Friends?! They are pirates of the worst kind! They ride their so called "friendships" and sale the seas of to recruit more friends to their army! They seem to lurk in the corners of our realm and our creator Mahz has doomed us with this so called "Add a Friend" button! Flee! Hide from the "friendships", they will hunt you down and kill yo- *muffled cry before the sound of a cannon shot is heard*
@Aewin Seriously though, I think a lot of it is just people waiting on certain people to post so they can. With a couple of people being busy today and the next couple, it's just a bit slow right now.
Though, now thinking about it.. Has team Jecho even arrived at the party yet?
@Universorum I would say ships, but majority of the people that are part of the ships aren't even here, so that's out.
So, how's the weather?
@Lady Amalthea Well, @SgtEasy did say that he was waiting on a status report from @ChaoticFox, but not too sure what happened after that since the thread just became silent.