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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 20 days ago

@Rtron Are you still at work, or can we get to that collab? I need to get it rushed out quickish before my other collab is finished, since the timeline will be your collab -> Another collab I'm working on
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

Could you provide a visual aide? No need to make it pretty, just need a circle to show the general location. I'll do the rest.

@Rtron Where in the Ironhearts would I find Sularn (north, south, middle, relative location)? It would be nice to know, since I'm writing a world tour at the moment and need to finish there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Tomorrow I will look to either make 1 or 2 posts. Ideally it'd just be one, but I just need to write very disparate things for both the ogres and Vetros and most likely won't find a way to neatly combine that into one post. Breaking it into two also gives me an excuse to procrastinate one section for a while.

...and as usual, I only share because openly declaring my intent to post seems to be the best way to give myself motivation tomorrow when I'm inevitably going to be feeling too lazy to start a post on my own initiative.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Speaking of Allure, I haven't seen Lugu in a while. @Lugubrious

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

Oh yeah. Vestec has plans for that.

So does Ilunabar. Actually.

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>


Actually, I was about to make a post about it.

See, I read all the posts and all that.
But somehow I just can't visualize the Rovaick in my mind. I need to read the posts about them again but I don't know where they are anymore.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Yeah, we don't have monopoly. It's just that there's a difference between some mortal being inspired to heat up the pretty rocks and a egypt-esque expansionist empire being made out of disparate stone age tribes at a snap of the fingers.

If you're stuck for what to write, get into the details of what you're trying to build. Show us the interesting challenges that were overcome to make this new society. It will do wonders in setting the tone for the society and building its character.

Sorry that there isn't much foundation for epic clashes right now, but you're simply going to have to build them yourself over time, so everyone understands what is actually being built.

Right now there's simply Amartia corrupting people, and a whole bunch of dialogue-starved, faceless characters behind him. I can't tell whether this new city is a dangerous place, or a utopian place, or barely holding together through fear, or what. There are plenty of gaps to fill.

@Muttonhawk as I already alerted you to what our next plan for Xerxes is, just PM me your issues in exact and I'll try to address them and flesh everything out more as I change Xerxes up in the time I get to do so. Goes for everyone else too, just voice what you want detailed and I'll get to work once I get some collab posts pushed out. Also Loki get back to me on if you're fine with me changing up the city while Amartia is occupied.


Your gonna have to give me a few days, Im going to be very busy. Thanks @WrongEndoftheRainbow but what is the plan again? Can't be making plans behind my back about my city, unless its the Breaking Bad thing we were talking about. As for a government, thats been done, look at the nation sheet. That will be rped out when I can calm down and write a fully fleshed out post. I guess I've just been to invested in growing it and not 'designing' it. I apologize.

Due to your post @Muttonhawk, I'm starting to look at nation building diffrently. If y'all are willing to give me another chance to actually politically and socially build my nation, it would much appreciated.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 20 days ago

@LokiLeo789 It's the breaking bad thing. I got Big Plans in store, but I need permission to do stuff to the nation to put those Big Plans in action
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 20 days ago


Well look who's lurking back here again!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

<Snipped quote by WrongEndoftheRainbow>

Your gonna have to give me a few days, Im going to be very busy. Thanks @WrongEndoftheRainbow but what is the plan again? Can't be making plans behind my back about my city, unless its the Breaking Bad thing we were talking about. As for a government, thats been done, look at the nation sheet. That will be rped out when I can calm down and write a fully fleshed out post. I guess I've just been to invested in growing it and not 'designing' it. I apologize.

Due to your post @Muttonhawk, I'm starting to look at nation building diffrently. If y'all are willing to give me another chance to actually politically and socially build my nation, it would much appreciated.

No. You have failed. YOu must be executed for your crimes.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rtron, I asked before. Where in the Ironhearts will I find the Rovaick named Sularn?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Haha, I'm thinking of stepping back in if you'll have me. Started reading ICly, but it's looking like I'll need the rest of the summer to catch up that way
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Rtron Where in the Ironhearts would I find Sularn (north, south, middle, relative location)? It would be nice to know, since I'm writing a world tour at the moment and need to finish there.


The purple boxes are the major Rovaick settlements. The white ones are outposts big enough to be considered small towns.

Sularn is in the first one going up from the bottom.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@LokiLeo789, I know one issue which will be especially pronounced in your city which would be interesting in address. 1% of all who die rise again as undead. They aren't bloodthirsty monsters or anything, they're just differently alive. We have Vestec to thank for that. In most settlements, they may get one undead per generation due to their small population. But you, with thousands, would have a notable (albeit still small) population of undead. What does Amartia and the citizens of Amestris think of them? What do you do with them?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@LokiLeo789, I know one issue which will be especially pronounced in your city which would be interesting in address. 1% of all who die rise again as undead. They aren't bloodthirsty monsters or anything, they're just differently alive. We have Vestec to thank for that. In most settlements, they may get one undead per generation due to their small population. But you, with thousands, would have a notable (albeit still small) population of undead. What does Amartia and the citizens of Amestris think of them? What do you do with them?

My money's on forcing them into a gladiatorial arena to fuel the populace's bloodlust and need for carnage, fueling the engine of Sin even further. Gotta fuel Wrath in a productive (and profitable) way. What better way than with

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

<Snipped quote by WrongEndoftheRainbow>

Your gonna have to give me a few days, Im going to be very busy. Thanks @WrongEndoftheRainbow but what is the plan again? Can't be making plans behind my back about my city, unless its the Breaking Bad thing we were talking about. As for a government, thats been done, look at the nation sheet. That will be rped out when I can calm down and write a fully fleshed out post. I guess I've just been to invested in growing it and not 'designing' it. I apologize.

Due to your post @Muttonhawk, I'm starting to look at nation building diffrently. If y'all are willing to give me another chance to actually politically and socially build my nation, it would much appreciated.

It's all about pacing, fam, it took me a couple' turns to build my nation right proper - and its excessively small.

However, with the addition of immigrants and prisoners from the horde of chaos; expansion will be had when I return.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Gee, Kho. That new character you just posted in the character tab is really abstract!

(Understood, man. Best of luck with your studies :).)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 3 days ago

@LokiLeo789 It's the breaking bad thing. I got Big Plans in store, but I need permission to do stuff to the nation to put those Big Plans in action

I don't know, I need to know what it is, your not gonna take the lead long enough to make any drastic changes, and I would rather not be thrown to as off course.

@LokiLeo789, I know one issue which will be especially pronounced in your city which would be interesting in address. 1% of all who die rise again as undead. They aren't bloodthirsty monsters or anything, they're just differently alive. We have Vestec to thank for that. In most settlements, they may get one undead per generation due to their small population. But you, with thousands, would have a notable (albeit still small) population of undead. What does Amartia and the citizens of Amestris think of them? What do you do with them?

I'm going to have think on that. If the population didn't see this before and we're afraid, then they still gonna be scared. Most likely they will killed. As times goes on, there will be a tradition of killing off the dead, it would.be considered a holy act. Sin doesn't really care, as long as they sin.

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

My money's on forcing them into a gladiatorial arena to fuel the populace's bloodlust and need for carnage, fueling the engine of Sin even further. Gotta fuel Wrath in a productive (and profitable) way. What better way than with


That's actually not a bad idea...

I'll be officially back Sunday night guys!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In Elefpria our undead are treated like normal citizens - because we're not assholes *trademark

That should be Alefpria's slogan, at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

In Elefpria our undead are treated like normal citizens - because we're not assholes *trademark

That should be Alefpria's slogan, at this point.

Are you mad? In a few hundred years the undead population is going to totally eclipse the alive population. They got to go, build a wall, etc...
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