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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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So, @Cyclone and everyone else, I have this idea related to the Wind of Change and the overflowing Zeph power. My plan was to wait until my post was ready so I could develop this idea... but I'm stuck in writing hell so it might take too much time.

So, my idea is simple. Elementists or some variant of the name. Mortal-Elemental hybrids born from a Flicker reacting with the residual Astarte might that shows up on all things with souls.

While it might sound like human torch fun times, it is mostly a nasty deal and a sickness. Hain having spontaneous combustion, humans suddenly turning into stone, urtelem melting into mud. But maybe some rare ones might turn well by attuning flesh and element. Maybe one day you are walking down the road humming a happy song and a freaking wolf that barks ice attacks you.

Though I bet this break 140% of the canon, so it is just a loose idea I'm throwing around. It just seems to me that most divine power when condensed can "mutate" mortal life, magic does it, chaos does it, dream does it (in my latest post which is arriving soon™) even raw life does it, so maybe it could happen to change too.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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@Double Capybara

Interesting idea. There's already elemental-style magic in the form of the shamanism that Vetros and the ogres have, but people being born with weird mutations due to Flickers would be a very interesting take.

You have my thumbs up to do this if you like seeing as I already have too many plotlines to juggle and I probably wouldn't be able to get around to it within this century.

Sometimes I wonder why I try when some people *cough cough @Slime ;p* don't seem to even read the summaries and then wind up asking, "Whooz Aihtiraq?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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@Cyclone Okay, thanks. I might have something down the line too, but very far from what I am doing now. The general idea here was to share in hopes someone might find it useful.

Though one immediate plotline it does give is the sickness plot. If there is any hope for someone suffering from petrification/liquefication/etceterefication it would probably be at the hands of a powerful shaman.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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You said suffering! That means you need me! What must I do! Bring ruin to the lands?! Plunder?! UPLIFT A SPECIES?!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Slime
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Sometimes I wonder why I try when some people *cough cough @Slime ;p* don't seem to even read the summaries and then wind up asking, "Whooz Aihtiraq?"

I'm not one to read every single post, but I do read the summaries. I either accidentally skipped a post featuring him or I plain out forgot about him.

@Double Capybara

That's an interesting idea. It would add several new animal species to the world so it could get pretty chaotic, but if the sickness remains then it could act as an effective
populational control.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

You said suffering! That means you need me! What must I do! Bring ruin to the lands?! Plunder?! UPLIFT A SPECIES?!

I need Keriss to go hug an ice elemental because she needs to chill.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

I need Keriss to go hug an ice elemental because she needs to chill.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Just putting it out there: ice-spitting wolves already exist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Just putting it out there: ice-spitting wolves already exist.

Where? When? How the hell does a wolf even spit?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Double Capybara
The Treemind tribal lands are thriving with all kinds of life and therefore, without a doubt, dangers. Beasts one can expect to come across include the vicious Snow Wolf (known to humans as the Northern Wolf) whose white coat provides brilliant cover in the snow. What makes this wolf particularly dangerous, other than its size (being at least twice the size of a typical wolf, which are also to be found in the tribal lands) is the fact that it has the ability to blast prey with debilitating, focused breath of icy air which can freeze limbs – causing severe frostbite in the best of cases, and a quick death between the wolf’s jaws in the worst. Unlike the common wolf, Snow Wolves tend to hunt alone and form families, much like humans, rather than hunt in packs.
Kho's Character Post. Under 'Treeminds', 'Dangers'

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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@Kho That is neat. Sorry for not remembering it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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@Double Capybara
That sounds pretty cool. You should do it. Among other things, we don't have enough illnesses on Galbar.

Actually, a shaman by the name of Zotash'e had managed to do something similar. It was of a very minor degree, though, nowhere near the magnitude you are suggesting.

@Kho, I hardly blame @Double Capybara for missing it (I hadn't known/remembered until now either), since these Snow Wolves have, to my knowledge, never been mentioned IC.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Malchivo
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Malchivo Scholar of GM Weaponry

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So...I haven't done this much research for a character in a while. This comment makes no sense right now, but it will.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Yeah I remember Zotash'e. I seem to recall her doing little beyond binding one tiny djinni. Grekogork runs around with four of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@BBeast Yeah, I know. I did not get to develop the Treeminds in their natural habitat as I originally planned - but I think it's safe to assume that things mentioned in official character sheets, the Wiki, and the IC are all canon (with IC having the highest rank and things mentioned purely in the Wiki/Character Sheets being subject to change if the IC says something completely different).

And I don't blame anyone for not remembering these very minor things! If I came across as accusatory then that was definitely not the intention ^^' I mean for instance I don't remember Zotash'e - probably because I haven't read far enough into the IC to reach his post.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Quick question: who here was it that was buying a parcel of land near the sea in Scotland? Super scenic and beautiful and all that jazz? Where was it at?

Im asking for reasons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Quick question: who here was it that was buying a parcel of land near the sea in Scotland? Super scenic and beautiful and all that jazz? Where was it at?

Im asking for reasons.

@poog the pig
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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@poog the pig How much you pay for that again?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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@poog the pig How much you pay for that again?

I think you're mistaken. One doesn't simply buy Scottish land.

You get given a sword at the border and have to prove your mettle to the real estate agent.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kho
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There's a lot of cheap housing by a small fishing town/tourist destination called Portree, which a lot of people don't want to buy thanks to Skye's harsh winter.
poog some time back
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