@Vandy Are you alive? If I don't hear from you soon, I'm going to have MCPD find Lex's dead body stuffed in a locker somewhere with a Superman costume and a black wig on.
I will get a Hulk post up today, no offense @Blue Demon it is just his turn. Then depending on what everyone else does I'll get Colossus up. For what will likely be the only time Ivy and Colossus cross paths!
<Snipped quote by Sep>
S'all good. The longer you put it off, the more time I have to work on Cap.
@Sep I'm going to try to get a post up once I'm done watching Manchester United lose to West Ham.
@Sep I'm going to try to get a post up once I'm done watching Manchester United lose to West Ham.
Treated myself to a Marvel Unlimited membership, so don't be surprised when a lot of Bronze Age supporting characters start popping up in Spidey's world.
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
If you have Boomerang being outranked by Captain Boomerang then you can throw in all the bronze age characters you like :P (as far as I'm concerned anyway)
A post from a solitary Thor for you all. :)