Haha, I'm waiting on Savi. She said she would post when I asked her on Facebook.
Remipa posted eight days ago, I wouldn't call that a hiatus!
Hey guys. I'm sorry for not posting! My dog died Thursday Morning so I've been sleeping all day when I meant to post! I will post as soon as I can though!
Also, I suppose this post puts me up next to post. I will try to get one up tomorrow! :D Happy Easter weekend, if you are into that kind of thing! I'm mostly loving having three days in a row off, this feels like a vacation!
P.S. I bought two new pets today, pictures to come! :3
@Melo I was just poking the thread because I'm unreasonably excited about figuring out who the betrayal couple is! Seriously, my level of excitement is at an uncomfortable level. I have no chill, as you youngin's like to say. :P
My gut feeling says it's Hunter x Addy. I've been shipping them together since I started. <3 Make my dreams come true guys!
"I bet your dick's gonna be a lot to take in, too."