Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
Avatar of Iatos

Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interactions: @GrafRoy Zeppeli Lin mostly.

Feeling Lin's closeness, his warmth and his patting on top of her head as he with a confused yet worried voice wondered what had happened to her. Yet Shikio started quaking and sobbing more loudly as comfort came her way, perhaps because she let it loose everything she felt unleshed at once. "Liin.... Lin.... Lin" she cried his name speaking it several times with great sorrow in her voice, she wailed cried and shaked in his grip.

It took her several minutes before she even could speak more to him. Yet it was but a weak complain, "..I... I was so afriad... So lonely... So cold" she whimpered as she sniffled. Perhaps to some it would just sound odd, but to Shikio who never had felt all three of those at once it was very much indeed.

She snuggled into Lin's chest, slowly feeling a bit calmer. "Lin... Please don't leave me... Not again... Never again...don't let me go to that place again... The frozen world... If daddy haden't saved me... I wouldn't be here... Lin... I was so cold... I thought I never see you again... Never come home..." she said as she took a deep breath and hugged him tighter.

She rubbed her head towards his chest as her tail started to slowly wag to his patting. "i don't want to go back to that horrible room... Lin please don't make me go back there... I was betrayed... Attacked... And went to that horrible place. Please... Please let me stay with you" she whimpered before getting silent.

However a loud crash that shook the place startled her enough to jump into Lin's lap with enough force to trip his chair backwards and make her end up on top of him with a loud yelp. Having her eyes shut she clinged to him tightly. Then as she opened them and finally seeing his blush she too blushed slightly. "S-orry..." she said as she gave him a light lick on the nose befor getting off him to sir crouched nearby. She was then silent and starring at the floor.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
Avatar of Zelosse

Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrians voice (Use your imagination)

"How dare you!!!"

Reina yelled at him as she sprayed the repellent at his face. After a good 20 seconds she stopped and looked at how he was doing now. If he wasn't dead yet she had to spray again till he would finally die so there wouldn't be any moths anymore.

"Are you still there Moth-san?"

She questionable asked but not because she was worried. Of course she hoped he didn't answer. She didn't want to see the thing suffer all too much when she tried to kill him.

Adrian twitched uncontrollably under the weight of the wardrobe, a short spasm of his arm or finger as Reina shouted at him and proceeded to spray a bottle of pest killer directly into his face. At first it was just an irritating sting to the downed moth man as his focus rested solely on trying to remember where he was. Then the bug spray began to hiss on contact with his skin in a blinding pain Adrian had never known before, a profound rage welled in his body like fire as the bug poison introduced him to new realms of anger.


The scream emenating from his lungs truly was inhuman and devoid of humanity as the instinct to survive pressed to the forefront of Adrians mind demanding escape from the torture. Strength unknown pumped into him with adrenaline surging his body to new heights of strength, tossing the heavy warbrobe from him with both hands to the opposite side of the room as he scrambled for his feet, claws and arms flailing madly at his face to wipe away the hissing foaming pest killer and free him from that horrible sting. Exasperated beyond measure Adrian grabbed Reina by both arms and stared into her eyes, defeating gaze likely paralyzing her as the 8 foot tall moth man roared his outrage, his own crimson eyes an even angrier red from the sting of her attack.


Adrian took a cautionary step back and covered his eyes with both hands frantically wiping the agony from his face and chest on his luxurious red robe, whipping his head from side to side spilling his own acidic spittle about the ground and Reinas pajamas. On contact it eroded the fabric with alarming quickness till there was practically nothing holding it on. Adrian might have enjoyed it had his eyes not been in agonizing pain.


Adrian wiped his eyes as his clawed hand smashed a nearby window, black blood staining the window sill as he tried to escape. In a rare moment of clarity he stopped his roar and realized the danger of leaping out a broken window and calmly maneuvered around the wreckage to the other free one, reopening it and making a leap for freedom. His foot caught the frame and ruined his flight. With yet another awful groaning scream he landed hard upon the ground.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
Avatar of Temporary

Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Edgar Quantus

The energy surrounding both Edgar and Sorcha was powerful, and probably visible. The air was charged with high voltage, but for some reason didn't affect anything. Every hair on his body stood on end as the magic cast, but did nothing. There was no visible or subtle effect from his magic. What had happened? Was the Dragon-kin somehow excluded from the timline, or was there some interference?

Then he felt something, almost like teleportation, but it felt a bit different. Like something had been summoned behind him, but it also didn't feel like anything had been cast. Not that there was any residual effect from most magic, but people could feel it in their gut, as if they were being attacked. Whatever did indeed teleport in, it pushed Edgar towards the Dragon-kin with a pretty considerable force. He let go of the glaive as he moved, and stumbled towards Sorcha with the same amount of force.

Then he felt the exact same presence appear behind her, and before he could register what had happened, the two collided and the dragon was hugging him.

"My, how bold! Doing that in plain daylight, what a lovey dovey couple! Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!"

He knew that voice a little too well. It had been in his head on day one, and he had been there when he had revealed that someone had the Eye of Baphel. A was messing around with people a little too much, and Edgar honestly disliked it. A lot.

"Hmph, very well. You have made a mistake, human...I was looking for someone to possibly be my master, but it seems you wish to be my enemy instead."

Wait what? The Dragon had let him go, leaving him standing dumbfounded. He had guessed that she wasn't a mage, but she had come to be a familiar?! Also, what was it about being enemies? She started it, ruining the sandwich he had paid good money for. He looked up to the Dragon, who was now hovering above the courtyard.

"I'd kinda rather not be enemies. I mean, I wouldn't want to have someone resistant to time against me." but she had already flown off.

It was then that everything dawned upon him, and he realised everything that had just happened. All his runes lit up, his cheeks flushed and his Eye hurt. He was going to kill A when he found him.

"A! Where the hell are you?! I'm going to break your fucking neck if I find you." and with that, he turned towards where he heard the Director's voice and pushed past some students, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of the bastard, or even his presence.

Synth Kane

Everything Alistair said gave Synth more reasons to dislike him. Apparently Alisrtair didn't mean him when he said asshole, which of course meant the only other person could have been A. And he was right; A was a bit of a dick. But a dick you couldn't help but like, despite his... Overwhelming power and personality.

And, apparently, the young teacher was decisive. Working out that Synth wasn't his first name was a pretty simple, but figuring out his age of possession? He might have been more impressive than he first thought, though he was still a prick. And then the question about what he would be teaching.

"Well, you would be right. Synth isn't my real name, but it's better to use it than my real one" the look in his eyes would immediately notify anyone he wouldn't talk, "And as for my area of teaching, you should know by now. Then again, Alistair, I don't expect someone as young as you to listen. But, for the last time, I'm hear to teach classes about shadows and darkness, some psychology, and some Pythones stuff. And, Juliann, how might you mean volatile? Just because I tried to kill the child doesn't make me unpredictable."

And it was very, very clear that Alistair was looking the teacher over. Synth was too, in fact, but with a different curiosity. A curiosity that burned through the woman. A curiosity about her power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well then... this was a bit awkward. Not that he could blame demon girl for being out of it if last night was her first encounter with the Erasals. With a slight sigh, he brought his arms across his front and back and returned her curtsy with a similar bow. Low enough to be respectful, but not much else. Hopefully that had been a smooth enough recovery. "Let's hope that is the case then."

He glanced behind him at the unfamiliar voice and let out a soft, "Huh..." Meruin, like Iravis, was someone he recognized, but little beyond that. She was supposed to be a rather capable mage that used Bounded Fields, though Runik couldn't recall anything about how she used them in a fight. At the redhead's look he simply shrugged and then nodded towards the shorter girl. "Alright don't see a problem."

Before their group actually went anywhere he wanted to get an idea of everyone's capabilities, but there was something else that had to come before. "I suggest y'all cover your ears," he warned the three girls around him, giving them a few moments to do so before he took a deep breath. "ANYBODY ELSE WANT IN ON THIS? I DON'T WANT TO EXPLAIN SHIT TWICE."

Alucard winced at the immense shrieking sound behind him, unable to cover his ears and forced to endure the full agony of the two sentences blasted out with the force of a first rank megahpone. He turned around slowly and said haughtily, "I'd be more inclinced to get 'in on this' if you didn't scream quite so loudly and vulgarly. I'm assuming you mean the special training nonsense. In which case as I have no desire to fight whatever it is alone, then yes." Although it would be more difficult in his suit with the additional challenge of making sure his box and its precious contents weren't destroyed. Still not paying any paticulur attention to the target of his tribute so as not to break the rules of the bargin she had set.

A slight tilt of the head was the sum of Runik's reaction towards the fallen angel before he shrugged and turned his attention back towards the three, or namely Iravis and Meruin. "Alright, so let's just lay out what each of us can do. I'm a Destructive Class Magician and Warlock Class in Naturalis who specializes in fire, ice, and lightning. Catalyst would be the runes that are glowing quite helpfully." A faint pulse of red seemed to punctuate the statement. His eyes shifted towards Iravis and he asked, "Given your wording, I take it you have a way of dealing with injuries rapidly? Anything else beyond that?"

The phoenix noted that this runed man could both be crude and refined, and was glad about his warning. She covered her ears, a small smile crossing her face as he screamed.

When Alucard walked up in his buttler suit, Iravis was about to become furious, but soon realized that he was pointedly ignoring her. Luckily for the black haired man, the Goddess understood in her omnipotence that there was a such thing as being the fly caught between the hammer and the anvil.

The Phoenix considered lying. She didn't want to reveal her powers, even to an ally. Iravis looked at Lyssa, and realized she had to offer a longer explanation. "Some say the color of my radiance matches the colors of my powers." She ran her fingers through her hair to make the point. "I wield that which Prometheus brought to the mortals."

Lyssa had mostly been silent as the group moved out of the cafe. Whatever this 'special training' was, she hoped it involved Smash Bros instead of fighting or something. Maybe an eating contest, however unlikely it was, so she might as well tell everyone what she was capable of.

"Hehe, don't mind Iravis. She's a Pyromancer." Lyssa replied with a small smile, despite Iravis shooting the hellion an irritated look. "I'm an alchemist. Though, I don't uh, really create things. I can destroy things pretty easily if I know what they're made of. I uh, don't really...like fighting a whole lot though."

He raised an eyebrow at Iravis' roundabout and not all that cryptic statement, giving Lyssa an appreciative nod at the simple clarification. Humming thoughtfully, Runik did wish she had the flexibility a creator would have allowed the group, but ideally the demon stayed out of the fight entirely. "And hopefully you won't have to do any of that today..."

That left Meruin and, if he had stuck around, the fallen angel to elaborate on what they could contribute. Between Iravis and himself, the two of them likely had the brute force aspect covered.

It was easy to ignore her as long as he kept the box on his shoulder between them. It seemed it was share time in regards to their abilities which meant Alucard needed to speak up. How best to explain concisely? "I am an adept meele combatant and my magic allows me to increase or decrease something for a poroptional amount."

Meruin looked at each member of the group. It looked like she had stumbled across an impromptu hunting party. The truth of the matter was that she actually had no intention of going after the beast - only making it seem like she did. She had approached the group out of intererest for the girl with red hair - Iravis Ustrina, her name was - and her connection with Pheonixes.

That she was a Pyromancer only helped further her suspicion.

Well, it was to late to back out now, and she supposed that this was a good chance to observer from close-up, and to confirm just exactly how Iravis was connected the legendary fire bird.

"I am an Alchemist and a Pythones Mage," Meruin stated simply. She waited several seconds before realizing that they were waiting for her to elaborate more on her abilities. "I can transmute objects quickly and from a distance, and can handle multiple summonings of varying strength."

She paused. Maybe she should tell them about her Illusions as well? She shrugged. "I'm also a Praestigiae Mage, if anyone wants to know."

That should be sufficient for the duration. Meruin looked at Runik; so far, it seemed he was in charge of the party, and Meruin waited for him to make the next move.

Not a bad combination of talents for a group that had been formed at random. It wasn't hard to figure out how they'd be arranged, not that there was any real difference to what Iravis had suggested in the first place. "Alright then." While tempting to simply address the fallen angel as you and be done with it, he did pause to ask. "Runik, and I never did get your name."

"Alucard." was his flat reply. Hopefully the man, Runik, did not feel the need to do any more shouting. He couldn't cover his ears and carry his box, and setting it down would be inviting disaster to destroy it.

"Righto, then you're up in the front. Make sure to close in on anything we find alright? Meruin and Lyssa? Just keep a couple meters behind the front. Iravis, you want to take up the rear just in case something gets the drop or shall I?"

Iravis nodded, heading towards the back of the party. "I will smite them if they assault here."

With all that done Runik checked and saw that there were still some time before the 10 minute mark. Granted the creature could have already arrived and there simply hadn't been another announcement. Depressingly enough, that was hardly unthinkable considering the numerous asshats that ran the school. 'Whatever..' With a minute shake of his head, he focused on the task at hand and motioned for everyone to move along.

Meruin nodded in agreement. A fairly solid plan, at least going by present company. She didn't know enough about them to make an adequate assessment of their overall strength, but she would learn soon enough.

She paused and approached Runik. "I'm going to set up my territory now." With that as her only explanation, Meruin began walking around, sticking her tags everywhere in a large area. In a few minutes, she was almost out of sight.

After walking for a while Zan arrived in a city. ’It’s quiet for a city, too quiet.’ thought the skeleton as he walked through the city. ’Where is the people of this city’ he asked himself, while looking around and seeing signs of people just been there. Zan stopped walking mused ’Was that a severe weather warning earlier?’ and stared up into the sky to see if he could find any indication of bad weather. His right hand reached up and scratched the side of his head as he thought. Heard what sounded like talking, so he decided to head in the direction of talking.

Given how the two had gone ahead of the others, it was only natural that Alucard and Meruin were the first to encounter the animated skeleton. Maybe a dozen meters around the next corner, it walked forward at a steady pace. Frayed and rotted pieces of fabric clung to the bones, decayed to the point it was impossible to tell what sort of clothes they might have been at one time. Patches of white clung to exposed bone, identifiable as salt deposits by the keen eye and indicating it must have come from the sea. It didn't look particularly different from any other animated bone, beyond lacking the characteristic glow within its eye sockets from the energy that animated these creatures.

Though, it was quite easy to tell that this skeleton was quite large in life. It stood at roughly 6'5" and had wide shoulders. The skeleton looked like it could hold a human skull in its hands with ease. Although it had a slight limp to its right leg, it appeared to walking with little to no problem like a living being would. Another thing that made this skeleton look different was that it was peering into the windows of the buildings as it passed them. When the pair got within twenty meters of the skeleton, they would feel their magic circuitry go haywire. Some of it completely shutting down.

Alucard's appraising eyes turned from the short, black haired girl in front of him to the creature in front of them. Some sort of skeleton monster thing. Presumably the monster they were to train against. Or something. Maybe he could just ask it to leave, he didn't want to chance ruining his tribute box or his suit and fighting with one hand might be rather difficult. "We don't have to fight do we? I have a date today and I would hate to have it ruined by such a trivial thing." By the nine it was a large beasite wasn't it? What kind of creature had it been before it had become this? Whats more his felt his hands get a sort of tingly sensation, flickering on and off. Some sort of aura around the skeleton? Odd, but nothing serious.

Meruin paused from her routine tagging to look at the newcomer. She looked. Then looked up. And up. And up. And my, that was a very large skeleton. Was this the monster they were after? If so, it stopped at an inopportune time. She was still tagging.

Turning to fully face it, Meruin held a hand up. "If you are the monster we are after, and are capable of understanding me, do hold off for a few minutes. I'm still setting up my territory and it would be inconvenient if you interrupt me now."

As soon as Meruin finished, she felt something go wrong. Her magic, her ability went wild. Her eyes widened as a bit of pain shot through her, signaling the shut down of some of her circuits. She tried channeling a bit of magic and found to her displeasure that about half of her regular circuits were down and unusable. The only good thing was that a majority of her carved runes were active, but that accounted for less than a quarter of her overall magic focuses.

Zan cocked his head to the side for a bit and then straightened it. 'People not running in fear, this looks like it might be the place.' he speculated. "Children these days have no respect for their elders." scoffed the skeleton as he looked down at the two. "I would have been smack so hard I'd be drinking food through a straw for a week, just for talking with that tone." He rolled his shoulders for a little. "Do I look retarded to you?" asked Zan to the obviously younger child. "Yes I can understand you." It was very obvious from the skeleton's voice he was not happy with the two of them.

Really? REALLLY? It was one of those stupid old people with the 'back in my day' and the whole 'no respect for your elders' deal? He was a fricking skeleton. Nobody cared how old he was, if he wanted respect he should go hang out with his good old pals the dinosaurs. Alucard hadn't even been that rude. Like at all. On the other hand this did give him an angle to play up to avoid conflict. It certainly looked like the monster was ready for a fight, even eager. Though, it was kind of hard to tell what he was thinking in general. Play suck up it was. "Sorry sir, I don't think either of us have much experience with talking to someone of your standing." Alucard said polity, executing a low bow while carefully keeping ahold of his box. "We were warned of a monster attack so naturally we are both a little leery of unknown persons."

Iravis was looking behind the party when the skeleton approached, so she turned around to the sound of Alucard's voice. He mentioned something about a date, which made the red haired girl wonder who he was taking out. Was the box meant for the girl, or as a tribute? Either way, the man had a right to love.

The Phoenix noticed the signs of discomfort in some of the other members of the group. The youngest girl looked like she was in pain, and the others looked at least mildly bothered. The Pyromancer realized that her fire would be utterly ineffective against a skeleton however, so she didn't bother moving up until she was asked to. The black haired guy had done an adequete job of explaining the situation anyways. And it was also completely possible that this skeleton wasn't the challenge at all, so Iravis focused most of her attention on what was occuring at the parties back.

'A skeleton... really?' As far as creatures went... a lower undead wasn't something that waranted a squad, much less a special training session. Naturally that meant there was something unique about this one, beyond its slightly odd appearance. While Alucard seemed unbothered, Meruin's body seemed to jolt slightly. Hard to tell exactly what had happened, if anything, but a bit of caution couldn't hurt. A glance backwards showed their back was still covered, and he steadied his breaths. In, out, and a fist-sized orb of flame formed. Another breath and this time it was an icicle, about a foot in length.

"Oh now you want to be respectful. Damn kids." Zan told the male. The skeleton opened his mouth farther then a living person could. Zan reached inside his mouth and pulled out a metal container and a lighter. He opened the container and took out a cigarette. The skeleton put the container back in his mouth and slightly bit down onto the cigarette. He light the cigarette and was about to say something when he saw flash of light up ahead. Then his body went into action, he grabbed his skull with his right hand and threw it as hard as he could to where he saw the flash of light.

Meruin ignored the pain she was in. It was negligible. What needed her attention was the fact that the skeleton was somehow responsible for it, as well as sentient enough to respond. Good, that made things easier.

"I agree, you do not look mentally challenged," stated Meruin, brushing of the pain coursing through her limbs, "however, you do not look very much alive either, so you'll have to excuse my assumption."

She crouched as the skeleton threw his own skull towards . . . Runik, who seemed to be readying spells in the meantime. Did that mean he was the challenge? He certainly acted like it, with how abrasive he was. So was it time to fight? In any case, she ought to help Runik.

Her magic circuits were shot, but the ones created from carved runes worked just fine. With a light tap of her foot, mana circulated through the ground in front of Runik and shot up in a straight line, forming a pedestal that knocked the skull off course.

Runik was just barely able to hold onto the volatile projectile as a pedestal, courtesy of Meruin, suddenly burst from the ground right in front of him. The orb of flame whipped over the top of the pedestal and rotated around him a few times before it came to a halt. At the same time he tracked the skull that been knocked aside and fired an ice bolt towards it. The projectile hugged the ground before it rose upwards so as to knock the creature's "head" up into the sky and away.

Iravis by now had turned around and realized that this foe was their challenge. With too many people between herself and the undead to make herself useful, the Phoenix decided to occupy herself elsehow. The Goddess knew there was one thing that angered those who's souls could not pass over to the other side above all else. With the 'head' flying overhead due to the parties' efforts the Phoenix remembered a skill she hadn't used for centuries.

Iravis jumped to an unnaturally high height, and snatched the skull out of midair. When she landed, she started juggling the skull. "You'll suffer Duat with no head!" A few taps of her feet, and the egyptian found herself dancing as well to taunt the monster. The Phoenix had dreamed of dancing, after all.

Alucard nimbly sidestepped only to find the flung skull was not aimed at him. The skull was quickly smashed upwards by a pedastal from the ground, impaled by an ice bolt, and snatched as part of a juggling act. K. This skeleton was infuriating. Their first reponse was judged inadqeute and rude, his second insincere, and what's more the skeleton had atttacked them for little to no provacation. "If you can understand then maybe you can not attack us randomly hm?" Alucard asked haughtily. This skeleton was irritating him more and more with every second.

“Yes yes, fighting is bad!” Lyssa chimed in after Alucard. Oh no. Nonono. They really were fighting, which meant people were going to be hurt, which meant there was a very high chance she was going to have to do some fighting. Ugh, she just wanted to leave, what was with this mandatory participation bullshit anyways? This was a school, not fight club!...well, okay actually, maybe it was a little. But she didn’t expect these stupid events to extend outside in the mall.

“Maybe we could all just…I dunno, follow Iravis’ example and dance or something?” She stayed near the back, not doing anything. At this point, unless she was asked to by Iravis or someone else, she probably wasn’t going to be doing much assaulting – she’d have to be on the front line for that anyways, and she’d already said she’d guard the rear.

The group could see that the body brace itself, though why it did it was unknown. ”Kids now days.” Then during one of Iravis’s juggles the skull was ‘pulled’ from its course and started heading back to its body. If someone attempted to stop the skull by grabbing it, they would feel an incredible amount of force pulling on it. It was enough to drag them along with it. When the skull returned to the body, it would spin around a few times and then stop. The skeleton tilted his head to the right and left cracking its neck. ”This is not beneficial to my goals, would this happen to be Liseranna? asked Zan.

"Whatever floats your boat I guess." Runik muttered before he sent another ice bolt towards the skull when it broke free from Iravis. He didn't miss, for all the good that managed to do. The skull only slowed it slightly before it continued onwards and reattached iteslf to the main body.

Unable to hear what was said to the two ahead of him, he kept the projectiles manifested as he slowly approached. The sensation was obvious when he stepped within what seemed to be about 20 meters, and he backpedalled quickly. Several of the projectiles had to be dismissed and he looked at the distance between him and it with a frown. "Oi, can you speak up? Magic seems to go wonky around ya." Not quite as loud as before, but enough for his voice to carry clearly.

”I’ll repeat myself once more,” the skeleton responded with clear annoyance in its voice. ”Would this happen to be Liseranna?” The skeleton removed the metal container from its mouth again and replaced the cigarette that was lost when he threw his head. When Zan “breathed in” the smoke disappeared never to seen again.

'Hey, if anyone should be annoyed it's us.' Naturally in line with "getting along" Runik didn't voice the thought and simply raised an eyebrow, his expression questioning. "The school's a bit further, but yes this is the island. What're you here for?" It wasn't unlikely that the skeleton had some legitimate reason to be here, and the Headmaster had just "conveniently" forgotten about it to spring this special training.

”I’m here to find out what happened to me and who did it. Then I’ll go do things to them that would make a serial killer sick.” replied the skeleton, it was easy to tell just talking about it was making him pissed.

Iravis understood cross life vengeance more than most. By now Iravis had moved towards the front, clearly upset that her newest toy had been taken from her midair. Still, diplomacy was an option at this point and the Phoenix would avoid antagonizing the undead further. "Your heart weighs heavier than a feather." A slight shake of the head. "A teacher or the director may answer that question for you, but your soul will require another answer besides blood."

A dubious stare about summed up Runik's reaction to the skeleton's empty threat of violence. With the same expression he turned to regard Iravis for a moment before he shrugged. The orbs winked out, icicles crumbled, and his tattoos began to dim as he shoved a hand into his pocket. The other pointed towards the school grounds, quite visible, and he said, "Well that's where the school is. Sure you'll find a staff member or someone once you make it there." Towards the other four he asked, "Any of you feel like playing escort or guide?"

Zan turned his head to Ivaris. ”Hahaha, you are mistaken miss, I have no heart.” The skeleton put out the cigarette on the back of its hand. ”It does not matter what my soul may need. Who did this must pay the price.” He nodded his head when he was given direction. ”I do not need a guide nor an escort.” he informed as the skeleton start walking to the school. ”I am sure that my soul is already lost…” added the skeleton. Iravis looked on, a little disturbed, but did not respond.

A few moments passed and a sweat drop might have formed if this were a TV show, but he just sighed quietly instead. "Aight... Well, can't really miss it, so good luck I guess. Anyone that was grabbing something to eat before this happened want to join me at Nekoa? Food's pretty good and cheap, and their dessert section's 10/10."

Did…did this mean the fighting was over with? Lyssa let out a long sigh. She was glad this didn’t result in any major injuries. Especially of the bloody kind, since she was…well, particularly afraid of that. So she was thankful this was resolved peacefully.

“Did someone say dessert?” Lyssa chimed in again, making her way to the front of the group. Dessert sounded wonderful right about now. “I’ll take ya up on that offer! I was on my way to buy Iravis a cake anyways." She chuckled.

Iravis raised an eyebrow at Lyssa, a little upset at first but then realizing that the girl was exhausted. The four thousand year old woman could afford to wait another day. "Go forth and conquer, I have other matters to attend to." Lyssa pouted a little at hearing this.

"Whaaa? I mean, I'm still gonna buy you a cake." She was kinda thinking she was agreeing for both of them there.

Alucard heroically spoke up at this point. "Please, no need for the two of you to spend your own time and moeny acquiring a cake. I am already well supplied with cakes and other delicious confections and would be more than happy to service you." Alucard hefted his box to draw attention to it and gave Lyssa a winning smile. Of course he had accidently kind of refered to Iravis just then so that might've been a mistake. Hopefully it would be overlooked in the moment.

"I thought you said you had a date later?" Iravis was clearly oblivious to Alucard's intentions, but she was not angry at being addressed.

Oh right. Hm, probably shouldn't have called it a date. How had she heard that anyway? Luckily Alucard was a master of covering his mistakes, which naturally he made very few of. "That's true, but its more of an evening date, nothing that would interfere with my offering I assure you." Well at least he could talk and look directly at her now, that was a relief.

The Phoenix shot Alucard a playful look. "Have another box waiting at home? If this is your tribute to me, I would not mind splitting it among those who may have shared the forge with me." A quick look at the Runed One. "Would he mind us bringing this in?"

Meruin just watched the whole thing proceed as it did. She didn't really see a reason to move, especially as it turned out he was not the monster they were after. Also, her teammates were rather dramatic . . . or at least the red-headed ones were. It must be a genetic thing. Speaking of genetics, Meruin turned to Iravis.

"Before you go out on your date and fornicate, I have a question," said Meruin, completely unmindful of the fact that dating or dates do not directly lead to sexual intercourse, "what relation do you have to a pheonix?"

Given Alucard's contribution to the discussion, Runik had elected to just wait silently for the others to go their own way or whatever. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what had happened between the pair; didn't Iravis almost floor him yesterday?

Putting that aside he was about to answer when Meruin finally decided to speak, and well then... There was putting your foot in your mouth, and then the alchemist's complete disregard for social skills apparently. Disregarding any attempt to salvage this, Runik took a step back with a curious expression. Noticeably, the dimming ceased as his tattoos' glow began to brighten again.

Holy hell, she didn’t knew who this new girl was, but all Lyssa could do was hide a poor attempt to stifle laughter from her comment. Like, no one ever just asked that out in the open. Seriously, what kind of person ever asked something like that? Not that she really minded, she found it hilarious. 10/10 girl, whatever your name was. She had already forgotten it in the time they had been fighting that…skeleton thing.

Of course, from what she knew about Iravis, she wasn’t going to appreciate that so much.

“Aha, uhm, you might want to run.” She said to Meruin, between her loud laughter.

Meruin paused, looking at Runik and Lyssa. They were acting strangely. All she did was ask a question, or was it the question was a sensitive topic? If that was the case . . .

"Oh, I apologize for asking if it was a sensitive topic. Good luck on your date then. Also, for the sake of your future, use protection." Meruin nodded, pleased with her bit of advice; giving good advice was friendly. Which meant she could be friendly when she wanted to, obviously.

Well this could be... bad. From what little he'd seen, and felt, Iravis got angry very quickly and very... muchly? Whatever. He might want to apply Lyssa's advice to himself because he was unsure what form her doubtless rage would take. For the first time in a while Alucard was momentarily speechless. She wasn't even talking to him she it was hard to made it sound like she was talking about something else. Unable to fabricate anything to help remedy the situation Alucard simply stood there, hoping that he wouldn't get hurt too badly.

Lyssa laughed. Runik prepared. Alucard just seemed worried.
Iravis' blood lit aflame.
The street became fire.

When the smoke cleared, Meriun would find herself held down to the ground, talon over her chest. Connected to this claw was a massive winged beast, colored orange with the tips of it's wings becoming first red then leading to blue ends that seemed to dance like fire. Its eyes were sapphires, the deepest blue of the Nile.

A storyteller could spend a thousand other lines describing the beast's majesty, the bird's divine prescence, but Iravis was too enraged allow the time for that: The Phoenix lowerd her beak to just in front of the fourteen year old's eye. "Does this answer your question, mortal?"

Despite the heat, despite the threat to her eye, Meruin's only reaction, impossibly, inexplicably, was to smile. A big, wide smile.

This was perfect.

"Huehehehe," she chuckled, a slightly disturbing spasm of a sound. "Yes, yes it does. Thank you, Iravis."

Still, this was an uncomfortable position. Meruin wondered why she would go so far to simply answer her question. Well, it was of no consequence. If it came down to it, she'd just ask her to get off her. As it was, this was a close-up inspection of a legendary pheonix.

"Another question, then. Can you spare some of your blood? Failing that, some of your fluids would be sufficient. Should be simple enough, as you will no doubt be expelling a respectable amount with Alucard. Unless he's incompetent, then I will wait."

Meruin stared dully at the beak near her eye. She wondered what it was made of?

The translucent aura of magic was enough for Runik to whip his hands from his pockets moments before flames enveloped the redhead. Wincing at the sudden rush of heat, he still managed to carve out a space where the fire's effects did not reach. 'God damn.' The sight of her true form was majestic to be sure, but any such thoughts were brushed aside by the fact that she apparently lacked any sense of proportion.

The urge to do something about the pair was quickly tempered by Meruin's response to all this though. Social retarded was one thing, and this was an entirely new tier he wished he wasn't seeing. Granted the alchemist seemed rather unhinged with a focus on her magic that dredged up some rather unpleasant memories...

'Yeah fuck it.' With a shake of his head, he turned towards Lyssa and coughed to catch her attention. "You remember where the cafe is? I'll see you there if you decide to drop by." That said, he gave crazy and crazier a quick glance before he began to walk away.

Okay, fighting not over with. Way to overreact, Iravis. She frowned a bit, she knew Iravis wouldn’t like the comment, but this was just too much. She was possibly going to hurt that other girl, not to mention she probably could have hurt the others too!

A ball of fear, worry, and uneasiness formed in her stomach. Iravis could seriously hurt them if someone didn’t do something. She looked over to Runik, who only said he’d meet her at the café if she decided to join. She frowned, though didn’t say anything to him.

Alucard didn’t look like he was going to be any help.

….so was she all that was left? What could she do? She could only destroy things…but, well, if no one was going to do anything….

She shook her head. Her heart was pounding like a drum, she was utterly terrified something was going to happen, but she approached Iravis anyways.

“Iravis!” She shouted, looking at the bird. “That’s enough, it was just a joke! Stop it, please.

Ugh, why were both of her roommates so…violent? She liked Iravis, but if she was going to do this on a regular basis…

The Phoenix prepared to rip Meriun to shreds, reaching her head back to strike.

The Goddess heard the plea of one of her followers. Lyssa. The bird's eyes showed annoyance with such idle pacifism. It wasn't a joke, fool ...

But after that moment's hesitation, murder left the sapphire eyes and the Phoenix relaxed. The glare returned to the young teenager. "Request this from 'a' Phoenix then. For I have not seen another with a soul like mine in the time I have walked the Earth or soared in the Heavens." A few more moments passed in silence when Iravis returned to her form as a crimson haired girl in a much tamer fire.

Her eyes drifted to Alucard. "I suppose that counts as me appearing before you. I'd prefer more quiet scenery." The goddess walked off, irritation radiating from her. She gestured for Alucard to follow.

Alucard let out a silent sigh of relief as she calmed down. That was actually rather intimadating, even if that form did have a different kind of beauty in its own right. Rather than speaking immediatly Alucard simply followed her quietly. He should make sure she had calmed down a little before trying anything. Of course he certainly wasn't going to disagree with going somewhere a little more alone...

Meruin frowned deeply. For her to never have seen another Pheonix once . . . did that mean that she was isolated? Did that mean that there was only a singular character among all the legends of Pheonixes in history? Or did it mean that Pheonixes were secluded creatures by nature such that they rarely encountered each other?

These questions and more were on Meruin's mind, even as Iravis returned to her human form. "That's . . . a fascinating bit of information. Thank you, Iravis."

This bore the need to research. Of course, she would still check if she could acquire blood from Iravis, but now she had more important matters to attend to. The way she spoke and her words implied that she was far older than she seemed. That meant she was a veritable gold mine of information. She could do without focusing on her blood for now.

She followed Runik back to Nekoa. She had a meal to finish. Wondering if Iravis and Alucard were also going, she kept a respectable distance behind them. It was better for them to have their alone time, she reasoned. Better to not be a third wheel.

Lyssa sighed in relief, glad Iravis didn’t do anything to the other girl. Maybe she wouldn’t do anything to Alucard, but she honestly had her quota for violence completely filled in the last twenty four hours and she didn’t want any more. So, she followed Runik back to Nekoa. She was going to take him up on that offer of desserts.

She hoped there wasn’t anything else ‘planned’ here. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep up if there was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Sorcha, Radiant King of the Heavens-

~Old battle wounds and a grudge~

Bah, how annoying. Not only did she give such a disgraceful showing, she didn't even manage to get any food either. The dragon snarled as she headed towards the city. At least she'd definitely be able to find food there, barring no interruptions. As soon as she dealt with the first of her problems, she'd definitely find that time-mage and crush his infuriating existence. As soon as she got some food and dealt with the other annoyance plaguing her.

A brief memory of an old, forgotten, battlefield filled with flames and lightning came to her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. She didn't want to expend any of her energy thinking about useless things. For now, her stomach demanded food, and food she would give it. She just first needed to find a place that sold sustenance.

At least, that was her plan before a dull pain started creeping its way through her body.

"Of all the...of course it'd act up now." She frowned. Thankfully it wasn't that bad at the moment. Over the years the pain had dulled quite a bit, and it didn't come on as sudden as it did back when that accursed bird gave it to her. Still, chances were it was going to cause her too much trouble to fly. So before then, she found a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of most people and made as graceful of a landing as she could. Looks like her plans to get food were going to be put off again. Likely for the rest of the day. She did hope there were going to be places she could get something to eat in the middle of the night.

As soon as she landed, her legs failed her and the pain flared, her glaive clattering uselessly to the ground. A horrible burning sensation filled her entire body, forcing her to her knees again. She fell forward, supporting herself with her arms. For some reason, it felt much, much worse then it had over the past few years or so, she was too occupied to think about why that would be, though.

The dragon grit her teeth, breathing heavily as the searing pain continued through her body. One hand clutched her chest in a feeble attempt to crush what felt like the source of the pain. Ugh, why was it acting up so badly? She didn't remember it being this bad except for a few decades after that phoenix gave it to her. She doubted it would subside soon, if that was the case. back then, the only thing that gave her any sort of comfort was simply to sleep through it, for however long it bothered her.

So she would do just that. Just a little rest wouldn't hurt, and she doubted anyone would stumble upon her. If they did, well...there was no shame in taking a little nap if one was tired. They didn't need to know of her ailment. If they tried anything funny, she'd smite them anyways.

She managed to force herself to her feet. It hurt like hell, but she was a dragon. A little non-physical pain wasn't enough to keep her from simply powering through something with stubbornness. She reached for her glaive, and dragged it over to a nearby tree with her. A small comfort but a comfort nonetheless. She sat, leaning against the tree, and was soon fast asleep.

-Livia Fiore-

@GrafRoy Zeppeli@Iatos@neogreggory

"Eh, not really talent. Something anyone with half a brain could figure out with enough thought." She harrumphed, sounding just a bit annoyed. Their conversation was interrupted by a...wolf? Looked like Fenrir. He had a Fenrir familiar, then? Well, that was certainly interesting. While they did...whatever it was they were doing, she took the time to finish eating.

"Err, what were we talking about anyway?"

"Nothing important." Livia replied, standing up done with her meal, ignoring the crying Fenrir. She was certainly cute, but she wasn't going to mess with her, since it was quite obvious in her opinion Lin and her were a thing. "The dragon's already left anyways. Lunch is almost over, too. Classes are gonna start again soon so you might want to get going yourself." She stood, leaving her plate where it was on the table. Someone would come buy and get it later, so she might as well just get going.

"Come on, Gall."She didn't have anything she was particularly going to be doing, aside from reading and finishing whatever work the teachers had given them this morning, but she didn't feel like sitting around talking with this guy either, and despite her not wanting to mess with the Fenrir...well, she sounded just a bit distressed from the way she was talking. As she passed, she simply gave her a brief scratch behind her ears as she did so, and left them there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"On Todays menu, Broiled Dragon"-Random passerby Stranger.

Well the mortals around this place certainly proved quite curios enough. Some werw seeking shelter by now as it was not the first time today that heavenly wrath had been showered down upon them and some were also praying.

The stuttering fool she had asked had replied to her about this place being Some kind of academy for mages, and curiosly seemed to attract all kinds of odd creatures.

Thus Joulie decided to go for a walk around the place as seeing it from the sky somewhat took away the element of surprise. She were going towards what looked like a town when she noticed a sleeping creature huddled up towards a tree. To this she raised a brow as she approched and soon noticed that the creature was in fact of dragonic nature. "Well... A dragon spawn napping by a tree is certainly not a sight one see every day... Nor one adorned for war... I could use one of you... Perhaps you would be useful... I've fought along thy kin before, and against them on occasion." she said as she observed the creature benath the tree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lin Hua


There were two things that could have happened. Either Shikio went nuts on them and they retaliated, or Shikio discovered something important and they were attacked after that happened.

Then again, it could also probably have happened when the Erasals happened. Perhaps they got some info about Shikio being Lin's familiar and then attacked. It fit, after all.... hm, what REALLY happened, though?

"D-Don't worry!" Somehow, Shikio suddenly being so submissive and timid, not to mention that they attacked her, made Lin angry. "Insulting you is the same as insulting me. Believe me when I tell you that this kind of insult will not be overlooked. I'm sure that Vera wouldn't mind another woman in the room anyway."

He wouldn't say anything embarrassing like 'don't worry, I'll always be on your side', but he guessed that Shikio would have to make do with that.

Afterwards, the girl seemed to be done with her lunch and was just about ready to leave.

"Hey, wait!" He said as the girl walked by and scratched Shikio's ears. "You didn't tell me your name."

Of course, he wasn't trying to flirt with her or anything... just that being ignored left a bad aftertaste in his mouth. This girl actually seemed more interested in Shikio rather than in Lin, though.

"I am Lin Hua. You can just call me Lin."



Juliann couldn't help but chuckle at Alistair's comments. Well, the pun was idiotic, but he was pretty much right about everything else.

"I can certainly see why you would say that about him. He is indeed... insufferable." The woman answered to Alistair's comments of the director.

The comment about his being possessed since a young age made the woman clear her throat, though.

"I too was possessed by a spirit at a young age. I don't think it is a laughing matter, actually." She then took a sip out of her coffee. "I am also in charge of the Exorcising lessons. Sadly, 'stunning and strong' isn't a subject in this school."

The woman also noticed the man looking at her... most prominent attributes, so she turned slightly around.

"I meant to say volatile because you were just about to do something that could not be undone. Surely, Mistress Rollanda can cure just about any ailment, even death, but killing the soul is something that can never be healed, no matter what kind of magic you possess." Juliann calmly explained to Synth, whom she hoped had a better control of his emotions in the future.

"In any case, I never really did hear what you teached in this school, mister Kuruz." The woman said, before giving the man a slight smile. "Or would you prefer to be called Alistair?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Livia Fiore-

"Hey, wait! You didn't tell me your name."

She paused, looking up from Shikio and over her shoulder back at Lin, looking obviously disinterested. Whether that was disinterest in him or the question was up for debate. It could very well be both.

"I am Lin Hua. You can just call me Lin."

Introducing himself? She hoped he didn't think he was going to get a date out of her or anything. Well, he was...well, not exactly bad looking human, but she wasn't really interested. Still, it was only the polite thing to do to introduce herself now. At least he wasn't being as irritating as that possessed brat and that perverted demon that had possessed her. She sighed, though didn't turn to directly face him.

"Livia Fiore." She replied. "And the reaper is Gall, he is my familiar. You don't seem as annoying as most other people I've met. Especially my roommates," She started walking again, leaving Lin and Shikio. Honestly, that was about as big of a compliment Livia was ever going to give someone. "But I'm not here to make friends...though, if you have nothing better to do, you can usually find me in the library."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The black haired teacher raised an eyebrow at Synth’s response. He cocked his head to the side, his hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. The inflections in the blonde’s voice, the movements he made and the emphasis on words made it painfully obvious that the older man disliked him. He rattled off his areas of teaching and Alistair simply nodded. He was surprisingly close to his own areas of teaching; combat and Psychology being his forte, so Alistair simply nodded. He had been a teacher a year before Synth had become one, but he had never had an extended conversation with the man. They mostly avoided each other. It was obvious as to why they were so at odds.

Juliann started her part of the conversation. The jab at A had seemingly gone over well, but any ground gained in her opinion of him was shattered by the jibe at Synth over his knowledge about his possession and she noticed his staring. He mentally slapped himself and physically punished himself but biting down hard on his tongue. So Juliann taught Exorcism. He may have to sit in on one of those classes. Synth and Juliann had a small discourse about something that must’ve been about something that had occurred the night before.

Oh yes...I shooed you both out of my classroom before didn’t I” he laughed gently and pulled out a cigarette, offering the pack to anyone that wanted to take one. He was honestly unsure of their proclivities. He lit the one in his lips and breathed in. Leaving the pack on the couch he moved away from the two and towards a window. So not to be too rude “ I teach ethics of magic, combative uses of magic, English and Psychology officially on the books...I apparently unofficially teach chain smoking and alcoholism according to Rollanda and I continue to run the Literature Club as I did in my student years” he dragged on his smoke and gave them a smile “You should come along to a poetry night...when did I organize that….” he trailed off, attempting to remember what night he would have to be socially acceptable for students " oh...and just call me Alistair...Mr Kuruz makes me feel all stuffy and old like Synth" he grinned.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shino Koizumi

Her message of distress seemed to have helped for the dire situation she was in. A blonde haired male had bumped into the plastic prison that had sustained Shino by merely searching through the bushes. She silently watched the man as he was deep in thought on the matter how oni could have degraded this much this day and age and seemed rather disappointed at her.

"I want out nya."

She had a deadpan look on her face as she talked in a monotone voice back at him. The blonde oni asked her if there was gonna be a fight somewhere around here. Arata crushed to lock with only one hand while he asked. He must have been fairly strong being able to do something like that as simple as he did it. Shino quietly got out of the cage on her hands and knees with the help of her own flexibility. It was a miracle on how she got out. The small opening from the box made it damn near impossible to even fit her own body through the gap. Getting into the box was easier than getting out, that was for sure.

Shino had trouble moving and needed some time to get up on her feet again since she had been in the prison for some time now. Her muscles hurt quite a bit but instead of stretching her back and other muscles like most cats would do after having move moved so much as she had done now. She kept standing there like a shy small girl with both her hands covering her lap. Her ears were lowered and her tail was between her legs, a cherry red blush covered her cheeks as her whole body seemed to slightly tremble. She soundlessly shook her head at the oni his question.

"Shino doesn't know if there is gonna be a fight nya, lot's of people are fighting around here though nya."

Her voice was soft and seemed somewhat on the edge and very high pitched. A human had joined them and introduced himself as Arthur Wick and asked about their names too.

"Shino's name is Shino nya."

Shino closed her eyes and seemed a little troubled at the moment. Her knees pressed against each other as she lost the will to stand, making her fall softly onto her knees.

"Shino has been locked in cage for ages nya. Shino has to pee but can't find the strength to walk nya. P-please h-h-help, c-can't hold it."

Shino really seemed in pain at the moment. Despites Shino being half cat she did have a status. She couldn't just go do it in public and the teacher next to her likely wouldn't approve of her cat instincts to do it anywhere outside. She tried groveling in shame so the oni would help her but she was to busy holding it together at the moment.

Reina Izumi

The insect repellent didn't seem to work as well as she thought it would. Yet she continued spraying hoping he just passed out so the school staff could seal him or something like that. Maybe he just needed some more then the other insects since he was a tad bigger than the others. Only a few seconds had passed and the effects on him seemed to grow. He slowly became annoyed and eventually he started to get hurt. It was working, she never thought she would ever be able to win a fight just by herself yet here she was.

The closet was being thrown towards the other side of the room. The closet Reina couldn't even move when it was still standing on the ground. The closet that only could have been moved with the help of two or three people. She blankly stared with an agape mouth at the closet that was shattered to pieces all over the floor. She gulped and slowly turned her head towards the 8 feet tall standing mothman. Now she was directly next to him he suddenly seemed even taller than he was and even more intimidating. He grabbed both of her arms with a defeating strength. It felt like her arms would snap any moment. A pained expression was displayed on her face as she tried to escape his grip. His crimson red eyes stared directly into hers as he showed her how mad he was by a loud ear deafening roar thrown at her.

She closed her eyes as her hair fluttered behind her like she was in a heavy storm. She blinked a few times once he was done and had become completely calm. She had no words and didn't make any movements she was completely paralysed on the spot noticing how strong this creature could be when it was angry. She didn't even stand a chance against him, how could she have thought about killing it. He looked rather annoyed by the bug repellent she had sprayed into his eyes. He tried getting it away but it was sticking to his skin for the most part. In all the hurry of getting it away he had accidentally spit some of his accid along the ground and onto Reina her clothes.

She hadn't really paid much attention to it since she was rather dazzled by Adrian at the moment. The acid quickly ate away biggest part of her clothes at such a fast rate. Just before Reina noticed everything was gone she covered her chest and other naked body parts with her arms and hands. It was just in time that she covered her body parts before everything she wore was completely evaporated into thin air. She let out a very girlish squeak and turned herself away from the monster.

"How dare you!!"

With her head as red as a tomato she slowly made her way over towards her bed luckily it was only a few steps away so she could quickly rap herself in her own bed sheets. As she was distracted by her own self shame Adrian had made a carefully planned escape by leaping out one of the windows. His plan did not succeed however, his foot caught onto the window ruining his flight. He fell towards the ground with another vicious roar sounding from him. With her sheets held up by one of her hands she quickly made her way over towards the window. As soon as she looked out the window she saw him lying in defeat on the cold harsh ground. Reina gasped a little and yelled after him.

"Are you alright moth-san? Do you need help?"

She worryingly yelled, she hoped he was fine. She just didn't like bugs all that much. She had no way of getting towards him when she didn't even have clothes to go out. Maybe she should wake Meruin to help but the chances for that to happen were very scare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh? He wasn’t sure where this Arthur Wick came from, but as a teacher of a school for magic-types, Arata was surprised that the man wasn’t an emancipated, bespectacled skeleton. Though his clothes looked a little too flamboyant, perhaps the man was a Physical Education teacher or something. Didn’t give off the impression that he spent his days slaving away at a desk, at least.

A mere battle though? A battle that doesn’t even drastically change the world? When had the world become so soft, that a fight to decide the fate of the planet didn’t have any lasting consequences? Bah, it left a bad taste in his mouth, and Arata grimaced. As an oni, if he was asked whether or not he enjoyed a permanent status quo, he would say no. And as an individual, he would answer the same way.

How irritating.

The blond-haired oni’s body tensed, becoming as rigid as steel, before he sighed. “I’m Arata, representative of the Night Parade of One Thousand,” he said. “One of your midget representatives scouted me or something.”

Turning back to the nekomata, who had now managed to crawl out of her cage, he looked down at how she stayed sitting in that embarrassingly subdued manner, blushing. Well, at least it sounded like there were a few fights before he arrived. Maybe more in the future then. About to offer a hand to pull her upwards, Arata suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowing as a familiar scent was caught.

Well, no, it wasn’t a familiar scent. It was one similar to something he had been accustomed to in the past, when the Night Parade used to hold drinking contests and pissing contests. The smell of someone’s bladder about the burst. He wrinkled his nose, sighed, and then said, “Guess it can’t be helped?”

Raising up one foot, he stomped down onto the soft earth, sinking a good twelve inches into the ground before he lifted it out once more. With his right hand, he brushed loose soil off his sandaled foot, while with his left, he removed the gray cloak that hid his dimunitive horns. Creating an impromptu curtain by holding it up behind the hole in the ground, the oni said, rather plainly, “There you go, Shino-kun.”

There weren’t any female oni in the Night Parade, so having to create a latrine was a new experience to him, but hey, at least it provided some degree of privacy for this nekomata.

The oni still didn’t understand why she didn’t just do the deed after transforming fully into a cat though.

“By the way, Arthur, the representative didn’t tell me where to go after I arrived. So…like, are there monsters to kill or something?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shino Koizumi

Arata stamped his foot into the ground quite deeply. He really was strong. Shino tensed up from the sudden stomp but calmed down rather quickly. He lifted up his foot once more and took off a cloak that hid his horns, placing it around the hole so Shino could have a little privacy. Creative way of thinking it would be faster than running to the restroom. She slowly crawled over towards the impromptu toilet trembling like she saw a ghost and made herself comfortable. After a good minute she jumped upwards onto the lower arm of the oni, sitting onto it with a slight crouch. She looked directly into his eyes while talking.

"Thank you Arara-han, Shino is forever grateful to Arara-kun nya."

Shino jumped from his arm again onto the ground with a small backflip. She stretched her arms and her back while looking around her. She kind of wondered where she was. She didn't get to see much in the cage but still could always smell a lot of food nearby. Her nose slightly twitched as she picked up the smell of the nearby cafeteria. She was definitly hungry so maybe she should pay a visit to the place soon.

She turned towards the teacher that had been with them since the start of their first meet.

"Human, where does Shino need to go on academy nya. Shino doesn't understand nya."

She quietly looked up at the teacher as she lightly tilted her head. Shino felt kind of ripped off since she was just dropped of somewhere and didn't even get instructions on what to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli

Arthur stood there as the girl crawled out of the cage and complained about her bladder. She must have been in there for some time, it made Arthur sick. If he found the person who did this they would receive one hell of a talking to, perhaps some burns. Then the muscular one introduced himself. Arata and Shiro, curious people to meet, but to be fair anyone who could be considered normal on this island were hiding something. Night Parade of One Thousand sounded particularly interesting though, Arthur will have to spend some time in the library and look into it.

Arata then dug out a hole for the cat girl and revealed his horns so that she may have privacy. Arthur had to admire that kind of politeness. That proved as well that the boy was likely not human, or elven for that matter. Not dwarf either, obviously. Arthur clearly needed to spend some time in the library, find out what exactly this Arata guy was. As the girl relieved herself Arata asked a question. "I'm not sure about things to kill, not really what this school is for. Though I have an idea on how to get you the information you need. Clearly not a student and I don't have much time before I have to be in my classroom."

Then the girl jumped around a bit before asking her own question. "Alright my plan can help both of you." He then took a step back and looked upwards and braced himself. This would use up some magic, something he couldn't really afford if he wanted to recover properly. Hell with it, this was going to be fun. The ruby around his neck got hot, started to shine even as Arthur raised his hands skyward. Then a gust of fire shot into the air. From Arthur's hands a pillar of red rose skyward, 10 feet, twenty feet, thirty. At that point Arthur let it die down until the fire was gone.

Taking several deep breaths Arthur said aloud, "Director A, is a very scary man. He is the one in charge here. I wouldn't be surprised if he can sink this island with a thought. Be less surprised if he keeps a red button sitting around for that exact purpose because it would be more fun. Good man though, just hope you never have to see his eyes. On that note, I'm sure he can hear me. I know he can teleport better than I can, and his eyes despite never opening seem to see everywhere. So A, I have a class to teach so if you could, help these guys find wherever they need to be?" Arthur then turns and takes a few steps towards the academy proper, stopping to see if the Director would show up and if he did grace this spot with his presence would then continue walking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Another Timeskip For You Lovely People

The director was quick to disappear into the ether when Edgar started looking for him, not before waving goodbye at him with the most smug smirk of all times.

Surely, the boy had learned the lesson.

He transported back to his office and put both of his hands together, all while smirking and believing that he had delivered some righteous justice on troublesome youths. Not the kind of justice he most loved to give, but justice nonetheless.

"Then, let's move on to classes, shall we? Oh, and teachers? Make sure to include what your class was about, would you? If not-as-problematic children decide that they actually need to get to classes, they'll need the run-down."

He then raised a single eyebrow, as he heard the sudden request of Arthur Wick. As much as he wanted to tell him to take care of it himself, the man really did not have the insight A had of the school.

He sighed and teleported away once more.

Appearing in front of Arata and Shino, the man clapped. Arthur still was in sight, just going to show that the Director really had his eyes and paws in everything.

"I'd very much appreciate it if you did not call my scouting teachers 'midgets', thank you very much Mister Arata." The man said to him, his usual smile splattered in his face and both hands behind his back.

"Now, if you'll follow me? I'll show you to your classes, and I will not take a no for an answer." The man turned on his heel and started walking. "Oh, and if you don't come, I'll just drag you by your ear." The man let out a playful laugh.

Later, that same day.

The sun was just setting as classes came to an end.

Juliann herself prepared to dismiss her class as she gathered her books together and took her reading glasses off.

"That will be all for today, class. Make sure to review the content that we saw today. If you need help with some of it, I can usually be found in my room or in the library." The woman said with a slight smile on her face.

The students of her class were more than anything, relieved that the class had come to an end. Probably, a single room in Liseranna had not been this quiet since quite some time before.

The rowdy students were being loud at first, so Juliann decided to do what she saw another professor do once. Throw a piece of chalk to a student.

The fact that there is a crater at the back of the room now should give you some insight as to why the students suddenly quieted down.

Charlotte had decided to take the class, since it was open for all students that wished to learn the basics of exorcisms. Today, the covered how to determine when a person was possessed and when they weren't.

It is quite easy to blame a demon as a normal human, but as a mage one ought to know better. When a spirit possesses someone without magic talent, they will simply fall into their grasp. Either a sudden death or a drastic change in personality would follow.

When they try to possess someone with latent magical talents, though, things take a turn for the worst. As the potential mage tries to fight the spirit out of his body, covulsions, froathing at the mouth, speaking the native language of the spirit, or several other things and symptoms may follow. This is what the church and some other more ignorant masses prefer to call a 'Demonic Possession'.

It cannot be dispelled by a normal exorcism, like the ones priests or such do. Holy objects actually do nothing to them, though some of them may be averse to the wood or metal used in the crosses of the priests.

A spirit prefers not to target experienced mages, however, as they usually are powerful enough to exorcise them with little to no effort, if they possess the knowledge. If not, they can at the very least drive them outside their bodies.

More on how to really perform an exorcism in the next class!

All of this info made Charlotte spread across her desk and let out a sigh. One could swear there was smoke coming out of her head.

"Belly..." The girl bellowed like a dying beast. "Did you get any of that? 'Cause I didn't understand any of it.... Belly, answer meeee..."

The spirit residing inside her had long since fallen asleep. It was already around 5, what did she expect? He was already late for sleeping anyway, since he usually sleeps at 3.

"Ugh." The small girl grunted and pulled herself up, before stretching some. "Well, it doesn't matter!" She shouted. She was just interested as to what kind of class it would be, even if she had to attend to it for a whole year now.

Juliann also decided to step out of the room for the time being. Perhaps head over to the city. She hadn't had lunch yet, so going for some right now seemed ideal.

Charlotte for one decided to go over to the rooftop, where she had last seen Meruin that other day. With some luck, perhaps she'd find the stripper girl again.

Lin himself was taking another class in another classroom. Professor Alistair's class on Combat magic. It should prove useful in the near future, with the incoming magus games and whatnot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Verid had awoken from his bed. Well, Eli's and had been strolling around until he found a class that seemed to be in progress. He walked into it quietly, knowing that he might not be welcome since he wasn't particularly enrolled in Liseranna academy. The combat lesson was pretty easy and quite fun. However, it didn't help the fact that he still needed to enroll. The people around him seemed fairly normal and kind.
Once class ended, he began to walk around once again, it being the evening already there wasn't anything for him to do. Verid came upon the cafeteria and walked past it until his stomach growled. Surprised, he looked down. "Oh... I haven't had an actual meal in a few... Years, have I?" With that, he walked inside the cafeteria, ordering 5 things off of the menu and finding a place to sit down. He nearly drooled as he looked at the food. "My god.." With that he began eating, like a wild animal.


Eli got up from her bed, expecting to find Verid by her. "Hm? He must have left already." Eli didn't actually know who he was but she already felt a sense of... Trust from him. Which I have no idea where it originated from. She left the dorm room, realizing that it was already pretty late. Eli was tired for some reason, even though she had already slept through most of the day. She walked down the hall, her eyes blinking rapidly as she tried to keep herself asleep. "Wh-where should I go?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The main room of the class was much like one you'd find in a college, with rows of desks ascending upwards, said desks and chairs being very much combustible. A pair of double doors led to a basketball sized area where basic and less than basic combative lessons could be taught, though they weren't likely to be used for the first few classes of the year. Small nearly invisible indents in the walls and floors of the two rooms filled with magical fuel that would light at the smallest flame that, while not actually endangering anyone who stayed in their seats would fill the room with flame and make class far more interesting, of course, no new students would know about these until told, but anyone who attended the class before knew how often Mr. Wick loved to light these flames in an attempt to catch students off guard. The walls were of course stone, as was the ceiling and floor. The only ventilation was a long thin window near the ceiling. The only thing on Mr. Wick's desk was a box, though anyone close enough could see the donuts hiding within through the clear plastic top.

"Is everyone here?" Mr. Wick asked as he took his place behind the desk at the front of the classroom. "I suppose if not anyone else who comes in is late. Anyways as I'm sure most of you know I am Mister Wick, pyromancer. I assure you, I am in fine health, ignore the bandages and the sudden affliction I underwent yesterday and we'll begin. First off, does anyone have any questions before I start ranting?" Arthur asked as he began pacing on the small stage that his desk sat upon.

Iravis had already found herself a chair in the back of the class, the half empty bottle of wine still in her right hand as she lowered herself into a temporary throne. A class about not setting yourself on fire was not very helpful to a Phoenix who was practically made of it and relied on being caught on fire.

For the most part, the crimson haired girl was here to check on Sir Wick and make sure he was feeling alright. Additionally, she was excited about how he would teach. Will he fire righteous lightning onto the masses like Mr. Alistar? Will he pull some students on stage and ask them to fight as a demonstration?

Eli finally spots someone walking in a hall, still in a daze and for some reason tired. She didn't actually think before she ended up in another class full of students. She saw one face that she had seen before, a beautiful woman that was dressed in a lot of red. She had seen her before, maybe in the other class. She exhales, gathering up the courage to sit next to her. Are you fucking serious? Courage? To sit by someone? Eli sits down uncomfortably, wondering if she had made a mistake. Wh-what if she wanted someone else to sit next to her? She nervously looks trough her bag in search for anything sweet.

Wandering into the room and taking the literal nearest seat to the exit, Logarius looked like he wasn't having the greatest day. He sported the face of a man who overslept, then thought that sleeping a bit more would help take the edge off. Creases and folds lined his lower eyelids, and his glasses were very clearly crooked. At least his teeth were on straight, though.

He propped up his head using one arm, driving the elbow into his thigh. Elevation wasn't enough to stop the pain shooting through his synapses, apparently. With a light groan he rubbed one of his temples. Hopefully this class wouldn't wind up too loud.

Alucard held back a yawn, hopefully this class would be marginally more exciting than the introduction last time. Though admittedly the teacher having a flaming heart attack had been somewhat entertaining and had landed him that date. Alucard wondered if asking if he could have Mr. Wick's pretty spear would be rude. Probably, people here tended to get offended easily for some reason. That, and as he'd learned from Iravis, some people were not what they seemed. So he simply sat there silently, waiting for Arthur to begin his 'ranting'.

Arthur stopped pacing at his desk and laid a hand down on it. "A shame, I love questions. No one is going to ask why I had that, 'incident' yesterday? Or anything else for that matter? You guys are a boring lot, I was hoping for more from you all." Arthur then pointed towards a student in the front row, the first one to catch his eye, which was easy with the glint of gold. "Logarius right? You've been here a few years if I'm correct? Ask a question."

"Ech." Logarius looked up at the teacher, his eyes showing that he was very clearly not all there. Being called upon to supplement a class discussion wasn't exactly what Logarius was hoping would happen. But, what could he expect? Gold equals attention.

"Me? Uhm.. What's your least favorite thing about being a teacher?" The question was mumbled out through nearly unmoving lips, as his head tilted back downwards to stare towards the ground.

"Good question! I think the worst part of teaching would have to be the other teachers. Mind you they aren't bad people, but some of them can get annoying at times to work with. Any other questions? I'm willing to answer just about anything right now. Don't give up this chance for interesting information students!"

Well even if he couldn't have it he could still find out about it. "Sure I got one. Where'd you get that spear from and how do I get one?" Alucard asked Mr. Wick with a small grin on his face. He wasn't sure what to expect by way of answer but he'd said he'd answer anything.

Arthur started pacing again before saying, "Another good question, interesting one too. I got it from an old friend, Damn it's been too many years I wonder where he is. Anyways I doubt you'll find him, and then you'd still have to convince him to make you a spear. Doubt Ethan would be willing to make anyone a weapon right now. Anyone else? Arthur asked the group of students.

Iravis by now was feeling a bit lightheaded, but she wasn't sure why. The goddess took another sip of the wine, wondering if she was dehydrated after eating the pepper. After that swig moment she looked to her right, and noticed one of the girls that the director had introduced previously was sitting next to her. The Phoenix shrugged, too distracted to care what she was looking for.

After a moment, Iravis decided she had a question for one of her saviors. "Sir Wick, why did you choose fire magic?"

Arthur continued his pacing, a small pleasure he took, walking and talking. surrounded, "Good question, very very good question. I suppose instead of giving a good answer I'll bait all of you with questions that seem simple that I'll then give cryptic and vaguely wise sounding answers for. Like say..." Arthur traced his hand along his desk as he walked by it, raising his hand up once he was clear of the desk and allowing a spark to flutter in his hand, "What is fire? Don't be shy, somebody give me a good answer."

Shifting himself so that his cheek was resting against his palm, Logarius looked back up to Mr. Wick. Now something interesting was being presented. "Fire's a lot of things. Power, life, heat, light. And damn dangerous, at that." Logarius spoke far more clearly this time, his personal interest becoming much more apparent.

Fire? Oh, so that's what this class was. I couldn't tell since Eli just walked in without even knowing where she was going. She had finally found a piece of candy in her bag, popping it in her mouth and savoring the flavor. What is fire? "A rapid chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame... Especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance" She muttered under her breath, not actually answering to anyone. The thought swirled around her mind. Fire. She wasn't a fan of fire. Fire that can be easily used to burn someone for no reason. Fire that can be used to give pain and to torture someone.

Arthur raised his finger suddenly at Logarius' comment, "Yes. Fire is power, and life. Those both true. But for me fire is inspiration, and hope. Fire is the drive inside every living thing which wishes to continue living. And importantly, fire is this." The spark, which had trailed up to Mr. Wick's finger, was now flicked into the crowd, landing harmlessly in between two students desks. Until it touched a small indent in the ground, unseen until then. Suddenly between all the desks was a small wall of fire, seemingly from nowhere. The students were surrounded.

Well he was DEFINITELY paying attention now. Logarius shot up straight, spewing a couple of swears in languages that definitely weren't English.

Eli's eyes narrow upon seeing the fire. She wanted to cry. She wanted to laugh. She wanted to leave. Fire. Fire that can be used to give pain and to torture someone. Eli grabbed her arm, beginning to scratch at her wrist and have blood pour out. She sighed, that was better. However, the fire was still there. She wasn't scared of the fire. She was scared of her father appearing within them. She continued to scratch her arm for a while before she managed to stop, pulling herself together and calming down. Just fire. Fire won't hurt you unless your father is here. It's fine. She smiled lightly to herself, attempting to make herself a bit happier but it quickly vanished. Aw fuck, can you please stop messing up your arm? It's just fucking fire.

The moment the flames shot up, the Phoenix became more aware of her surroundings. Power flowed into her veins. The Goddess felt alive, like she could take on the world with a flick of her fingers. She WAS fire.

Iravis noticed the distress in the girl next to her after a few moments. In fact, she was scratching her wrist so hard it was bleeding. Is she scared of it? The fire haired girl simply couldn't comprehend a fear of fire at all. Why do people fear getting burned?

The Goddess pulled a piece of the fire out, manipulating it into the shape of a small heart and trying to hold it's shape. She willed some of the fire down, creating a gap between them. "Are you alright?" Maybe it was the liquor, but Iravis felt the need to help cure this irrational fear.

Eli turned her head quickly, hearing someone speak to her. "E-eh?" She looked at the heart. "Ah, n-no I'm fine. Fire doesn't bother me... Haha." She realized that the laugh may have sounded forced but it was the truth. She used to think that fire was one of the most beautiful things out there and Elise still does. She smiled at the woman who appeared to be a bit tipsy. Nice, drinking in class.

Arthur was then gone into thin air, vanished. Of course some of the students may not notice with walls of flame in front of them but most of the fire wasn't high enough to block the view of the front of the class, would defeat some of the purpose then. Regardless Arthur Wick was in the back of the class, lightly tapping a finger on the back of the firebird. "Talking in class, tisk tisk, I know you have skill with fire but I was hoping you'd be a bit better behaved. Are you going to share that?" He asked as his hand pointed towards the wine bottle.

At first he was going to simply wait for the flames to go down, but the crackling was getting to him. Every lick, pop, and shift of the fire taunted him. Aggravated him. And the sleep-headache he was dealing with didn't make it much easier for him. Logarius ground his teeth a bit. "Aaaaaalllright then. I think I've had enough."

Placing his hand upon his desk, the materials within it began to slowly melt down and convert into gold. Unfortunately he hadn't accounted for gravity and nearly messed up his legs for the second time in the past few days. He gathered it together, creating a thick, flat brick above his head and attempted to slam it down onto the flames near him so as to smother them out.

Alucard's eyes jerked open to full alertness at the sudden surge of flame. Why did poeple that liked fire have to share it with everyone? At first he was a little worried about burning to death but it seemed that the spacing of the flames was enough that no serious harm would be done other than mental. Still Alucard didn't like jump scares very much. Of course it wasn't like he was going to complain and make himself a target. It seemed he wasn't the only one rather disconcerted by the flames, as someone closer to the exit felt the need to attempt to put out the flames with a golden brick. Gold, the easily meltable metal. Whatever.

Iravis jumped slightly at the tapping, and spun around to face Mr. Wick. She took another sip of the wine with a smile, then a slightly guilty look ran across her face as she realized Arthur was suggesting she was a bad student.

"Apologies Sir Wick. I would be honored to share this with you. Your swift recovery is the surely the will of the gods." She handed the bottle over to Mr. Wick, the smile on her face spreading.

The teacher raised the wine bottle to his lips, taking a swig before passing it back to the girl. A good wine, no doubt. "Pretty good. Should I dare ask where you got it? How about instead we agree this didn't happen. If thunderhead can smoke in class I can drink." Then he was gone again, now in front of the class again, right in front of where Logarius' desk was a moment ago. The fire in front of the desk was out and the rest of the flames slowly died down as well. "Was that really needed? You look tired, perhaps you should sleep better. Then again, who am I to say such things, I'm your teacher not your doctor." Walking back to his desk and finally sitting down in his chair Arthur leaned back before saying, "Now, nobody else give me reason to teleport, I'm still recovering and that actually is starting to hurt. On to the next subject I suppose."

A little while later...

"And that students is why you want the other guy to burn to death before you start your victory dance." Arthur thought his first class of the year went rather well, even if it started a little chaotically. He had a good lecture on the basics of fire, what it could do, how it reacted to flesh, bone, wood, stone and what-not. The basics, but a simple way to ease into the school year. "Now before you all leave, any final questions?"

"No? A shame. You should all really take the time to ask questions, I think you'll find that I have interesting information in my head sometimes. Well then, I suppose you should all go, before I set everyone on fire. Before you guys leave though I want to hand something out, and I want to see the bird in the room in my office afterwards."

Arthur would then grab the box off his desk and walk through the desk handing out donuts. One went to the gold toothed gent at the front, then one to a student that hadn't really said much during class, one went to Iravis and the pleasant enough seeming girl next to her, then Arthur set another on Iravis' desk as he said, "For that demon girl, she seems nice enough. You'll give this to her I hope." Another few donuts went to some other students before Arthur threw up the box and incinerated it, a cue for the students to leave.

Donuts? That seemed kind of silly for a teacher to hand out. Though he'd already proved he was somewhat... unorthodox. Regardless it seemed class was over but Alucard was curious to see what Wick wanted to talk to Iravis about. Of course it was in his office which would be a bit hard to sneak into. In the end if either of them caught him he'd risk burning to death, which while apparently not permanent, was very painful. Sighing reluctantly, Alucard left the classroom like a normal student.

As the students filed out Arthur nodded once to the crowd before turning and stepping into his office, taking a seat at the desk that was inside the book filled room.

The Phoenix headed down the staircase, going into the office as Mr. Wick requested. She knocked on the door with her left hand, looking around at the books as she walked in. The bottle of wine was still in her left hand, which she took another sip from. The redhead somehow managed a curtsy without falling over. "Sir Wick, it is an honor to be in your presence."

"Oh no, the pleasure is forever mine. Tell me, what did you think of my first class this year? Bit boring to be honest I know." Arthur said as he picked up a small metal object, some paperweight in the shape of a cat and began to move it in his hands.

Iravis smiled at him. "Most of the students thought they had descended into tartarus, a clever trick of flames to gather their favor." She leaned a little closer, taking a sip before extending it in an offer to drink from.

Smiling in turn Arthur took a drink before handing it back, "Alright, now I really want to know, where did you get that? It's pretty good stuff, harder to find round these parts than it really should be."

"This is tribute from a follower, Alucard, a student of this academy." She took another sip of the wine, sitting herself down on his desk and handing the bottle back from a closer range. "I finally managed to call upon my divine state."

Arthur's eyes opened up a bit more as he accepted the wine and took a swig, "That is good news." Iravis was sitting on his desk. An interesting thought, and one he had not considered. Granted he really needed more chairs in here, a single chair, even as amazing as the birch thing Arthur sat on was, was clearly not enough. "Was this Alucard figure in my class today do you know? I probably should have asked everyone's names." Arthur asked as his hand continued to play with the iron cat in his hand.

Iravis nodded, speaking a little more softly. "A black haired Pharoh." By now the iron cat had caught her attention, and she was a bit curious about it. "Meoooowwww?" The wine was doing the talking.

"Meow? Oh you mean this?" Arthur said as he held up the metal feline. "Just a trinket from town, keeps my desk lively. Not literaly mind you, but anyways. Black haired Pharoh eh? I think I know who you are talking about actually, I'll keep an eye on him. Sounds like you taken an interest in him yourself Iravis."

"So long as he pays tribute, he'll be under my wing." She downed the rest of the wine, gulping it down to slack a thirst she didn't know existed. She suddenly felt compulsed to start giggling, she didn't know why. "So am I your birdy then?"

Bad, very bad. Arthur was in his thirties, she was, wait how old was she? Was she seventeen or several thousand years old? Well that made things even weirder. Best answer would be safe answer. Luckily he had something ready for such a situation inside his desk. "Only if you want that to be so, though I doubt I can contend with any Pharohs." Arthur said as he drew out a small plastic case from his desk. Popping it open revealed a rather small, if lovely looking, icecream cake, mintchip. Along with a plastic fork sitting on top. "Man I wished I had the money to get refridgerating charms and spells on my drawers at home, would make the fridge pointless. Anyways, if you'll like you can have the cake, my favorite flavor of icecream is within as well, amazing what chefs come up with."

Iravis shook her head as he spoke, but took the fork and took a bite out of the cake. "A Pharoh fears the gods. Maybe that is wise." She stumbled slightly as she manuvered into his lap facing the desk. After a few moments, she looked over her right shoulder into his eyes with a gaze of hunger on her face. "Do you fear me, Sir Wick?"

Arthur felt her weight on top of him, granted she was light, but he was wounded somewhat still. Of course she was drunk, so he could pardon that. Sadly she was drunk, and he couldn't take advantage of that. So instead, "I don't fear many things anymore, not since I met my first real dragon. A is on the list of things I still fear mind you, and if he catches word of this exchange he'll flay me. Wait nevermind, he already knows I'm sure, giggling away no doubt the loony bastard. So how about instead, my fair, fiery lady, you take that cake with you and continue with your day, perhaps we can continue this chat again sometime, if we do I'll bring the expensive drink. Then after a second he asked, "Oh and, could you get off me, I'm teleported out."

Iravis frowned as she was shot down, but she grabbed the cake as she stumbled her way to the door frame. The Phoenix stopped for a moment when she reached it, leaning on it to make a final comment. "The title of dragonslayer is rarely bestowed by destiny, Sir Wick. Charlemagne would crown you a prince, and minstrels would sing your name. That is much more than a Pharoh can claim." She left the room, grabbing the donuts for Lyssa on the way out of the class.

Arthur sat there a few minutes more, sighed, then said, "You know what, I need more to drink. I wonder if A stocked the teacher's lounge with vodka or orange juice this year?..." He would pick himself up, placing the iron cat down on the desk again before stepping out and making his way towards the lounge, maybe he'd find one of the teachers he liked there, maybe that thunderhead? Who knew honestly he was just happy that class was over and nobody had to get sent to the infirmity, school year was starting out solid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@GrafRoy Zeppeli@neogreggory@liferusher
Well, even though he turned to face the other way, the sound of splashing liquids and the pungent stench originating from a dehydrate nekomata made it much too easy to imagine what was going on behind the curtains. Though he wasn’t much of a poet or a scholar, Arata still had the imagination of an rambunctious oni, and could picture what was going on there. Not that he really wanted to or anything.

When that one long minute passed, the nekomata hopped onto his lower arm…something that Arata didn’t even notice until she spoke up. Jolting back when two large blue eyes were suddenly in his face, the oni managed an awkward laugh, before lifting his arm up and down while she still crouched on top of it. An expression of disbelief formed on his face at how unnoticeably light Shino was, and he said without thinking, “Yeah, if you want to show your gratitude, go eat more and grow bigger. It’s like you pissed out most of your weight.”

Well, looked like she got the right idea when she hopped off and asked for food though. It was a bit sad, that she wasn’t even capable of hunting for herself at such an age, but as an older, more venerable youkai, maybe Arata will teach her the ways of monsters some time.

However, Arthur’s comments about the nature of this school quickly drew his attention once more. This school for mage-training wasn’t one that had monsters to kill? Why even teach kids how to use magic if they aren’t going to apply it practically by killing things? Ah, another point docked against Liseranna Academy. Truly, this was too peaceful if there wasn’t even any blood shed when training what that midget representative described as the ‘finest mages in the world’.

At least the teacher could make a nice fire, warm enough to roast meat in. Whistling at the pillar of flame, Arata nodded at Arthur’s description of the Director, intrigued at his omnipotent nature. Sinking an island with a thought sounded like a rather typical fear-mongering assumption, and clairvoyance wasn’t exactly too hard to obtain anyways. Teleportation? That’s just a human spell, and seeing with eyes closed? Not being able to do that just means you’re a blind, sixth-sense-less plebeian. Honestly, Arata wasn’t too impressed by the descriptions, but then again, seeing how Director A had been referred to as a man this whole time, and not a God…

Well, the oni would just have to wait and see, wouldn’t he?

A clap interrupted him as he was about to strike up a conversation with Shino, and immediately, Arata’s spine tingled in excitement, fear and anxiety bubbling within him as his dormant brethren woke up at the sight of this being. A man? A God? How fucking hilarious. This slit-eyed being was a whole other dimension of monstrous, and Arata’s smile became feral at the sight of the mountain he had to climb. The Director’s Academy, so far, lacked in violent excitement, but this being was drenched in blood so thick that Arata couldn’t help but want to try him, even when death loomed over his shoulders.

Right now, though, he will restrain himself.

After all, Shino was but a child, and while Arata believed that all youkai should develop a preference for blood, it probably wouldn’t be too great for her if she watched him become a mess of blood and gore.

“Nice to meet you, Director A,” he said, smiling and offering a handshake, “I’m happy that you’ve exceeded expectations, even if your Academy hasn’t yet. Shino, guess you’ll have to snatch some food later, eh? Unless the great Director can also create food and water for this skin-and-bones nekomata?”

With that, he followed after the flamboyant abnormality, adrenaline still creating a pleasant buzz in the back of his mind.

Exorcism 101, huh?

Director A must have had a sense of humor, sending an oni would had been sealed by exorcist techniques for at least three hundred years to a class like this. Though the majority of the class was boring, that blonde teacher’s skill with chalk-based projectiles was really impressive. While Arata snatched the first one out of the air and managed to block the second one with relative ease, the third zipped past his ear before he could react, and formed a powdery crater in the wall.

Of course, only then did the teacher actually confirm that her intentions were for him to shut up, not a challenge to see how far his physical abilities extended. After that, as well as the very attractive threat of decapitation, Arata sat down and listened in earnest. As an oni addicted to battle, he might as well learn what his enemies could do, eh? Figure out how much exorcism techniques had evolved while he was sealed, so he knew how hard he had to try in order to break out later on.

Unfortunately…Juliann didn’t actually get into anything regarding techniques, even though the oni forced himself to sit still for the majority of an hour.

All that work with no pay off. Like hell he was going to let it end like this.

Standing up as the heterochromatic teacher began to leave, Arata leapt onto the desk, kicked off, and flew from the back of the lecture hall to the front. A loud ‘bang’ resounded as the oni landed, his feet a little too close to the head of a tanned human child, before he jumped outwards once more, this time landing near the door. With a third step that propelled him through the air and by the teacher’s side, Arata called out, “Oi, teach! Shit, should have expected it out of an introductory course, but…”

The oni paused, his mouth moving too fast for his mind.

“…alright, basically, I’ve been under a rock for a long time. What even happened to exorcism arts while I was gone?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a good cry and rather embarassing moment with Lin, Shikio had taken a while to sit crouched by his side ad poe at the ground after appologizing. Hardly noticing anyone else before her ears had been scratched by someone completely else than Lin and it proving to be a woman that her master had taken sudden interest in as she were leaving. Yet she refrained from saying anything, the woman haden't said anything to shikio and the wolf herself didn't know what to reply to silence other than with silence. She didn't ask the Lin who the woman was because she seemed to introduce herself after Lin did the same, and in return she but wondered if her master would introduce herself as well but as he didn't do so she thought it weren't really important.

She felt glad that Lin had promised that she could stay by his side, in fact it was a bit relief to her and even if he had left a lot unsaid it was basically the same as sayin that he always would be by her side and make her feel safe. Then the day happened, Lin would go to his classes and SHikio would silently follow by his side not making a fuss about it as she didn't feel like disturbing him. She attended all Lin's classes, sitting near his bench on the floor rather than a chair of her own and while she didn't understand everything the teachers tried to teach she didn't really bother asking either. Instead she tried to learn what she could, and whenever it was time to read and her master took out a more advanced book, Shikio pulled out her 'Abc,Magic,or otherthings for Dummies' book to try to read herself.

Being so silent for an entire day, and espeially being so calm was probably very unlike her. But she were deep in thoughts about things from the smallest issue to the biggest, and in general she was still recovering slowly and just having Lin close by were more than enough for her to feel at peace.

At the end of the day she sighed deeply and suddenly stopped Lin by slipping in front of him, she glaced deeply and firmly straight into his eyes for a long time while being silent, only to suddenly look sad at the next. Fury... Sadness, perhaps a hint of depression and finally calm shot by her face and yet she said nothing to him. Then she turned her head ahnd silently shook it to herself as she walked ahead of him. When she glanced back at him she put on her nicest smile but left it at that. "Lin... are you happy with me?..." she asked suddenly as she turned her head to look over yonder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Meruin got up to the sound of Reina yelling, and walking groggily outside her room. She found Reina naked, her dignity separated from the world only by a single blanket. Walking next to her, she looked down the window at what Reina was yelling at, and raised a brow.

"Lovers quarrel?" she questioned, before narrowing her eyes at the other girl. "I do hope you did not do anything in my room. I sleep quite deeply so I wouldn't notice if you had sex there, but all the same, it's an unpleasant idea . . ."

Before the other girl could respond, Meruin made her way to the rooms refrigerator. She hated mornings for the sole fact that she was always too hungry to focus upon waking up. It was distracting and demanded immediate attention, which meant she couldn't cook an acceptable meal or walk towards a good cafeteria booth, so she always had to eat pre-readied food.

Taking out a whole carton of milk and a can of beans, Meruin drank straight out of the box for all of ten seconds before throwing the emptied carton into a nearby bin. Gripping the can, Meruin transmuted the can into a tin bowl with the beans already heated inside. Using a spoon to eat out the bowl, Meruin wiped her mouth and left the room.

"I'm leaving now, please stay out of my room if you decide to have sex again," she called out to Reina rather loudly, "also, use protection. I really cannot stress enough how dangerous pregnancy is at your age." Leaving out the fact that she was the younger than Reina and the youngest in their room, Meruin looked quite satisfied with her advice.

The next day, Meruin left her Exorcism class. Miss Juliann was certainly a strict taskmaster, but Meruin didn't mind. Her lessons were always easy to understand and always got to the important parts without dawdling, which is exactly what Meruin wanted in a lesson. Granted, sometimes she went off the rails, but she could ignore that in light of the everything else.

Now, she had some time to go to her dorm room and sleep before she was scheduled to begin her experiments. She had to speak with Iravis, though; she had a few questions and a request for her. So she'd sleep first for a bit, then look for Iravis afterwards . . .

"Or maybe not."

Meruin looked ahead of her and saw the Phoenix in question. Well,

"Iravis," she called out, her dull voice cutting through the dorms quiet. "I wanted to talk with you. Do you have the time?"


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