@KatherinWinter Considering the characters don't know what side of the court their team is, and approximately half or so characters don't know the rules of the game, among other things. The Characters themselves need more details, can't expect big things with very vague information given to the characters. The characters are basically just assuming things right now which isn't good in terms of the roleplay. It's mainly the only reason why I haven't given a post because there is not enough information for me to give a concrete enough post.
@Oliver That's what happens normally, some people can not post for 3-5 days before they finally reply to a post.
@olcharlieboi your character would know the game. So would @Polaris North's. THEY don't need to know all the rules to start interacting. THIS isn't a real game. In school they divide the kids up and give them the ball. THEN the kids practice dribbling and shooting. That's what I expected. But that's too much I guess.
@KatherinWinter They are still told where to shoot the ball, how to dribble, and so on. If they was just dribbling and shooting then they wouldn't of been divided into two teams like you had done so that is clearly information that wasn't told and would make it harder to post a proper post. even in just dribble and shooting, at most they divided them only into teams of 2 unless there was an odd number. So they could practice passing, shooting, and dribbling. Still you kept a lot of information that you had just now spoke of.
@Oliver it happens a lot, I have always had the rule of Real life is priority so I tend to not sweet how long it takes for a post, if it passes 3-4 days then I continue on without the other person unless they have said the reason why they can't post at a sooner time.