Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Snarl Pls fight me

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Sheets

Donte Gaige/22/Male


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bcc
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bcc Bubbles Come Cheap / Or Another Acronym

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Role/Class: Doctor’s Daughter


Name(try and make them fantasy or at least rare)/Age(18-20)/Gender
Thassalae / 19 / Female

Personality(At least four positive personality traits and four negative personality traits. Sentences, please, do not list)
Thassalae is a quick-witted and sharp-tongued girl. She is disdainful of disorganization, tardiness and anything short of excellent appearances. While she is quick to lecture and correct, she is just as quick to forgive once she feels the issue has been corrected. She takes her work very seriously, and even though she is only her father’s assistant, she is often up late poring over manuscripts and medical books, seeking answers and better solutions. Thassalae is very serious in all matters, and practically obsessed with pleasing her father and doing excellent work. Although she is often accused of not knowing how to have fun, she is also very tender and loving. Over the years of helping in her father’s practice, Thassalae has developed an excellent bedside manner. She remains calm and diplomatic even in tense situations, and can be extremely resourceful.

Bio (try and fit your parents bio)(I don't want tragic backstories. Meaning no rape victims or dead parents and all that. Lets keep this role play light, okay?)

Thassalae’s intelligence and observational skills were fostered by her parents practically from birth. While she does not remember much of the town she lived in as a young child, what memories she has are happy ones of laughing with her parents in a house that was practically a mansion, compared to the cottage she now shares with her father.

Thassalae’s mother also works as a healer, but for the last fourteen years, she has worked with a travelling emissary for the king. Therefore, she rarely lives with her husband and daughter. When she got the position, the family moved their residence to Vale, so that their time as a complete family could be uninterrupted by the hubbub of the city.

While Thassalae excelled in school, she had few close friends, especially since she told off anyone who did something even remotely dangerous. However, she has been close friends with [[OK, I don’t want to impose friendship on anyone – would anyone like to volunteer to be my friend? If not, the bard’s son or an NPC? Sorry to leave this not filled out.]] since she first came to Vale.

As her father has aged, Thassalae has worked harder to meet his high expectations and taken over more of the practice. While he can often have a bad attitude or act coldly towards people, she knows he is kindhearted.

Since she first heard about the Ascythenia, Thassalae has checked her doorstep for one each day religiously, hoping one will bloom there one day….

Her tongue – uh, I mean, a short sword. However, she prefers to maintain a support role.

Skills: (consider your role- the Rangers son will know more forest related skills, for example. Limits: 2 unique skills and 3 basic skills.)
Unique –
First aid. Thassalae has been studying to be a doctor for years, and is able to apply the techniques she has learned from her father in emergency situations. Over time, she can repair wounds more thoroughly.
Buffing. In her studies, Thassalae was always fascinated by substances and methods to make a person less likely to become sick, or to make them stronger or immune to poisons. Therefore, she is also skilled at granting immunities and increasing the effectiveness of her allies.
Basic –
Diplomacy. Due to her experience in talking calmly to sick patients and diffusing uncomfortable situations, Thassalae is skilled in writing diplomatic letters and occasionally talking people down from making terrible decisions – when she doesn’t let her anger direct her speech.
Sewing. Thassalae’s parents insisted that she learn homemaking skills even though they could always afford to pay someone to do the work instead.

Other (use this section to list what you feel like everyone should know about your character that isn't stated above.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Role/Class: Assassin-in-training


Name: Sh'fay Farspire
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Somewhat snarky and sarcastic with people she trusts. She'll only bother with tact if it's with someone she likes and/or respects; blunt to the point of rudeness with everyone else. Not given to prettying up harsh truths. If she doesn't like someone, she'll do her best to lead them in conversational circles. Competitive at times, takes pride in her abilities, never one to turn down a challenge she thinks she can win.

Bio: As a result of her mother's profession, young Sh'fay's habit of stealing candy from other kids was encouraged; she only got in trouble if she was caught. As she grew, Sh'fay learned several less-than-legal abilities, such as picking locks and pockets. After she turned 15, her mother started teaching her in combat; the use of knives and dirty tactics, mainly. They had a pretty good life, stealing together and amassing a pretty penny. Then they had to settle down in Vale. It wasn't so bad, all things considered; Sh'fay missed certain aspects of life in the city, but life in a little town was... pleasant.

Then she heard about the Ascythenia.

Ever since then, she's wanted to go back to traveling; Sh'fay doesn't put any stock in the notion of soulmates, and she doesn't particularly want one. Besides, who would want a thief/assassin for a soulmate?

Weapon: Several knives of varying sizes
Unique -
Stealth - Sh'fay can go unseen and unheard by pretty much everyone, if she does it right.
Lock picking - given a bit of time and her tools, Sh'fay can open most locks.

Basic -
Manipulation - Sh'fay has a quick tongue that she puts to good use, to distract or manipulate others or just to amuse herself. It's also useful for haggling.
Climbing - many kids have a phase of excessive tree-climbing; Sh'fay never grew out of hers. Eventually, tree-climbing transitioned to wall-climbing.

Other: The rumors about Sh'fay's mother being an assassin at one point? Absolutely correct.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melo
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Melo I am a hedgehog!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Role/Class Mayor’s daughter/warioress (the swashbuckling/duelist type)


Armor (ignore the damage on the left body side part though. I don't think it's supposed to be open like that. I think its done to show the interior leatherwork.

Name: Phaelina Laewin Dawnfall
Age: 20
Gender: female

Personality Phaelina is by nature very energetic and cheerful. She is adventurous and curious about the world around her. She is always looking for something to do, something to see. She always wants to learn more about the world and its intricacies.
Furthermore, she’s very cultured and mild-mannered as a result from her lifestyle. However, she may look down upon those that are very clearly less so. She thinks she’s protective of the people she likes. Other people would rather say she’s incredibly overprotective. She has a strong sense of pride which leads to her usually bottling up her worries and acting as if nothing is wrong. She tries to act stronger in front of others than that she actually is just to leave a better impression. She also likes being liked; feeling disliked can get her down quite easily. She’s very critical and doesn’t believe something before she actually sees it. This is also the case for the Ascythenia.

Bio: Phaelina was born in the Vale and has lived there for her entire life, living in a quite lavish home in the middle of the town. A large house surrounded by gardens filled with sunflowers. When she was young, one of her favorite activities was to hear the tales her father had to tell about the time before she was born. These were the tales of a heroic warrior and his powerful allies performing mighty deeds that allowed the Vale to prosper. Some of these tales might’ve been a tad exaggerated, but that wasn’t something Phaelina needed to know. The tales inspired her. She aspired to become like the heroes she heard of in the tales. She asked her father to teach her the ways of the sword that he had put down so long ago. Her father was more than willing to do so. Despite her living conditions, she had never liked dolls and frilly dresses in the first place, much to her mother’s disdain. However, her mother was happy enough that she could at least teach her the importance of proper manners.

When she wasn’t training, in school or playing in the gardens with her friends or with the dogs, she could be found in front of the giant bookcase that was present in the house. It was filled with books about the history of the world, it’s folklore and other topics such as economics and leadership. These were all the books her father was practically forced to read in order to become a competent mayor. It was the history of their world and its folklore that interested her. (Economics is booooooooooooring) They fueled her interest in the world that she inhabited. Among many other things, she would learn about the legend of the flower than bloomed in this forest. Quite frankly, she couldn’t find any reason to believe in this particular one. Would associating the blooming of this flower with a soulmate not automatically bias one to love this so-called soulmate?

A double-edged longsword
A large buckler of about 40 cm diameter (which is about the size of a small medium-sized shield)
An anelace (double-edged long dagger) as a side arm which she can use instead of the shield or as a main weapon when disarmed.

-Athletics - Her overall high physical fitness results in her being capable in the areas that require it, such as fast running, climbing and swimming.
-Quick reflexes -: Alert and capable to respond quickly to a variety of situations, proficient at evasion and nimble movements.

Conversational skills – She has learned proper manners, etiquette and keeping composure. She is proficient in socializing with and convincing people, especially in the upper part of society.
Animal handling – Does well with animals and can win their trust quite easily. Has experience in horse riding (if we have no real life animals, insert a similar kind of riding animal there).
Advanced knowledge of history and folklore - She has read many books detailing the history and folklore of the world.

- Birthday: July 25th (Leo)
- There may have been several occasions where she snuck out into the forest… resulting in a scolding by the ranger when he found her on patrol, followed by a scolding from her father.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Bard's Son/Nature Mage

Orrin Negala/18/Male

Personality: Not quite as energetic as his mother, Orrin's definitely a more subdued guy. Where his mother is fidgety, Orrin is focused, where she's a charismatic fun lover who flirts with nearly every living creature who comes into their bar, Orrin is the long-suffering son whose most common expression is a hand to the forehead at whatever his mother's doing. When away from his mother, however, her genetics show through a lot more--far from being the straight man among his friends, Orrin's something of a bad influence, always wanting to try something new or do something that might seem crazy just for the sake of seeing what will happen. His madness is somewhat methodical though: if he thinks whatever he's going to do might have far too much risk for those he cares for, he won't do it.

He's never known his father, replacing the missing male influence with time outside, to himself, alone with nature and the wild. As a consequence he has his own idea of how he should act and behave, blending his mother's energy with meditative thought.

Bio: Orrin's never been quite sure exactly how he was conceived: his mother might be a tremendous flirt, but she isn't stupid enough to one-night-stand it with a bar patron. His personal theory is that she just wanted a kid to torturekeep her company and help run the bar and probably found some old friend to give her a baby. At any rate, his life has been one of transience, the only constants his mother and their inn. He associates some with those around the village, but has few people he considers true friends. His life's been too busy, the bar demanding a lot of his time. Instead, he's been the willing ear for numerous tales of daring-do from countless passers through, listening to his mother's friends talk and talk about their latest adventures. As he got older and started to spend all of his free time in the woods, he began to have his own stories to share, though they were never quite as grand nor as awe inspiring as those he heard--and were more often than not interrupted by his mother throwing a ladle at him and telling him to hurry up.

So, you know, she could flirt with the customers.

To be honest, he can't see his life changing much from this. The revelation of his newfound magic brought in more customers, but didn't change much else. He'd love to explore the world, but who knows what the future might bring.

Weapon: A simple wooden quarterstaff, capped at either end with steel serves as the focus for Orrin's abilities. He's rather adept with it too, capable of using it as a viable combat implement if need be.

Nature/Offensive Magic: Orrin's familiarity with the wilds and his mother's affinity for magic have granted him power over the natural world around him. His spells vary from causing vines and other plantlife to grow on command, to channeling lightning through his staff to strike his enemies. He isn't terribly good with more aggressive spells, however--his expertise is with spells that let him channel the attributes of animals, getting the strength of a bear or the grace of an eagle.
Music of the Soul: Probably the greatest gift his mother gave to him, Orrin can also use a violin to channel his innate magic. He cannot use this ability to control nature, instead using it to invigorate the souls of his friends and incite them to greater heroism. His music is limited to those he knows well, or he cannot make it personal enough to empower them.

Staff Mastery: Orrin has used and trained with his staff for long enough that he's adept at using it both for utilitarian purposes and combat.
King of the Cooks: Since his mother refuses to let "the man put her down", most of the cooking done at their bar is done by Orrin. He's a master of whipping meals up with few ingredients and smaller amoounts of time, though he attributes most of his success to his innate understanding of the nature behind what he's using and not to his own skill.
I Can Read You Like a Book: While he's not got as much experience as his mother does, Orrin has dealt with enough people that he can read their motivations somewhat more than the ordinary individual.

Other: Not much I can think of.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Role/Class: Mayor’s Daughter (Sibling)

Age/Gender(18-20)/Gender: 18/Female

Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do.

Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on something she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her in danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. Giving up is never an option and something she’ll die before doing. As long as she’s breathing, it’ll be done.

Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident.

While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frightened to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys.

Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow.

Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior.

Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to.

Countless admirers have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around.

Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends her free time playing chess. Strategy means everything and Guinevere wants to be prepared should it ever be required of her.


Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary.

Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them.

Bravery: No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!).

Leadership: Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution.

Athletic and Fit:Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.0

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