Name: Valiss T'daios
Race: Asari
Sex: Mono-gendered
Age: 188
Class: Adept
Valiss stands 5'10, her figure in shape and athletic from years of intense training. Her most notable features are the markings above her blue eyes.
Background: Valiss was born on the Asari homeworld of Thessia, her mother a nurse and her father a veteran Turian military man. Valiss was an only child of the couple. She couldn't have asked for a better planet to be born on than Thessia, the crown jewel of Asari space, low on crime, disease and many of the problems other planets faced. Her parents were polar opposites in their parenting styles, her mother kind and carefree, but her turian father disciplined and highly honorable.
Her father pushed her towards joining the Asari military, her mother supporting her with whatever she wanted to do. She went in to the military shortly after reaching adulthood, a few weeks after he father passed away. His death was what ultimatly pushed her in, when she was very young he had often entertained her with tales of his life as a soldier, the glory and unity that it brought him. She hoped to one day tell her child tales of her own military service. Life in the military was one as a full time professional, from the moment she joined her education turned to readying her in every way for life as an Asari commando.
Her training was intense and long by other species standards, decades of strenuous activity and mind sharpening exercises. Martial arts were a key aspect for an Asari huntress, even if she was fighting a larger opponent at close quarters, her knowledge of martial arts would allow her to seize the fight. Her biotics were also focused on, her entire race was capable of biotic powers, but a key component of the commando's combat style was harnessing such powers.
Asari had not fought a major war for decades and as such commandos were not traditionally taught conventional warfare, instead guerrila warfare was the focus. Valiss was partnered with another Asari, Lisal Jatari, Lisal would become one of her closest friends, though their relationship had a hint of rivalry to it. Lisal was a few years older than Valiss, with more experience as a commando. As such she acted as a mentor to the younger Valiss. They would undertake several special operations together, their main targets the vices of the galaxy, slavers, gangsters, war criminals. Assassinations of targets were not out of the norm, nor were strategic ambushes, they were the expected way to fight.
Lisal and Valiss had become a potent team, then more current events started to occur, and Valiss' life changed. The two were sent on a covert mission to Omega, the task to assassinate a Krogan crimelord Vrumar Kurd. Kurd had a list of atrocities he had committed, murders, torture and most notoriously, dealing of slaves. While he was stationed in Terminus Space, an area which the Asari government typically avoided, Kurd had been very known to kidnap young Asari, he even had his agents venture to Asari worlds to take their people. He was deemed as a high level target, also a high risk one. The commando duo went in carefully, undercover at first, they managed to track down Kurd to a warehouse on the station.
The two planned an ambush, for days they staked out of the area, Kurd had an array of paid guards watching his back. They waited for the perfect moment to strike, then did so, bombarding the guards with a barrage of biotics and weapon fire. It was a spectacular move, catching their enemies completely off guard. The Asari tore through Kurd's hired help and bashed their way into his warehouse where the krogan had taken cover inside. Then it all went wrong as they entered a room, both of them took fire from above, Kurd had placed more of his hired guns inside and lead the Asari into an ambush.
Under heavy fire, Lisal noticed a fuel tank on the other side of the room. Despite Valiss' warnings, Lisal shot a barrage of bullets into it, igniting the tank. Kurd was killed in the blast, but so were a dozen slaves he had hidden in a nearby room. The innocents never stood a chance as the ignited fuel burnt them alive. The mission was completed, but at a terrible cost, they were supposed to rescue the enslaved, instead they had killed them.
The two faced consequences for it, unexpectedly Lisal had turned her back on her partner, framing the reckless Valiss as the perpetrator. The two Asari at that point had been equals on the combat field, but Lisal had been a commando for longer, her word stood stronger. They believed her, and Valiss was dishonorably removed from military service. Lisal was also punished, though she was not discharged, a fact which greatly angered Valiss. She did not face criminal charges, but the discharge was more than enough. Valiss pledged she would get back at Lisal, for the next couple of years she took up freelance mercenary work in the Terminus systems.
She received an offer and took it. Hoping that the work it would provide her would be enough to help her forget some of her past.
Equipment: -
Aldrin Labs Light Hydra Armor - Elanus Risk Control Services M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifle
- Elanus Risk Control Services M-9 Tempest
- Elanus Risk Control Services M-3 Predator
Powers: - Warp
- Pull
- Throw
- Singularity
- Shockwave
Font Colour: Magenta