Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Celestial Mark: located on his chest on the left side
Zodiac: Aquarius
Name: Mathius
Ability: Current Flows
Ability element or nature: Air and Water wave attacks
Attack Names and Detail: Hurricanes Fury- with or without water he can create a blast of wind or water that just the force of the blast will depend on the element.
Tidal Break- with a swing of his blade he can create a gust of air or wave out of the water and interrupt the attack
Open Current- takes an attack and directs it toward another target
Weapon: Loca
Personality: tba
Bio: tba
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character Sheet

On the back of her right hand.

Name: Becca Lizette

Ability: Healing gift: By touching most injuries, she can heal them.

Ability element or nature: cleansing or healing.

Attack Names and Details: Counter-Strike: By shifting her weight to her stronger side, she can absorb the impact of an attack to her shield and send a powerful thrust with her sword.

Rapid Bash or Raaaw! (if she is angry): Charging in shield at the forefront, similar to a battering ram at a door. She will continue to hit her opponent with her shield, weakening them.

Flicker: She can maneuver her sword with very quick wrist motions. Thus making it very hard to see where the sword will strike.

Weapon: Sword and Shield.

Personality: She is the kind of a gal who would hang out with a "good-boy friend", of hers one day-only to become jealous of seeing him talk to any other girl the next day. Her imagination is wild and often she will use it to create new ideas and often voice those ideas like they are the best thoughts ever. She is an emotional person and she cares about her security and helping others.

Bio:Alas her tale is a fairly simple one. Becca, the daughter of Michelle Moton and Derek Lizette. The family house was large, with ample rooms for the three of them plus more. Becca took full advantage of this in her childhood, spending many hours in her room reading about this hero who saves everyone from certain doom or that boy with the wand who always had his friends by his side. As she grew older she read more books about more things and she always wanted something, while she read-whether it was to be like the character inside the front cover or to learn a life lesson.

Later in her junior high school years, she made some friends. The companionship was great, it helped her through the boredom of classes and become social and a talkative person. Not that she had stopped reading her books. She just fit the books in where she could. Her parents didn't play a big role in her life as they were always either working or thinking about working.

In high school Becca found a voice in acting through acting classes. Becoming the character from a different time and living their life-even if it was only a "story"-it was still fun, helped her listening skills and she met more people.

Then one day she woke up and found herself to be still her and yet "different." She noticed she could do things that were never possible before.

Through the next five to ten years, she found herself fighting a war against the Holy Knights, a lot of it in secret, because of claims against her that have never been proven.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Celestial Mark: Located on the small of her back


Aleksis Galino


War's Conductor: Able to summon and manipulate spears of darkness or Sheilds of light both of various sizes

Ability element or nature:

Attack Names and Detail:
Regulating Dark- Summons up to 20 spears from a void that fly around her body like bars to a cage until she touches one which at that point causes it to hurtle towards the intended enemy.

High-handed light- a light shines down from the sky regardless of time or location and summons a group of 12 shields to protect her and her fellow allies from most magic and physical attacks

Tyrannical Apocalypse- touches the ground with her hands spawning over 100 dark spears from the ground in a 1 mile radius and forces them to shoot out of the ground at speeds reaching Mach-2

The solid form of what the dark spears look like
The spear has a mind of its own and acts like a dog at times.

She is a bit of a happily passive girl who lets things slide easily but doesn't like being treated like a door mat. Aleksis is silent in the most part and if she yells that is when you know she is about to get very violent. She will not hesitate to kick someone's ass back into line though.

Is the updated "Younger Sister" of the Goat's sin of lust Gowther. She has a strangely mechanical and doll-like way of speaking and at times speaking((READ THE MANGA TO UNDERSTAND))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celestial Mark:

On her right shoulder

Zodiac: Libra
Name: Mitsu Hanamoto (Call names, mitsu or Hana)
- Telekineses - psychic ability to affect or move objects

Ability element or nature:
- Mind control

Attack Names and Detail:
- Pyrokineses- the ability to spark fire with the mind
- Animal Telepathy - understand and speak with animals

Personality: She is strong headed, stubborn, quietly and somehow shy toward new people. She is lightly loner type and mostly try to survive By herself. She don't usual ask help for others, only when it's very needed.
Bio: TBA
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Celestial Mark:




Arbiter of Taurus: Zann changes between his "Taurus" and normal form, changing his behavior, fighting style, and strengths

Ability element or nature: Shifting

Attack Names and Detail:
Zann's Normal abilities:
-Arrowshot: Zann's greatbow requires a considerable amount of strength to use, and has a lot of power because of it.

Zann's Taurus abilities:
-Deadhead charge: Zann brings his horns down and charges into his opponents

-Sweeping Slash: Due to the size of his greatsword he is capable of hitting multiple opponents at once in a wide arc.


Personality: Zann is normally timid and rather shy but when he switches to his Taurus form he gets bolder and more laid-back

Bio: Zann was created, not born, and that's about all that really matters right now...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Celestial Mark:

Zodiac: Gemini
Name [Placeholder]: Gemini (red hair) / Double (black hair)
Ability: Doppelganger
There is always a "double" of herself present. The doppelganger looks like a normal, individual person that could easily pass as her sister due to looking strikingly similar, but not the same. The double can not be interacted with by anything or anyone, as it is shifted out of phase. Attempted physical interaction will go right through Double and leave something reminiscent of a smoke trail for a brief moment, before Double reforms. Several different interactions between the two are possible and described under "Attack Names and Detail".

Ability element or nature: Doppelganger/Phase Shift

Attack Names and Detail:
Phase Switch
Gemini can initiate a "Switch" between the two of them at any given point in time, without indication or effort. This causes Gemini and Double to switch minds and phases. After a switch, Gemini's mind resides inside the body of Double and vice versa. The body Double's mind is inside is always phased, and the body Gemini is currently possessing is always the interactable one.

Phase Escape/Phase Rogue
Switching before an attack connects with Gemini allows her to escape harm and confuse attackers, making her appear invincible. It also allows her to strike from the current position of her illusion, setting up surprise attacks from an unexpected angle. Since there is no "cooldown" on the switch ability, she can theoretically execute split-second attacks and switch back to safety - assuming the other body is in fact safe.

Phase theft
Objects Gemini picks up/holds while she is "switching" will phase out together with the Double, allowing her to make objects completely inacessible to others, but only until the next switch or until the Double drops the object.

Weapon: Bladed Whip (Gemini)

Hand-blades (Double)

Gemini is an overconfident, curious being that essentially looks down on others who are less "talented". She abuses her abilities shamelessly to get what she wants and has no regrets over leaving others behind. While she's technically only an average fighter and a one-trick-pony with her doppelganger/switch-trick, she considers herself undefeatable and is incredibly easy to provoke.
Since she kind of controls both bodies with the same mind, there is no difference in personality between Gemini and Double. While the phased Double generally comes across as a mute and passive shadow, only those who understand how their mind switch works will realise this. The majority of people does not see past the noisy personality of Gemini, and since both bodies.

Bio: Gemini was neither born nor made, she was summoned. She doesn't recall anything from before the summoning ritual, making it evident that she was sealed for a fairly long time. It is unclear whether she exiled herself, was imprisoned for some terrible deed or became victim to malicious magic. She herself suspects that one of the other guardians knows more about this, but has no evidence to support those claims. Her ruthless, uncaring personality certainly doesn't swing prejudice in her favor, though. It is furthermore unclear how or when Double came into existence, though unproven rumors say that she is a manifestation of Gemini's original power that was permanently and irretrievably sealed away.

Her summoning happened only few years before the chain of events that would ultimately cause the celestial guardians to fall from grace. That combined with the circumstances of her past imprisonment has led to strong suspicions that she in specific had something to do with the murder. Being the proud and egocentric personality she has always been, Gemini would rather boast about having single handedly taken out the king and his armies than to claim her innocence. And since she thinks herself invincible, she doesn't exactly go out of her way to avoid the holy knights.
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