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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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A) I did a post. I dunno if it turned out to be a case of quantity rather than quality, but I hope it has both and hope y'all enjoy.

B) I've always been curious about Supermans powers, and I've had a mate describe them but it never made much sense to me. For starters, the way his strength was explained to me was due to the fact that Earths gravity is lower than that of Kryptons. While that makes sense for Zod etc. to have super strength it doesn't make sense for Supes. Simply because he was raised on Earth so muscle degeneration will have taken place.

How does he fly?

How does he laser beam?

I don't want any nerd rage I am legitimantely asking. It just irks me when in some media a power is kinda but not fully explained (I mean I can accept GL because they just go "The ring works, cause it does").
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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@Sep I think the idea is that he's an alien so his physiology is different enough from a human to allow for heightened abilities when in a different atmosphere or when his cells absorb the solar energy from the sun (depending on which take you go by).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@Sep I think the idea is that he's an alien so his physiology is different enough from a human to allow for heightened abilities when in a different atmosphere or when his cells absorb the solar energy from the sun (depending on which take you go by).

I know but contradictions are everywhere. Going by my movie take my mate then went to say how Clark got so powerful by absorbing so much solar radiation from our sun. Which is good, okay. I can live with that, but then how do Zod etc gain the same powers not long after being on Earth?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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@SepBasically all Kryptonians have always had those abilities. They knew about them (during their conquest stage) but since their sun didn't produce the proper radiation to activate those genes, it was kind of a moot point. Or so the story goes.

Or take my answer for everything: Screw it. Comics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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@Sep Man of Steel isn't really the best thing to look at if you want rational explanations for superpowers or even a good movie, I mean my feelings on the subject are pretty clear but MoS is more of a scifi film than a superhero film so don't even start trying to be logical about it.

Ahem, in the case of Man of Steel, we don't know how long Zod and his posse are orbiting the Earth.

If they've been there a while they have had a chance to get as powerful as Clark. Plus, when Clark fights Zod, he's been running himself ragged dealing with other Kryptonians and flying over from the other side of the world so might not be operating at peak efficiency, not that the film tells us that, as far as we know Zod is just as powerful as Clark because...why not?.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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And now I know.

It's alright though, I was just curious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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And now I know.

It's alright though, I was just curious.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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@Morden ManI know this is spam. But I found my new Cap inspiration. <3

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@Blue Demon

Is anyone else worried? Or just us Mutant players?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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I feel like this was a conversation of justifying why Zod is able to keep up with Clark and less how Kryptonians do what they do as originally asked.

In answer to that, Kryptonian biology allows their cells to act as batteries specifically to radiation. Different types of radiation have different effects on Kryptonians with the Yellow Star's radiation producing the best effects while the radiation of Krypton's core produces the worst as it can cause death to a Kryptonian.

A Kryptonian's invulnerability comes from an enhanced bio-electric field which essentially acts as an extra layer of skin. This field can also extend to their clothes or anyone they come in contact with. This is why Clark can fly with Lois and Lois remains unharmed, it also explains how Clark doesn't hurt Lois if he were to catch her at a speed that rightfully should kill her. The Kryptonian's ability to shoot laser beams comes from stored solar energy expelled through their optical lenses which focuses the energy. They can adjust the focus level allowing for microscopic precision with their other optical abilities. This 'Comic Book Science' extends to all of the Kryptonian's abilities as the stored solar energy boosts their physical capabilities. It should also be noted that among Clark's lesser known abilities are a photographic memory, omni-linguism, and super senses.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@Lord Wraith there is my answer. Thank you sir. I know some comic book science is involved, but when some people try to half ass explain it it gets confusing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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@Lord Wraith

Don't forget -solar flares!
-super hunger
-super breath
-super self duplication
-super memory erasing kisses
and so many more...

...or not?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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@TimeMasterX I was explaining the 'How' more so than the 'What'. I assume most people are familiar with Superman's abilities overall. Especially those perusing this thread.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Tbh it was there more as an amusing diversion, some of his lesser known abilities are very out there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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It should also be noted that among Clark's lesser known abilities are a photographic memory, omni-linguism, and super senses.

And Super-weaving Wraith, don't forget the super-weaving!

(Have I mentioned today how much I love the silver age?)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

And Super-weaving Wraith, don't forget the super-weaving!

(Have I mentioned today how much I love the silver age?)

Is it not cheating to just pick something and put the word "Super" in front of it?

Interestingly in my habit of asking questions...

What are you all looking at getting out of this? I mean I know we're all roleplayers, and it's superheroes... duh. Though now you're here with all this DC/Marvel stuff going on what is it you're looking for?

Me, I've always been a fan of the Hulk/Banner relationship, and I think the introduction of DC adds some new interesting angles in that regard. Not to mention a host of new enemies able to go toe to toe with him and more people who want to exploit his power (looking at you @Vandy).

With Colossus I'm playing the more tragic story, if any of you have read my latest post you may notice that, with the reaction of the public on the street level. Mutants have always had it rough, simply because they're born that way and not changed so there's the whole 'feeling threatened' thing going on. Aliens exist in Marvel but none of them are as high profile heroes such as Superman and the Martian Manhunter (Not counting Thor as he's a God), so it adds a whole new layer to the dynamic of people feeling threatened by Mutants.

Again like with Hulk it also adds in a whole new dynamic of possible villains.

Though for that I need to ask @Morden Man are we going with Meta-humans and Mutants being the same? Where is the line drawn?

Also damnit @BlackSam3091 everyone else does the location in their posts on the right. Get with the god damn program (I am jks)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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What are you all looking at getting out of this? I mean I know we're all roleplayers, and it's superheroes... duh. Though now you're here with all this DC/Marvel stuff going on what is it you're looking for?

Honestly, I've just come to really love these kinds of games, regardless of their flaws. And being able to write an interaction between a Marvel and a DC character really stimulates my imagination. I mean, come on. Green Arrow and Hawkeye in the same room? Superman and Captain America? Spider-Man and Nightwing? Tell me you've never wanted to see those interactions play out. I dare you.

In terms of Miles, I just really enjoy his character, and I guess I just want to follow him on his journey from a kid in a mask with no idea what he's doing to someone that could actually be considered on the same level as the OG Spider-Man. From zero to hero, I guess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Meta-Humans are people who gain abilities through external incidents where as Mutants are born with a genetic mutation.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Meta-Humans are people who gain abilities through external incidents where as Mutants are born with a genetic mutation.

That's what I thought.

Thanks for clarifying
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Y'all didn't even mention Superman's best power:

2x Laugh Laugh
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