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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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"I have to admit the base has some decent defenses. Only one reliable way in and two cannons on top to attack invaders." Zypha bit her lip as she thought about the best way to get inside. It was unfortunate but there seemed to be no way to sneak in, also the cannons would prove bothersome. She considered asking if Asus could just use his hornets to take out the marines on the roof but they were no doubt already on the lookout for the insects and any loses to their forces could prove fatal.

It wouldn't be that hard to bust through the entrance if there were not those marines and cannons on the rooftop. Quickly she considered the layout and what was around. There were a few trees near the base, they would be the key to figuring this out. She quickly spotted the closest tree to the base, located on the right side. It was a little too far from the building but if she could manipulate the marines she just might be able to find a way on top.

"Alright guys, here is my horrible idea. Asus those idiots will no doubt be spooked by just the sight of your little buggers. If you can just have a few of them buzzing around it could help serve as a distraction. They don't have to do anything, just be seen. Abi," she said, shorting her name just cause. "When you see an opening go for that main entrance and force your way inside. Meanwhile I will be heading for that tree over there and grabbing their attention. If I play my cards right it should be a simple task to trick them into giving me the stepping stone I need to reach the top and take care of our Navy friends."

Even if her plan worked as the only member who had a chance, that wasn't an insect anyway, of reaching the roof thanks to her weapon, it would be a 1v5 battle. Still they had to be cocky sitting all prettily on top of the base like that which would work to her advantage, in the end it was up to her skill and wit. As for the other crew members they would have to enter the base as quickly as possible to bring the fight inside so they wouldn't be able to spare any reinforcements up top. "Once I begin the assault you guys have to move quickly or we'll fail for sure. You think you have the guts to do something this stupid?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Asus had to agree that Zypha's plan sounded good, but he didn't like that she had to go up against five enemies at once. He did have an idea to help her, but that simply wasn't an option considering the height of the roof. "It"s probably our best plan, but I would feel a lot better if we had a surefire way to deal with those marines up there. Too bad the roof is too high for me throw one of my Tama's otherwise I might have been able to distract one of them.

Well at the very least they weren't going to go in blind and the marines did waste a lot of their bullets, though on the other hand they would be expected so staying unnoticed would be impossible.

Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 0/50, dead hornets 3/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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"Sounds good to me." Abigail poked the down marine with her foot just to make sure he wasn't going to get up and bash her head in when she wasn't looking. After a few seconds of his body staying sprawled out limp she was satisfied and nodded to herself. She arched an eyebrow and tilted her head down at the fallen foe. "I wonder." She squatted down and started panting the guy down. "Maybe he has keys for the door? It would suck if everything went perfect for us and we had to stop at the door, or maybe its like you said, easy to bust through. Never can tell but its better safe than sorry."

The redheaded woman stood up and looked at what was left of the crew. "Since nobody has any better ideas I say we get to this. The longer we wait the better the odds will be in the marines favor since they've got numerical advantage. Really, you could argue the only reason we haven't been killed yet is because they got spooked and ran for cover. Any moment they could realize just how dumb it is for them to stay in that base and come storming out for us." She shrugged and started moving towards the marine's compound. "Since I don't want to stand here waiting for one of those marines to get the bright idea to start sniping us from here, let's hurry up and do this."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Zypha smirked, gave a nod to both crewmembers and Bee-lined for the tree. To make sure she seemed like she could be an actual threat she took out the pistol, carrying it like she intended to find a good spot to strike from. As she made her way toward the base of the tree she made sure to zig-zag quite a bit to avoid any bullets that came her way, she certainly couldn't afford a bullet wound before getting on top of the roof.

"I'll give ya numbskulls to the count of 10 to give up or we're gonna storm your base and show ye what your insides look like! 10! 9!..." She started the countdown as she raced toward the tree. At the count of 4 she managed to position herself behind the base of the tree. Now it was all up to her skill, if she could judge the exact timing of the cannon barrage she would jump up, race toward the top of the tree as it started to fall toward the base, and make the best impression of a daredevil, acrobatic ninja she could to get on top. She made sure to at least let the pistol peek out from behind the tree so the marines knew she was right there at the bottom, an easy target for a cannon.

"3! 2!-"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Asus knew his hornets weren't gonna be useful when it came to taking down the Marines, the roof was too high to throw anything on and letting them hover out of sight wouldn't work due to the noise. Still they might help in making it impossible for one of the non cannoneers to hit her which was better than nothing, even if it was unlikely they would reach in time to make a difference.

"Bachi Bachi no Kamen." He sent out ten hornets without to blind one of the Marines not working of the cannon. After all even if they couldn't reach they might still make for a decent distraction especially of one of the rooftop sitters saw what happened the first time he used it.

Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 10/50, dead hornets 3/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Abigail waited for the Asus to let his hornets fly before moving. She hurried over to the opposite side of the building Asus was. She couldn't get a good shot at the marines but she didn't need to. All she had to do was make sure they couldn't get a cannon shot at Zypha. "Okay. Here's the best distraction I can do." Her body glowed with red archs of electricity that slithered around her like millions of quick little snakes. "Dendo-Dendo Snake." She muttered as she raised her hand and let loose an arc of red lightning over the roof.

She probably won't hit anything, actually she was almost guaranteed not to do any damage, but at least the marines wouldn't be quick to their feet, even if they heard the hornets, because then they'd be jumping right into enough power to fry the average human being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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As Zypha appeared on the scene and dashed behind a tree, one of the Marines noticed her immediately as she began taunting them. "Haha! That's gotta be one of those pirates! This one's mine!" He shouted, taking position behind the cannon on the roof at the left of the gate, from the pirate crew's point of view. He took aim with a smirk on his face, and launched a cannonball at the tree Zypha was hiding behind, which moved at great velocity. It would surely strike the tree and make it fall as Zypha planned, but would strike her as well if she didn't move.

As Asus's hornets approached the roof, one of the four marines on the very center peeked over the small wall. "Ey! The hornet guy's around too! Hornets incoming!" He shouted, as the four marines stood up from behind their wall and opened fire at the hornets. Three hornets ended up getting hit as the Marines fired at them.

As they were being distracted and preoccupied by the hornets and Zypha, Abigail's arc of red electricity moved straight at the four Marines at the center of the roof from the other side. One of the marines heard the crackling of electricity and dove behind the wall, as the electricity crashed into the other three marines, brutally electrocuting them. They collapsed into the ground with severe burn wounds and were knocked out.

The remaining marine at the center who dove behind the wall dashed for the cannon on the roof, on the right of the gate, quickly turning the cannon to the direction where the red electricity came from. He spotted Abigail, and immediately fired a cannonball at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Asus couldn't believe it. In some ways the plan went went better than expected thanks to his and Abi's distractions. Not only did Zypha now only have to worry about dodging the cannonball, okay only might not be the right word when talking about dodging cannonballs, but the electricity took out three of the enemies.

It also went worse in some ways, he lost another three hornets which to be honest was a small price to pay. However both of his crewmates were now in the path of very fast moving heavy metal balls and he neither had the time nor the means to help either of them.

Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 10/50, dead hornets 6/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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The plan was going exactly as she hoped, if there was one thing she was confident in it was her five senses and speed. The roar of the cannon resounded in the air and her body had already reacted. Zypha jumped and latched onto the tree. The cannonball smashed into the base of the tree, making the tall pole start its fall. The cannonball barely missed her but she had done it, now she quickly raced to the top of the tree as it started its descent.

She reached the top with remarkable speed and jumped into the air toward the roof. She tossed one left scythe and managed to hook onto the marine's wall, she then pulled herself forward, launching herself at the wall. As soon as he body reached the top she grabbed the top and pushed herself up and over into a somersault. She hadn't really been paying attention to anything but the timing of her ascent so she was surprised to see three of the five already down. What was going to be a rather though fight had turned into, well clean-up.

The two remaining marines were each manning a different cannon. Zypha fired her pilfered pistol at the marine that fired at her, since he no doubt saw her reach the roof, then threw her right chain scythe at the other marine to catch him with its sharp blade. While all this happened she then quickly detached her other scythe from the short wall. If everything went well the roof would be cleaned up of enemies in a matter of moments and the other two could find their way inside. She would have to see if there was entrance here on the roof.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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From the corner of her eye the electric pirate saw the cannon whirl around to face her. There was a thousand year pause as she waited for the bang and then there was a bang. She couldn't exactly see the cannonball exactly, because it looked like a grey blur heading right towards her. "Why me" is exactly what Abigail would've said if there was enough time to do so. Instead, there was hardly enough time to panic. Quickly she cut the string of electricity that was arching from her fingers and started moving.

She didn't get far, at least before the cannon ball struck the ground she used to be standing on. After it hit there was a shock-wave of force that slammed into her from behind and launched her a good twenty feet. Luckily there was a tree to stop her tip. It hurt and for a few moments she lay on the ground with the world spinning around above her as if the entirety of existence was perilously perched on the ankles of the world's greatest ballet dancer.

"Ouch" The redhead said as she propped herself onto her elbows and shook her head to try and get the world to stop dancing around. "God damn." Shakily she got to her feet and headed to the door which should've been easy because of the lack of people trying to kill her but it wasn't because her legs had all but become jello. She got there though, and somehow managed to get the door open.

"I'm heading in!" It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, just whoever was listening at the time. She drew her blade and stepped into the marines's territory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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As Zypha landed on the roof, she managed to shoot the closest marine in the head. Her scythe flew at the remaining Marine, piercing through his neck as the marine collapsed. There was no more threat remaining. Due to Abigail's headache, she failed to realise that a yolt of electricity erupted from her palm, blasting the gate to pieces as she strutted in. There were no Marines within the main lobby. At the end of a room was a small metal door, not appearing very sturdy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Asus watched as his remaining crewmates managed to dodge the projectiles fired in their direction. Afterwards they both impressed him even more, Zypha with how easily she took out the last two Marines and Abigail by casually destroying the gate. All he could do was recall his hornets and follow them into the Lion's Den.

Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 0/50, dead hornets 6/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Abigail paused and looked around the space she currently inhabited. It was what many, including herself, would call Spartan, that is, if Spartan was a suitable descriptive when there weren't even people inside that could be considered the Spartans. It was like a Ghost story but without all the enclosed corners that could lead to a jump-scare. "Hello?" She said because there didn't seem much else she could do inside.

When it became obvious there wasn't going to be a response she put her sword back into its Sheath. "This is all too suspicious." There was a trap somewhere. She couldn't point out where it was as the room didn't look like it could hide anything dangerous. So it had to be behind the frail looking metal door. "Well it is steel." She said stepping up to the barrier. Red arcs of electricity swarmed and Zzzzz around her hand. She reached up and put her open palm against the door. "Maybe I'll get lucky and whatever's waiting for us on the other side will go off behind this thing and won't be a bother to us afterwards." Still, just encase she flattened herself against the wall. "Get ready. Dendo-Dendo Rattlesnake. Electricity poured out of her like mice abandoning ship and swarmed into the steel door like mice clamoring onto a more sea-worthy vessel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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"Well now that I'm up here," Zypha spoke to herself as she looked at the fallen marines on the roof, "time to see what I can use." Zypha quickly went over each of the marine's corpses to see if there was anything useful such as extra bullets, little trinkets, or even some keys. Zypha did her work quickly and collected a few things.

After the messy job was over it was time to see if she could get down into the building from the rooftop. Considering there were five marines on top it made sense there was a trap door or something that led into the building. "Now then, if I were a marine I would try to make the door as obvious as possible cause I'm stupid." Zypha looked around the roof top to locate said door. Depending on if was locked or not might make her have to improvise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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The door that Abigail channeled electricity into was blown right out it's hinges, sending it flying. It ended up crashing straight into a Marine's face, knocking him out instantly. As Abigail and Asus would gaze inside, they would see another room with nine Marines standing there with their weapons at the ready, with one Marine knocked out. At the end of the room, there were three doors. These doors appeared to be made of a thicker and stronger type of metal. Regardless, they were wide open, revealing that each door led to an average sized room. Each room had a door at the end, which meant that one of those doors would probably lead to the captain. But which one?

"Jim! No!" A marine shouted, looking at the knocked out Marine on the floor. "Yer gunna pay for that, filthy pirates!" A second Marine said. "I'm gonna eat yer babies!" A third one shouted. All the other Marines looked at the marine that spoke the last line. "That's...that's pretty messed up, dude." The second marine said. "Aw cmon, I was just trying to scare em! Let's just finish them off!" The marine shouted. The group then charged at Asus and Abigail in unison. One of the closest marines was already slashing diagonally at Asus, while another Marine fired a bullet at Abigail with his rifle as the remaining Marines moved in position and prepared to attack.

Zypha managed to find the trap door, but it was impossible to open the door. One was probably only able to open it from the inside. There were a few broken transponder snails on the ground next to the defeated Marines. Perhaps this was how they communicated with the marines on the inside, and to request entry through said trap door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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When they stormed the base Asus was pleasantly surprised to notice that some of the motionless pupae had finished metamorphosis thus increasing his number of usable hornets. However he was quickly reminded to focus on the battle unless he wanted to end up like Lenwood and Satoru thanks to a truly bizarre threat from one of the Marines. "I'm gonna eat yer babies!"

Because of that he had just enough time to jump back out of the reach of a wildly swinging Marine. He quickly put up a Kabe in front of him. Since the "wall of hornets wasn't enough to cover him completely he hoped that the threat of getting stung by tens of hornets would get them to reconsider slashing again, if that didn't work he hoped the Marine was at least stupid to go for the parts of his body that the wall actually did protect and thus get stung.

Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 87. Number of hornets used for combat 60, hornets currently in use 30/60, dead hornets 6/60
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Zypha stared at the door for a little while and considered her options. The marines didn't have anything on them that could open the trap door, she had attempted opening the door by herself but it was quite sturdy and wouldn't budge. She considered trying her scythe but quickly discarded the idea as being useless. "Well it won't be stealthy at all but, there is at least one way I can get inside."

Zypha walked over to one of the cannons and started to maneuver the piece of artillery over toward the trap door. After carefully positioning the cannon, Zypha made sure to load up a cannonball and prepare the weapon for firing. Everything in place she pointed the cannon's muzzle at the trap door and lit the fuse. There was no way she was standing anywhere near that canon when it went off so she quickly made her way to the other side of the remaining cannon to act as a barrier in case the explosion was more than she bargained for.

One way or another she was going to get in and finish the job they started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Abigail blinked at the carnage she accidentally created. "Oh." She said as her eyes moved down to look at her hand. There were still a few arcs of red electricity flickering on and off like a light-bulb that was about to die, but didn't want the world to think it went out without a fight. "This is a lot harder to control than it looks." She turned to face Asus and lowered her voice so none of the others would hear her. "I only meant to electrocute anything attached to the door."

There would've been a longer explanation, but she was cut off by the marine that wanted to eat babies, or at least liked the idea of the pirates thinking he liked babies. It wasn't so much liking babies was wrong, in general, but eating them wasn't. She would've replied to that, something along the lines of "Oh god! The marines are even more messed up than everyone said they were--well at least we shouldn't feel bad about killing them any more," but the sound of a bullet exploding against the wall next to her, close enough for the rubble to hit her hard enough to draw blood was enough to make her stop.

"Damn it! Whatever happened to marines following a strict hierarchy! Nobody even said fire. I was misinformed about the enemy." The redheaded pirate crouched down and aimed her hand at the attackers. It took a second to charge and then she spoke the words. "Dendo-Dendo Snake." A bright flash of red electricity shot out at the marines like a crimson spear of light, or a skinny red maniac who finally found the guys who owed him money.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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As the Marine slashed at Asus, he ended up slashing two hornets down. He ended up sluggishly crashing into the hornet wall however as the remaining hornets pierced his body. The man staggered back and fell into the ground, covered in wounds.

Abigail's spear of electricity exploded, blasting Five marines away. They scattered throughout the room and crashed into the walls and floor, knocking them out instantly.

As Zypha fired the cannonball, it struck and the trapdoor blasted open while the rest of the roof near it remained intact. It had to have been made from a very strong material. The trapdoor at the ceiling where Abigail, Asus and the group of Marines were at bursted open with strong force, launching the trapdoor into one of the Marine's heads, which rammed his face into the ground and knocked him out. It then bounced off, sending it flying into the left wall where it also bounced off and continued on it's high speeds, striking the two remaining Marines from their right sides and ramming them into the wall, knocking them out instantly.

The path to the three doors was now free, and Zypha was able to enter the room through the ceiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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"Well that's a start" Abigail muttered as she let her hand rest at her side so it wouldn't be in danger of going off on someone. "Almost a finish too. NIce!" She perked up as she looked around and noted there didn't seem to be anyone there who would would try and get in their way. "Just three doors?"

"Hmmm." She turned her attention to Asus. "I guess they want us to split up?" She arched an eyebrow. "But why would we? I mean we can just go together through each door taking out whoever's behind there, can't we, or is there some kind of pirate vs marine code I'm unfamiliar with, because if there is then those guys" she pointed a finger at all the limp bodies on the ground. "Didn't read it either."

She turned back to the doors and rests her hands on her hips. "But then again if there's some kind of super booby trap behind one of those it'll take two of us out instead of just one, won't it?" She shook her head. "Probably separating would be a better idea then." She looked over her shoulder at her crewmate. "I'm getting the door in the middle, or was it the one you wanted?"
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