Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

The year is 2176CE and the Skyllian Blitz is over. Two months after the attack on the human colony of Elysium by batarian raiders and mercenaries paid off by the Hegemony, war criminals are still sought by the Systems Alliance and numerous outstanding bounties are out for the taking for private contractors and mercenaries looking to make themselves a considerable amount of credits and stake their reputations amongt the stars. Reaching out into corners of the galaxy beyond the Alliance’s reach, these groups, veteran organizations and ambitious upstarts alike, vie for the same prize.

Among these upstarts are a group of strangers, drawn together by a captain looking to put together a crew to take on these lucrative contracts. Captain Jerrell Luzami, salarian smuggler extraordinaire, has put out a classified for a number of specialists who are willing and able to work long hours for little pay in uncomfortable working conditions aboard an aging volus trader, the Borealis. The promise of the eventual payoff is alluring, especially to those responding to the all-too enticing No Experience Required, Will Train Right Applicants byline that jumps out at the bottom of the classified in monochromatic orange. This is a chance to start new, for someone to make a name for themselves, or to leave behind a troubled past. Some of the new crew are experts in their fields but have nowhere to call home; others simply scraped together enough funds to buy their own gear. Their reasons for being there are their own, but at least they are bound by a common goal.

However, the day the crew assembles and prepares to embark on the journey that will one day cement their legacy amongst the great mercenary groups of the 22nd century or pitifully bury them in the annuls of time, an unexpected tragedy breaks upon them like a cheap bottle of champagne across the bow, leaving them leaderless and utterly to their own devices with only an inherited ship holding them together.

And so, their story begins.


A Dervish roleplay

Welcome to Mass Effect: Borealis! This game will be a heavily character-driven story that aims to combine serious character moments with light-hearted levity and humour and plenty of room for developing individual stories along with high-octane action sequences. The story centers around a group of upstart mercenaries who are left to their own devices with little more than a ship and a list of contracts to their name as they struggle to figure out how to run their outfit and get around the larger-than-life personalities they suddenly find themselves partnered with. While the game will start off with the premise of hunting down war criminals and other ne’er-do-wells for credits, the crew will eventually look to expand, get a better ship and equipment, and generally going from a disorganized collection of nobodies to a sought after group for some high-profile missions that almost certainly skirt legality – or punch a blazing hole right through it.

How this will work is while this is a largely GM driven game, you will still have lots of say as players, and characters, for how things move forward to the as of yet unnamed outfit; the characters will submit a name for the team, and I will literally be picking it at random to start, and character actions will guide how things start to unravel for the team. They will start to pick up rivals for their jobs, and depending on how things go down, they might find themselves on the wrong side of the law they originally were being bankrolled by. Ultimately, we the GMs want you guys to feel like this is as much of your story as ours, and all we ask is you be active participants in for the long haul.

Posting standards won’t be rigid, but we do ask that you try to show up in the OOC and be an active participant that way to show you’re still interested. If we do not hear from a player in a two week time period, they will be considered dropped out of the game. We understand life can be busy; all we ask is to be given notification if you’ll be away for a bit. We do ask that you do try to get an in-character post up within a two week period, although we will keep the plot moving if we’re being held up by a small number of players just to keep things moving along. I’m sure each and every one of you have experiences of games grinding to a halt because one player is holding up the plot, we’re going to try to not let that happen.

So, if you are interested in this, please be the kind of player who intends to be involved with an RP for the long haul; we could potentially have this going on for years or indefinitely if there’s an investment, as I have had in prior games of mine. If you’re the kind of player who joins a game but has a habit of dropping it on a whim, please move along. The colossal graveyard of failed roleplays exist because of players like you and GMs that refuse to enforce standards and I’m not putting up with that. That said, if you have to drop because you just aren’t enjoying it or something came up, I totally get it. All I ask is you give it a solid effort and talk to Hellis and I if you have concerns, ideas, or would like to suggest how to make the game more enjoyable. Honestly, we don’t bite! We want this to be something fun that people can feel like it’s a fun, low-pressure roleplay that doesn’t require a huge commitment to enjoy.

Being in advanced, obviously acceptable spelling and grammar and punctuation are expected, but don’t feel like you have to be an English major being graded or anything. We all make mistakes, and a lot of people roleplay to improve their writing skills, so welcome aboard! Just please proofread your stuff before posting and make an effort and we’ll all be BFFs. All that’s expected for length is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 2-3 paragraphs, and collaborations are more than welcome – there will be links to a couple Titanpads for anyone to use, although if you go that route, please try to finish the collabs in a timely manner and try not to tie them up so others can use it. Just leave a disclaimer at the top for what the status of a collab is at (e.g. who’s involved, if it’s still a work in progress, if it’s finished and can be erased, etc.) so anyone taking a look can quickly see what’s going on.

There will be an application deadline for interested players, and we are aiming to take on 10 players/ characters, although that number may increase or decrease depending on active players/ after-the-fact submissions that completely blow us away. Hellis and I will review the sheets and make our selection. What we’re looking for are detailed character sheets that give us a good idea of who the character is, a rough history, and an adherence to lore with good internal logic and ultimately comes across as someone who’s believable as a character who has flaws and motivations that give us the impression that you’re interested in telling this character’s story rather than typing out a video game. Long story short, some scrappy little thief with a barely functional Elkoss Combine pistol who’s on the run from his uncle in C-Sec is probably going to win us over more than Generic Balding Space Marine Justicar Battlemaster with a kill list longer than the Citadel, equipment that costs more than the Destiny Ascension, and despite being a remorseless psychopath is really a nice guy underneath it all who just wants to be loved. I mean, if you can make that last one believable, go nuts, but you get the idea. We want you to tell the story of someone you clearly have an interest in roleplaying more than just being a collection of skills and weapons who occasionally grunts out non-committal one liners.

That wall of Mongolian Horde defying length out of the way, let’s get to the grit!


A 70 standard-year old transport of volus manufacture, the Jalopy is a barely spaceworthy vessel that was once the crown jewel of the volus merchant fleets but after switching more hands than an asari pinup model in a refueling station rest room, the ship is so run down it is doubtful the quarians would even want it.

The crew quarters are on the uppermost level, rows of individual and crammed compartments that offer little comfort, consisting of little more than a single bunk, a desk with a rudimentary terminal, and a personal storage locker. The ship can handle a crew up to 16, plus the captain's quarters at the fore of the corridor, where it is slightly more spacious but hardly the cabin one would have expected on an old Spanish treasure galleon.

The main deck consists of a communal area with basic creature comforts, including a game area with seats, a kitchen, a three stall washroom and two showers, and other amenities that help break the tedium of space travel. The crew will likely spend most of their downtime around here. To the starboard side is the engineering compartment, where systems important for operating and maintaining the ship are located. To the port side, the life support systems are located and is one of the only rooms that is locked by a keypad.

Fore of the crew quarters the medical bay sits, largely unused and with enough supplies and equipment to take care of just enough medical aid to stabilize wounded crew members until they can reach better medical facilities elsewhere. It has 2 beds, an operations table, and several cabinets that are reasonably well supplied.

At the bow of the ship is the bridge, where the pilot and co-pilot have their stations, the captain has an elevated central seat with a command and communication interface, and navigation and communications systems are found on the starboard and port sides, respectively. There is not room in here for more than the 5 people without it being crammed.

The lowest deck is the hanger, which has a large ramp that lowers to the ground when the ship has landed, as well as a large cargo door that allows for docking in most standard ports. It is the most spacious area of the ship, capable of holding three medium-sized cargo haulers or rovers, and there is room for a few work stations for repair and retrofit of machinery, weapons, and whatever other needs can be conceived by the crew. The bow of the lower hanger also has the airlock to the bow of the ship for umbilical docking or for engineers to make EVA walks to do outside repairs to the ship in case of emergency.


1. You God mod, your character is eaten by a Thresher Maw after being gang-raped by vorcha (for that bit of imagery, you are welcome). You have been warned. This includes being untouchable in combat, reading people’s thoughts, knowing and reacting to events that your character can’t possibly have known about, any deus ex machina of any sort, and so on. Basically, common sense. We’re telling a story, not hacking a video game.

2. Mary and Gary Sues will be shot out of the airlock towards the nearest star to contemplate how awful they are. This includes characters who are irritatingly perfect, loved by everyone, have had personal contact and relationships with canon characters (e.g. dated them, were friends, served directly under or with, had a rivalry, et cetera) always have the answers to all the problems, have no flaws, and painfully generic back stories that is like sandpaper for the eyes.

3. Approved races only. This means no geth, yahg, Collectors, protheans, virtual aliens, Leviathans, et cetera that make no sense in the time line or playing capacity. Approved races are; human, turian, asari, salarian, drell, krogan, bartarian, quarian, and maybe vorcha. Other races like hanar, volus, and elcor I will allow, you just need to work extra hard to make them convincing and take into account their limitations. Namely fitting into a Kodiak and Mako, wearing armour, not dying spectacularly when shot, and being able to handle most weapons.

4. Technology is limited to a pre-Mass Effect technology level. Ergo, no thermal clips, and geth weaponry is prohibited as a result, along with anything that has been designed after the games came out, setting wise. This means if there’s a gun in Mass Effect 3 that is awesome but has existed for some time, its fair game (assuming your character is able to obtain it. Keep in mind some weapons are extremely expensive or rare). Likewise, the odds of your character actually owning something like a Collector assault rifle or any other Collector technology are slim to none, so don’t count on it. Once again, not sure, ask away!

5. Original characters only, thanks. Obvious rip offs of established characters will also not be tolerated. Failing to do this will force your character into the next issue of Fornax with a krogan and hanar tag team.

6. If your character is biotic, take into consideration restrictions and social issues coming from having it relative to their cultures. If a race cannot have biotics, don’t pretend they do. Read the wiki pages for more information.

7. If you want to make up an organization or company or whatever for your back story, that’s allowed as long as it doesn’t mess around with canon or contradict the timeline.

8. Character deaths are a possibility, but unlikely. It will be context sensitive and likely will not happen unless a character drops out, plans it out with the GM, or generally puts themselves in an impossible situation to escape from. Expect injuries and wounds to happen, though. If your character is caught in a heavy battle without the upper hand, please treat it realistically. I don’t want to see somebody take on 20 mercs and walk out like nothing happened.

9. Pre-made characters are permitted, provided you update them to fit this RP and take the time to make them fit. Please no copy/paste jobs without taking into consideration CS formats and the rules.

10. If you’re going to go away or feel like dropping out, please let us know if possible. It’s a courtesy thing and annoying as hell when people vanish without saying anything. It has this nasty habit of hanging up RPs while they wait for somebody to return. That said, real life comes first so if things come up, your character will be treated as an NPC until you return. Don’t feel pressured to post if you have real life stuff to worry about! That said, I hope if you’re joining this you’ll be able to spend a decent amount of time with it.

11. Romances are allowed in the RP, but it will not be the focus of this RP. If you feel the need to be a smut monster, please take that shit to PMs. Likewise, if you’re making a character with the sole intention of scoring, I will hook them up with a volus after a long night of intoxication and they be mocked ruthlessly for all eternity. The outfit’s a bunch of mercs, not a Casting Couch audition. If there’s a conflict of interest between the team’s goals and somebody’s sex drive, don’t expect them to be remaining on the team if it becomes an issue.

Scary section over, CS-ta time!

Name: Your character’s name and any nicknames or aliases they may have.

Race: Your character’s race. Given the pre-ME1 timeline for this RP, there are restrictions. There will be no geth, yahg, prothean, collector, virtual aliens, Leviathans, or anything else that shouldn’t already be common sense. Please do not make me bitch smack you over arguing for something that would make no sense.

Sex: Male, female, mono-gendered (hi, asari!), you know the drill.

Age: Make this race appropriate. For ease of reference, assume most races have comparable life spans, except for salarians (40 year life expectancy), asari (1,000 year life expectancy), and krogan (1,400-1,600 year life expectancy). Keep in mind that chances are your character is younger or middle aged and full of piss and vinegar, so you probably don’t want to make your character a 1,200 year old krogan with space-dementia. If anyone has solid information on race life expectancy, please share with the class.

Class: Soldier, Adept, Engineer, Vanguard, Infiltrator, Sentinel along with any specialization. Also state duties aboard the Jalopy (for instance, engine maintenance, navigation, weapon systems, life support systems, et cetera).

Appearance: A detailed description and/or picture of your character. Please, no anime pictures. I will not be able to take your application seriously imagining an effeminate blue-haired boy with flowing long hair and keeper-sized eyeballs taking on the horrors of the galaxy with his stick arms.

Background: A detailed and accurate history and upbringing of your character from childhood to now, with consideration of timeline events and what’s stated for lore. We’re trying to keep this accurate, and this section helps me determine your writing ability and dedication to wanting to be in this RP. As well, the more information you provide, the better you understand your character and play them better. If your character had a particular role or were special forces or something notable, please describe their time in that service and how they got in/ out of it. I don’t want to see something like ‘And Johnny was a Spectre’ tacked on as an afterthought. If you write a two short paragraph bio, it tells me you didn’t put any thought into it. If you think your character can hold up for a month and a half without a GM, it’s probably good enough. A simple rule of thumb; if something sounds ridiculous or far-fetched, it probably is. That said, don’t be afraid to be creative and take risks!

Equipment: Weapons, armour, and other important bits like Omni-tools and biotic amps and things that aren’t necessarily featured in games but your character takes with them. Check the wiki page for more information. Also, grenades are included in here and not in the power section. There will be certain weapon restrictions given the timeline and availability, but most are fair game, including ME3 weaponry. Just remember this is a Play by Post RP, so weapon stats aren’t exactly like in the game. You don’t necessarily need a super top tier weapon when a basic one will do just fine. Some jackass with a Predator pistol can still do a considerable amount of damage, you don’t need a Paladin to kill something. Keep in mind there’s a good chance your character had to purchase their own gear, so depending on how their luck was with the local lottery or their inheritance from their Space Samurai dad was, they might be scraping by with some pretty common and second-hand pieces of kit. That said, you don’t have to gimp your character, I just want to shake the idea that just because it’s mediocre in the video game doesn’t mean it is in roleplay land. If you need any inspiration, just look at “Jesse”, that piece of shit M-8 Avenger Zaeed loves so much.

Powers: Up to five or six different powers your character will use. I normally wouldn’t put a restriction on this but I just know I’m going to have one or two people who just throw everything on a list onto their CS and call it a day (fun fact: I ran an Elder Scrolls game where somebody applied with a mage that knew over 56 spells). Keep in mind that if your character is a biotic, some techniques are a lot more demanding and that it takes time and practice to master abilities. Likewise for tech abilities, it takes a certain degree of technical know how to use many of the techniques. So pick what makes sense for your character and you can see yourself using often enough.

Font Colour: What colour your character’s dialog colour and thoughts will be highlighted as. Not necessary, but if you like to do that, stake a claim! Please put the formatting code here so other players don’t have to estimate the exact shade of pink Burly McBeefcake speaks in if they’re trying to do something like format a collab.

Shadow Broker Posts

These optional posts are inspired by the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC from Mass Effect 2 where players have the option of filling out backstory or having correspondence with other characters via things like Extranet activity and e-mails that we as players all see, but the other characters won’t be aware are going on. This allows for things like your character keeping in contact with NPCs, having a private conversation with another character, and they can be as serious or silly as you’d like. Ultimately, it’s up to you if you wish to do these posts, but in my experience they end up being some of the best bits of my Mass Effect RP that ends up being a little bit of a metagame onto itself without tying up the main plot.

There will be an example of this in the opening post if you're a bit lost, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Once again, entirely optional fun thing to do.

Loyalty Missions

You as a player will have the option of creating and co-GMing a mission based around your character that may come up later on in the story to help them resolve personal issues, take a contract they themselves discovered, or any manner of ideas that relate to their backstory. While these definitely won’t be a priority and are optional activities,

Questions and Answers

1. Sorry if this is a silly question, but are there any restrictions on RP'ing as one of the classes from ME3 Co-op? I...kind of want to RP as either they N7 Slayer Vanguard or the N7 Paladin Sentinel :P

I'm unsure because you don't hear about them until ME3 and it's not clear whether or not they're actually part of the lore.

1. The game's about roleplaying a character, not playing out video game classes. Making a character based entirely on one of the multiplayer classes won't fly, especially since multiplayer is prone to ridiculous stuff like playable Collectors, super biotic volus, and Geth Prime sized krogan who kill things with giant hammers. I also want to avoid having characters who are things like former Spectres and special forces like the N7 who dropped out unless it's actually an important part of their story and they had a damn good reason for leaving, not because a player wants to have a powerful character. Even if they did have N7 training, they wouldn't have the equipment because it's government property and is expensive as hell.

I'd much rather people focus on making a character they want to tell a story about rather than just trying to mold one around a set of powers. I see that happen way too often.

Plot Summary

Arriving at the Nos Astra Docks to begin their new contracts as mercenaries hired on by Captain Luzami, the crew were informed shortly after their arrival at the Borealis that the captain had perished the day before and they had to clear the docks, forcing the group of strangers to hastily depart Ilium airspace and get their bearings on the aging volus transport, as well as making acquaintance with one another. It was quickly determined that Omega would be their first stop, as the team had no credits to their name and threadbare fuel reserves.

As it would turn out, Captain Luzami had prerecorded a few files that the team had used to determine their first contracts, a group of batarian slavers and pirates commanding an asari-made frigate called the Twin Star, and their whereabouts at an abandoned mining complex deep within Omega's sprawling tunnel infrastructure. Hastily making plans for their attack and dividing off into teams, the team sets into motion to assault the base.

The assault goes off mostly without a hitch, although seeds of conflicts are planted when a dispute over what to do with a huge explosive cache is set to detonate under a Blue Suns controlled suburb. Additionally, it is discovered that the Twin Star gang has been collecting hostages and slaves, complicating the operation. The bombs are ultimately disarmed, the crew of the Twin Star neutralized and captured and the hostages rescued. Some of the team elects to take the Twin Star's asari frigate to return it to Citadel Space to collect the reward, leaving the rest of the team with the Borealis.

The team decides on a name, the Jury Riggers, and take a job from Captain Chad Donnelly, a security expert on Elysium who had a lead on a smuggling operation on Virmire, many of whom were responsible were participants of the Skyllian Blitz. The Jury Riggers were sent under cover to sell and distribute tracked arms and armour to interested parties to see where the gear would ultimately end up, hopefully disclosing the hideouts of several wanted criminal organizations. The mission became compromised and several of the crew were injured or missing in action, and only some of the weapons were distributed, ultimately leading to the team's first big failure, and even greater schisms between crew members when some things come to light.

The team is currently back on Elysium, recovering from a hard loss and trying to find common ground with the people they chose to throw their lot in with...

Approved Characters

Tanya Carson, Human Engineer, Mechanic
Ravanor Tonka, Krogan Infiltrator, Starship Engineer
Drono "Blink" Laken, Drell Infiltrator, Weapons Specialist
Dexuret "Dex" Noratus, Turian Infiltrator, Pilot
Iosif Shevchenko, Human Engineer, Co-Pilot
Khosin Grathe Sedgoroh, Batarian Sentinel, Engine Maintenance
Vellios Malkai,Turian Soldier, Hired Gun
Serena Mathews, Human Sentinel, VI Specialist
Hazan "Haze" Volintis, Turian Soldier, Navigator
Firuzeh Khoroushi, Human Sentinel, Medical Officer

Dropped Characters
Duuka, Vorcha Soldier, Security
Ceisstia “Tia” V’dore, Asari Vanguard, Security
Marco Castillo, Human Soldier, Chef
Aran Nykerius aka "Mirage, Turian Tech and Hacking Specialist, Team Liaison
Alex Wincourt, Human Vanguard, Combat Medic
Valiss T'daios, Asari Adept, Hired Gun
Kasyra’Tala Vas Ryushei Nar Sherana, Quarian Engineer, Hired Gun

List of Pads

Pad 1
Pad 2
Pad 3

Available Assignments

Intercept Smuggling Operation
Location: Sentry Omega System, Virmire
Client: Captain Chad Donnelly, Elysium Investigations and Security Taskforce

Your names are somewhere in the middle of a very long waiting list for contracts in dealing with groups associated with the Skyllian Blitz attacks, but word travels fast. My cousin was one of the people you saved from the Twin Star gang, and for that, I owe you a favour or two. If you find yourself in the capital when you drop off Kapan Nasa’dor, drinks are on me.

To business. The pirates, slavers, and other organizations that hit Elysium were supplied from all sorts of groups with interest in destabilizing human colonies in the Traverse, and Elysium was something of a crown jewel that was just isolated enough that an Alliance response would be slow coming. The thing we didn’t get was how or where they were coming from with the sophistication of hardware and technology they employed; I don’t know if any of you were here for the Blitz, but when we were hit, it might as well have been a damned military invasion. I’ve served in the First Contact War, and I’ll be the first to tell you that there was a certain sense of déjà vu fighting the batarians. Military starships, fighters, dropships, and all manner of guns and supply drops were just as common as the common gang rabble of hastily converted civilian equipment, and when you think pirate, the last thing you think of is a fleet of cruisers capable of orbital bombardment.

Sources indicate that several big players used Virmire as a sort of staging area and swap meet for various gangs and syndicates to sell and barter goods, a lot of it coming from the Terminus, although disturbingly there might be some corrupt participants from reputable positions in Council space that took part in selling weapons and ships to the invaders. Remember when I mentioned those cruisers? Those were turian made with a new coat of paint. Hard to mistake them for anything else after nearly getting killed by them on a daily basis on Shanxi.

If you choose to respond to this contract, I’ll throw in a bonus; there’s a lot of equipment the invaders left behind. I’ll let you guys have a run in the yard and see if there’s not something that catches your eye.

Assassinate Blue Suns Officer
Location: Omega System, Omega
Client: “Tessa”

You would not believe the buzz around the station about the scandal of Nairyna T'Raza’s affiliation with the Twin Stars. That’s like finding out an esteemed Matriarch was consorting with a Maiden who’s only claim to fame is how well she works a pole… in both senses of the term.

So a Blue Suns operative, and a rather important one at that, goes missing the same time one of Omega’s smallest and most pathetic groups is wiped off the map by a group that nobody knows. That is, mostly nobody. I have friends in high places, and they know who you are. By the way, pick a damn name already. If you want to be treated like professionals, it’s the least you can do. Even my niece has a name for her crescentberry stand and she’s seven years old. Point is, for as utterly unknown you all are and how much you reek of amateurs, I have a proposition or you. Want to get some fame and recognition as people who matter and the connections that go with it? Then I think I can help you.

All you have to do is forcefully remove T’Raza’s boss, Lieutenant Pomverus Caspian, from his miserable life, preferably in a manner that doesn’t implicate anyone. Bonus points if it looks like an accident or a very professional assassination job. Do this dirty little deed and I’ll make sure the right people notice you.

The pay’s not bad, either.

Loyalty Mission: Tanya Carson
Location: Terra Nova, Asgard System

I’m not one to ask for big favours, but this one’s huge and kind of out of the way.

Some of you guys know my basic family history, including that my dad was killed in the First Contact War. I recently came across an article on the extranet saying that in three weeks, they’re going to be putting up a memorial for Terra Nova’s casualties in the First Contact War. I need to be there for the ceremony, I don’t care about the particulars around how we do that, but this matters a lot to me.

If we can start looking for contracts around the system so it’s not such a huge detour, all the better, or you guys can drop me off along the way to doing another job, but either way it would mean everything to me if we could make arrangements.

Let me know what you all decide in case I need to make arrangements. I’ll collectively owe you all a favour if you do this for me.


Loyalty Mission: Hazan Volintis
Location: Omega System, Omega

So I've had a bit of a secret I've been hiding from you guys. Y'know how Omega has its own bounty board system? Well for the past few years I've been on that board, hawking a bounty higher than the payout of our last mission. Call it my resume, or some stupid shit like that, but I've been on this station long enough for someone out there to really hate my guts. Fun.

Since we've been in Omega I've been really on edge because I didn't want one of you guys to turn me in for the extra credits. But now that we're done with, what I guess was a trial by fire, I trust you guys, and I have a favour to ask.

I know that the bounty board in Omega is run by a small group of ex-bounty hunters that regularly update the list with all the most recent bounties. And as long as I'm on that bounty board, people are going to be after my head. Which is troublesome for you guys if we have to constantly deal with bounty hunters the more well-known we get.

One of my pals in Omega happens to know where their data servers are located. All I have to do is sneak in and wipe every single trace of me off their databanks. But I'll need cover, and that's where I could use you guys' help. All I need is a distraction, and I'll sneak in and wipe their databanks clean. Oh, and maybe even steal a bit of their finders fees for ourselves too.

If we're gonna be in Omega for the next few days, it'd be cool if we could nip off for a bit to do this. Without the heat on my back we won't run into the problem of other idiots trying to cash in on my head when we're out on a mission, and colossally ruining our plans.

I'll owe everyone a big favour if I got help in this endeavour.

- Haze

Loyalty Mission: Drono
Location: Fayette Station, Outer Citadel Space

Yo, this might come to a shock to some of you, but I am not well. No, not mentally you idiots. I have a condition. A bad, keppler level condition. I won't bore you with the details of being shot in the back or anything. That is totally what happened though. Like, bam, right in the back. Either way, I am alive because of a very specific doctor. And well, I recieved a message that his clinic was having some trouble with local criminals.

So yeah. Let me level with you. My body is failing me after the little run we had. The fight with the biotic has jostled me pretty badly. I feel a tingling in my arm and I know I only have weeks at best unless I get treatment. I need the clinics help if I wanna keep myself from becoming paraplegic. So, I kinda need a lift and some help dealing with the goons. I owe these people my life. And they are the only ones who I trust to treat me. And I hate to admit, but you are the only people I trust to get me in and out of there alive.

And well. If I die, send my body home Ok?

Shit this is kind scary to write.

I need a drink.

- Drono out

Twin Star
Class: Frigate
Vessel History:
Asari Merchant Frigate that was "borrowed" by batarian slavers along with the enslavement of most its crew. The Twin Star now serves as yet another batarian slave ship outside Citadel space. Several attempts to take it back/ Destroy it has been made as many of the Asari see it as a blight.

Notable Crew: "3 eyed Zallak" (Notorius Batarian slaver and pirate.)

Kapan Nasa’dor, batarian pirate and slaver – Wanted for murder, trafficking of sapient beings, piracy, torture, crimes against humanity. Last known location: Omega



Pomverus Caspian, turian Blue Suns lieutenant – Wanted for murder, torture, hostage taking, terrorism. Last known location: Omega

Wanted Ships, Current Locations Unknown

The Cobalt Comet
Class: Cruiser
Vessel History:
A retired Crusier of the Alliance; this ship was somehow acquired by Blue Suns. The Cobalt Comet is sturdy assault vessel and is outfitted to be a powerful formation breaker. Fitted with heavy missile batteries and powerful railgun. It has seen use to punch holes into the escorts of merchants ships, as well as to help the Blue Suns smash through various Alliance blockades.
Notable Crew:
Captain Gamalla (Biotic, Asari, Blue Sun upper echelon)
Roddy Shank (Human, Mercenary, Notorious Criminal)

The Aggravated Truth
Class: Cruiser
Vessel History:
salarian science vessel turned Illegal weapons lab. The Aggravated Truths original name was The Serene Truth. A salarian science vessel, it went planet to planet, recording the impact of the krogan genophage on local krogan populace and their Post-Rebellion socioeconomics. The salarians on-board got increasingly displeased with Council efforts to lessen the impact on krogan populations and living condition, to the point where the entire crew mutinied. As time passed, the rogue scientists began mixing with pirates, making deals for raw material to turn into biological agents and even performing illegal biotic surgery for mercenary groups.
Notable Crew:
Chief Biologist Holin Hamon (Salarian Scientist)

Shiagur's Vengeance
Class: Frigate
Vessel History: A old frigate left over from the Krogan Rebellions, the Vengeance is so big it is bordering on being considered a Cruiser. The Frigate is a frigate however, and used by its krogan captain as a quick, brutal dispenser of pirate violence. While the weaponry isn't the end of the line, the frigates plating is sturdy enough to sustain more damage then most other frigates, something Brek's unfortunate victims have to experience first hand.
Notable Crew: Brek (Krogan Pirate)




<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>





Kasy wiggled her ass up to them
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I claim this color to be mine!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 6 days ago

Will work on my character, think I'm gonna roll with an Asari.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Totally thinking of making a Quarian because Tali is my boo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I already showed my Turian muscle/gun man for this. Just getting him written up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

Hey, gang! Apparently a lot happens when I go and take out the garbage.

I'll put this here and in the first post, but the application deadline will be next Saturday, so February 13th! That should be ample time to get a character ready and submitted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

My two characters are up, so if you guys want an idea of what I'm looking for, go have a gander and such.

I should note if you have anything about your character you want hidden from the general player base, PM Hellis and myself and let us know about what it's all about. Almost certainly we'll be totally okay with what's going on, but we do need to make sure it's looked over like any other sheet!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

:D Let's all get along and Drono will try not to shoot you all on principle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

:D Let's all get along and Drono will try not to shoot you all on principle.

I'm not going to see that name and not immediately think of him as Draino.


I'm debating making a Skype chat group for this game. Would you ladies and gents be interested in that?

EDIT: I'm sure it goes without saying, but character submissions go in the OOC, approved characters go in the Characters tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

:D Let's all get along and Drono will try not to shoot you all on principle.

Vellio might actually get a smile from him trying...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh. Dron don't need to try. It's hard to dodge when someone is using active stealth.

PS. Drono doest shoot people in the back. Just swing in front of you. Ds
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Totally bringing back Kasy - Quarian Ice queen extraordinaire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drono: hey babe. What you hiding under that vis-*shot*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For the Skype group, I do not have Skype nor do I want it. I do not like Skype. If it becomes needed, I'll gladly bow out.

Also was hoping to be the only Quarian, but thems the breaks. I need to think of a concept I like though. I should have a sheet up either later today or tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quarian are like. One of the most popular races for games like this. There is always at least one xD

As for Skype. It won't be needed I don't think. It's just Dervish an me being extra social as GM's
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh I know. Them and the Asari. But I love the Quarians too much not to play one. Tali was my favorite character behind Garrus, and only cuz I have a huge crush on Garrus <3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drell master race yo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Will have Vellio up tomorrow hopefully, and will be sending @Dervish & @Hellis a pm over what I don't want known about him. Dervish has an idea as I've already discuss the pc because I wasn't sure if he would fit or not.

As for Skype, to each their own. I use it because it's rather easy to get a hold of people, but it can be a pain in the ass some times. Namely when it doesn't work or decides to glitch, then again my net is crappy as heck most the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mortarion
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I don't think at a skype group will be needed,not that I doing have one and don't like it <.< >.>, but I think that perhaps making a chatty or Soemthing like that would be good yes? That way we can chat, brainstorm, etc. not to mention that chatty is more easily accessible than Skype for some. But they'd just my two cents on her he whole skype debacle.

In other news, I think I'll begin working at full speed on my character tomorrow,mso it will be done hopefully soon.
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