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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Saccorian shuttle left the planet, making sure to check in with Imperial control towers as it left of course the passengers would be shocked as it left two hours before scheduled with no one onboard. It began to transmit a beacon for other ship's on the Rebel frequency to follow. Then it jumped to hyper space, transmitting co-ordinates to the other rebel's who had been given tickets. These 'tickets' were actually holo projectors, showing them docking procedures and what codes to transmit upon arrival.

The shuttle itself was carrying fresh parts for the base, the Imperials had no idea as their efforts were focused more on Corellia and securing it's shipyards. The shuttle soon dropped out of hyperspace near a mined out asteroid field, moving through the field it made it's way towards a large asteroid hidden deep with in the belt. It transmitted series of codes, then the rock began to open up, the hangar revealed itself. The shuttle slowly entered the station, rebel mechanics were upon it in moments collecting the fresh parts and looking over what had been brought in so they new exactly what to complain about not having next.

Yet most of the fighter bays sat empty, save for a lone X-wing parked near the back. The shuttle was off loaded quickly and moved as Jonas Roseland entered the room. "Alright people back to work, also next person I see drinking in my bar before it opens gets transferred to the fleet." The Alderaanian man headed up to the communications center. "Alliance high command this is the Whiskey station, come in high command." He said as the tech cleared up the signal, Admiral Ackbar appeared.

Roseland snapped a quick salute as Ackbar spoke. "I'd like your report on the station Commander Roseland, I've got high hopes for it." The Admiral admitted as Roseland pulled up the base schematics so far.

"We've got the hangar bays in good shape, room for thirty fighters and two corvette's though we plan to remove the corvette bays for another thirty fighters." He began then moved over to the lower sections. "We had problems early on with mynocks, however we managed to destroy them and their nest. More importantly our Corellian contacts have no doubt been trapped planet side. So we will not be receiving the Y-wings stationed their."

Ackbar nodded and sighed. "I will work with high command to get intel on the situation on Corellia. If you have the time their's an Imperial transport craft heading from Corellia to Coruscant. We believe it may have plans for a new TIE fighter, secure if you have the time commander." With that Ackbar closed communications.

Jonas looked back over the Hangar bay, his new pilot's would be arriving shortly. He only hoped they were as good as the reports said they would be. "Alright boys, the moment those star fighters arrive get them combat prepped and ready to launch. We've got a Imperial transport to ambush!" He yelled to the men who cheered in response. He only hoped they all lived to see the New Republic grow and flourish.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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As they boarded the shuttle, "Tickets" in tow, the two were beginning to get unsure about this. At first the had been excited about aiding the people of Corellia, but things were starting to get very sketchy. Firstly, in order to get to the spaceport, they had to leave all of their weapons and gear behind. They didn't have any communication other than the shuttle's comms, leaving them pretty much in the dark.

On the very edge of the system, they had their two R-Units in their Consular Class Cruiser, ready to head in with the duo's starfighters and the cruiser when they gave the word. Jedi Master Kelen Rolin and Knight Teela Kamara, in disguise, passed through the spaceport undetected and boarded their shuttle.

"Wave the fare."

Rolin told the driver, and he understood immediately. He radioed for takeoff, and was granted clearance to leave. The pilot took off, originally along his plotted course. Once out of range of Imperial scanners, however, he took an entirely different path into an old Mining asteroid field. On the largest one was some kind of compound.

Teela: "I hope you know what we're getting ourselves into, master, because I sure don't."

"Just trust in the force, my former Padawan, and the force is telling me that everything is going to be fine. *Thinking* I hope..."

The shuttle continued in towards the compound, and it appeared now that this was their destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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Caleb Harsolde

I knew the space port wouldn't allow weapons onboard. After all, why would they? So, I'd left them in my ship's hatch. I'd have to come back for it, as I didn't have an astromech, but it was with a friend of mine, so no matter. Getting on one of the shuttles to Corellia, "Wave the fee." I said. He understood. He left the designated course after leaving the scanner range, towards an asteroid field. Well, didn't seem I'd have to go too far for my ship at least. Sometimes things were ok. Sometimes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A funny fact most people are not aware of, Hyperspace still takes forever. Oh sure, you are traveling hundreds of thousands of lightyears at a time, but it still takes hours to get to your destination. As it was, the gungan let the droid do most of the auto piloting as he sat back to sleep off a hangover conserve his energy with an all-temperature cloak for a blanket.

Some time later he awoke to the transmission from the droid that they had arrived and began the actions needed to perform the docking procedures. It was colder than he expected when his ships' seal broke, making him shiver as he climbed down fom the cockpit and took the blanket with him to put over his shoulders like a jedi. An earflap raised as he heard commands barked out.

"Alright people back to work, also next person I see drinking in my bar before it opens gets transferred to the fleet."

This told him there was indeed a bar to be had, but for now he had to take from his own reserves as he pulled out a flask. Imagine The finest candied fruits of the Syren flower, poured into worshyyr tree wood barrels and aged for four hundred years. That is how you make Wookiee whiskey. Now pour that miracle elixer out and fill it with whatever prison hooch you can find. That is what he had in his tin he was sipping from while he tried to get his blearily-eyed bearings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexandria manuvared the star craft around through the asteroid belt, she had been near the quadrant when she had heard the transmission and had immediately changed course for the small planet, Alex relied on the droid to inform her of any Empire ships on radar, so far nothibg turned up, it wouldn't be good for her reputation to be in this back water part of the galaxy.

Alex watched as the hangers doors opened for her sleek black and orange fighter to ascend, Alex landed the ship with expert precision and unboarded the jet, pulling off her helmet she shook out her long curly hair and leaving the droid with her ship she moved toward the Alderaanian man assuming his position of commander by his air of authority, Alexandria saluted him briskly before shooting her emerald gaze to her ship .
"The Black Lily and her flyer are your command sir"
Alex felt her usual formal tone that she took with her Empire suppressors seemed to fit the scene, she had no trouble switching between Empire fighter scum with formal flight practice and Rebel spy though she wasn't sure which was more needed at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The shuttle continued into the docking bay, and sat down with the back to the main hanger.

Pilot: "Okay, here you go, I need to get back to my plotted course before Imperial Patrols discover i'm not there."

The two Jedi hurried out of the shuttle, and were slightly shocked at the lack of crew and pilots around. The shuttle departed immediately, leaving the Jedi with whoever was there. They scanned their surroundings, seeing two X-Wing Starfighters, an old Naboo N-1, two Humans, one male one female, and a Gungan drinking some kind of alcohol from a flask.

"Not the best crew i've ever seen in my days... Makes me miss old Spade and Hunter Squadrons."

He was referring to the two main clone starfighter groups he flew with during the Clone Wars, the V-19 Torrent Squad of Spade Squadron, and the Z-95 Headhunter Squad of Hunter Squadron. They had attempted to Defect with Rolin when Order 66 fell, but were shot down by loyal Imperial troops. Rolin wonders if any actually survived... He was snapped back to reality by his former Padawan when she pointed over to the Human Male.

Teela: "I'm pretty sure that would be Commander Roseland, from what I know about him."

"I'll go speak with him, you send a message to the Droids to bring the ships in."

Rolin started heading towards the man they believed was the Commander, while Teela Powered up a small hidden communicator that appeared to be a belt buckle.

Teela: "R5, R6, mark my position, It's clear to bring the ships in. Don't get too close though, we don't want to ram the station."

There was a robotic return that sounded offended through the communicator, the droids did not take that last comment well.

Teela: "Oh come on you guys, I know you know how to fly, just... just be careful okay, see you soon."

She ended the transmission and looked around for Rolin, who had finally made his way across the hanger to Roseland.

"Wing Commander Roseland, I presume. Jedi Master Kelen Rolin at your service. I've heard a lot about you, good things mostly, but me and my former Padawan over there heard about the issue here and decided to come see for ourselves, and it does look like you need some help here."

As he spoke, the old Republic Consular Class Cruiser jumped out of lightspeed a ways away from the asteroid they were on. They headed into the hanger, and released the two ETA-2 Interceptors that were attached to the bottom. After that, they took the cruiser itself into an empty portion of the hangers.

"Those would be our ships, we've had those ever since the Clone Wars, and there isn't a ship I would rather fly. I can fly just about anything though."

Rolin held out his hand in a handshake gesture towards the male.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Roseland nodded to the Jedi who had arrived, shaking his hand. "I've flown with Skywalker, I know what a Jedi brings to the table. Those old ship we have it tough keeping up with TIEs." He jumped down to the hangar floor walking towards Alexandria.

"I'll be a Ewok's uncle. Alex glad to see your joining the party." He smiled at the woman. Looking towards his own X-wing and it's custom paint job, few pilots got the time to decorate the vessels and give them a personal touch.

Next the Alderannian man looked towards the Gungan who had arrived in a Naboo N-1 Star fighter. "Holy Sith, been a long since I've seen one of these. It wasn't even able to fly, he stared at the sleek star fighter, it's design as stunning as it's speed and grace. Walking towards the Gungan he nodded. "That's a fine ship, I'm from Alderaan myself... I have family on Naboo. Those fighters are incredible pieces of kit, your lucky to have one that can still fly. Probably worth more than my X-wing." He said as the next shuttle landed, a passenger vessel. Often times used to bring in people who had yet to prove themselves dedicated to the cause.

Walking over as the bays doors opened he smiled. "I'm guessing our last pilot is on board?" He paused waiting to see if anyone got off, then he would start the mission briefing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

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Caleb Harsolde

Walking out of the passenger ship, I saw it was an impressive feat, this base. Built inside an asteroid, for one, and the simple fact that it was so spacious. There were several pilots already here, including a gungan. Never thought I'd see another one of them. "So, which one of you is the 'commander' or 'general' or whatever here? Because, I'll let you know right now, if something bad is going to happen, and I can stop it only by disobeying your orders, I'll do it without hesitation. If you don't like that, I'll go back to my old life, or die here so you can keep your secrets." I say, not caring either way. It couldn't get much worse than I already had it really, could it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Well, that's an interesting character... Wonder what kind of ship he flies."

Rolin jogged over to meet his former Padawan by the cruiser. She and the droids were checking over all the systems to make sure they were 100%. No surprise to Rolin, they were. Rolin had modified these ships so much over the years to keep up with advancing technology that they were probably ahead of the current times.

Teela: "The droids came in kind of close to the station, no harm done though. Ships are intact, droids intact, station intact."

The two droids sounded their disapproval to the joking of Teela yet again, letting out a series of angry beeps. Rolin laughed and put his hand on his trusty astromech's head.

"Now you both know she's just kidding. Come on, let's get these ships ready to roll, I want a test run in about half an hour. All systems need to be greener than Jabba the Hutt after a bad meal."

After that he noticed a few sparking control panels near him, and started tinkering with them. Someone must have done a terrible job with this wiring, as there were a few crossed wires here and there regulating the power to the hangers. He set them right and soon the hanger lit up a bit brighter. A few other consoles also beamed to life.

"Easy mistake to make if you're not careful, put the red wire in the orange connector, and the orange wire in the red connector."

Rolin walked back over towards Roseland, still staring at the few pilots that were here.

"You've definately got quite a ragtag group here, Commander. That being said, they're probably the best pilots you could get from my experience. Sure you could have elites straight from academies and such, but its these bunch who take the hard way that shows the best in them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Roseland stepped up to Caleb. "I'm the commander here, your to follow my commands on the job. Even if it means something bad is going to happen to some one else. I lost my home world to Empire, so you should understand now that every order I give is for a reason making the Empire regret what they did. Yes we will lose people, yes they may endanger civilians, your order should come first." He finished glaring at Caleb. "If you disobey orders then it's your head, welcome to the team."

Roseland shrugged looking to Rolin. "Academy pilot's are alright, I need people with experience not training. The best pilot's are one's who survive. Wedge and Luke are proof enough of that." He sighed. "I'm glad have you along Master Jedi, just remember whose leading this wing of fighter." He softly reminded him, knowing that Jedi used to be the ones giving orders to soldiers.

He looked around at all the pilots. "First things first, welcome. Secondly I suggest you all check your ships and prepare things. I just receive reports of a Imperial shuttle heading for Coruscant, possibly carrying hyper drives and designs for a new TIE fighter. The job here is simple, we hit the engine's dock with the ship, grab the plans and then get out." He then showed them the last intel they had on Corellia. "Corellia is locked down tight, Nearly every ship in the sector is their blockading it. So the nearest Imperial ship wouldn't be able to respond for close to five hours." He finished looking at them. "Any questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex leaned against her ship "we gonna fly together again like the good old days?" she grinned and picked up her helmet, it seemed like forever since they last flew together, Alexandria since then spent a lot of time in Empire air space, acting as an imperial fighter pilot, she hoped she could keep her day job, so she'd make sure no Empire scum got away to let their superiors know of a resistance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Caleb Harsolde

May endanger civilians, but my orders come first... thought these rebels cared. Just got the wrong commander, I hope. Who knows, maybe he'll be different from how he's talking. Hopefully. Those were the thoughts going through my head as he told us to get our ships. "Well, guess I'll meet you here then, gotta go back and get my ship." I said, heading back into the shuttle for the trip back. "Try not to blast me to bits, will ya'!" I called out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Thinking) "Hmm... that guy had a point though, we're working to free Corellia from the Empire. But from how he's talking, there might not be anyone left to free once this is over... I'll see what the future holds before I think more on this."

Rolin proceeded to jog back over to Kamara and the ships with the news.

"Alright, change of plans. Seems like he wants to test us in an actual combat scenario. We're heading out any time now. Make sure everything is working one hundred percent, hand check it to make sure."

Kamara and the droids set right to work making sure everything was ready to go. Rolin, meanwhile, made sure their gear was ready to go. Two custom made visors with HUDs that could link with starfighters in space combat. His old DC-17m from the good old days in the Clone Wars. And his two Lightsabers, checking over them to make sure nothing was malfunctioning. After that, he jogged back over to Roseland, having a few concerns.

"I wanted to say this now, this is most likely a trap. Working hyperdrives are a commodity these days, and new TIE plans are something that would be heavily protected no matter what. I'd expect that shuttle is bait for someone, maybe us, maybe someone else. Think about that before we leave, because the force is telling me something is off."

Rolin walked back over to his ships, handing Teela her visor, the exact same as Rolins but made to fit her. He scanned over his White ETA-2 Interceptor, and Teela's Gray ETA-2 Interceptor. Both had been heavily modified over the past 30 years. Neither required the old Hyperdrive Rings, as he added in built in Hyperdrives years before. They had a complement of 8 high speed missiles along with their twin laser cannons. They also had a small shield generator, providing some defense against enemy fire.

He hooked in his visor to his starfighter, and was able to see all the systems appear before his eyes. Shields stable, hyperdrive online, missiles primed and ready, cannons online, engines green. Teela confirmed hers the same. Rolin held his thumb up to the Wing Commander, indicating their ships were ready to fly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The shuttle left as Roseland moved to his own X-wing preparing for the trip out to secure this cargo. His Astromech droid being slotted in by a couple of techs. The Jedi approached him as the pilot set to work making sure the adjustments they had made were working properly. "Thing is Corellia has got plenty of hyperdrives, sending them to Coruscant is unlikely and I doubt the intel is good. I'm expecting a handful of Tie's and an old Accalmator that's been stripped down for cargo runs. A couple of ship's from the seventh battle line will be joining us after we clear the TIE's." He told the Jedi as he climbed up the ladder and took a seat within his fighter.

Igniting his system's he looked out over the the bay. The lead tech gave him the green light and he moved out of the bay circling around asteroid as he waited for his wing to join him. He began to open comm's to give them a secure line to use while they prepared to travel. "This is squad leader, all pilot's check in and give me the green light if your ready to get this show moving."
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