Character Sheets

Donte Gaige/22/Male

Donte is flirtatious, using his charms to score with the local maidens. This however, mixed with his sporadic bluntness, often lands him in trouble. He's a pretty straightforward guy; he knows what he wants and will go out of his way to get it. He's all about saying what he means and meaning what he says- so expect only the truth from him. Although this isn't really a conscious choice- he just doesn't comprehend the concept of lying to get what you want.
He has no notion of manners- rarely does he consider how his actions will come across to others. And so he comes off as disrespectful upon first impression. A thought that is only reinforced when it becomes apparent that Donte is driven by his most primal needs. Sleeping, eating, and fucking run through his mind constantly- leaving little room for much else.
Despite this, however, he is a dreamer. He's good at tracking and he enjoys it- so his dreams revolve around finding what other people are looking for. The reward is only a bonus. He needs someone to follow, however, because he is often lead astray from his goals. Which explains why he looks up to the Mayor and Ranger- who are leaders of their own respective communities.
Donte hails from the north- from a port city bustling with merchants and commerce. He doesn't remember much of his family- a friendly pat here, a scolding there- but nothing substantial. Thoughts are hard to gather together when you're a dog. That's right, he was once a dog. He doesn't exactly recall when the change happened or even that it happened- but it did. After being found by his family- naked and transformed into this unfamiliar face- they ran him out of the house. Long story short he learned a few things: 1) your nakedness upsets people now, find a way to cover that up. 2) people still treat you the same- fur or no fur.
It wasn't hard for him to travel- caravans frequented this port city as a pit stop to refill their needs. He found his place amongst them- tending to the animals. For a few years he travelled with them- learning to speak (which wasn't that hard, since he heard the common tongue all his life), to read (much harder than the former) and hunt (tracking boar was necessary when there were 90+ mouths to feed and too much distance between them and the next town). These three basic skills opened up worlds for him. Books were often traded when they reached new cities- and he read them all. He was a voracious reader- especially if their topics were of new places and people. Cultures fascinated him.
His time with the caravan came to an end three years ago, when they had chosen to rest in one place for far too long. A group of bandits robbed them of their animals and goods- leaving them defenseless in the wilderness. Many of them died before they reached Vale. They made their home there for a few months- recuperating and tending to one another. But the caravan could not stay- it wasn't in their nature. Done chose to stay, however, because he fell in love.
Advanced Tracking. Donte can pick up minute details from his surroundings. Understanding his target plays a major part in his searches. He may or may not have a keener sense of smell than others also.
Attuned to Nature. The animal within him is still there. He understands animals more personally than most- and some recognize this in him.
Hunting. This includes his knowledge of the crossbow and daggers. He's hunted big game but also monsters. He has some interesting stories and the scars to guide him through the plot points.
World Knowledge. He's been all over Erendira and knows much about each place.
Basic Stealth. He can keep quiet and make his way around the dark comfortably.
-his birthday is May 15 (Taurus)
-he frequents the tavern, drinking and flirting with the tavern girls. Or listening in on the interesting tales the Bard sings.


Vaeri loves control- everything around her needs to be organized and accounted for. People included. She uses her sweet voice and beauty to get what she wants from others. Manipulation comes easy to her and she uses it often- because she often fancies things that others have. Whenever she sees something moderately interesting she'll often focus all of her energy on this one thing- to better understand it. She weighs situations to see how they can benefit her- she won't try for anything unless she deems it worthy of her efforts.
To most people she puts on this kind front- a barrier to push others out so they won't hurt her. She loves to be involved in drama, however, even if her part is very minor. Listening to town gossip is one of her favorite pastimes and she'll often relay information that she's just been told to anyone else that would care to listen. Its her love of knowledge and understanding things that incites this negative trait.
She cannot tell a lie. Even if she tried. A spell gone wrong in her past- one she's working on reversing sooner or later.
No one quite remembers when Vaeri arrived in Vale. Or how long she'd lived there. Many things about Vaeri are a mystery. The townsfolk know only that she is a woodland witch- who gathers her powers from the Angar. And that, because of this, she must have some elven blood coursing through her veins.
She lives in a small hut on the edge of town with Donte, whom she took an interest in when he arrived in Vale those three years ago. He's become something of a love interest just as much of a magic experiment.
- an iron staff tipped with a glass blade.
Nature Magic. She has power over vines and other plants. Leaves turn into blades. Trees offer their magic to heal and aid her.
Advanced Survival. This includes nearly complete knowledge of the flora in the Angar. Building fires, shelter, and other survival tools. She could live out comfortably in the forest if she so chose.
Voice of Honey. Vaeri can persuade those around her to give her what she wants. She can also sooth certain individuals- to avoid conflict.
Strong Swimmer. Despite her frail frame she can keep afloat- and swim to shore if left out at sea.
Nimble. She's quick on her feet- Vaeri has the gate of a dancer.
-her birthday is March 9th (Pisces)
-she often wanders around town looking for something to investigate. Asking questions about mundane things just to see how they work.
-she considers Donte her familiar and often tries to change him into animals.