@OfficerHeadbutt hmmmmmm. I'm tempted to be that guy and just have Ely get her matches out. Awk for life xD. Or I can be an awk ex and ignore but I don't think that's in Ely's personality. She makes it awk by being more proactive haha
@spacecakes I can't say yes or no but I'm pretty sure we're full, so don't get your hopes up. I don't know how strict the GM will be about new people now.
I'm just reading through the posts and will have a post up soon.
@Mr_pink Yeah, I'm well aware of that, I'm from England myself :P. It might be a good description of him to be fair, seeing as how he woke up and thought 'nah, I showered yesterday, I'm alright'
@OfficerHeadbutt Just so you know, Manky means dirty over here haha