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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Vowzra: >.> <.< He's completely perfect. Everyone should love him. Okay okay, he might be a tad bit vain (Vowzra this, Vowzra that, look at me saving the planet from Perfectus, look at me wage sudden, mysterious war against some ugly flesh thing, look at me being so mysterious with a mountain in the north, look at me make big trees, look at me tear the Fabric of Exi- )
Zephyrion: He's a bubble o' fun. Would be a shame if someone were to pop it.
Vestec: You know what, I think that if it ever came to being judged, Vestec would be the first into heaven. He's got such a pure soul, you can see it shining from Archon and it looks like a star. Even Niciel is jealous of his purity.
Logos: The sin of being a fascist.
Illunabar: Damn artsy hippie. Did you see what she and Jvan made Zeph do to those rocks? Went bloody great canyon on all our heads.
Kyre: For a god of war he's relatively wrathless isn't he? Think his only issue is sloth - never does anything! Bloody hell. Or maybe it's out of greed, he does nothing because he's amassing Might.
Ull'Yang: This guy is far too shiny and bright. He's probably hiding something really bad beneath all that glow. We just don't know, he's too far away. But the fact that he asked for a stick from the god of crafting suggests a deep-seated Jackie Chan syndrome.
Slough: The virtue of temperance, so temperate that she says nothing. Restraint in that regard is only thing, because other than that she's gluttonously eating up might and giving the world plenty of weird treasures. Charitable in that regard too. She's real chaste too, fought off that damn stalker Allure and didn't let him anywhere near her purity. Rather patient, but then lost it in one fell swoop and died. Think she might secretly be a bit vain though, took all the attention away from Vowzra in pre-existence. But he got her the second time by putting her in a 17-might cocoon and sending her up north. Take that, no ones allowed to be vainer than Vowzra.
Niciel: The sin of holier-than-thou ^^' other than that, she's a complete angel she is.
Toun: He's an angry little guy ain't he. Angry 'cause he's better than everyone else but they're not flippin' listening, and when they do listen they do it all wrong, and if they listen right there's always that one muppet who has to be an idiot about it (coughVesteccough) or that other one who's into exhibitionism (coughJvancough)
Astarte: Huh? She's too generous. She once gave some guy and his friends necromantic powers. For a dress. So that she could impress her boyfriend. Guess she's not the one for chastity and all that then. She...really doesn't like doing much if she can help it. And when she does do things they're weird things. Like blowing up ogres on a magic rock. Or torturing dragons. Is she patient? *remembers that time she traumatised her ogre for trying to eat her* hmm...but she's kind righ- *remembers that time she tried to eat Lakshmi* uh, right. I think her biggest thing is her complete bashfulness half the time - maybe that's why she likes Lakshmi so much. Still dunno why she's traumatising the poor purple girl
Teknall: Watch how he's secretly the mastermind behind this whole electronically generated fantasy world, clicking buttons and ensuring that the other gods remain perpetually comatose and hallucinating within the Matrix. He's a nice guy. Damn Jvanophile, he'll see...
Lifprasil: *At this point, Kho's hands were too lazy to type anything of great significance, and so the great Lifprasil was left sinless and virtueless*
Jvan: She's the ugliest girl in the hood, yet the most popular one. Her personality is just so bright and bubbly that it floods outwards and captures just about everything in its sticky ickiness and never lets 'em go. But don't worry, Vowzra will save you all!
She has a bit of a vengefulness about her. A sinister wrath. Bit of a glutton too, something tells me (you don't get so big that you can be seen from outer space without being something of a glutton). And she's obviously envious (you wouldn't send an ant hurtling all the way to the other side of the universe if you weren't envious, but at least she didn't eat her. So her envy is greater than her gluttony!)
She's charitable (in dishing out and forcing all forms of things upon people they generally don't want >.>)
She's flippin' diligent, there's no denying. Stubborn as hell too. Just keeps comin'. Has something of Ender's philosophy (do something so radical that the others would just sit down and shut up. Like putting giant genitalia in orbit)
Belvast: Awww. The sin of not being taken seriously by anyone yet. Like father, like son. Bit of a glutton too, the world fish population came out in protest against him last week. Not much of a display since there's none left. Greedy little cat, wants the biggest fish for himself. Kind though (not kind enough to give you the big fish, but you can have this little one instead)
Sin: ^^' damn sinful wretch. To hell with him!
Kinesis: Error. Insufficient information.
Lazarus: Error. Too much information. Top secret. Confidential.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Belvast: Awww. The sin of not being taken seriously by anyone yet. Like father, like son. Bit of a glutton too, the world fish population came out in protest against him last week. Not much of a display since there's none left. Greedy little cat, wants the biggest fish for himself. Kind though (not kind enough to give you the big fish, but you can have this little one instead)

>Expecting fish from Belvast
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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Ed- @Kho So not only did Vowzra make the Other horrifyingly dangerous, he's also the first to unleash its dangers upon Galbar? The irony is delicious. I love it.

@Antarctic Termite your recent technique of keeping record of MP/FP usage is confusing me a bit ^^' as a consequence I'm not entirely sure how much MP/FP concealment etc. you have. Help?

Jvan - L4 - 2 MP - 2 FP

Originally there was a confusion with the spreadsheet that double-counted her 5 Might from Ovaedis, totalling 17 instead of 12. My first post this turn recorded her as having 17. I corrected the second post, but now that I look back I actually missed something while adjusting it and spending 3 Might to adopt Geometry, so all of her records since the mistake actually play as if she had 13 Might and not 12.

Either way she's currently spent all 5 Might from Ovaedis, and 6 Might and 3 Free Points from levels. Her consistent record lists her as having 2 Free Points and 1 Might. Re-counting everything, she keeps the free points but has 0 Might. Which kinda sucks since I now realise Heartworm won't do much in any upcoming collab with Vestec. I HAD SUCH PLANS.

Anyway, the new listing separates normal level Might with Might from Ovaedis, based on availability. Ovaedis is itself a factory, so the 5 Might per turn that it generates can only be used to manufacture stuff in orbit, and can't (or isn't) split into freepoints. Heartworm has no control over Ovaedis; Jvan does. Normal Might and freepoints, however, are available to both her and Heartworm.

Jvan: She's the ugliest girl in the hood,

um first of all how dare u

Otherwise decently accurate, I thought of her as most displaying Charity (free shit! everyone is approved of so long as they don't break things!) and Wrath (loses her shit! all the time! whenever somebody does break things!), though she's originally mentioned to have associations with Lust because to her everything is kinky.

Numeracy is as basic as possible, for we don't even have mathematics. Writing hasn't been invented among the mortals as far as I'm aware, although we do have communication via pictures.

Of course, no one has explicitly declared discovering and using writing yet.

Jvan's getting to the written communication bit soon courtesy of Beauty (Geometry) and the new Urtelem brain being specialised for thinking in visual formulae. That said, I'm not sure how easily it'll transmit to more human-like species.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hygswitch
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Hygswitch Educational Witch

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@Kho Awww is my CS that bad? Also Kinesis is still a kid so it might need some time to get her up to speed. Still working with Mutton and BBeast on a second part of the 'getting the machinemaidens ingame' post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Kho Awww is my CS that bad? Also Kinesis is still a kid so it might need some time to get her up to speed. Still working with Mutton and BBeast on a second part of the 'getting the machinemaidens ingame' post.

Naah, I was just too lazy to give Lazarus, Kinesis and Lifprasil a proper analysis >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Antarctic Termite I'll try to digest all that at some point. The separation of normal might and factory might will need some time to get my head around

Edit: and how did you read the post the other way around xDD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@WrongEndoftheRainbow as there appears to have been some confusion, I have spoken with my GMs and we've all clarified that Lazarus is in fact a demigod rather than a god. It is a long established rule in Divinus that gods can only come about in two ways:

1) They are summoned forth at the very beginning by Fate and a Friend.
2) They come about as a result of a lower being ascending to godhood.

Lazarus will just have to chug his way up through demigodhood until he eventually manages to become a god by consuming some divine essence from an active god
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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@Kho Here I was thinking you are actually talking about the seven virtues and all, but it was actually all about Crusader Kings 2 traits :I

In that sense Ilunabar is a pretty genius,. I would make a please nerf joke but I'm scared.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Kho I'll edit appropriately
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kho Here I was thinking you are actually talking about the seven virtues and all, but it was actually all about Crusader Kings 2 traits :I

In that sense Ilunabar is a pretty genius,. I would make a please nerf joke but I'm scared.

xDDDDDD I did actually initially mean the actual seven virtues and sins, but then I looked them up and thought...this stuff is a bit too 'boxy' and limited. So went for far more accurate in depth psychoanalysis based on the theories of theKho-Bro

Edit: Crusader Kings... *is still on that Vicky2 binge though*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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7 vices not virtues. Virtues is good, vices are bad. Straight from sins own mouth! No more about thr good stuff. None of yall gods are perfect. Ya'll gods are eventually gonna give him more and more to eat. Keep sinning, keeps the bedbugs away.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Kho How capable would Lazarus be of hiding things from actual gods? We're at a crossroads where his portfolio is secrets, yet he can't actually detect gods. It wouldn't be very secret if every god could casually look in and see what secret thing he's looking into next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

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>Implying "sins" are bad
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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@Kho Also, since we are at a loss of a patron god of knowledge, who would be considered her replacement in the eyes of people? From out known gods. Need a House dedicated to....research and what not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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@Kho Also, since we are at a loss of a patron god of knowledge, who would be considered her replacement in the eyes of people. Unless we have no god of knowledge anyone.

You've got a demigod of knowledge now, so given a bit of time to hatch from his cocoon of "oh holy shit im a body that cant handle all this power i gotta do something about this QUICK" I imagine he could act as a replacement in a localized area.

EDIT: My hope for this is to start up a big tug of war for which city gets Lazarus. I will introduce conflict whether you like it or not!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Kho How capable would Lazarus be of hiding things from actual gods? We're at a crossroads where his portfolio is secrets, yet he can't actually detect gods. It wouldn't be very secret if every god could casually look in and see what secret thing he's looking into next.

Pretty capable, I'd say. While he can't yet stand up to a god, his inherent domain(portfolio) powers make him much more difficult to detect, and even were he detected, no god can simply read another divine being's mind.
While there is no guarantee that Lazarus will be left alone until he becomes more powerful, but being left alone wouldn't be all that conducive to integrating him into any sotrylines. Your choice. In the end, no one will do anything that you strongly disapprove of to your character, or anything you believe wouldn't happen due to a particular characteristic Lazarus has. If it comes to disagreement, we GMs will sort it out
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

You've got a demigod of knowledge now, so given a bit of time to hatch from his cocoon of "oh holy shit im a body that cant handle all this power i gotta do something about this QUICK" I imagine he could act as a replacement in a localized area.

Not unless you come to Xerxes. Communication between people is...difficult. All that walking, or pigeon carrying.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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<Snipped quote by WrongEndoftheRainbow>

Pretty capable, I'd say. While he can't yet stand up to a god, his inherent domain(portfolio) powers make him much more difficult to detect, and even were he detected, no god can simply read another divine being's mind.
While there is no guarantee that Lazarus will be left alone until he becomes more powerful, but being left alone wouldn't be all that conducive to integrating him into any sotrylines. Your choice. In the end, no one will do anything that you strongly disapprove of to your character, or anything you believe wouldn't happen due to a particular characteristic Lazarus has. If it comes to disagreement, we GMs will sort it out

My current idea is to establish a facade of standard university and learning stuff, with secret labs and collections people organized and hidden by Lazarus. So that one day your Great Library of Alexandria will suddenly burst into a tentacle and flesh abomination because ol' Laz screwed something up. This integrates him into storylines without readily giving up what his portfolio dictates he does.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Dawnscroll Ordo ad Logos

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So Im gonna give fair warning. The next two posts or three are definitely going to be Arcon-centric until Logos gets his ass over to the Galbar. Fortunately, all three posts should be in the next two days.

How many FP on techpoints do I need to spend to send Galbar into the bronze age?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Dawnscroll I missed my daily dose of Logsanity
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