Granted! You can now speak with your heartbeat, but due to a limited vocabulary, the only word your heartbeat knows how to say is an onomatopoeia that sounds very, very, very, like-super-really very, very similar to that of a regular heartbeat.
Granted, it stops forever and after a few months you realise how much you miss it and can never start it again. You end up going mad in your desperate attempts to fill the gaps it left.
Granted, just as some people are named charity or hope because their parents aspire to make their children like that you make a friend called ignorance. He has been brought up to pick up on nothing you try to hint. He constantly follows you around telling you his blindingly ignorant thoughts and won't shut up.
Granted. You are now the proud owner of a jar that holds the contents of a puppy resting peacefully in formaldehyde and awaiting to help make groundbreaking scientific contributions through dissecting and other such methods! Science!