Species Name Nassu Species Description The Nassu are amphibious humanoids native to the world of Ualam, distinguished by their large, oddly shaped heads, spaced eyes and small tendrils hanging from their mouths. Otherwise, the Nassu shared the common traits of most humanoid species of four limbs.
Species Name Anurian Species Description The Natives of Anuria, for one hundred years the Anurians have endured great hardships, and have lost all that is dear to them, their culture being blown to bits before their eyes, this of course has lead to some Anurians taking action. Some have joined the alien factions vying for control of their homeworld, others have taken it upon themselves to wage guerrilla warfare upon all the invading armies.
Species Name Caadori Species Description A mammalian species native to the world of Caador Prime. Caadori share similar shapes and height to humans, their differing features are of course their heads and four eyes.
Species Name Species Description
United Jasaran Federation
Nation Size The Federation spans over a dozen star systems.
Nation Description Give us an overview of the function of your nation and how it works. This section is mostly just contextual fluff, so add what you will here to make your faction feel more real. This can include history should you so wish.
Nation Involvement The Federation was among the first powers to participate in the war, the Federation attempted to invite(or more correctly, absorb) Anuria for their strategic location in the sector, and prevent its fall to its enemies. With little need for explanation, the UJF failed and are now fighting a drawn-out war for control of the star system against the very enemies it sought to gain the upper hand.
Technology Federation technology is considered quite average compared to other powers in the region. Federation Starships make use of a mixture of directed energy weapons and kinetic slugs for larger armaments such as anti-cap gun batteries, with point-defenses putting a pure focus onto kinetic weaponry.
Federation ground forces as well take the pure focus with kinetic weapons, with few experimental weapon types scattered among the branches such as Gauss Weaponry, and self-sustaining energy weapons(a truly rare weapon type)
Model A and Model B Model A Length: 346.6 Meters Armaments: 2 Particle Cannons 5 Laser Cannons 14 Point-Defense Guns 4 Torpedo Tubes(40 loaded) Complement: N/A Crew: 500 Passengers: 100
A recent addition to the Federation's armies, the Auxilia were tested to become a supplement for the ground forces, bolstering their numbers. The Auxilia had proved themselves useful assets on the battlefield, with basic combat tactics uploaded into their minds.
Light and Heavy Guardian Variants fighting side by side
Willingly submitting themselves to cybernetic augmentations for the greater good of the Federation, the Specters are among the most elite of Special Forces within the Federation Military. Often working in Squads of five, assignments for the Specters often are operations too delicate for other military branches. Covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination are standard tasks for the Specters.
Developed as a response to the Avienian Empire's AK-90 machines, the Minutemen series of MMAs were made with the intention of a quantity over quality approach. Although the Minutemen outnumber the AK-90s, they unfortunately are of inferior quality, little skill is needed to pilot such a machine, and are slower then the AK-90, but of course, make up for the fact that they were built in the thousands and can be deployed en mass.
Common Armaments
Emplacements and Deployables
Headquarters Fort Liberty A large sprawling facility located in the Sand Straits of Ak'Aria, Fort Liberty serves as the heart of all Federation operations on Anuria's Surface and Orbit.
Persons of Importance General Argus Bradley-Commander of Federation ground forces on Anuria. Admiral Gaius Sanders-Commander of Fedration Space Forces and Orbit Assets.
White Interstellar Corporations (White Corps or WIC) is the story of centuries of successful business. It started out as a small banking company by Keith White the First but by his death White Corps was already a megacorp spreading over multiple nations through the galaxy. Throughout the centuries it grew and evolved, encompassing every economic sector and estimated to contribute almost 1% of the total galactic GDP. White Corps is the purest incarnation of capitalism and meritocracy, it has no political holdings or agenda but instead has an undeniable sway over economy and industry through the galaxy. White Corps as a whole has absolutely no inclination to ethics, religion or politics. The megacorp only cares about profit and for this reason it adopts whatever laws and customs their location demands. This kind of amoral policy does not sit well with everyone but given their influence there are hardly any nation which can afford to not do plenty business with White Corps.
Faction Involvement
White Corps' involvement and interest in the war is of course purely business. The Fires of Anuria shifted the mega corporation's focus to arms development and trade, making White Corps a fairly well-known supplier of hi-quality military gear. But their involvement in the war of course didn't stop here. White Corps' military branch the White Security Services is effectively a mercenary force with millions of sub-contractors. These people can and will offer assistance to the highest bidder with the only restriction being they cannot fight other WSS personnel or hurt White Corps' interest. White Corps also has a top secret organization called HYDRA. This is a black ops force doing things which White Corps can't openly admit and the ties between HYDRA and White Corps are unknown to anyone but an extremely limited number of people. The existence of HYDRA, their never seen before equipment and their actions would actually imply a conspiracy and hidden agenda which further clouds the image of White Corps.
Species Description
White Corps is an international megacorp with employees from countless nations and races (predominantly humans or humanoids). White Corps promotes businesslike attitude and prohibits aggression between fellow employees. Visiting facilities belonging to the main branch of White Corps may feel like a zoo of various species.
Thanks to trading technologies with countless nations through the galaxy as well as spending considerable funds at research White Corps is a well-known pioneer in technology. While most nations developed their technology in their own world and perhaps trade some between their allies, White Corps gained most of its technology by trading with all the nations of the galaxy. Accordingly White Corps are known for extensive reverse engineering or crossing various technologies into one device. They are also pioneers in miniaturization and many of their creations end up being smaller and more compact than the original while retaining most of its features. The exact level of technological development is unknown because by trading foreign technology White Corps needed to sing countless non-disclosure contracts as well as he must watch for copyright and other issues. Certain technologies can be freely used and sold in one star system while banned in another. It's also a well-known fact that White Corps retains their most advanced products to themselves while supplying older models to their clients. As such the uninitiated may draw the wrong conclusion as many products seem to lack exotic features you'd expect from a top scientific faction like them. Of course being simple does not mean bad. White Corps technology is famously sophisticated and focuses on maximal convenience to the user. Actually another reason behind their relative lack of exotic flair is because for mundane tasks the most efficient is to use mundane equipment. Lastly, White Corps also needs to worry about their own copyright and thus all their technology is equipped with extensive anti-tampering methods to avoid people prying into their design. Conspiracy theorists also say that the "anti-tampering" hides some insidious mechanisms to further White Corps' goals or devices to prevent their own equipment being used against themselves (the latter being actually semi-confirmed).
- Replicators: Also referred as quantum-forging is a method to transmute materials and even turn energy into matter. This technology revolutionized industry and seemingly bridged the differences over matter and energy. Still, due to its massive energy requirements the world has yet to grow free of all material needs. Mining and collecting resources is still important on large-scale. Replicators of course also brought many new developments into material science and even medicine. Using replicator technology to literally reconstruct the body is possible, albeit obviously rather expensive.
- Metastable Matter: A development which made replicator technology far more accessible. It's an unique state of matter which is relatively stable and dense with energy. Can be useful for batteries (though even more efficient methods exist) but first of all it's used as an intermediary matter for use in replicators. It allows replicators to work while consuming far less energy. The obvious downside is of course that there's only a limited amount of metastable material thus the system can actually run out during operation. In addition creating metastable material can be expensive and generally this is only used for small replicator machines. Replicators connected to sufficiently large power sources can keep making matter straight from energy.
- Fold Drive: Standard and reliable FTL method which manipulates spacetime to raise the apparent velocity of the vehicle beyond the speed of light. It has relatively low power consumption but comparatively slow speed and other inherent issues. Still, it's relatively cheap and has many alternative applications. Fold Accelerators for example can accelerate projectiles and vehicles at faster-than-light apparent velocities even if, without "fold sustainers", they revert to sublight speed after reaching a certain distance.
- Farcaster: The common long range interstellar travel method used by White Corps. In basic terms it works similar to your standard Hyperdrive. It punches a hole in reality to the higher mathematical dimension of the hyperspace to allow faster-than-light travel. It consumes great amounts of energy to travel and the ships have special capacitors for this role. On the other hand the same method can be modified to transport smaller objects and Farcasters are one of the most popular and energy-efficient methods of teleportation. The only downside is that Farcasters are rather difficult to scale down thus unless there's a similar device around the teleportation is usually limited to one way trips. The speed of Farcasters is dependent on the power relative to the mass it carries. Thus systems like "Hypercarriers" (huge transports allowing many ships to dock) and "Hypergates" (large almost stationary structures which also use quantum linking to enhance the speed even further) exist.
- Impulse Engine: Standard sublight engines used by White Corps. They expel mass particles at near the speed of light generated from pure energy which means they can have yet unheard level of specific impulse and henceforth their common name. Without the right conditions mass particles rapidly decay into relatively harmless photons thus also making this design the safest engine known to White Corps.
- Gravitics: Electromagnetics in White Corps were long replaced by gravitics, devices that move objects around with the force of gravity. While inherently gravity is a weak force there are countless mechanisms known to White Corps to amplify them. Gravitic actuators, accelerators, propulsions are all commonly used by the WIC or its associates. This combined with the Higgs technology and mass lightening methods resulted in a massive boon for starship propulsion and new dominance of projectile weapons.
- Hypercomms, Hypersensors: A family of devices that use known FTL methods to gather or transmit information rapidly over long distances. Their mechanism can differ by type with each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Hypercameras and Hypertelescopes for example gather the tachyonic shadow of visible light to allow the crew up to a certain distance to see events in real time regardless of light-lag. Another common hypersensor is the Foldwave Radar which is rather self-explanatory.
- Quantum Link: By using quantum-entanglement one can connect two objects regardless of distance. This is generally used as a form of communication between friendly units, allowing to contact employees anywhere within the galaxy. While the link is instantaneous, establishing this would require to find the target by other means first. It can be also used as a form of energy transfer, albeit the method is often prohibitively expensive and require constant monitoring as the quantum signal rapidly decays from the strain.
- Conversion Reactors: The most common method of power generation. They can be practically found everywhere, be it in factories, cars or even cell phones. Conversion reactors are the ultimate result of nuclear research and could be said to be the distant relatives of fission and fusion energy. Thanks to their degree of sophistication the conversion reactors are actually fairly safe and incredibly easy to use.
- Zero-Point Energy Extractor: The ramscoop of space-time, this complex device allows harnessing vacuum energy which makes it ideal for warships and other power-hungry machines. The device requires lot of power to run and difficult to scale down, thus they won't replace conversion reactors anytime soon.
- Compressed Vacuum Cells: Just as space itself can be used to harness energy it also turns out to be the best method to store power. Compressed Vacuum Cells and ZPEEs are virtually the same technology used for different purposes. In effect vacuum cells are Zero-Point Energy Extractors that are deliberately inefficient. For this reason they can be made more compact and many military equipment is relying on these. Actually, the White Corps is working on the means to make vacuum cells even more popular and replace other alternate batteries. Its advantages over the other means are weight savings, far higher capacity and even safety. When destroyed the spatial compression within the cell ceases and space expands around the unit. Anything caught within its area of effect simply ceases to exist. Yet space holds massive energy densities thus the failure of a vacuum cell only results in minuscule expansion. Even for the most massive starship batteries it fails to erase the entire vacuum cell. Thus ironically vacuum cell technology is both the safest and most destructive power storage mechanism White Corps knows.
- Durachrome: The most common military grade armor are chiefly made of durachrome. It's a hard, densely packed material family with its variants used both for ground troops and starships. At average one cubic meter of Durachrome weighs around 70 tons (70g/cm3) thus many equipment specifically requiring mass compensators to remain efficient.
- Structural Integrity Fields: Special complex field which reinforces the bind of atoms and generates bubbles of fake mass to further enhance the toughness of material.
- Higgs Shield: An extension of structural integrity fields this kind of protection forms layers of fake mass generated by the field emitters which can act like a regenerative extra layer of armor.
- Lightwave Barrier: A rather peculiar type shield which contrary to its name actually traps tachyons in a limited boundary around the vessel. It deflects massless and low-mass particles like light and radiation the best while practically useless against heavier projectiles. Starship-based lightwave barriers also have some other properties to compensate for spatial effects.
- Gravity Deflector: The various gravitic devices can also produce a shield of gravity around the ship. These tend to extend pretty far, up to even hundreds of kilometers and activated only during combat. The gravity shield's main purpose is to intercept, disrupt and disperse incoming attacks instead of directly stopping them. The weakened attacks would be then handled by the rest of the defense systems.
- IGP: Intelligent Gravitic Projectile. Highly sophisticated ammunition created for various GAWs (Gravitic Accelerator Weapons). They are equipped with miniature sensors, AI, transceiver, multifunctional warhead and even a limited gravity drive system. It's an intelligent projectile capable of filling many roles and has means to make slight corrections to the wielder's aim. There are many different IGP ammunitions, including the less advanced types shipped to other nations. The power of each projectile can be adjusted between many different parameters and using pin-point focus of its gravity drive reserves it can even break through armor and shields to some extend. Its multifunctional warhead could range anywhere from inert to micrograms of matter-antimatter explosives, airburst fragmentation to shaped explosives or even tiny bomb-pumped lasers depending on what the user sets. Ammunition is often regenerative via compact replicator technology.
- ISFP: Intelligent Space-Folded Projectile. Launched from Spatio Accelerators and Fold Accelerators, these projectiles work by a different mechanism yet otherwise share many similarities with the IGP. Compared to IGPs the ISFP only has more limited maneuverability as it follows a "channel" of spacetime but its apparent superluminal delivery speeds can compensate for that.
- PPA: Pressed Particle Arms. It generates and unleashes a long and often nanometer-thick stream of hyperdense particles like a spear to pierce through a range of different kinds of protection. Because of the extreme concentration of particles in a tiny surface this weapon can be ideal to defeat armors at comparatively low energy cost. The expansion of the unstable hyperdense matter helps to increase damage on the target which would otherwise be just a negligibly small hole. PPAs are powerful but the compression process takes time thus they are rather preferred against enemy armor and fortifications. Starships also carry a fold-enhanced variation of this weapon. Compared to the various intelligent projectiles and missiles this weapon lacks versatility and rapidly loses its effectiveness at range but its sheer power can be desirable for certain uses.
- Grav Lance: Energy weapons which shoot fake mass particles at near-lightspeed or in case of fold-enhanced variations even beyond. While decent in power the sheer versatility of ISFPs and IGPs mostly made these weapons obsolete. Their role is all but completely replaced by the new and improved PPAs.
- Missiles, Torpedoes: White Corps employs myriads of different kind of missiles. These are basically small space vessels that can carry various warheads and cause damage by many different mechanisms. Thanks to on-board replicators each missile's composition can be altered just before the launch thus generally eliminating the need for carrying different loads. This flexibility is the only reason missile launchers are still relevant in space combat. There are two categories: missiles and torpedoes. Missiles are generally smaller and incapable of superluminal travel (albeit may get external assistance for it via farcast mirrors teleporting them closer). Torpedoes are much larger and often accelerated by a gravitic/fold catapult system to great speeds as well as often capable of superluminal travel via compact Fold Drive. Missiles are commonly used for lighter targets, interception or sometimes massed bombardment. Torpedoes are much more powerful and employed against ships and space fortifications.
- Conversion Warhead: Missile containing an overclocked conversion reactor which converts any nearby material into energy. Since conversion reactors cannot convert more exotic types of matter they are mostly useless in space combat. Instead their main role is demolition and planetary bombardment where they can be orders of magnitudes better than any other missile.
- Hawking Warhead: Missile containing a micro black hole in stasis. They are dangerous and only armed prior to launch. When it detonates the black hole instantly evaporates into Hawking radiation (hence its name). They aren't more powerful than any antimatter or nuclear warhead. On the other hand this mechanism allows them to dump all their energy under a minuscule fraction of time which is essential when attacking warships moving at high speeds. There are shaped charge (Hawking-A) and even black hole pumped laser variants (Hawking-B). Torpedoes can even have fold-accelerated particle mechanism pumped by the black hole's decay (Hawking-F) which makes them well-fit for intercepting hypercruising vessels.
- Spatial Warhead: Warhead which uses a crude ZPEE mechanism for offensive purposes. It concentrates incredible density of energy to a seemingly 2-dimensional plane and effectively tears through the target by spatial distortions. It's an effective breakthrough weapon but requires direct hit. In addition the spatial distortion doesn't last for long which makes layered defenses effective against it. Without the spatial effect the missile is nothing more than just a big mass at relativistic velocities. Spatial Warheads are often closely followed by different type of missiles that can immediately abuse the gap caused by the weapon.
- Kinetic Rod: Missile which sports reinforced durachrome core to penetrate the targets by its sheer momentum. Alternatively called "Relativistic Ramrod".
- Multi-Kinetic Rod: AKA the Multi-Ramrod. More common variant which spreads out into multiple thinner penetrators to cover a wider area. It can range from a few sub-munitions to millions of wire-thin durachrome strands. The latter variant is largely superseded by the Beehive type warheads.
- Beehive: Also called the Space Shotgun. This warhead contains precisely calibrated gravitic charges surrounded by microscopically small (diameter below 1 micron) durachrome sub-munitions. When reaching optimum speed and sufficient distance from the target it disperses into a gigantic cloud of tiny projectiles with the average distance between each durachrome ball is only 1cm. Still with literally a quintillion sub-munitions by the time reaching the target this cloud extends to thousands of kilometers, practically sealing off any kind of escape. Disrupting the cloud is extremely difficult because the energy density of each projectile is the same as a large kinetic warhead, even if their kinetic energy is only a minuscule fraction of that. For the latter reason though the Beehive is largely ineffective on well-protected targets but damaging warships was never the warhead's role to begin with. Attention and timely avoidance may help starfighters to escape the onslaught albeit more often than not Beehives are launched in swarms to provide great coverage. It worths noting though that Beehives are only really effective at sufficiently long ranges and preferably when the target's path is mostly predictable.
Space Forces
White Security Services has a naval branch known as White Security Starforce (WSF) which mainly exist to provide escort for White Corps' explorers and secure trade routes. Of course WSF is still effectively a mercenary force so the offer their services to all takers when White Corps don't employ them but their involvement with other factions is much more rare compared to their gravity-bound peer. Just like the rest of WSS, the Starforce is also equipped by White Corps. Their ships are deceptively powerful for their size with frigates and light cruisers generally being their largest warships. Just like WSS their space fleets aren't numerous and they only possess just enough ships to secure their interests. For long distance journeys White Corps often relies on Hypercarriers. These are giant mostly hollow spaceships with multiple huge Farcaster rings to boost their hyperspace performance. By other ships docking inside the Hypercarrier they can travel long distances faster and more economically than using their own Farcaster Drives. HYDRA of course has its own small fleet with radically different ship classes and technologies which not just works for them but of course makes it impossible for others making connection between them and White Corps.
Name: Silver Arrow Class Classification: Attack Frigate (effectively a Destroyer), Independent Medium-class Starship (IMS) Dimensions: length: 210m, width: 70m, height: 50m Standard Mass: 1,550,700 metric tons (prior to mass-compensation, doesn't include the weight of modules) Standard Crew: 325 Powerplant: WPG-Z228D Zero-point Energy Extractor, WPG-N899C Conversion Reactors x 8 Propulsion: Impulse Engine Clusters x 2, Gravity Drives x 24 Interstellar Travel: Foldspace Engine, Farcaster Jump Drive Speed: 0.5c (cruising), 0.9c (combat), 36c (standard hypercruise) Maximum Jump Distance: approx. 524.5 lightyears (without add-ons) Armor: 225mm Durachrome Composite-S (reinforced by integrity fields) Sensors: Foldspace Radar, hypersensory package, GADAR, Hypertelescopes, backup sensors Defense Systems:
Structural Integrity Fields
Higgs Shielding
Lightwave Barrier
Gravity Deflector
SFAS-2250E Space-Fold-Accelerator Gun (accelerates 2250x3599mm ~900 ton projectile to superluminal velocities)
SAG-172D 300mm Gun Turrets x 4 (shoots 500kg ISFPs at superluminal velocities)
HPFP-60D Particle Projectors x 6 (relatively short ranged but powerful fold-enhanced PPA system)
SGLS-90 Interceptor Batteries x 4 (10-tube 90mm missile systems with variable loadout, 40 tubes total)
GAC-S88 "Space Buster VII" CIWS x 24 (shoots enhanced IGPs at 0.98c on 6,000,000 RPM)
Broadside Modules x 10 (detachable optional package that can add weapons, hangar space or extra systems)
FDKV-3200M Torpedo Bay Module (houses up to eight 3200mm fold torpedoes)
Drone Hangar Module (houses 2-3 drone starfighters of various type)
Shield Booster Module (houses various shield emitters to boost the ship's protection)
Battery Module (Massive stock of CVCs to increase the ship's power storing capacity)
Power Module (Rows of Conversion Reactors for extra power generation but at the expense of endurance)
Replicator Module (Industrial-scale replicator in order to boost the ship's rate of recovery at the expense of consuming power)
Fuel Module (External storage of compressed fuel materials in order to support the conversion reactors longer)
Other, less standard modules
Silver Arrow is a small and agile starship class with power which belies its size. Its delta-shaped hull and forward mounted Foldspace Accelerator Gun visibly tells its main role as strike vessel yet it can easily fill all the other standard frigate roles if required. Due to its numerous features the Silver Arrow class is also the flagship of smaller escort fleets and performs that role excellently. Its efficient Farcaster system allows it to work as long range patrol unit, traveling the stars alone. Due to its sheer efficiency the Silver Arrow is gradually takes its role as the mainline warship for White Security Services.
Name: Auger Class Classification: Medium-Light Class Space Combat Vehicle, Light Cruiser Dimensions: length: 160m, width: 60m, height: 24m Standard Mass: 569,550 metric tons (prior to mass-compensation) Standard Crew: 195 Powerplant: WPG-Z160D Zero-point Energy Extractor, WPG-N899A Conversion Reactors x 2 Propulsion: Impulse Engine Cluster, Gravity Drives x 12 Interstellar Travel: Foldspace Engine, Farcaster Jump Drive Speed: 0.5c (cruising), 0.95c (combat), 30.4c (standard hypercruise) Maximum Jump Distance: approx. 277.75 lightyears Armor: 175mm Durachrome Composite-S (reinforced by integrity fields) Sensors: Foldwave Radar, 9th generation foldspace sensory package, GADAR, hypertelescopes, backup sensors Defense Systems:
Structural Integrity Fields
Higgs Shielding
Lightwave Barrier
Gravity Deflector
SAG-177A3 425mm "Auger-III" Gun Turrets x 5 (shoots 1420kg ISFPs at superluminal velocities)
SGLS-125A Interceptor Batteries x 4 (8-tube 125mm missile systems with variable loadout, 32 tubes total)
GAC-S88 "Space Buster VII" CIWS x 18 (shoots enhanced IGPs at 0.98c on 6,000,000 RPM)
FDKV-3200A Torpedo Tubes x 8 (4 on each side, holds up to forty 3200mm fold torpedoes total)
Fighter Ports x 2 (on each "wing", can service 4-6 small spacecrafts total)
Designed as a space superiority warship the Auger was a compact yet powerful class during its time. Over many decades and after numerous retrofits the Auger is approaching the end of its line. In spite of that the ship is still formidable on the field, equipped with the new Aquila sensory suite upgrade as well as the latest improvement on its iconic Auger Fold-Accelerator Guns the vessel packs quite a punch. Even if just for a few more years but the ships operate well alongside their successor the Silver Arrow class
Air Force Description
Ever since the dominance of space power the significance of air forces were reduced considerably though with the laws of the Treaty these vehicles are regaining some of their former splendor once again. Because WSS is no major combatant in the Fires of Anuria conflict they don't invest much in dedicated atmospheric strike craft and most of the time they use smallcraft like space fighters in atmospheric roles. Albeit there's also an increasing use of high-altitude hovercrafts, low-cost air transports and cheap drone aircraft but the majority of White Corps' air power are aerospace crafts small enough to be allowed to support ground forces as written in the Treaty.
Name: ASSV-177D Space Wolf Classification: Assault Fighter Crew: 1 (although the pilot's seat is often replaced with a drone control unit) Dimensions: length: 16220mm, width: 8120mm, height: 5255mm Standard Takeoff Mass: 422,450 kg (prior to mass-compensation) Powerplant: WPG-Z0012C3 Compact Zero-point Energy Extractor, WPG-N222C Conversion Reactors x 2 Propulsion: Small Impulse Engines x 3, Central Gravity Drive, Auxiliary Gravity Drives x 4 Interstellar Travel: Foldspace Engine (integrated to the ZPEE), Shortcaster Drive (compact Farcaster) Speed: 0.99c (STL), 49.5c (standard hypercruise) Maximum Jump Distance: ~ 20 lightyears Armor: 2mm Durachrome Composite-S (reinforced by integrity fields) Sensors: Foldspace Radar, foldspace sensory package, GADAR, hypertelescopes, backup sensors Defense Systems:
Structural Integrity Fields
Compact Higgs Shield Emitters x 4
Lightwave Barrier
Fixed Armaments:
HPFP-33C Particle Projector (versatile, powerful but short ranged fold-enhanced PPA)
GAC-J95A4 "Jaeger IV" (fixed-forward, shoots 0.2mm durachrome needles at 0.999c on 120,000RPM)
Shield Binders x 4 (armored Higgs Shield generators and can have hardpoints to accommodate extra equipment)
GLS-90V 90mm Missile Pods (two pods with 4-4 tubes and 16 missiles on each hardpoint)
FAKV-800C 800mm Mini Torpedo (one per hardpoint)
Shield Booster (extra capacitors and emitters, as well as some batteries to make the shield stronger)
Sensor Module
Endurance Module (Subspace batteries storing both fuel and backup energy)
Booster Module (Conversion reactors along with tiny impulse drives to improve energy output and performance)
Space Wolf is a heavy fighter which unites speed and firepower. It has modular binders with option for numerous kinds of weapons or support modules as well as possessing a fold-enhanced PPA ideal for short-range engagements. Space Wolf is popular with pilots as the ship performs well, powerful and also highly survivable. Barring direct hit by high-grade anti-warship weapons the fighter is designed in a way to protect the cockpit even if the rest of the fighter is taken out.
Ground Force Description
White Security Services employ mercenaries in units of 4 to 128. Each such unit is effectivel a small company that can be hired individually but effectively a sub-contractor to WSS as a whole. This is a measure to improve camaraderie as well as make it easy to account for the actions of every mercenary employed. Baring rare situations an unit can be only hired for one job at the time thus following their actions is as easy as checking a register. Most units are between 4-16 members and as the company's name suggests they are employed as security. Albeit with the Anuria conflict raging on more and more WSS units are used for actual military purposes. This can range from gruntwork where an unit equals a squad or (in case of larger units) and entire platoon or company or it could be more secretive special forces and black ops work. WSS is versatile and each unit has its own specialty. In general WSS is famous for their skill and experience as well as their top-notch equipment. On the other hand WSS is a security company first and their doctrine doesn't employ many ground vehicles. There are a rare few tank platoons but in general they focus on their highly mobile infantry while all else is for support and defensive purposes. This and their lack of numbers mean that they must use through planning and intelligence in order to overcome their superior opponent. Loses are not acceptable and any disabled equipment must be promptly destroyed in order to avoid it landing in the hands of the enemy. In spite of that or perhaps exactly for this White Security Service prides themselves for their high success rate. Any job WSS accepts is "guaranteed" to be completed (at least that's what their propaganda and reputation tells).
Common Equipment
Full Name: Augmented Reaction System 7th Generation Anthropod-type (ARS-7A) Height: Varies (designed to fit the wielder) Mass: 425kg standard (for the average sized model, otherwise it of course varies. Also this is prior to extensive mass-lightening) Armor: Nanomesh suit with 2-10mm Durachrome plates overlaid Powerplant: ~5MW Ultracompact Conversion Reactor (found at the back) Propulsion: Gravitic Actuators, Inertial Propulsion, Impulse Micro-thrusters Peak Running Speed: ~60 km/h (albeit certain running techniques allow much faster speed) Maximum Gravity Tolerance: ~36G Maximum Lifting Capacity: ~5,000kg under 1G Defense Systems: Inertial Compensator (cushions G-forces and assists movement), Lightwave Barrier Unit (which can alo bend light for stealth), Higgs Shield, Complex Countermeasure Suite Gen 7 Other Systems: Micro-GADAR, tactical composite sensor suite, holographic display, medical an life support systems, sensory jammers, quantum data-link
Augmented Reaction System (A.R.S.) is White Corps' invention to adapt to the changing battlefield. Gravitics, power generation, sensors and shields all reached sufficient level of miniaturization to be incorporated on the scale of infantry which gave way for yet unimaginable possibilities. ARS-7A is the 7th generation of this technology offering improved capabilities as well as new features. It's a nanomesh suit reinforced by durachrome plates to offer decent protection. It also features complex shielding trademark to any White Corps military equipment. Like its predecessors it moves by gravitic actuators combined with inertial compensators which is strong enough to lift 5 tons and run at 60km/h without engaging the thrusters. The combination of anti-gravity and impulse thrusters also gives the soldiers the ability to fly which combined with the full environmental protection allows a soldier if necessary to operate in space. While certainly advanced ARS-7 doesn't make the wearer remotely comparable to the capabilities of tanks or other vehicles equipped by competitive technology, and it wasn't even designed for that. The suit continues to serve WSS's doctrine of light and rapid response military, making most types of combat vehicles obsolete. This is the standard model battlesuit for human soldiers or those look humanoid enough to wear this comfortably. For special needs there are multitudes of different suits to equip soldiers with.
Compact grav gun used by most security personnel employed by WSS. Like its name suggests it's a portable gravitational acceleration gun working akin to rail and coilguns. It has a high-capacity subspace magazine storing ninety-nine 10mm IGP rounds which also doubles as a vacuum battery for the weapon's energy needs. The gun directly interfaces with the operator's HUD or cybernetic implant to display essential data as well as allow to freely adjust its settings. Thanks to the versatility of the rail system and the compact replicator it's possible to alter every property of the projectile prior to fire. Aside from changing the muzzle velocity or the fire rate (which can be anywhere from 30 to 30,000 RPM) the projectile itself can be also changed from its mass and material composition to its warhead (from to mini-thermonuclear projectile, from shaped charge to area fragmentation) as well as the property of the gravitational field it emits (in order to overcome shields). As a security oriented weapon GS-90M even has several non-lethal firing methods to disable opponents without killing them. Lastly as a grav gun it's possible to deflect the projectile just shortly after it left the barrel. This, the IGP's gravitic propulsion and the sophisticated sensors allow the user to accurately hit so long they aim even at the general direction of the target. Lastly GS-90M is considered "M" which stands for "multi-species". The gun can transform either via complex systems or additional tools to fit the ergonomics to nearly all known species. Like everything in White Corps GS-90M was made with the satisfaction of the customer in mind.
Standard grav rifle issued for battle conditions. Compared to the GS-90 the GAR-15 has considerably higher performance which makes it better fit for the hostile environments of open battlefield. Most notably the GAR-15 can be effectively used even as a sniper rifle without just a quick adjustment on the settings. There are only a few very specific situations where the GAR-15 cannot help the WSS personnel in battle. unfortunately this comes at the cost of larger size and lack of multi-species adaptability. GAR-15A4 is the fourth generation anthropoid-use rifle which is most commonly seen on the battlefield. It's roughly 900mm long bullpup design grav rifle (albeit the location of the 99-round subspace magazine can be switched with a few tools within minutes) with the maximum rate of fire of no less than 6,000,000 RPM. This impressive fire rate is mostly used for the infamous "iron wall" fire mode when the soldier temporarily raises his inertial compensators to maximum and unleashes all 99 bullets within less than a millisecond. The leftover vacuum from the rapid discharge is also used to cool the rifle and prevent it from overheating. The "iron wall" option is a desperate yet effective means to multiply the firepower of the rifle at the expense of emptying a whole magazine. Compared to the GS-90 the gun also has improved AI, better sensors and a more detailed HUD/cybernetic display. GAR-15 also has a tiny conversion reactor to support the so-called X-Mags. These subspace magazines have their capacity increased more than ten-fold up to 999 rounds but the field loses some stability thus requires a constant source of energy to be safely stored for long period. X-Mags are relatively unpopular due to their lower reliability but the increased magazine capacity is well-appreciated.
Compact multi-species adaptable sidearm used by WSS employees. Due to its size is less powerful than the GS-90 and has considerably less features but its real advantage lies in its adaptability to various kinds of ammunition. It has a standard 10mm IGP subspace magazine capable of holding 17 rounds but it can be adapted to use 5mm micro IGPs, 15mm magna-calibers, 7mm special and many others, even non-IGP ammunition. Special note goes to the 4mm Shrike, an intelligent railgun ammo produced by White Corps. This tiny projectile only has a limited programmable options but users are well compensated for this lack with greatly increased magazine capacity (240 rounds) as well as firing rate (60,000 compared to the 3,000 achievable by 10mm ammo). Compared to the IGP the Shrike is also rather cheap to acquire and for skeptics there exists a 50-round normal magazine which costs much less and doesn't rely on subspace storage. It worths noting though that in many systems the Shrike earned notoriety for its "shredder mode". This mode employs a small and simple life-sign proximity detector and a tiny vacuum charge to split the projectile into hundreds of microscopic shrapnels prior to impact. The effects are downright brutal on unarmored targets, often turning a grown human into mincemeat.
handheld compact PPA system used to destroy hardened targets. These weapons employ replicators to compress minuscule amounts of metastable matter into highly unstable densities for an instant while releasing them as a nanometer-thick stream at close to lightspeed. The point is to overcome defenses with the concentrated force at a reasonable energy cost. Once the stream penetrated the target it destabilizes and explodes violently inside thus often doing considerable damage. PPAs are convenient anti-armor weapons but they have a relatively short range and require a considerable time to compress matter for the next shot. P3A72M, as its name suggests, is a multi-species weapon so with the right tools and add-ons it can be modified to be used b almost any species. Depending on range and weapon settings the particle stream can have penetration up to 100mm RHDe (Rolled Homogenous Durachrome equivalent).
Name: HAAC-107B Mercutio Classification: Hover Armored Assault Carrier, Hover MBT Dimensions: length: 6880mm (8920mm w/ gun forward), width: 4445mm, height: 2860mm Weight: 420 metric tons (prior to mass compensation) Powerplant: WPG-N121S Conversion Reactor, WPG-N013C Backup Reactors x 2 Main Armament: P3V-A249 Particle Projector (mounted in a turret) Armor: 10-40mm Durachrome Composite + Integrity Fields (RHDe ~ 40-160mm) Shields: Higgs Screens, Distortion Field (special gravity field used to neutralize threats at a standoff range), Lightwave Barrier Active Protections: HCM, Fold Jammer, Graviton Scrambler, Holographic Camouflage, Pressed Particle Plates, Grav Beamers Troop Capacity: 8+2 operator seats
Mercutio is a main battle tank currently used by White Security Services. It's a well-armed, well-armored, highly capable hover vehicle. It's extremely fast and maneuverable since even with only using micro-thrusters the tank still effectively uses starfighter technology modified for the needs of armored warfare. The main armament of the tank is a starfighter-sized pressed particle projector without its fold booster. unlike the infantry-carried versions this weapon generates a far more stable and versatile stream, capable of both narrow-shoot anti-armor and wide-stream area attack modes. Since this is a direct fire weapon this means on the surface there aren't much if any situations where the weapon would reach its maximum range (compared to space warfare where the PPA is a short-range weapon). For lighter targets the tank is equipped with dozens of Grav Beamers which are compact versions of the Grav Lance technology. Mercutio has multiple shield systems and countermeasures in order to maximize the tank's survival as well as space for 8 soldiers. Regardless this vehicle is relatively unpopular since the average WSS job never reaches the intensity of conflict this tank was truly designed for.
Emplacements and Deployables
Persons of Importance
Name: Keith White Aliases: Big Boss, The White Snake Gender: Male Species: Unknown (similar to Homo Sapiens) Age: 37 (birthday is on the 345th day of a Solar Year) Height: 6'2"
Charismatic and mysterious man whose person is synonymous with his galactic enterprise. His public image is that of a well-dressed gentleman and the posterboy for the rich businessmen. He's a clam, collected individual and a great talker who frequently attends public events which only raise his popularity more. Although many people also grew to despise him as the single most well-known face of capitalism.
Still sorting out a few last details, the important stuff is done though.
The Ashtar Dominions
Species Name Biologically, Herkress hatanis, but more commonly, the Ashtar
Species Description The Ashtar are a species of reptilian humanoids with pale blue skin composed of soft, supple scales. They possess hair on their heads, but nowhere else, and their features tend to be very angular. Whenever possible, Ashtar conceal their faces from outsiders: communicating with audio only, wearing helmets and hoods, even using telekinesis to shroud their faces. In general, Ashtar are cold, formal, and distinctly arrogant. They’ll never say they’re better than you, but they’ll certainly think it.
It is important to note that the Ashtar have highly developed telepathic and telekinetic abilities, a skillset they refer to in general as psionics. This permits them to read the thoughts of other beings, communicate with their thoughts, even attack the mind of an opponent and destroy their sanity. Their telekinetic powers let them move objects with their minds, though this is a tiring process. More skilled Ashtar are capable of manipulating objects at the molecular or even subatomic level, permitting them to create fireballs, blasts of energy, or variety of other things; such feats require a tremendous understanding of the universe and a large amount of psychic power.
Another distinctive feature of the Asthar is their Union, a vast psychic network between every individual of their species, sharing all thoughts and feelings. When they die, their minds retreat into the Union, and may enter to a new body to live again. Thus, death becomes a learning experience.
Nation Name Lo Ashtar al Mishri, also referred to as the Ashtar Dominions
Nation Size In their home galaxy, the Ashtar have established a unified galactic civilization with thousands of worlds and countless billions of citizens.
Nation Description The Ashtar are an older species who have been puttering around the stars for several thousand years, accumulating a lengthy and elaborate history. Unfortunately for them, they are currently embroiled in a massive intergalactic conflict; allied with a Coalition of smaller nations, they fight off the looming threat of the Sakturi Imperium in a conflict that shows no sign of stopping.
Nation Involvement Originally, a small task force was deployed to Anuria to investigate suspected Sakturi activity; a clear violation of the Prosperos Treaty concerning interference with intra-galactic civilizations. The original task force rapidly became embroiled in the conflict, and reinforcements were deployed. Ninety years later, the Ashtar on Anuria can still sense the psionic presence of Sakturi agents, but are no closer to finding them. Standard procedures for minimum intervention were discarded long ago, along with basic luxuries. No longer do the Ashtar soldiers retire from the front; their fixation on unearthing their ancient enemy is all consuming. They die, immediately return to whatever bodies are available, and fight on, constantly taunted by the quiet whispers of the Sakturi presence.
Psionics and the Union It is important to note that the Ashtar have highly developed telepathic and telekinetic abilities, a skillset they refer to in general as psionics. This permits them to read the thoughts of other beings, communicate with their thoughts, even attack the mind of an opponent and destroy their sanity. Their telekinetic powers let them move objects with their minds, though this is a tiring process. More skilled Ashtar are capable of manipulating objects at the molecular or even subatomic level, permitting them to create fireballs or blasts of energy, or a number of other strange things. A very profound and personal knowledge of the structure of the universe is required for such feats, as well as amount of imagination and perspective. Large amounts of psychic energy are also necessary. The Union Conscious, the most important feature of the Ashtar, is composed of the linked minds of every single Ashtar. It is not that every mind is linked to a central object, but more that every mind is linked to every other mind. The Union contains the minds of every Ashtar alive today or that ever existed. Ever. Thus, every Ashtar knows every single thing their race has ever learned since the development of the Union. The minds of the dead in the Union still function properly, but they progressively decay. This gives the Ashtar the ability to effectively bring back the dead, by cloning a body of a recently dead person and inserting their mind into the cloned body. However, this is only possible for someone dead within the last millennium or so. Beyond that, and the mind cannot function properly in a body. Eventually, the minds decay completely. The oldest minds of the Union simply sit in the background. The Union is the answer to nearly all problems within Ashtar society. All minds are linked, all feelings known, all thoughts and knowledge shared. This eliminates the need for education, law enforcement, and an uncountable number of other things. Thus, any Ashtar can effectively perform any job that may be required. A farmer can become a doctor with no effort, thanks to the knowledge shared through the Union.
Government The Union grants the Ashtar near unlimited capacity for self government. They are nominally ruled by five Priest Hierarchs, who are the most powerful and wise of the Ashtar of the current day. They represent the Ashtar to foreign nations and moderate the endless dialogues within the Union. The Hierarchs also tend to embody and reflect the most basic emotions of the Union, shaping it with their being, even as it shapes them, each new Hierarch changing the Union in their own way.
Religion The Ashtar are fervently devoted to their god Mishri, hence their name. Countless millennia ago, Mishri saved them from death at the hands of monstrosities beyond imagination, and revealed himself to the Ashtar as their creator and God. The Ashtar rejoiced in this discovery and threw themselves into worship. They believed that Mishri was the one true God of all creation, and for many years they were militant zealots. The Ashtar saw heresy against their god on countless worlds, and burned them in punishment. The end result was a long and bloody war with a forgotten foe, who were exterminated completely. In disgust, Mishri returned to the Ashtar to chastise them and reveal certain truths to them. Most importantly, Mishri revealed that he was not the one true god of the universe, simply one of many, and that he had created the Ashtar to be his tools in the mortal realm. He also warned them of the two opposing Necessities of the Universe, which contend against each other in pursuit of the Choice That Will Come. In their shame, the Ashtar psionicly bound themselves to a set of Oaths, which they were physically incapable of violating. They are as follows: 1. "To bring harm only in self defence." 2. "To speak no word that is not true." 3. "To serve Mishri and the Necessities in preparation for the Choice." 4. "To spread the word of Mishri and the knowledge of the Necessities.” 5. "To remain bound to these Oaths until we have fulfilled our purpose" It is the first two Oaths that are the most important, though in eons since they were established, they Ashtar have become adept at finding loopholes in them. Amongst the Coalition, they are famous for having very broad definitions of the terms “self defence”, and are well known for never lying, but never telling the entire truth either.
Daily Life Thanks to the Union and a highly automated industry sector, Ashtar citizens enjoy almost unlimited leisure time. This free time is usually spent in worship in the grand temples of Mishri, or in pursuit of trades, or traveling. Citizens spend time strolling through the majestic cities of the Ashtar, in public gardens, attending theatre performances, and many other forms of communal entertainment. Personal luxury is plentiful, but a deep seated love of community means that shared leisure activities remain the most popular.
Clothing Ashtar garb is usually quite androgynous. They prefer graceful flowing robes of a silk-like material, usually with light capes. The robes vary greatly in color and cut, and frequently are accompanied by decorative stoles. Hats are very rarely worn. One may wonder why the Ashtar prefer such antiquated clothing, but the answer is simple: each and every Ashtar has a deep seated love of melodrama. This can be proved by the fact that, even when not in a hurry, Ashtar walk briskly so that their robes flow and flutter dramaticly behind them. When an individual wishes to walk slowly to enjoy the scenery, they use their telekinetic abilities to ensure their robes continue fluttering.
Architecture The great majestic cities of the Ashtar are rarely seen by outsiders, for the simple fact that Ashtar worlds are really quite boring to outsiders. Ashtar arhcitects endeavour to make most buildings round, but not circular, with as few corners as possible. Buildings are usually towers built of a gleaming, silvery-blueish metal with slender arches or inverted arches emerging from the sides and touching the ground. Slender spires, spirals, and corskrews are all popular shapes as well.
Ashtar technology is in some respects extremely sophisticated, while in others it remains brutally simple. Their FTL systems, for example, demonstrate a highly refined mastery of gravity and dimensional physics. On the other hand, their weapons systems are primarily based around simple but highly destructive particle beams.
A note on psytech: Converting psionic power into useable physical energy was one of the Ashtar’s greatest scientific achievements, and it now forms an integral part of much of their technology. A particular type of synthesized carbon isotope crystal is able to conduct psionic energy; it can be used as a transmitter and receiver, or shaped to hold particular warp forms, which only require a trickle of psionic energy to activate. Sensors and C&C systems in particular make heavy use of the Ashtar’s inherent psionic powers. Psytech weapons are horrifically powerful, and are forbidden except for the smallest of infantry devices.
Power Generation: The basis of much Ashtar technology is a handy little particle derived from metallic state xenon referred to as “Omega” particles. Usually highly volatile, careful manipulation can push the particles into a self sustaining stable configuration that generates vast amounts of useable power; this is usually done in devices called harmonics chambers. Harmonics chambers require power to sustain them, but generate much more than they consume. Great stress, caused by weapons fire, for example, destabilizes the Omega particles and causes a massive explosion, providing an extremely effective self-destruct sequence for Ashtar ships. The destructive potential of Omega particles is widely used in Ashtar weapons systems.
Gates: The primary Ashtar method of FTL travel, Gate drives are essentially wormhole generators. They bend and then cut through space and subspace, cutting a razor thin hole through spacetime. The other side of the Gate ends up being in another location. Gate generators mounted on ships can travel great but still limited distances, and take time to recharge. To compensate, any ship larger than a corvette will have at least two generators. Gates are extremely elaborate metaphysical constructs, and are therefore vulnerable to disruption by extreme gravity and other anomalies.
Graviton Jump Drives: An older method of FTL travel, jump drives are sturdier and more reliable than their newer counterparts. Recently brought back into common use, jump drives comprise the secondary FTL systems of Ashtar ships. Jump drives involve using intense gravitational bursts to move an object from point A to point B near instantaneously. The Ashtar have refined the technology to be useable on even small objects such as fighter craft and missiles, granting a huge amount of tactical flexibility. Jump drives trade range for rapid recharge times, leaving Gate drives responsible for long distance travel.
Corvette Sheiding: 4 shield generators create a skin that follows the contours of the ship. Conventional weapons will have their energy absorbed by the shields and fed into the ships power batteries. The 4 shield generators will rotate, so that no one generator is submitted to more stress than any other. Even more useful is the fact that the system will automatically divert power to any point of impact.
Cruiser and Capital ship shielding: On larger Capital Ships, as many as 50 shield generators will function in unison to create two layers of. shielding. In short, nothing will get through, other than constant pounding with powerful weapons. These shields are the same as corvette shields, though infinitely more powerful, and they also create an outer shield bubble as well as a conformal shield skin.
Armor: Ashtar ships have from 1 to 30 meters of armor plating on top of the already highly resilient hull. Plating is constantly active, is capable of absorbing and distributing tremendous force, and is also backed up by an energy field. Plating is a misleading term, as Ashtr armor is a continuous shell rather than many plates.
Shipboard Artificial Intelligence Constructs: It quickly became clear to the Ashtar that conventional computer systems could not manage their massive capital ships, even with psionic interfaces. A highly sophisticated AI system was developed to manage the more complex systems of the ship. The AI has direct control of the entire ship, permitting Captial ships to operate with a significantly reduced crew. The AI usually takes care of the more complex controls of the ship, such as the rotation and automatic compensation of the shields, the energy absorption functions of the shields, the control of the thousands of point defense weapons, the control of lighter ship-to-ship weapons, internal security, and many other things, though a crew is still required. Curiously enough, the Ashtar gave each respective system aboard each respective ship it's own distinctive personality and appearance and name, making the AI almost a person. As well as appearing on display screens, the AI can project an interactive hologram of itself. The AI also has control over many service androids, and 1 highly sophisticated android known as an Avatar. This Avatar shares the AI's appearance and personality. In case of contamination or internal error, the entire AI can be shut down remotely with a unique psionic command from the Ashtar.
Psionic Interface: As well as the AI, Ashtar ships are also equipped with psionic interfaces, allowing any number of Ashtar to directly control various functions of the ship with their minds. This is what gives Ashtar corvettes their incredible maneuverability, and what gives all ships their pinpoint accuracy.
While Ashtar ground forces leave much to be desired, their vessels of war truly fearsome. Powerful shields and weapons combined with advanced technologies and highly versatile FTL mean that even the pathetic remnants of the Sacred Armadas are a force to be reckoned with. The Ashtar fleets don’t adhere to traditional models; they lack heavier ships such as battleships and dreadnoughts, and instead have absolutely colossal capital ships that completely eclipsed the competition, even among Coalition nations. Conventional Ashtar strategy involves dispatching a single capital ship and a support fleet of cruisers and corvettes to problem areas, and letting the capital ship’s immense firepower and vast hangars solve the problem while the cruisers and corvettes fill support roles.
Strelnikov class corvette Besides strike craft, these are the smallest vessels in the Sacred Armadas. Small, fast, and easy to build, these nimble craft are deployed in vast numbers. The standard loadout is four light yield pulsed Omega cannons, two DEL turrets, and a single omega torpedo launcher. In combat, Strelnikov’s either mass into screening formations to protect their assigned capital ship, or they form hunter-killer wolfpacks, and use their extreme speed to sweep through enemy fleets in formation and take down targets of opportunity. Strelnikov’s are small enough to operate in atmosphere as well, making them highly useful in multiple situations.
Archangel class cruiser The workhorse of the Armadas. The Archangel is an extremely versatile medium cruiser that strikes a good balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as long range and short range weaponry. Multiple variations of this class exist for different combat situations, though the long range variant is more plentiful these days. It has a higher than usual number of missile launchers, and attempts to engage enemy forces at a distance. They also play an important role in providing point defence for capital ships.
Vigilance class assault cruiser A newer design than the Archangel that makes the fight up close and personal. The Vigilance is equipped with minimal point defence systems and missiles. Instead, it has a higher number of heavy ship-to-ship weapons, a greater number of jump drives, and heavier armour plating. The Vigilance is designed to use its FTL systems to jump right into the middle of enemy formations and unload its heavy weaponry on them, counting on its heavy armour to keep it intact until it can jump away again.
Capital ships Each and every capital ship is a unique work of art and a triumph of the Ashtar as a race. Part battleship, part carrier, part command vessel, each of these mighty vessels is built as close to perfect as possible and with loving attention to detail. There is no standard configuration; each fulfills a purpose, though there are some generalized types that have emerged. To provide a few examples, Combat variants bring as much heavy ship-to-ship weaponry to bear as they possibly can and back it up with immensely powerful shield generators. ECW variants trade some firepower for extremely advanced electronic warfare suites, permitting them to interfere with the targeting systems of entire enemy fleets. Carrier variants also sacrifice firepower in exchange for much larger hangars which they use to store colossal numbers of strike craft. Even among variants, no two ships are the same. Exactly 100 are in operation at any given time, making them rare, but even one of these massive ships can change the tide of battle. Any battle except Anuria, it seems. Originally the Ashtar deployed the combat variant Behold Our Wrath Given Form and Function and its support elements to Anuria, but it took heavy damage and had to retreat. Unwilling to divert extra capital ships away from the main front, the Ashtar instead dispatched the fleet support variant Perhaps it is Best to Redefine the Rules of Engagement. Instead of directly engaging in combat and risking a valuable asset, Rules of Engagement remains hidden in system, deploying and supporting cruisers and corvettes.
Another area where the Ashtar excel, Ashtar air forces grant their ground soldiers heavy fire support and high mobility. Strelnikov corvettes see a lot of action in Anuria’s atmosphere; they are small and fast enough to slip past enemy fleets in orbit. Their small size and aerodymanic profile also means they are not as resource intensive to operate in atmosphere as larger ships. Strelnikovs are used to bring heavy fire support against fortified positions.
Coralis gunship A perfect blend of performance and design, Coralis class gunships are mass produced for deployment all across the Sakturi front. Twin graviton turbines provide excellent mobility, letting the Coralis rapidly transport a surprising number of soldiers all across the battlefield. This mobility means reduced armor, but heavy shielding, decoy flares, and ECW tactics keep the Coralis in the skies. When acting as fire support, the Coralis boasts a number of weapon systems. Its primary armament is somewhat unusual for Ashtar craft; a pair of graviton “thumper” turrets, useful in any situations. Heavy firepower is presented by a dorsally mounted pulsed Omega cannon. Side mounted missile pods complete the Coralis’ armament.
Swiftwind fighter The newest space superiority fighter, the Swiftwind was designed with a variable geometry nanite hull, making it suitable for both vacuum and atmosphere. Rapidfire DEL cannons, an arsenal of missiles, and two pulsed Omega cannons make it well suited for almost any opponent. The nanite hull is not as robust as a solid counterpart, but decent shields keep the Swiftwind in the fight. Swiftwinds are remotely operated by psionic interface, so even at extreme ranges, there is no control lag. Adept Swiftwind controllers can operate three, four or even five craft simultaneously. The lack of pilots and the simplicity of producing more of them means Swiftwinds tend to be deployed in massive swarms, and are considered disposable.
Ashtar ground forces are significantly less effective than their space fleets. Their infantry is well equipped and trained, and has the unique advantage of psionic support, but they are severely lacking in armor support. This shortcoming has persisted for centuries, as the Ashtar usually rely on other Coalition members to provide the bulk of ground forces while the Ashtar attend to their fleets. When they do engage in surface warfare, they prefer mobility, and are heavily reliant on advanced gunships to quickly move them around the battlefield.
Ashtar Commando The basic infantry unit of the Ashtar forces. They’re equipped with mk. VII heavy power armor, which comes with built a built in graviton thumped and rapidfire DEL carbine. A variety of other wieldable weapons can be plugged into the armour’s power systems. Mk. VII power armour also comes equipped with tactical cloaking systems, fully functioning shield generators, wrist mounted energy sabres, and limited capability thrusters, permitting soldiers brief periods of flight. The majority of Ashtar commandos are extremely skilled warriors, having lived multiple lives and perfected their skills over hundreds of years. Death is a learning experience.
Psintegrat support commando Psintegrat (plural psintegrae) is a general term the Ashtar use to identify all users of psionic talents, either telepathic or telekinetic. There are two common varieties: psykers and psions. Psykers are telekinetic specialists; they use their skills to throw debris at the enemy, or generate protective bubble shields for their squads, or any number of other useful things. They excel at disrupting enemy formations. Psions are dedicated telepaths; they are absolutely essential in fighting the highly telepathic Sakturi, where they use their abilities to defend their comrades from telepathic attacks. Any squad without an attached psion quickly find themselves going insane as Sakturi psintegrae tear into their minds. Psions are used as a form of biological electronic warfare; they spy on enemy soldiers, stealing critical information and tactics from their thoughts, anticipating their moves, and keeping friendly soldiers safe from ambushes. They can also distract enemy soldiers with illusions and other minor distractions; extremely strong psions can sometimes even take control of an enemy soldier after crushing their mind. Be they psyker or psion, Ashtar psintegrae are arguably their greatest advantage on the battlefield.
Terrestrial Vehicle support
Ether-type anti-personel walker The Ether is a small walker that fulfils a very simple role. It has two pilots, minimal shielding, the snakelike flexible limbs characteristic of Ashtar walkers, and two dual rapid fire DEL pulse cannons, which can mow down enemy infantry like blades of grass. The Ether is unfortunately not very well protected, and can be brought down with as little as well aimed small arms fire. Recognizing these flaws, they are attempting to design a new vehicle to fill this role, but until that design is complete, the Ether remains on the frontlines.
Almas-type heavy walker In complete contrast to the Ether, the Almas is a very large, heavily armoured, heavily shielded, and heavily armed heavy walker. It is armed with a number of high-yield DEL beam weapons, ideal for slicing through enemy tanks, graviton thumpers, and a single pulsed omega cannon for use against fortified positions. The Almas, though expensive and time consuming to build, is a solid heavy armour design. However, in engagements between armour units, the lack of support available to Almas walkers is their downfall. They are usually supported by a number of Ether-type walkers, but those are easily destroyed, and then the Almas is highly vulnerable to swarm tactics, as its weapon systems are designed to engage other heavy tanks, not multiple medium tanks or platoons of infantry with rocket launchers. This is another shortcoming the Ashtar are attempting to address, and relatively few Almas walkers are currently in service.
Weapons Tech
Directed Energy Lances (DEL): These simple energy weapons fire a beam of energy drawn directly from the power reserves of a ship. DEL are used against smaller, less powerful targets, such as frigates or light cruisers, so they are also used as point defense weapons. Appear as a thin sky blue beam. Obviously has a variable yield, making it a versatile weapon. Used by all ships.
Pulse DEL: similar to standard DELs, these ones fire pulses instead of continuous beams. They are slightly more compact, making them suitable for small craft, such as Swiftwing type interceptors. They can also be mounted on turrets for use as point defense weapons. Used by all ships.
Heavy Ship-to-Ship Omega Beam Cannons: The mainstay of Ashtar weaponry. These weapons fire a stream of omega particles which de-stabilize on impact, causing immense damage. Appear as a thick, dark blue beam. Variable yield, though still only really suitable for heavy ship combat. Mounted on large dual-barreled turrets; usually multiple turrets are placed together in batteries. The hardware necessary to generate and sustain a stable beam of Omega particles is prohibitively bulky; while extremely powerful, these weapons are only used by Ashtar capital ships and some cruiser configurations.
Pulsed Omega Cannon: Pulsed version of the heavy beam cannons. Generating a single pulse of Omega particles contained in a polaron field is much simpler than a sustained beam, making this weapon much more compact and widely used, though it packs less of a punch than the beam version. Used by all classes of starships, some ground and air force elements.
Energized Flak System: A polaron field holds a burst of energy in suspension until the field dissipates, at which point the energy explodes outwards, destroying projectiles and attenuating energy weapons. Adjusting the strength of the polaron field adjusts the range of the round. These weapons are the mainstay of Ashtar point defence.
Variable Configuration Missiles: One of the staples of Ashtar offensive power. These missiles are assembled in segments: warhead, fuselage, and drive system. There are multiple types of each segment; armour piercing warheads, anti-shield warheads, extra fuel containers, high speed drive system, enhanced tracking systems, miniaturized jump drives, etc. The segments are all interchangeable and can be assembled in any configuration, making them extremely versatile weapons.
Omega torpedo: uses a small harmonics chamber, similar to Ashtar power generators, containing large numbers of omega particles. Particles de-stabilize on impact, causing immense damage. Though vastly more potent than missiles, torpedoes are quite a bit larger and slower. This means they are more or less useless against strike craft, and can be more easily shot down by point defense. Used by all ships
Thumper Cannons: An old-but-new development deployed on Coralis gunships and as a ground weapon. The Ashtar’s previous experiments with graviton weapons were lacking the kind of finesse Ashtar prefer in their weapons, but recent conflicts have brought the weapons back into action. A gravity field generator creates pulsed gravitic distortions that are fired like bullets. The great value of thumpers is their versatility; they can fire weak shots rapidly for anti-infantry purposes, or charge a stronger shot for hardened targets. They also don’t plasmatize the atmosphere around them (an annoying habit of Omega weapons that makes them more or less fatal to ground operators as well as targets).
Infantry weapons
Ashtar infantry have a variety of weapons systems available to them. None of them have extended designations or individualized names due to mass standardization. As soon as a new DEL carbine is developed, all older models are matter recycled and new ones are synthesized. No version number is necessary; it is simply the DEL carbine.
DEL carbine: A tribute to the age old adage “keep it simple, stupid” the Directed Energy Lance carbine is about as simple as energy weapons tech gets. The carbine simply draws power from a micro fusion core and shapes it into a coherent destructive beam. While simple, the DEL carbine is by no means weak. Unprotected targets are neatly sliced apart, and the beam can deal heavy damage to armor and shields as well. Highly modular additions can be made to the rifle in the field, increasing range at the expense of fire rate and the like. Good range, excellent accuracy, available continuous fire, no recoil and virtually no ammunition limits mean the simple DEL carbine is used by all Ashtar soldiers to great effect.
Anti-materiel omega sniper rifle: The one exception to the “Omega particles are bad news for infantry” rule, this rifle fires a single Omega particle caught up in a stabilizing polaron field. While the rifle’s purpose is indeed to destroy enemy vehicles, ‘anti-materiel’ might be something of a misnomer, since the destabilization of a single Omega particle results in an explosion akin to a tactical nuclear weapon being detonated. Great for when you really, really, REALLY want something dead. The ammunition for this weapon is kept in micro-harmonics chambers in its inert form. When the round is chambered, the weapon activates and stabilizes the Omega particle, and establishes its polaron field. The destructive power, potential for abuse, and overall extreme danger of this weapon means that it sees very limited deployment.
Plasmacaster beam weapon: Firing a continuous stream of superheated plasma, this weapon is the pinnacle of anti-infantry technology.
Personal thumper cannon: Moderate anti-infantry capabilities in rapid fire mode, good anti-vehicle capabilities with charged shots, personal thumper cannons are a nice midway point in portable heavy weapons systems.
Plasma grenades Pretty standard general purpose grenade.
Psytech weapons
An army of psintegrae may seem unstoppable, but the reality is that throwing things around with the mind is extremely tiring. To that end, the Ashtar use a number of psytech based infantry weapons to maximize the efficiency of their psionic power.
Der Lancen: An Ashtar innovation adored by psintegrae from all over Coalition space, the Der Lancen warp is an extremely effective anti-armor tool. Talented psintegrae may favour using the warp directly, but the Ashtar have developed a psytech tool that any old psintegrat can use with minimal effort. The Der Lancen warp itself involves superheating a bit of metal until it reaches a plasma state, then firing it at near-relativistic speeds at an oncoming target. A powerful psintegrat can use any bit of metal lying around, or may even choose to generate the metal himself. For everyone else, there is the Der Lancen psytech charge. The charge is a cigar sized cylinder containing a carbon-isotope crystal matrix with the Der Lancen warp imprinted in it, and a small ‘warhead’ of metal. Knowledge of the warp is not required to activate the charge, only a correctly attuned nudge of psionic power. Der Lancen psytech charges are widely used by Ashtar forces, and present a more convenient anti-material option than the Omega particle sniper rifle.
Truthliit Basically a psionic flashbang, Truthliit overwhelms its targets with psionic ‘white noise’; the futility of existence, the truth of life, fear, anger, hatred, love, basically an intense barrage of conflicting thoughts and emotions that will overwhelm all but the hardiest of minds. In psytech form, it is a simple grenade-like device with the warp imprinted in carbon isotope crystal. Unlike regular flashbangs, Truthliit cannot be screened out by helmet systems. On the downside, multiple exposures will have reduced and eventually no effect as targets become psionicly ‘hardened’. For this reason, the Ashtar generally try to kill everyone caught in the radius, unless prisoners are specifically desired.
Stihlpont A nasty little follow up to Truthliit, a Stihlpont grenade explodes into tiny, monofilament sharp spikes that can completely shred exposed flesh or seek out weak points in armour. Can be psionically controlled for extreme precision.
To be continued as needed
(General ideas only ATM)
DEL AA emplacements
Autonomous thumper cannons
Portable shield generators
Recon drones
Various psytech gizmos
Point Jakurna A massive spire hidden away in the Northern Wastelands serves as the hub of all Ashtar activity on world. Jammers and cloaking fields combine with the Wasteland's natural interference to make the base all but undetectable. Potential attackers would find themselves contending with heavy weapons emplacements and powerful shields.
(Names only for the moment, still need to rewrite their bios) Llyena Kurath, Supreme High Admiral of the Sacred Armadas, generally in charge of the whole war effort Arctus, Hierarch of War, Rage, Destruction Ichael, Hierarch of Life and Death, Depravity, Compassion Lith Diae, General, Commanding officer of the Ashtar forces on Anuria
Species Description A very human like race that shares many traits with them. Though over the many years, the race has become heavily augmented with both biological and nanotechnology enhancements, thus strengths depend on what role the individual plays in the society. The race all seem to have varying shades of grey hair, pale white skin, and red or blue eyes, though there are some who have dark orange eyes. The average height of a Valkeria is around 5 feet 9 inches. Their major separating trait from humans other than their more uniform skin color and eye color, there natural resistance to otherwise highly toxic environments, and to be generally more tolerant of extreme environments. Centuries of living on heavily industrialized planets allows them to easily breath and operate in highly polluted areas, whether artificial or natural. There military reflects this with its heavy use of chemical warfare.
Nation Name Avienian Empire
Nation Size Five solar systems, several outer stations, and various hidden military sites all scattered within their territory.
Nation Description The Valkeria people began on their home planet of Avier, a planet originally vibrant and full of life. After a few centuries, large nations began to form on the planet, many having different views and values alike, but these nations were very few. There wasn't very much they could be divided on except their values and beliefs. Wars were waged, blood was spilled, and time went on until period of time known as "The Great Industrial Revolution" were the few nations of the world built immense machines, factories, and industrial complexes to fuel their advancement. From then on, the nations continued to be industrious, creating more and more advance machines and weaponry to fight each other with, yet war did not break out. Soon the resources that once fueled their heavily industrialized nations became scarcer and scarcer. The various nations started to become desperate and began forming heavy trade alliances and eventually merging in order to keep up with the demand. Finally after centuries of industrialization, merging, and alliances, two great nations stood against each other in the war to end all wars. A massive century long war broke out between the two major nations, destroying much of what they had built and finally ending in the last nation standing to rule the ruins of their world. Now that the single nation stood, it seemed it was on the brink of collapse as resources began to run thin and much of the world in ruin. The air itself had become so heavily polluted that it was almost impossible to breath. The Valkeria, desperate to save their race from massive civil war, began to look to the stars for a solution. And they found it.
For the first time, a manned mining vessel landed on one of the two orbiting moons to begin operations. Soon, the entire system had been heavily colonized and being stripped of resources. The newly formed interplanetary nation of Avienian Empire began to spread out into other systems, but as they expanded, old scares began to open and soon a great civil war broke out between the main government and other planets. The war was eventually won by Avienian Empire, but the cost once again was great. It was then the government went from a collective rule into a heavily controlling Totalitarian rule with limiter augmentations in place. The government still had problems though with fully controlling its people and needed a unifying solution.
The nation of Avienian Empire encountered its first alien species when it went to colonize their fifth system. This seemed like the unifying solution that was needed to gain complete control of the people of Avienian Empire. The government fabricated an elaborate lie that the species was all savages that murdered and raped peaceful colonists. The nation soon went to war with the alien species and quickly overwhelmed the much smaller alien nation. This set the policy of Avienian Empire on how they would deal with other alien nations. Very few nations have been able to established an alliance with the Empire's generally xenophobic government.
Nation Involvement The Avienian Empire is always craving for new territories to add to its ever expanding empire. So it was no surprised that with the assassination of the diplomatic leader to on of the human factions, the Avienian Empire "gladly" joined into the fray to push against the seemingly even more territory hungry humans. Fingers crossed that they are here to simply push the enemy out, and not here to conquer the entire system.... While allied factions of course are not fooled, this war of attrition was already tiring out their reserves, so the massive boost in industrial muscle was more than welcomed.
Technology They are fairly advanced, focusing on usually reliability and firepower when it comes to weaponry used by the Empire's forces. As a result, they mainly used kinetic based weapons, as they tend to be much more durable than their energy based counter parts.
Navy Description
There are only a small handful of these massive ships equipped with huge amounts of firepower. They also posses heavy defenses with thick, high tech armored plating and a single shield that must be turned off before firing weapons or launching ships. They can carry a large invasion force or simply engage large numbers of ships. Though these ships are few and far between as they are incredibly hard to make and expensive. Also, they can only stay in space.
This ship is mainly used for the invasion of planets. They can carry large amounts of soldiers and supplies as well as equipped with drop pod bays. These ships are also lightly armed, thus are usually escorted by more heavily armed ships and fighters. Commonly will land on planets after an initial invasion to deploy more heavier units and act as command bases.
These large ships are mainly used for naval warfare and planetary bombardment. They are equipped with large railguns and missile pods. This is another ship that must remain in space
A missile destroyer type vessel, these mediums sized ships only posses one railgun. Though they can release huge missile barrages on targets and work great as support ships. They may also provide defense against enemy fighters. This ship can enter the atmosphere of planets.
A multi role ship that provides the backbone of the fleet. Equipped with a wide variety of weaponry and medium type armor. This ship can enter the atmosphere of planets. This can carry a complement of ground forces for invasions.
Like a battleship, only more heavily armed and less armored. Mainly used for Anti Ship warfare. They also include a compliment of fighters and soldiers. It cannot go planet side.
Air Force Description
This light transport can carry squads of troops into battle and is used for fast aerial assaults and extractions.
This heavily armed troop transport is used for a variety of roles from aerial assaults to Air to Ground support.
This large transport is mainly used for logistical support or heavy aerial assault. Though it is very lightly armed.
This aircraft is a multi role vehicle, being able to engage enemy ground, air, and space units depending on its payload.
Ground Force Description
Ground Troops:
These soldiers have been augment with pain limiters and are heavily trained, making tough soldiers. Due to both their equipment and the state of most the planets, they can fight in hazardous environments very effectively. They mainly use kinetic type weaponry such as rifles and machine guns. A squad usually consists of three rifle men, a medic, an anti infantry soldier, an anti vehicle soldier, and a squad leader. Anti Infantry soldiers are armed with machine guns and grenade launchers. The Anti Vehicle soldier is typically armed with a multi purpose missile launcher and rail-gun. All soldiers are equipped with armored suits that protect them from medium to light weaponry, both kinetic and energy based. Their helmets provided a sealed environment and advanced HUD. Various secondary equipment is also attached for various roles. Marksman may have enhanced zoom optics while medics may have special modules for evaluating trauma to friendly soldiers.
These soldiers are the special forces of the military, often being deployed via orbital drop pods. They have been augmented with combat enhancers such as strength and speed and are used for going behind enemy lines and wreaking havoc, or as a quick reactionary fighting force. As seen in the image, they are equipped with special power armor and weapons, sometimes even experimental such as personal shields or energy lances. However, due to their wide variety of armaments, each squad will probably be equipped differently in comparison to the last.
This armored wheeled vehicle is equipped with twin energy cannons, being on of the few energy weapon platforms used by Empire forces. It's also armed with a rocket pod, carrying four missiles of varying types. The APK-354 is quite fast and highly mobile, but lacks any serious armor. Its only real defense is its Electron shield to protect it from enemy explosives. It can easily carry a squad's worth of soldiers.
This heavy, versatile tank carries twin 120mm rail guns that can punch through shields. It is also equipped with a single missile pod that can launch two to four missiles of varying types. Though its only sort of shield is a "Electron Shield" that can only protect it from explosive projectiles.
This large, heavy walker is used in for siege type battles and heavy support with many weapons. Most notable would be the large 170mm rail gun turret mounted on the top. It doubles as a mobile AA platform and command center.
This large, automated 190mm regular howitzer as a variety of ammunition it can fire, ranging from massive HE rounds to large gas canisters for chemical warfare.
"That's the Butcher of Ak'Aria! We're screwed! We are all screwed!"-unnamed enemy soldier
This is an example of the most common form of the unit. Highly configurable and rugged, these machines are probably some of the most notorious war machines that the Empire's forces are known for aside from their heavy use of chemical warfare. From melee weapons to 50mm autocannons, these are very versatile weapon platforms that can take a serious number of punches thanks to its advanced shielding. Each unit is also equipped with boosters, allowing them to be highly agile for its size and be deployed at high altitudes with shock troopers. The main drawback is that they are not very common. Much skill, training, and combat experience is required before a pilot can merge with this machine.
Headquarters The Karvanta Foothold. A large, heavily defended base with three Sturm Class ships landed in the center. These three ships will occasionaly take off once they have finally finished unloading their massive cargo holds, but it takes a very long time to empty a Sturm class, thus its not very common. The main fleet holds a part of it in orbit above the base, protecting it from any orbital attacks.
Persons of Importance Wolk Vankompf, Kommandeur of the Avienian Empire Helma Walsi, General of all ground operations in Anuria Argil Hensel, Commander of all orbital assets of the Anuria Campaign
Species Description Compared to the normal human, the Vaegir are slightly larger and have more muscle mass on them. In addition they have geometric "lines" on their bodies that slightly glow and are more adapted to colder climates but are not discouraged from warmer climates (although they absolutely despise deserts for the most part). Perhaps the most interesting feature is their cat like ears which is more evident on females but can be spotted on males as well.
Nation Size The USVI is spread out across roughly five different systems totaling up to around 61 billion citizens at the last census.
Nation Description The USVI is an interesting bunch as they have just come out of a communist dictatorship into a what can be seen as a blossoming monarchy. Once known as the People's Republic of Socialist Vaegir Systems (PRSVS), or simply the PRV.
After a short civil war, social reorganize and maybe a purge or two, the Holy Vaegir Empire arose from the ashes of the PRV. However, due to the lingering effects of generations of communist propaganda and pro-communist thinkers, the HVE fell into a state of chaos only solved when the heir to the throne assassinated his father and implemented a mix of socialism into the HVE, turning it into the USVI. Since then, the Imperium has enjoyed an era of peace and has been building up its military only to set it on the new Anuria campaign in an effort to continue their advancement.
Its military is large and its armor and ships intimidating, but soldier for soldier, they're actually weaker than other nation's troops. Most They just have more troops to compensate, assisted by the fact women serve in the military as well.
Nation Involvement The Vaegir's reason for being on Anuria is short and simple. They want the natural material of the planet to further their cause (as they have some pretty big fucking things) and use it as another way station/outpost.
Technology Give us an overview of the kind of technology available to your nation. How advanced are they?
Naval Warships
Speedy one-man quick reaction VTOLs meant for local air support, patrolling and covering fire, theses aircraft work wonders against ground troops but unlike the rest of the USVI'd fighters, do not work in space and can only operate in atmosphere. While most are armed with a variety of automatic cannons, newer models have railguns instead.
The Imperium's bomber craft, these things are slow and bulky but in turn are pretty tanky and can hold a lot of bang. Armed with an arsenal of missile, rockets, bombs and front-mounted rotary cannons, these can level areas with devastating efficiency even against other naval ships.
Actually a modified version of a MB4 prototype, the U-42i is an orbital troop transport capable of carrying an entire platoon and supplies and can also load up whatever "light" vehicles the Imperium has to offer. Its slow and tanky but its well protected and can provide local fire support for disembarking troops with his front guns.
Mainline fighter craft for the USVI, being speedy, nimble and frail. Armed with repeating cannons and sometimes rockets, these are the primary crafts used in space battles. Being destroyed in droves is counteracted by the ease of production and simplicity of operating it.
Ground Force Description
A hold over from the days of the PRV, they are the criminal scum, rebels and "free thinkers" considered dangerous to the state. The Vaegirs never had any true court of law, dividing up crimes between two tiers; the first tier was for things considered small or inconsequential which punishment was "light". Tier two was for the people considered a danger to the monarchy or the state as a whole and punished with death. However, given the new state of war on Anuria, they have been repurposed as conscripts for the army.
As one might expect from a Penal Battalion, they are given very little training (mostly in the form of running) and poor equipment. Few are ever equipped with more than blades and pistols with no armor to speak of. The lucky ones might scrounge up a battered old rifle but they are shot on sight it they attempt to either procure better weapons or attempt to desert. To say their life even when not in combat is harsh is an understatement, but their angry translates well in the art of war when they get in close to enemies. If they ever do.
Standard infantry of the USVI, they were the first military unit to receive upgrades after the Enlightenment. These men and women were once the worse equipped and trained people to be called soldiers, literally lacking enough guns to all be armed. One could even say that they used to be worse than then the Penal Conscripts! After the Enlightenment however, they are now a disciplined fighting force, capable of standing their ground and fighting back. They are the brave backbone of the USVI army and provide a solid firing line against the enemies of the Imperium.
Guardsmen clad in heavy armor with a heavy tri-barreled auto cannon, they aren't very mobile but they are more than capible of holding points and act like living sentry turrets. Their armor has a "lock down" ability which grounds them on one place but lets them fire with less worry of recoil. Many also use a DIBS shield in their free hand to protect themselves. Comically enough, some troops are more willing to advance along side Sentinels than armored vehicles.
Specialized Marines with a penchant for adrenaline rushes and being jackasses. These soldiers are more specialized and trained to be a quick reaction force to any situation that might suddenly develop. Due to jetpacks and jump jets, they are a highly mobile unit which also serves the various roles of which light infantry did in the generations past. They are very rarely ever deployed by land, and almost always go in via sky or space. They also serve as the Imperium's primary ship-to-ship combat infantry for boarding and counter-boarding.
Another hold over from the days of the PRV the Red Guards are an elite unit of shock troopers a cut above everything else. They serve as an models for the "ideal soldier", loyal, unwavering and deadly. They're actually something akin to their own military branch due to a special charter signed by the King with their own air force and specialized armor. However, they are few in numbers as they have strict entry requirements and harsh lifestyles. It doesn't help that most of them still hold some lingering longing for the PRV but they remain loyal to the new monarchy even as their numbers continue to dwindle. They mostly use older models of weapons out of tradition since they know exactly how those weapons function.
Armored Units
The smallest of Imperial armor, its has a comparably tiny crew of three. Armed with a 56mm main gun and a coaxial machine gun, its purpose is to provide advancing forces with precious armor support which most other Imperial armor cannot provide in such a quick notice. Can also be fitted with dual auto cannons for AA or to seriously fuck up someone's day.
A massive 130mm gun on a rugged chassis meant for direct fire support. With a skilled crew, a small battery of these can rain hell from range with ease. Of course, its otherwise very vulnerable and only has a forward facing MG to protect it and its crew.
The only dedicated transport of the Imperium's military armor divisions, it can hold a squad of troops or hold a great deal of supplies and tow stuff. Its armed with a top mounted rotary cannon and a flamethrower affectionately called the "crotch flamer" or "flaming balls of justice" depending on the person driving.
In case there wasn't enough "fuck" in "fuck you". The GT RKT-M8 is perhaps the pinnacle of what the Imperium thinks armor should be; big fucking things with enough guns to level a small city. This monstrosity of tank is about 3 stories high and can put out enough bullets and ordinance to replace the air in a local area with bullets. Needless to say, even if these beasts are slow, its best you do not get anywhere close to the wrong end of it.
In case there wasn't enough "fuck you" in "fuck all your shit", the GT RKT-M8 is the next not-so-logical step for the Imperium as it now boasts a massive 500mm main cannon instead of two massive miniguns. Still the almost-moving base, its still a bad thing to get on the wrong side of this thing.
The Imperium is unsure of what its engineers were smoking at the time of creating both the GT RKT-M8 and the Mk.II version of it.
Common Armaments
The old 30-round assault rifle of the PRV, still in use due to its numbers and ease of production. Mainly used by the Red Guards, some of the newer recruits will use these until they are considered experienced enough to use the newer AKV. It has a very strong round which hits very hard against infantry but lacks a recoil compensation method strong enough to counteract it which means that its users aren't too accurate, barring the elite Red Guards who are used to it of course.
The new main infantry weapon of the Imperium meant to replace the old AKM models. It has a slightly smaller clip coming in at 20 rounds but has a much more comfortable grip and stock with better recoil compensation making it a more accurate weapon. Unlike the AKM however, it lacks any rail mounts meaning that in general most of these weapons will be in "virgin" form meaning they lack scopes and grenade launchers as they are both harder to obtain due to cost and attach.
The new DMR/sniper in use by the Imperium, uses magic magnets to propel a ferric-tungsten shell over long distances. On paper its meant to take out small groups of units or individuals but in the field soldiers find it much more useful against structures and light armor, using them like mobile light artillery.
An ancient weapon that was already a good 100 years old when the PRV used it, the Khorlorne rifle takes its name from the giant beasts it was meant to kill. For a time it was used as an anti-tank rifle until it fell out of favor due to more modern weapons. However, it was reintroduced as its superior accuracy and large round meant that it was a more than capable sniper in the hands of a Red Guard.
Standard issue handgun of the Imperium. Although being called the evolution of the TT-05 handgun, its more of a mass produced prototype in practice, relying on relatively new gyro-jet bullets. So far reports have given it a mixed bag of results.
The Imperium's portable automatic weapon, its high rate of fire lays down an impressive about of bullets even thought they are the same caliber as the assault rifles. Can be put on a light alloy mount for defensive purposes which ironically weighs less than the gun itself. Ideally has a two man crew.
The true antitank weapon of the Imperium, the Brear is a free-fire rocket launcher with no built in homing abilities. However, it can use many different types of rockets ranging from AP, shaped warhead, shredder, napalm, etc. Through the use of heat seeking missiles however, it can lock on to targets to some degree.
Standard grenade that combines HE and frag, able to send deadly shrapnel in a wide "cloud". Often tied together for use of an impromptu AT grenade or fired from mortars. Most soldiers will take two with them, some of the luckier ones able to procure more on occasion. Also can be used for fishing depending on who you ask.
Stock standard issue tactical grenade that combines a disorienting flashbang/concussion grenade with a small EMP unit. While not enough to take out vehicle electronics, at least without a lot of them, they are more than able of causing a great deal of pain and confusion to infantry.
At least one carried by each soldier, signal flares are all purpose smoke and light produces used to signal others or light up an area. However, due to the chemicals used to make it, its recommended that people try not to stay too close to it.
Standard issue army knife that comes with a sharpener and is balanced to be used as a throwing knife. Soldiers will often customize and decorate their knives as a sign of individuality. Some say that identifying a soldier by their knife is a more reliable way of IDing them than their dog tags.
A foldable pickaxe-shovel hybrid, nothing too special. Makes for a good bludgeoning device in a pinch with some sharpening the blade insisting it makes a better melee weapon than the knife.
A handbook given to all military personnel detailing protocols, basic wound treatment, survival tips, maintenance guides and uplifting bits of patriotic literature as well as a few pages for notes and blank requisition forms. Or spare toilet paper depending on who you ask.
Consisting of bandages and medical syringes filled with pain killers and sedatives, these are the basic medical supplies given to each soldier to hold over injury and pain until proper medical attention can be given.
Emplacements and Deployables
Dual heavy autocannons fit for going against light armor and infantry although they can hit aircraft with enough luck. Remote controlled or manually operated, these turrets are effective at keeping enemies at bay.
Known as the DIBS, these light weight alloy barricades start out as shields which some soldiers wear on their back before being planted into the ground for portable cover.
A large stationary mortar most often used in base defense and such as its size and cumbersome nature do not allow it to be effective at being mobile.
Basically the massive cannon of the Ta-12 Sterlot SPG in "normal" artillery form, just a bit bigger. Fires slower but has a much longer range and explosions, also mounted on platforms for defense.
Missile artillery for all the needs of swarming an area with missiles you may ever need! Can use a wide variety of missiles and makes for good AA when using heat seeking rockets pointed upwards.
The Imperium's go to heavy machine gun for defense. High rate of fire and a large caliber round makes its a good choice for anything machine gun related minus mobility. Its also commonly mounted on vehicles for that reason.
Treated as more of an automatic mini-mortar, the MxG is a new model light artillery emplacement used to support advancing troops. Most variations require a crew to operate but some more innovative or creative units have attempted AI or remote controlled versions with varying amounts of success.
Headquarters Ground-based modular base with a small bunker system. Walled off and well protected with turrets, patrols and cameras, its a fortress that can be expanded upon by adding additional modules from home via transports. A well developed fortress by all standards.
The Kiev-Class armored carrier, Imperator Kirov can be seen as the "secondary" base that's in orbit around Anuria which generally provides air support and orbital artillery to ground forces.
Persons of Importance Imperator Kirov Doroshov - The young, ever so brash king of the USVI who took power after killing his father and reforming the government. He's a good man who wants the best for his people. Of course his ways of showing it are... roundabout to say the least.
Grand Marshall Borosovsky - An aged man who wields the military might of the Imperium as its high command. He's taken something to a surrogate father to Imperator Kirov. Currently not on Anuria as he's left his other commanders in charge of the Anuria Campaign. He's a man known for his extremely cold-blooded and pragmatic attitude, most likely due to the PRV influences as he was alive during its last days.
High Minster Krestia Murmunsk - Wife of Imperator Kirov and minister of all other ministries of the Imperium, she's revered as a symbol of strength and dedication everyone and was the one who first proposed the Anuria Campaign. She's actually a lot warmer than her husband and is more direct with her emotions.
Once an omnivorous bipedal species who thrived in dry, hot climates (similar to the african savanna). However, after a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, they were forced underground and became a subterranean species for two thousand years. Eventually they reemerged into a beautiful, fertile world and swiftly set about turning it into an industrial hub.
Maltheciens have excellent night vision but overall inferior eyesight compared to other races. They possess leathery, thick skin and surprisingly dense bone. They are long-legged, and have wide torsos but comparatively skinny waists. On each hand are three fingers and one thumb; their feet are somewhat hoof-like, split in three directions. They have six razor-sharp teeth used for tearing, and twelve molars. Physically, Maltheciens overall are a naturally tough, durable race, capable of surprising speed but possessing little stamina in comparison.
Nation Name Theocracy of Aorolach
Nation Size Four solar systems (a total of six high populations worlds, three frontier worlds, and ten outpost-worlds) and three-hundred fifty billion souls.
Nation Description The Maltheciens first became a spacefaring species roughly one hundred and fifty years after their emergence from subterranean cities and subsequent habitation and industrialization of their home world's surface. Rapid colonization of their solar system soon followed, and enormous terraforming projects soon turned some of the most inhospitable worlds into fertile paradises. Ruthlessly zealous and incredibly industrious, the Theocracy soon spread towards other solar systems, annihilating any sentient populaces found and annexing worlds in the name of their god, Malthecior.
//I'll cover the religion of the Maltheciens more in-depth here later.
The Theocracy soon fixed it's eyes on the Anurian system, and initially expansion went similarly as it's other conquests. However, the Maltheciens were not prepared for the scale of conflict that would soon encompass the system, and were thusly caught off-guard. The Theocracy scrambled to organize an effective offensive in what would become their first major interstellar war. As the years have passed since and countless resources have been devoted to the Anurian conflict, the Theocracy has adopted an "all or nothing" attitude towards the war; much as a gambler who had gone in over his head, the Maltheciens have decided that they have given too much to turn back now.
Nation Involvement Anuria is in a highly strategic location towards the rest of Malthecien space. It can be said that Anuria is a gateway world, being only two jumps away from Malthecien home star system. Ergo, an exceedingly valuable system in order to both secure Malthecien borders and their prospects for future expansion. They are therefore willing to throw as many resources as necessary in order to fully control the planet.
Technology Malthecien technology places an emphasis on functionality and practicality over aesthetics, and thus their designs are rarely nice to look upon. They are very advanced in terraforming, resource mining, and engineering. Their weapon designs are plasma based, and they have extensive experience with kinetic weaponry. However, Maltheciens have yet to unlock the application of particle and energy based technologies.
Navy Description
Only one ship of the Prophet class has ever been built; the Theocracy's flagship, the Malthecior. It is a truly massive ship, capable of staffing a small city's worth of crew. It is twelve miles long, three miles wide, and seven miles high. The Malthecior uses several experimental weapons systems and is considered the pinnacle of Malthecien engineering and technology. It is said the ship is capable of destroying a large moon with its level of firepower.
Often used as flagships, the Inquisitor class of ships make up the majority of raw firepower in Malthecien fleets. They are five miles long, one mile wide, and three miles high. Inquisitor class ships are very durable, with a number of failsafes and redundant engineering. They are often used for planetary bombardments.
The Patriarch class of ships have little in the ways of firepower; instead, they operate primarily as carriers, capable of holding an impressive amount of ships. They are also used as auxiliary ships, and it would not be an incorrect statement to say these class of ships are the lifeblood of any Malthecien fleet. Patriarch class ships are four miles long, two miles high, and one mile wide.
The backbone of any Malthecien fleet, the Missionary class of ships pack a significant amount of firepower for their size. They are relatively easy and cheap to produce, thus they are quite numerous in comparison to other Malthecien ship classes. The Missionary class is one mile long, half a mile high, and a third of a mile wide.
Air Force Description
The Theocracy's primary tool to establish air dominance, the Bishop can function as a mobile HQ and aircraft hub. It is capable of conducting full maintenance to it's fighters and can hold upwards to eight-hundred personnel, along with ample storage. It can carry one hundred Crusader-class fighters and twenty Priest gunships.
The Theocracy's standard starfighter is a force to be reckoned with. Packed with four heavy repeating plasma cannons and built with a slim, fast design to maximize agility, it can outmaneuver and destroy most opponents with ease.
A version of the Crusader starfighter meant for battle in low atmosphere, it is smaller than it's counterpart and bears several key differences. The most important of which are its two plasma cannons; longer-barrelled, more heavily cooled versions than what is found on the starfighter. This design is more accurate and has a longer range in low-atmosphere. It has a maximum speed of mach 6 in atmosphere.
Centerpiece to any Malthecien invasion force is the Priest Gunship. Functioning both as a air-to-ground attack aircraft and as a heavily armed dropship, the Priest is pivotal in Malthecien bids for ground dominance.
Ground Force Description
The standard armor of all Malthecien ground troops, this armor protects effectively against most propellants, and to some degree, even energy weapons. It comes with built-in communications software, data uplink, and hydraulics to boost the user's physical abilities in the field. The helmet contains minor protections against Ashtarian psionic attacks.
A heavier, more advanced counterpart to the standard armor, the heavy power armor is used primarily by specialist and commando troops. It is virtually impenetrable to normal propellant-based firearms, and provides increased protection to energy-based weapons. This armor also provides more numerous and advanced hydraulics to the user, as well as advanced anti-psionic systems to protect users from Ashtarian psionic attacks.
A versatile heavy weapons system, the Hellfire Battlewalker is a universally feared amongst the enemies of the Theocracy. Fifteen feet high, its weapons systems are effective at ranges in excess of two miles.
Common Armaments
Effective at ranges up to a mile, the plasma rifle is capable of firing fully automatically for up to ninety seconds before its power charge has to be replaced.
The marksman variant of the standard plasmarifle, the longbow packs a heavier punch and is effective at ranges up to two and a half miles. Consequently, it has a much heavier recoil and expends its power core after thirty seconds of fully automatic fire.
Emplacements and Deployables
A mobile manned plasma turret setup in the field. It is primarily an anti-infantry weapon with little anti-armor or anti-air capabilities. It is effective up to three-fourths of a mile.
A heavy manned anti-armor plasma emplacement. It is effective up to two and a half miles.
A mobile manned plasma turret setup in the field. A mobile manned plasma turret setup in the field. It is primarily an anti-air weapon with little anti-armor or anti-infantry capabilities. It is effective at altitudes up to four miles high.
A heavy autonomous anti-air plasma emplacement. It has an extremely sophisticated tracking and detection system capable of responding at ranges in excess of 50 miles.
A heavy manned autonomous artillery emplacement. It has an effective range of seventy-five miles.
The Malthecien headquarters are buried deep underground near the northern arctics. A heavily fortified bunker, a massive hangar door is the main entrance; it is camouflaged by ice and snow. The hangar opens to a mile-deep tunnel with thousands of floors. The lower the floor, the more important. The tunnel is roughly ten miles wide and contains many landing platforms for aircraft. It is able to fit most aircraft.
Persons of Importance Apostle Anthar (Faction leader) Patriarch Throm (Faction second-leader) First Primate Doren (Military leader)
MSSC mostly employs humans. But other species are welcome too. -
Nation Name
Morelia Special Security Conglomerate
Nation Description
History It all began with the Crimson Claws. A united band of mercenaries, smugglers, assassins and bounty hunters. Why did they unit themselves? Because the empire/union/republic they used to operate within started a crackdown on the underworld there. Together the Crimson Claws bought a deep space station and made it their home. The station quickly turned into a space Tortuga. You could find all sorts of scum there, but you were never safe. After a few years some very lucrative contracts passed through the station. Mercenaries hired smugglers to obtain newer weapons. Assassins and bounty hunters teamed up. Soon a local mercenary group's boss, Victor Cheknov, saw that working together would yield more money.
He did have his troubles uniting the Crimson Claws. Some people had to "disappear", others executed, and others bribed. After 15 years of bloody unification, Crimson Claw Security Conglomerate spawned. At the same time, entire systems began to declare their independence. The CCSC were hired by both large factions to get these small planets back in line, and were hired by the smaller factions to protect them. Playing both sides was a lucrative business indeed. As Victor Cheknov's son, Yurio Cheknov, took over the Conglomerate was already bursting out of its seams. With the mass of wealth, Yurio bought the rights to a newly discovered system with a single, lush, terran planet. He transformed it into a high class, high freedom resort. Morelia was born and quickly reached the top 10 of galactic resort spots. On the barren moon of Aer however, the newly formed MSSC built an imperial scale base. Filled with subterranean simulator rooms, dry-docks the size of Archangel-class Invasion Carriers, system wide defenses and many other facilities.
Nation Involvement
50 years ago MSSC was approached by the Far Rim Banks & Industry Union (or FRBI). As they were a relative small faction (compared to the empires and unions everywhere in the galaxies), it merely wanted its name to get known. For some reason they thought starting a small campaign for Anuria would do that. However, the FRBI rapidly grew. Every 5 years the campaign contract was revised and every time they paid more and more. Recently the contract was once again revised and the FRBI paid up for an Archangel level invasion.
Navy Description
The Seraphim-Class Invasion Carrier. The flagship of every MSSC invasion fleet. It houses the entire invasion force. Standard capable of orbital dropping, orbital barrage fire and housing 25 wings of drop ships, the Seraphim-Class Invasion Carrier is a force to be reckoned with. However, paying for an Archangel has bankrupted several independent planets before. The Seraphim-class orbiting Anuria currently is The Observor.
These support carriers often house the full range of an invasion force’s none-dropship airforce. Ranging a good 1km, they are far smaller than the Seraphim-Class Invasion carrier. As it is often used as an anti-fighter carrier, housing all the intercepters and fighters themselves, the Cherubim houses 2 reloadable, 30 missile pod. However, it must count on the fleet for capital ship engagements.
The Throne-Class is the main anti-capital ship within the MSSC Fleet. It’s 1200 meters long and fairly slow moving. It makes up for that with its main, internal canon. A Rail Gun capable of accelerating a 500kg slug at 5% of lightspeed. To back it up, it has 6 reloadable, 30 missile pods. 4 anti-capital torpedo tubes and 10 accelerator canons on each side of the hull.
Faster than a Throne. The Dominion is an all-around good craft with a slight tip in balance towards strength. It has an internal rail gun so it must aim it’s entire body towards the target. But upon unleash its weapon, the damage can be substantial. Counting on that it has 2 reloadable missile pods and 30 point-defense turrets. Making it a fair match against smaller fighters. 800m.
Just like the Dominion, it houses a powerful, internal rail gun enabling formidable damage to most capital ships. Furthermore it has 10 point-defense turrets against fighters and an additional 4-cruise missile bays and 2 frontward torpedo tubes. The Virtue utilizes speed and heavy hitting power to quickly overcome dangerous capital ships. 350m long.
The Principle-class are entirely focused on speed to deliver the payload of 2 torpedo tubes (each capable of firing 4 torpedoes before depleted). Further they have 2 mass accelerators and 10 point-defense turrets. It’s about 350m long.
The Archangel-class is all about taking down pesky fighters or bombers who think they can reach the capital ships. The Archangel, despite its size, houses a grand total of 30 high-caliber anti-fighter turrets. More refined than standard point-defense turrets. The Archangel backs it up with a very accurate space detection system keeping track of the smaller, faster flying objects. It’s 300m long.
Air Force Description
The X-2 Manta Gunship is an SSTO-space plane. Both capable of space and atmospheric flight, and independent transition between them. It carries an ordinance of 4 A-class anti-matter missiles, 2 S-class anti-matter missiles and a hull designed for 30 A-class bombs or 5 S-class bombs. It doesn't have an onboard gun and must rely entirely on its fighter support. The Manta is often called into the entirely erase heavily fortified positions.
The CDS (Combat Drop Ship) MkII Lumina is mostly used to get ground troops from a carrier on the ground in hot combat zones. Lacking any real weapons (except for the rail gun mounted at the end of the ramp) the Lumina counts mostly on thick shield and speed. The Lumina is capable of VTOL and can carry up to 25 troops or 2 light terrain vehicles.
The Heron is a multi-purpose air superiority fighter. With its twin, variable engines the Heron is capable of both atmospheric and space flight. Holding several missiles and 2 boardcanons, the Heron is a formidable foe to most modern aircrafts. With integrated stealth systems and sensor arrays, Herons often see hostile crafts far over the horizon. Their prefered methode of dispatching hostiles is firing long range missiles. Though some aces prefer to engage in a dangerous dogfight.
The origin of the SIF Boardin Vessel series lies within a certain problem. You see, most ships are pressurized. And most people like to keep it that way. So when decompression begins, due to a hullbreach, certain counter measures are activated. Mostly some automatic hull sealer or blast doors shut off the compartiment. For the SIF this was a real problem. Concidering they needed to make holes within a ship to get into it.
The solution lies within an old Grunt Ripper saying:"If what you need is not there, make it yourself." It actually refered to making an extra "door" with the use of explosives. Never the less, the idea was put into space. These Boarding Vessels magnetically attach themselves to an enemy ship. With a powerful plasma torch they cut a circular hole within the hull of the ship. But due to the magnetic seal, pressure remains normal. Meaning no blastdoors are activated. Several series were developted, depending on target. Most often the medium version is used to deliver the SIF, while the large one delivers standard Soldiers for support. The small version is only used by Wraiths.
Far smaller than the Manta, it is a new design that in the longterm is to replace the Manta. While smaller, it can still carry a lethal load of 18 MSSC A-class missiles and 8 MSSC B-class missiles. Furthermore it has 2 dual-railgun mounts making it extra lethal for precise fire runs.
Infantry Force Description
Unlike in most military, real ranks only start during the second tour you go on. Every guy or girl starts out as a Grunt during his/her first tour. Grunts have their own ranks (private, corporal, sergeant) but these people can only command grunts below them. For example, a grunt corporal cannot command a Private. But he can command a Grunt Private.
What brings a man to such madness? That he would willingly sign up to MSSC as a grunt? Fortune, Morelia and fleeing from authorities. When you join up with MSSC, your record, where it may be, is stripped clean. No empire, union, or republic can detain you on grounds of what you did before joining up with MSSC. Further, if you make it out of a tour alive, you'll be gratefully rewarded in cash. Aside from that you get 2 months of all-in living on Morelia.
But in combat, grunts are the lowest of the lowest. 50% never makes it out of the first 2 months alive. From the remaining, 25% dies within the first year. From that remainder, 50% die the second year. Their armor is outdated, and in fact only serves as visual recognition. It has no personal shielding what so ever. The gun that's dumped in their hands is an - often 20 years old - RM-5 rail gun. Surprisingly accurate and with a decent RPM. But it lacks in punch. So how do these grunts have a chance to survive? It's thanks to the Scavenger-act. Grunts are allowed to pick up any equipment they find that's not owned by some other MSSC personnel.
The actual ground troopers. From left to right here are the Privates, Corporals and Sergeants. These are the guys you'll see most often. They all wear a version of the Omega-II Combat Suit. The suit has its own oxygen supply, air filter, exo-skeleton, sensor arrays and Personal Shielding Device. The suits themselves cost more than a full campaign salary of 20 grunts combined.
So how do you become a Soldier? Well first off, you need to have finished a tour as a Grunt. Preferable having risen to the rank of Grunt Sergeant. But then there is a catch. If you go home, you will return and be put in as a Grunt again. If you go to Morelia for your 2 months, the chances of you becoming part of the soldier force drastically increases. After returning, and being selected to train for the Soldier-force, you go through 6 months of both normal gravity, low gravity and zero gravity training on Morelia and Aer. Then you leave for your second tour. This means that there are far less soldiers than Grunts. Soldiers are only called in when the fight gets incredibly heated.
Their XR-2 Advanced Rail Rifle can be seen as the big brother of the old RM-5. With a lower RPM, but much faster slug velocity, accuracy and range, the XR-2 rifle punches easily through weak walls. Just like with the Herakles, the rounds are accelerated through magnets. With added perk that due to induction, the rounds are superheated in the barrel. Giving the illusion that they are firing energy pulses. Further, soldiers are trusted to use Antimatter Grenades. Highly dangerous but also incredibly effective. Lastly, all soldiers went through basic Bellerophon driver classes. Which means all of them can use the vehicle with ease.
Not all battles are fought on the ground. Some take place high in space. Between ships and marines. Grunts here are useless. Soldiers, while trained, are no experts. The Space Intervention Force is. These men and women are recruited from the Soldiers after their second tour. They undergo another 6 months of exstensive zero gravity training. Most of this training is down in outer space. With a focus on ship-to-ship jumps, boarding and boarding protection. They wear the very advanced Pegasus-suit. Allowing them increased control in a zero gravity area. Additionally, the Pegasus-suit has stronger radiation shielding, life support and exo-skeletal abilities.
The common armament is in fact an laser/rail rifle (SRT-8). In space, utulization of a rail gun would be devestating and dangerous thanks to Newton's Laws of motion. Instead of metal slugs, small amounts of xenon gas is ionized within the chamber and fired off. While there is still some force that pushes the opposite direction, the Pegasus-suit is built to compensate for it. The user can switch the rifle to its rail gun configuration.
Who do you send when you really want something done? Wraiths. Wraiths are the top of the top of the top. Selected from the Soldier and the Space Intervention Force. They are chosen not only by skill in combat but also resourcefulness, ability to follow orders without questions, ruthlessness, a little bit of self-destructive tendancies and pure loyalty to the MSSC. These men and women often have a dangerous love for battle and danger. To this day, only 7 Wraiths were ever confirmed KIA. (Though it is well known that many more perished after battle. But due to secrecy MSSC Command cannot release official statements of those who died of their wounds.) Wraiths commonly conduct their Black Ops in teams of 5.
For equipement, no official statements are ever release. The armor they wear seems to be a smaller, walking version of the Herakles. Wraiths have access to Experimental Combat Supplies.
Ground Mechanized Force Description
The Herakles is a state-of-the-art main battle tank. Its main canon uses an advanced rail gun accelerating shells far over what the grunts' their RM-5 is capable of. This has an added advantage that, due to induction, the shell is superheated. Often given the illusion that it fires an energy pulse instead of a solid metal shell. Aside from that the Herakles also wields a smaller rail machine gun against infantry. Finally, the Herakles has 3 anti-entrancement cluster missiles. These missiles are launched in a high arc over the entrenched position, bursts open in the air and small cluster bombs & firebombs fall out. Destroying and igniting the aimed position.
It has an active shield and its armor is made from depleted titanium-iridium. Meaning it can easily take a heavy punch. However, the real problem with the Herakles lays in availability. It cannot be dropped from orbit, nor is any Combat Drop Ship big enough to carry it. So if you want armor support from a Herakles, it has to come from an already established base on the ground where None-Combat Drop Ships can land. Second, the Herakles is extremely expensive to make. So the loss of it is felt pretty hard by High-Command. (In fact, most commanders prefer to keep sending Grunts as they are far cheaper than a Herakles.)
The Bellerophon is MSSC's most commonly used vehicle. Often used for scouting, troop support and patroling. It has a crew of 2 people: A gunner/navigator and a driver. Further it has 2 passenger seats at the back for VIP retrieval. The Dust Trailer mostly relies on speed, as its size allows for only limited shielding capabilities. At the front it has little armor to speak of and instead uses titanium-fiber acrylic glass. Capable of stopping a few shells from a machine gun but the glass will break if kept getting shot.
A long range siege tank. The Mobile Support Artillery Tank's main cannon, just like the Heracles, fires off induction heated shells off into the air. But with a far greater powergenerator who does not need to power a shield too, the Odysseus can launch a larger shell much futher into the enemy terrain. But just like a Herakles, the use of an Odysseus comes with great investement.
Common Armaments
- Ares-II High Explosive Grenade - Apollo Flash Bang Grenade - Morpheus Smoke Grenade
The Artemis is the standard anti-vehicle weapon of the MSSC main soldiers. It fires a single rocket, which mid-air can either follow a laser designated target, or find potentional targets by heat-signatures that do not have an MSSC FF-system. With the lazer, they are often used against ground targets, as the Artemis itself can project a targetting laser. So all damage of the smaller missiles is still pretty focused on a single point. While fighting against air, the smaller missiles often follow the engines of fighters or gunships.
Experimental weapons
Expermimental weapons are not often seen upon the battlefield. They are however carried by specialized task forces for specific objectives. As their name suggests, these weapons are still very experimental and thereforinherently dangerous. Also, due to their high classified level, only top ranking Spec Ops Soldiers, SIF and Wraiths are allowed to handle them. For the first two, Aer command must release the weapons over to a single person. He/she only is allowed to use the weapon. The Wraiths are allowed to take up any experimental weapon of their choosing and only need to tell command that they have it.
Wraiths often want to use special ammunition. However, these special types of rounds are often variable in size, weight and caliber. Before, each Wraith used to modify his/her own rail gun to fit the rounds. The shadowrunner is an experimental rifle that is flexible enough to fire a range of round-types. In return the Shadowrunner's RPM is lower than that of the XR-2. Only 4 'shadowrunner' rifles are in existence in total.
SIF Ashtar Taskforce, led by admiral Helen Lagare have permantent access to 2 Shadowrunners and several Neelder-rounds. Needler-rounds are deemed Non-Lethal and deliver a power anaesthetic and used to incapacitate individual Ashtar fighters for further research. The Needler-round will further damage a target's nerve system. After 5 minutes, partial paralization in the fingers and toes will happen. 15 minutes after administration and the spine will be affected. After 30 minutes most targets die. This is so that the target will die no matter what. There is no cure, only a med that stops the effect as long as the med is being administered.
Emplacements and Deployable
The Skylance is a precission, ground-to-air anti-capital ship. Often deployed around long standing bases. The Skylance is a rail gun propelling massive slugs at great velocity. Though prone to overheating and slow to fire. Never the less, the Skylance can do a devestating amount of damage to capital ships that dare come near MSSC bases.
The firestorm is the main air defense stationary weapon. It has 2 pods of each 12 B-class long-range, high velocity missiles. Hooked up to the advanced radar array of a base, the missiles are often fired long before targets are in visual range. Through high speed they cross the distances swiftly and take hostile aerial crafts by suprise.
Right now, the Seraphim-Class Invasion Carrier serves as over-arching HQ. With several outposts and fortified positions down on the surface.
Persons of Importance
Yurio Cheknov. Old, powerful, dangerous. Mr. Cheknov may never seen a battlefield for real, unlike his father, but he is a fierce opponent at the negotiation table.
Nation Description Born from the infernal flames of devestation and destruction, the vision of a grand federation was first visualized by a wounded soldier in the greatest depths of the torn, burnt, and destroyed streets of the once formidable grand capital of Sophoro. War had flooded the planet, armageddon had emerged at the push of a button, and now the planet was cast inside a twisted torrent of unending mass destruction. However, even when the sky was coloured red with the blood of the damned, this sole soldier stood up, even when his body no longer could support his will. Crawling forwards, it'd take him through rigorous journies, but the fact that the journy did end is obvious, because at his gravebed, this anonymous soldier, lies the immortal blessing of all those who had awakened from the nightmare. The Kasyrinian Federation's founding father is the backbone of all cultural belief in the federation, and this is solely because it was no deity, no president, no immortal transcending prophet, but a simple soldier who cast the die which'd lead to the founding of a vast collective which'd ultimately come to form one of the greatest superpowers the Galaxy presently knows of.
It is upon the values of self sacrifice, and hope, that places unity in the minds and wills of the people of Kasyran, it is the stratocracy of the Kasyrinian Federation that drives the people onwards. It is this unity which drives the citizenry to idolize the common man, to cheer on those who sacrifice their all for the well being of the federation. It is also upon this foundation that the people are easily controlled, but that might be for the better. It is upon this basis that the Federation has grown strong, upon the foolish cheer given to those who cast their lives away for the nation's betterment. It is upon the dead bodies of billions of military martyrs that the will of the federation has not only spread so far as it has, but also conquered and assimilated other trans-solar civilizations in it's path.
"Praise the soldier, bless them, for it is they who will the Kasyrinian Federation onwards unto new dawn" Sophoro-Kasyran Monument, honourary to the Lone Soldier
Nation Involvement Officially, the Kasyrinian Federation is present as a peacekeeping force, acting on 'moral highground' based on their close connections with the Anurian people long before the happenings of the conflict. However, as the raging warfare grew onwards, it became clearer and clearer to the locals that the Kasyrinians were in no desire to seek out and help those in need, leading the people to believe that the Kasyrinian Refugee camps instead serve some other, far sinister purpose. After the filming of a Kasyrinian Orbital Infantry fireteam seeking out and dragging multiple fugitives and Anurian refugee escapees from safehouses and hidden bunkers all over the planet some 50 years ago, the Kasyrinian Federation has now taken a very negative role in the public's eye. Kasyrinian involvement from the very beginning, however, was all in the name of military research and the consumption of rare natural resources. Granted, the Kasyrinian officials have well orchestrated so that their 'casus belli' still remains valid.
Primary Species Kasyr [singular], Kasyrian [plural].
Species Description Kasyrians are naturally much frailer, smaller, and less muscular than the average human. What defines them, however, is their feather-like hair, crystalline teeth, as well as their bewitchingly beautiful eyes. Their eyes can be any colour from entirely white to a fine radiance of all imagineable colours. A highly desirable trait in Kasyrian culture is to have a 'cosmic gaze', that being eyes which look much akin to the visual representation of the how you'd imagine the universe. Some even go to the lenghts of having ocular reconstruction for this to become reality, not that surgery, bioengineering, and cybernetics are very rare in the Kasyrinian Federation. It is because of this very fact that, even though the natural Kasyrian might not be much of a threat, the fact remains still that very few Kasyrians are, so called, natural nowadays. Kasyrians all between the lower class to the upper-high classes can be seen walking around with at least one type of major cybernetic or biological bodily modification.
Technology Technology, the lifeline of all military forces across the galaxy, if not the universe. Only a fool'd put technological advancement secondary to anything the world has to offer; therefore knowledge goes above all else. The Kasyrinian Federation of Trans-Stellar Nations understands this basic fact terrifyingly well, sometimes to the point of devotion. Whilst technology in the Kasyrinian Federation is advanced, all of that advance is made in the military sector, where as the public only utilizes dumbed-down military technology a couple of generations older than the current military advancements. However, there are also certain things that remain the same, albeit merely in principle. The Kasyrinian Federation is an adamant supporter of biological and cybernetic reconstruction- and whilst the military has access to much more advanced cybernetics and bioengineering techniques, the public's cybernetic and bioengineering accessibility is far from lackluster by any means. And speaking of avalibility, the weaponry avalible, it spans from railguns, lasers, kinetic weaponry, to chemical agents of all kinds. And due to the nature of the Kasyrinian, few would know what they'd unleash, or what they'd find, should they acquire a major Kasyrinian stronghold. Science performed on the field, is a motto that long has lived on in the hearts of the Kasyrinian Federation.
Kasyrinian Military High Command [KASMIHIC]
Military Naval Command: [MINAC]: Assets Utility Vessels:
Length: 550 meters Armaments: 20 point defense systems, 12 AA emplacements, Interconnected Anti Missile System (IAMS). Complement: 350 ground vehicles, 50 ground support modules. Crew: 1525 Passengers: 3500
Length: 670 meters Armaments: 12 point defense systems, IAMS. Complement: Lots, and lots, of space for fuel and other supplies. Crew: 1400 Passengers: 450
Length: 25 meters Armaments: 2 Bullsword AP Chainguns, a wide variety of different bombs/missiles can be attached to the MRCR-227 depending on the mission. Complement: 2 Automated Emergency Defense Drones (AEDD) Crew: 2(4)
Basic Infantry Automated Emergency Defense Drones (AEDD) TIER-MX Power Armour
The Trans-Orbital Assault Divisions are the basic infantry force of the Kasyrinian Federation. They are the first boots to officially drop down to the ground, and they are the vanguard that secures the area for secondary detachments and support divisions to land once a foothold has been acquired. The 77th Trans-Orbital Assault Divisions, often called Peacekeepers, are general purpose soldiers trained in many different things beyond combat. They act as field engineers and are often tasked with creating forward operations bases to further the reach of Kasyrinian territory. However, once the beach head is secured, the trans-orbital infantry take up guarding duties around outposts, camps, and strongholds. Participating divisions of the Trans-Orbital Assault Divisions will be the 77th, 105th, 112th, 15th, and the 45th.
Basic Infantry Officers 'Burning Men'
The brutal, effective, and efficient Ground Combat Infantry Divisions are the brute force of the Kasyrinian Federation once a stronghold has been settled in the region. It is these guys who fight back the enemies mainline forces in tactical warfare the likes the world may never hear of. The Ground Combat Infantry Divisions, or GCID, are well known for their brutish and rather inhumane combat style, and have been spotted shooting, torturing, and interrogating the local citizenry should they ever appear on the fields of battle. They do this mostly to get an upperhand against the enemy, for if anyone knows how stagnant the battle is here on Auria it is these men. The mainstay of the GCID are streamlined soldiers equipped with Omni Environmental Combat Armours (OECA), but the true terrors of the GCID are the so called 'burning men'. Whilst half of the people talking about the 'burning men' have no clue what they are, but the truth remains that these 'burning men' are elite infantry formed from the best the GCID have to offer, they then organize, and form the INFERNO detachment. Equiped to take on and operate in extreme environments, the 'burning men' are called as such only because INFERNO operators have ever been spotted whilst they happened to be on fire. Their sudden appearances and disappearances lead people to believe it's somewhat supernatural; despair leads people to think in interesting ways. Divisions taking apart in the Anuria campaign: 408th, 1209th, 4th, 90th, 117th, and the INFERNO detachment.
Due to intense heat, many INFERNO operators' armour appears to be white, but in fact, that is merely the heat burning away the colour from the armour. INFERNO operators also do not repaint their gear, because the white symbolizes the veterancy of an operator. It is a sign of respect. INFERNO operators conduct operations on a tier 2 scale, and are in direct contact with Kasyrinian Special Operations Command, and thereby High Command as well.
ARK-E Operator MAL-R Operator
The Kasyrinian Special Operations Command, or the KASSOC, is situated on the very homeworld of the Kasyrinian Federation. However, whilst their headquarters may be far from the frontlines, their assets are always battle-ready on every military campaign the Kasyrinian Federation happens to be participating in. KASSOC deals with all Tier 1 and Tier 2 operators and operations galaxy wide, and has direct connections with KASMIHIC to ensure that all operations go as smoothly as possible. The epitome of KASSOC's assets are the Tier 1 operators. These are the military assets which you'd use to cripple key military locations and carry on a crushing blow to the enemy. It is they who operate covertly. Out of all the many tier 1 and 2 units avalible, three operator on the Auria campaign, two of which are the best operators the Kasyrinian Federation has to offer.
The ARK-E, forged from the depths of the Kasyr-Bakko war, were initially designed as a drop-unit. Whilst details on their missions remain absolutely classified under the highest of degrees, and their very existence is void, it is clear that these men have produced results worthy of mention. The ARK-E focus on orbital-drops behind enemy lines. What they do from then onwards depends highly on their mission, but their training makes them highly efficient warriors capable of producing devestating results no matter what might go wrong. The ARK-E Operators power armour is highly sophisticated, and is capable of changing colour and texture to better meld into it's surroundings. ARK-E Operators, in the public's eye, do not exist. Only KASSOC and KASMIHIC know of their existence.
The MAL-R is a division surrounded in mysteries, not because of their existence, but because they happen to be able to infiltrate enemy lines without as much as a sweat. Their successes have proved invaluable for the gathering and distribution of intelligence and fake information. Whilst they may not be as battlecapable as the elite ARK-E, these Tier 1 operators do not have to, because no one would know what just happened. MAL-R do not follow the same vow of non-existence as the ARK-E, MAL-R recieve public burrials and are allowed to talk during public events about the duties, obviously not in-depth, though.
Common Armaments
Emplacements and Deployables The majority of support modules are located in the hider below, however, there are a couple more deployables avalible to the Kasyrinian Federation; mainly being mines and their deployable barricades. Capable of being airlifted into any location, by simply dropping the structure to the ground it's programmed to extend it's walls until it comes into contact with another physical object capable of withstanding it's force. These barricades can then be mounted, guarded, and defended from enemy attacks. It's like a deployable outpost. It's made of rather heavy armour, but can still be penetrated by heavy cannon fire, however. Mines, well, they're what you expect, bloody mines.
Dropzone: Skybridge The location which initial peacekeeping forces deployed many, many years ago, and now the primary headquarter for ground forces across the entire planet. Kasyrinian Planetary Command, the mainstay of all airforce assets, and the drydocks used to unload vehicles from military space vessels all rest here. And it's quite the sight. Located in the middle of a now deserted city, the walls of Dropzone: Skybridge reach all the way around the location in a miriade of layers and towers. The headquarters is full of countless steel structures and turrets, as well as a central command and control tower which oversees all public operations across the planet. Dropzone: Skybridge not only has a massive amount of surface facilities to store weapons, keep and repair vehicles, and barrackses, no, the facilities go far further than that. Below even a single inch of sand you'd instantly see the hard multilayered concrete, revealing the fact that many more facilities lie underground. Whilst the majority of the upper sectors of the underground bunker are for barrackses and soldier housing, further down is a top-secret weapons development and military research lab. The dry-dock for the Monarch-class transports also exists within this underground complex. It sprawls with military activity, and between the base's layers are contingents of refugee camps for those who lost their homes in the conflict. Work still continues on the base, however, and there never seems to be a satisfying amount of walls, emplacements, or mines.
Persons of Importance Supreme Commander of the Military, Geralt Heimgardt. Supreme Admiral of the Navy, Munich Hessen. Supreme General of the Army and Air Force, Kevin Josef. Commander of Anurian Planetary Command, Robert Hessen.
Species Name They are called the "Quazurn D'u Liiku" which translates to "Creatures of Light" nut they simply call themselves "Liiku" (Light). This is in reference to their technology and intelligence- they believe themselves to be the most intelligent and civilized species in the universe, the rest are primitive barbarians.
Species Description They are a small and unimpressive bipedal fox-like creature, They measure just over 3feet tall on average and weighed in at only 60 to 80 lbs. To make up for their small stature and therefore lack of strength that are quite agile and intelligent, allowing them to escape being hunted to extinction by the planets apex predators in their early history. Their top speed being 20-25mph and being able to turn on a dime helped them escape predators while their average IQ of 125 allowed them to outsmart them and invent tools relatively quickly, inventing basic tools and discover fire relatively quickly, only approx. 5 thousand years after their birth.
Nation Name Koot Empi'ar Ke'too (The Empire that never dies)
Nation Size How many stars does your nation claim? How many citizens?
Nation Description Give us an overview of the function of your nation and how it works. This section is mostly just contextual fluff, so add what you will here to make your faction feel more real. This can include history should you so wish.
Nation Involvement What is your nation's involvement in the war? You can pretty much just make up a reason, and an objective will evolve around multiple application sheets.
Technology Give us an overview of the kind of technology available to your nation. How advanced are they?
Navy Description Describe your space force. Detail ships and their capabilities.
Air Force Description Describe your air force. Detail vehicles and their capabilities.
Ground Force Description Describe your army. Detail soldiers and ground-based vehicles and their capabilities.
Common Armaments Describe the weaponry that your soldiers are known to carry. Tell us a little about the kind of things that your faction uses regularly on the battlefield.
Emplacements and Deployables Give us an overview of the deployable hardware your nation employs. This can range from anti-infantry sentries to anti-aircraft turrets.
Headquarters Give us an overview of your base of operations of Anuria. This can be a heavily fortified base or a massive bunker. This is a fairly creative field, but, again, is more of a context field. You won't have much interaction with this.
Persons of Importance Detail important people in your nation. This is an almost purely contextual field. You will NOT be controlling these characters under any circumstance. They are merely for your expendable cast to reference and aspire to (or deify).