Hidden 10 days ago 6 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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"Witty Quote"
D A N I E L F E N T O N C O L L E G E S T U D E N T P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N
O R I G I N S:

Young Danny Fenton, he was just eighteen,
When his parents built a very strange machine.
It was designed to view, a world unseen.

When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit,
But then Danny took a look inside of it,
There was a great big flash, everything just changed,
His molecules got all rearranged!

When he first woke up, he realized,
He had snow white hair, and glowin' green eyes.
He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly,
He was much more unique than the other guys.

And it was then that he knew what he had to do,
He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through,

S A M P L E P O S T:

"For the last time, I have no affiliation with that hack, Venkman!"

Jack Fenton roared into the phone before ending the call with an aggressive press of his thumb. He sat back and massaged his temples. That had been the third phone call this afternoon alone. He knew it’d be coming after what happened in New York nearly forty years ago. They shut Venkman down, discredited his and his colleagues’ work, and swept everything under the rug.

But Jack remembered.

It had inspired his work and between him, his now wife and his college roommate, the three had gone on to create the proto-portal that inspired his now complete ‘Fenton Portal’, a gateway to the ‘ghost zone’ and the object of his tele-harassment. His initial attempts to power the device had failed, but that didn’t stop this shady government organization from wanting to acquire it.

Looking up from his mobile device, Jack put away his gloomy expression and forced a smile onto his face before he addressed his wife and children.

"Sorry, Madds. I didn't mean to disrupt this dinner you worked so hard on, no more phone calls for me today" the burly man[color=#ffffff] [/color]apologized before turning to his eldest. "How were your classes today, Jazz?”

“Dad, you and I both know you don’t care about my classes,” Jasmine ‘Jazz’ Fenton replied dryly, pushing a few loose strands of her red hair out of her face and tucking them neatly back into the teal headband she wore.

“You’re just probing to see if I saw any ghosts,” Jazz rolled her eyes, “No, Dad, unfortunately for you, my classes were painfully mundane.”

“Jazz, that might have been the case today. But I’ve been looking over maps of Portland for the past decade, and I’m very confident that your school sits on a Hellmouth.” Jack explained excitedly, “If anywhere in Portland is haunted, it’s Reed College.”

“Whatever you say, Dad,” Jazz smiled before picking away at her dinner. Jack had struggled to connect with Jazz since she had graduated high school two years ago. Jasmine being accepted into Reed was a point of pride for both of her parents, but Jazz had quickly outgrown Jack and Maddie Fenton and their ‘sick obsession with ghosts’ as she so mildly put it.

“Danny!” Jack exclaimed excitedly, pivoting the conversation toward his youngest, “I was wondering if you could help your old man tonight with powering up the portal, would love to see if I can get it running.”

“Uh yeah, sure, Dad.” Danny replied reluctantly, “I suppose I can do that.” His fork rolled a few loose peas around on his plate before Danny let out a small sigh.

“Not like I had plans anyway.”

A college freshman, Danny hadn’t exactly been an overachiever nor a popular student in high school. His grades were painfully average, his extracurriculars non-existent, and he had to live in the shadow of his popular sister who seemed to excel at everything she put her mind to.

If anything, Danny knew more about what the inside of a locker looked like, than he did the inside of a classroom.

“How about you, Jazz?” Jack asked, “Want to spend some time with the family?”

“Sorry, Dad,” Jazz replied coolly, “As tempting as that is, I have a date.”

“A date?” Maddie spoke up, “Will he be coming here to pick you up?”

“Ha,” Jazz laughed sarcastically, enthusiastically shaking her head, “No, no he will not. I’m meeting him at the library.”

Oooh a study date,” Danny waved his hands, “Sounds hot, making out between the bookshelves, being shushed by the librarian.”

“Daniel,” Jack scolded, “That’s enough.” He stated before turning to Jazz, “If any boy is going to be taking my daughter out, I need to meet him.”

“He’s a man, Dad, and it’s just a first date, he doesn’t need that kind of pressure.”

“At least give us a name,” Maddie pried, “Just for safety at the very least,”

“His name is Angel,” Jazz replied before Danny burst out laughing.

“It’s a very common name in South America, Danny!” Jazz snapped. “You’d know that if you were more like Angel, He’s a very cultured man, unlike you.”

“I hope we get to meet him, Jazz.” Maddie smiled as Jazz stood from the table.

“Yeah, fat chance of that.”

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Hidden 6 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Charon & Roth
An Agents of H.E.L.P. Spinoff
Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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G M (s): Lord Wraith C O N S U L T I N G G M (s): DocTachyon & Roman G E N R E: Fandom T Y P E: Collaborative Linear Sandbox
"To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story."
S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )

I N T R O D U C T I O N:
I N T R O D U C T I O N:

W E L C O M E F A N S O F D C, M A R V E L, A N D A L L C O M I C S A L I K E !
Sensation & Wonder is a roleplay based upon the structures and mechanics of previous games run under the Absolute Comics banner but with a goal of overcoming the past games' biggest weakness; a lack of collaborative writing. As such, Sensation & Wonder is a collaborative linear sandbox roleplay that seeks to merge and mix the lore of your favourite DC and Marvel characters into one living cohesive world. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favourite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favourite characters and re-imagine them to tell stories together. We only ask that the 'heart' of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their favourite characters and tell stories in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.

How heavily mixed these elements are is dependent upon the players as the world and its lore is shaped by you and your stories. Do Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark know each other? Has Lady Shiva trained with Danny Rand? Have Thor and Superman gone toe to toe? These are questions for you to ask yourself and they can only be answered as the RP unfolds!

S U M M A R Y:
S U M M A R Y:

"T H E R E W A S A N I D E A . . .
. . . A N I D E A T O B R I N G T O G E T H E R A G R O U P O F R E M A R K A B L E I N D I V I D U A L S."

Heroes have been a part of our culture since the dawn of time. Each and every culture passed down tales of the mortal and the immortal, their struggles and inevitable triumphs over the forces of evil. Tales of honour, of love, of defeat, deception and even betrayal. We have myths, legends and numerous amounts of lore detailing the feats and downfalls of each of these heroes. When one mentions heroes, names of classical figures come to mind but this world is and always has been home to more.

No one can be sure of the first time alien life visited Earth, it may have been before recorded history, it may have been within the last century. One thing can be sure, that before the last decade we had all but forgotten they had been here before and they returned with fervour. The names of the first superheroes had all but been forgotten, those who fought in the great wars and worked behind enemy lines in times of tension. But, then came a man, not with a shield, but a cape. A man who could fly.

And the world's eyes were once again opened.

Costumed heroes once thought to be urban legends and menaces by the press and authorities alike suddenly took on a new reverence in the eyes of the public and so their names went from being spoken in hushed whispers to exclaimed excitedly as they flew overhead. With the emergence of these masked heroes, so too did their foes become more and more ostentatious.

Until disaster struck.

The presence of these superpower individuals brought the wrong attention and the world found itself under siege from the heavens as an alien force rained fire on the world and oppressed the populace while abducting and suppressing the masks who once protected the people.

With Earth under control by an invading force, heroes are forced to put aside their differences and unite for a common goal. Over throw the ___, save humanity and take back Earth.

Will you answer that call?
Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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"Gone, gone the form of man..."
J A S O N B L O O D P R I V A T E I N V E S T I G A T O R P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N
O R I G I N S:

A man cursed with a demon, Jason Blood is forever doomed to walk the Earth, a man with no place to call home, and no persons to call friends. A world-leading expert on the occult and demonology. He has walked the Earth since the 6th Century, after the wizard Merlin bound the increasingly uncontrollable threat of Etrigan The Demon to his mortal soul.

Now his services are sought by other lost souls, those without hope who turn to the expert to delve into cases and mysteries that can't be solved or collaborated by the mundane authorities of the mortal plane.

S A M P L E P O S T:

This city is killing me.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.
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Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Location: Amity Park - Portland, Oregan - United States of America
Who You Gonna Call? #1.01: Hellmouth
Interaction(s): None
Previously: None

"For the last time, I have no affiliation with that hack, Venkman!"

Jack Fenton roared into the phone before ending the call with an aggressive press of his thumb. He sat back and massaged his temples. That had been the third phone call this afternoon alone. He knew it’d be coming after what happened in New York nearly forty years ago. They shut Venkman down, discredited his and his colleagues’ work, and swept everything under the rug.

But Jack remembered.

It had inspired his work and between him, his now wife and his college roommate, the three had gone on to create the proto-portal that inspired his now complete ‘Fenton Portal’, a gateway to the ‘ghost zone’ and the object of his tele-harassment. His initial attempts to power the device had failed, but that didn’t stop this shady government organization from wanting to acquire it.

Looking up from his mobile device, Jack put away his gloomy expression and forced a smile onto his face before he addressed his wife and children.

"Sorry, Madds. I didn't mean to disrupt this dinner you worked so hard on, no more phone calls for me today" the burly man[color=#ffffff] [/color]apologized before turning to his eldest. "How were your classes today, Jazz?”

“Dad, you and I both know you don’t care about my classes,” Jasmine ‘Jazz’ Fenton replied dryly, pushing a few loose strands of her red hair out of her face and tucking them neatly back into the teal headband she wore.

“You’re just probing to see if I saw any ghosts,” Jazz rolled her eyes, “No, Dad, unfortunately for you, my classes were painfully mundane.”

“Jazz, that might have been the case today. But I’ve been looking over maps of Portland for the past decade, and I’m very confident that your school sits on a Hellmouth.” Jack explained excitedly, “If anywhere in Portland is haunted, it’s Reed College.”

“Whatever you say, Dad,” Jazz smiled before picking away at her dinner. Jack had struggled to connect with Jazz since she had graduated high school two years ago. Jasmine being accepted into Reed was a point of pride for both of her parents, but Jazz had quickly outgrown Jack and Maddie Fenton and their ‘sick obsession with ghosts’ as she so mildly put it.

“Danny!” Jack exclaimed excitedly, pivoting the conversation toward his youngest, “I was wondering if you could help your old man tonight with powering up the portal, would love to see if I can get it running.”

“Uh yeah, sure, Dad.” Danny replied reluctantly, “I suppose I can do that.” His fork rolled a few loose peas around on his plate before Danny let out a small sigh.

“Not like I had plans anyway.”

A college freshman, Danny hadn’t exactly been an overachiever nor a popular student in high school. His grades were painfully average, his extracurriculars non-existent, and he had to live in the shadow of his popular sister who seemed to excel at everything she put her mind to.

If anything, Danny knew more about what the inside of a locker looked like, than he did the inside of a classroom.

“How about you, Jazz?” Jack asked, “Want to spend some time with the family?”

“Sorry, Dad,” Jazz replied coolly, “As tempting as that is, I have a date.”

“A date?” Maddie spoke up, “Will he be coming here to pick you up?”

“Ha,” Jazz laughed sarcastically, enthusiastically shaking her head, “No, no he will not. I’m meeting him at the library.”

Oooh a study date,” Danny waved his hands, “Sounds hot, making out between the bookshelves, being shushed by the librarian.”

“Daniel,” Jack scolded, “That’s enough.” He stated before turning to Jazz, “If any boy is going to be taking my daughter out, I need to meet him.”

“He’s a man, Dad, and it’s just a first date, he doesn’t need that kind of pressure.”

“At least give us a name,” Maddie pried, “Just for safety at the very least,”

“His name is Angel,” Jazz replied before Danny burst out laughing.

“It’s a very common name in South America, Danny!” Jazz snapped. “You’d know that if you were more like Angel, He’s a very cultured man, unlike you.”

“I hope we get to meet him, Jazz.” Maddie smiled as Jazz stood from the table.

“Yeah, fat chance of that.”
Hidden 4 days ago 3 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Online

Location: Tillamook State Forest - Near Portland, Oregan - United States of America
Who You Gonna Call? #1.02: Jinx
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Hellmouth


A gaunt man leaned over the body of the girl, his eyes wandering around the moss-covered forest she had been so hastily discarded in. Limbs askew, clothes torn, makeup smudged from tears. There was no care, no respect in this killing. Rigour mortis had passed, meaning the body had been left for over a day.

Odd that nothing else had preyed on its flesh.

A gloved hand slowly rolled the head to the side. The neck had been attacked, repeatedly by the looks of it. Numerous markings from a pair of puncture marks marred the now pale flesh. Whomever, or whatever had done this had missed the vein the first few times.

Inexperienced, fledgling.

The puncture marks confirmed what Blood had hypothesized, yet left many more questions. He thought he was tracking a much older vampire. This was the work of someone more recently killed.

He sniffed the air, the smell of a canine moving closer in the distance. Muttering a small incantation under his breath, Blood cast a spell to hone his hearing, the sounds of boots trodding the forest floor like drum beats in his ears while they chased the lumbering bloodhound that drew closer with every second Blood remained by the body.

He needed to leave.

Moving his hands quickly, Jason conjured himself an echo of the crime scene, storing the recreation in the gem of his ring before he beat a quick retreat uphill, back to the road where his car was waiting for him. Climbing into the seat of the ‘67 Impala, he turned the key to the heavy block engine as the black coupe roared to life.

“Portland Police!” A voice yelled from outside the car and Jason floored the pedal. The rear wheel drive sprayed gravel towards the officer who struggled to draw his weapon in time before the red taillights of the large Chevy disappeared down the twisting backroads amongst the redwoods.

“Did you get the plate?” The lead detective called to the officer from the ravine floor as the officer looked around dazed and confused.

“Sorry, Detective, what plate?”

“On the suspect’s vehicle.” The detective replied, taking a few steps forward before the officer suddenly collapsed to the ground and began convulsing.

From within the car, Blood looked in his rearview mirror. He was no fool. A black 1967 Chevrolet Impala was sure to draw attention and be easy to identify. However, a simple memory jinx on the plate meant an easy escape.

“I need medical help over here!” The detective roared, looking towards the road before attending to this officer.

There was more at work here than met the eye.

“Hank!” The detective roared, yelling for his partner, “I’m going to need help with the Sergeant, hold his head.” He ordered, “Let's see if we can stabilize him,”

“What happened, Nick?”

“I don’t know, but we need a BOLO out for a black car, sedan maybe? Large, older model.” He replied, “I think Wu got the plate before he started to seizure.”

“We need to call it in now,” Hank replied, pulling his phone out, “Dispatch, I need a BOLO for a large black sedan, older model.” Hank relayed, “I believe it was a seventies-era muscle car.”

“Copy that.” The dispatcher replied, “All units be on lookout for-”

Sirens echoed in the distance as the ambulance drew nearer, waiting on the paramedics, Nick watched the ambulance disappear before slowly climbing back down into the forest ravine and approaching the body.

“How close were we?” He asked, looking at the lead examiner who only shook his head in response.

“The victim has been deceased between twenty-four and thirty-six hours based on what I can gather here. Like the others, she appears to be completely exsanguinated.”

“Damn,” Hank responded, “Another drained of blood, I hate this case.”

“Hopefully units flag the car, but until then we might have a killer that revisits their kill sites.” Nick mused, “Be good to have some unmarked units in the areas where we discovered the other bodies.”

His eyes wandered the treeline back towards where the suspect’s vehicle had sat on the road above. Clenching his jaw, Nick took a deep breath before turning back to Hank.

“I need to visit a contact, let me know when they’ve had a proper look at the body.” Hank smiled, slapping Nick on the back as the younger man turned to leave.

“Will do, and tell Monroe I said hi.”
Hidden 4 days ago 5 hrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Online

Location: Amity Park - Portland, Oregan - United States of America
Who You Gonna Call? #1.03: Escalating
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Jinx

“Hey, I expected you to call about an hour ago.”

The cheery voice answered as Jason put his phone on the holder mounted to the dash of the Impala. Merging onto the 405, he geared up before finding a pair of cars to coast between, doing his best to drive casually while still in a hurry.

“I need to see the other bodies.” The raspy voice replied, half of Blood’s mouth moving while the left side was firmly clamped down on a cigarette. He took a long drag, the sound echoing over the speakerphone before the woman responded again.

“Y’know those things will kill you right?”

“I wish.” Blood scoffed, “The other bodies, Liv, I need to see them. Can I come to you?”

“Yeah, don’t see why not?” Liv’s voice was carefree, “If that’s what you feel you need to do, I just knew the local authorities wouldn’t know what to do with this case. Just heard they’re bringing a body in, take it you found another?”

“Trail was cold, body had been there at least twenty-seven hours. But you were right to call me.” He took another drag off the cigarette. “You’ve got a vampire, though I fear he’s made a fledgling.”

“What makes you so certain it’s a ‘he’?”

“Body was female, you noted the others were as well. That pattern suggests a male.” Blood replied. “Plus, female vampires are more subtle than this, this almost feral, primal even. I’m betting a male.” He explained, “Have you tried taking a peek yourself?”

“I was waiting for you, there’s unspoken rules about these sorts of things. If a zombie was found out meddling in the affairs of a vampire…” Liv’s voice trailed off, “You know the monarchy wouldn’t take kindly to it.”

“Let’s pray he’s rogue then.” Blood replied, “The monarchy and I don’t exactly see eye to eye and the other guy’s really not a fan of politics.” He flicked his blinker on, changing lanes before taking the next exit while continuing to speak.

“You don’t think he’s an assassin looking for a slayer?” Liv asked, pausing before elaborating her thought, “They’re all college-aged, young, physically fit.”

“A war between the council and the monarchy wouldn’t be good for anyone. If he is an assassin, then it’s fair game to take him out.” Jason pulled the large car around another corner, noting his distance in relation to the medical examiner’s office.

“I’m going to ditch the car, the Detective almost saw me earlier, I had to jinx an officer.” Blood muttered, pulling into an alley that was just wide enough to open the black coupe’s doors. “He should recover.”


“Human minds are fragile.” Blood stated matter of factually, “Is the lead detective going to be a problem?”

“Burkhardt?” Liv responded, Jason noted the change in her voice. That immediately confirmed his suspicions. “Burkhardt gets the weird cases, but he makes collars,” Her voice trailed off again, “I’ve never liked the way he looks at me. Like he can see through me. You should be careful.”

“Lucky me.” The door creaked open as Blood stole away down a pair of narrow stairs. The smell of embalming fluid and ammonium was overpowering before he entered through the door left unlocked for him. Inside the petite woman with snow-white hair stood between a pair of examination tables, each with the autopsied body of a woman atop them.

“You don’t have a lot of time, the uniforms you just left behind in the forest are making their way in with the latest victim. I imagine Burkhardt and Griffin will be here shortly looking for answers.”

“I need to see the bite marks,” Blood remarked, bypassing Liv before pouring over the pair of bodies. With care, he turned the head of the first girl, a single point of entry from a pair of fangs marred the carotid artery. He nodded with a grunt, spinning around and examining the second body, only to find the same.

Blood’s brow furrowed.

“How far apart were these two found?” He asked with a guttural tone.

“About three days, with the body today being only two days from the last of these,” Liv replied while reading over her notes. Blood buried his hands into his jacket, pushing his shoulders forward while heading for the door. Liv’s eyes went wide as his quick exit, reaching to stop him only to be met with a cold response.

“He’s escalating, and he’s made a friend.”
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