kind words for everyone. This doesn't mean she's completely innocent, being known to come up with awful innuendos when she tries to flirt.
Weapon(s): Large blaster pistol with a scope attached
Family/Relationship?: Not in a relationship at the moment, but is open to one.