Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Raya Hadjieva


Country of origin: Bulgaria

Native language and accent in English: Bulgarian, with a very weak undefined accent when she speaks English.

Appearance: Raya is an average 1.64m and has an extremely slender build which can often be mistaken with an eating disorder. Her eyes are hazel and her hair is a light brown. Her skin is currently bronze due to the long time she spent at the seaside in the summer. She’s definitely on the pretty side, but in a very natural and unrefined way.

Raya is currently wearing a simple white shirt with a bright and colourful red jumper on top, a pair of dark blue bootcut jeans with a leather belt and her favourite combat boots. The jacket she’s wearing has a removable lining and a hood and comes down to the middle of her tights. Its colour is an old and faded olive-green.

When it comes to accessories, Raya is wearing a simple pair of silver earrings, and a chunky and heavy pendant around her neck that resembles a bullet or an egg.

Strengths: Her main strengths are tinkering and doing things that require manual dexterity. She has a good attention to detail and is great at finding the link between cause and effect. She’s a good listener and has a very sharp hearing. She’s used to multitasking so she’s always paying attention to her surroundings, even when it doesn’t appear that way. Lastly, she’s decent at crafting things and has a great aim when it comes to firearms.

Weaknesses: She has a terrible memory for things that don’t interest her, and especially people’s names and faces. Raya’s prone to forgetting to eat until she feels faint. She’s also incredibly competitive and a bit of a tomboy.

Possessions: Aside from her watch and her smartphone, Raya has big, bright pink handbag that she wears over one shoulder. Inside are the following items: a pack of tissues, a box of Bulgarian painkillers, a box of throat pills, binoculars, a book (Scar Night), a map of Vienna, a wallet (with an ID card, driving licence, two debit cards and a cute “soulmate” card from her boyfriend; 16 euro in a note and some coins, and a 5 lev note), a bag with 72 tarot cards, a pepper spray, a small perfume and a lip balm. Inside, there’s also a small gift-bag, holding a Christmas decoration made from dried orange, leaves and sticks of cinnamon. It’s been dipped in aromatic oils that her whole bag smells of at the moment. A decoration is sharing the gift-bag with a small flask of the same oil.

In a second bag she has a professional camera with a second battery and memory card, a second (tele)lense, a yellow microfiber cloth and a long-distance trigger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress
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Mistress Queen of Hell

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Renata Castillo

Age: Twenty-eight

Country of origin: Spain

Native language, accent (in English): Renata's native language is Spanish, so when she speaks English, she has a slight Spanish accent.

Appearance: Renata stands at 5'10" in bare feet and 6" flat in her typical pair of heels. Physically, Renata is imposing, not only because she's taller than average, but also because she's far prettier. Her face, with its small straight nose, full lips, and bright blue eyes, seems fit for the cover of a fashion magazine; and that's because it is. Every inch of her, down from her wavy brown hair to her perfectly-manicured toes, screams high-maintenance. Renata makes a living contorting the long smooth planes of her body for a camera, and she sticks to a strict diet and exercise regimen in order to maintain a standard of perfection. At the moment she was sent back in time, Renata was wearing a plain black blouse, an alabaster blazer with three gold buttons and a zipper going down its front, dark-wash jeans with a zipper and a sturdy button, and shiny boots, also black.

Strengths: Beyond the obvious physical beauty, even Renata's personality is sultry and seductive. She's charming and gregarious, but she's also quite cunning and emotionally intelligent. Renata's strongest trait is manipulating people and situations to her advantage. She also has a remarkable amount of self-control; a profession which requires strenuous daily exercise and a strictly-water diet before runway shows does that to a girl.

Weaknesses: Catty and often selfish, Renata sees the negative in others before she sees the positive, and she's much more likely to ramble about herself than she is to listen to differing opinions. She cares little for other people on an individual level and, though she doesn't readily admit it, thinks herself superior to everyone both in terms of beauty and in terms of pure intelligence.

Possessions: She carries a medium-sized purple purse (with several compartments) with 10 tampons, her car keys, a half-charged iPhone 6, a tube of sticky lipgloss and another of obsidian mascara, and a tiny journal attached, by string, to a rather fancy looking black ballpoint pen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xinnone
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Matilde Bourdon

Character's Age: Twenty-Six

Country of origin: France

Native language, accent (in English): She speaks English well, although carries a typical French accent.

Appearance: Matilde measures at a little over 5'6" and carries an athletic build. Sporting thick, straight brows and structured facial features, the girl wears an androgynous look. Hailing from the south of France, her complexion is tanned, which immediately contrasts against her dark green eyes, a combination that causes her to be considered mostly attractive. Matilde's straight brown hair is neatly kept to a pixie cut, mostly for practicality. She purposefully owns clothing that would be considered disposable, meaning whatever seems clean for that particular day. As an artist, Matilde is expected to come home with samples of her latest work painted all over her, leaving little room for proper self-care. Apart from her black horn-rimmed glasses, Matilde carries little else in terms of accessories most of the time. Her most unique, and expensive form of expression are the lines of ink that trace along every limb.
[At arrival: Her shoes are black converse with white laces, and she is currently wearing acid-wash jeans rolled up at the ankles. On top, she sports a thin white shirt, dotted with a rainbow of paint splatters. A thin chain is wrapped around her neck, made of 18k gold, while Matilde's face is once again adorned with her signature glasses.]

Strengths: The girl, to the disdain of her parents, is a talented painter. Though having covered a few forms of media, her strength is mostly in oils or charcoal. Due to having to sit for hours on end while working, she has developed an exceptional amount of patience as well, and uses this ability when dealing with others. Lastly, having lived so near to Spain, Matilde is also a skilled Spanish speaker.

Weaknesses: Unable to see without the use of her glasses, Matilde is extremely careful with their care. She also has Celiac Disease, which is an inability to process most food with wheat, which will prove to be a significant burden as she attempts to thrive in this new world. In terms of her personality, she tends to run away from most problems and is prone to anxiety attacks when overwhelmed.

Possessions: In her pockets she holds a couple of francs, a bobby pin, and one tube of chapstick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Mervyn Trevor

Age: 25

Country of origin: Whales

Native language, accent (in English): Welsh, but speaks, reads, and writes, the listed languages fluently with a slight welsh accent.

Appearance: 5'3"; thin-bony frame; pale, almost pasty white skin; Green eyes; Copper hair; Old WWII era Bomber's jacket, over a black T-shirt and denim trousers; brown tennis shoes over grey woolen socks.

Strengths: Languages:English-(Old and Modern), Latin, German, and Scottish/Pictish. Numbers:Can do simple algebra in his head.

Weaknesses: Small stature, physically weak, cowardly, and Near-sighted.

Possessions: Cell phone, laptop, mouse, headphones, thumb drives(2), notebook, three pens, one black, one red, one blue, two pencils both mechanical, Glasses, wallet[contains:8 C; 4 S, 58 N(assorted denominations)], Tote bag for the computer and accessories, and several keys; two for the house, three for the office, one for the car(six total).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OSIEIPPO
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Raphael Ryn

Age: 23

Country of origin: United States of America

Native language and accent in English: English, southern accent. Swahili, studied Spanish in high school and college.

Appearance: 6’2”, 205 lbs, brown skinned, brown eyes and black hair worn in dreadlocks. Most days he is dressed in a plain t-shirt, black jeans and tennis shoes. He is considered very attractive, with most women having trouble peeling their eyes away from him. He doesn’t notice and/or care about something so vain. Years of playing football in high school has left him in fairly good shape even though he rarely has time to engage in a workout regimen. He has the strength for everyday lifting and carrying and the speed for a quick sprint though his lack of exercise and his cigarette addiction keep him from having a high stamina.

Strengths: Genius level intellect that he seldom uses. Great mathematician and chemist. Enjoys the simple life and has learned to encompass other aspects of life outside of his natural affinity for the sciences, such as athletics and the arts. Just started taking shooting lessons at the local gun range. Has become a pretty fair shot though still far from being an expert marksman.

Weaknesses: Suffers from a variety of mental health issues such as depression, social anxiety, paranoid schizophrenia, etc. Though he has never been officially diagnosed with anything but an anxiety disorder and refuses to accept medication. He has an irrational fear of people and oft times finds himself spending entirely too much time stressing over whether the people around him are judging him and his actions, or not.

Possessions: A necklace locket which holds a picture of his 2 year old daughter and girfriend. A concealed Beretta PX4 Storm pistol holding 15 9mm rounds. Square cut cubic zirconium earrings, one for each ear. A backpack containing cigarettes and matches, a small wrapped package containing a modest engagement ring, a writing pen, a notebook, a cellular device, a package of black headbands, generic wristwatch, lab coat, the ID badge needed to access the facility he works at and a copy of Brandon Sanderson’s The Alloy of Law, Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and some magazine designed for aspiring chemists.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Fearghas Al' thor

Age: 29

Country of origin: Scottish-American

Native language and accent in English: English with a neutral spoken accent, knows how to speak and write some Scottish Gaelic

Appearance: A large, stocky man at 6'1 with a broad yet lithe and supple body, Fearghas presence is rather dominating when he applies himself. His musculature is defined from hours spent fencing, swimming, and rock climbing, paring down much of the fat on his body. Despite his size, Fearghas's features themselves are rather plain as people go. His face is gaunt, with blue eyes sunken slightly into the face, shoulder-length hair that he normally keeps back with a band topping his head. Personal beauty is not of importance to him but he keeps himself respectable nonetheless. His face is lined by a thin beard. Normally, he wears unassuming clothes, neither scruffy nor refined. At the time of his arrival, he is wearing a pair of climbing shorts, a breathable synthetic shirt, a pair of sturdy all-purpose shoes, climbing gloves, and a helmet and harness, along with his backpack.

Strengths: Physically adept in a variety of skills, able outdoorsman. Some knowledge of physics. Decent fencer if only recreationally. Good craftsman.

Weaknesses: Soft-spoken, although not an isolationist. Not very good at diplomacy. Disillusioned and will sometimes make rash or spiteful decisions. Some troubles controlling his temper. Somewhat alcoholic.

Possessions: Wind-up watch, two-days worth of energy bars, water, and beef jerky, 150 feet of nylon rope, a sleeping bag, small bag of personal hygeine items with toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, and deoderant, hatchet, box of matches, fold-up saw, a wallet with a driver's license, twenty dollars in cash, loose change, and two pictures of outings with his friends, pocket knife. Beanbags. Because reasons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kjartan Reinhølt

Age: 30

Country of origin: Faroe Islands/Scotland

Native language and accent in English: Faroese, Danish and Gaelic, English is his fourth language and he speaks it with a noticeable accent and basic dialect.

Appearance: Kjartan is a big man, so much so that you'd notice, and possibly recognize him from the Scottish National Rugby team. Towering at around 6'5 and some 240 pounds he is a monster of a man with a big blonde beard and hair the rolls down to his shoulder blades. As you expect from most athletes he is in fantastic shape, especially with the Rugby World Cup only few months away. The Scottish are favoured to win.

Kjartan is currently wearing a kilt, rugby shorts and rugby cleats, nothing else. His beard is pleated into two massive braids that hang down his chest and his hair is hanging free. His body is free of tattoos but several vicious scars mark his body including an almost diamond pattern on his left hip, a gift from the Afghan Taliban following a stint in the Royal Marines. His eyes are a sky blue when entertained and an almost smoke grey when he is angry, a scar cuts across his face, narrowly missing his right eye as it travels down to his jaw. It offers him a handsome, somewhat sinister look, save for when he smiles.

Strengths: Kjartan is a team player and excelled both as a soldier and a rugby player, though his injuries in the military nearly ruined both for life. He lived through intensive injuries and counts resiliency and determination amongst his greatest attributes. He has excellent vision and almost perfect hearing. Tactically minded, he is a natural for helping organize others and lead with skill and courage. he has basic military First Aid. His service in the military was only two years so he would hardly count himself a veteran soldier.

Weaknesses: He has absolutely zero skill at any sort of crafting or creation of things beyond his military survival training. His father once teased him he is a "Strong back and a weak mind" which is certainly true when it comes to academics. He barely passed high school, graduating with a degree in hard knocks. He barely passed that too. So, you probably get the point, don't ask him for any sort of academic help. Ever.

Possessions: One kilt, one belt, one pair of rugby shorts, and one pair of rugby cleats with black and white checkered knee-high socks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Justin Beiber

Age: 21

Country of origin: Canada

Native language and accent in English: English

Appearance: Brown hair and eyes, 5'9" and 66kg. Wearing white T-shirt and tight skinny jeans.

Strengths: Squealing like a girl, attracting fangirls, wearing tight pants and lip gloss.

Weaknesses: Everything else.

Possessions: A can of hair spray, a bottle of cough syrup, a lighter, a cell phone, and a hair comb.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OSIEIPPO
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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