"We'll get this over and done with three times faster than it takes for you to blink."
Name: Elisa Riley
Age: 17
Fighting Style: Hit hard, hit fast. That's how Elisa rolls. She'll lay down rapid, heavy blows down on her foes before ducking and weaving away in a flash to avoid the counterattack. She doesn't waste her moves, preferring to bring an end to her fights as quickly and as efficiently as possible. She wants to get in and get out without too much of a fuss, and as such is no stranger to any cheap tactic that will bring her victory. It's hard to get a grip on her when she's constantly dashing about and hitting you where it hurts, and you can be sure that Elisa will be doing her best to keep you on your toes nonstop.
Magic: Elisa is lightning. That is not at all a hyperbolic statement. She has become a storm, a wild electrical creature that can manipulate the flow of electrons in all sorts of ways. A current is constantly flowing through her blood, carrying an immense energy that she makes use of to power her abilities. Whether it be through infusing her weaponry, her fists, her legs or any other part of her, every strike she deals to her foes will be able to conduct thousands upon thousands of volts into their body. And it doesn't even need to be through contact; her ability to control this electricity extends beyond her fingertips, allowing her to weave webs of lightning in the air to attack or defend herself from opponents.
She is also lightning.
That is not hyperbole.
Elisa's magic allows herself to actually transform into lightning, into an electrical creature that can rapidly travel short distances at the speed of ... well, lightning, disperse herself through the air, and also hang around in copper wiring. It's a dangerous, hard to control form, and she faces vulnerabilities in the form of being grounded, in which she will be forced to return to her human body. Touching her while she's in this state however, is still pretty dangerous. Electricity tends to hurt, you see.
Weapon: Khets חֵץ - Elisa's weapon is a well-balanced shortbow that, in a pinch, can also serve as a melee weapon against anything that has managed to sneak up on her. It can fire quite rapidly under the girl's skilled hands (honed from a few years training for archery competitions when she was younger), its projectiles of arrows, electrically-infused arrows or plain arrows made from electricity striking true at any foe she points it towards.
Advantages: Elisa is a well-rounded fighter, possessing both dangerous close-range and long-range capabilities to deal with any assortment of foe, and her ability to transform into lightning also provides her with that extra mobility to get the drop on the enemy. She tends to be a quick and heavy frontline hitter, but can serve well in a supportive role if it is deemed necessary.
Disadvantages: Her lightning form is difficult to control, and it can be quite easy for her to veer off in the wrong directions if under threat from an enemy. The melee capabilities of her bow, while adequate, are admittedly subpar, and in close range will rely mostly on her own limbs to fight.
Personality: Elisa is a pretty pleasant person to hang around with, thanks to her generally optimistic view of things (though heavily mixed with a sense of realism about the way the world works) and passion for what she does. She's a girl of good humour who is amicable and easy to get along with. However, it's difficult to really establish a genuine friendship with her; while she'll be welcoming and respectful to all who don't get on her bad side, she's always distant, caring very little for your problems unless they pertain to her economic and/or other interests. She's a nice enough girl, essentially, but she's not really a ... really friendly one.
She views herself as a professional, one that will always keep the word (although sometimes she prefers the spirit) of a contract and do anything that is necessary to ensure that the wishes of her employers are properly met. The concept of give-and-take is one that she understands very well; people who want her assistance need to provide something in return, although usually it tends to be money. Elisa is someone you can rely on to stick as closely as possible to a deal to get your job done, or otherwise she'll try and properly make it up to you.
However, her manner of speech is rather direct, sometimes even borderline blunt and possibly insulting. She is somebody who will speak their mind if the situation truly calls for it, even if it's something hurting. Her ability to care for others is also somewhat lackluster; she doesn't suffer as many moral quandaries, cheerfully throwing herself into something illegal if it will further her aims. She does know where to draw the line though, but that line can sometimes change position.
History: The second eldest of five children born to a rich family, Elisa lived an extremely comfortable life, one where all her basic necessities were taken care of and where she would never find herself lacking in sufficient food. It would be expected, then, that she would be quite fond of her family, but in reality the opposite applied. Despite the wealth she enjoyed as a scion of prominent landowners, the girl did not particularly get along well with her parents. They were harsh, domineering and too overly strict, so it came as no surprise when Elisa, after a rather nasty argument one night, disappeared from the family home in search of her own path in life, cutting off all ties to her "beloved" siblings and the rest of her family.
She was only fourteen.
Having surreptitiously nicked some bills from her parents, the girl created as much distance as she could from her family, ditching all remnants of her past life in order to ensure that they would never find her. It was admittedly pretty extreme and arguably immature, but she
really didn't like those who had birthed her, having once described them as "gigantic bags of bungee-powered alligator dick". Their treatment of her and her siblings was something she could not tolerate at all, and the the yawning chasm she had crossed to avoid being caught was there to ensure that she would never have to experience it ever again.
Of course, holding down a living and going to school by herself was difficult, and so Elisa found herself doing an assortment of odd-jobs, a mercenary labourer who would lend a hand or two whenever she could. It was only when she managed to scrounge up enough money for her own motorbike (and the costs of the driving test) that she moved into the delivery business, serving as a go-to-girl for anybody who needed things to be moved around as quickly as possible. It wasn't long after that she made a name for herself in courtier circles and elsewhere as somebody who would deliver goods three times faster than everybody else.
Being a crazy driver helps with that.
Delivery girl status aside, however, Elisa enjoys being a student at Viewfront. She considers the place comfortable and welcoming, and to top it all off, is a place that her parents would never expect her to be hiding out at.
Likes:- Riding her motorbike
- Archery
- Uncomplicated deals
Dislikes:- Her parents
- People who renege on their word
- Business competitors
Personal Strengths: She's a good driver, does well overall in school, and can read pretty quickly, as well as having a strong business sense.
Personal Weaknesses: She's a crazy driver, can be a bit intimidating, and has the unfortunate tendency of being on the local police's shit-list thanks to mistaken gang connections. Or at least, they seem mistaken; she's probably done deliveries for some once or twice but she doesn't really ask about her employer's lives that much.
Other: Her motorcycle gloves double as sap gloves. She also carries a box of snacks around.