Real Appearance:
Real Name: Katerina Bolgaria but, she prefers to be called Katherine.
God/goddess appearance:
God/goddess name: Ignis
Parent: Hephaestus
Age: 16
Power: Fire and Weapon Mastery
Animal: Phoenix
Followers: People and Animals in colder areas where there is mostly snow and harsher winters.
Bio: Katherine was known as a wanderer with people barely being able to get a glimpse of her. Someone claims to have seen her, she'd have already left the city and was somewhere thousands of miles away.
She wasn't a hero either. She didn't spend all of her time running around saving people. She only saved those who really needed her. If the police or the person themselves can handle it, she doesn't bother. However, those people who live in freezing cold temperatures or animals who are left vulnerable to the snow and cold? She helps them. However, she mostly just travels around the world watching the world change as she explores new cultures, art, music, food, etc.