"It was during the first time Mother Base was attacked that the question was brought up...about FOBs...spreading our ground and increasing the capacity of the Diamond Dogs. I understood completely, and when similar rigs to Mother Base were constructed, it got some of the R&D team Vet's thinking...We could expand. In time we, uh...moved very far out, created a completely type of Diamond Dogs. It wasn't something we planned to use against Cypher, and we were only planning on using it as a final resort if our troubles got too bad. It was more of a safe haven, I could add...but it was during our conflict that it was realised in potential, and that sitting in a lonely mountain could be a great base with World-wide access, assisting in Combat deployment...We called it Father Base, hoping to be more developed that what we could get in Mother Base. In time, we made some...adjustments...and we began to send a few volunteers from each FOB to go and serve time there, becoming the chain of command. I personally picked Garret to take the role as C.O...therefore making it easier for the main focus on Cypher be less hectic with someone like me running around...taking everything to a high-level of stress and confusion. An experiment was conducted, for secretive recruitment, where 174 soldiers from world-wide Combat forces were to volunteer for a new type of Special forces...they were told that they were not allowed to see anyone outside of this project for a long time, making sure we hand-picked the right people. This was during the stage where we ordered a mass produce, getting as much GMP as we could spare from the war into the hands of Garret's facility. As soon as the soldiers who volunteered showed up to their meeting, it was just a matter of Bagging and Tagging...it feels strange...kidnapping them in some way...they had consent, for something that wasn't exactly what they were expecting. These were the 2nd Diamond Dogs, still there...the process of taking a group of soldiers into captivity and convincing them to join carried on until the very day their own Operation began...That was when Étape finale
came into the picture..."
Punished 'Venom' Snake - Recorded monologue about Father Base's creation
came into the picture..."
Punished 'Venom' Snake - Recorded monologue about Father Base's creation
The Afghani Civil war of 1992 had just broken loose. The world became concerned, obviously, as the combat began to reign between both sides and much attention was drawn to the main combat. However, whilst most forces and fighting were engaged in inter-city combat, country-side based groups of PFs began to form. Banding off of the two forces fighting, there was a mix between development, as certain facilities became under their command with secrecy, forcing certain energy platforms and food depots to keep the groups supplied. Through the advancing of these PFs, another deeper group emerged...formed from a man of Cypher, the group Étape finale...It was Turkish for Final Step. Their plan wasn't in the clear, as many facilities and bases began to form with the help of hired PFs. As equipment was passed around, ultimately, sources of energy were drained.
Father Base had been formed to a somewhat complete state, having defences, transport and personnel to fill up the ranks. Led by Garret 'Alpha Serpent' Luther, they had now become a fully operational service to begin their Combat Deployment worldwide. Things seemed pretty basic at first, with the only present activity of small contracts that didn't give the base the full purpose they were hoping. That was until an Espionage contract went violently wrong. As a contract was sent to the Diamond Dogs, what seemed to be a small-scale reconnaissance deployment located within Afghanistan, relating about a small PF force that had found itself occupying a factory somewhere amongst the trails of the countryside. Four men were sent in from the Intelligence Branch...and a call from one of those, being 'Pirate Gull', left a disturbing message that raised Garret's attention. Now the alarm has been raised, and it is time to take action. Though, releasing the hounds into the wild won't always be as easy as anticipated...
Alright, so...here is my somewhat awful attempt at making a Metal Gear Solid Roleplay, something a few people have been wanting for a while for some time, I imagine. The way this will work is that there will be those taking part playing as the Diamond Dog personnel. Their purpose will be set to the Combat Branch, though there will be parts where maybe the Intelligence Branch might be available for small-time missions. Mainly focusing around the Cyper-like breakout against the new development project, known as NET. NET is the only information that was recovered by the four who entered the Espionage, and that is where the first bit of intelligence recovery will come in. Sadly, there won't be much 'SNAKING' around for stealth [Excuse the pun, m'dear], straight away, as that comes later during the progress of these specific soldiers. As they become more involved with missions, and more involved within their roles, more higher privileges, such as their own missions that are relatable to those that Venom Snake would've carried out, though maybe in the scale of supernaturalism and large encounters. There will end up with a few encounters with NET, maybe not that late into the RP, if things go smoothly. Along with the decisions you make, the Roleplay will hopefully revolve around how you decide to approach things. In that case, I will be rethinking how some events will go. There will be the opportunity to create your own intelligence and pieces of information to contribute to the Roleplay, though that will require my permission. I'd like to allow you lot to create some things that you would like to shape the RP more, making it more adaptive to actions you make rather than set events I have planned.
For characters, it'll be simple...you have two choices, though the first choice is limited to one or two people, including myself. There are the experienced DDs, who have been around for a year or two, serving within the facilities of Father Base as part of the original soldiers taken into captivity to train amongst the ranks, as well as the Newbies. These will either be people who have spent a month, or have recently been extracted after their training, in the Diamond Dogs, which will make up the majority of everyone. As said before, the main focus would be the Combat Branch, as well as the Intelligence Branch, of the Base. The Character sheet below must be posted into the OOC with a mentioning of my own Username, to make sure I actually see it without missing it. If it is good enough, then I'll accept it and you'll be free to post it within the Character section.
Extra Rules
Breaching rules acts as a strike system. Strike 1: Your first and final warning. Strike 2: There'll be a penalty within your RP, such as an Injury that you'll have to live by for a vast majority of the Roleplay. Strike 3: You are out. We get to decide what happens to your character. Unless there is a legitimate reason that can be justified, then the Strike System can be set aside on that occasion.
- I expect to see at least 4-5 sentences, which is about a paragraph, of decent length for a minimum post.
- If you happen to leave the Roleplay, you may decide what happens to your character before leaving. After you have left, they are our's. Also, you will decide whether you want him killed off soon, or to continue on for a while as an NPC. Just keep in mind, if you will Roleplay their death, be sure to make it long and realistic, rather than just a random suicide.
- Missions. Missions. Miiiisions. You will not be on these constantly, but there will be the ability to go on these as long as you consult me first. Give me the Mission type you want, and if you have your own set mission that you want to create, be my guest and tell me so I can either accept it or adapt it to fit with the Storyline. All intelligence found can also be requested if you want to build upon the story.
- Side characters. These are important, so whether it is just a few friends within the DDs, or one of the great Evil presences found within the main Antagonist organisation, then do tell me first. Try to create a mini-CS for them if you want to, so I can at least know who they are and how they fit into the story.
- Grammar. This is a serious one. I like to take my grammar seriously, even if I fuck it up a lot. Try to use the best Grammar you can; if it gets to a stage where I, myself, cannot understand it at all or what you are trying to get across, there will be strikes awarded to thee.
- Activity. This is something that is less serious, as a complete obedient appearance can get tiresome and irritating for everyone. For IC Posting, anytime you can get a post in would be absolutely fabulous, unless you are keeping someone from advancing. If it comes to the point where someone cannot progress because you aren't letting them, I will give them permission to use your Character to whatever they want for their next post or so, to keep it fair for them. If you are going to be away for sometime, please alert me in the OOC so I can at least be aware and have a justified reason for your absence.
- Language. Alright...so...Racism and foul language is accepted, obviously. Though if you are going to use any form of strong racial language or abusive writing, please get permission from everyone to check that it will not effect or harm anyone emotionally to avoid any arguments. I imagine you won't have any problems, but it is always a good idea to check...you piece of shit.
- Realism. This is something we all need. Yes, Metal Gear Solid isn't exactly the most realistic of things in this planet, but certain outcomes and situations might need some touches of realism. Such as how you execute certain acts. There will be an NPC or two that I'll be creating with the strange Supernatural activity that they can bear, though that'd be it. Standard warfare is normally the best. Although, sneaking can get to some sort of MGS level of realism...
-Finally...I want you to enjoy this. If there are any problems or concerns regarding the RP, please consult me. If you are going to have an argument within the OOC, please just take it to the PMs...if you want to complain about a specific RPer within this for breaching any rules I have not yet noticed, then PM me and I will take action. The report you make will not be publicised. Spamming will be annoying for everyone, so irrelevant conversations that'll take up too much space needs to be taken, as well, to the PMs. If you want something to be changed, please get my attention and I'll do the best I can to make a difference. Any questions about the Lore/upcoming spoilers needs to be PMed with me, as well as development for the Roleplay that might lead to spoilers. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this Roleplay...I must say...I must ask........Kept you waiting, Huh?