Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago


@FallenTrinity @Fetzen

Alex sniffed the air around himself inquisitively, he could not detect any scent coming from himself, but it was fairly likely that many of the creatures here would have much better noses than himself. He made a slight mental note to buy better deodorant as soon as he was able, for politeness's sake if nothing else. The humanoid dragon had seem to appreciate the joke he had made about his taste, blinking suddenly at it before releasing a smoke fueled belly laugh that rang of equal parts amusement and condescension. The dragon/man regained his composure and smiled at him before proclaiming the ironclad nature of his stomach. Alex wondered by what he had meant by the comment about his body causing the dragon some form of indigestion. Was it a comment about his smell again or some other meaning he could not quite understand? He gave an internal shrug not particularly concerned about it.

As Laurel left the scene, and Alex joked with the dragon about his apparent size and pointed out the figure watching them, the dragon glanced at it unconcernedly. Then he turned back to Alex and suddenly lunged forward. The tall mans form began to change, twisting and morphing, his mass somehow increasing from nothingness to a huge serpentine body, entirely crimson of color. Every small motion of the dragon's body spoke of it's sheer power, muscles moving fluidly underneath the scaled surface of its skin. The dragon's massive head came to rest in front of him. Alex could see in perfect detail each of the dragon's many fangs, all incredibly sharp and large. The dragon blew smoke around him and let out an earth shatteringly loud roar directly into his face. Flecks of red hot spittle landed against Alex's body and without the tree supporting his back behind him, he may have lost his balanced completely and fallen over once more or even bolted from sheer animal instinct. The dragon then in what seemed a rather surprising shift of mood, began to laugh. The deep vibrations from the motion flattened some of the smaller plants around him. That was how Alex could tell the creature was laughing at least. The sheer volume of the roar had seemed to have left him somewhat deafened. He placed a finger in his ear and swiveled it rapidly making a "Moop mooop" sound until his Gifted healing ability repaired the damage done to his eardrums.

He looked up at the laughing dragon and considered the beast's size and reaction. It seemed he had entered some sort of contest with the beast. He made a show of clamping his fingers over his now ash covered nose and said, in a slightly nasal tone, "And you accuse me of having a pungent odor. We must grow you a daily garden of mint it seems!" He smiled widely at the giant beast before him. He let go of his nose and began to wipe at his clothes trying in vain to salvage his one set of academy clothing. "As for your size meeting my criteria, I am sorry to say that I have neglected to bring a ruler with me. We will have to check another time. And I am sure your dinner guests always go on about how polite it is that you do not crush them accidentally." Alex paused for a moment with a twinkle in his eye, before letting out a large belly laugh of amusement and delight. "That was simply fantastic- thank you for showing me! I'm Alex and you? Or should I continue to think of you as Red Dragon Man?"

The dragon had turned its head to greet the viewer observing them with the strange body. Alex moved at the blink of the eye, circling around the giant beast by the time it had finished greeting the so called "chimera," to sit in front of the creature. "Hello there- welcome to the conversation. I am Alex, Alexandros, or even Hey You and I haven't seen one of your kind before."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Harald reversed a few steps in a quick succession. If that dragon lost control of himself... or that other guy that circled around it at tremendous speed... Then, having assured himself that apparently none of the two wanted to harm him, he started to speak. His voice was somewhat distorted as he used his lion's body and head for it. The clarity of his intended sarcastic undertone did suffer from it. "Chimera ? I consider myself being a walking mineral deposit." He used one of his claws to gently knock at the strange substance that was coming out of his head, arms and feet. "Fascinating, isn't it ? I'm Harald. I think 'splice' is the correct term for what I appear to be, but I'm offering you to call it 'scientific disaster' if you want to."

Perhaps he should just do the transformation. But he knew it was a rather disgusting process that would wedge an embarrassing pause into their conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Cauldron was already noisily accepting the slice of pie from the lady's hand without even so much as glance to him for approval. "One day you're going to be poisoned and have no one blame but yourself" he looked towards the impeccably dressed lady, who spoke with eloquence he had only seen from very, very important business partners of his mother. He straightened up a little to present himself properly, a little more in his element. " Hello Miss Lumine, I see you have meet Cauldron, my familiar prone accepting without due process" he took a second to glare at Cauldron, who only snorted while nuzzling Lumine's fingers with her snort" Not that I believe you would carry deathly substances on you but I would rather her be cautious with foods offered to her by someone other than me".

"Honestly, I've never seen her so keen on another's food, she eats like royalty where ever she is." Dominic admitted. Cauldron snorted and changed color again to the floral print of Lumine's skirt. As if to impress Lumine in order to get more affection. He sighed and decided to let the matter lie. The Lady was far more interesting anyway. " My is Dominic Reene, I'm a first year and I am pleased to meet you" he smiled, feeling more confident about himself.

He squatted down to better adjust to her viewpoint, her familiar seemingly coming into view, a floating tome that was clearly floating. "Miss Lumine, If you don't mind me asking, is your book levitated by a magic spell or potion crafts. I've never seen a potion that could make an item float without concentration. Although I do have some theories on a possible spell bases from 8th collective work of Witch Montgomery Qwaurk, there's still the question of how levitation without constant vector schematics could plot displacement points..." He begins to ramble on about potion crafts and theories. Not really paying attention to whether or not Lumine is paying attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interacting with Samantha @FallenTrinity, mentions of Sulleykaar and Morgan @FateWeaver

The faeries gaze was met by the sight of a white wolf barreling towards her, followed by an even larger black and white wolf. The larger wolf had a voice that was shouting at the other creature - a lycanthrope, if Kiara were to hazard a guess. Kiki did her best to move the painting to the side without disturbing it and then move out of the way of the wolf’s path.

Apparently, she was the wolf’s path, as the mass of alabaster fur slammed against her and pinning her to the ground by painfully stepping on one of her wings. ”Ooof! Down boy, get off!” Kiara attempted to shoo the creature away. The wolf wagged its tail and licked her face before proceeding to hump her.

”Acck!” the faerie exclaimed and attempted to squirm away from a would-be embarrassing finish. The larger wolf came to her rescue, transforming into a human form and grappling the white wolf off of her. The brunette scolded him, ‘Ghost’ as it seemed his name was, and threatened to have him neutered.

”Geez… hey you ok?” the lycan girl asked. She was pretty and curvy in all the right places. Curves like those made Kiara burn with jealousy, which left a bitter taste in her mouth when the feeling tasted was her own. The girl was naked, which was more than a little distracting for Kiara, but something that most Lycans were probably used to.

”I’ll be okay… it’s not the first time something’s humped me without permission. Though, I left the first one with a broken nose and severely damaged pride.” the faerie chuckled and brushed the dirt off of her clothes. She would still look a little bit messy with the paint on her cheek and the leaves sticking out of her hair. Kiki looked towards her painting for Morgan to see if it had survived the tussle.

”Wow, that’s pretty good. When did you start drawing this?” the lycan said as Kiara stood up to go retrieve the painting. Kiki looked up at the sky to see where the sun was. She took a few moments to do some mental math and then said.

”Three hours ago, apparently. I hadn’t realized I’d been out here that long.” Kiara laughed softly and then stared down at the work. It was as finished as it would ever be, she supposed, but it was nowhere near perfection in her eyes. ”Do you like it?” she asked, ”I made it to thank one of my lovers.”

A loud roar could be heard in the distance. Kiara could feel the trees shiver in response. Following the sound came the smell of smoke and cinder. The faerie wrinkled her nose in disgust, recognizing the scent all too well.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Niall Collins -

Niall had nearly finished his morning glass of sweet tea when he became aware of one of the other students near by. He paid the kid no mind as he looked at the book in his hands now. It was the latest issue of Mother Earth News and consisted of human ideas on how to live more naturally and self sufficiently. Though his pack had that idea down pat because of their nature Niall still enjoyed looking through the magazine to get ideas for gadgets he might like to buy simply out of curiosity. There was little that was not in his budget but he tended to be more frugal with his money than his siblings tended to be. His younger brothers, especially André was quite the spender.

His nose gave him a pretty good indicator that the student who seemed to be standing awkwardly near by was a Witch, he paid hi, little mind as he flipped casually through the pages of the magazine. It wasn't until another scent caught his attention, it was a soft scent. Much like a brief whiff of the irises that his mother had planted around their home, a mixture of those wonderful flowers and something much softer and earthier. Perhaps something along the lines of the smell one got when they rose before the sun and dew still covered the ground and fog filled the air. His nose led the rest of his face and body as he searched for the source of the beautiful scent that filled his nose.

His caramel eyes came to rest on a well dressed Elf when he located the source of the smell. That was something that he really should have been able to guess but he had been too intrigued to even take a guess and spoil the fun for himself. She was quite pretty and dressed much as he had seen highly ranked elves dressed in the past when he had met with them along side his father. They generally kept in good touch with the Light Elves that lived in the forests within their territory. It was a respectful but distant relationship. They generally had little to do with one another, the wolves went about their business while the elves went about theirs.

Those caramel eyes flared and swirled with the brilliant yellow that was his wolf as it burst to the surface curious about this newcomer. They trailed across her face, admiring particularly her shimmering eyes that rested above a set of delightfully sharp cheekbones. They were just soft enough to not resemble what genetic vampires tended to look like. Her entire appearance screamed elf, there was just no chance that she was anything other than an elf. Her skin was as white as porcelain and as smooth as glass, her long hair was nearly as white. It held just a soft hue of yellow to it, a color similar to the inside of a lemon peel. She was quite obviously to anyone with any sense not a human, there was never any mistaking her for a human. She reminded him briefly of his mother who's long hair reached her waist, she was petite and quite the opposite of his father.

He wondered for a fleeting moment what his father would think of his bringing home and elf. The thought of his father's face made him smile, as did the actions of the elf who was particularly bewitched by the little pig that accompanied the awkward young lad who had stood there for several minutes before she came along. He gave a low rumbling chuckle at the scene before him. It wasn't long before he realized that he had been watching so intently that he had sat down his magazine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Silent Observer


"Three hours? Damn. Looks beastly!" Samantha whistled. She listened to the faerie as she said one of her lovers. "One of your lovers? Damn girl how many do you have?" It was at his moment the roar echoed through the woods. It was loud, intense and it scared the shit out of her. The wolf inside her had its tail between its legs as Ghost physically had his between his own, whining and howling in fear. "What in the hell was that!?" She exclaimed. Fight or flight decisions ran through her head and the latter seemed like the best option for the both of them. She looked over at Kiara with a perplexed look. "What the hell is that look for! We gotta get outta here! I'm not about to be fucking that thing's lunch!"

Ghost made his way over to her and pawed at her leg before pressing himself against her in the hopes of feeling safe.



The comment made from Dominic caused the dragon to frown, or whatever a dragons features would equal to. "I'll have you know that I brush and floss daily thank you." He stated in a mocked dejection. The comment "Red Dragon Man" earned Alex a glare before he rose his head high. "I am Sulleykaar, Dragon of Fire but you may call Sulleykaar." He turned his attention to the "splice" as it spoke up. How intriguing. The Splice's sarcastic remark about himself earned a toothy grin from the dragon. "Harald is it? Welcome to the Academy, the both of you. I am not sure whether or not there will be another first year assembly but I will be addressing you and the rest of the new students as acting student president. I am however looking forward to the next ball that we have. It will be extravagant but for now you may both join me by the lake since that was my original destination." He nodded to the both of them before jumping up, his wings flapping quickly causing hurricane force winds before he flew towards the lake. 'I hope Kiara is still not mad at me.' He thought dejectedly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Mentions: Kiara @Silent Observer, Samantha, and Sulleykaar @FallenTrinity

As the little river began to widen deepen, Morgan shifted the focus of his talents. A tendril of water, formerly suspended in complex loops by his will, slipped silently back into the flow. The river began to deepen, and rather than move to one bank or the other the Warlock focused on the water immediately surrounding his feet. The pressure of the liquid changed around him and within a few steps he left the sandy bottom of the river behind. While not quite walking on water, he was wading in a river far deeper than he should have been able to.

Ahead there was another bend. Morgan guessed that when he reached it he would finally be able to see the lake. It did not take long to confirm this, and he smiled at the wide expanse of water surrounded by trees. It reminded him of the lake back home, though there were no mountains in evidence as a background. Besides that, newer memories of the area were far more interesting than reminders of home. Curious, Morgan scanned the shores of the lake as he neared it. From where he was approaching, it wasn't particularly difficult to spot the familiar flash of cherry-red locks. A patch of white fur was nearby, and another figure that didn't stand out quite so well. So she was there, but not alone. Regardless, it brought another smile to his face.

Then a roar that disrupted the water and his focus shook the forest. Morgan fell gracelessly into the water, barely managing to voice a sharp complaint before slipping below. Winning his way to the surface with a scowl, the Warlock silently cursed the dragon. Somehow, he still managed to get in the way.

Now that he was in the water, it was far easier to speed his swimming than it would have been to get upright and above the water again. Doing so, he quickly gained the shore a short distance from Kiara and her companions of the moment. Once on dry land, he flicked his wrist contemptuously. The errant water remaining in his clothes and hair dispersed, causing a light dew to form on the nearby foliage. Thus dry, he started his barefoot way towards the Faerie that held his attention so. He approached quietly, but without attempting to hide his coming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interacting with Samatha @FallenTrinity and Morgan @FateWeaver, mentions of Sulleykaar

”Three hours? Damn. Looks beastly!” The girl said with a whistle.

”Thank you?” Kiara replied with uncertainty. Some of the slang the students here used in the common tongue went over her head. The lycans body language suggested that she liked it though.

”One of your lovers? Damn girl how many do you have?” she asked in response to Kiara’s earlier comment. The faerie smiled crookedly.

“Significantly less here than in Faerȗn, but there is always room for more.” her grin widened. Kiara was about to ask for the girl's name when a loud roar could be heard in the distance. Kiara could feel the trees shiver in response. Following the sound came the smell of smoke and cinder. The faerie wrinkled her nose in disgust, recognizing the scent all too well.

”What the hell is that look for? We gotta get outta here! I’m not about to fucking be that thing’s lunch!” Kiara chuckled at her response.

”Oh, he has a big mouth, but he’s not going to eat you with it… more likely to talk you to death." Kiara explained. "That is our class president, Sulleykaar, the dragon everyone is always talking about.” she rolled her eyes at the last part. Ghost was now cowering against the girl’s legs for safety. ”Not feeling so macho now, ehh boy?” she said to the white wolf with a taunting giggle.

Kiara turned around at the sound of crunching leaves underfoot. Morgan was walking towards the trio. Kiki gripped the painting in her hands nervously. It was made with her hands alone, and not a hint of magick, so it was nothing like his ice lotus.

”Morgie,” Kiara greeted with a polite curtsy, as was custom for her people. “This is --”, Kiki looked at the lycan girl for a name, ”Samantha” she echoed Samantha’s reply. ”I was just telling her that I made this painting for you. It’s still a little damp, try not to smudge it.” Kiara carefully offered him the gift with a warm smile. She then noticed that he was barefoot like herself. ”No shoes? Am I rubbing off on you already?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Harald's mane and red fur swayed when Sulleykaar caused so much turbulence in the air. What an impressive dragon! It made himself just feel even more humble and got himself even more pissed off at the screwballs in that lab that created him. He started running as he wasn't able to lift off from that position on the ground. At least he was fast, damn fast.

When he arrived at the lake, his 'horns' were littered with leafs, small branches and pieces of bushes they had scooped up during the run and he had to give them a decent cleaning with his paws. Or he could just dive into the water, big cats weren't afraid of it. Harald decided for the latter option. Perhaps there were some fish he could catch if he was careful...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago



As Sulleykaar introduced himself not only as a person, but also apparently as there student body president, Alex couldn't help but feel somewhat mortified that he had spoken in such a blasé and joking manner to the man. This feeling of utter mortification lasted almost a full three seconds before Alex got over it with a brief shrug and a though of what else can you do? He turned towards the being apparently called a splice, he studied the strange creature not having seen another creature of his kind before or even seen a picture of him in several of the older libraries he had searched when he had found out what he was. This was not particularly surprising, there had not been much time yet for full study and much of the supernatural side of the world still remained a mystery for him. For instance, who knew that dragons could be student presidents? It was that kind of real world knowledge that you simply couldn't learn from books and had to experience for yourself.

"It seems we are going to go swimming for a bit!" Alex said in a rather jovial tone to Harald. He kept a very gentle pace next to the splice as it moved extremely quickly towards the lake. Once they had reached the water side Alex quickly stripped down to his boxer briefs, then took his time in carefully folding and arranging his clothes in his bag on the shore, before jumping into the water with a whoop of delight. Rush stayed atop his bag enjoying the sunlight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Silent Observer@FateWeaver
=Dragon's voice
[color=9e0b0f][/color]Sulleykaar (A.N should have specified that before.)

Samantha smirked at the idea and winked. "Maybe we could some boys in on the action." She chuckled. When she gave her sarcastic remark about Sulley, she laughed. Guess you two don't get along very well. Relationship problems maybe?" Ghost looked up to Kiara before pushing into her further. Her head perked up as she looked over to see a young, hot guy walking towards them barefoot. She got slightly red before raising her eyebrows and stepped in front of her. "Your with him too?" She leaned into her ear. "He's really hot." She whispered before turning her attention towards him. Hey Morgie~" She said slightly seductively. She gave him a wink before kneeling down to comfort Ghost. It didn't take long before she smelled smoke and looked at the other two. You guys smell that?" Behind her the ground shook as a plume of moke made its appearance on either side of her. Sam's eyes went wide and her mouth opened to a silent scream as before her was the mouth of the dragon. It wasn't open or nothing but it would scar anyone who wasn't truly expecting it. Natural instinct took effect and she lept back towards Kiara and held her close, her breasts pressing up against hers. "My that is a sight to behold. Two beautiful women in the arms of each other. Even if nothing is planned it is still erotic none the less." His body morphed back t that of his humanoid form as he walked towards the pair, his crimson red hair blowing gently in the breeze. Samantha's mouth was slightly ajar as she leaned in towards Kiara to whisper something to her. "You have problems with him?" She asked in bewilderment. God he was hot. His eyes like a clash of gold and ruby with thin oval onyx looking back. He had a slight thin jawline but it complemented his wide mouth. He smiled with pearly white fangs. He wore a simple red and gold polo with black dress pants and what looked like black dress shoes. His shirt clung close to his well toned body. Samantha couldn't help but grin at him. She held a smile as and looked at him while she whispered in her ear. "I say we tag team him first and then get the other cutie afterwards." Sulley's smile disappeared as his eyes darted over to Morgan. "Good to see you Morgan..." He said flatly but without any hostility in his voice. "How have you been?" A twitch of a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Morgan smiled, raising a hand in a small wave as Kiara greeted him. She held a canvas, and paint was smeared across one of her cheeks and parts of her face. The colors contrasted sharply with her pale skin and bright red hair, but made her no less enticing. The Faerie held his attention long enough that he didn't even notice the other girl's nudity until she was introduced. While Samantha did not have the same otherworldly allure, she was no less stunning. Morgan's hand raced his blood to his face, flicking his scarf up over the lower half of his face as he quickly turned his gaze back to Kiara and the gift she held for him.

Just as he took it into her hands and opened his mouth to speak, Samantha asked something about a smell. Morgan frowned under his scarf, glancing over to the smoke. Before he got the chance to speak the other girl was up and clinging to Kiara for dear life. The sight made his face and neck burn all the more, and some part of his mind idly wondered if his nose might start bleeding. The source of the smoke drew his attention however, and was revealed to be Sulleykaar. Of course. Who else but the dragon?

"Fairly well, actually," Morgan replied in a carefully neutral tone. He still couldn't be sure exactly where he and Sulley stood. It was kind of a pain, actually, considering they shared a room. Not to mention the mutual interest in a certain Faerie. "How is your break coming along?" he asked in turn. He held Kiara's painting close to himself, but was careful not to touch the wet paint or let his clothes smudge it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago

There weren't any fish Harald could catch, but he really would have loved to. Not letting this frustrate him, the splice continued to dive into the water until all of the dirt had let off of him. Harald just had to take a lot of care about that superstructure on his head not accidentally impaling Alex. The almost crystal-like and edgy thing was always the first to come out of the water again, long before his head was out so he could see clearly again. So he had to keep a respectful distance until his cleanup was complete, then he swam closer to him. "I'm new here. How about introducing each other in a bit more detail ?" He'd like to start first but just in case Alex wanted to do the same he didn't rush into things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Quite a crowd was forming in Kiara’s little quiet spot by the lake. Of course, the dragon just couldn’t stay away. That might risk the chance of having things go smoothly. Sulleykaar’s landing spooked the lycan girl. Kiara couldn’t complain again that, because the girl pressed her rather attract body up against her own.

”My that is a sight to behold. Two beautiful women in the arms of each other. Even if nothing is planned it is still erotic none the less.” Kiki rolled her eyes and turned her nose up and away from Sulleykaar, still obviously pissed at him. Of course he would think two women together was alluring, but two men… gods forbid! She sighed to herself, what a missed opportunity.

”You have have problems with him?” Samantha whispered, leaning in towards Kiara’s ear.

”Only in that he seems to always be around.” Kiara retorted spicily.

”I say we tag team him first and get the other cutie afterwards.” Samantha suggested, turning Sulleykaar’s grin sour at the mention of Morgan. That was enough to tickle Kiara’s funnybone.

”Hahaha… I think you and I will get along quite nicely, sweets.” Kiki purred back at the girl. Sulleykaar and Morgan exchanged the most useless, forced sounding niceties she’d ever heard. ”Well… if we are all here by the lake, and it’s break. I say we do something fun.” The thin faerie girl put her hands on her boney hips. ”Last one in is ogre drool~!” she said the ‘rotten-egg’-esque taunt in a sing song voice before taking off in the direction of the lake and swiftly diving in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Aspen Wren @PixiePudding
Lumine's lips pulled into a slight frown when Dominic suggested that she could even be capable of poisoning such a beautiful creature as Cauldron. However, her brilliant smile returned when he complimented her on her food, even if it was somewhat indirect. She gave Cauldron an affectionate scratch under her chin and giggled delightfully at the color change that the pig made. “Marvelous! What a trick! You must be very lucky to have such a wonderful familiar – I would trade you that dunce of a book for her. Oh, and Grigsby is just a boring old stick in the mud made by my grandmother.” In response, Grigsby's pages fluttered in protest to her comments. He was obviously irritated.

“I'm also a first year. I've only recently come to this place, and I've found it to be quite pleasing. All of these strange sights, it's enough to make me giddy! Y've Sythae is just not as interesting, I must say.” Lumine gave Cauldron a soft rub on the pig's snout. In a swift motion, she picked up her basket full of pastries and stood to her full height. She gave Dominic a longer, more intense once-over than before. “You do seem to know a tremendous amount about magic. Are you a Prince? Oh my goodness, you must be! It all makes sense. Cauldron wouldn't belong to a commoner. Which kingdom do you hail from?” She spoke almost too fast for any protests to be made, her voice gaining in excitement as she continued through with her assumptions. Lumine's head cocked to the side, her eyes flashing with curiosity.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Niall looking at them and gave him a pointed stare back. She wondered if he was a Prince as well. Were all the students royalty? Would offending the wrong one cause a war on her homeland?

As her mind reeled, she got more excited to be attending Rosa Claire. It was like climbing a steep cliff and having the threat of falling to your death at any moment.

“Oh Grigsby, I'm absolutely exhilarated! We could be assassinated in our sleep by any one of these lovelies!” She said in a whispering-voice to Grigsby. She was loud enough for both Dominic and Niall to hear her pretty clearly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Aphelion@Aspen Wren
Dominic stood up as well, noticing the height difference, feeling a little insecure about it but quickly brushing it aside. " No, not royalty. My mom just owns a potion manufacturing conglomerate. I... don't think assassination is commonplace here. As far I know anyway." He thought it over for a bit. "Well at least I won't murder anybody, can't really speak for the everyone in that regard."

He brushed himself down a little and walked over to a table not too far from Niall and offered Lumine a seat by pulling one out before seating on another, placing Cauldron in his lap. "I feel a little weak after crouching down. I'm also hungry. Would like to join us at the café?". Although, Lumine as peculiar and fascinating as she was, she was overall pleasant and Dominic was pleased she came along and made the atmosphere much lighter.

He turned to Niall with a smile, finally able to properly break the ice. " Hello, I'm Dominic, this is Cauldron. We started as 1st years- oh, and this Lumine and Grigsby. What's your name?" Dominic extends his out, realizes the distance between them is a bit too far for a handshake and then retracts it; keeping his smile and eye contact firm all the while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago


@Silent Observer@Fetzen

Alex watched with interest as the sharp crystalline structure on top of Harald's emerged from the water before the rest of him, quite a lot like a shark's fin. Idly, he wondered if that ever lead to difficulties for him that Alex did not have, like getting through doorways. Alex floated on his back enjoying the cool water's feel upon his tanned skin mixing with the pleasant warmth from sun above them, his fingers still drummed silently underneath his head. Harald swam towards him, apparently whatever he had been doing under the water now complete, and asked for more details about him. Alex nodded his head easily turning so he was now straight up, his muscles legs moving slightly in order to keep his head above the water.

"Sure I am new as well! I haven't even checked in at the main office yet. He turned his head and let out a bark of laughter. From the waters edge he could see the faint forms of the easily recognizable Sulleykaar speaking to what he assumed were three other students. He was a bit too far out to see many details, but it seemed they were all getting along extremely well! The girls seemed be sharing an embrace, before one of them ran out towards the water apparently to join them. Alex yelled out a hello towards the red head girl who had entered the water than turned back towards Harald. "So tell me about yourself. What is it like to be a splice?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"HEY! WAIT UP!" She sprinted towards the water, laughing along the way. However she didn't see the lump in the ground so as she leapt in, her foot caught the peak of it and fell in face first in a sort of belly flop. She yelped as she hit the water, floating face down before sinking a bit. She decided she might as well swim under water for a bit and did. Kicking around and moving her arms in a frog-like swimming style until she got over to Kiki. Samantha leapt out and tackled her, hoping to drag her under water.

"Pretty well. I had some stock I had to move around and decided I would buy a small company that manufactures clothing. Spent somewhere between 4.2-6.6 billion for it but I will make that back soon enough. Forget the name of it. Starts with a "t" or a "s". But either way, I'm looking forward to seeing the corporate office. But besides that I invited my little brother to visit me here so I do look forward to that. He's a bit on the...how do I put it...He's full of energy so I planned on showing him around the school and would like to introduce them to my friends. Also I plan to go to my summer home in Italy. I was wondering if you would be interested in coming? I plan on inviting the others but I would rather ask you first considering your my roommate. So...Are you interested?" He cocked an eyebrow to Morgan and waited for an answer.

Once Morgan gave his answer he turned to the others who moved towards the lake. Glancing over at Morgan he smirked. "You heard Kiara, last one in is Orc drool...Though. Gobli drool is a lot worse and...It's not time for education, it's time for fun. Come on Morgie!" He laughed at the last part as he trotted over to the water. He rolled his shoulders and took off his polo and undershirt. His body was well toned, like that of a professional athlete at the peak of performance. His muscles flexed and moved fluently with his movements, which gained a few cat calls from Samantha causing him to grin. But also with his body came a multitude of scars of all sizes. The largest one however, ran across the length of his torso. It was deep and wide and seemed to have healed naturally. Samantha nudged Kiki in the side. "Hey Keeks, did you know his body looked like that?" She asked while subconsciously rubbing her own. "What do you think caused those? I feel so bad for him." She said sympathetically. A moment passed before she called out to him. "Hey Suls! Do you want to get your pants wet too!? She yelled the question. He looked up and at the other guys before giving her a lopsided grin. "I would rather not make the others jealous!" He yelled back. Samantha pouted before starting a chant, encouraging Kiara to join her. "Take them off! Take them off! Take them off!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Morgan tried hard not to roll his eyes. He really did. But Sulley's lengthy explanation of his business ventures gave him an urge that was just too strong. By the time he had asked about the vacation, Kiara and Samantha had already started for the water. Watching the girls walk, his mind worked out a tactful answer to the Dragon's question.

"Sounds like a great time, you'll have to let me know when you plan on going exactly. There are some things at home that simply can't be missed and I'd hate to miss the trip." It wasn't that he didn't want to go, but Morgan wasn't entirely sure Sulley wanted him there. Of course if the invitation was sincere, he doubted his roommate would let him bluff his way around it like that.

On the way to the water, Morgan carefully leaned Kiara's gift against the base of a tree. He shed his jacket and dark jeans there as well, leaving his shirt, black boxers, and his scarf. The last he tied into a loose knot as he turned back towards the others. Upon spotting Sulley's scars, he winced briefly. Most of his own back and neck were fairly heavily scarred, and he didn't like having it out in the open. Shifting his shoulders uncomfortably for a moment, he made for the water without comment as Samantha started chanting. He simply jogged down into the water until it cleared his waist, then dove below the surface to resurface near the girls. His clothes and hair got soaked immediately, but it had never bothered him before. It wouldn't exactly be hard to dry off again once they were out of the water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Not exactly awesome." Harald answered. "You don't have any parents, the eggheads treat you in the way that suits their experimental needs best - until you escape... You have to be pretty much an autodidact. And then there are a few things that can screw things up for you sometimes." He pointed at the antlers-like structure on his head.

"So... I don't even know where the main office is. I'm new here, kinda crept in." He laughed a bit, moving his legs in order to keep his head above the waterline as well.
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