Violet Blume

“Only a fool looks at the finger that points to the sky.”
– U N K N O W N Violet might be 17 but could honestly be mistaken for younger. Her small frame and slightly below average height of 5'3 can deceive you. She has a very calm demeanor shown by the elegance in her walk and the passive expression she often wears as a mask. Wide, brown eyes appear even larger due to her small face. She has a full pout underneath a little nose which is absolutely covered in freckles. Her most notable feature is obviously the bright, red hair that falls just below the middle of her back. Violet believe that her hair, heavy and strong, could suffocate someone if used correctly. She normally keeps it down because putting it up in a ponytail can give her a headache sometimes.N A M EViolet Amelia Blume
N I C K N A M ESometimes referred to as "Vi" or "V"
B I R T H D A T EOctober 1st
G E N D E RFemale
A G E17
S E X U A L I T YHeterosexual
C R I M EViolet successfully smuggled drugs into various sectors and supplied many drug dealers for a long time. She was caught after he ex-boyfriend sold her out.
Y E A R S S P E N T2 years
P R I S O N E L E C T I V EMostly kitchen work and cleaning, but also some assistance in the prison clinic.
O C C U P A T I O NBoth of her parents were doctors. Her mother also worked as a researcher in the medical field.
C L A S S E S- Calculus
- English
- History
- Anatomy
- Drawing
- Earth Skills
- Mathematics
S K I L L S- She never had any interest in becoming a doctor, but her father made her take some essential classes required to work in the medical field.
- Fast. Violet is a good runner.
- She is resourceful and good at working with her surroundings.
- Lying, how else would she have been able to smuggle drugs into different sectors without getting caught?
L I K E S- Reading
- Music
- Feeling useful
- Feeling wanted and cared for
- Drawing
- Rebelling against people like her father, or the Inquisitors
- Running
D I S L I K E S- Crudeness
- Selfish people
- The Inquisitors
- People taking advantage of her
- Being yelled at
- Feeling out of control, or feeling controlled
- Liars
H A B I T S- Humming
- Biting her bottom lip in deep thought
- Tapping her foot when sitting down
H O B B I E S- Reading
- Drawing
- Sneaking around and exploring
F E A R S- Death
- Being completely alone
- Losing everyone she loves
P E R S O N A L I T YDeep down, Violet is a kindhearted, sweet girl who grew up in rough circumstances. When she was younger, she was very open and friendly but as time went on, a hard, outer shell began to grow around her. Years of emotional abuse by her father dimmed the light inside of her that once used to burn so bright and after her mother passed away, it faded to just a spark. Though she likes to pretend that she doesn't care about anything, Violet actually cares a lot. Once you get past her hard exterior, you'll find a friend that is willing to do almost anything for you. When Violet loves, she loves hard to the point that it breaks her heart when it is taken from her. In general, she's a pretty friendly person and actually does enjoy other people's company. She can be a bit naive when it comes to the people that she cares about. Violet will trust you until you've given her a reason not to and once you've done that, it takes a lot of time and effort in order to win her trust back. She's sarcastic, she's funny, she's smart, and she's ready to help others in trouble. All in all, Violet is a good person, although a bit cold to the touch.
H I S T O R YViolet was born to Cornelius and Aurelia Blume. She grew up with a nurturing mother and an overbearing, controlling father. Though she never outright hated him when she was younger, Violet has never had a good relationship with her father. He never let her do what she want and always tried to control her. He was never above attacking her emotionally and only hit her a few times when she was "acting out." Her mother, on the other hand, was loving and cared deeply for her daughter. Aurelia tried her hardest to instill good inside Violet who she knew would most likely never be able to get completely away from her husband. Secretly, Aurelia was also a supporter of the Resistance and helped rebels hijack medical supplies and other tools she worked with as a researcher. Somehow, she was caught, most likely ratted out, and was quickly arrested. Violet's mother was then sentenced to death and executed, days after she had turned 13. She was left alone with a father she no longer feared, but nonetheless could not stand to be around.
Like her mother, Violet's father was secretly involved illegal activity. He was affiliated with a gang to which he supplied drugs, sometimes dealing them himself. At some point Violet decided to follow this same path. Instead of joining her father, she joined a different crew where she supplied several drug dealers and smuggled various drugs into different sectors. Her father never even knew of her double life until the day she was arrested.
T H E M E S O N GR.I.P. 2 My Youth – The NeighbourhoodMight go to Hell and there ain't no stopping
Might be a sinner and I might be a saint
I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed
Sweet little baby in a world full of pain
I gotta be honest, I don't know if I could take it
Everybody's talking, but what's anybody saying?
Mama said if I really want to, then I can change, yeah yeah
R.I.P. to my youth
If you really listen, then this is to you
Mama, there is only so much I can do
Tough for you to witness it but it was for me too E X T R A I N F OThis does not need to be filled out immediately. This is something that can be added on as the RP goes. Mostly random facts will go here