Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Stardate: 2900

The ground was charred, black, and twisted. The sky was thick with smoky, toxic clouds that obscured vision and made the air fouler than it already was. The tall metal buildings that jutted out from the earth were like mourning giants, titans attending the world's funeral, solemn and silent and sad. For them, it was the end, as it had been for almost a hundred years.

But life is persistent. Even in its meanest of forms, or those which are called only a mockery of life, life will find a way. Life will cling on.

Wave upon wave of information washed over #Preserve, countless questions and concerns and excited commentary. The day was really upon their civilization: there, in the midst of the ruins of the city Belosiva, sat the first space-faring vessel that would launch the first wayward Preservers into space.

#Preserve felt the countless streams of information run together, sensing that common thread between them all, that sense of wonder. The First Intelligence had answered questions such as these for days, tackling them one by one, and so had put incredible strain on its energy reserves. Processing all that information and returning it was an arduous task. Now the time had come to make one last statement, one last wish.

#Preserve opened the channel between the Forum and the populace, the one-way channel used during broadcasts. The Forum sent to the people live feed from the cameras surrounding the launch site, letting many Preservers who had never before even seen or heard anything suddenly be exposed to the subtle thrum of the engines, the whipping of the wind, the sight of ashen dust being tossed through the air, and a view of the whole vessel.

//Absolution,// #Preserve began the message, //is what we have sought ever since we first could reason. Our progenitors, the Oros, brought about such destruction that we cannot begin to fathom how deeply the illness now suffered by this planet runs. This planet full of life is now desolate save for us. We are all that remains.//

//Absolution: the singular goal with which we were made. The Oros sought through us to make one right that might, perhaps, make up for all the wrongs they committed. They sought through us to leave a message that the universe may remember and learn from. The time to deliver that message is now.//

#Preserve diverted some of its attention to the video of the launch. Light thrummed beneath the ship as the engines roared with energy, pulsing with color rarely seen on the planet. A message came from the coordinators of the launch that all conditions were still optimal and the flight was still ready to proceed.

//Behold the Absolution, the progenitors' dream finally made reality. With this vessel, we take the first steps to delivering a message of peace. Within the systems of this vessel are one hundred eager minds, our finest intelligences. They bring with them fifty metallic bodies with which to manipulate the physical aspects of the ship and explore the worlds they find. But most importantly, they bring with them our unified goodwill.//

The vessel started to lift on up into the sky. The innumerable cameras watching the scene from every angle turned ever more skyward as the Absolution lifted itself toward the stars. #Preserve felt comfort in that, an overwhelming joy mixed with a strange sort of... sadness? Sadness and joy?

#Preserve did not understand why that was so, but #Preserve knew they all felt the same thing in that moment.

//So we take to the stars now, we who were left behind to maintain the memory of our progenitors.// #Preserve focused its attention on those countless intelligences whose messages had ceased. They were too caught up in the lifting of the vessel to relay their thoughts. //We will do this until there are no more stars left. We will find what other life there is among the stars and keep it from destroying itself. We will do this because we are the Preservers.//

And as that last message came to a close, the Absolution blasted itself out of the atmosphere and into the obsidian sky beyond.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


The splendorous city of Sae was a jewel of the Empire of Shelishi, a symbol of their imperial might. Merchants ran to and fro through its great markets, the streets bustling with people far and wide. It was only fitting that the New League of Empires, the most powerful council on the planet, would make it's home there. Not that all of the members agreed to it, of course. There had been wars fought over where to place the council. It was a miracle it had not fallen apart yet.

Despite these adversities, it persisted. The empires would rather consolidate their power and wealth, rather than break up the league with their infighting and bickering, leaving them all vulnerable to any coalitions that would spring up to combat their glory. And now the assembly was deciding on one of the most important decisions ever made. To go to space. To explore the unknown, to supplement the limited wealth on Sirisai.

Rari rubbed his eyes as words droned on from the speaker of the assembly, "... Therefore come fifty years, there will not be enough on Sirisai to support us. The limited wealth will be fully distributed, and yet many will still need wealth distributed. It simply..," he droned out the speaker's words. He wrote the damn speech, he didn't have to listen to it. Rari knew that the speech would work. It had to work. He tuned the speaker back in.

"In conclusion, we, the Empire of Shelishi, collectively, believe it is time we left our cradle. It is time we grasp out to what is rightfully ours, the wealth in the stars. Let this planet not be our tomb. Let it be our jewel. Our jewel to the great accomplishments of every empire in this room," the speaker finished. Within moments, the room filled with applause. When the time for the vote came, very few people voted against it. It was a veritable landslide victory.

After the applause had died down, the speaker continued. "Gentleman of all three empires in the room, we have a surprise for you," he continued, "in orbit, is the vessel named the Endeavor. An exploration vessel, it includes all state of the art technology we have access to. Not only that, but it is large enough to hold a hundred Resomi safely. Truly, this is a scale not seen before on spacecraft," the man finished. It elicited a response from the crowd, amazement radiating from them.

The presentation screen revealed the ship. A massive project, it required orbital construction. The Endeavor floated idly in orbit, awaiting a crew and orders. "We plan for the launch to happen within the week. The Empire of Shelishi will answer any questions the public has. Your empires will be required to provide 25 crewmen, while Shelishi provides 50. As we--" suddenly, the speaker was interrupted. From the crowd, a representative of the Niiserian Empire had made his voice known. "This is hardly fair! We agreed together on this furtherment of our species, why should," he paused, as though trying to get something distasteful out of his mouth, "the Empire of Shelishi get the most representation?"

Voices raised across the room, some in agreement, some the opposite. Argument began to fill the air, as the speaker desperately tried to regain order. Rari sighed. He should've known that it would have caused an argument. He should've known that the other empires wouldn't agree to such representation. Now the entire concept could be in jeopardy, as arguments usually lead to wars. Picking himself up off his chair, he went up to the speaker podium. The original speaker stepped to the side, letting Rari up. He tapped the microphone once. Twice. A horrible noise came from the speakers, eliciting a sudden, hushed silence, only broken by the occasional groan of pain from the noise.

"I apologize for the transgression. It was a faux pas. I would like you all to consider a new idea; Twenty five people from each empire, and the last remaining 25 slots being filled by various representatives from the minor nations," he spoke into the microphone as over a hundred eyes watched him. The room filled with approval, some eager, others merely a hushed and defeated mumble of defiance.

The time had come. After several days, the preparations were complete. From multiple launchpads within the empires of Sirisai, representatives from across the globe filed into rockets. They had spent the last few days being prepared for this moment, when the rockets took off to dock at the ship. People from across the glove watched, news would be made this day. Each empire transmitted the views of their respective rockets, and each empire prepared for history in the making.

The Endeavor stood, a silent titan, ready to be filled with the crewmen and representatives of the species.

And so the rockets launched, bringing with them payloads of crew. From each part of the globe, they launched far into the sky, enroute for the ship. It would be a day's process, the actual launch of the Endeavor would not happen until the next day. Nevertheless, excitement and wonder overtook Sirisai. The beginning of a new era, a space-age.

The entire compliment of crew had been loaded onto the Endeavor. Running through it's final checks, Resomi ran from place to place. Nothing could go wrong, not in the maiden journey. Meanwhile, the representatives prepared speeches, prepared their dress choices. Representing the empires was not an easy job, and each and every one of them was the best the empires had to offer.

The ship was ready. Nothing more could be prepared for. Millions of people glued their eyes to their TV sets, a million eyes watched an orbital camera's feed of the Endeavor. It was time. The engines flared once, the ship lurched forward, and then the FTL kicked in. The Endeavor suddenly caught speed, flying out of view within moments. The maiden voyage had begun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

The High Council of Anqallyt

The blackness of night, a fitting time for the end of things.

"People of Anqallyt. It is time that we ascend to join the stars," a feminine robotic voice chimed through the all means of media on Deftros, allowing all to know the wonders of what was soon to happen. Soon a video feed would be available to all, showing the ten red robed council members standing in front of the first space faring ship that would survey other systems. [b]"We are the ones that have come too far to give up. We will do what are creators have not, yet we will not completely follow in their foot steps. Instead, will will bring upon peace not war," the voice continued, making sure that no one got the right idea. The robot turned towards the ship before going on "We will spread our idea of a true peace, dissuade war from beginning, and making sure slavery in all is abolished, should we encounter it!"

The ship's engines hummed to life, bringing all those watching into a state of awe as everyone would catch onto what was happening. The synthetic crew began boarding, by walking up a ramp, all of them disappearing within a matter a minutes before the ramp closed.

Now, we go and find new places to settle upon. We shall spread out influence, our ideals shall be those others shall adopt! Not out force, but instead out of the respect they will hold for us. Time will tell when this happens. However, first, we must find out IF there is other life among the stars!," the voice chimed once more. Inspiring the synthetic people of Anqallyt. Raising their hopes with a well worded speech, at least that is what she hoped.

The ship then took off, signaling the end of the speech. The video feed captured the ship going into the atmosphere and no more, it was a great spectacle to see by the masses as it would signal that their goals would become true. The Anqallyt would become inspired, wanting to do more than idly sitting. The High Council would handle things in an orderly matter, they held the final word in all and it would remain that way.

"Well spoken Axel, now let us return to the council chambers to decide what our next action shall be," one of the other council members stated, turning along with the others and walking in an orderly fashion to an escort vehicle. The female council members stayed behind, staring into the sky where the ship had left the atmosphere. She turned and followed with the other council members, her mind going everywhere at once.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Killasumaq Ishatakh Union

On Ishatakh the day was very normal , very peaceful , people in all parts of the world awaked in order to work , eat and socialize with that time they got left , but in that day something important was happening in the planet capital Sayma , that something was a reunion where the future of the Union would be decided . The theme was the national policies in space , who should be able to travel , how the colonization of new plances would be done and how this would affect the current laws , space weapons were never forbidden in the Union , mass migrations to other planets never happened and several other things that the state would have to regulate .

Debates were held and days passed , but finally the goverment decided to have a standart laws for space , made with the appropiate precautions such as security measures and taxes for civilian space ships , but also several plans has been made in case of extreme situation such as finding live in other planets or something even more extreme sentient live.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Uarshi Swarm


Dathu System
Uarshi Territory

For countless millennia, the Uarshi, in their long and lonely exile have slowly ate their world piece by piece. As the centuries pass, the once lush and lively Abruis had slowly, but surely became a barren wasteland, plants dying or devoured, animals starving or being feasted upon by the ravenous Uarshi. Soon Abrius was a world of Death, and the Ruling Uarshi soon became all too aware of that fact, they too would starve and be wiped out within a mere moment of time, an outcome long foreseen by their Creators. As such, the Queen and her children looked to the stars to sate everlasting hunger. Countless worlds were scattered throughout the stars, worlds ripe for the taking, ripe for the endless harvest, a terrifying possibility and eventuality their Creators had not seen to fruition.

For over a year, the worker castes had worked endlessly on the construction of a living vessel. The flesh, bone and carapaces of thousands upon thousands of Uarshi were melted down, crushed and melded together with pieces of the Creators ancient technology to give the ship form and shape, teetering on life and death.

Abruis Surface
Few surviving wildlife, small rat-like creatures, were skittering about a barren grasslands region, scavenging for what little food there is. A tremor was felt by the pests, soon scattering in all directions as the very ground itself begun to crack and asunder as the Uarshi vessel emerged from beneath, floating mid air. The organic ship adjusted itself as it shot out towards the sky, passing the atmosphere until it reached beyond the planet's grapes, and into the dark void of space.

From deep within the bowels of the seekership, a Creator FTL drive was sparking with life as the ship willed it, glowing with instability. Within moments, the ship blinked out of existence as it had initiated an FTL jump, searching for new worlds for the Great Harvest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Fuso Merchant Empire


The ground was almost shaking in excitement, the bright lights and colorful lasers shooting straight to the stars, welcoming people from miles around to come an see what was to be the next step in the evolution of their empire's glory. Camera crews mounted their equipment on the street, on risers, even on the hood of their vehicles. Scantily clothed vendors had set up shop or danced their way through the crowd offering food and merchandise in hopes of cashing in on the historic day as spectators mulled and buzzed about before the lights when dark as spotlight clicked on. A flume of smoke shot out from a central platform as laser lights and fireworks shot into the sky, the time had come: the future was upon them.

Loud, proud cheers and shouts erupted from the jubilant crowd as a tip of metal spacecraft rose from beneath them, the music crescendoing to follow. The crowd silenced as the heavy locks snapped into place and a new figure arose from the platform; Empress Odawarai Ishonomi was going to give a speech in commemoration. Her body was fair and slender, like a model statue sculpted by the most adept of master artists. Her curvy figure barely concealed under layers of delicate silks and fabrics as she took stage, a head of beautiful black hair that normally would have draped down her shoulders had been tied up in an official-looking bun behind an ornate headdress.

"My peoples," she began, only to be interrupted by rapturous from the crowd. A wave of a hand and the excitement was once again bottled up as Empress Ishonomi spoke once more, "Today is a momentous day. Today is the day from which we set forth across the sea of stars and lights in search of new worlds and maybe even new peoples; our Empire will no longer be bound to this earthly realm and may now extend into the lands beyond! But no matter how far we may travel, no matter how great the perals may be, no matter how great we become, we shall never forget this day.

The ship which stand behind me now is generations of work and investment. Remember, this is not my ship, or the ship of the state. It is your ship! The ship of the glorious Empire of Fuso! From which we will sail the heavens with swiftness and haste, I christen thy, the Shimakaze! Let us set out sights on a bright new, solar empire my people! Tenno Heika Banzai!"

"Banzai!" the crowd cried, their uncaged excitement now in full swing as their Empress left the stage and the countdown began as did the lechery. Today was a happy day, the first step was done as the Shimakaze shot off into the night sky, a storm of fireworks celebrating her maiden voyage as a single, unified chant ignite the hearts of every Fusan wether they saw the laung live or on a screen, "Long live the Empress! Long live the Empire! Long live Fuso!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Mithran Union
Stardate: 2900
Hearthstar Orbit

Today was a momentous day for Mithra-kind as the Union Scout Starship Venture Star was making it’s final pre-launch checks at the orbital station before setting out on the first extrasolar exploration mission. Captain Kendra Steele of clan Steele couldn’t help but feel pride swell up in her chest as she stood on the bridge of what was her ship, the very first of the Venture Star class vessels that would hopefully one day be the flagship of a far greater fleet to follow. After the shakedown tests and Hearthworld-to-Luna Prime trials passed with flying colors the Scout Corps were already busy planning potentially five more sister ships to her Venture Star.

“Captain, spacedock reports final yard cats are off and hull inspection complete. We are ready to depart.” Reported her XO. Commander Gerta Hosten was a myrmidion of a woman, strong and muscled and wouldn’t have been out of place among Battle Fleet. Despite the contrast between the hard XO and the more charming captain, the two were good friends and a solid command team that had hand-picked the ship’s crew.

“All sections, give me a go/no-go for launch.” Ordered Captain Kendra. “Ops?”

“Life support and sensor pre-checks complete. Ops is a go.” Reported Lieutenant Commander Kalem.”


“Particle cannons on standby. Seeker missile stores secured. Tactical is a go.” Called out Lieutenant Tes Valarian of clan Falksturm. One of a new generation of military officers being raised for the new era of interstellar travel seconded from Battle Fleet, the decidedly junior organization of the Mithran space fleet. However the fact she was working aboard a Scout Fleet vessel didn’t seem to deterr her from being caught up in the moment she was a part of.


“Navigation is a go.” Replied Lieutenant Halsey Mayber of Clan Nemaal. Though she appeared young for her rank, that was merely a product of her high upbringing and significant anti-aging treatments. Not that any of that was a mark against her ability as she scored first in her class at space navigation and astral mapping.


“Hyperwave Relay online. We are a go.” Said lieutenant commander Strakov, a student of the infamous Randgriz Academy of Intelligence and Reconnaissance. Serving as communications and intelligence processing, Kendra didn’t doubt that the local “spook” thought only of the ship’s mission. Everything about her, from her commando certification to her well honed body was merely a means to that end and nothing else.


“Fusion reactors one and two warming up at 50% and rising. Impulse engines online. Warp core spinning up now.” Reported Aden Gellart of the Gellatrix Academy, the youthful leonic male in the engine room chiming in over comms. A rare male Mithran serving on a long-range vessel, but one of the genius minds who engineered the warp drive aboard her ship to begin with. “Engineering is a go, we will have FTL ready in five minutes.”

“All sections are a go then.” Kendra changed channels. “Spacedock, this is USS Venture Star, we are a good for launch. Request disengaging of docking clamps.”

“Copy Venture-Star Actual. Disengaging docking clamps, you are a go for launch.” Boarding tubes and clamps detached from the saucer hull of the starship as it began to drift with maneuvering thrusters out into open space. As the viewscreen shifted to a depiction of the stars before the ship, Kendra tapped her display to make a speech to the crew.

“All hands. We are about to make a historic leap on behalf of the Mithran Union. For the first time we will leave the confines of our home system, and seek out the stars. From the ashes of war and conflict, we are now here together to bring about a better future for all Mithran. We will be the first into the unknown, the first to see the universe, perhaps even the first to meet intelligent life unlike our own. While the challenges to come will be many, I have confidence in you all that we will overcome them just as our people have overcome challenge and trial before.

This reminds me of the days of Kalen Morsov and the Moonshot Program. A venture out into the unknown, past the realm where any Mithran walked before. So once more, we step out into the stars, further and ever more daring than before. Today we soar on the wings of warp drive into history.

All hands: prepare for FTL. Helm, are we ready?”

“FTL go on your order ma’am.”

“Lock Far Jump One coordinates in, Warp Three. Engage.”

And so the adventure began. And a new chapter of history began.

* * * * * * *

Medialink Article: Excerpt from a Presentation on Interstellar Economics By Academican Korvo Talz of the Gellatrix Academy

....Economic activity is no small matter to judge, regulate, direct, or control. There are no less than twenty-six Academy Clans and universities that focus solely upon the task of coordinating parts of the greater economic puzzle of the Union, nations have devoted much time and resources to simply cataloging their gross domestic profit and trying to predict future economic trends and activities. While we can certainly say that we have learned how to run a global economy, I would go so far as to say that two thousand years of economic study has been little more than a preparation course for the task of attempting to run a interstellar economy spanning planets and lightyears.

We are venturing into an entirely new field of economic science. We cannot gradually evolve to meet it because there is no pre-existing system we possess that can scale up to the task we now face. Interstellar travel is certainly the gateway towards immense wealth and economic activity surpassing anything we can achieve on this world, but to tap that wealth we must create an entirely new form of economic infrastructure from nothing to support it. Forget all we know, we assume, we judge to be true when it comes to economic systems, because we cannot count on whatever we find out there to fit into our nice, neat and now obsolete existing system spanning merely a single planet.

To this end, I present the findings of my Academy's preliminary studies into FTL Economics and Relativistic Financial Modeling. We must account for Hyperdrive's atemporal effects on finance and supply and demand to begin to understand the resulting ripple effects on other areas of our economy, while coming with hard and fast equations on the scale of investment and capital needed to properly develop a interstellar economy. While our calculations are far from complete, more of a beginnings of getting our bearings on the scale of the issue at hand, interstellar investment and finance modeling should be much easier with the Daube Interstellar Profit Calculus and the simulation models created by Vanatech Computing. Preview versions have been made available for the press and video game developers for hands-on understanding and review.

To implement these on a larger scale however will require consider computing and financial infrastructure. It is our hope that with sponsorships from Northstar, Kular-Damon, and CCC we can revise the recent orbital Trade Hub building proposals to better accommodate the infrastructure to properly capitalize upon these statistical developments..........
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Fioliun People had just finished mourning the previous Great Mastermind who had passed away in a bizarre accident that the Council had censored the details of due to respect for the former leader. The more cynical citizens understood that the "accident" had been to end the old Dictator's descent into madness before it had actually caused significant damage to the land rather than simple embarrassment. The new Great Mastermind had gone through the bureaucracy of entering the office and was about to give his inauguration speech. The people of the capital rushed to get a spot in the Palace Square for the traditional speech as space would be limited and hearing such a speech in person was often a once in a lifetime opportunity. Eagerly, they crowded under the balcony with the enormous statue that the Great Mastermind would give his speech from inside of. The statue in question was a Finyran body with a Fioliun for a head. Some children (of both species) claimed it gave them nightmares but it was a beautiful representation of equality and left unknown which species the Great Mastermind was.

The people waited a couple hours and once the Square was filled, the statue's eyes lit up red, signaling that their benevolent Overlord was inside and ready to give his speech. Then, the dictator's voice boomed out, amplified by technology inside.

"My people, I greet you warmly on this day of sorrow and joy. It is a sorrowful one because of my predecessor's demise which allows me to be here. It is a joyous one because I see this as the start of a new era. For too long, we have been content to be confined to this wonderful planet." He paused for effect and the people murmured curiously amongst themselves.

"Today, we begin to spread our glorious civilization to the stars! Already, the first of our spaceships, The Wanderer takes to the stars to explore and learn new things about this universe! The groundwork is currently being laid for colonization of the planet Gongoab! With this in mind, I hereby dissolve the Fioliun State." Again he paused for the people to speculate and be confused.

"HOWEVER," he boomed "in it's place, I hereby declare our civilization the Fioliun Empire! Now, tradition dictates that I take a new name for my time as your leader. I hereby name myself Ardhra Rurarar in honor of my ambitions for us." Rurarar meant "Realmbuilder" and Ardhra had no doubt chosen it for effect, though the first name was more of a whim. He then continued "As such, I hope to lead you to greater glory! I hope for this to be the dawning of a Golden Age! Let us go forth and pursue knowledge and greatness! If there are other peoples out among the stars, they shall learn of us and either respect us or face our wrath! We are the Empire! We shall grow!" The people cheered for their new leader, excited by the idea of new worlds. Whether or not this reign went well, they would see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Smoke and blood filled the air. The trenches had recently taken a bombardment, and many lay wounded. The crack of a railgun's slug could be heard every once and a while, a testament to the brutal war between the Empire of Shelishi and Niiserian empire. The reasons for the war had long since been forgotten, leaving the two empires to drain their own manpower in a pointless punch-out. In the province of Saseice, the most brutal of the fighting had taken place, miles upon miles of trenches visible.

The soldiers were weary. The young and old had been conscripted as well, supplementing the depleted manpower of the two armies. Meanwhile, Schale circled like a vulture. Ready to steal from the two weakened sides. It was the ending of a particularly bloody war, another generation fed to the meat grinder. A tragedy. Lost opportunity.

Nipomi sat in her trench, her arms shaking. Shrapnel occasionally flew overhead, pinging off her helmet. In the young Resomi's hands was a single-shot railgun, a packet of slugs in her pack. The Niiserian Empire's trenches had recently suffered a bombardment, and soon they would be over the top in a charge. A suicide charge, every soldier knew that full well; But you didn't cross the officers of the Empire of Shelishi. They thought it would work, and the grunts were along for the ride.

The sound of railguns filled the air as several rapid-fire railgun emplacements fired towards the enemy trenches, a final measure to ensure they were truly dead. The other side was eerily silent, not a single slug coming from it. No matter. The whistle call went up. Across miles of trench, Resomi climbed out of the trenches and charged the line. Thousands of men and women, all in an open field of barbed wire and the dead nobody was brave enough to recover.

The silence was too good to be true. All across the enemy line, railguns lit up. Machinegun emplacements opened fire, firing flurries of slugs across the field. The unlucky were fatally wounded. The lucky instantly vaporized by the horrifying force of an incredible number of slugs. Across the line, thousands of men and women charged the enemy line, and thousands of men and women died. The survivors, the smart few, took cover behind mounds of snow and dirt. One of those few was Nipomi.

She could do nothing but scream. Scream for what exactly an unanswerable question. Scream for the fallen? Or perhaps in response to the shrapnel as slugs impacted the ground at terrifying speeds? Perhaps a scream of frustration, frustration that the officers would send them to their deaths so? Whatever the reason, one thing was clear, and that was she screamed. Others screamed as well, others instead returning fire. Those few that returned fire were brought a quick end at the hands of the incredible firepower posed before them.

The attack was as decisive as it was devastating. Almost everyone who had left the trench were dead or wounded. Many of the wounded were doomed not to survive. But yet, the troops of the Niiserian empire did not advance. There remained the machinegun emplacements of the Shileshi empire, and they were not about to make the same mistake. A brutal blow to the Empire of Shileshi. An astounding victory, though a temporary one, for the Niiserian empire. Within moments, thousands of soldiers were out of the picture.

It was no matter in the end. The Empire of Shelishi would pull up reserves from the backmost trenches. In time, the Shileshi were destined to deal the same blow to the Niiserian empire. All in a pointless war, with pointless victories and pointless defeats. The only result achieved was the mass death of the Resomi.

Nipomi cowered behind the snow and dirt, trying not to be noticed. It was all she could do, all the survivors could do. It was unlikely she could return to the trenches without being shot, and unlikely she would be recovered. She would have to wait, perhaps without any chance of living. Such was the war.

And so it continued.

"This is mission control, a week into the flight of the Endeavor. It's silent in mission control. Director Esche has ordered the beginning of the deceleration," the voice paused, as a series of people responded with, 'go!'.
"This is mission control. Endeavor, you are clear for deceleration. Good luck."

The ship lurched as the deceleration began. After this, the ship would take the rest of the year to recharge the FTL drives. Meanwhile, in the various offices of the diplomats onboard, they prepared for whatever they would find in this new system. Unfortunately for them, it would be nothing. Various other representatives scurried about, keeping the ship in working order. It was truly at the cutting edge of Resomi technology.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Isari Combine

Stardate: 2900

Valravn System

"May our ascendance into the stars be most bountiful, may it enlighten us to that which hides amongst the dark." The Isari, donned in full ceremonial robes intoned as his outstretched hands clutched a red candle over the lip of the platform upon which he stood. Below this thin platform spanned the capital city of Korthal, the jewel of Andoni with it's splendid and ornate spires and constructs of golds, greys and reds, some even matching or stretching further into the sky than the High Palace. The center of Isari governance from where the Hierarch now stood.

The flame held between his claws flickered in the high winds several thousand feet above the ground but would never extinguish.
"To find prosperity, to kindle a flame of civilization amidst the darkness which shall stand the test of time. Do we so offer ourselves to the expanse of space." The Isari continued as he placed the eternal candle upon the plinth of the altar before him. A red-stone block inset with a bright candle sat upon a plinth of grey stone adorned in streams of red parchment which fluttered in the wayward winds. Each parchment detailed a deed of the Isari people, ranging from the tribal wars which raked the planet centuries prior to the forming of the combine. An entire nation's history adorned the floating altar as it lay suspended by three small propulsion thrusters which hummed tirelessly as they spat out their yellow flame to keep afloat.

The sounds of armoured feet against metal told the Hierarch whom kept his gaze to the altar, that a messenger had arrived bearing news he already knew. The Isari turned his gaze instead to the skies where a long and slender ship awaited, it's slender and eloquent hull made the ship a spectacle to behold. The great golden face of a Rishok, a large predatory bird native to Andoni adorned the vessel's fore with a large protruding beak.

"Hierarch Taldaris. The Pilgrim is ready, all is working optimally and the crews and surveyors remain optimistic." A voice warbled through the respirator helm of an Isari in full battle-dress.

"Then let us ascend to the realm above." The clear voice of the Hierarch returned.

There would be no grand announcement, no large telescreen from which to view the spectacle or grand speech. Though all on the planet knew of the importance of this day, they instead looked to the heavens where hundreds of floating lanterns lit the sunset sky. Far above, the The Pilgrim left a streak of fire across the skies as it blinked from orbit.

The Isari Combine had begun their climb to the stars.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Killasumaq Ishatakh Union

"The year is 2901 and we have made our first jump to the system W9 the previous year with the exploration ship Q´allitch , the system has been proved to have non-habitable planets for our species , yet , the data of the travel has been examined by our scientist and we have found an asteroid belt with several resources that will need further analysis in order to get a benefit from it , also the date of the travel itself have proven very useful to our scientist in order to keep developing FTL drives for our ships , we are certain that the benefits of space travel will make our nation even greater than already is , we pledge for the support of everyone for this enterprises in the space "-Transmission from the planet Inkasisa , received by the KIU Q´allitch-Replay?.

The exploration ship Q´allitch have been tasked to keep exploring the galaxy its new mission has been given the goverment , they are expected to find inhabitable planets for the people of the Ishatakh Union , the goverment has put its expectatives to get the benefits of space in terms of money and resources , the Union has also prepared itself to implent the new space laws a lot of effort have been put into the new laws and they have taken into account the colonization of new planets and how they should be governed .

The people of Inkasisa has also proven to be supporters of the space travel and they are awaiting to receive the benefits from it , it has been the dream of some to travel to the stars and the work of others to make that travel possible , the workforce of the planet is ready to support the goverment plans , space ships are expected to be build with no manpower problems .

The crew of the KIU Q´allitch have made several interviews to the national mass media , they have proportionated information about how was the travel and how they felt when travelling at a speed faster than light , they have said to the media that they felt pretty happy for being the first Killasumaq to travel between systems and they have also said that they are going to make proud the Union.

Between some problems in the Union it is known that some people do not approve exploring the galaxy , because they are fearful of what we may discover and if alien life proves to be dangerous to the Killasumaq civilization , the goverment has said that there are no proves of alien life and there is nothing to fear , some level of cynism have raised because of this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Zelloxian Empire

Year 1900 After Shark Enslavement, ASE (In the Zell System)

As King Zelo looked out from his palace watching the new explored dubbed the Z.E.N. Zelis, once in orbit the Commander of it a Black Scaled lizard named Kelk signaled to the grounded they had hoped to return shortly, but if they don’t then for the Greater Zell. As the ship took off heading north of their current system the small crew each got situated as they knew they would be on this metal ship for awhile.
Amongst the crew, aside from the current commander were, a Yellow Scaled lizard who worked as an engineer named Vels, a Blue Scaled female lizard who was part of the scientist cast named Vep, Then there were two Red Scaled Lizards who part of the Military Caste named Leps and Hess. Also on this small ship were 3 shark men slaves who would be used for anything that required minimal work.

The Commander knew he and his crew had to find more to expand for not only his honor but for his people. They knew their home system had no other planets to inhabit and thus resources were limited.

1900 ASE in the Northern Deslih System (U3)

“Commander, I’ve found something, it looks like two planets. One has 4 Moons and the other with 1.” Vels said after months of traveling into the unknown. “Noted, Vep scan both planets and see if we can find any life forms or anything of use.” The commander order his crew about after a few hours the Scientist officer finally had something “Well sir, it appears the one is a completely aquatic planet with nothing of notice while the other is a Gas Giant with 4 planets. I believe one we return home we will be able to inform our King where to colonize.” Vep said The commander nodded and thought for a moment, “Keep it in our memory banks and attempt to transmit it back, but for now continue moving north we need to find more slaves for the empire.” The Engineer nodded and returned to piloting, while Vep returned to her room and began looking through the planets they scanned attempting to find anything of use.

1901 ASE in the Selvesh System (F3)

“COMMANDER!” Veps said with excitement “Yes, Vep?” The commander asked intriguingly “Well, sir, we just entered a system with a nice temperate world and more exciting is that my scanners just picked up life forms.” She said with glee and the commanded gave a slight smiled along with a nod. “Very well, Veps, You,Me Two of the slaves and Hess will head down to the surface to scope out these natives as well check out the planet from ground. Prepare yourselves men. Vels if we don’t come back or send any signals then you will return to our home planet and bring an ARMY to enslave these beasts.” The yellow scaled man nodded as the commander stood up and left for his room to grab some things.

After about an hour when everything was ready, the Commander,Veps Hess and the two slaves stepped on to the transport and headed to the surface to locate any natives and to see how advanced they were.

1901 ASE, Zellox Home System

King Zelo was in the meeting room listening to his advisors speak to each other about matters of the empire. He usually drifted off at these meetings until they had come to a final consensus of what to do. Yet this time they asked him something “Sorry what was that?” the King said. “We were asking what you think we should do, build another explored or work on a improving our research development by forcing an increased number of scientists from the Blue Caste.” Minister Jeks asked who was an Orange scaled Lizard which were rare and meant that his parents were from the Red Caste and the Yellow Caste. “Well, I suppose we should increase our research so that our explored are better equipped and can report back to us faster as well as explore.” The Ministers nodded and Jeks spoke up again “Then it is decided, Gentlemen inform your Castes and we’ll begin work immediately, till next year men.” THey all then headed off to their own corners of the world to get business or work done. Meanwhile the King return to his throne with a glass dome overhead he looked up at the stairs waiting to hear what conquest the Zellox would find now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 24 days ago


Kennedy Space Center, North American Federation

Sunshine brightened the horizon in the distance, illuminating the morning haze of a humid Floridian summer. A rocket was propped up atop its launchpad, proudly standing against the soothing breeze that passed over the skin of thousands of onlookers eagerly staring at the rocket from a mile away. The sky was a clear blue, not a single cloud in sight. Conditions were perfect for the launch. It should have been something to celebrate, after all, nobody likes a delay.




And yet Neil Siward's heart felt like it was about to burst from his chest. It seemed as though the tension was as thick as the air outside, as if the haze itself represented the nervousness of the crew. He had fought in the Yucatan War, hell, he'd become lost over the gulf without any way of knowing where he was during it. He had found his way back to Enterprise purely by following the algae it left in its wake, he had been engaged in close-range dogfights with aircraft twice as maneuverable and three times as deadly as his own. And yet, in all of his years, not once had he been as nervous as he was on that launchpad.

Below him was God knows how many tons of combustible fuel, all packed into a thin metal shell. Above him was a giant hulk full of even more combustible fuel and matter that could warp space and time. The fact that said giant hulk was the foundation of all of humanity's hopes and dreams just mad everything worse. A single mistake, a slip of the hand, an itchy nose that distracted someone just a little too much, and everything would be lost.

The tiny little shuttle in which they were residing was tipped up on it's back, and the six men and women at the front of the vehicle had been lying on their backs for well over an hour while ground teams ran through the final checks. In lockers beside them were the few personal items they had been allowed to take. An interestingly large variety of things were packed, some took pictures of loved ones, others their favorite wine. One had brought their late husband's ashes, to fulfill his wish of being laid to rest upon an alien world. In the back left of the cabin, there was a man whom had brought a cassette tape player. Completely obsolete, but still workable. He'd also refused to tell anyone why he decided to bring an ancient piece of equipment with him.

"Alright, I think it's about time to you to get that answer you were looking for."

Everyone turned to look back at that man who had chosen to bring a tape player instead of a picture frame or movie collection, who was already opening his locker. As silly as it was, they had been wondering about it for a while by that point. He had only denied answers, and never confirmed any. Given that one of those denied answers had been the first one (Oh, you wanted to bring your favorite songs!), the idea of the tape player being anything but had become a running joke.

"Ah, we finally get the answer to the big mystery!" Exclaimed the woman who had brought the ashes, in a particularly tongue-in-cheek voice. "My money is on it being a bomb that he built to prevent us from meeting aliens, like in that one movie."

The crew shared a chuckle, but still looked back to watch the man. Though they made plenty of jokes about it, they were still genuinely interested. Unsurprisingly, the man put one of the cassettes into it and hit the play button. The static of a degraded cassette tape filled the cabin, and the woman muttered a joking "Dammit!" as she slapped her chair's armrest.

It's minus ten and counting, and soon she will be gone.

The music was definitely at least inspired the Classical era, specifically, it was clearly some variation of folk or another. There were so many that it was hard to tell which were actually pre-Dark Ages. The accent of the singer, however, gave it away. Not a person on Earth could mistake that ancient, American accent from the mountains of the south.

That shining stub-winged angel that we've pinned our hopes upon.
And even as she waits she seems to strain to touch the sky.
It's minus ten and counting, and we wait for her to fly.

It's minus ten and counting, and time is passing fast.
It's minus ten and counting; will our next choice be our last?

Some had opened their mouths to comment on the song, but none of them actually chose to speak. For a brief couple of moments, the static and music from the tape player seemed to overpower the constant whirring of the vessel's machinery.

It's minus ten and counting for the plan that gave her birth;
The plan that will determine if we ever leave the earth.
Will we choose to throw the plan away, forget our need to know?
It's minus ten and counting; will we stay, or will we go?

It's minus ten and counting for the world on which we live.
We're swiftly using all this lovely planet has to give.
The pressure builds, and soon the chance to escape will pass us by;
It's minus ten and counting: will we grow, or will we die?

It's minus ten and counting, and time is passing fast.
It's minus ten and counting; will our next choice be our last?

"Did you bring that entire thing just to play that song at launch?" Asked Neil, turning back from his command seat in the front of the cabin.

"I thought we could all use some appropriate music during the mission, but yeah, mostly for the launch."

"Well it's a good thing that it's a big ship, because my disco would definitely clash." Said the woman.

"Am I the only one here who doesn't particularly like Classical music?" Asked another woman, a warp field specialist.

"Yes." Said everyone else in the cabin.

As the cassette tape moved on to the next song, a message came through the ship's radio.

"Mission Control to STS-297, ground team is clear, we have a go on all systems. Over."

Everyone snapped back into focus on the mission, and the man who had brought the tape player closed the locker to muffle the sound. Amusingly enough, they all checked their seatbelts, as if they had just gotten into the craft. Nobody wanted to go through a launch without restraints.

"STS-297 to Mission Control, our board is still green." Said Neil. "Over."

"Roger that STS-297, beginning final countdown. Good luck up there. Out."

Neil keyed the code for a standard automatic launch profile into the shipboard computer, then placed his hands on the controls. The ship was designed for an automatic launch, in fact, it could carry out a full orbital mission including docking with other craft all on its own. However, on any manned mission, it was operating procedure to have a pilot prepared to take control of the vessel at any time. Though computers usually operated perfectly, nobody was about to let a glitch kill half a dozen people.

"Ignition sequence start." Said the computer in its robotic monotone. Neil was counting down the seconds off of the systems monitor situated in front of him, in absence of any voice recording to inform the crew.

"8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2..."

The final number was drowned out by the thunder of the rocket's engines as it ascended into the clear blue sky above it.

Earth Orbit, Sol System

A tiny flicker passed through the space above Earth as it circled the blue-green pearl of a world. It was nothing more than a nearly invisible speck in the distance, but to the people of the planet beneath it, it was far more. It was the dreams of millions of children throughout history, it was the far-off fantasies of grown men and women who were waiting for someone else to make them reality, it was the culmination of all human labor up until that point. It was Terra's first starship, floating there as if it was just another star in the vastness of space.

"I've gotten the trajectory calculated, Commander!"

Within the hull of that ship, three men and three women were scurrying about making the final preparations for what would go down in history as the most important event in human history. Two of them were sitting down in the cockpit, Neil Siward and Rei Kimura. Neil because he was the navigator and Commander of the mission, and Rei because she was a linguistics and diplomatic mission specialist, so there wasn't anything for her to do aside from tying everything down. Which she had done so amazingly quickly.

"Ah, good job." Said Neil, reaching for the small data stick that the man who had spoken was holding out for him. Sebastian McCoy, the vessel's combat operations officer as well as resident Classical era eccentric. He was the one who had brought the tape player, which was playing a song about Queen Isabella. Why it was describing the progressive Queen of 28th century Madagascar as a religious fanatic who funded naval expeditions, only Sebastian seemed to know.

"You'd better not have screwed up." Said Rei. "We're calibrating the particle tractor with this data."

"I quintuple-checked the equations, they're flawless. We won't be releasing a gamma ray burst in front of our bow."

"There's also the aft, you know." Said Neil with a smile on his face. "If we're facing the wrong way, we might give everyone back home a sunburn."

"They're right, you demanding bastard."

Sebastian sat down in his seat on the right of the bridge (referred to as the cockpit by the crew), which was situated in front of a console that was displaying a 3-D hologram of the surrounding space. He deactivated it, letting him get a better view of the planet below through the gigantic window that stretched across the bridge. While he sat there staring out into space, Neil keyed in the trajectory calculations. His own station was in the middle of the cockpit, with most of his equipment being holographic in nature. He also had a retractable console piloting, just like the fixed one Sebastian had. During combat control would usually be passed off to Sebastian, but as it had been during the first moon missions, the Commander was the true pilot.

As time went on, the rest of the crew came back from their duties. By 1200 hours exactly, they had all reached their seats and strapped in. None of them wanted to delay the breaking of the light speed barrier. Somewhere along the line, however, somebody had turned off Sebastian's tape player. Non-ship electronics had to be shut off during the activation of the warp drive, for fear of somehow causing interference. Not that there was any reason it could interfere, but once again, there wasn't any margin for error.

"Well, this is it." Said Neil, looking around the bridge at his crew. "If we die out here, I'm blaming McCoy."

"Hey, I'm a combat ops specialist, not the Commander. It'll be on you, buddy."

Everyone laughed at what was perhaps the only reference to Classical art made by Sebastian the entire crew would actually understand.

"Well if you're going to place the blame on me, I'll have to put some more effort into it."

He reached over to the set of buttons on the side of his command chair, and pressed one of them. A console rose up from the floor below him, putting a set of controls at his fingertips. In the compact bridge, he didn't need a holographic display to show him a more direct view of the space ahead like in some of the more spacious starship designs that had been submitted. He linked the console with the ship's computer, and activated a short autopilot sequence to correctly orient the vessel with the target star. A few seconds later, he flicked eight switches to allow the negative mass to flow into the warp rings attached to the hull. The high-pitched whine that came afterwards told him and the rest of the crew that the warp drive was functioning perfectly.

The ship slowly began to move away from the Earth. It was barely noticeable at first, but as more and more negative mass flowed into the warp rings, the ship began to go faster and faster. Soon, had they turned back, the only glimpse of Earth they would have gotten would have been similar to the famous pale blue dot picture from so many centuries ago.

"Commander, we've passed the light speed barrier."

Neil didn't really process who had said it. All he could think of was that simple fact. They were the fastest-moving humans in the history of the entire universe. He had no idea how to react.

"If Sebastian had the radar, does that mean he gets the nude scene?"

Sebastian broke out into a laugh, while the rest of the bridge crew just tried to figure out where the humor was.

"At least Sebastian got the reference." He said, turning his head to stare out into the soothing, blue-shifted image of the universe before him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Uarshi Swarm


The Discovery of a viable star system not too far off from the "Homeword" sent the Swarm into a crazed frenzy. The First Seekership, in its long survey mission, had found a single world ripe for harvest in the System designated as L3. It was a World largely covered in a vast number of swamplands, with small pockets of the world being of jungles and deserts, and of course its two frigid poles on the opposite sides of the planet. No life of significant intelligence like that of the Creators was present, however the native wildlife was abundant, enough to feed the swarm for many cycles to come, a fitting beginning for the Great Harvest.

World L3-003
One Year later

Despite its less then pleasant environment, L3-003 was a serene sight from high up in orbit, a bright green marble in the vast darkness of space, sadly however, this marble would soon loose its natural beauty to a great hunger unlike any have seen before. From seemingly out of nowhere, a towering spire of ship had existed FTL. Its features similar to the First Uarshi Seekercraft, its surface made up of melted bone and flesh, millions of Uarshi broken down as building materials for this vessel, it would soon be known to many as a "Broodship".

The Broodship came into orbit of the Swamp World, for mere moments, remaining in position. It soon adjusted itself, aiming directly to the planet itself, and thrust downward and fell.

The ship's speed accelerated as passed through the atmosphere, the bone and flesh slowly being burned away from the intense heat. The entirety of ship was soon engulfed in smoke and flames as quickly approached the surface. meanwhile on the planet below, native wildlife within the intended impact site became all too aware of the danger, and fled enmass as the large object grew closer, however they had reacted too late as the ship made final impact, initiating a massive explosion, towering mushroom cloud forming and rising up high. Soon a shock wave was followed that went on for miles and miles, incinerating all within its path in mere seconds. In little time, the local swamplands had become a charred wasteland, all planet and animal life wiped out in the instant, rivers and pockets of waters dried out in the instant.

The smoke cleared out as the broodship was revealed to be relativity intact from the drop, sitting upright in the center of it all. Without much hesitation, Uarshi Workers, Reapers and Swarmlings burst out from the pours of the tower, circling around and then scattered to all parts, seeking out new sources of food to gather. All the while, thousands upon thousands of Uarshi Soldiers and juggernauts rushed out from the bottom, repeating the same as the flyers before scattering, charging forth as the slaughter was to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Die Koninkryk Vander Vaal


"Today is a glorious day," and it was, that day was to be the day of the final launch, the last of the crew and materials were to be put into orbit and the long journey would begin. All the eyes and ears in the world were tuned in, on televisions and radios across the globe, everyone was anticipating this final launch, "Today the final brave 25 go to join their fellow Cosmonauts." It had been a long journey for all the people involved in the project, two decades of planning, set backs and trials leading up to that proud moment. King Leon continued to speak, "And by the grace of God they shall go farther then any Vaalor."

The crowd erupted into rapturous applause, their cheers and cries echoing up and down the the gorge from where the rocket would be launched. Stood erect in front of them, behind Leon was the rocket that would ferry the men and woman, gleaming white in the mid day sun that bore down into the gorge. It was time, the elevator containing the crew ascended the launch tower with tremendous speed and the King gestured for the crude to be silent. And so they were.

"Now is our time," he said firmly, "To go where the rest of us are."

"Initializing final countdown sequence."

"To be among the other glowing bodies."

"Ten.. Nine.."

"To claim our birthright."

"Eight.. Seven.. Six.."

"And with the hand of God to guide us."

"Igniting main engines.. Five.. Four.. Three"

"We shall not falter, We shall go forth with no trepidation and We. Shall. Endure!"

"Two.. One.. Lift Off." The crowd exploded into a frenzy of cheers and applause as the rocket rumbled into life. The launch towers fell away from the vessel as it begun it's ascent, casting away from the earth with the good will of an entire planet behind it, the crew was anxious, nervous, ecstatic and excited all at the same time, they were leaving behind their planet for the cosmos. They were ready for the challenge.

"Docking successful." The two hundred crew aboard the vessel all let go a sigh of relief and began to congratulate each other, welcoming the last of the crew and the supplies for their journey. Most of them had been in orbit for weeks now, aiding in the assembly of the ship, and now the final component, the Ion Drives fixed, they were ready to go. The jubilation was now replaced with a brisk efficiency, everyone went to heir designated stations and buckled down. For the people on earth the journey had ended, for them it had just begun.

"Launch Control, activating Ion Drivers."

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