Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Amara Myers


Race: Human

Age: 23

Skills: Amara is the sort of person who's at home in the ballroom and the battlefield, a strong, hardy young woman who knows her way around guns and melee weapons, as well as unarmed combat. Skilled in speaking and etiquette, Amara is also a social person, able to nagivate high society and the woods. However, her main weaknesses are in science - she doesn't know enough about that stuff - as well as lockpicking; she can do stealth, but not lockpicking. Medicine is also another weakness - she knows only to inject Stimpacks, while she should not be called upon to repair more than her own weapons. And, of course, despite her speaking skills, she doesn't know how to haggle...

Gear: Submachine Gun, Pistol, Double-Edged Sword, Kevlar Vest.

Bio: Amara was born in the frontier town of Christmas Hill, a Wastelander settlement founded after The War, which made its living by exporting timber, game, and fur down to Boston. Her mother, Mary, was a healer and the most beautiful woman in town, although she had to deal with the suffering of having lost her first husband, a trapper named Dustin. However, their lives took a turn when a stranger came into town, heavily blooded and asking for medical attention, which was given by Mary. As it turned out, the stranger was a businessman from one of the more civilized settlements, Diamond City, who had been travelling to escape the responsibilities of his station, and got attacked by raiders. However, his near-death experience, as well as Mary's intervention, had changed him, and he now resolved to do better.

Over the next few years, as Amara grew into an adolescent, the businessman, whose name was Sirius Smith, visited the small town in order to 'explore business and investment opportunities', paying for a new school and a sawmill, as well as a tannery that made everyone involved more prosperous. Not merely that, but he asked Mary to marry him, and Amara to become his daugther. Amara was 16 then.

Diamond City was a different place than the frontier, but Sirius was truly a good person and tried to make them feel at home, as well as protect them from anyone who would treat them badly because of their origins. And, of course, Amara was a strong, spunky woman with a core of steel, and who learned how to navigate High Society quickly. Of course, she never neglected her weapons training, and as she grew older, she returned many times to the frontier in order to 'toughen herself up'.

Now, however, a true danger has come to the Wasteland, and Amara, feeling the call of duty, has begun inquiring how she can help...

Misc: Nothing yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Jack Carter


Race: Human

Age: 25

Skills: A talented mechanic whose very easy on the eyes. Jack is charismatic and friendly, with most positions in the Vault filled he became an assistant to both the doctor and the engineer. Eventually he even became skilled in operating guns, learning to use Power Armor as well. Convincing the rest of the Vault that they needed to be more activate he and two others left to join the Minutemen and gain them representation with the other towns.

Gear: Laser Musket, Minutemen coat, Flare gun, Pipboy

Bio: Growing up in the Vault Jack was seen as the leader of the other children, all of them following him. His G.O.A.T. eventually lead him to placed on the medical path. Of course he also helped out down in engineering his skills their were much appreciated. However one day while he was helping check system up by the vault door a BoS paladin stumbled in collapsing against the door. With only what he knew from a few pre-war books they had traded for he managed to remove the armor and get her out of the suit.

As the Paladin recovered she showed him how to use the armor and told him stories of the surface. They became good friends as he helped her regain her strength until, even repairing her armor some as well. When it came time for her to leave he had convinced the Overseer to send a diplomatic envoy to meet with the other towns Ambassadors. With two friends and the Envoy they followed the Paladin to the castle, the three vault dwellers deciding to become Minutemen.

Over time the three became rather dependable Jack being promoted time and again. He eventually reach the rank Colonel. He and his soldier's were recently reassigned to Diamond city with instructions to hire merc's and recon Salem.

Misc: A talented singer, he hopes to record his own music for Diamond city radio.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Lets see what you got!"

Waylon Jones
Goes by "Rampage" now

No one who calls the Wastelands home considers Ghouls to be lookers, well almost no one, and Rampage is no exception. Like all those who have been so harshly effected by the radiation of the new war scarred world and turned into Ghouls Rampage has had all of his skin, nose, and hair fall off of his body. His eyes are pitch black orbs, this includes both his irises and sclera. He is rather large, standing at 6'6" in height, and has a bulky, muscular body build. He is covered head to toe in a nearly countless number of scars from everything from a gun shot to what looks like a Deathclaw scratch. What is really notable about Rampage is the faint glow, which is a full on eerie green aura in the dark, he gives off at all times do to him having absorbed such a incredible amount of radiation turning him into what many in the Wasteland call a "Glowing One". His clothes consist of a black jacket, gloves, pants, and boots.

Ghoul, Glowing One

"I've been around since before your dad was itch in your granddad's pants."

When one spends centuries living in the hellish conditions of the Wasteland they either learn how to adapt or they get eaten alive, Rampage luckily is in the former group. He has developed some serious survival skills do to his extremely long life, such as giving the right lead Rampage can track nearly anyone or thing for miles on end or being able to set up camp and thrive in the most hostile environments. He has also become quite accustom to the monstrous creatures that roams the Wastelands, from being able to recognize their habits and track them to even being able to walk among a few of them with out them becoming hostile. His life before the Great War gave him quite the bit of combat experience, more particularly close combat training. Rampage excels at hand to hand combat as well as using shorten melee weapons, such as combat knives. He is also skilled with using limited range weapons like shotguns and pistols. What Rampage lacks in has to be his interactions with others, he is far too blunt to be able to convince others to see his way with out using physical threats of violence. Also it is a bit difficult to be able to do anything stealthily when you literally glow with radiation.

5.56mm pistol
Combat Shotgun
Ballistic Fist

"It is hard for most people nowadays to imagine what it was like before the bombs fell and everything turned to complete shit. Most of the smoothskins running around think that it was all sunshine, rainbows, and nuka-cola as far as the eye could see, but there are a few of us Ghouls that have been around long enough to know better. Even before the war the world was ending, people dying because of some damn plague, families being thrown into the streets because no one could hold a job cause the damn economy had gone ass up, and countries at each others throats over what little resources were left in the world. I should know I was a solider after all, a protector of my country and liberty itself. Even fought up in Anchorage, shed a lot blood up there... not all of it mine. Hell of a lot of good it did me, right after we took back Anchorage they dishonorably discharged my ass, said my methods were too extreme and risky. If that wasn't the cherry on the shit cake the bombs dropping a few months later defiantly was.

When the bombs hit and those of us who weren't lucky enough to get locked away in the vaults had one of two routes given to us. Either one, die in the most incredibly painful way possible, or two, become walking corpses. As you can see I am in the second group. First few years were tough, trying to adjust to being a zombie takes some time, but eventually I got the hang of things. Sooner or later the vaults opened back up, smoothskins started making their ways back up to the surface and society started back up, and I use the word loosely. I found myself running with one of the raider gangs that popped up, they found it useful to have a guy around who didn't kill over when he was exposed to some radiation. But I got tired of carrying that group of shit for brains around so I went solo, became a gun for hire and I have to say I'm pretty damn good at it. And with a few centuries of doing this job I made a name for myself, Rampage seems pretty fitting. Now I'm in the Commonwealth and shit seems to be hitting the fan with the Enclave showing up, the decedents of the same shit heads who caused the world to go to hell in the first place. I would consider doing the job of kicking their collective asses for free... I'm not but I would consider it."

Like other Glowing Ones Rampage is able to emit a strong wave of radiation from his body that is capable of knocking those around him back.
Rampage has a small base of operations hidden in the glowing sea that also houses a small pack of feral ghouls. He usually heads there after missions or whenever he needs to heal up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Carter Johnson
Race: Ghoul
Age: 105
Skills: Carter has a sharp mind despite its irradiated deterioration and is good at whacking people with blunt or bladed weapons. He's decent in the art of speech but he is pretty bad at shooting things, even at mid-range, but will resort to it if the situation calls for it. Thanks to his time in the old Enclave, Carter is capable of operating Power Armour.
Gear: Makeshift Crossbow, Bumper Sword, X-01 Power Armour helmet, modified Radiation suit.
Bio: Carter was born as just another grunt in the Enclave, to grow up to do nothing special, he would work on amazing things but never do anything significant to further the group. It was t until the destruction of his home, the Poseidon Oil-Rig, that Carter was able to begin to do anything worthwhile with his life. Carter was luckily on land at the time of the rig's destruction doing research but he was now left without a home and on the run from the Brotherhood and all those that had opposed the Enclave.
He soon found himself all by his lonesome in a foreign land with no friends or family left and worse of all the wasteland had rubbed off on him worse than he could have imagined, turning him into a Ghoul. As the years went on Carter continued to get by and learn the way of the wasteland and even began making caps for himself by teaching at a very accepting settlement. When the Enclave once more reared its ugly head, Carter met it with a scowl apogee to a smile as he had leant that the wastes were full of plenty of people who deserved to live. Plus there was a lot more room for promotion in the wastelands as opposed to the Enclave so he wouldn't have to be stuck in a small room for most of his life with little wealth. The Ghoul took up a crude sword, crossbow and some very inventive gadgets to take on the New emergence Enclave for the good of the wastes!... And the spoils of war.
-His Radiation suit has metal playing within it and is also capable of delivering radiation directly to the person in the suit, allowing Carter to heal small wounds from with radiation and keep out large, feral inducing, amounts.
-His bumper sword has a sticker on it that says "My Child is an Honour Student"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Jason Mythious

Stands 10'4 went straight, 7'8 when hunched.

Race: Super mutant

Age: I couldn't read a specified year so I'll will say he was 10 when the bombs dropped.

Skills: He can smash stuff, was a bio medical scientist. He is also a decent armor Smith (he can make armor that won't fall apart immediately if that counts)

Gear: his enclave holo tags, back pack for his size, special plasma rifle with no ammunition, modified fireman's axe, and some plated metal and rags fashioned into makeshift armor and clothes.

Bio: Jason grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia under a military family. His parents were medical scientists who had previously worked on manufacturing a chemical that would help defend the body from biological weapons. When the bombs dropped, Jason along with his parents were pulled to be part of the faction that is now known as 'The Enclave'. His parents (while with the Enclave) were tasked with moddifying the FEV virus to have more positive effects. Jason immediately took under his parents wing and was with them during most of their research. Jason under their watch never socialized much but showed a great interest for science. He spent most of his time watching his parent work and even staying up late to read his parents notes. At the age of 18 he was assigned with aiding his parents when the same task. The 'Enclave' had hoped a new mind would aid efforts as Jasons' parents were losing hope after years without results. When Jason reached 20, his parents were killed in a viral outbreak that involved the FEV virus infecting them. His parents had to be killed by the soldiers on guard. This event inspired Jason to work even harder toward the goal so his parents lives would not be a waste. He was completely unaware that the 'accident' was staged by the Enclave to get a young Jason more involved in the work

While they did offer Jason with partners in his work, he preferred to do it alone. He spent countless years trying to find a way to make the virus less negative on the human body. Forty years had passed without much success. It was at this point that Jason had been restationed to the west coast. It was here that things went wrong. The outpost that Jason was working at had become under siege by super mutants. Jason was in his lab finishing working on the virus for the day when it happened. He could hear the gun fire MD almost panicked. He look at the container holding the virus and a 10mm pistol. He weighed the options for several seconds until he heard the super mutants get close. He grabbed the container and injected himself with virus do to be to scared of dying. The mutation was extremely painful to such a point that he wanted to kill himself what what in to much pain to do so. When the super mutants broke into his lab and saw a fellow super mutant they didn't suspect anything (as super mutants kinda lack on intelligence). Jason stood up and could barely hold himself together. He knew what he had done but the moment still shocked him. He grabbed a bag and loaded it full of his papers and holotapes. After wandering through the facility and finding his commanders special plasma rifle, he stuck with the super mutants. It was with them that he got his armor and axe. Over the first few days, Jason noticed himself getting more violent. However, his work had payed off even a bit. He was able to retain much of his former knowledge though he does have slight amnesia. After spending several more years with the other super mutants, he simply left. He has spent his time roaming the waste land in hopes that he will someday find someone who can help him become normal again.

Misc: Being a super mutant, Jason does have some perks. He is immune to radiation, disease, age, and even heals much quicker than humans. He is also much stronger and has more endurance.
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