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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Zypha watched from afar feeling a bit useless at the moment. His shell was obviously too hard and thick for her to break through and Yami only liked to pop out his limbs when he needed them meaning that very few soft bits were available to cut open. If there was one thing Zypha was though, it was observant.

While she had yet to find an obvious weakness there was something, odd about how he fought. There were few animals that had acidic spit, and as far as she knew no Turtle had such an ability, which meant there was a good chance that whatever that spawn of the Devil's Curry was, it was man made. Now, he did spit it out so somehow he was mixing something inside his mouth most likely. This was all a hypothesis of course but while Abigail decided to confront the beast, Zypha decided to investigate some of the acid left over on the ground from his attack.

Walking over to it she studied the substance and decided to see if maybe, just maybe it was flammable. Taking her scythe she traced the blades around the small pool, careful not to touch it, but close enough so that sparks would dance around the acid. If the acid caught on fire, there was a good chance they would be able to use it to their advantage.

If not, she would just have to continue to observe and wait for the next chance to strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yami ultimately smashed the bottom of his shell against the fallen Asus with enough strength to crush his entire upper body, including his skull. Three pirates dead now, with only two more to go. This is what came to stubborn rookies that couldn't accept their place in the world. This is what happened to amateurs! Perhaps it was Yami taking too much pride in his kill that distracted him, or maybe the force of his Kame~kame protractor stopped him from dodging. Whatever it was, he felt something slice into his left, front foot as he emerged from his shell. Abigail struck his tough skin, ripping a small cut in his limb before he lashed out with his head to try and bite her leg in return with his strong jaw.

Meanwhile, Zypha's attempt to light his spit on fire was a failure. It seemed that his ability was inherent, but the acid wasn't eating through the ground very well at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Abigail was well and ready to do her best to take the man's life. She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but there was something inside her that said the man was a monster, and who was she to argue with the little voice in the back of her head. So there was all the force she could muster behind the blade as it went into the limb hole in the turtle's shell. Only, something caused her to falter. It was a sound like the world's desnes glass bulb being shattered, with a wet sound at the end. "Oh now." The blade went it, but it didn't go as deeply as she would've liked. Personally, if it had disappeared to the hilt she would only almost been happy about the damage she'd done, but the way it was, it didn't go more than an inch. Yes, the wound would've been debilitating if it had been in a human arm, but with the tortoise's massive body, it was nothing more than a scratch.

Something hot and wet splashed against her legs. Despite knowing better the red pirate couldn't help but look down at the gore that covered her legs. There lots of blood, that was expected, but the small fragments of bones that clung to her like a desperate child made her stomach turn. It was probably for the best though because Yami's head snaked around and shot towards her like the scorpion's tail. For a flicker of an instant she considered shoving her blade at the thing's face, but that might not have killed the thing before it managed to take her leg.

As it was she paused for too long. By the time she moved back the Captain had left a long deep gash across her thigh. "God damn it!" She screamed, more out of anger than pain, and winced down at the blood that was seeping out of the wound. "Your going to pay for that, and Asus, and whoever else you've got an IOU for." She paused for a breath, and checked the movement in her leg. It was going to tense up before long so she needed to finish things as quickly as possible.

Abigail gritted her teeth and power started forming in her free hand. "Okay. I've got your number now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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"Of all the attacks to be taken out by...Kame-Kame Protractor, really now." Zypha felt as if she was going to be sick to her stomach as yet another crew member was killed, this time smashed like a pancake by a big turtle man. The crunching and squelching sound was sickening but even with all that stimuli, Zypha was far from squeamish and the felling of sickness passed in but a moment.

While Abigail had her brief moment of success she paid a price for it as well. Now Zypha knew that the acid was at least not particularly strong, which meant as long as one could keep the stuff off their body they would probably be fine. So something as simple as a piece of clothing could defend against it if used fast enough. Which meant now Zypha had her opening. Moving on instinct she removed the light jacket she usually wore, thankfully she had more than enough bandages and chain in place to keep her from being riske.

Ignoring the pain that jolted through her right leg, she bolted for Yami who had exposed his head when he attacked Abigail. She kept the jacket in one hand to wave in the way of any acid spit her way, and pistol in the other. As soon as she came within three feet of Yami, she fired the pistol at his head, aiming for one of his eyes and would jump over Yami's shell, not bothering to check if her shot was effective or not. Also she would drop her jacket over Yami's head to temporarily blind him and yell out,

"Alright Abi! Give him your best shot!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail blinked. It all happened fairly quickly. One second the only other surviving member of the pirate crew was looking down at the acid and the next she was attacking the tortoise and then shouting at her to do something. The red pirate didn't need to be told again. She wrapped her power gathering hand around the lower section of the blade's handle and the whole thing lit up like a Christmas tree after being doused with gasoline just before the control for the lights flicked to the on position.

The glare was enough to make the sword carrying pirate wince. "Okay here I go." She rushed forward as fast as her injured leg, and thrust the end of her blade at the nearest opening. Her plan was simple, and that simplicity made it elegant. Basically, she hoped to break the tortoises skin, it didn't have to be deep, and poor all the power she could directly into the massive lizard's well armored body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Yami smiled as Abigail retreated after her relatively successful attack, injured by the tip of his beak. A successful counter, he was delighted to bare witness to her blood oozing out almost immediately after he'd almost fully bitten her. But now he'd have to keep track of Zypha, who'd finally made her approach, firing a weapon at his exposed eye. Barely quick enough to react, Yami avoided the bullet sinking into his tiny eye socket. Instead, it scraped against his rock-hard snout with an audible 'tapping' noise when it was deflected. Yami cursed under his breath, that stung! But before he could react, she was already above him, and his vision was obscured by her coat. He jerked his head and body sideways, trying to shake it free, but was too slow to avoid the followup.

Abigail's blade struck the corner of his right foot, and her power poured into his body, shocking the giant turtle-man with volts upon volts of concentrated power. Yami immediately reverted to his human form to pull away from the attack as soon as he cool, but ended up tripping over his own two feet, and falling onto his ass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Abigail stood staring at her sword for a moment, watching steam rise from the blade before turning her attention back to the marine captain. He wasn't a beast any more. He was a little man who couldn't take two steps without falling on his ass. "Oh." She said, turning the rest of her body to face the same direction as her hardened eyes. "Your still alive then." She frowned and started walking towards the man. "We can fix that, now can't we."

The red pirate stood over the marine, looking down on him like an angel who forgotten God's tenet of mercy. Her blade found itself pointed at the man's eye. "Do you have any last words?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Yami looked up at Abigail, gritting his teeth angrily before a smile sprouted forth from practically nowhere. "You've won nothing, pirate trash!" He spat raising a hand. Half-way through his motion though, his skin changed back to its dull green hue from earlier.


Yami attempted to whack Abigail's sword aside with his now four-fingered hand, ready to follow up with a punch using his left. His body was covered with a shell, similar to earlier, but now he stood on two legs, anthropomorphic, and moving a lot faster than he was in his full-turtle form. "Die!" He shouted, putting a large amount of force into his left hand while propelling himself off the ground with both legs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Damn it!" The strike caught Abigail completely off guard. She could've sworn the man was just about dead, he was knocking at death's door and waiting for someone to turn the knob at the other side, and so he was barely alive, much less capable of putting up this much of a fight. His mutated hand hit her blade hard enough to send ripples of pain down her arm. Her weapon left her fingers like a rocket and embedded itself into the wall behind her.

"Shit!" She said, instinctively fallowing the item with her eyes and for not paying attention she forgot about her opponent until his fist went into her stomach. "Ugh!" She doubled over and noticed him rush at her. It wasn't the most dignified of positions but for once she was happy she was in it because it allowed her to be closer to the ground when she decided to drop and roll.

Yami went passed her. "Damn it!" She muttered, wincing from the pain and forcing herself back to her feet. "Okay. That was my fault, but its not going to happen again." She wobbled a bit, but managed to find her balance. Her hand started turning red again. "Okay. Okay." She breathed through clenched teeth because there was too much pain to do it any other way. "There's another bruised rib." One hand started glowing while the other rested over her new tender spot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zypha cursed for not being fast enough to take advantage of Yami's moment of pure humanness and Abigail had paid the price. Thankfully she was fast enough to drop the now useless pistol, unwind her scythe, detach one of them to throw the chain at Yami's legs. The chain wrapped around one of his legs just as he catapulted himself at Abigail to smash her. The chain very quickly went taunt, as she used just enough chain to wrap around a few times, and quickly dragged her along from the ride, exactly as she planned.

Using the momentum from the lunge to her advantage she would then land on his back shell with quite a bit of force; of course that all was just to get her in position for the next strike. As soon as she landed on his shell, using her other scythe she planned to swing the blade over the top of the shell and into his neck for a hopefully fatal blow. The curved nature of her scythe would give it the perfect angle for just such a maneuver.

"Just die already, you reptile. I'm not going to let any more crewmembers die today!" If she didn't finish this fight soon, there was a good chance she would be the only one left alive as Abigail was really taking a beating. "Damn it I'm not going to be alone again after a freaken few days!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Yami stopped and winced as he felt something land on his back. It was Zypha, of course! That scythe-wielding harlot was fast, loud, and annoying, the worst qualities for a pirate to have! She was almost as bad as that kooky captain Lenwood... Yami turned his head slightly, catching a glimpse of her scythe in the corner of his eye, and retracting his head into his shelled body a moment before it struck, allowing it only to strike his hair, slicing several locks away like fresh grass. But he wasn't done there, Yami pulled all four of his limbs into his smaller, more agile shell right afterwards, pushing himself into the air just before doing so, in an attempt to propel Zypha off his back. As he did so, his shell started to spin again...

"Kame~Kame Uzo~Shredde~r~r~r~r~r!" He shouted, rolling his tongue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Things didn't look good. They didn't look terrible either, but far worst than the Red pirate would've thought they'd be after such a successful attack. It all came down to looking like she was going to have her insides turned into liquid, but from pummeling, not complex chemical reactions like how spiders did it. Then, Zypha interfered, which was good because Abigail honestly didn't know what she was going to do. Yes, there was the electricity, but it hadn't been very effective the first time she gave it a go, and had only managed any damage after she shot it directly into the turtle man's bloodstream. Really, it came down to a hope that man would've hesitated long enough to allow her to think up something else to do.

Not that it got much better after Zypha's re-entrance into the fray. Yami had gone back into his shell and apparently he could do things that might not have been possible in his new form. It could do with a decrease in total mass, but there was no way to tell with any certainty. Not that how it was happening was very important, or why, which was already answered. What she needed was what, as in what would bring the fight to an end.

Her first reaction was to charge in and do whatever damage she could. That's the way her brother had been. It wouldn't do any good now. Since any attack with electricity was bound to end up hitting Zypha too. So she did the last thing she had wanted to She took a second to stand and watch the shell spin around. The leader could move easier than before so that meant the shell was lighter and maybe more flexible. If that was the case maybe it had exchanged its nearly total defense for maneuverability.

"And?" She shrugged. "What bloody good does that do? Even with the sword--" She blinked and turned her attention behind her, back to the blade, embedded into the wall so deeply it was going to be a pain to get it out. Not that she needed to do that right away. Grinning like a desperate lunatic with only a knife for a cannon fight she rushed over and took it by both hands. "Zypha get out of the way!" Without bothering to look back to see if her advice had been taken she Power poured into the blade which made its way into the wall and shot upwards towards the ceiling.

AT first it looked similar to the dendo-dendo earthworm which Abigail used against the girl in the armor, but then she said "Dendo-Dendo Hydra" and the worm split into two. The worms burrowed their way around Zypha and Yami before meeting in the middle. There was a loud grinding sound before a large piece of the roof broke off and came crashing down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zypha clicked her tongue in annoyance as her attack, well failed miserably. That bloody shell just kept getting in the way but there was little should could do about it. Yami retracted his limbs into his shell, thankfully the chain wrapped around his leg popped off, otherwise she would have been in some serious trouble. The Turtle man started his spin while Zypha desperately latched on for dear life.

Around and around they went, the force of movement threatening to wrench her off and smash her into the nearest wall. For good or for ill, Zypha was soon forced to abandon her position when Abigail yelled "Zypha get out of the way!" Not waiting to figure out what was going to happen, Zypha let go and was flung off of the shell at a decent speed just as the devil fruit power made part of the roof collapse.

Now normally such a throw wouldn't be too much trouble but at high speeds with one leg injured, it would be hard to land on the wall safely. Taking her still attached scythe she threw it at the roof section that had collapsed, the blade managed to snag onto the broken roof and slow her momentum. She let the chain wrapped around her unravel to expel the excess kinetic energy, causing her to spin around as she flew.

The chain dug into her ribs which hurt quite a bit but it was better than smashing into the wall. She managed to slow herself down and alight onto the ground, dropping into a roll to better her landing. She then unhooked her scythe and looked to see if Abigail's attack had been successful and prepared her next attack if needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Yami fell back down, pushing his limbs out of his shell again to land, but not revealing his head just yet. Unfortunately for him, his falling momentum made it impossible to dodge the oncoming rain of broken stones that fell from the roof due to Abigail's attack. One after another, stones pelted the back of his shell, leaving him covered in a pile of debris. After the stones finished falling, Yami bursted out of the top with his shell spinning again, before landing between Abigal and Zypha, seemingly unharmed.

"Reh~heh~ha~ha~ha! Useless, your attacks are useless! My Shell is impregnable, you useless, stupid brats!" Yami shouted. He laughed further, 'Reh~heh~hah', spinning around in place on one of his feet in a dance of pure joy. But something was off about the smooth contours of his shell. He didn't notice it himself, but there was a small net of cracks beginning to form around the center. "Kame~Kame~Shedder~r~r~r~r!" He shouted, suddenly leaping towards Abigail and retreating back into his shell. He spun at a high velocity again, but before coming into range of Abigail, pit flew out of his head-hole in an area-wide misty spray, threatening to burn whatever it could cling to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail frowned at the destruction as well as it's failure to cause any harm to the marine enemy. It was a pretty good trick, and against nearly any other foe would have left a lot more of a mark. As it was the man-turtle didn't look any worst for the wear. If anything, he seemed a great deal happier than he'd been for the whole encounter. It was a bit depressing.

Her hand was still on the blade's handle when the acid spinning top rushed towards her. With a bit of effort it was certain she could get it out, but it was deep enough that there wasn't any way to do it without some elbow grease. "Well damn it!"

She jumped out of the way as the turtle came closer and ran towards the opposite side of the room. "Damn it! Damn it!" She mumbled looking around for whatever it was she was going to do next. "Why can't anything be simple?" She held her hand up and narrowed her eyes. Red sparks of electricity started swarming around her hand.

"Well, maybe this time there'll be more of an effect." She grinned and pointed her open palm at the Yami.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It appeared that Yami had decided that Zypha was the lesser of the two threats, and he would be right normally considering that Abigail was the Devil Fruit user; however, Zypha was also very astute at finding the next big gamble. Zypha managed to get away almost scott-free from the earlier destruction and now she chased after Yami while having to avoid the spit that spewed over her way.

Acid went everywhere but her atheletism won out despite the pain. Good old guts never failed and at this point the adrenaline was really starting to kick in. As she weaved through the waves her keen eyes saw a discrepency on his shell, it seemed slightly, cracked. So this was it, their chance to push through and end this battle.

Looking up at the ceiling, which now had a bunch of cracks in it, she found her position. Reattaching her scythe she threw one up into the ceiling and climbed up by the chain. Finding cracks she positioned herself as close to over Yami as possible. Narrowing her eyes she looked at the center of his shell and aimed right for the center.

"Girls had persistent guys ya know that!"

Dislodging herself from the ceiling and pushing off with her feet, she positioned her scythe out in front of her, a firm grip on the handles she positioned herself so all her weight would fall on the blades when she struck for maximum force. If the blades managed to penetrate the shell that would be for the best but even if they didn't her next move would be the same, to take her scythe and jump out of the way as soon as possible so she wouldn't be electrified.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yami stopped shooting forward as Abigail dodged his attack, but didn't stop spinning. Instead, he prepared to follow after her again, but in the last moment, he felt something hard striking against the back of his shell just as he was within a few feet of toppling Abigail over with his Kame~Kame Shredder. The impact stopping his spinning entirely, but he wasn't about to give up despite the cracks in his shell getting longer and wider. Zypha's blade hadn't penetrated his shell just yet! With a loud roar, he pushed his hands out of his shell, and grabbed onto Zypha's scythe in the nick of time, allowing the blades to cut into his hands ever so slightly. He wasn't able to move after that though, which was made obvious when his body hit the ground. He popped his head out at Abigail and smiled wide, desperate to discourage her at that point. "GO AHEAD, BRAT. SHOCK US!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail watched Zypha rush to attack the turtle opponent, confident in her friend's ability. So it came as somewhat of a surprise that the end result of the assault was her only crew mate tied up with the last remaining marine enemy on the island. She shouldn't have been surprised. The MArine leader was a step above the rest, but she was, and that pissed her off.

Fist clenched at her side. "Oh god's damn it!" She bit her teeth and power started surging out of her like two fuzzy blankets after a tumble in the dryer. "There's always got to be something in the way hasn't there." Then she smiled. "Well, then we'll play that game." She held up her open palm and started sliding to the left, but she didn't let her hand waver an inch from its target.

"Zypha, keep him there. I'm going to grab my sword and shove it as far into one of that bastard's holes as far as it'll go. Sounds good?" She kept on sliding the shorter way towards her blade. "And then, just to make sure he doesn't survive that I'm going to fry him from the inside. What with his body being as good as an insulator it is, I'm sure no more than a few sparks will make it to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was annoying but her latest attempt met with failure. Despite all the force and pressure she was unable to get through the shell and now Yami had her scythes in his hands. Yami's grip was too strong on her scythes to pull free, essentially trapping her on top of him, or at least would have if she couldn't unattach the chains at will.

As Abigail yelled out her plan Zypha moved quickly. Discarding her scythes for the moment she quickly wrapped the chain around Yami's hands, tying them together. Next she did a Houdini, shimmying out of the chains wrapped around her body she threw a loop of chain toward his head, planning to wrap it around his neck for good measure while keeping a firm grip on the chain. She was not about to let go until the last possible second to make sure Abigail could get a clean shot at Yami.

"Don't let this guy have his way any longer and finish him alright?" Zypha yelled back while keeping a firm grip on the chain to keep Yami from going anywhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 8 days ago

Yami struggled to move as the chains wrapped around his neck. Looking at Abigail, he staggered in place for a moment as his shell send a surge of pain throughout his body. "Ach!" He couldn't move or retract his head safely. Now he had no choice. Yami began his transformation once again, turning into his giant-turtle form and putting more strain on the chains as his neck thickened and his shell grew once again. The cracks remained despite his transformation, though, getting bigger to match his new size. His humanoid hands changed back into large three-nailed feet again, releasing Zypha's scythes before slamming into the ground.

It was no use though, Yami couldn't move fast enough..
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