Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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He listened carefully to the message, constantly asking for it to be repeated. Every single recorded note had to be analysed, for clues to what he might be on about. Pirate Gull's espionage was a sure failure that brought alight news of a lifetime. A lifetime of gunfire and killing, death and total annihilation. This was a cruel world, and for someone leading the role of keeping as much peace through acts of violence, this was not a good situation. He listened again and again. The cry for help...the Sounds of grinding and the images that were sent in of both the dead team and their finding. This was it. They had taken a step forward. Intelligence showed that it was indeed them seizing power in secret Afghanistan facilities, hoping to eradicate their idea of evil off of the face of the Earth. These men, women and children they were up against, had all the gear they needed. And now, it was a matter of time before it was unleashed. The world was in awe, and only the highest authorities of the Diamond Dogs knew about this...Garret played it back again, studying the blurred image he received. Chatter amongst his highest Intelligence Branch made him wonder, as he slipped on a pair of aviation glasses. He turned to Howardson to his left...

"In 15 minutes, call a meeting to Hall 9...we need to get the message across!" He commanded. Howardson looked at him, questioning his order.

"What exactly do I tell them we are up against?"

"You tell them, when the message is sent, that we meet there...I'll explain everything..." As Howardson nodded, moving away to prepare for the 15-20 minute delay before announcing the meeting, he turned to the image on the table. "Well fuck me...I never thought I'd see the day when something like this would pop up...looks like we are going to need some more preparation...I'm not letting us lose to a Metal Gear!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Abdul was just getting out of bed getting dressed in his combat uniform heading into the kitchen,He got his tray being served the standard breakfast for the soldiers.Abdul just woke up and already he had some sort of feeling that something bad was going to happen never the less he was going to make the most out of this day.

Once he got his food and drink he eat his breakfast at one of the tables keeping to himself form the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agathon
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Gresham is enjoying some time off by sitting in the barracks reading one of his favorite mystery novels of all time. “The Hounds of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle. He glances up from his book and takes a quick look on what’s going on with the other people around the base. A few happily sounding laughs can be heard over in another area of the barracks, while people socialize with each other and see if they have common interests and talk about everyday stuff… you know, trying to get to know each other, get a friend and forming relationships, that sort of thing.

While Gresham hasn’t been a part of the Diamond Dogs for very long. He certainly hasn’t forgotten to try and socialize. Gresham’s troubled history with his time in school has been the main part in how he behaves in front of other people, and so far hasn’t gotten a solid friendship with anyone on the base just yet. In that instant, Gresham put away his book so that he can find it again later, putting a bookmark on the page he just started on about halfway through the book. After being deep in thought for a couple of minutes after watching the others get to know each other better, Gresham thinks about what he can do better and walks out of the barracks hoping to find something more meaningful to do than to read a book all day.

Will he find a true friend... or maybe friends? A true band of brothers that will stand together to fight for what they think is right until the last man falls if it so indeed comes to that in the end? Only time will tell, but the future is still unknown...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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It was a matter of luck that he had heard back from Flightless Duck. He'd been sent on a small mission with Falcon only days ago, and had spent hours upon hours worrying the shit out of William. The man had a plan, and spent hours upon hours of his combat deployment intercepting many intelligence files linking to a slight increase of PFs located within the Afghanistan lands. In all seriousness, only William knew about Falcon's deployment within Afghanistan, as no one else were to be sent there. There wasn't really a reason to be sent into such a country with no reasoning. The only thing there were PFs trigger happy on civilians and National Militarised Units. What a strange world, for what was claimed to be an age of piece. Once the plot of Cypher had been stopped brutally by the forces of the Diamond Dogs, it was almost certain that nothing was ever going to be repeated on such a large Operational Scale. Having served within the Old Diamond Dogs hunting down rogue members of Cypher planning on reuniting their forces, William had seen a lot to do with this. He may of played a small part, but any part was good enough to actually make a difference, having two Officer's heads on his list. Those were ticked off, yes, and that gave him a respected place on the Newer DD Base. The mountainous region, built into and outside of the rural lands, felt rather beautiful. There were cautionary procedures where any nearby settlers had to be evicted or recruited in order to protect their secrecy, and it wasn't exactly as secluded as the location of Mother Base. Father Base was an all-time success, however. It was defended, it was stocked...it was advanced. As William thought about his home, the radio beside his sleeping furniture buzzed. He sat up slowly, slipping it into his grasp.

"This...This is Vigilant Sparrow, message send, over?" He sat patiently, waiting for the cackled response to inevitably come through. As the sender had pressed his PTT button down, the sound of buzzing engines cracked through the speakers.

"Will'...How is it?" A nerved grin slipped onto William's face. Looks like he was back sooner and safer than he had anticipated. "I'll be back within 5 minutes, we are just circling Father Base's location. Seriously...I think Falcon is a rather nice guy! You should drink with him sometime."

"I don't drink..." He reminded his comrade.

"Pfft...doesn't stop you at all. Anyway, I'll be off on my way. I'll meet you whenever I can get some showering done, that is a must do-first priority. You know that shit, right?" Nodding and sending his acknowledgement, his semi-friend silenced his radio. It wasn't as much of a friend, but more of his mentor. He says mentor as if it were true, but he was the Squad Leader of Memphis 5-3-5, a small assault team that were based on Mother Base. As of his knowledge, that group were disbanded now after a tragic battle scenario that had left the team crumbled. Back on Father Base, he was like a friend. His only relationship with William was of his superior, though rank wasn't ever really an issue with the Diamond Dogs. The only true friend he had was still on the field...he was still on the field. Garret asked him to go there...but...why?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Agathon @LetMeDoStuff

Abdul was walking to the meeting point there leader had told them to be,While walking he noticed he was behind Gresham noticing he was carrying a book with him and recognized the book from a reading before."Is that Sir Conan Doyle?Sherlock Homles?A fantastic book" He said to the other man in his thick Arabic accent.

He was glad to find another person that reads classic literature and would have intellectual talks with another person in this place,For the most part he could not find many since most of them didn't know who Charles Dickens or H.P Lovecraft were so this would be a good chance of pace for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agathon
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Gresham startled, looks behind him and sees Abdul.

“Oh, hello there! Abdul right?” He said in a quick manner.

Gresham stops walking, planning to strike up a conversation with him and learn what he can in the time he currently has.

“This book is the Hounds of the Baskervilles and is by none other than Sir Conan Doyle himself. You stand corrected! I’m glad to hear you also like litterature. I’m sorry I seemed a bit startled there, I was thinking of stuff, so I didn’t really notice anyone until you called me!”

Gresham takes a quick peek down at the cover of the book that he his carrying in his hand, then darts his eyes back at Abdul.

“Uhm… if you ever need anything to read, for example novels by Conan Doyle don’t hesitate to ask! I have quite a collection on hand with a couple of different authors.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Mhm it was my fault for sneaking up on you...it is always good to meet someone who reads classic literature" Abdul nodded pulling out a small paperback novel for him to look for,"This is my copy of To Kill A Mockingbird have you read it?" He said showing him the cover wondering if it will spark the other man's memory.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agathon
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Agathon Shadow Trooper

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Taking a detailed look at the cover, Gresham’s eyes widen.

“Harper Lee, right?! Ah, man. Atticus Finch is one of my all time favorites!” He says cheerfully.

Pacing back and forth, Gresham says

“I’ve read the entire book, but that’s a long time ago. I lost my copy back home a couple of years ago, sadly. I assume you have read the entire book as well? It’s amazing how quite a dark subject like rape can be balanced with the power of humor.”

Gresham stops for a second. He rolls his right sleeve up and takes a quick look at his watch.

“Heh, before I ramble into eternity about all of the litterature ever, aren’t we supposed to be somewhere? Maybe we should get going…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 4 days ago

Announcement of Father Base

"All Personnel on FB-Deck 9, this is an announcement. Hold posts and further duties for later. All Downtime sessions will be aborted as well. Please make your way towards Hall 9. I repeat again, All personnel report to Hall 9. This is not optional. Expect to be presented in an orderly fashion. Parade Conditions. Those late or absent will be sanctioned." The announcement cut off, sending a slight buzz to signal the end of it. Garret's staff from his Command Room began to make their way there themselves. This was important. It had to be announced. For whatever was about to be said could judge the fate of every soldier, making the choice of whether they live, or die...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Of course it was quite the read and i enjoyed it very much,I found it...thought provoking" Abdul nodded hearing the annoucment form their leader over the speaker,"I see we have a place to go to...come" He said now walking in the direction of Hall 9.
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