Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Eddy Bogs
Alias: Slime King
Age: 13

Gender: male
Ooze biology: His entire body is made up of a mystical slime that grants him several abilities. One of them is the ability harden his body or parts of it by increasing its density to be as hard as a rock, and being able to squeeze through incredibly tight spaces.

Natural weaponry: Eddy can shape his limbs into weapons and objects for offensive purposes, such as blades, saws and hammers.

Regeneration: When he gets parts of body blasted apart they will reform, but doing so takes up energy and it eventually he will lose this ability.

Superhuman strength: Eddy can lift up to a total of 25 tons. This doesn't improve his durability.

Weakness: chemicals that remove waste and stains can be toxic to him and weaken him. While his regeneration ability helps keep him alive, it will only work if there is enough of him left to reform so if all of him is destroyed then he will die.

Personality: Eddy is not the type of person or slime creature to just stand by and let innocent people die. Despite how normal humans view him, he still believes in the old ways of heroism and will fight to bring good into the world. Even though Eddy doesn't show it much, he is mindful of his appearance and suffers from occasional bouts of depression thanks to being unable to be human again.

History: Eddy was born to a lower middle class family and was kind of a social outcast when it came to other kids his age. He had a hard time socializing and his likes didn't match those of many other kids and so he never had really any friends. Eddy did try to come out of his shell when he got older and made a few friends, but things would go bad when his metahuman powers activated.

After the disappearance of the trinity public opinions on superhumans became worse and people began to fear the dangers of metahumans and their abilities. It wasn't too long after the big three disappeared that Eddy's powers developed and his body forever changed from a boy into a monstrous slime creature. He felt horrified by his appearance and other people shunned him for his monstrous looks. His shame at himself caused him to runaway from home and eventually he decided to go into heroics and do some good with his powers.

He was eventually found by Hadrian who was planning to bring together a team of young heroes and help combat the chaos in the world. Even though Eddy was reluctant at first he agreed to join the Teen Titans and headed for New York state to the Headquarters of the team.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DeathXtheXTree
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DeathXtheXTree Ignore this Tree

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Celeste stands at a short 5 foot 6 and has a skinny physique that betrays her true strength. Her skin isn't really tanned or pale, just somewhere in the middle. Her most notable features lie above her neck though, with her hair being at the top of the notable list. Her hair is long, and stretches down to about her waste. It's colour could be described as purple, though that wouldn't portray the majesty of it very well. The colour changes hue from neon pink, to deep purple every time you turn away from her. While at first glance, most of her hair would be purple, with only shades of dark pink here and there, at second glance this could change into being almost entirely pink with only small hues of purple here or there. While this may sound gaudy and unappealing, the iridescent nature of her hair is actually rather beautiful.

Sticking out from her hair are two small horns, a staple of her former race and a reminder that she is far from human. Her eyes match her hair in the nature of their colour. While most of them are an aqua blue, the bottom half of both of them fades into a sort of light green. Along with this, further adding to the alien look are here ears, which give off a sort of elf-like touch to her.
Celeste's main power is her sheer strength and durability. She is far stronger than any human, and even then most superhumans. Along with this, she can withstand the full force of a train hitting her head on and only sustain a broken arm or so. Her healing factor is increased, but not overtly so, she could heal a broken limb in about a week or so. She is also able to fly, albeit at only a minor speed faster than her running pace. Her durability factors into her lungs, and she is able to fly through space without fear of death.
Enough damage can kill her just like anyone else. Along with this, her naivety and lack of knowledge about earth can be her downfall, as any villain who convinces her that they are a good guy can put a deathly turn on the situation. Quicksilver also severely weakens her, and can even kill her in large enough quantities.
If you had to describe Celeste in two words they would be 'Overtly optimistic'. Celeste refuses to see the bad in a situation, whether this be due to her naivety or something else altogether is unknown, but she never lets anything get her down. Kind and thoughtful, Celeste will often pick up on a minor thing a person has said and try to find out as much about it in order to become better friends with the person.

However, there is a downside to this overtly happy personality. She is rather bold and outgoing in what she says, and can often offend with her blatant observations. Along with this, she knows very little about earth and this lack of knowledge has been a great nuisance for her.
Celeste was born on a planet far out of the milky way. It was a planet mainly filled with various faunas and forests, hardly even breaking past the pre-historic stage of its cycle. Nevertheless, do not think it's inhabitants to be cavemen, they were just as adept and smart as the modern human being, but their culture was centred extremely around tribes and whatnot.

Celeste spent a lot of her youth hunting and exploring with her siblings, tracking various birds of prey and carnivores before fighting and killing the animals to bring home for dinner that night. Everything seemed to be going well in her life, that is, until the Empire of Jahanos attacked. The Empire of Jahanos was an extremely advanced army of aliens, dedicated to mining out planets for their resources whether the inhabitants liked it or not.

This lead to the tribes forming together into one massive army, and managing to hold off Jahanos for a few weeks or so, before they began pulling out the big guns. They slaughtered entire towns without mercy, and began starving out the ones that caused the most trouble. Soon enough bombings began occurring and the tribes began having less and less chance of winning this fight.

Celeste would never discover who won the war, as she was kidnapped before it had even properly gotten into full swing. She was to be used as a bargaining chip, but fate saw other plans for her. She broke out of her jail cell using her incredible strength and managed to make it to an escape pod on the ship she was being held on. She pressed just about every button in the pod before it put her into deep sleep and sent her shooting off into space.

She slept in that vessel for 4 months or so, tumbling and spinning through space until she finally reached her stop. Earth's moon. She exited the vessel fully rested and ready to get revenge on Jahanos. Unfortunately, that revenge would have to wait. She explored the moon, finding nothing but a few rocks and craters. She leapt into the air, only to discover her ability of flight, and managed to make her way to earth before subsequently getting lost once more.

She found her way into society and adapted as well as she could. She managed to get a small job, an apartment and became inspired by heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman to start doing it herself. A few months later and there she was, joining the Teen Titans.
  • Her favourite food is hamburgers
  • Obsessed with 'future funk'

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Neko
Alias: May Daystorm
Age: 16

Enhanced Biology]
Neko's abilities are the result of an unknown genetic mutation which brand her as an Aberrant life form who while appearing human shares only 91% of her genetic code with humanity.)
Her extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1200 pounds (545 kg), running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph) and being able to leap across gaps 100 ft.(30.48 m.) Or as high as 35 ft. (10.67 m.) are examples of her mutation
Her physical toughness is extraordinary her skin able to shed off small caliber weapons rounds (.45 cal) that leave only welts and a pissed off Neko her bones nearly as strong and light as chromoly are very difficult to break.
Her eyesight is akin to Low light vision systems though she suffers from color blindness hinting at her feral genetics.
Her hearing is also enhanced as is her sense of smell an comparable with that of canines. Her ears grant Neko a sense of hearing that is both telescopic as bidirectional (she can listen to two separate sources and hear in frequencies higher and lower than any other mammal.
Neko cannot become intoxicated by drugs and poisons including alcohol,or by impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases due to her unusual genetics.
She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit her focus.
Claws retractable
She can use her claws as climbing tools that are able to gain purchase on even concrete or solid stone.
They can also be used as armor piercing weapons able to shred cloth armor or skin
Because of her enhancement Neko can squeeze through any space which is only slightly larger than her head.
Tail prehensile
Neko's tail is able to stretch to twice it's length (6ft. /1.82m)and support her own weight plus 600 pounds (272 kilo)
Weakness: First off Neko can't hide her appearance and that she's not human.
Second Colorblind, Neko doesn't see colors in the same way as humans which results her sometimes dressing in odd combinations that make her stand out.
Third Neko Prefers live kill and raw meats which let's face it gives her social stigma (She actually raises rabbits and then releases them, pursues them then kills and eats them or she buys animals and does the same) She hates meat from butchers but will eat if it's all that's available and prefers internal organs to flesh.
Finally she like all felines suffers from a hyperactive curiosity, has to investigate new things, open unexplored doors, people and whatever else attracts her.

Personality: Neko's personality is very mercurial and therefore unpredictable.
Blatantly sexual in her outward appearance she can react very cruelly to advances as often as she seems to welcome them. As a result of her heightened senses she can be doing one thing with all her focus one moment an the next drop what she was doing and forget it to pursue a new interest
History:8 years ago in Cascade Mountains people began making reports of seeing a wild girl and there the story might have ended if not for a few pictures that showed an unusual girl with ear and a tail in the underbrush.
4 Years ago a Biologist named Dr. Susan Daystorm was doing a study of the Black bear population and was injured in a fall while crossing a river on the rocks. In danger of drowning Dr. Daystorm thought she was soon to die as the swift current carried her down stream. Then as she passed under a fallen log a strange young girl reached into the water while hanging upside down and plucked her from it.
Dr. Daystorm was carried an drug through the forest till they stopped in a cave that was the naked girl's home.
In the beginning they couldn't talk because Neko had no knowledge of english or human speech. The doctor alone still talked to her benefactor as if she understood and was stunned when a week later Neko asked her first question "What You?" Not exactlly the erudite type of question the young doc was used to but stunned Susan Daystorm to the ground.
Once Dr Daystorm healed three weeks later she had managed to teach Neko speech at a thrid grade level an convinced the young girl to come home with her.
For two years Neko (Dr. Named her that because she looked like the legendary creatures)lived with her absorbing information at an astounding rate about the world around her.
One year ago Neko became aware of the fact that her presence at her friend's home was attracting unwanted attention to the Doctor and decided to leave.
She later found the Titans while searching for a place where she could remain in the civilized world.

Name: Nicole (Nicki) Milinaire
Alias: CG
Age: 17

Gender: Female


Weakness: Primary weakness is that outside of her CG armor Niki is as fragile as a normal girl.
Her power doesn't function on biologicals
She requires three times the calories of a normal girl her age and if her access to that amount is curtailed or taken to basic normal for three days Niki loses it and requires 7 days at three times normal to recover.

Personality: Niki seems to be the quiet type of studious girl commonly called a nerd or geek but it is a facade used to insulate her from the curious. Inside she is a hyperactive personality who is only at rest when she sleeps.

History: Nikki was born 16 years ago an only child to Frank an Joyce Milinaire.
Her parents were both in their late forties and Professors at Erskine Technical Institute her father teaching programing and her mother robotics.

Nikki grew up in a house where it wasn't uncommon to have military officers or world renowned scientists drop by for anything from a Barbecue to a closed meeting while federal officers put the house under watch. She attended several launches of space vehicles before she was 9 and even watched her mom go into space once to repair a satellite she'd designed when she was 10.

Then one day it happened that her father while working on a project to program nanites for use in some unknown project and was killed in an unexplained explosion in his lab, Nikki was only 12 years old.

Her mother was so distraught that she had a complete nervous breakdown and had to be committed to an institution. Because of her high security clearance Nikki's mother was kept in a special place reserved for others like herself and restricts visitation.

When she turned 13 her guardian Uncle Blinky took to see a lawyer who said he was executing a living will written out by her mother. In the will Nikki found herself the owner of her family home, her father's
and a small vacation cottage she'd visited as a child but never knew they'd owned

At 14 she was accepted by Erskine Tech where she began work in earning two degrees one in Physics an the other is in Mechanical engineering.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Mao Everett
Alias: Alloy

Age: 17

Mao stands at a relatively average height for a guy of his age at approximately 5'11", with a weight of 168 lbs. His physique is that of an athlete; toned and lithe with little visible body fat.
Gender: Male

Powers/Equipment: Mao has the ability to produce a metallic substance of similar strength and lightness to titanium from his sweat glands at will, as well as produce a secondary substance that causes metals of the same or a similar composition to become brittle.

Weakness: The metallic substance he creates has several flaws to it, chief among them being the fact that it's production barely extends past the dermal level, meaning that a blow of sufficient force can pierce it, the second flaw is the fact that this substance leaves zero room for finger and joint articulation unless Mao intentionally leaves gaps between the bits of metal like a suit of armor, which leaves soft flesh vulnerable to attack if he isn't careful, and the final flaw is that the substance he produces comes at the cost of bodily fluids and fat reserves, meaning he requires large amounts of food and drink after each usage or he runs the risk of severe dehydration, malnutrition, or other unhealthy side effects.

Personality: A laid back and somewhat lazy fellow, Mao is generally reluctant to put any more energy into an activity than he absolutely has to when it comes to tasks. Further adding to this slothfulness is the fact that Mao extremely patient and often chooses to do things one bit at a time unless given proper motivation. This is not to say that Mao is an absolutely slovenly human being: he can be a surprisingly hard worker if need be, it's just that so long as he can do things on his terms he'll choose the easier route nine times out of ten.

History: Mao has had a fairly unremarkable life up until the disappearance of the leading forces of the Justice League: Even though his powers manifested at a relatively young age, the fact that his parents were quick to explain to him the dangers of showing off his abilities in public in the hopes of providing him with as normal a childhood as they possibly could meant that he went completely unnoticed by anyone that may have taken issue with what he was. Mao did all the same things that normal children and teens did: He went to school, hung out with friends, held the occasional summer job, and picked up an after school activity to stop his parent's hounding. Unfortunately, it was because of his after school activity of choice that he was landed in the situation he was in. Being that he disliked most sports, and his parents wouldn't have been satisfied with him choosing an activity that didn't involve him actually being active, Mao chose to dabble in the martial arts, picking up a muy thai class to satisfy is parents. He picked up more than a few interesting tricks during his classes, however due to his lazy nature Mao struggled to get anywhere beyond the lower percentile of his class while everyone else went on ahead.
This pattern would have likely continued where it not for the fact that after a few too many blows to the head during a sparing match Mao's patience finally ran out. A strong kick to the ribs with a metal coated shin was all it took to send his sparing partner to the hospital and blow his cover as a normal person. As several of his classmates actually went to his school, word traveled pretty quickly about his ability, which saw Mao receiving his fair share of harassment by his peers and even a few teachers. The disappearance of the key members of the justice league not too long afterwards only further exasperated the situation to the point where even Mao's parents were targeted by hate groups for keeping him. When talks of the family picking up shop and moving elsewhere started to surface Mao chose instead to strike out on his own to save his parents the trouble, finding himself an apartment on the opposite end of town which he paid for with odd jobs. Life got quite a bit harder for Mao as metahuman discrimination saw him barely bringing enough cash home to both pay for his suspiciously increasing rent and feed himself. At some point he would seek out the Titans after hearing of a group that fought against metahuman discrimination

Other: Mao is a damned good cook. The fact that he frequently found himself having to experiment with whatever food he could bring home means that he has a good idea of what blends well with what.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"How do I even look like a bird or a plane?"

Arron Gallagher

Kid Super


A 5'9" teenager who could be constantly seen bearing the superman symbol. Mainly a hoodie. Oddly has the appearance of a young child or a kid that's 11 or 12. Similar to Superman he often wears glasses when he hides his identity.


•Super Strength
•Heat Vision
•Bullet Proof

•XD Yes kryptonite
•Unlike Superman he faces fatigue which is slower than normal humans but can catch up to him
•Does not draw energy from the sun
•Can't survive in space
•Can die from enough wounds
•Can't lift infinity

Calm in almost every situation to the point others would believe him to be emotionless. He does fear death and other things. Arron is nice and friendly to most of the people he interacts with. Due to his past though he doesn't open that much. Which comes of strange to others since he's so friendly.

After the disappearance of Superman, Batman and WonderWomen a Scientist obsessed with Superman saw this as an opportunity to create a hero of his own. One even better than the Superman. Though to create this hero the Scientist had to use something that would give the hero it's unbelievable power. Thanks to some underground trading the Scientist came across a sample of Superman's D.N.A. The seller name was L.L. a wealthy man who wasn't a fan of people who liked Superman. After months and months of working The Scientists created what he believe to be the answer to creating a meta human. His first and last test subject, his 11 year old son, was given the injection and was monitored for several years. His aging seemed to have slowed and many other things changed about the Scientist's son. When his son was 16 he learned some information that wasn't suppose to be leaked. Like his possible death occurring during the injection. He felt betrayed and destroyed everything related to the creation of his abilities.
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