Masato Saruwatari
Confederation Shinobi
Sunagakure Lecture Hall- The Previous day
Masato had a great time, standing around and talking with his new compatriots while they could. He had never been a very social person so his pieces always ended up being shorter, he preferred listening to the other two anyway. However the exercise in interpersonal communication began wearing him out, he simply wasn’t used to talking at length with people for the sheer purpose of talking, but luck seemed to be on his side for instead of having to excuse himself and possibly come off as rude he was was saved by an alert that popped up on their phones. The simplicity of the device was perfect for him and he went through all the needed steps to both silence the beeping and get to the message quickly. Just as he had predicted during the start of his conversation with the Akimichi, they were being mobilized rapidly though for the time being all they were informed of was a location that they would be using for their base of operations. When asked for his number by the Hyuga he hesitated for a moment before saying it outloud for both of his new comrades in case either wanted to get a hold of him. With that the other two both began wandering away, leaving Masato to his own devices.
He waited until both of them had gone away before slumping against the wall. Taking a deep breathe he took some time to collect himself, before he took off in the general direction that Setsuko had gone in. He knew that since they had a base of operations now they would likely be getting sent out sooner rather than later.
Amegakure Outpost- Current Day
After the initial tour of the facility that he received upon arriving, Masato set to wandering aimlessly allowing his feet to direct him towards a destination. However this was not what he wanted to do, it was simply the best option at the moment. He would much rather spend the time studying his family’s scrolls, in order to either gain control over another construct or learn how to use his current ones more efficiently. Unfortunately those scrolls were still at his home in Konoha, and he didn’t want to risk asking his parents to send them to him since there was a chance they could be intercepted along the way. So instead he went with the next best option. For a while he went in circles through the building, going up and down floors, walking down hallways and then back tracking through them, making a mental map of the facility. He wasn’t sure how long they would be stationed in the area, but he wanted to be able to know how to get to any location within it in the fastest manner possible.
Eventually his wanderings lead him back to the Control Room, he stood outside of it for a moment before he recalled something he had been meaning to do for a while. With a goal in mind he moved with purpose, slipping into the room and taking a moment to look around. He soon found what he was looking for, a person who seemed to have authority while also currently not preoccupied with anything else. As he approached the individual he lifted his hand to gain their attention. Once they turned towards him, an eyebrow raised, Masato began to speak. ”Hello sir, I have a request to make. I would like to take a look at our roster.”
The man he was speaking to raised his eyebrow further, before holding out his hand. “I will need to see your ID first, and know the reason you want access to this information.”
”Of course sir, during the attack at the festival I noticed that many Confederate shinobi let down their guard as soon as they noticed that a person approaching them did not bear the red armband of the terrorists. I was guilty of this as well, but it got me thinking about how easy it would be for one to simply disguise or remove their armband and catch us off guard. With that in mind I decided that I wanted to look at everyone aligned with us, so I would be prepared in the event one of the Red Sages decided to do what I just described.” While he spoke Masato reached down into his pocket to retrieve his ID, which he placed in the held out hand of the man.
The man nodded a bit while he looked over Masato’s ID, before returning it to him. “As a Chuunin you are cleared to access the base roster, which contains active members and basic records. It should suit your purposes as all you need are their faces.” He gestured for Masato to follow him, which the chuunin did without hesitation.
He was lead to a group of computers off to the side, which the man quickly activated and pressed a few buttons before moving to the side so Masato could sit. “There you are, if you have any questions I will be where you found me. You aren’t allowed to print off any documents and you aren’t able access any other files aside from those before you.”
As Masato sat down he nodded to the technician to indicate he understood, his focus already on the faces and names that were on the screen. He took his time, looking over each face and name several times, using various mental systems to form links so he would be able to remember them all.