Karl Rogers - One With The Wasteland
Karl stands at 5 foot 11 and has a fit build. His hair is fashioned into a sort of psuedo mohawk, with the sides shaved and a single line at the top left long. His most notable features are his tattoos.
Due to Karl's upbringing with his tribal family and his brotherhood of steel training, he has an amalgamation of the skills your average tribesman and BoS member has. For example, while he is proficient in the use of his spears and tomohawk, he is also proficient in the use of his shotgun. However, his real talent lies in his medical abilities. Combining the complex surgical methods of the BoS with the herbs and medicines of his tribe, Karl is able to create highly useful medicines that can surpass that of stimpaks if he has the right resources.
- Three spears carried on his back.
- One tomohawk, embroidered with various tales of triumph.
- One lever action shotgun.
- Various herbs and medicines, including stimpaks.
Karl was born as the bastard child of a high ranking Brotherhood of Steel member and a tribeswoman. While his parents were very much in love, they could not reveal their relationship to either of their factions and a fake father for, Karl was created. A recently deceased hunter would take the position, with everyone including Karl believing it to be true for much of his early life. He grew up with the intention of becoming the next potential leader of the tribe, and as a result he was taught practically everything the tribe knew rather than just focusing in one area. He excelled at his medicine making, and had the uncanny ability to spot herbs from practically miles away, explaining it as just a 'sense' he had whenever asked.
Things were going fine, up until raiders began attacking the tribe. They put up a good fight for quite a while, but eventually began running out of resources and men to attack the raiders with. They were forced to be taken under the protection of the Brotherhood of Steel, and subsequently the fake father myth that Karl's parents had thought up was dispelled. They revealed their secret relationship to the tribe and Karl was subsequently taken into Brotherhood of Steel training. Of course, the training was late on and he didn't get as much of the training as he would have if he had 'joined' the Brotherhood at an earlier date.
He left the Brotherhood's protection at the age of 19, to travel the wastes and get a taste of the world. He gained a reputation as a bounty hunter for his use of spears and melee weapons rather than assault rifles and pistols. He returned to his tribe at the age of 26, and had worked with the Brotherhood of Steel for about 2 years before signing up to help fight the enclave.