Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ed's hair swayed in the breeze, he enjoyed a nice boat through the ocean. He crossed his hands behind his head and yawned, the peace had brought Edward to a daydream state. He took a brief moment to lift his shoulders up; keeping Crow up on his back.

Edward feels something different about this region. He just can't put his finger on it. Looking up at the sky, he was disappointed to see that it was the same sky. He wasn't finding any difference. The sounds were the same considering there were only Wingulls screeching.

Edward remembered he was a nervous wreck when he made this decision. The thought of leaving Johto frightened him, but he decided it was best to try out a new region. He knew from the start he would become too comfortable to travel to other regions once he received several gym badges. By spending some time in Toppe, he won't be homesick and be more open-minded for traveling.

It was fortunate since Ed wasn't the only young trainer on the boat. Looked like there were more rookie trainers that hoped to get a hang onto Toppe. Edward's train of thought was interrupted by an announcement coming from the captain's intercom. "15 minutes until arrival. All members please pack up your bags and belongings. Please gather your pokemon as we head for departure."

@Ya Boy Tendou
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Running quickly to the railing of the ship Trinity leaned over the edge slightly to look off into the distance toward the port, it was a little distant but there it was. She was nearly there finally, and as Trinity stood there giggling with excitement Sabrina, her faithful Cyndaquil, climbed onto the rail to hang on it next to Trinity. Sad to say Trinity had just gotten ready and all packed when the announcement came on. She had stayed up far too late due to being overexcited and that led to her oversleeping sad to say. Now that didn't seem to matter because the wait was over!

Finally after enjoying the sight for a few moments Trinity looked around to see who else was around. She'd spent most of the trip with her pokemon so she hadn't gotten to know anyone which had probably been a stupid idea, but there was a chance she would make her first friends she'd have in this region so it was time to get at least slightly more serious. Of course Trinity being who she was, she didn't just go for the first person she saw, that would be too simple. She was looking for something that would catch her attention, and honestly that seemed a lot harder in her mind than it really was.

Within moments she had spotted someone who fit the 'out of the ordinary' profile. A man with an Abra on his back? That was definitely different...Plus wouldn't that be bad for his back carrying around a pokemon all the time? Abra weighed almost fourty-five pounds if she recalled correctly. Oh well! Quickly Trinitly quickly picked up Sabrina off the railing and carried her over to meet the man with the Abra. "H-Hey there! Enjoying the view?" Trinity tried offering the guy to attempt starting up a conversation.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ed admired the view of the land; he could tell the region was going to be fully green by first impressions. He noticed trees and a lush green field from the boat. The trees were becoming larger as the boat approached the docks. As he eyed the scenery, he felt some weight on the railing he was leaning on.

He turned around and noticed a trainer attempting a conversation with him. This did surprise the young pokemon trainer for he didn't think anyone would want to talk to him. The trainer had a Cyndaquil, a pokemon he was familiar with because of his origin. "Um, a little, I suppose?" Edward answered in confusion. Talking on the spotlight was not his strong point.

"I haven't been to this region so the area is different from my home region. Judging from your pokemon, I would guess you're from Johto too?" As Edward had asked this, an announcement had blared out. It warned everyone to be careful when exiting off the boat and proceed to check for any missing items or pokemon.

Cape Town is a small but open place, near the northern edge of the Toppe Region. They aren't right on the coast, but set back from it on a plateau, with a large dock a little ways off. The dock is where new trainers usually arrive, since how the large mountain ranges that divides Toppe in half also separates it from Kanto and Johto, making the whole continent have a somewhat cross dividing it up. There is no poke'mon center or mart in Cape town. The only thing that resides is a laboratory, belonging to Professor Pine, and a human-size statue of Xerneas. The statue is placed in the middle of the walkway towards the laboratory with the sidewalk paved around the bust. Professor Pine resides in Cape Town to usually give advice and help new trainers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Momentarily forgetting about her conversation, Trinity looked off the boat towards the land once more and giggled slightly before looking back towards the man. It wasn't the largest place in the world, but it was nice, somewhat soothing, and it would be as good as any place to start her adventure. "Well looks like our trip has finally come to an end huh? If you'd like we could continue getting to know one another for a bit off the boat, it'd be nice to make a new friend so fast." Trinity offered a smile along with her words as Sabrina smiled and chimed in with her little cry of approval.

Trinity hoped the man would say yes, after all a new friend is always a good thing, plus it might her as to what she might want to do. Perhaps it was a bit extreme going to a completely different region to discover what she might want to do in life, but the way Trinity saw it was that it would be a good experience for her no matter what she got out of it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"It's always great to travel in packs," Edward agreed with a smile. He was happy he managed to make an acquaintance so soon. There was second guesses regarding him making a friend in a few weeks, but the minute he arrived in Toppe? That is surprising. "Don't you agree, Crow?" The trainer turned his head to the side and glanced at his Abra who was still sound asleep.

"Oh, the pokemon hanging on my back is Crow. He's a bit of a sleeper," Ed pointed behind his back and made a complete 180 degree turn so she could get a better look at him. "I'm hoping to already become acquainted with the professor here. You want to join? The introductions usually take forever!" Edward complained remembering the lecture his professor in Johto had given him. The tutorial lessons are given to trainers for their own safety, but they are ridiculously long and tedious.

"I'm about to head over there-" Edward stopped his sentence. He slightly turned his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 7 mos ago

While it was unusual to see an abra sleeping on someones back, Trinity couldn't help but smile at the oddly cute moment it created. It also helped that Trinity also had a fondness for Psychic type pokemon. The name Crow seemed a bit odd as well, but in time maybe she'd find out that story too. It was definitely a good thing that Trinity had decided to approach this guy, he was coolfrom what she could tell so far, and she had gained a traveling companion! Plus he was being polite and inviting her to join him for a seemingly boring lecture, but hey, it's the thought that counts!

Trinity couldn't help but laugh as soon as she realized she'd completely forgotten to give him her name and scratched her head with one hand while still holding on to Sabrina. "How forgetful of me! My name is Trinity, and this here is my partner in crime Sabrina!" Sabrina raised her head and cried out in greeting. "Oh, and I guess you were right earlier too. I am from the Johto region, a little ways outside of Violet city. But we can talk more about that tye of stuff later I guess, after all we have an 'exciting' presentation to attend." Trinity had made sure to emphasize the sarcasm on exciting before giggling a bit more. "Oh I suppose I should probably ask your name as well before we get going huh?" Trinity scratched the back of her head a little embarrassed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You can call me Edward," the pokemon trainer nodded. He shook his head in the direction of the laboratory. "We best head over there now; the lectures might take forever so it is best to get it over with now." Ed began walking calmly down the paved path. He stopped for a moment and admired the labor that had been done to create the proud statue. The pokemon was none he has ever seen before, but it appeared to be tall with giant hooves.

The pokemon was probably not from Johto and must be a legendary. Ed shrugged his continues and walked around the statue and progressed over to the laboratory.


"Whoo, it's becoming a real tiring day. I wonder why this day is offering so many new trainers? It's been days since I've seen this increase of trainers!" Professor Pine sighed in exhaustion; leaning against the wall to support himself. He massaged his throat, "Wow, after repeating the same thing over and over again; my voice might eventually give out."

"Professor, could you please move your pokemon? I'm in the middle of something important and I have no intentions of starting over. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have him out around electronics anyway." There was a young woman leaning forward on her officer chair hugging her computer. Her attire was sharp; flashing a buttoned shirt and kakis. The assistant's hair was blonde and tied in a pony tail to ensure it doesn't get in the way of anything.

"Magneton! Magneton!" The creature cried out. It hovered over the assistant; it was basically asking for her attention. Pine wasn't enforcing his pokemon back into his chamber, but laughing at the scene. The assistant tried repeatedly to swat the Magneton, but to no avail.

"Oh, come now, Sylvia! He's just in a playful mood. He doesn't mean to. Also, why are you being so official? You could just call me Uncle Pine." The professor stroked his beard and observed his pokemon annoy his niece.

"Uncle! If he causes my computer to freeze up, it'll be the third time today!" Sylvia whined, swatting the magnetic pokemon away.

"Hold on, Sylvia. It seems more trainers are about." The professor ignored the cries of his niece and looked out the glass wall in the front of the building. The view showed a trail leading off to the dock, it was fortunate as to he could always see the amount of trainers heading his way. Even if there wasn't any signs of newcomers, it was a delight watching the ocean.

Professor Pine coughed a few times. "Time to welcome more youngsters to the Toppe Region."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Huh, it seemed like each town that had a professor was always a small time place. Well, except for Kalos, where Professor Sycamore resided in Lumiose City, but it matched the flamboyancy of that man. Eh, it wasn't an important idea to dwell on anyway. He wasn't there to judge a town on how big it was, he was there to go to the professor's lab and do whatever he has to do there. Now usually it wasn't hard to find a lab since it was the most modern looking structure around and this wasn't the exception. In fact, there was a stream of people heading towards the building already.

"So many people...I wonder how many will give up later." He said, scratching the back of his head. A Combusken stood on his left side and a Beldum floated on his right. The Combusken's arms were crossed with a confident smirk on its face, trying its very best to look as bad ass as possible. The Beldum on the other hand was trying its best to cuddle to Vince. "W-wait!" The Beldum slammed its head/eye straight into the poor trainer's gut. They were very violent cuddles.

After reeling in pain for a few brief moments, Vince was finally in the lab with his Combusken by his side. The Beldum was kept in its pokeball for the sake of safety.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Greetings, trainers! Welcome to the Toppe region!" Professor Pine stuck both of his hands out as the youngsters entered his laboratory. "I hope the boat ride here was pleasant. Did any of you get seasick?" He chuckled afterwards. The professor was a corpulent man; his chin bobbled up and down as he laughed heavily. He eyed the pokemon trainers and their partners in this journey.

The professor chuckled loudly as he did a small tease. His Magnetron hummed cheerfully; still midair on the lab assistant. "How about you tell me your names and where you're from?" Pine asked with an inviting smile. He had already analyzed the teens and knew exactly where they possibly resided in. "I am Professor Pine. The professor tasked with meeting the wonderful trainers willing to take on the journey that is Toppe."

The Magnetron perched onto his shoulder and he caressed its chrome skin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a long plane ride, Xanthia was not pleased to discover she would have to ride a boat as well. Xanthia spent the entire trip on the boat chasing after her Anubis, who had elected to pick up her egg in his arms and start floating dangerously high off the ground. After an hour, she'd finally managed to wrestle her egg back from Anubis.

She clenched the egg against her body protectively, watching Anubis as he floated behind her, cackling. As they walked, Anubis flickered in and out of existence, making faces at those who were unfortunate enough to pass by. Before long, Anubis grew tired of just watching people walk by and he elected to act. Lifting a fully grown man by the seat of his pants, Anubis dumped him in the trash bin, cackling gleefully to himself. "Anubis!" Xanthia shouted, adjusting her egg into one arm and reaching for the mischievous Pokemon. Anubis simply cackled as he let Xanthia's hand pass through his face, before reaching for and successfully prying the egg from her hands. "Damn it! Anubis!" She yelled, moving over to help the man out of the trash can. "I am so soo soooo sorry about him. My Gengar is kind of a handful.. and i-"

"You need to learn how to control that damned thing or release it into the wild." the man snarled, before turning and leaving her alone in the street.

Xanthia slumped her shoulders slightly as Anubis cackled behind her, sailing around with her egg as his prize. "I tried that.. and he came back." she murmured. Then she whipped around, eyes narrowed at Anubis. "See what you went and did Anubis?" she hissed. Anubis only shot her a mischievous smile, nuzzling the egg happily. "Forget you." she grunted, turning around and heading off towards the laboratory. Breaking into a run, she managed to sprint into the laboratory right in the middle of what seemed to be the professor's introduction sequence. Leaning on her legs as she caught her breath, Xanthia wandered over towards the other two trainers, taking care to stand between them. Anubis floated the egg around her head three times while invisible before dropping the egg into Xanthia's arms and darting over somewhere else. His body appeared directly in front of Professor Pine, inches away from his face.

"Anubis, get back here!" Xanthia shouted, cradling the egg protectively.

However, Anubis wasn't about to listen to Xanthia any time soon, and remained where he was, a foolish grin spreading across his face as he cackled.

Xanthia groaned, bringing one hand up to hold her head. "Sorry about Anubis.. he just.. sort of does what he wants." she stated, exasperated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ed raised a single eyebrow when he noticed the ghost pokemon appear before the professor. He looked behind his shoulder to see Crow nesting on his back. ”And I thought you sleeping on my back was trouble…” Ed though to himself.
He whispered behind him as to keep from the professor’s ears. “I feel bad for whoever is that pokemon’s owner.” As soon as he had said this, one of the trainers behind him spoke up. Edward had no idea and he was certain this was going to get awkward. “My bad,” he apologized the best he could.

The trainer turned around and stopped commenting in order to not sound like a jerk.

The professor’s eyes widen and he stepped back in defense. “Ooh!” He got spooked by the ghost pokemon. Professor Pine grabbed a white cloth from his lab jacket and wiped his sweaty brow. “Excuse me, I have studied ghost pokemon before, but I never met one so up close and friendly,” he chuckled.

“I’m not that young so the smallest things do raise my heart beat,” he joked. He stepped aside to see the other trainers behind the Gengar. “The final evolved form of Ghastly; that is very impressive, indeed.” He clapped twice in effort to whoever owned the Gengar.

“Now then, I’ll begin with the basics. This is a different region so you will need a different device. Your old poke’dex might be obsolete, or if you don’t have one, then you are in luck. You all seem to have pokemon so you all have an idea of what a pokedex is already. That saves us about twenty minutes…” He said tapping his watch.

His assistant laid some devices onto her desk. The professor waved his hand behind himself. “I have two models to choose from. I have the classic, crimson fold-up for the ones that want that taste of nostalgia. It is a lot slimmer than its previous predecessor.” Professor Pine coughed and pointed to the other version,

“Then I have the black slim pokedex; compared to the crimson version, it is smaller and all the rage with the youngsters. Both systems have their own differences, but the important qualities are generally the same. These devices will be useful for your journey as a researcher, breeder, or even a trainer. I don’t think I am forgetting anything else…” The professor tapped his chin.

“If it's a researcher you'll want to be, travel this region and you'll be certain to fill up your poke'dex. Just keep an eyeful as you could miss a lot. Now a trainer is a different story. There are gyms located across this region. I'm sure you're quite well known about badges right? The first badge you should go after is the Donnybrook badge, located in Shellville which is right past Cloverhill. Of course, you need to train your pokemon and capture some wild ones before you take down a gym leader. After that, you could be enlisted in the tournament."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Xanthia's face turned beat red as one of the other trainers made a comment about Anubis. It was difficult to be the trainer of a pokemon who almost never listened. Yet.. she still loved the little troublemaker, because even if he acted like he didn't care.. she knew from experience he did. When she'd been bullied in school, Anubis had dropped hot sauce in the bullies' drinks. When she'd been upset after the first Magnemite she ever bought passed away, he'd sat with her silently and hadn't made any trouble. She almost felt like retorting.. saying something short and snarky in return to this trainer. However, she was cut off as the Professor started to speak.

From here, he mentioned the two different pokedexes. Xanthia's eyes rested on the retro version. Looked just like her mom's pokedex. She was used to the interface on that pokedex. This would be her best bet on her journey. She wouldn't have to waste any time getting to know how to use it. She grasped the device in her hands, a small smile spreading across her face.

As the Professor spoke about catching another pokemon, Xanthia had to agree. On her team she had Anubis.. (who wasn't about to listen to her any time soon), Beep (who was a fairly low level considering she'd done little to no training with the creature), and an egg (which didn't count because eggs can't battle). She would certainly have to catch another pokemon just to make sure she wasn't relying on Magnemite to take a whole gym by himself. But she didn't want to catch a pokemon matching any of the types she had already. She was looking to have a balanced team. As all elite four champions she'd ever seen had balanced teams.

Heaving a sigh, she mentally flashed through various pokemon, trying to decide which one would fill the empty slots in her team. It was a lot harder not knowing what pokemon was going to hatch from the egg. Well one thing was for sure. If she ever came upon a Growlithe, she didn't care what the pokemon in her arms hatched into.. she was going to catch the creature. They were known for being loyal, calm, and protective.. everything Anubis was not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"New times call for new gadgets," Edward commented as he stepped forward and picked up the newer device. He loved the simplistic design and its black sleekness. He had the crimson module for a long time so he was aware of how to use a poke'dex. Edward turned on the gimmick and began entering his information. Ed remembered when he had been stopped by an officer without any identification on him; he does not want to repeat that again.

His ears did perk up when he heard there was a chance to claim his first badge. This excited him more than ever. He chuckled under his breath at the thought of him gaining his first achievement. "Well, looks like we know exactly where our path lies, Crow," he said.

"I believe you trainers are well aware of your the journeys you have made," the professor nodded. "I do find it weird how some of you may wanted to begin your adventures here in Toppe, but I'm not one to judge." Professor Pine stroked his grey beard. He pointed to the back door of the laboratory.

"Through that door your adventure begins in Toppe. If there's anything else I can say, it would be to learn from your own experiences and judgement. Your pokedex shall provide some of the information you need. Although, if you're a chatty one, maybe some friendly trainers or other individuals will give you some information along your journey. Even your battles may teach you something. Everything you learn will be self-taught." He tapped his forehead. "This introduction is over, but if you have any questions I'm right here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Xanthia glanced back to Anubis, watching the ghost pester one of the other trainers while cackling. "Anubis." She called, waving the egg in his direction. Anubis immediately pulled down the corner of his eyes with his clawed hands and gave her a raspberry, sailing off and knocking something off a table with a cackle. But apparently, the temptation of holding the egg was too much, and Anubis inched back towards her, cautiously reaching and then yanking it from her hands. He then proceeded to hold the egg in his arms, cackling gleefully.

Good. That should keep him busy. At least for a little while. Xanthia's eyes drifted over towards the trainer who'd made the off-handed comment about Anubis as she finished setting up her new pokedex. He had short black hair and was wearing glasses, washed out and torn pants, and a shirt which looked as if it came from a thrift store. There was an Abra perched on his back, its eyes closed as it seemed to be sleeping.

She narrowed her eyes as she walked over to him. "You know.. its not THAT bad having Anubis." she stated. "I mean.. its still pretty bad.. but he is loyal! In his own destructive way." She loved Anubis, despite his chaotic nature and she would defend the irritating ghost with her life.

As if on cue, Anubis swerved towards the boy Xanthia was talking to, the grin vanished from his face as he sailed across the sky, tilting his head and calmly surveying the new trainer. Then he grinned, teeth glinting like pearls as he shifted the egg into one arm, reached up a claw and flicked the boy right in the forehead. He floated away, cackling with glee as he cuddled with the egg.

"Anubis!" Xanthia's face turned a shade of pink. "Scratch that. You are the absolute worst!" She shouted at him. Anubis paused in his flight, looking a bit guilty and perhaps a bit sorry about what he'd done. But it was only for a moment because he was soon distracted by shifting the egg around in his arms.

Xanthia sighed. "Sorry about Anubis. I'm Xanthia.. rookie trainer from Unova. And you are?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Anubis?" Edward heard a feminine voice near him. He noticed it was the female trainer who owned the ghost pokemon; he stepped back a little from surprise and cautiously in case she was furious. The male trainer was uncertain how to feel once she began talking. She did defend her pokemon and shared the pokemon's positive traits. Edward was not sure to feel embarrassed for his actions or weirded out by the confrontation.

Not even a minute later, the Gengar had flicked him in the forehead. Edward touched his forehead in immediate response. He sighed and rubbed his head. It was just a finger flick so Edward wasn't fully annoyed; he laughed under his breath and waved his hand. "Forget it about it. It's okay," he waved off the mischievous behavior.

"If you're the owner then I have respect for you. I don't think I could handle it," he looked at the Gengar and turned back to Xanthia. "Oh, Kanto, huh? I'm the best thing to come out of the Johto region." Edward smiled and held his hand out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Every time i say its not that bad, he intentionally does something to make me seem like an idiot." she snorted, gazing over at Anubis, who was still floating around the room, possessively hugging the egg. "I swear, he's doing that so he can corrupt the egg or something." she murmured.

As the trainer with the Abra turned and said he had respect for her, she smiled. And then she immediately shook his hand when he held it out. "Nice to meet you. Nice.. Abra you have back there. I'm a little jealous. I wish Anubis was that well behaved. Though.. isn't he a little heavy?" she stood on her tiptoes to get a better look at the creature on the trainer's back.

Seeing her pay attention to something that was not him, Anubis descended and went to view whatever it was Xanthia was looking at. His red eyes widened at the Abra on the trainer's back. He balanced the egg precariously on his head, and then put his claws in his mouth and stuck out a rather massive red tongue. He cackled loudly, wiggling the massive tongue back and forth. Then he dropped the egg back into his hands, waiting for a reaction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edward chuckled to the side at Xanthia's comments. "Well, I'm glad you are at the point of where you can make jokes about it," the trainer said. He glanced at the egg the dark pokemon was juggling; Ed would've mentioned the egg being in wrong hands due to the Gengar's mischievous nature, but he kept quiet. It seemed Xanthia had trust in her pokemon and in the end that's what matters. It was not any concern of Edward's.

Edward snapped back to the conversation at hand. He looked over his shoulder to see Crow sleeping on his back. A smile was played on his face and he was thankful for the compliment. "I guess you can say he's behaved, huh? He sleeps most of the time," Edward rolled his shoulders forward when the weight of his Abra was mentioned. "I got used to it, but it does fix my posture."

The Abra stayed in silence. After a few seconds had passed, it let out a snore in response to the ghost pokemon. Edward laughed then titled his head. "Well, I think I'm going to go ahead and make my way to Shellville. You can come join us if you want; I'm not sure if you're expecting to win any gym badges."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Xanthia nodded cheerily. "I'd love to come with. Sounds like it could be fun. My mom always did say to travel with other trainers." Traveling with someone would be far better than alone anyways, she'd have someone to talk to other than Anubis and Beep.. who weren't the best of company honestly. This was mainly because Beep didn't emote.. and Anubis.. was just.. Anubis. "It will be nice to have someone else around." She commented, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. "I was hoping to challenge them.. but my team needs some serious training. I can't really rely on Anubis in a fight.. unless he feels like proving himself.. and i have a Magnemite. I mean.. its alright, but the thing seriously needs some training. I can tell you, before i head to that gym.. i wanted to at least catch one more pokemon. Just so i have something to rely on other than Beep.. my Magnemite." she snorted. "You have any idea what pokemon can be found in that gym?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edward picked through his pockets. "Well, I managed to get my hands on a map of the region from that boat ride," he pulled out a folded paper in bad condition, but still readable. "I bet Pine has a map he can lend you unless you want to share," he waved the paper in front of him and began to open it up. Reading the map, he found his starting destination and the path he needed to take towards the first badge.

"I believe this is Cape Town? Not much of a town if you ask me, but there is a small area that we'll have to pass to get to the gym. Clover Hill is the next place and it looks like it's just a ten minute walk from here," Edward pulled the map away from him in excitement. "I actually wasn't hoping to walk a huge distance on my first day." He chuckled under his breath.

"I actually have no idea of the pokemon. I haven't fought in a gym battle yet so I don't know what to expect," he coughed to the side. "I dislike losing so I waited until my pokemon and myself were ready before I had them jump into something they were unprepared for." Edward threw a thumbs up sign. "I think my team and I actually have more of a chance than we had before."

He began walking out the back door of the laboratory. "I can imagine myself on why I would want another pokemon. I only have two; you have three at the moment," he laughed. "Although, I think I can battle any types considering my pokemon differ from each other."

Edward looked out and the destination was ten minutes away, but there was a gigantic hill. "Well, that hill is going to at least take another ten minutes to climb."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Xanthia shook her head wildly. "No use getting a map.. every time i get one, Anubis decides to take a nice bite out of it." She stated. "Normally i end up wandering around without any clue as to where i am going thanks to him."

Anubis had been sufficiently disappointed by the lack of response from the Abra and had been on the ground with a scowl spread across his face. He perked as he heard his name and rose back into the air, flickering over to Xanthia's side smoothly. Here he surveyed Edward with a cool expression on his face.. as if trying to think of something.

"An egg can't battle." Xanthia stated. "So technically two. And since i can only sometimes rely on Anubis.. its like having one and a half pokemon." She chuckled at her own joke.

Anubis pulled her hair quickly, making an offended face.

"Ow.. Anubis.. i was joking. You are the strongest pokemon i have. You aren't a half of a pokemon. But you yourself know you don't obey me." she protested.

Anubis cackled as she tried to explain herself, obviously not really caring what she'd said and just wanting to mess with her.

Xanthia rolled her eyes and glanced over to the hill. "Well.. the journey starts with the first step." she stated. "This is why i wore combat boots. I figured i'd have to walk a lot."
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