Outer Deity Azathoth turbo is meant to get the titicular monster out on the field. To get his full effect you need a synchro, xyz, and fusion monster as it's material. Ideally you go Gem Knight Seraph then foolish burial tuning ware to go into either Old Entity Hastorr, or Old Entity Cthulu (can't be bothered to get the cards name out) ideally cthulu because he nets you plus one. Then you instant fusion into norden, or a rank 4 fusion monster. Xyz into Outer Deity Nyarla then xyz into Azathoth. Azathoth is Armades on steroids for that turn. He normally only prevents monster effects on the first turn he is summoned but if you have xyz, fusion, and synchro monsters as material he nukes your opponent's entire board and they can't do shit about it. Here's an older format version.