William Brean

"I do not hate the enemy, nor their motives to some extent...I just know that if I do not pull the trigger...I'll be the one who ends up as a bloody Corpse within the next few seconds..."
William's Theme Song
William Brean
DD - Callsign:
'Vigilant Sparrow'
Date and Month of Birth:
21st of September
Hartcrest Farm, Outer-Edinburgh, Scotland
Diamond Dog Service Time:
3.9 Years
Short, brunette hair...seems simple enough. A simple stubble keeps his face from being smooth and naked...if there was going to be one thing that stopped him from having it, it would possibly regret making such a judgement. William keeps aqua blue-eyes, along with healthy teeth. Standing around 6' 2", he is quite the tower compared to his fellow comrades. When it comes to body structure, it wouldn't be said to be the most muscle-type of them all, though he is equipped with enough strength to prove himself on the battlefield and in Operations. His survivability has been increased on a few occasions due to the non-brawny structure, saving his life more than once.
General Apparel:
For a General Appearance, that would include a Wintery-Diamond Dog standard Uniform, that is when at the patrolling front of Father Base. If there is one thing that can make him feel more safe, that is the camouflage correctly matching the location he is entering. In terms of off-duty clothing, a simple Olive-Drab Shirt, mixed with Civilian issued combat Trousers, of a Navy-black colouring scheme. This is the standard uniform and fashion any personnel would likely find him wearing when not on the field of combat, though there are times where it is subject to change. Not every man has to wear the same clothes constantly on repeat, do they?
On-Field Apparel:
On field, that is a more different story. There is a wide range of camouflage materials and colourings that William is likely to use, especially in the multiple-environment lands of Afghanistan. Usually, Desert-Fox clothing is worn by him along with the set-up of the usual Balaclava, for protection against incoming shrapnel and nearby flames, as well as a Combat-worthy vest, fitted with dampening to reduce the noise that might be created when, say, crawling along the floor. For what he does, as it is rare for a DD soldier to go into an infiltration mission, it acts well enough as slight-bullet resistance, providing him enough protection to keep him alive in shot by small arms fire. The outfitting is slightly different from the other Diamond Dog outfitting, as it is designed to act as a multiple purpose costume, helping in both assaults, defences and infiltrations. This again can be subject to change, though this is the usual clothing you would expect.
A Modified Stoner 63 with a low-magnification optic, foldable Bipod and recoil control-stock, is what is usually held by the soldier. William is sometimes made to change to a UN-ARC. This is outfitted to the way the picture has shown. Sometimes, suppressors are available for the weapon, though it is a preference to not go all Silent and quiet. For a sidearm, usually this little Handgun proves useful enough, which is less-likely to be suppressed. As related to his general role as Heavy-Equipment personnel, he is likely to be carrying a few packs of Plastic Explosive Material, detonated from at least a 300m range. Usually, there is also the possibility that a single hand grenade will be carried, as only to act as a life-saver.
From someone with one of the most experience on the Base, you'd expect him to be rather loud, rather bellowing towards the lower comrades. Instead, you'd find William to be quieter than most soldiers. He never drinks alcohol; he never really increases his voice to an extremely loud volume, nor does he tend to get into fights with the other soldiers. Suffering from minor traumatisation from a previous mission that had gone wrong, he is quite to himself, wanting to eat alone a lot of the time. He finds sleeping to be quite the trouble, which has been noted down to affect his performance on the field. William is very entrusted when it comes to teamwork, and puts in as much effort as he can. Usually selected for roles due to his experience within the Diamond Dogs, William makes a great impression amongst the ranks. As for himself, he hopes he can respect those around him as well, trying not to get into many arguments within the teams he works with, and even those surrounding him at Father Base. Overall, for a soldier, his social behaviour is quite odd, which sometimes can make him stand out amongst the rest, like placing a Cow in a room filled with sheep.
William has a strong interest in Musical Arts. Be it classical, or modernised music, he is usually up for talking about it at all times. As for the range of Music genres, it is quite spread out...going from Take on Me by AHA one minute...to Something maybe a little different. As for himself, whenever he gets the privacy and downtime, he is likely to spend time either listening to Music, or putting his own skills into acoustic guitar playing, messing around with tunes and riffs that he creates along the way. Outside of that zone is his love for reading. He is extremely intellectual in traditional English literature, and has a tendency to read over Darwin's Origins of Species, him not being religious at all. Not being sporty, keen on intense exercise does make him very solitary from everyone else.
There are a few things that really get to William. One of those is bringing up any mentioning of that tragic event...brutal, and traumatising on his end, it proved to damage his mentality enough to lead him into a violent rage. That, though, is very rare, mainly the reason he was sent to Father Base after the constant troublemakers bringing it up. For more common things, he definitely hates massages...just going to put that out there...
Leadership isn't on his side ususally, but his main role as a Demolitions expert, Support infantry and infiltration Operative make him a rather useful soldier across the entire board. If there was one thing that he could do to give himself a better skill...it would be confidence.
As mentioned, he is not a very confident person. Usually, there is a man who is assigned to giving him psychology sessions based around his fears and weakpoints. The old scenario had left him crumbled, and these sessions are the only thing that keep him combat-worthy within the Diamond Dogs. Strength isn't also a number 1 thing he takes in pride, as he can sometimes end up more weaker than some opposing forces they are put up against.
Ideal Role Model:
Colonel James Montgomery
There isn't really anything interesting about his past. Rather just a simple farm-boy who grew up with a loving brother, sister and father. Made to do much manual labour that any typical farm boy would be used to these conditions, so this point of the Profile is really just a small area. Good educational grades, outstanding skills within literature, science and mathematics. This point in life ended when he decided to join the British Army as a Support Gunner.
Service History:
He joined the British Army, flawlessly sprinting through the training phase, to assist in the Revolutionist problem within Northern and Southern Ireland. The Irish Republican Army were at a violent stage, and British troops were being deployed as part of a Peacekeeping session. It was during the second year of his service where he had fallen captive to some of the members, serving as a long-time ransom against the British Army. Originally brought into captivity with 43 other British Soldiers, mostly injured at the time, only 3 made it out. The horrors of watching a soldier being executed every so often made a permanent scar into his mind, effecting his career as a soldier from years onwards. When the Diamond Dogs were now in a known stage, he left his psychotic background as a British Corporal, moving into the voluntary ranks of the Combat Unit. Switching between the Security team and the Combat Unit, he made as little contact with fighting as he could, hoping that he could take the time to recover from his injuries. Though as the spread of PRs became larger and larger, his safety decreased, and made him have that tiny spot within his mind that haunted him, no matter where he went, or where he was...that would stay with him until he would find a bullet in his skull. Due to the suffering of Stockholm Syndrome, there was a temporary discharge for killing one of the rescuers as he remained in captivity, which made him regret the decision and mental brainwashing he had suffered throughout his tragic misfortune. There was more events that occured during his service as a Diamond Dogs, personally finding himself saved by Venom Snake during an espionage-gone-wrong, that is only to be discussed with himself, Garret and those he chooses to share it with. This is very...very unlikely to be spread around.
Father - Alive
Brother - Alive
Sister - Alive
Any extra preferences:
-Staying away from large groups...something that he feels is definitely important to him. Safety isn't always in numbers.
Other Affiliates:
Venom Snake [Saviour during a intercepted Espionage] - John 'Limping Squirrel' Lincoln [One of the survivors of the British Capture incident, now a Diamond Dog] - Helen 'Lurking Mantis' Smith [Psychologist] - Brandon 'Beating Viper' Smith [Comrade/Helen's Brother]

"I do not hate the enemy, nor their motives to some extent...I just know that if I do not pull the trigger...I'll be the one who ends up as a bloody Corpse within the next few seconds..."
William's Theme Song
William Brean
DD - Callsign:
'Vigilant Sparrow'
Date and Month of Birth:
21st of September
Hartcrest Farm, Outer-Edinburgh, Scotland
Diamond Dog Service Time:
3.9 Years
Short, brunette hair...seems simple enough. A simple stubble keeps his face from being smooth and naked...if there was going to be one thing that stopped him from having it, it would possibly regret making such a judgement. William keeps aqua blue-eyes, along with healthy teeth. Standing around 6' 2", he is quite the tower compared to his fellow comrades. When it comes to body structure, it wouldn't be said to be the most muscle-type of them all, though he is equipped with enough strength to prove himself on the battlefield and in Operations. His survivability has been increased on a few occasions due to the non-brawny structure, saving his life more than once.
General Apparel:
For a General Appearance, that would include a Wintery-Diamond Dog standard Uniform, that is when at the patrolling front of Father Base. If there is one thing that can make him feel more safe, that is the camouflage correctly matching the location he is entering. In terms of off-duty clothing, a simple Olive-Drab Shirt, mixed with Civilian issued combat Trousers, of a Navy-black colouring scheme. This is the standard uniform and fashion any personnel would likely find him wearing when not on the field of combat, though there are times where it is subject to change. Not every man has to wear the same clothes constantly on repeat, do they?
On-Field Apparel:
On field, that is a more different story. There is a wide range of camouflage materials and colourings that William is likely to use, especially in the multiple-environment lands of Afghanistan. Usually, Desert-Fox clothing is worn by him along with the set-up of the usual Balaclava, for protection against incoming shrapnel and nearby flames, as well as a Combat-worthy vest, fitted with dampening to reduce the noise that might be created when, say, crawling along the floor. For what he does, as it is rare for a DD soldier to go into an infiltration mission, it acts well enough as slight-bullet resistance, providing him enough protection to keep him alive in shot by small arms fire. The outfitting is slightly different from the other Diamond Dog outfitting, as it is designed to act as a multiple purpose costume, helping in both assaults, defences and infiltrations. This again can be subject to change, though this is the usual clothing you would expect.
A Modified Stoner 63 with a low-magnification optic, foldable Bipod and recoil control-stock, is what is usually held by the soldier. William is sometimes made to change to a UN-ARC. This is outfitted to the way the picture has shown. Sometimes, suppressors are available for the weapon, though it is a preference to not go all Silent and quiet. For a sidearm, usually this little Handgun proves useful enough, which is less-likely to be suppressed. As related to his general role as Heavy-Equipment personnel, he is likely to be carrying a few packs of Plastic Explosive Material, detonated from at least a 300m range. Usually, there is also the possibility that a single hand grenade will be carried, as only to act as a life-saver.
From someone with one of the most experience on the Base, you'd expect him to be rather loud, rather bellowing towards the lower comrades. Instead, you'd find William to be quieter than most soldiers. He never drinks alcohol; he never really increases his voice to an extremely loud volume, nor does he tend to get into fights with the other soldiers. Suffering from minor traumatisation from a previous mission that had gone wrong, he is quite to himself, wanting to eat alone a lot of the time. He finds sleeping to be quite the trouble, which has been noted down to affect his performance on the field. William is very entrusted when it comes to teamwork, and puts in as much effort as he can. Usually selected for roles due to his experience within the Diamond Dogs, William makes a great impression amongst the ranks. As for himself, he hopes he can respect those around him as well, trying not to get into many arguments within the teams he works with, and even those surrounding him at Father Base. Overall, for a soldier, his social behaviour is quite odd, which sometimes can make him stand out amongst the rest, like placing a Cow in a room filled with sheep.
William has a strong interest in Musical Arts. Be it classical, or modernised music, he is usually up for talking about it at all times. As for the range of Music genres, it is quite spread out...going from Take on Me by AHA one minute...to Something maybe a little different. As for himself, whenever he gets the privacy and downtime, he is likely to spend time either listening to Music, or putting his own skills into acoustic guitar playing, messing around with tunes and riffs that he creates along the way. Outside of that zone is his love for reading. He is extremely intellectual in traditional English literature, and has a tendency to read over Darwin's Origins of Species, him not being religious at all. Not being sporty, keen on intense exercise does make him very solitary from everyone else.
There are a few things that really get to William. One of those is bringing up any mentioning of that tragic event...brutal, and traumatising on his end, it proved to damage his mentality enough to lead him into a violent rage. That, though, is very rare, mainly the reason he was sent to Father Base after the constant troublemakers bringing it up. For more common things, he definitely hates massages...just going to put that out there...
Leadership isn't on his side ususally, but his main role as a Demolitions expert, Support infantry and infiltration Operative make him a rather useful soldier across the entire board. If there was one thing that he could do to give himself a better skill...it would be confidence.
As mentioned, he is not a very confident person. Usually, there is a man who is assigned to giving him psychology sessions based around his fears and weakpoints. The old scenario had left him crumbled, and these sessions are the only thing that keep him combat-worthy within the Diamond Dogs. Strength isn't also a number 1 thing he takes in pride, as he can sometimes end up more weaker than some opposing forces they are put up against.
Ideal Role Model:
Colonel James Montgomery
There isn't really anything interesting about his past. Rather just a simple farm-boy who grew up with a loving brother, sister and father. Made to do much manual labour that any typical farm boy would be used to these conditions, so this point of the Profile is really just a small area. Good educational grades, outstanding skills within literature, science and mathematics. This point in life ended when he decided to join the British Army as a Support Gunner.
Service History:
He joined the British Army, flawlessly sprinting through the training phase, to assist in the Revolutionist problem within Northern and Southern Ireland. The Irish Republican Army were at a violent stage, and British troops were being deployed as part of a Peacekeeping session. It was during the second year of his service where he had fallen captive to some of the members, serving as a long-time ransom against the British Army. Originally brought into captivity with 43 other British Soldiers, mostly injured at the time, only 3 made it out. The horrors of watching a soldier being executed every so often made a permanent scar into his mind, effecting his career as a soldier from years onwards. When the Diamond Dogs were now in a known stage, he left his psychotic background as a British Corporal, moving into the voluntary ranks of the Combat Unit. Switching between the Security team and the Combat Unit, he made as little contact with fighting as he could, hoping that he could take the time to recover from his injuries. Though as the spread of PRs became larger and larger, his safety decreased, and made him have that tiny spot within his mind that haunted him, no matter where he went, or where he was...that would stay with him until he would find a bullet in his skull. Due to the suffering of Stockholm Syndrome, there was a temporary discharge for killing one of the rescuers as he remained in captivity, which made him regret the decision and mental brainwashing he had suffered throughout his tragic misfortune. There was more events that occured during his service as a Diamond Dogs, personally finding himself saved by Venom Snake during an espionage-gone-wrong, that is only to be discussed with himself, Garret and those he chooses to share it with. This is very...very unlikely to be spread around.
Father - Alive
Brother - Alive
Sister - Alive
Any extra preferences:
-Staying away from large groups...something that he feels is definitely important to him. Safety isn't always in numbers.
Other Affiliates:
Venom Snake [Saviour during a intercepted Espionage] - John 'Limping Squirrel' Lincoln [One of the survivors of the British Capture incident, now a Diamond Dog] - Helen 'Lurking Mantis' Smith [Psychologist] - Brandon 'Beating Viper' Smith [Comrade/Helen's Brother]
Characters of Interest
Garret Luther
Codename - 'Alpha Serpent'
Age - 49 Years
Gender - Male
Role - Father Base C.O...Leadership for the Diamond Dogs 2nd Detachment
Importance to you - He will be running the vast majority of these operations, and will pop up for large meetings every now and then. Every decision he makes will effect what your character does.
Appearance - This
Bruce Spington
Codename - Flocker
Age - 29
Gender - Male
Role - One of the several Helicopter Pilots responsible for in and out extractions within the Area of Operations. If you wish to create your own, please put it below your character after I confirm it in the OOC.
Importance to you - Though he serves more as William's standard Helicopter Pilot, he can spread around the majority of the group. Much like Pequad, he is highly skilled and very efficient as his role. Known for his experience within the Diamond Dogs, serving as one of the original pilots, he is loved by most and kept close at hand when on the field.
Appearance - This
Katherine Wigginson
Codename - 'Fallen Salmon'
Age - 26
Gender - Female
Role - On-field assistance either in fire support, infantry movement or intelligence additions.
Importance to you - She is extremely useful as a soldier, and has proven to be quite the looker. With charm, skill and agility on her side, she can make the perfect Human Buddy to take upon missions. She will be available at some points. Much lovable between everyone for her tendency to catch the eye of her comrades.
Appearance - This
Codename - 'Falcon' or 'Swiping Hawk'
Age - Estimated Late 20s-Early 30s
Gender - Male
Role - Intense Infiltration Operative
Importance to you - Though he really isn't of the greatest appearances, Falcon's skill is based around the same style as Big Boss...Used mainly for extreme intelligence gathering and assassination operations, he proves to be one of the most elite Diamond Dog Specialists to roam amongst the Pack. There will be times to discuss and bump into him, with a few mentionings here and there.
Appearance - This...Facial appearance is extremely limited to the mouth, which is used for off duty speaking.
Codename - 'Little Viper'
Age - Estimated 28
Gender - Female
Role - Much like Falcon, Viper is a special operations operative, capable of being sent in to do the more dirtier work. However, due to many failures to the tests that her attire has undergone, she is likely to have Diamond Dog reinforcements on field with her, seeing as the Regular Diamond Dog Soldiers were given higher responsibilities throughout their service time.
Importance to you - Much like a buddy, she can accompany you in terms of suppressive fire support, artillery and Rocket-Propelled equipment. She is very talkative, and is more open compared to her other comrade, Falcon. You can have the chance to come across her on and off duty, as she generally likes to hang around the Crew Facilities on lower platforms within the mountain faces.
Appearance - Facial Covered - General Appearance