Wait till you guys see my post... #thequeenbitchiscoming >:D
I would like to state that jar is probably not at the water park. He'd go to the pool first.
<Snipped quote by Silent Observer>
Same for jules
<Snipped quote by Melo>
Haha, RIP Hunter! You're all alone, kid.
Nah, I don't think Yuki would abandon her friend when she can clearly see that Delilah is upset. Besides, I have a feeling the other two boys will eventually realize who Hunter is talking to then be like "Oh crap..." xD
So I kinda was to post my reply to Delilah... Would anyone mind if I did or should I wait for more people to post?
Edit: So I realized I have had the same profile picture for like... ever actually. Any ideas what I should change it too?