Name: Joseph Arrowsmith
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Beneath his formal clothes he wears everywhere Joseph is alarmingly thin due to both eating very little the amount of training he does both physically and magically, changing his body all the time. He stands at 6 feet and often changes his eye colour and hair colour with more simple transformation magic.
Personality: Joseph is quite focused on his study, pouring all of his effort into his physical and magical combat skills. He feels that by having power he'll be able to control his life, and because of that neglects his social health, resulting in him not coming off as very friendly. He is very competitive and tends to get himself into a lot of fights, not so much out of anger so much as wanting to prove his strength to himself.
5 - Transformation (Take on the appearance of other people)
3 - Invisibility
2 - Physical Buff (Speed, strength, etc.)
Non-Magical Combat:
10 - Hand to hand combat (aikido, krav maga)
Support Skills:
10 - Thievery (Lockpicking, pickpocketing etc.)
History: Joseph was born to a teenage mother in juvi who didn't want him, so he was put into the foster system, bouncing between poor abusive families who only wanted him for the money they were getting paid from the government, eating one meal a day, a habit that has stayed with him ever since. Due to his poor upbringing, Joseph learned to steal at an early age, shoplifting, breaking into people's homes and even mugging people a few times, the latter of which landed him in juvi for 6 months at the age of 14.
When he was released, he had a new foster mother, an Iranian war veteran who specifically asked for a child with 'issues'. She trained him physically and taught him about magic, something she was born into knowing about. To exert his frustration Joseph put all his energy day and night into training. At 18, worried he needed more social contact with people he could trust, she sent him here to this school. Joseph agreed, after all, opportunity to train more effectively.
Notable Items: Lockpicking set, one copy of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'