Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

Name: Tanya Carson

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 28

Class: Engineer, Vehicle Mechanic and Weapon Tech


Picture commissioned by Riley Stark, many thanks!

Tanya stands at 5'06" and sports a lean, strong frame of the Alliance Marine she once was. She sports a piercing gaze with her dark grey eyes and a non-regulation crop of nearly black hair that gives her a somewhat wild appearance. She carries herself in a confident but independent way.

Background: Born 2148CE to a Systems Alliance Marine named Lieutenant-Commander Eric Carson, Tanya was born a month after the Prothean relics were discovered on Mars. Tanya’s father was initially a member of the British Armed Forces, but when the Systems Alliance Charter was formed a year after Tanya’s birth, he found himself transferring to the newly formed alliance of 18 independent nations with the hopes of being among the first humans to see another solar system. The discovery of the Prothean artefacts confirmed what he always suspected; there was other intelligent life in the galaxy. Lt. Commander Carson signed on with 4th Frontier Division, attached to the 6th Fleet, and the Carson clan found themselves among the first colonists on the newly discovered Terra Nova.

Tanya’s family had a long history of military service, and she is able to trace her ancestry back to the Napoleonic Wars. The firstborn males had a tendency of enlisting in the military, a proud Carson family tradition, although that was by no means the only member of the family in the service; during the Boer War, seven Carson brothers fought in South Africa, and only four came home. The man who would eventually end up becoming Tanya’s great-great-great-great grandfather brought home his Lee-Enfield rifle and passed it down to his firstborn son upon his deathbed. This was the beginning of a well-established family tradition.

Terra Nova was the first home Tanya remembered, and the dark, barely hospitable planet seemed perfectly normal to her, although she noticed her parents often argued over their new home. Terra Nova was a dark, mostly desert world with scorching temperatures and an atmosphere with high concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide, making it uncomfortable for the initial Earth-Born colonists to acclimatize to. Their argument was put on hold when an incident at Shanxi in 2157CE caused the 4th Frontier Division to assign regiments on loan to the 2nd Fleet as a reaction force, with the promise of being returned to the 6th Fleet after the incident was resolved. This incident would become the First Contact War, and Lt. Commander Carson’s first encounter with extra-terrestrial life would prove to be fatal. He returned to Terra Nova to a grieving wife and an only child.

Tanya was only 9 when she lost her father, and instead of growing to hate the aliens who killed him, she wanted to know who they were. She had grown up on the knee of her father, telling her stories of great wars long past and the deeds of her ancestors. This was no different, only the enemy wasn’t human. Her father died a hero, and while she missed him terribly, she was proud of him. He may have died, but he took out half a platoon before he succumbed to his wounds, the man who came to their prefabricated home told them.

To Tanya, these turians were probably like the Dutch, French, Russian and German enemies of her ancestors’ past. If they could learn to forgive each other after decades, if not centuries, of fighting, maybe the turians wouldn’t be so different. To her surprise, her prediction came true shortly after the counter-attack and Tanya was shocked to discover there were more aliens out there than just the turians, and they were the ones who stopped the war.

While Eric Carson didn’t leave a son behind, his daughter was more than willing to pick up the mantle. Despite her mother, Belle’s, protests, Tanya took to wanting to learn how to be a marine like her father, and get off of Terra Nova to see who these aliens were in person. She threw herself into learning how the family vehicles worked, as her father had shown her, and continued shooting with her father’s hunting rifle. Her life was becoming increasingly surrounded by machines as well as her school studies, and she was on a fast track to joining the Alliance as a combat engineer.

Her dreams were almost derailed by a falling for a boy named Gary she had grown up with on the colony whose father was close to hers, and both never came home from Shanxi. The two threw themselves at becoming mechanics and he had all but convinced her that the colony needed people with their skills. It was true, in their suburb in Scott, barely anyone knew how to maintain their own vehicles, as most of the skilled members were in the Alliance and needless to say occupied elsewhere. They were even set to get married after a whirlwind romance when Gary was killed on his motocycle the week before the ceremony, leaving Tanya bitter and alone. Three months later, in 2166CE, Tanya enlisted in the Systems Alliance 63rd Division and specialized as a combat engineer shortly afterwards. Before she left Terra Nova, her mother presented Tanya with the old Lee-Enfield rifle and her father’s medals, and her blessing to do what all Carsons were born to do.

In 2170CE, Tanya and the 63rd Division found themselves moving in respond to the bartarian slaver raid on Mindoir. Tanya did not know much about the bartarians other than they didn’t see eye to eye with humanity over colonization rights, but the brazen attack on the colony left her shocked. Her unit deployed and she had her first taste of combat, and it was not a positive experience. Her unit was heavily outgunned and the casualties were staggering; the 63rd was unable to break the bartarian lines and attempt to rescue the colonists. Tanya found herself running off less than 4 hours of sleep in two days, and the new A-61 Mantis Gunships and M29 Grizzlys were in constant need of repairs due to the chaos of combat. While the men and women of her platoon fought off a bartarian counter attack, Tanya fought in the way she knew best; fixing the hell out of anything that needed it. Because of her efforts, there was enough armour and air support to keep their line from collapsing. She was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal for her actions.

After the battles in Mindoir, the 63rd was deployed in various regions of the galaxy, and Tanya had found herself becoming rather bitter at the whole affair. She had regular nightmares about what she’d seen on the colony, and couldn’t shake the feeling of that happening to Terra Nova. For the next 3 years, Tanya served with the Alliance until she decided to retire with honours after seven years of service in 2173CE. She returned home for a time until she grew restless, realizing her place was with the galaxy. After taking off to Elysium to look for work in the wake of the Skyllian Blitz, she decided to take her chances with an upstart crew where she could make her mark on the galaxy - and escape from her demons.


-Elanus Risk Control Services M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle
-Ariake Technologies M-23 Katana Shotgun
-Elanus Risk Control Services M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol
-Kassa Fabrication Polaris Omni-Tool
-Devlon Industries Explorer Light Armour


-Energy Drain
-AI Hacking
-Combat Drone
Font Colour: Cyan, 6ecff6
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 16 days ago

Name: Ravanor Tonka

Race: Krogan

Sex: Male

Age: 254

Class: Infiltrator, Commando, ship engineer

Appearance: Standing just shy of 2 meters in height at the top of his hump, Tonka is built much like any krogan; huge, powerful, and covered with thick plating. His crest is a charcoal grey that tapers off into a forest green, which combined with a dark tan complexion gives him a very earthy tone. His eyes are a few shades lighter than his crest, rimmed by softer black skin that contrasts with his hide. Because of his relatively cautious approach to hostile environments and methodical means of carrying on his work, Tonka remains largely unblemished by scars and has no real distinguishing characteristics that set him apart from other krogan.

Background: Born and raised in Ravanor Clan territory on Tuchanka, Tonka was destined from birth to work in the massive mining operations that dominated Ravanor territory where the clan had dug deep into Tuchanka’s mineral rich crust for valuable materials for countless generations. The oldest in a clutch of 3 brothers and a sister, Tonka was put to work almost as soon as he could carry heavy loads for the miners. Instead of gravitating towards the drilling and blasting that was the draw for many in the clan, Tonka took an active interest in the heavy machinery that ran the operations and he made it his mission to learn from the mechanics that kept them operational, eventually becoming something of an apprentice under Orankdra, the chief engineer that kept the massive drills running.

Clan Ravanor’s Rite of Passage superficially resembles that of the quarian pilgrimage where the unblooded krogan are sent out into Tuchanka’s hostile wastes to salvage something of use to the clan, be it arms, vehicles, or equipment that can help maintain the mining operations. Tonka set out with his brothers, Krul and Panzak, to the location of a major battle between Clans Ravanor, Forsan, and Weyrloc 30 years prior. While the site had been picked clean over the years, the trio knew that some treasures simply had to be excavated. Working in the cover of the dawn and twilight hours and keeping hidden during the day, the brothers worked tirelessly for several days, occasionally fending off predators. Fortunately, their luck held out and no raiding parties from other clans had stumbled across them before they had discovered a buried Tomkah that had fallen into a chasm and been buried by drifting sands. Stripping the machine of several invaluable components that had survived damage and been sealed off from the elements, as well as a cache of factory-new weapons, the brothers had their offerings to the clan and made their way back to Ravanor territory, mercifully without more than minor encounters with the occasional varren. The Clan Shaman welcomed the trio of victorious youth into Ravanor as blooded members of the clan, where they now possessed breeding rights and the option of leaving Tuchanka if they chose to do so.

While Panzak couldn’t have gotten on the next expedition off Tuchanka faster if he was a professional sprinter, Tonka chose to stay for some time, deciding to master the various equipment the clan had possession of and often volunteering to go out and locate replacement parts in the wastelands if need be. Because of this, he enlisted his services in the clan’s scouts as his mandated duty as a krogan to be a soldier as well as a miner. Here he learned the finer points of marksmanship and stealth, becoming one of the few krogan on Tuchanka that didn’t see battle as a chance to charge in head-first for glory, preferring to avoid a fight unless he knew he had the advantage or there was a better reason for remaining undetected. These skills also translated into Tonka becoming a proficient hunter, and he would soon be able to proudly proclaim, “There’s nothing that walks, shits, or flies on Tuchanka I haven’t eaten”. This ample supply of food kept him and his camp satisfied, and life soon took on a rhythm as predictable as the rising and setting of Aralakh. For a krogan, that stagnation might as well have been a death sentence and Tonka found himself growing restless.

Opportunity came in the form of an Illium-based merchant vessel that had illegally entered the krogan DMZ to sell weapons and purchase the raw materials Clan Ravanor produced to sell for a higher market value in the Terminus System. Offering his services in exchange for transport off world, Tonka soon found himself in the service of one Alisia Donari, a freelance entrepreneur who had sights on creating a manufacturing empire across the Terminus Systems. The krogan became something of a curiosity as a relatively non-abrasive personality and a strong desire to learn new technical skills flew in the face of much of the popular perception of the krogan people. Within months, Tonka proved popular among the crew of the Intrepid Valor, largely thanks to his no-nonsense attitude and aptitude for mechanics and the fact that if there was damage outside of the ship, he would not hesitate to go EVA to work on it, even in hostile conditions that would harm any other species.

Decades of service later, including a few run ins with would-be pirates, Tonka had an impressive service record across the Terminus Systems that spanned over 20 ships and a length of employment that had surpassed the lifespans of several of his coworkers. Deciding rather suddenly that he was getting bored of his relatively comfortable position managing shipyard retrofits, Tonka left the company with a retirement package that all but ensured he could live out the next 50 years of his life without having to work. This, clearly, is not something that agrees with a krogan’s temperament, and after weeks of self-imposed vacation, the krogan had stumbled across one of the most charmingly awful recruitment contracts he had seen. Deciding to return to his roots of barely functional machinery in adverse conditions, Ravanor Tonka made his way to Ilium, where a certain Captain Jerrell Luzami promised far more than he’d ever be able to deliver.

The offer was irresistible.


-Rosenkov Materials Volkov Sniper Rifle
-Kassa Fabrication M-55 Argus Assault Rifle
-Elkoss Combine M-4 Shuriken Submachine-Gun
-Armax Arsenal Predator-M Armor

-Kassa Fabrication Polaris Omni-Tool

-Tactical Cloak
-Concussive Shot
-Ballistic Blades

Font Colour: Green, 39b54a
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Drono ”Blink” Laken.
Race: Drell
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Class: Infiltrator. Weapons Tech and Gunner


Standing a modest 5'8 tall, drono isn't a large or imposing figure. He posses a strong and althetic build, made for practical strength an agility. His skin is blue, his eyes the typical black of his race. He wears all black usually, with a fitted, sleek infiltrator suit underneath some baggier, black clothing. He generally wear his hood up over his head.

"The average lifespan of a Drell is around 70 to 85 years if they do not attract Kepler Syndrome. The life expectancy of drono was supposed to be 29 after he sustained a bullet to the back from a former partner. But to kill drono, you better be packing some heavy artillery, becouse drono doesn't take lightly to those that shoot him in the back. In fact, he insist to shoot you in the face before calling it quits."

Drono was born on the Hannar homeworld. He was the adventerous sort, and was never happy staying put. His parents were both the typical, lowkey, perfectly integrated Drell settlers you'd see spread across the galaxy. Not drono though, to him the call of adventure was to great. He had grown fascinated with the stories of other races fighting one another, and even though he understood war was a terrible thing, his fascination for weapons knew no bounds. He was growing increasinly agitated with the dull existence he led on Kahje. To make matters worse, the opportunity to appease his debt to the Hanar never came. His duty to the Compact was never invoked, mainly because the Hanar considered him to impulsive. The Drell as a race are known to be able to integrate and keeping themselves levelheaded. Sadly, this was not the case of Drono. The young Drell got more agitated, and would start to become bothersome for his parents as well as he took out his frustrations by sneaking out every chance he got. He would talk to offworlders, especially those of a more dodgy reputation.

Drono obsession with adventure had him hop onto a merchant barge going out towards the more distant places of Citadell space. And as so many stories like his goes, he found his adventure in ways he had not imagined. After having drifted around, using his skills as a quick talking and his above average skills with a pistol, he came across the Salarian named Yestin Sozu. Yestin was a Salarian smuggler, who found the quick talking Drell both amusing and usefull. The two would strike up a deal, and later became partners in crime for nearly a decade. The two were small time and generally worked as middle hands in weapon smuggling around the Omega system. The two did butt head more then a little, despite being good friends, and where Yetsin was a shrewd, calculating buisnessman. Drono was a flashy, distracting and disarming face outwards for their little two man operation.

Then one day, the two struck gold. They got their hands on a massive amounts of Element Zero. The deal would set them up for pretty much their entire life. OF course, that is when Yestin decided he did not want to share the payoff. As the two was heading to meet up with the people who was going to make them rich, Yestin pulled a gun at Drono and shot him in the back before kicking him out the ship.

Trough a wicked twist of fate, the Drell mercenary and smuggler didn't die. Yestin had made the mistake to shoot Drono just a street across from a local clinic. They somehow managed to save his life, even though the bullet had lodged itself close to the spine. However, there was complications removing it, and the very spinal fluid of Drono was contaminated by the metal shard embedded in his back. And as it turned out, it was a expensive and constant condition to treat . Drono found himself having to take a shot straight into his spine every few months to keep the pain from becoming crippling. Now running out of money quickly, he has decided to try his hand at something else. Bounty Hunting.

Executioner Heavy pistol:
One would question the need of such a high caliber weapon when you are supposed to be the silent type. Well, drono is not your typical infliltrator. The showy, flashy nature of a gun that gives even Krogans pause, is perfect for drono. Typically, he uses his skills as infliltrator to find a different vantage point or flank before he picks of unfortunate targets with the massive handgun before vanishing again.

Duelist Armor
Flashbang Grenade x 2
Frag Grenade x 2

-Pistol Marksman
-Tactical Cloak
-Cryo Ammo
-Sticky Grenade

Font Colour:
Light Blue #5CB3FF
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Iosif Shevchenko (Pronounced Joosif Shevchenko), (Alias: Lyosha)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Class: Engineer, Pilot and part-time Navigator.


Standing a a rough height of about 5'11, Iosif possesses something of a wiry frame that's been honed by years of training and experience in the field, but is otherwise of an average physical complexion. Due in part to his having ventured out into the galaxy on his travels, his skin tone appears to have taken on a darker complexion than most slavs. Accompanying this are numerous faded scars of varying severity running across his torso, whilst across his back is a criss-cross of faded lacerations which resemble wounds caused by flogging. On the back of his neck is a faded barcode tattooed into the skin with several Batarian numerals and letters etched into the skin beside it. That aside, Iosif's left arm is clearly alien to the rest of his body: from the shoulder-down it appears that his arm is a cybernetic replacement, complemented with a synthetic white coating. Elsewhere, Iosif's pale blue eyes and the pronounced features of his face do well to point out his slavic heritage, with brunette-colored hair that's kept short with a crew cut whilst his jawline seldom develops anything more than a hazy stubble.


Weapon List WIP

Elkoss Combine M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle
M-6 Carnifex Heavy Pistol
Modified Elanus Risk Control Services M-3 Predator - the weapon has been trimmed down into a compact form, sacrificing performance so it can be concealed
Mark 14 HE Grenades
Equipment List

Elkoss Combine Cipher Omni-Tool
Handheld Welding Tool (This also doubles as a crude weapon when used in close quarters)
Elanus Risk Control Services Light Guardian Armor


Power List

Cryo Blast
Tech Armor
Disruptor Ammo


Assault Rifle Training
Pistol Training
First Aid
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ceisstia “Tia” V’dore

Race: Asari

Sex: mono

Age: 179

Class: Vanguard, security, weapons tech. She also has some first aid skills and rudimentary piloting experience with transports and single-person craft.

Appearance: Tia stands at around 5’8”, with dark bluish-violet skin and dark blue eyes. She has a rather slim, muscular build, appropriate for the amount of training and combat practice she does. The second head crest on her left side is missing a third of its length. Her facial markings are very short and narrow, save for where they extend along her head crests. She has numerous knife and bullet scars across her body. Her armour is decorated dark purple, with certain pieces bearing patch marks, dents, and scars. She almost always wears at least one piece of it, usually the breastplate and shoulderplates. Her visor unit is never removed.

Background: Ceisstia was born on Omega, the daughter of a club dancer, however she bears very little memory of her. During a turf war between the Blood Pack and another gang, a stray missile struck their apartment, and Tia’s mother was killed. It was this same event that damaged Tia’s headcrest.

Afterwards, Tia was essentially adopted by a Turian named Matius Ruflin, a disgraced former captain who had deserted after a poor tactical decision resulted in his unit being annihilated by pirates. Matius and Tia’s mother had had a quite cordial relationship, and Matius saw Tia as his chance at redemption, by teaching her the codes of honour that he had failed to live by.

Under Matius’s tutelage, Tia became proficient in marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat, as Matius recognized that Omega could be a very dangerous place for someone who was not capable of defending themselves. The combat philosophy that she developed was one of brutal efficiency and pragmatism, taking down enemies in a short period of time without giving them any opportunity to recover, retaliate, or strike first. This relationship also drove the development of Tia’s biotics, using them primarily to supplement her skills as opposed to relying on them. Consequently, Tia’s biotic strength is only a little above the average Asari. By far the most formative lesson that Matius taught her was that of integrity. Tia’s word became her bond, and the idea of breaking it was anathema to her. It was not until much later, when her adoptive father lay on his death bed, that she learned how much of a hypocrite he was.

As many on Omega were known to do, after Matius's death Tia joined up with one of the mercenary gangs that controlled virtually every aspect of the station's life. In Tia's case, it would be the Eclipse who took her in. Over the course of her 115 years as a member, Tia has developed a reputation as someone who could always be relied upon to get the job done, with relatively few moral issues. She also became known as someone who would clear house, with zero tolerance for traitors and backstabbers, regardless of rank, position or skill set. This became apparent very early on in her career, while she was working security aboard a salarian freighter that was commonly used by the Eclipse for smuggling. The captain was discovered to be both overcharging the gang for fuel and supplies, as well as shortchanging his crew, so as to produce more profit for himself. When Tia demanded her pay in full, the captain attempted to cover his tracks by killing her. The confrontation ended with the captain's head splattered against the wall.

This was only the first of several such incidents; people who made the mistake of attempting to take advantage of her supposed naivety learned that having a sense of honour was not a weakness. This is not to say that these attempts have not left their mark. Most of her scars came from wounds left by those who decided they were better served with her out of the chain, and a botched treatment of one such injury cost her all feeling in three fingers on her left hand.

Ultimately, it was this dedication to honour, along with the Eclipse's habit of getting into feuds with the Blue Suns and Blood Pack, that caused Tia to leave; the few people she considered trustworthy were all too often killed by those who weren't. When she made the decision to leave, the bloody path she had left across their ranks made the gang decide that perhaps the wiser choice was to leave her be. The two came to an understanding: Eclipse would not come after Tia directly, and Tia would not return to Omega.

For the next 24 years, Tia primarily took on security contracts, retrieval bounties, and the occasional hit if the pay was enough. Those who hired her found that she treated contracts with the same level of respect as most species treated holy scripture. Tia always completed the job as it was agreed upon, payment was expected as agreed upon, and renegotiation was only accepted if there were unforeseen complications in the jobs completion. Employers also found that attempting to cheat Tia was unwise: she always came to collect, and even death would not keep her from getting what she was owed.

With the flood of contracts and hunts following the Skyllian Blitz, times have been good for Ceisstia, and she's developed a modest nest-egg for herself. No longer feeling inclined to accept high-risk contracts, she's turned her interests towards more secure, long-term work. And a newly posted security contract with a certain salarian smuggler looks just right to her.

Equipment: Executioner pistol, M-22 Eviscerator shotgun, M-96 Mattock heavy rifle, Incendiary grenades, medium armour with off-hand ammo packs, and a visor unit (a precursor to the Archon visor) that she acquired as payment for a job.

Powers: Pull, Throw, AP ammo, Disrupter ammo, Shredder ammo, technically Stasis, however using it requires concentration and cripples her combat ability

Colour: Flame, E25822
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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DJAtomika Second to Most

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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

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