@Ammokkx I know. For some reason I thought you only opened one pack for Xei. I see differently now.
@Ammokkx Hayato fell in the pool. Is there a lifeguard?
Because Edited mentions don't work -_-
@LunarStandardPerformapal Bit Bite Turtle x 2
Deskbot 008 x 3
Karma of the Destruction Swordsman x 2
Wizard Buster Destruction Sword
Goyo Defender
Deskbot 007
Twilight Ninja Nichirin, the Chunin
Superheavy Samurai General Jade
Robot Buster Destruction Sword x 2
Dinomist Plesios x 2
Aegaion the Sea Castrum
Dark Doriado
Score the Melodious Diva
Performapal Rain Goat
Superheavy Samurai Magnet
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense
Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust
Shiranui Samuraisaga
Toon Buster Blader
Zany Zebra
Twilight Ninja Shingetsu
Performapal Trump Girl
Shiranui Smith
Superheavy Samurai General Coral x 2
Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer
Dharma-Eye Magician
Dinomic Powerload
Yang Zing Unleashed
Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness x 2
Feast of the Wild LV5
Battleguard Rage x 2
Pilgrim Reaper
Fishborg Doctor
Gaia, the Mid-Knight Sun
Cloudcastle x 2
Pop-Up (This card's actually pretty good in standard duels with our rulings. Huh!)
Yang Zing Prana
Performapal Sword Fish
Hippo Carnival
Aria the Melodious Diva
@Ammokkx Just a curious question. Did Ethel attend a public school?
@Ammokkx Not even home schooled, huh?
If so Tsukiko would actually feel sympathetic for her. She wouldn't understand how her family would neglect her so badly.
<Snipped quote by Xeiyenreisha>
Oh no, she DID get home schooled. And knows how to do a lot of things that aren't physically intensive because of it.
Also, Ethel and Tsukiko would NOT get along well. At all.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>
Probably not. They would probably argue constantly.
Are you saying she has a better chance at getting along with Shinrei? I just can't see that ever happening.